74.46% The marvelous devourer / Chapter 35: Chapter 28: Adamant Materialization

บท 35: Chapter 28: Adamant Materialization

(Hi, everyone. So the electricity is still not here and I am using someone's hotspot to post this. I don't know when the internet will be available, so I am just going to post this chapter, but it's as long as three of my normal chapters. So hopefully this will keep you guys sated until everything goes back to normal.)

( Also this is a joke chapter)

Ling Tian was very excited and he started using the fire ball jutsu over and over again, in order to perfect it.

While practicing, he noticed that every time his spirit energy is drained when he uses the fireball jutsu. But strangely, his spirit energy is immediately replenished.

After a bit of thinking, Ling Tian came to a conclusion that, the reason why his spirit energy is replenished is because of the black vortex devouring the cursed blood energy.

In the end, cursed blood energy also contains a portion of spirit energy along with blood energy, evil energy and curse energy. So the reason is plausible.

" Hmm... I guess that's that. Now then I should try water style ninjutsu's..... Since Ice is a sub power of water, I should be able to use my Glazed Ice Spirit Root to perform water jutsus." Ling Tian said with a calm expression. The excited expression he had, when he succeeded in doing the fireball jutsu is gone.

Without, he himself realizing it, Ling Tian has entered a state where his mind is as tranquil as water and there was no emotions on his face, other than a calm stature.

Ling Tian slowly performed a set of hand signs and channelled his spirit energy from his ice attribute spirit root according to the hand seals.

Ling Tian then calmly said.

" Water Style : Water Wall Jutsu"

*shhh* *schrrrkk*

His spirit energy condensed around him to form a barrier. Only, the barrier wall was not made of water, but cold ice.

Ling Tian observed this without any change in his expression.

" I see... so using ice instead of water won't do. Looks like I need to find an other way.... Hmm.. Maybe I should use fire spirit energy and ice spirit energy together, that way I might be able to use water techniques. Forget it. I'll try it some other time. Now I should probably focus on my Adamant Emperor Spirit Root. If I can master the use of adamant attribute spirit energy, it will multiply my offensive and defensive force by quite a bit." Ling Tian analysed calmly about what he should do.

If it was the usual Ling Tian, he would have probably decided to completely stick with mastering water techniques and he would never think this deep into things.

Ling Tian concentrated the spirit energy of his Adamant Emperor Spirit Root on his hands.

" Hm?"

Ling Tian felt a kind of force in this spirit energy, that he didn't feel with the fire and ice spirit energy.

It was strange.

Ling Tian felt a destructive feeling from fire spirit energy. He felt a similar but different deadly feeling from the ice spirit energy.

But from the adamant spirit energy, he couldn't feel any destructive feeling at all. In fact, the feeling Ling Tian was sensing from his adamant spirit energy was almost like...


Yes. What Ling Tian was feeling from the adamant spirit energy was the aura of creation.

" Could it be?...."

Suddenly a thought rose in Ling Tian's mind.

Ling Tian condensed the adamant spirit energy in to a single point and the result was.....

*ting* *ting*

Two palm sized crystalline stones fell to the ground. Ling Tian wasn't really surprised or happy on confirming his guess. He still had a calm expression and his eyes were without any disturbance and seemed full of knowledge. This was an expression, Ling Tian would never have, even if he tried his best, if not for the mysterious state of mind, he is currently in.

Ling Tian tried make many different shapes from adamant and he realized that, using adamant spirit energy is much more easier than ice and fire.

And he could easily create things made of adamant.

The creations made from Ling Tian's adamant spirit energy surprisingly have two properties that was noteworthy.

First is, it's abnormal resistance to spirit energy.

And second is, it's property to absorb energy including Spirit energy and Ki and strengthen its adamant structure.

Although these two properties of the adamant may not seem much. But Ling Tian knows that these two aspects can make a great difference in battle.


After a few minutes.

Ling Tian had experimented a variety of things with his adamant spirit energy and has pretty much mastered the control of adamant spirit energy.

" I should try to learn Rasengan, since I don't have an attack that can deal high damage in close combat. Chidori would have been good to learn as well, since it has more penetrating power than Rasengan. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to transform my Ki into lightning." Ling Tian decided on the technique he should try to master.

Ling Tian remembered the prospects for learning Rasengan.

There are three things that one should remember when trying to learn Rasengan.

Rotation, power and containment.

Ling Tian held both his hands in front of him in a cupped position with considerable gap between his hands.

He focused his Ki in between his cupped hands and started to spin his Ki in various directions at once, which he failed to do quite a few times before barely managing to pull it off.

" As expected. Without things like water balloon or rubber ball, like in the anime, this will be very difficult for me." Ling Tian muttered to himself while keeping his calm eyes on the unstable spinning ball in between his cupped hands.

Ling Tian then, continued to infuse Ki into the unstable swirling orb to increase its power. While Ling Tian was increasing the input of Ki , the orb looked like it was about to burst anytime. But Ling Tian did not panic and maintained the swirling orb without detonating it.

Ling Tian's expression was tranquil during this entire time. It was as if he was devoid of all emotions and only focused on the task at hand.

But something unexpected happened when Ling Tian tried to condense the unstable swirling energy orb into a perfect shaped swirling sphere.

" ?! "


The highly condensed energy exploded with immense power. If Ling Tian hadn't instinctively put up a Ki barrier on him, he might have lost more half of his body to the explosion, despite his abnormally strong body.

But even with a barrier, Ling Tian was hit with a huge impact from the explosion, which brought him out of his mysterious state of mind.


Ling Tian crashed into the sand floor and still kept on sliding on his back as he left a trail on the sand floor.

Ling Tian had completely miscalculated things, even while in the mysterious state of mind.

He had subconsciously disregarded the fact that Rasengan was originally supposed to be a highly condensed swirling sphere of 'Chakra'. But Ling Tian had used Ki to construct Rasengan.

The energy called 'Chakra' is something almost all of the characters in Naruto franchise has. 'Chakra' is revealed to be a much gentle in nature, unlike Ki , which is more violent in nature.

'Chakra' leans more towards the concept of creation. But Ki leans more towards the concept of destruction rather than creation.

So it is only understandable that trying to construct a Rasengan with Ki before having a very high level of Ki control is basically just a death wish.

" Kgh... Dam..mit ....all.." Ling Tian tried to stand up, but couldn't as he muttered a few words before losing consciousness.


In an unknown city.

It was very lively in the city as many people with grand attire kept on entering the city as they slowly made their way towards a grand hall in the middle of the city.

The sounds of drums and gongs could be heard throughout the entire city. There were people singing and dancing.

Inside the grand hall, from the decorations, it was clear that there was a wedding happening and a grand one at that.

There were a group of people leading a girl in a beautiful red dress and her face was covered with a veil. The girl's stature was alluring and had an almost perfect curves. Her beautiful eyes were like that of a phoenix. But the girl's eyes seemed like it had no life as she was lead towards a decorated altar.

As soon as the girl reached the altar, a middle aged man walked towards her with a smile.

" Yue'er, it is your wedding today. So cheer up a bit." The man said with a smile.

The girl called Yue'er looked at the middle aged man with her lifeless eyes and the smile on the man's face looked hypocritical to her.

When she saw him, her lifeless eyes revealed hate as she said in a begrudging voice. " I regret the fact that I left brother Tian and the village back then and came with you."

" You always keep saying brother Tian this and brother Tian that. What can that trash possibly give you?" The man looked at Yue'er in a condemning way and asked her in a sarcastic tone.

" He can give me happiness. That's all I need." Yue'er replied in a sad voice.

" Humph! If your soon to be husband knows about your brother Tian, he would probably find that trash and kill him. So you better not think of doing anything troublesome before the marriage is over, or else, you can say goodbye to your brother Tian's worthless life." The middle aged man said coldly.

" I hate you!! I regret accepting you as my father!!" The girl named Yue'er said hatefully.

The middle aged man didn't have any change in expression after hearing what the girl said, as if he didn't hear it at all.

' Soon, if I get the ********* pill from my soon to be son in law, I'll have a chance to breakthrough to ************** realm.' Thought the middle aged man.


Suddenly the entrance of the grand hall exploded and all the people who were standing near the entrance were blown away as well.

Everyone in the grand hall were startled by this.

Smoke covered the entrance region of the grand hall. A human figure could be seen slowly coming out of the smoke.

The human figure was a handsome young man who looked about 16 years old and he slowly walked towards the wedding altar with a cool smile on his face.

" Sorry for the inconvenience. But I'm stealing the bride!!!" The young man stopped a few meters away from the altar and announced his intention in a loud voice.

" Brother Tian!!!!" The girl named Yue'er screamed in surprise at the sight of the just arrived young man.

The young man was Ling Tian.

" You trash! What are you doing here?!" The middle aged man asked in an angry tone.

" Of course I came to take my Yue'er back to our home." Ling Tian said with a smile as he looked at Yue'er (Xin Qinyue)

" Brother Tian, runaway!! They'll kill you!!" Yue'er screamed loudly at Ling Tian.

" Heh, it's too late for that. He'll die here." The middle aged man interrupted Yue'er's sentence as he coldly smiled at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian had an amused expression when he saw the middle aged man's cold gaze. He then looked at Yue'er and showed her a kind smile and said, " Yue'er, don't worry. I'm not as weak as you think. I'll let you know that if I will it, everyone here will be dead in an instant."

Ling Tian then looked at the middle aged man and his eyes became cold as he said, " And you... Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me, the prince of Saiyans in that manner? Huh?!!"


Ling Tian released his energy to pressure everyone other than Yue'er to be pressured.

" ughh... Brat you will die today!!" The middle aged man said as he was having a hard time standing on his feet.

Ling Tian ignored him and looked towards Xin Qinyue and asked with a playful smile. " So, my dear Yue'er. How long are you going stand there like that. Are you not going to come to my side?"

Xin Qinyue ran into his embrace without saying anything.

Ling Tian was actually a bit mesmerized by how her body felt when she embraced him. Ling Tian was curious about how beautiful she has grown in the time she was separated from him. So he raised his hand and wanted to lift the veil that's masking her face to see how beautiful she has grown. But unfortunately, his action was stopped by an annoying voice.

" Trash! Do you really think you have what it takes to steal the bride from our watchful eyes?!" Said an bulky man who was standing beside the middle aged man.

" Tch!"

Ling Tian was annoyed by the voice that interrupted his sweet reunion with his childhood sweetheart. He turned and looked at the people who were standing with the middle aged man. He looked at them coldly.

" Looks like I have to show you people what true terror is, before you obediently stand down, huh." Ling Tian looked at these people then suddenly a smile crept on his face.

" Very well. I'll show you the difference between us." Ling Tian declared to the group.

Ling Tian then turned to Xin Qinyue and said , " Yue'er, stand back a bit. This big brother will show you something awesome."

" But-"

" No buts. Just trust me." Ling Tian said to Xin Qinyue with a carefree smile.

" Nn. I will." Xin Qinyue didn't object as she moved a few tens of meters away from where Ling Tian stood.

Ling Tian nodded in satisfaction at Xin Qinyue's trust in him. He turned to look towards the middle aged man and his henchmen and other cultivators.

" Consider yourselves lucky to witness what I'm about to reveal. No many get the chance to witness this, even if they kill themselves." Ling Tian said towards the group with an arrogant tone.

" What are you u-" Before the middle aged man could complete his question, he was interrupted by terrifying wave of energy released from Ling Tian.

" Haaaaaahhhh...."

Ling Tian's Ki flared up as he tried to increase his power even more as his power started to multiply.

" His power... It's increasing!! ... 5 times.... 10 times... No 20 times.. It's still rising!!" The middle aged man said in disbelief as he was frightened by the power Ling Tian was unleashing.

" Brother Tian..." Xin Qinyue muttered as she looked at Ling Tian.

" Huurrgghhh..... Kkhhh.... Heeaarrrgghhhh!!!!"


A golden light enveloped the entire grand hall, as everyone was momentarily blinded by the golden light.


After the golden light dissipated, everyone gradually regained their eyesight. But everyone, including Xin Qinyue was shocked by what they saw.

There stood Ling Tian with a yellow hallow around him. His hair was gold in colour and his hair stood up like he just got shocked by electricity. His eyes were blue and his skin was glowing white with a hue of gold.

But the most important change was that his power has increased by fifty times.

The middle aged man and his henchmen were shivering in fear because of the pressure Ling Tian was emitting.

Xin Qinyue was looking at Ling Tian in a daze.

" You can call me Super Rayne." Ling Tian said proudly.

Ling Tian was quite satisfied with the reactions of everyone around him.

" Heh! Do you now understand the difference between us, oh 'father in law'?.... Well whatever. Stand down, or els-"

" Hmph!"

Ling Tian couldn't complete his warning, before he was interrupted by a cold snort.

" Is this all supposed to be my wedding celebration? "

Ling Tian turned towards the voice and saw a violet humanoid house cat wearing a wedding dress and coming towards the altar.

' A hairless house cat?! Could it be some kind of monster beast?' Ling Tian thought as he looked at the newcomer with an amused expression.

When the middle aged man saw the humanoid violet cat, all the fear and despair he felt when Ling Tian unleashed his super Saiyan power, completely vanished without a trace. Instead he was filled with joy.

" Prince Beerus! This cultureless man is trying to steal the bride. We are trying our best, but he is too strong. Please help us, Prince Beerus." The middle aged man pleaded to the humanoid cat named Beerus.

" Yes, Prince Beerus! Please vanquish this evil man who is trying to steal your bride!!" All the henchmen shouted in response to the middle aged man's claim.

While Ling Tian had frozen on the spot. His jaws slackened and slightly opened.

' Beerus? Th-that cat!! It's actually lord Beerus!! What's Beerus doing in this world?! And he's the one that wants to marry my Yue'er?!!' Ling Tian's mind was in complete mess.

Beerus looked at Ling Tian and was slightly surprised.

" Saiyan? Did they have blonde hair? ... Well whatever..... Hmph! To think a monkey would actually try to ruin my, Beerus's wedding!" Beerus said with a bit of annoyance.

" You dare to touch I, Beerus's woman?!" Beerus said angrily as he glared Ling Tian.

Ling Tian was unable to say anything. He was frozen from shock and fear.

Beerus lifted his right hand and pointed his palm with folded thumb finger towards Ling Tian and said, " Impudent monkey! Since you dared to annoy me, your existence is unneeded anymore."

" Destroy!"

" Nooo!!!" Xin Qinyue screamed as she ran towards Ling Tian.

Ling Tian body flashed with a purple glow and his body started to slowly disintegrate into nothingness.

" Ah!" Ling Tian finally snapped out of his shock and realized that it was too late for him.

He then turned towards Xin Qinyue who just arrived to his side and asked with a smile, " Yue'er, can you show me your face one last time before I disappear?"

" Nn." Xin Qinyue silently nodded before taking off the accessories that was covering her head part.

When Ling Tian saw her face, his initially gentle smiling expression turned into that of horror! Because....

Her face was the same as Beerus, a cat face. The only difference is that, her cat face is a bit feminine because of those phoenix like eyes and her skin colour was fair white unlike Beerus's violet skin. And with tears in her eyes, this sight was enough to make Ling Tian horrified as he screamed in horror.

" Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!"


" Aaaaaahhhhhhh....hhh!!!"

Ling Tian suddenly sat up with a horrified expression as he screamed.

" Ah?"

Ling Tian looked around and saw that, he was still in the middle of the ever familiar red cyclone.


Ling Tian heaved a long sigh and muttered with a face full of sweat.

" So it was a dream, huh? ... No! That was no fu*king dream! It was a terrible nightmare!!!"

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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