72.72% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 24: Wrapping up Water 7 & Florian Triangle

บท 24: Wrapping up Water 7 & Florian Triangle

During the party Zeus, was dancing and drinking without his mask on, he noticed Robin on the back wall talking, he frowned and flashed next to her and said "Aokiji you better have a damn good fucking reason to be here." Robin smiled at Zeus and said "We were having a nice chat." Zeus looked at her with a worried look and she shook her head, he sighed "As long as you don't make Robin upset, I guess it's fine but other than that we have to talk." Zeus pointed to the roof of the hotel and said "Meet me up there, when you're done." Zeus smiled at Robin and gave her a kiss and said "Join the party when you're done. I'll find you when we're finished talking." Robin smiled and nodded, Zeus flashed away. Aokiji said "He really cares about you doesn't he?" Robin smiled and said "Yeah he really does, and so do I." Aokiji smiled a bit and said "I'm happy that you finally found your place, Saul was right." he suddenly sighed and said "To tell you the truth, Zeus might've seemed happy when he was with the marines, but I could feel that he was not just wearing a physical mask. Seems like he finally shed both of them. Garp must be happy." Robin asked "What was he like at marine HQ?" Aokiji thought for a moment and said "He only talked to people he wanted to, he was friendly to most, but you could tell he was being polite, he was particularly close to Smoker, and Garp, but every time he came across Sakazuki, it felt like pure hatred. Garp had to knock him out several times in fact." Aokiji paused and said "Nobody knows why. Although Sakazuki isn't well liked, i've never seen someone hate him so much, I gurantee if Zeus had to choose between saving an island or killing Sakazuki, he would kill him every time." Robin was pensive and said "Did he ever say anything about it?" Aokiji shook his head and said "No, maybe you can find out, anyway I have to go before he uses a forbidden rotation on me" Aokiji chuckled and melted. Robin sighed and joined the party, still thinking about what Aokiji said.

On the roof, Zeus was watching over everyone, waiting for Aokiji. Aokiji appeared behind him and said "What is it?" Zeus pulled out a burned vivre card and said "I want the truth, where is Ace? and what happened to blackbeard?" Aokiji said "I don't know, I've been hanging around here, but I heard he and Ace fought at Banaro Island, Kizaru went to check, because Sengoku told me to come find you and bring you back." Zeus was silent, and said "So what are you going to do?" Aokiji chuckled and said "I don't think we'd be having this conversation if I was going to bring you in." Zeus smiled and said "Yeah, I don't expect you to try and drag me back, I still consider you a good marine and a friend." Aokiji was surprised and said "Friend?" Zeus said "Kuzan, although you do follow orders, at least you question the motives, and have a heart. You're not a mindless justice robot like that red dog bastard, and Kizaru, who does whatever they tell him to do." Aokiji said "And what does that mean?" Zeus said "What do you think justice is?" Aokiji said "Keeping the bad guys from ruining the civilian's lives." Zeus chuckled "And who are the bad guys? Pirates? Do you think Luffy and the rest are bad guys?" Aokiji was silent and Zeus continued "I think i've said this a million times, but i'll say it again. Is being a dog to slave drivers really justice? Attacking pirates who help people, and protecting the 'pride' of the World Government? Don't get me wrong, there will always be a need for marines, but is this really justice? What about Crocodile, who indirectly killed hundreds of thousands? Or Celestial Dragons that think they're the greatest thing God has graced the earth with? I understand some cases like Kaido, as he's too strong but what about the pirates who are protected by the government for supplying them with slaves, drugs, etc? I'll ask you again is this really the justice you believed in?" Zeus sighed and said "I don't want an answer and I can't tell you what to do Kuzan, but know this. It's your life, and you should choose how to live it, I chose to follow my brother and go on adventures, i'm not saying to quit the marines but just think about what you've been fighting for." Zeus suddenly chuckled and said "Anyway Kuzan, if you want to have a drink you know where to find me. Oh and take my opinions with a grain of salt, I AM a bit biased, after all, I am a pirate" he laughed and flashed back to the party, leaving Aokiji lost in his thoughts on the roof.

Zeus returned to the party and found Robin and sat next to her, he said "Hey, come here often?" Robin rolled her eyes and said "Do you have to be so cheesy?" Zeus said "Hey, I tried didn't I? Besides I haven't even confessed yet, now THAT'S gonna be cheesy." Robin giggled and said "Please just do it like a normal person." Zeus frowned and said "I'm offended, I am a normal person, well except for the fact that i'm unbelievably handsome." Robin rolled her eyes again and said "But you're Luffy's twin so that makes him handsome as well." Zeus' eyes widened and he said "What! Impossible! Look at my jawline, that kid looks like a monkey." Zeus called out "Luffy! Come here!" Luffy ran over and tackled Zeus to the ground and said "You bastard why did you tell Zoro who you were before you told me! And why did you follow us along for so long and not say anything?!" Zeus sighed and said "I couldn't Lu, it wasn't the right time. Anyway help me out here, look at Robin." Luffy looked at Robin and Zeus did the same, Zeus said "See? I'm much more handsome." Robin chuckled and said "I don't see a difference." Zeus snapped "Damnit what do you mean? My brothe ris more handsome than me?" Luffy laughed and said "HAHA I'm more handsome than you!" Zeus glared at him and said "Oh yeah? Well I'll fight you for it you rubber bastard!" They started a dustbrawl, when they stopped Zoro was somehow there too. Zoro sighed and said "I was literally inside the building this time." he got up and left, Zeus and Luffy laughed and Zeus said "Actually Lu, I need to tell you something." Zeus took out Aces vivre card and said "Ace gave me this in Alabasta, I don't know where he is, but Aokiji said that he fought Blackbeard Banaro Island." Luffy looked at the vivre card and waved him off, saying "Don't worry, you know Ace if he's hurt, he wouldn't want us to see him. Plus he's fine right? He must've got that blackbeard guy." Zeus put the vivre card away and said "I hope so." Luffy got up and joined the party again, while Zeus sat down next to Robin, she noticed he was looking tense and asked "What's wrong?" Zeus sighed and said "I told Ace in Alabasta to be careful and bring helpers to fight Blackbeard, I just hope nothing happened to him." Robin caressed his face and said "It's going to be okay, his vivre card was only burnt a little bit right?" Zeus nodded, and Robin continued "So that means he's still alive, and that's a good thing" Zeus looked into her eyes, and she spoke gently "So just relax, and enjoy the time we have now, okay?" Zeus smiled and held her hands, and said "You little vixen, what are you making all this sense for?" he whistled and called his cloud as he picked Robin up in a princess carry and sat down on the cloud flying into the air. Zeus stopped in midair and held on to Robin and looked at the moon, Robin was shivering and Zeus reached into the cloud and took out his Captain marine coat and wrapped her in it, then chuckled and said "I bet nobody in the marine HQ would believe that devil child Nico Robin was wearing a marine coat! Shishishishishishi" Robin pouted and said "They won't hear about it either." Zeus shivered and said "Of course not, who would tell them? There's nobody else up here, me? No way! I hate those darned marines!" Robin giggled and leaned in his embrace and looked at the moon, she said "It's so beautiful." Zeus looked at her and smiled, he looked up at the moon and silently stroked her hair as they sat in a comfortable silence. Robin sighed and said "I honestly thought you were going to say 'not as beautiful as you' or something" Zeus chuckled and said "I was, but then I remembered you told me to stop being so cheesy." Robin smiled and said "I'm glad you listened to me," she paused and continued "I was ready to die a few days ago, now I just want to live for the rest of my life sailing the sea with you and the rest of the crew." Zeus lost his smile and said "Even if you want to die, I won't let you, I knew what you were trying to do, that's why I followed CP9." Robin looked at him, he was looking at the sky and said seriously "You will have to watch me die, before you do." Robin looked at him and tears started forming in his eyes, he said "I promised you, I will protect you. I meant that. For the rest of my life." he looked at her and smiled "I love you Robin." Robin let her tears fall and she said "You better not die then you idiot." before she pulled him in and kissed him.

5 days later

The Strawhats were sitting in a room, when some guys from the Franky family, ran in and said "Hey guys your new ship is ready!" The Strawhats are excited and the man continued "And your bounties came in!" The Strawhats were even more excited, as they looked at the bounties.

'Straw Hat' Luffy, 330 mil

'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro, 150 mil

'Black leg' Sanji, 90 mil

'Devil Child' Nico Robin, 80 mil

'King of the Snipers' Ussop, 40 mil

'Weather Witch' Nami, 20 mill

'Cotton Candy Lover' Chopper, 50 beri

Zeus laughed out loud "Shishishishishi 'Cotton Candy Lover'! Shishishi And Sanji's picture! Shishishi" Zeus fell off his chair and held his stomach, Chopper cried and Sanji was pale, Sanji said "Why do I have this shitty drawing! It doesn't look anything like me!" Zeus looked at the picture for a second before saying seriously "I can't even see a difference." Sanji seethed and said "Yea? Maybe I should show you?" Zeus sneered and said "You wanna go, shit cook?" Sanji and Zeus butted heads, and the man from the Franky family said "There's two more." everyone turned and looked and gasped, Zeus got up and looked and chuckled "At least they got a good picture." It was Zeus and Franky's bounty posters. Zeus' picture was him standing in front of the hotel with red eyes and a devilish smile, his red ring was behind him and he had his red gauntlets on, with his devil mask on the side of his head showing his face.

'Red Devil' Zeus, 300 mil

'Cyborg' Franky, 44 mil

Zeus rubbed his chin and said "That's a pretty fitting name too, what do you think Robin we have almost the same epithet!" Robin rolled her eyes and giggled, Zoro and Sanji frowned and said "How come yours is so high?" Zeus said "Its obviously because i'm so extremely han-" an arm grew on his shoulder and covered his mouth, Zeus looked at her and winked, Robin had a bad feeling, and Zeus licked her palm, Robin's face turned red and her hand disappeared, Zeus chuckled and said "I'm stronger than both of you anyway." he shook arms arms and his gauntlets appeared, he smirked at the two and said "Wanna test how strong the 'Red Devil' is?" Sanji and Zoro smirked as they got into fighting positions, Zeus was about to lunge at them, when he got smashed face first into the floor, same thing happened with Zoro and Sanji, Nami was standing over them and said "Enough! You damn fighting obsessed freaks! This is not the time!" the man from the Franky gulped and said "Can you guys please take Boss Franky with you out to sea?" Luffy blinked and said "I already decided he was going to be our shipwright." Everybody smiled and Zeus said "I have to be on the same ship as that scrap-metal bastard?" Zeus paused and said "Oh yeah, by the way you shit cook, you and Ussop ruined my confession on the train TWICE!" Zeus full gauntlet punched Sanji across the room, and said "And when I find that Ussop bastard he's gonna get it too." Nami said "Confession?" as she looked at Zeus and Robin, Robin blushed and turned her head,while Zeus just rubbed his nose and said "I did it last night, anyway focus on finding that long-nosed bastard." Zeus shot a look at Zoro, Sanji stood up and said "Speaking of Ussop I saw him on the coast preparing his big speech for when he comes back." Luffy cheered and said "Yeah! Let's go get Ussop!" Zeus frowned, because Zoro hadn't spoken yet, he opened his mouth but Zoro cut him off "No. He's not coming back until he apologizes for his actions." Nami said "It's Ussop, you don't have to be so hard on him." Zeus frowned and Zoro spoke again "So he can just disrespect our captain, and leave the crew whenever he wants?" Nami was silent and Zoro walked right in front of Luffy and said "If you kiss his ass and let him back on the ship without so much as an apology, I'm going to leave the crew next." Zeus took out his cigarettes, offered one to Sanji and lit them both up, he exhaled and said "Honestly Lu, I will too." everybody was shocked and Zoro grinned, Luffy was quiet, Zoro said "If he doesn't apologize, we will leave the island without him, we're not playing pirates, this isn't a game." Luffy's eyes hardened and he said "You're right, he already left the crew. I won't let anybody hold us back. It's up to him now." Zeus smiled and said "Lookin like a real captain now Lu. Oh and I hope you don't mind I passed the first mate position to mosshead." as he took a drag from his cigarette. Luffy grinned and said "Let's go see our new ship." and the crew walked out.

Luffy and the rest, met up with Franky, Merry, and Iceburg in front of a huge tarp. Franky said "Welcome to your new ship Straw Hats!" he pulled the tarp and revealed a huge brand new ship, Franky said "This is the new ship it doesn't have a name yet, but I like to call it Franky Lion Gang Champion!" The crew deadpanned and Luffy said "Lets call it the Polar Bear Lion!" everybody facepalmed and Luffy said "Tiger Wolf Lion!" everybody snapped "Stop with the animal names!" Luffy said again "Squid Octopus Chimpanzee!" Zeus snapped "That didn't even have lion in it!" Iceburg said "I thought Thousand Sunny was a good name." Luffy said "Wow! That's even better than Dumpling Gorilla Lion!" Zoro said "It's better than Lionel Master" Robin said "Better than my Being of Darkness" Sanji said "Better than my Monsieur Sunflower" Zeus said "Not as good as Greased Lightning." everybody looked at him and sighed, Zeus frowned and said "What? It's true." Nami walked over and punched him to the ground. Luffy said "Then let's call it the Thousand Sunny!" The crew and Merry got on the boat and were looking around, excited about all the features, everybody gathered on the deck and looked down at Iceburg and Franky, Luffy said "Hey! Franky what are you doing let's go!" Franky turned around and walked away saying "I'm not coming with you guys!" Luffy frowned and said "Why not?" Franky said "I got a family to watch after they can't do without me!" All the Franky family showed up and said "Big Bro Franky, leave with them!" another said "Yea bro follow your dreams! We can take care of ourselves!" the rest of the Franky family started telling Franky to go, and Franky started crying "You bastards! I love you guys!" they all said "BIG BROOOO!" and started crying too.


Everybody turned and saw a huge marine ship, Garp picked up a speaker and said "Luffy, Zeus! I have orders to capture you guys so sorry, but you're gonna have to sink!" Zeus snapped "You shitty old man! I'll kick your ass!" Zeus jumped on the railings and threw a thunder spear at Garp. Zeus said "Oi! Rust bucket, if you're joining get you metal ass up here!" Franky smirked and jumped on the ship, he turned to the Franky family and Iceburg and said "I'll miss you guys!" as the crew set sail.

Nami said "We're missing Ussop!" Chopper pointed to the island and said "Look! There he is!" Everybody turned and looked at him before going back to blocking the canonballs. Ussop yelled "Hey guys! don't forget about me! I'll be your vice captain!" the rest was silent, Ussop said "Cmon guys, you can't leave me here!" the Sunny was getting further and further, Ussop started crying and finally said "I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY I WAS STUBBORN! PLEASE TAKE ME BACK!" Luffy stretched his arm around Ussop and dragged him back to the ship, Zeus was throwing spears left and right, and said "Finally, took you long enough, you damn long-nose bastard." the rest of the crew grinned, and Franky said "Alright wanna see what this baby can do?" he went under the deck, as Garp was swinging a massive ball and chain, Zeus said "Tin can unless you can hurry it up, I'm gonna have to use a rotation!" Robin frowned, but Zeus already had his gauntlets and ring out, his ring started spinning as his back grew massive wings and his gauntlets got bigger. Garp said "Number 4 eh? Let's see what you got kid!"

Zeus stood on the railing and pulled both arms back, as his wings expanded over the whole ship. The crew and the marines watched with their mouths wide open, as Garp threw the massive ball and everyone heard Zeus' voice.

"Heaven's ring, Angel's Strike."

Zeus shot both of his arms with the, now huge, gauntlets on them, forward and screamed.

"Double Tap!"

Zeus gauntlets shot forward towards the huge ball, while they crackled with electricity. The ball and gauntlets collided and the ball stopped in mid air.


The collision caused an explosion, Zeus turned his back and covered the Sunny with his wings and blocked the shockwave, suddenly the Sunny shot forward into the sky and escaping. Zeus coughed out some blood and fell flat on his face.

When the Sunny landed, Zeus sat up on the grass, on the deck and saw everyone was looking at him, Luffy said "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Zeus grinned and rubbed his mask, that was on the side of his head and said "And that was only number 4, you saw 3 before, you should see 2 and 1! They're the really cool ones!" Robin grabbed his ear and said "What did I say!" Zeus said "Don't use the forbidden rotations unless it's life or death, but the Sunny would've been crushed!" Robin sighed and said "Fine." and walked away, Zeus frowned and was about to go after her when he was tackled by Merry, she said "Dada?" Zeus smiled and said "My daughter is that you?" Merry pouted and said "Damn bastard, why can't you let me fool you." Zeus flicked her forehead and said "Idiot, I know you better than yourself, anyways i'd love to catch up and explain how amazing and handsome I am, but my backyard is currently on fire so I gotta go." Zeus got up and went after Robin, Franky made a whip sound and Zeus said "That reminds me I still need to beat the shit out of you and Ussop for ruining my confession on the train. When i'm done i'll come find you bastards!" he gave them an evil grin and disappeared into the rooms. Franky and Ussop looked at each other and ran to hide.

Zeus knocked on Robin's door, she said "Come in." he walked in and closed the door, he walked over and sat on her bed next to her, and said "You got a pretty big room! Just the bed alone can fit two people!" Robin gave him a look and said "Did you not read the door?" Zeus was confused and went out to look. On the door there was a plaque that said Zeus and Robin, Zeus' eyes widened and he said "Huh?" he turned to look at Robin and she put her hands up and shook her head, he grinned and closed the door, he put his mask on a table and jumped on the bed, tackling Robin down. Zeus held Robin in his arms and said "So, you put in the word or was it that scrap metal bastard?" Robin blushed said "It wasn't me." Zeus nodded and said "Looks like after I beat him, i'm gonna have to thank him." he sighed and continued "I can believe it." Robin giggled and covered her mouth before putting on an 'I don't care about you' look, Zeus squeezed her and said "Cmon what's wrong Robin?" Robin pouted and said "You used the forbidden rotation again! and you hurt yourself! Last time you were out for 2 days! This time you were out for 4 hours! and Chopper checked your body and said you tore 3 organs, you're lucky that you didn't tear your heart! Idiot! You told me at Water 7 you would protect me, not die the second we leave, what am I supposed to do if you're gone!" Zeus was truly stupefied, he was just staring blankly at her as she was crying, she looked him in the eyes and said "I don't want the one I love to leave me, after I just found him." Zeus had his mouth and eyes wide open, and Robin finished "If you die then I'll just follow you." Zeus snapped back to reality and sat up, he grabbed her and sat her on his lap and grabbed her face with both hands and said "No, absolutely not. If I die, I want you to live do you understand? You have a dream of your own. I am not going to be the reason you abandon your dream, do you understand me?" Zeus was extremely serious and stared into Robin's eyes, she nodded and he smiled and hugged her, he pulled back and kissed her forehead and said "And i'll never die, to quote an old chef in the east blue 'I'll live another 100 years'!" Zeus caressed her face and wiped away her tears and chuckled lightly "What do you think about that?" Robin looked at him and said "You promise?" Zeus turned serious and said "I promise." Robin smiled and kissed him, Zeus wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her shirt and took it off, showing her slightly tanned skin, she took off his jacket and he slipped her pants off, leaving her in only her underwear. Zeus smirked and put his hands on her ass before kissing her again, he pried open her teeth with his tongue and slid his tongue inside her mouth. They separated and Robin was panting lightly and her face was completely red, Zeus grinned and moved his hand up her back gently caressing her skin before grabbing the clip of her bra, he was about to take her bra off, when there was a bang on the door, and the door opened wide, Zeus flipped Robin on to her back and blocked her from sight. Robin and Zeus looked to the door, and saw the whole crew in a pile in the door frame. Red lightning started to flicker around Zeus as his mouth twitched, Robin held her mouth with her hand but failed to suppress her giggling, Zeus took a deep breath and said "I'm gonna give you guys one chance to make me laugh before I beat the shit out of all of you." Luffy opened his mouth and everyone else tackled him to the ground and held his mouth. The rest of the crew huddled together and whispered with each other, Robin started laughing and Zeus' smiled a bit and looked amused, the crew turned back and Sanji said "We wanted to learn how to be..." he almost gagged and finished "..as handsome as you." Robin stared at them with her mouth wide open, the room was silent for a few seconds, causing the crew to sweat, and Zeus starting laughing, he laughed so hard he fell over on top of the bed and had tears in his eyes, Robin grabbed the blanket and covered herself before laughing too. The crew visibly relaxed and Zeus slowly stopped laughing, he wiped his eyes and said "Wow, okay i'll give you that one and I'll let you guys know my secret, it's because of my mother, I have the best genes in the family." Luffy said "We look the same!" Zeus snapped "NO! I'm more handsome than you!" Luffy swung his arm around and said "You sure do talk alot maybe I should kick your ass!" Zeus donned his red gauntlets and said "Oh yeah? Maybe I should show you how to respect your older brother!" The crew was holding Luffy back and Robin was holding Zeus back, and she said "If you're gonna fight at least do it on the deck." Zeus blinked and said "Fuck! You guys really ruined the moment, how am I supposed to go back now?!" his ring appeared and he said "I'm really gonna kick your asses now!" The crew all ran away, Zeus chuckled and ran after them, Robin just sighed and got dressed, before grabbing Zeus' mask and walked back to the deck.

A while later

The Sunny sailed into the Florian Triangle, Zeus looked around and said "Seems like a creepy place, maybe we'll see some skeletons and Zombies." Nami said "Those don't exist!" Luffy pulled a barrel out of the water and said "Look I found a barrel!" the barrel said 'offering to the sea god' on it, and the crew decided to open it, and a red light shot out of the barrel into the sky, Zeus whistled and said "Looks like we're gonna be targeted." Nami snapped "Why are you so nonchalant?!" Zeus shrugged and said "Worst that happens is we get eaten by the sea god and digested." Robin and Zeus looked at each other, and she gave him a thumbs up, he grinned and turned back. Nami was about to say something when an ominous song was heard. The crew looked around and found a ship floating on the sea near them, with a skeleton singing on it. Luffy was excited and grabbed Zeus and jumped on the ship.

When they landed they saw a tall skeleton with an afro. Luffy said "WOAH A REAL SKELETON!" Zeus said "Yeah he looks alive too!" the skeleton said "Hello my name is Brook, nice to meet you!" Luffy said "You can talk?!" Brook said "Yohohoho of course! I can sing too!" Nami and Sanji landed on the ship too, and Brook said "Hello my name is Brook, nice to meet you." he paused and looked at Nami and said "Young lady, may I see your panties?" Zeus burst out laughing and Nami punched Brook in the head, she screeched "NO!" Luffy came over and said "Hey Brook! Join my crew!" Brook said "Sure!" and they all went back to the Sunny.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Hey guys! Sorry for the cliff hanger I am absolutely Dead tired today! Hope you enjoyed this chap it was a lot more Water 7 and Zeus and Robin than I thought. and I know I haven't really been giving Merry much time but I'll try and fit her in next chap. Net chap most likely won't be today though sorry.

NEXT TIME: Start and maybe middle of thriller bark? IDK I gotta watch it again I never really liked Thriller Bark I always thought it was kinda stupid, well it might be in detail but I also might just have Zeus blast through everything on it, idk tell me what you prefer.

Btw, i'm gonna try my best with Brook's jokes but I don't know if I will be able to pull it off, they ARE masterpieces after all.

Leave a comment/review if you liked it!

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