As soon as I walked in through the door, I noticed the lack of Lieutenant Colonel Sparkplug coming to greet me by nipping at my ankles and trying to get me to pick him up. My eyes squinted and I tried to figure out where in the world he could be. I knew he was very curious, and since he was big enough to roam the house, I almost never put him in his cage anymore.
"Lieutenant Colonel Sparkplug?" I peeked my head into the kitchen to try and get sight of him, but he wasn't around to be seen. This was suspicious, but I didn't have a lot of time to think about it before my hand was grabbing one of the cheesy cracker boxes from the cupboards and an aloe vera drink so I could make my way upstairs in peace.
Just in case I ever woke up hungry in the middle of the night, I liked to have a snack on my bed so as to avoid standing up and trekking down to the kitchen in the dark.
Oh my goodness, you guys! We're getting close to the climax of the story, which means we're getting closer to the end :'(
But not to worry because the end isn't around the corner, it's more like a few miles away!
How are we feeling about Sab and Helena? Did you see it coming? Are we happy about them? Let me know your thoughts! Xx