85.71% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

บท 6: Chapter 6

Some characters may act OOC.

I'm sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes beforehand.

Asia Argento

My mind went into a full panic when I saw her.

Small body? Check.

Green eyes and long blond hair? Check.

Nun outfit again? Check.

Big forehead? Check.

This is by no doubt Asia Argento, one of the main characters.

Shit, what is she doing here? She was supposed to bump into Issei. Is it because I ran that I came here before him?

Taking another look at Asia she was staring at me weirdly with her head tilted to the side.

I need to stall her until Issei shows up.

"Hey, are you ok? I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, sorry."

Asia's only response was to tilt her head to the side even more.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know a lot of Japanese before she becomes a devil.

I took Spanish classes up until I graduated high school, although she is Italian, and I'm not really fluent in Spanish either. Hopefully, she will understand what I'm saying.

"Are you ok" I could at least say that in Spanish. But one second later, I realized my mistake.

Shit, I talked to her in another language directly, and in a language, she could semi understand as well. That's too suspicious.

But instead of getting an answer, Asia reached forwards and put her small hands on my chest.

Before I could ask her what she was doing, a green light emitted from the palms of her hand.

I felt a small tingle around my body, and I could feel how my wounds were withering away.

So this is the power of Twilight healing.

"Oh, uh... Thanks." I made sure to talk in Japanese now since she didn't seem to realize my mistake before.

Asia smiled at me before she started to speak.

"It is gift.. me from God."

She spoke in broken Japanese, but this was my chance to talk to her in Spanish, so I took it.

"Do you speak Spanish?" I knew that she didn't, but Spanish and Italian is pretty similar. As long as we spoke slowly, we should understand each other.

Asia's eyes beamed up at this.

"Oh, I speak Italian."

"So are you ok? For bumping into you, I mean."

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Shouldn't I be the one saying that tough?" She eyed me on the places that used to have wounds.

About the wounds, I should probably still wear the bandages to not raise suspicion. It would be weird if I healed all those wounds in a few days.

Before I could respond, a rumble was heard from her stomach, making her blush and hold her stomach.

"You seem pretty hungry," I said to her, making her blush even more.

"It is because I haven't been eating anything since I arrived here."

"Do you wanna eat something? It's my treat." I asked her.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course, see this as a payback for uhh, medicine me?" I didn't know how to say healing, but I think she got the point.

Luckily we were standing next to a WcDonalds, which is a McDonalds' ripoff.

"Let's eat in here."

This should stall her long enough until Issei comes. And I can also see when Issei is walking by here.

Going inside, we waited in line to order.

When our turn came, I looked at Asia. She seemed to have trouble ordering food.

"Umm... I... Want..."

Oh yeah, she's never been in a fast-food restaurant before, neither does she know how to speak Japanese.

"I'll take one normal beef burger and some fries."

"Anything to drink?"


I, of course, didn't order anything for myself, since I needed to eat the right thing and not a bunch of junk food, because of my constant training.

Since I didn't order that much, we got out food quite quickly.

After getting our food, we sat down near one of the windows, so that I could see Issei walk by.

"Umm, where are the forks and knives?" Asia asked me, looking at her burger.

"Oh, you actually eat this food with your hands."

"What!? Then I will have to wash my hands." She said while pulling out a small jar of holy water from somewhere.

After washing her hands thoroughly, she showed her hands to me with a proud expression on her face.

"Yeah, they seem clean enough..." I told her, looking at her hands.

"Then, I shall pray for the meal." She said while holding her hands and starting to pray.

I paid more attention outside than what I did to Asia, but when I glanced to the side to look at her, she was in the middle of eating her burger.

She looks like one of those "Borgar" memes that you see on Reddit.

"Hey, you got some sauce on your cheek."

"Hmm? Oh, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

"No, Thank you, mister, for taking care of a ##### like me." I didn't understand a part of what she said but, I think she meant stranger.

Hearing that she called me mister, I realized that we hadn't introduced ourselves yet.

"I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Motohama. What about you?"

"My name is Asia Argento, but you can call me Asia. Thank you once again for helping me, Motohama-Kun. You really are a nice person."

Hah, if it weren't for the fact that you are one of the main characters, I would have picked you up and went with my day.

After Asia had finished eating, we left WcDonalds, but I still needed to stall her because Issei hasn't come yet.

What's taking him so long? Did I really run that fast?

"So, what was that thing you did to me back there?" I asked her a question I already knew the answer for, but I had to stall her.

"Oh, that was my gift from God. I believe he gave it to me to help people."

I didn't have anything else to say after this, so Asia and I stood in awkward silence.

"Motohama-Kun, are you religious?" Asia asked, trying to break the silence.

"No, not really. I believe that God exists, but I don't really believe in any religion."

"Why is that Motohama-Kun?"

It's because I was an atheist in my past life, but now I know about magic and that God actually exists.

Before I could answer her, I was interrupted by someone.

"Motohama? What are you doing here?"

Looking for the owner of the voice, I saw none other than the protagonist of this world, Issei Hyouduo.

"And who's this?" He said while looking at Asia.

Waiting for an answer that didn't come, he asked again.


But when he took his eyes off Asia, I was already gone.

After sneaking away from Asia and Issei, I decided to continue my run, since it was interrupted when I ran into Asia.

My goal was to stall Asia until Issei arrived and nothing else.

I'm not gonna get involved with canon unless I need or want to, and right now, it's neither of those.

This does mean that I'm going to knowingly let Asia die and be reborn to a devil.

I didn't have a reason to save her, neither would it be a good idea to do it.

Asia is one of the main heroines, probably the top one, second only to Rias.

Saving her would cause too much of a change to canon for my comfort.

I know that this will make her hated. I know that she will be labeled a witch. I know that she will be scared. I know that she will die. I know that she will still pray to God despite the pain. I know that she will often be in life and death situations.


I also know that she is going to be happy than she ever has been. I know that she was going to fall in love with Issei and eventually marry him. I know that she is going to be adopted by Issei's parents. I know that she will get the friends and family she dreamed of.

Who am I to stop her from getting that happiness?

Also, what's stopping me from getting help from Asia?

Asia is known for being kind, even healing devils, so why wouldn't she help me?

I can just ask her for some help and, I'll probably get it.

While this might sound harsh. Asia Argento.

Is not my problem.

After all.

I'm not a hero.

After coming home, I decided to browse the internet for some information about the supernatural world. It was kinda annoying since the internet back in 2008 was pretty bad.

Most of the information was already something that I was aware of, but there was some information that I didn't know about.

But here was something that I was looking for. Namely how to unlock your magic.

There was a bunch of books labeled, magic for beginners, or how to become a magician, but I didn't need those.

So I kept searching, and it took me some time, but I eventually found out how to do it.

You could unlock it by meditating, how cliche.

Well, it's not like I had anything to lose from trying.

I decided to sit on the ground in a position that I have seen people who meditate take.

Some time later...

I don't know how long I've been meditating now but, I was getting nowhere until I felt something tingly inside me. I don't know what it is, but I decided to focus on that feeling since that's how powers are usually unlocked in anime.

I focused more and more on that feeling until a shiver suddenly hit me.

Opening my eyes, I felt... Nothing.

Did I do this correctly? Did I fail?

Standing back up, I went to my computer and read the instructions again.

"To unlock your magic, you have too, yadda yadda yadda... I can't find any step that I have done wrong. I might as well try to release some magic to see if I have some."

Looking through the instructions once again, nothing changed.

Ok then. If I remember right, in the manga and anime, human magic is a lot like calculations and logic. Its kinda like, "if I do this, this will happen."

I was just about to release magic when a thought came to my mind.

I should probably not release magic in my room for the first time ever. What if something gets destroyed?

Opening the door and heading out, I went into the garage.

I was reluctant to release my magic outside since I didn't have enough control of it yet, and someone might sense my magic.

Ok then, let's try this.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus magic into my right hand, but nothing happened.

I tried multiple times for a while, but nothing changed.

So did I do it wrong after all. I can't get magic into my hand.

Wait... If human magic is about calculations and logic, shouldn't it be like coding then?

I tried the same thing but took a different approach to my mindset.

Hopefully, my math and coding experience will help me out with this.

Closing my eyes again, I began to think.


Opening my eyes, I saw how my right hand started to shine a small blue hue.

Heh, now it's time for me to take things seriously.


Standing in front of the cashier, I asked Asia.

"Hey, Asia, what do you want to eat? You can order anything."

"Really?" Asia said as she looked at me with a smug expression.

I don't like that smug expression of hers.


"Ok then," She said while smiling at me.

She turned to the cashier.

"I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda."


Wait... Isn't that a reference for something?

How much is that even gonna cost?

"Are you sure you want to order all that food, young lady?" The cashier asked Asia.

"I'm sure," Asia responded.

The cashier looked at me in pity.

"That'll cost 10,00 Yen."

Oh, god damn it, Asia.

Small update: if someone gets confused to w. You are big dick boi, or girl idk.

Some characters may act OOC.

I'm sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes beforehand.

Asia Argento

My mind went into a full panic when I saw her.

Small body? Check.

Green eyes and long blond hair? Check.

Nun outfit again? Check.

Big forehead? Check.

This is by no doubt Asia Argento, one of the main characters.

Shit, what is she doing here? She was supposed to bump into Issei. Is it because I ran that I came here before him?

Taking another look at Asia she was staring at me weirdly with her head tilted to the side.

I need to stall her until Issei shows up.

"Hey, are you ok? I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, sorry."

Asia's only response was to tilt her head to the side even more.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know a lot of Japanese before she becomes a devil.

I took Spanish classes up until I graduated high school, although she is Italian, and I'm not really fluent in Spanish either. Hopefully, she will understand what I'm saying.

"Are you ok" I could at least say that in Spanish. But one second later, I realized my mistake.

Shit, I talked to her in another language directly, and in a language, she could semi understand as well. That's too suspicious.

But instead of getting an answer, Asia reached forwards and put her small hands on my chest.

Before I could ask her what she was doing, a green light emitted from the palms of her hand.

I felt a small tingle around my body, and I could feel how my wounds were withering away.

So this is the power of Twilight healing.

"Oh, uh... Thanks." I made sure to talk in Japanese now since she didn't seem to realize my mistake before.

Asia smiled at me before she started to speak.

"It is gift.. me from God."

She spoke in broken Japanese, but this was my chance to talk to her in Spanish, so I took it.

"Do you speak Spanish?" I knew that she didn't, but Spanish and Italian is pretty similar. As long as we spoke slowly, we should understand each other.

Asia's eyes beamed up at this.

"Oh, I speak Italian."

"So are you ok? For bumping into you, I mean."

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Shouldn't I be the one saying that tough?" She eyed me on the places that used to have wounds.

About the wounds, I should probably still wear the bandages to not raise suspicion. It would be weird if I healed all those wounds in a few days.

Before I could respond, a rumble was heard from her stomach, making her blush and hold her stomach.

"You seem pretty hungry," I said to her, making her blush even more.

"It is because I haven't been eating anything since I arrived here."

"Do you wanna eat something? It's my treat." I asked her.

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course, see this as a payback for uhh, medicine me?" I didn't know how to say healing, but I think she got the point.

Luckily we were standing next to a WcDonalds, which is a McDonalds' ripoff.

"Let's eat in here."

This should stall her long enough until Issei comes. And I can also see when Issei is walking by here.

Going inside, we waited in line to order.

When our turn came, I looked at Asia. She seemed to have trouble ordering food.

"Umm... I... Want..."

Oh yeah, she's never been in a fast-food restaurant before, neither does she know how to speak Japanese.

"I'll take one normal beef burger and some fries."

"Anything to drink?"


I, of course, didn't order anything for myself, since I needed to eat the right thing and not a bunch of junk food, because of my constant training.

Since I didn't order that much, we got out food quite quickly.

After getting our food, we sat down near one of the windows, so that I could see Issei walk by.

"Umm, where are the forks and knives?" Asia asked me, looking at her burger.

"Oh, you actually eat this food with your hands."

"What!? Then I will have to wash my hands." She said while pulling out a small jar of holy water from somewhere.

After washing her hands thoroughly, she showed her hands to me with a proud expression on her face.

"Yeah, they seem clean enough..." I told her, looking at her hands.

"Then, I shall pray for the meal." She said while holding her hands and starting to pray.

I paid more attention outside than what I did to Asia, but when I glanced to the side to look at her, she was in the middle of eating her burger.

She looks like one of those "Borgar" memes that you see on Reddit.

"Hey, you got some sauce on your cheek."

"Hmm? Oh, thanks."

"Don't mention it."

"No, Thank you, mister, for taking care of a ##### like me." I didn't understand a part of what she said but, I think she meant stranger.

Hearing that she called me mister, I realized that we hadn't introduced ourselves yet.

"I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Motohama. What about you?"

"My name is Asia Argento, but you can call me Asia. Thank you once again for helping me, Motohama-Kun. You really are a nice person."

Hah, if it weren't for the fact that you are one of the main characters, I would have picked you up and went with my day.

After Asia had finished eating, we left WcDonalds, but I still needed to stall her because Issei hasn't come yet.

What's taking him so long? Did I really run that fast?

"So, what was that thing you did to me back there?" I asked her a question I already knew the answer for, but I had to stall her.

"Oh, that was my gift from God. I believe he gave it to me to help people."

I didn't have anything else to say after this, so Asia and I stood in awkward silence.

"Motohama-Kun, are you religious?" Asia asked, trying to break the silence.

"No, not really. I believe that God exists, but I don't really believe in any religion."

"Why is that Motohama-Kun?"

It's because I was an atheist in my past life, but now I know about magic and that God actually exists.

Before I could answer her, I was interrupted by someone.

"Motohama? What are you doing here?"

Looking for the owner of the voice, I saw none other than the protagonist of this world, Issei Hyouduo.

"And who's this?" He said while looking at Asia.

Waiting for an answer that didn't come, he asked again.


But when he took his eyes off Asia, I was already gone.

After sneaking away from Asia and Issei, I decided to continue my run, since it was interrupted when I ran into Asia.

My goal was to stall Asia until Issei arrived and nothing else.

I'm not gonna get involved with canon unless I need or want to, and right now, it's neither of those.

This does mean that I'm going to knowingly let Asia die and be reborn to a devil.

I didn't have a reason to save her, neither would it be a good idea to do it.

Asia is one of the main heroines, probably the top one, second only to Rias.

Saving her would cause too much of a change to canon for my comfort.

I know that this will make her hated. I know that she will be labeled a witch. I know that she will be scared. I know that she will die. I know that she will still pray to God despite the pain. I know that she will often be in life and death situations.


I also know that she is going to be happy than she ever has been. I know that she was going to fall in love with Issei and eventually marry him. I know that she is going to be adopted by Issei's parents. I know that she will get the friends and family she dreamed of.

Who am I to stop her from getting that happiness?

Also, what's stopping me from getting help from Asia?

Asia is known for being kind, even healing devils, so why wouldn't she help me?

I can just ask her for some help and, I'll probably get it.

While this might sound harsh. Asia Argento.

Is not my problem.

After all.

I'm not a hero.

After coming home, I decided to browse the internet for some information about the supernatural world. It was kinda annoying since the internet back in 2008 was pretty bad.

Most of the information was already something that I was aware of, but there was some information that I didn't know about.

But here was something that I was looking for. Namely how to unlock your magic.

There was a bunch of books labeled, magic for beginners, or how to become a magician, but I didn't need those.

So I kept searching, and it took me some time, but I eventually found out how to do it.

You could unlock it by meditating, how cliche.

Well, it's not like I had anything to lose from trying.

I decided to sit on the ground in a position that I have seen people who meditate take.

Some time later...

I don't know how long I've been meditating now but, I was getting nowhere until I felt something tingly inside me. I don't know what it is, but I decided to focus on that feeling since that's how powers are usually unlocked in anime.

I focused more and more on that feeling until a shiver suddenly hit me.

Opening my eyes, I felt... Nothing.

Did I do this correctly? Did I fail?

Standing back up, I went to my computer and read the instructions again.

"To unlock your magic, you have too, yadda yadda yadda... I can't find any step that I have done wrong. I might as well try to release some magic to see if I have some."

Looking through the instructions once again, nothing changed.

Ok then. If I remember right, in the manga and anime, human magic is a lot like calculations and logic. Its kinda like, "if I do this, this will happen."

I was just about to release magic when a thought came to my mind.

I should probably not release magic in my room for the first time ever. What if something gets destroyed?

Opening the door and heading out, I went into the garage.

I was reluctant to release my magic outside since I didn't have enough control of it yet, and someone might sense my magic.

Ok then, let's try this.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus magic into my right hand, but nothing happened.

I tried multiple times for a while, but nothing changed.

So did I do it wrong after all. I can't get magic into my hand.

Wait... If human magic is about calculations and logic, shouldn't it be like coding then?

I tried the same thing but took a different approach to my mindset.

Hopefully, my math and coding experience will help me out with this.

Closing my eyes again, I began to think.


Opening my eyes, I saw how my right hand started to shine a small blue hue.

Heh, now it's time for me to take things seriously.


Standing in front of the cashier, I asked Asia.

"Hey, Asia, what do you want to eat? You can order anything."

"Really?" Asia said as she looked at me with a smug expression.

I don't like that smug expression of hers.


"Ok then," She said while smiling at me.

She turned to the cashier.

"I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda."


Wait... Isn't that a reference for something?

How much is that even gonna cost?

"Are you sure you want to order all that food, young lady?" The cashier asked Asia.

"I'm sure," Asia responded.

The cashier looked at me in pity.

"That'll cost 10,00 Yen."

Oh, god damn it, Asia.

Ookamisama Ookamisama

And that's it for chapter six. What are your thoughts on it? Don't hold back on the criticism if you have it. (please roast me, daddy)

I don't speak Italian or Spanish, so sorry.

I was bored when I did the omake. I swear if someone complains that Big smoke didn't actually eat all of that himself. I did it for the comedy.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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