Rosamund had only stepped out of her room, walking in the corridors to meet her son Markus so that she could discuss with him the next step they should take in their plan, she caught sight of Theodore and Lucy together in the corridor. As she stood in another corridor that was far away from where they were, the other two people didn't catch sight of her, but Rosamund saw them and a wide smile came to form on her lips.
Theodore was pulling Lucy to the dining room, and Rosamund wondered if they were stupid enough to think no would come to see them at this hour of the night.
She always knew something was going on between them, but to think they had gone for so long keeping their feelings as a secret from others even after Lucy was married, Rosamund believed it was only right to let every person in the castle as well as in the kingdom to know what kind of sister the King of Devon had.