65.33% One Piece Bounty Wars / Chapter 49: Garp's Adventure

บท 49: Garp's Adventure

Many days before

(Garp POV)

Garp had just walked out of the meeting with the higher-ups of the marines, letting them all process the thought of him and Sengoku no longer being apart of them.

'It's actually a good thing those two brats wanted to become pirates over marines, now at least they stand some chance at surviving.' Garp strode the hallway, thoughts of his two delinquent grandchildren on his mind. Before he even realized it, he was standing before his ship, the giant dog figurehead staring right at him.

"You didn't think I was gonna leave you, eh?" Garp said, his playful demeanor coming back to him. "What are you saying now, old man? Have you finally gone senile?" A man wearing a marine coat, draped over his shoulders, wearing a matching beige suit and hat, with the hat covering his eyes in a shadow said playfully.

"Oh shut up, Bogard! And take off that damn coat! You're coming with me and I'm no longer a marine, so by that logic, neither are you." Garp said smiling to his right hand man. No one knew what the mysterious man's rank was or his true strength, but for over 25 yeas he had been by Garp's side, fighting against the pirate king, Whitebeard, and even disobeying orders from the Fleet Admiral on many occasions to help Garp out.

"How does that make any sense? And why exactly are we no longer marines?" Bogard asked calmly, already throwing his marine coat to the ground. "Don't think too hard about it and it makes perfect sense. As for why we're no longer marines, let's just say the Government picked a fight they can't hope to win, Sengoku and Tsuru already resigned, and because I said so!" Garp said with an annoyed tone as he walked closer to his ship.

"Gather the crew, tell them to grab their families, belongings, and anything else they care about here. We leave after the new Fleet Admiral is chosen!" Bogard new from Garp's words that this was the last he wanted to say on the topic, which suited him just fine. He wasn't particularly a talkative guy anyway.

Later that evening, all of Garp's subordinates were sitting in the dining hall of his ship, their gazes turned towards the man that had led them through thick and thin for years, a pillar that they all knew they could stand behind to whether any storm.

"I'm gonna say this once, so open your ears and shut your mouths!" Garp said, making sure there was no other voice in the room than his own. "The Government fucked up! Hard!" Garp stated, then sat down to a big plate of food. His subordinates just looked on more confused than ever. "You're gonna need to explain it a little better than that." Bogard said, stopping Garp from eating his food. "*Sigh* Fine!" An annoyed Garp said as he got back to his feet.

"You've all heard about East Blue, hell the whole world has by now. The cause of all that is one man, a fucking monster if I've ever saw one! Anyway, he joined forces with the Revolutionaries and supplied them with ample funds, weapons, techniques, and soldiers that would rather die than serve the marines or the Government." Garp paused to let his men process his words.

"Who are the soldiers?" A man seated close to Garp asked. "Former slaves..." Garp answered, which got a few hushed whispers from everyone around them. None of them had ever had anything to do with the slaves, but they all knew about it. Garp made sure that no one on his crew ever did anything that he deemed vile, and slavery was definitely on the list.

"This man is freeing hundreds of Slaves, sending them back to their families and giving them his protection. Most of them are all too thrilled to join him in his cause, and from the way he trains them, they could all rival our Vice Admirals after just a year or two. I never liked the Government to begin with, and now that they've signed their death warrants, it's time to leave. The Government doesn't care about protecting anyone right now other than themselves, which I'm loathed to do. You have a few days to pack your families and anything else you might need, then we'll set off."

Hearing Garp's words brought some shivers to the people in the room, and after thinking about how most people would just leave their subordinates to their own fate, they were all even more proud to be serving Garp. "Where are we going?" Another man asked, quieting the room with his question. "We'll head to Secon Island. There we can keep your families safe, as it isn't under any of the Emperor's influence. I'll explain the rest later." Garp said as he finally went back to eating his mountain of food.

Garp had decided on Secon Island in the spur of the moment. He only picked it because it was a massive tourist resort, and with the Sea Trains located there it would be easy to travel around. And like he said, it was also not under the influence of pirates because the Government couldn't afford to let a pirate control that place, it being one of the three End Points.

The three Endpoints refer to three islands in the New World which seals a huge amount of subterranean magma. Should all three islands be destroyed, the seal will be undone, releasing enough magma to wash the entirety of the New World in molten rocks and the lives of everyone and thing within it.

Later that night Sengoku showed up to Garp's ship with a few of his belongings, then took over a room as his own. Garp explained about where he would take the families of his crew, and also reminded Sengoku that it was indeed a full resort with hot springs, which pretty much made it set in stone.

More people decided to go with them then they originally thought, which got them to "borrow" another ship, which did upset the Government officials, but after stating they could either give them the ship or they would fight them for it, the officials were more than willing to give it up.

"I'm the best damn negotiator there fucking is!" A pleased Garp said with a cocky attitude, which made Sengoku shake his head. "Telling them that you would either take the ship nicely or destroy their homes is not negotiating Garp, it's threatening!" Sengoku said as he looked over a list of all of the cargo they were taking with them.

"Isn't that the same thing? Never mind I already know it is. So who is gonna be the new Fleet Admiral?" Garp asked curiously. "I called the Elders and recommended Kuzan (Aokiji) but they seemed pretty upset with me for how I resigned. The petty old cunts will probably make Sakazuki (Akainu) the new Fleet Admiral just to spite me." Sengoku answered with some heat in his voice.

"I think they'll pick Sakazuki because he's such a whipped little puppy that he'd bend over if they asked. They'd much rather call the shots than have someone like Kuzan in the position. Hehe." Garp said, chuckling at the end when he thought of Akainu being a little puppy.

"Do you think Prime has a spy in HQ?" Sengoku asked curiously. It was a reasonable question, after all Prime did know far too much about the higher-ups, and even marked marines that were undercover in some of the Emperor's organizations.

"You're reading too much into Sengoku! All it would take is to keep track of the newspapers over the last decade or so, and you could find most marines that ever joined up. It's kind of our own fault for trying to brag about our people. Still funny though!" Garp said as he re-read over Akainu's Wanted Poster.

The next few days went by pretty uneventfully, which suited Garp just fine. He had two battle ships that were stocked full of cargo, lots of people, and more weapons than he knew what to do with. He was relaxing on the deck of his ship when Bogard's shadow loomed over him.

"Akainu was appointed the new Fleet Admiral by the Five Elders." Bogard said calmly, which earned a grunt of annoyance from Garp. "Well time to make sure he knows his place." Garp said as he got to his feet and started to roll his shoulders. "You're not going to kill him?" Bogard asked curiously. "I want to, but until he gives me just one more reason than I won't. That still won't stop me from what I'm gonna do right now." Garp said as he made his way towards the main building where the Fleet Admiral would be.

Walking through the hallways, Garp greeted a few people here and there, a cruel smile present on his face. When he got to the conference room where all the big meetings were held, Garp didn't even bother to knock, instead he just punched the door down. "*Whistle* *Whistle* Come here pup!" Garp demanded, drawing all attention in the room on him.

Akainu could barely register Garp's words before a massive hand grabbed his face and hoisted him off his feet. "All good puppies need to obey their masters, but they need to understand their are some things they shouldn't allow their masters to do!!" A venomous voice filled the room, no one believing it was from their former commander.

With his free hand, Garp swung a powerful Haki coated fist right into Akainu's groin, which got a high pitched scream from the man/ maybe eunuch, which could have put an opera singer to shame. Garp didn't let up, coating the floor around him with his Haki, then swung Akainu's body into it like a ragdoll. (A.N. Picture the Hulk and Loki scene from the first Avengers movie)

The other Admirals could only watch on in horror, the pressure Garp exuded was almost palpable that it froze them all in place. "Give me that!" Garp said as he grabbed a Speaker Transponder Snail off the table with his free hand, while the other held Akainu's battered and broken body.

Without saying anything else, Garp left the stunned audience to themselves as he used Akainu's body like a club to smash his way through a few walls, creating his own walkway to a balcony that looked over all of Marineford.

Getting to the balcony, Garp pulled the mic off the speaker before shouted, "ATTENTION!!! THIS IS FORMER VICE-ADMIRAL GARP SPEAKING!!" Garp paused as he let everyone pause what they were doing and look up towards where he was on the tower.

"THIS LITTLE PIECE OF SCUM WAS ELECTED TO BE YOUR NEW FLEET ADMIRAL!!" Garp said as he held out the bloody misshapen body of Akainu.

"HE WILL ATTEMPT TO LEAD YOU, BUT I WOULDN'T HOLD MY BREATH. MANY OF YOU ARE PROBABLY SCARED THAT HE WILL TARGET YOU AS HE HAS DONE TO OTHERS IN THE PAST, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO HALT YOUR FEARS!" Garp said, looking into the half closed eyes of Akainu with so much hate, people on the ground could feel it.

"I HAVE PROMISED TO RIP THE LITTLE PUPPY'S HEAD OFF IF HE EVER KILLS A MEMBER OF THE MARINES AGAIN! THAT IS WHERE YOU ALL COME IN. IF HE EVER DOES ATTACK YOU, GET INTO CONTACT WITH ME AND I'LL COME AND DEAL WITH HIM MYSELF!" After saying his peace, Garp hung up the Speaker then looked into Akainu's eyes. "Now you know I'm fucking serious!!" Garp said, then punched Akainu one more time before throwing him into a wall.

Once all that was done, Garp walked back down to his ship singing a little tune, acting as though he didn't just commit multiple crimes, destroy a good portion of the main HQ building, and declare to the world that he would kill Akainu based off anyone's words.

"I would have thrown him off the building." Bogard said as Garp walked back onto the deck of his ship. "Well I-" Garp stopped talking and thought for a moment. "Huh... Yeah that would have been better." Garp said, sounding a little depressed at the missed opportunity. "That was a little more showy than I expected." Sengoku's voice cut in as he walked over to the ship.

"We're already set to go, so let's get on with it. I don't see a reason to stick around here anymore." Sengoku said as he gave the signal to raise anchor and unfurl the sails. "Hey, how close is Secon to Whitebeard's territory?" Garp asked curiously.

"A day or two maybe. Why do you ask?" Bogard said, getting a soft chuckle from Garp. "I'm gonna show him how awesome my new bounty is!!" Garp said happily as he pulled out his Wanted Poster and admired it. "I'm gonna have to get Prime to create me a new one. Maybe use a different picture, while also increasing my bounty." Garp added as he looked it over.

"You can't ask him to increase your bounty!! It's cheating!" Sengoku admonished from a few feet away. "How?!! No one's ever asked to get their bounty increased, so it actually isn't cheating!" Garp refuted back with a smile on his face. "You two are weird." Bogard said as he turned to leave the area, not wanting to be influenced by their stupidity. "Who says Whitebeard would even want to meet us? We haven't exactly been best buddies over the last few years." Sengoku said, making Garp's smile widen.

"Of course he's gonna want to meet us, well me anyway! After all, I do have the highest first bounty in history, which isn't too far off from his own bounty." Garp said proudly, which resulted in Sengoku hitting him over the head, then shouting "You're not even half of his $5,046,000,000 berry bounty!" He huffed before walking inside the ship to get away from Garp's annoying bounty.

The next few days went by in peace, Garp getting to demolish a few unfortunate pirates they crossed, while the people on board got to scavenge quite the wealth from the ruined ships. Sengoku took this time to not do a damn thing, sitting in the sun and reading a book, playing cards and dice with Garp, while also getting waited on hand and foot by a few girls that wanted something to do, which he was more than happy to pay them for.

"This hot spring might be just what I need!" Sengoku said as they stopped to an island close to Secon. "Only another day or two, then we can party like there's no tomorrow!" Garp excitedly said, already imagining the resort. "You can party, I'm gonna sleep. And there will be no disturbances from you!" Sengoku said as he shot a glare at Garp. "Spoilsport!" Garp said as he read the newspaper.

They had both been keeping an eye out in the paper ever since they read about Jack killing Crocodile in Alabasta, and his most recent stunt in Enies Lobby, which made them both a little upset, but neither could complain all that much as he did leave most of the marines there alive.

"Hey it says here that Gecko Moria went missing. Think Prime had anything to do with it?" Garp asked curiously. "Thriller Bark was close to Enies Lobby, so yeah. That's two Warlords in less than a month, and he took down CP-9. I'll be shocked if there is anyone working for the government by this time next year." Sengoku gave his thoughts on the subject as he took a drink from a glass of sake.

They stopped for the night and to restock, then they continued on their way the next morning towards Secon, arriving a day later to the giant volcanic island. "Would ya look at that!" Garp said with a grin as he pointed towards a pirate ship that was docked not too far away from them.

It was a small ship, but the most important thing about it was the symbol on the sails. "One of Whitebeard's kids. Probably getting supplies or just here to relax." Sengoku said nonchalantly. "Hehe and just think how fast the old geezer will get here when he learns we have him." Garp said happily as he rubbed his hands with glee.

"What the hell did I ever do to get stuck with you?! Are you trying to ruin my retirement before it can even begin?!! Don't piss off Whitebeard!!" Sengoku bellowed angrily as he held Garp by the collar of his shirt, but the man only laughed hysterically at this.

"What fun is sitting around all day without some excitement?! And who says I'm causing a problem? I just want Whitebeard to get here to have a little talk." Garp said innocently, but it only made Sengoku sigh in defeat. "You're gonna be the death of me Garp..." Sengoku said as he went inside the ship to grab a small bag that had some clothes.

"I'll be at the resort. Stay away until you're done having your fun." The former Fleet-Admiral said as the ship pulled up to the docks. "Don't be like that, Sengoku! We'll have loads of fun!" Garp shouted as he watched Sengoku disembark, then he jumped on the smaller pirate ship.

"Excuse me, but who is the highest ranking person on this ship?" Garp asked politely to a pirate that was holding a wooden crate. "Who the hell ar-" The man's words got stuck in his throat when he took notice of who the man standing before him was. "G-G-Garp?" The pirate managed to squeak out, the crate in his hands falling to the deck of the ship.

"Well it's natural I would be the highest ranking person now that I'm here, but I meant of you and your crew." Garp said back whimsically. By now everyone on the deck was looking at Garp, fear plain for all to see. "Any of you got Whitebeard's Transponder Snail number?" Garp asked after no one would answer him. "Why do you wanna talk to Pops?" An approaching voice asked.

Turning to see who it was, Garp saw a tall man with a light brown pompadour hairstyle, which went to a point at the back of his head, and a goatee around his chin. He also had a stitched scar running down his face, around his left eye, similar to that of his own scar. He was dressed in a posh uniform, with calf-long pants and a black belt around his waist, and brown shoes.

"4th Division Commander Thatch of the Whitebeard Pirates, how nice!" Garp said as he took a seat on the crate that was laying in the middle of the deck. "Vice-Admiral Garp the Iron Fist of the marines, what do you want with Pops?" Thatch said blankly, getting a scowl from Garp.

"FORMER Vice-Admiral. No longer with the marines, they just haven't let that spread in fear of losing even more troops than they already have. Anyway I wanna chat with the old man, and now that I've got you here he's gonna have to come!" Garp said, making sure to put emphasis on the Former, while ending his words with his feral smile.

"And why should I believe you?" Thatch said, not sounding convinced of Garp's words. "Listen cupcake, I wasn't asking..." Garp trailed off his words, reached down to grab a cannon ball, then tossed it softly into the air. "As long as I don't kill you, I'm sure the old geezer will forgive me!" Garp said, already taking in the surrounding pirates.

There was a stare-down between the pirates and Garp, until eventually one of them that Garp didn't know slowly walked over to him with a Transponder Snail in hand. "Just press 1 and it will go straight to Pops." The man said, trying to sound more calm than he was. "Smart move kid. You just saved you and your friends from a few broken bones." Garp said wickedly as he pressed 1, then waited for a few seconds.

"Hello!" Whitebeards deep rumbling voice echoed out. "Hello Whitebeard. It's been awhile." Garp said playfully, his feral smile still present on his face, "Garp?" Whitebeard asked, unsure as to how or why Garp would be calling him. "I didn't think I needed any introductions. How forgetful you must be getting in your old age." Garp taunted, getting a scowl from over the Transponder Snail.

"A little cunt like you is gonna need introductions every time! How did you get this number?!" Whitebeard said, clearly not too thrilled with talking to Garp. "Your boys here were more than willing to lend me their Transponder Snail. He He He." Garp chuckled darkly. There was a pause before Whitebeard roared "What have you done to my sons, Garp?!!"

Still showing his smirk, Garp answered "They're fine for now. No harm to their little heads, but I don't know how much longer that will last if you're not here to help them." Garp said, his words laced with threats, when in actuality he just wanted Whitebeard to get here faster. "WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Whitebeard asked, his anger being felt by those who were only listening to him. "Secon." Was all Garp said in answer before he ended the call.

"HAHAHAHA!! He sounded pissed!! We're gonna have to prepare an extra big feast, lots of alcohol, and some games!!" Garp said, not sounding at all like he was a moment ago. "Wait what?!" Thatch asked, not believing what he had just heard. Looking to his fell crew members, they were also sharing his confusion. "Don't be such a stick in the mud! We got to prepare a feast! Since you're Whitebeards cook anyway, you can be on cooking duty!" Garp said as he pointed to Thatch.

"I'll instruct all of the cooks aboard my ship to follow your orders. As for the rest of you, lets start collecting alcohol from places nearby. I'll give you each a few million berries, just be sure to be back here before Whitebeard get's back." Garp was far too happy, then he dragged Thatch off to his ship, the other pirates followed along, more confused than ever.

Almost 3 hours later and Garp and the others had the deck of his ship stocked with food, drinks, and a few challenges that Garp created, which were not humanly possible, but no one wanted to tell him that. In the distance Garp could see the silhouette of a massive ship and dozens of smaller ships surrounding it.

"HAHAHA!! Looks like he prepared his fleet!!" Garp couldn't help but laugh, much to the annoyance of everyone else on the ship. "I should have went with Sengoku." Bogard said tiredly, already not wanting to be here. "Nonsense!! That old worry-wart is such a buzz-kill!! Stick with me kid and I'll show ya how to live!!" Garp said joyously, which just earned a few nervous chuckles from Thatch and the other pirates.

Not long after and Whitebeard and his fleet were only a stones throw away from Garp's ship, which was glowing brightly in the evening light. "About time you got here, old man!! HAHAHA!! I've prepared a feast!!" Garp shouted loudly, getting a few confused glances from Whitebeard and the rest of the pirates. "What are you playing at Garp?!!" Whitebeard bellowed, not sounding convinced at what he was seeing.

Instead of answering him, Garp grabbed Thatch and pushed him towards the edge of the ship. "It will go better if you invite him." Garp said, getting a tired sigh from Thatch. "YO POPS!! IT'S TRUE WHAT HE SAYS! HE REALLY DOES WANT TO INVITE YOU TO A FEAST!" Thatch called out, getting silence in return.

It took Whitebeard and his crew a little bit more convincing before they actually got close enough to climb onto Garp's ship. "What's the meaning behind this Garp?" Whitebeard asked curiously when he stepped foot on Garp's ship, taking in the lavish feast before him. "Sengoku and I quit the marines and I'm trying to spice up my retirement. Didn't think you'd just show up if I asked politely, so I had to make ya think your kid was in danger. Worked too!" Garp said victoriously.

"It's true, Pops! After he finished talking with you he made me cook and got the others to go and find all the booze." Thatch said from beside Whitebeard. "I still don't get it..." Whitebeard said as he rubbed his chin in thought.

Knowing how to put Whitebeard's mind at ease, Garp cleared his throat. "*Cough* *Cough* Allow me to clear your mind of all doubt. It all started when Sengoku got a call from a mysterious masked man. This guy offered Sengoku and I a position in his crew, which we declined, then he took over East Blue. We sent a Buster Call and then some to get rid of him, but he killed them all single-handedly." Garp paused to eat a cookie, noticing how everyone's attention was solely on him.

"He threatened to kill the World Nobles if the marines or Government tried anything against him again, which the Government didn't believe. They went behind the marines backs, sending Cipher Pol into East Blue, which didn't go well. From what I've gathered from a very reliable source, this man killed Shiki, Crocodile, some creepy fucker with a god-complex, CP-9, destroyed Enies Lobby, killed Gecko Moria and is now somewhere near Sabaody Archipelago. He did all of that in about a month, which is kind of hard to believe, but I assure you it's true. Anyway he got Tsuru to leave the marines first, then Sengoku made a deal and we left the marines and here we are." Garp said, then went back to digging in some food, leaving everyone, Whitebeard included with their mouths hanging open.

"You'll eat a bug if you keep doing that." Garp commented, looking right at Whitebeard. "Are you serious?" Whitebeard asked, knowing that it would be quite difficult for Garp to fabricate something like this. "Yup. And check this out!!" Garp said, then pulled out his Wanted Poster.

"BOOM!! Not bad for a first bounty!! I'll be caught up to you by like the second or third increase!" Garp proclaimed proudly. "I saw it! We thought it was more like a joke than anything until we watched it get confirmed over a broadcast from some little island when a marine was killed and a stack of cash appeared in his place. Got to be the creepiest thing I've ever seen!" Whitebeard said as he sat down in a massive chair that Garp provided for him.

"Don't doubt Prime! I'll tell you this, the man is outright terrifying." Garp warned, getting a raised brow from Whitebeard. "Why not doubt him?" Whitebeard asked curiously. "He knows things that no one else should know, has the power to back-up any claim he makes, and what he says is never wrong." Sengoku's deep voice echoed over the party. "What he said!" Garp reaffirmed Sengoku's words.

Pulling out a piece of paper, Whitebeard showed it to the two former Marines. "So what would you say about this?" Whitebeard asked curiously.


The Black-Haired Snake (Marshal D. Teach)

$750,000,000 berries

Dead Only

Reward delivered upon kill

Warning: Hide your pies and children, the backstabbing coward is at large!! The power hungry creeper awaits in the shadows of a titan, biding his time for the right moment to attack and claim what is not his own. His laugh is about as irritating as his looks, which should speak for itself. Can be found on Whitebeard's ship or where ever there is pie, no surprise there given his figure.

After reading the paper, Garp looked to Sengoku and then back to Whitebeard. "Pretty self-explanatory. He's a coward who kills children and hides in your shadow, biding his time until you die to take over when you die or he's gonna kill you himself." Garp answered, getting a frown from Whitebeard.

"Teach has never done anything of the sort!" Whitebeard said in defense of his son. "If you really wanna know, ask the man himself." Sengoku said as he pulled a table in front of his chair, not wanting to have to get up for seconds. "I did ask him, and Teach doesn't know what it's talking about." Whitebeard said, calming down a little.

"Not him, Prime!! The guy that put the damn bounty out there in the first place!" Sengoku said as he dug into his food. "You can talk to him?!" Whitebeard asked a little surprised. "Yeah, but ya got to be willing to pay for it." Garp said with a big shit eating grin. "What do ya mean?" Marco, Whitebeard's 1st Division Commander asked.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! Prime's little sister! She's like 8 years old and she extorted money from Sengoku!!" Garp laughed uncontrollably, which ended when Sengoku threw a nearby cannon ball at his head. "You shut your mouth Garp!! That little devil is ruthless when it comes to money!" Sengoku stated, then went back to eating.

"Hehehe!! Watch this!!" Garp said as he pulled out a Video Transponder Snail, which started playing an all too familiar scene for Sengoku. 'I'm never gonna be able to live this one down...' Sengoku thought tiredly.

When the video finished playing, Whitebeard and a few people around him were laughing hysterically, which only resulted in Sengoku getting even more angry. "So you gotta talk with her, then she'll get Prime to contact you." Garp said after everyone had finally calmed down. "Can we call her now?" Whitebeard asked curiously. "I don't see why not." Garp answered, then dialed Tsuru's number. A few seconds later and they heard a heart warming "Hello?" over the Snail.

"Hey Soran! It's Garp!" Garp greeted the little girl. "Hey gramps! How have you and Grampa Goku been?!" Soran said cheerfully. "We've been great!! How have you and your mom been?" Garp asked pleasantly. "It's been great!! Mom has been teaching me how to cook, and Granny's teaching me how to hold a sword!" Soran said excitedly, getting a soft laugh from Garp.

"I'm surprised Makino would let you train in the sword so young!" Garp said, encouraging Soran to continue. Over the last few weeks, he had called a few times, and when he learned that Makino was raising the girl, they both hit it off splendidly. "She was hed-hesir-hesitant at first, but after Granny promised to watch carefully she said yeah." Soran said, getting another soft laugh from Garp.

"That's great! I'll bet your brother will be happy!! Oh by the way, there is an old man here who is trying to figure out a puzzle and needs Prime to figure it out. Could you tell him to call, Whitebeard?" Garp asked, still smiling. "Hmmm... How rich is he?" Soran asked curiously. "He's one of the four ruler's of the Sea, so I think he might be pretty rich." Garp answered, shooting Whitebeard a cruel smile. "Really?!! Then tell him I will for $100 million berries!" Soran said cheerfully, which made Sengoku spit out his food, almost choking from laughter.

"Little girl, I'm the strongest man in the world!" Whitebeard said proudly, getting the face on the Transponder Snail to frown. "Second strongest!" Soran shouted back, which got another a laugh from both Garp and Sengoku. "So you think your big brother is stronger than me?" Whitebeard asked, his voice remaining calm as his smile only grew wider.

"I don't think he is, I know he is, old man! And the price just went up to $400 million berries!" Soran stated, which ended Whitebeards smile. "I don't even need to talk to him, so I won't be paying you!" Whitebeard said with a smile on his face.

"Ha! You just don't have the money! Some ruler you are, can't even afford a proper service, and here I expected more from the second strongest man in the world!" Soran shot back, sounding triumphant herself.

"I can afford it!! I just don't want to pay you!! And that's THE strongest in the world!!" Whitebeard said with a frown on his face.

"Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Cheapskate!! Anyway Gramps, I'll talk to ya later." Soran said, about to hang up the call. "Wait!! I'll pay you!" Whitebeard said reluctantly.

"That's great!! You can send the $500 million berries to Loguetown in East Blue! Just tag it to Granny Tsuru of the Virago Guardians!" Soran said cheerfully. "But you said-!!" Whitebeard was silenced when Garp held up a hand to silence him. "He will send it right away Soran." Garp said, getting a cute little chuckle from Soran. "Awesome!! Expect the call shortly." Soran said, then ended the call.

Everyone remained silent after the call, not believing that a small little child could goad an Emperor like Whitebeard to meet her demands. The silence was finally broken when Sengoku let out a roar of laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was fucking hilarious!! She may have got me for $300 thousand berries, but she got you for $500 million!!" Sengoku wheezed out, which got a few laughs from everyone around them. "Don't worry Pops! The little deviant goaded you into it!!" Marco said, not even trying to hide his enjoyment.

Whitebeard did end up laughing about it himself, but he was still annoyed he got beaten by a child. However, all laughter and noise on the ship ended in a moment when the Transponder Snail in front of Whitebeard started ringing. Picking up the mic, Whitebeard said, "Hello!"

There was a moment of silence before a deep, angry voice, one which undoubtedly belonged to Prime, hissed out, "What the fuck do you want?!!"

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

Could have been better, but I don't really care. I'm tired. Enjoy!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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