Nunaresh approached at a rapid pace, the large transport's increased power traveling much faster than our smaller ride had been able to accomplish. I sat back and watched the tiny lights grow to towering buildings reminding me more of a human city than any of the others I'd visited here on Demonicon.
"Why isn't Nunaresh on the official tour?" I caught Ram's scowl before he answered.
"It's the only independent city on Demonicon," he said, voice level, but hands tightening on the sides of the control panel. That, paired with his frown, told me this was a major bone of contention for him. "The aristocracy can't be bothered with the lower plane cities, let alone one run by its own council. Your grandmother tried many times to coerce the rulers of Nunaresh to accept royal control, but she never convinced them and wasn't willing to start a war over it."