93.15% Annihilation Maker DXD / Chapter 175: A Good Day.

บท 175: A Good Day.


The chat members heard this shout before the area far ahead detonated like a huge bomb, sending waves of dust across the plains. The shockwave was very intense and Kazuma felt a shudder across his body.

"This went worse than I thought it would…" Kazuma sighed as Whitebeard got shot like a ragdoll again. Rather than a fight, this is a blatant slaughter.

"It's not like he would listen to us… both of them" Misaka shook her head and felt a bit powerless, which made her clench her fist. Just like the previous time in Konosuba, she can't do anything in this level of battle.

"But we can't let them continue like this?!"

Ritsuka sounded worried about this civil war, but Kaguya raised her eyes from the Control Panel and shook her head gently gently "I know your worries, Ritsuka-san. But it's not like we could stop them, they wouldn't listen at all. What do you think, Leo?"

"Well, If she's so bothered, she can go there and try to put a stop to it. She won't truly die here anyway."


Ritsuka hurriedly turned to see Leo standing next to Kaguya while shuffling a pack of cards in his hands. She looked to the battlefield again to see Leo was there too.

"Since when did you appear here?!" Misaka spooked out as her calculation power peaked to sense the electromagnetic field. How did this guy sneak past her sensors as if they were nothing?!

"To be honest, I prefer to send death threats through the Chat Room rather than this. Edwards is pushing himself too much. Is it because of the sudden power gap? Or maybe because of guilt… Who knows, but I am rather curious about what happened in Konosuba."

Leo merged the deck in his hand as his eyes swept the rest group next to him. Those eyes… They gave them the feeling of being seen through as a chill washed over their bodies.

"Ah, sorry… My Personal Reality has been a bit wacky lately" Leo averted his gaze as he passed the deck to Kuriboh on his head.

"*Sigh* Isn't this too much? What happened to you since the last time, Lucifer? You have…"

"Oh dear, are you going to say 'changed'? Since when did you know me that well to change?" Leo adjusted his glasses, but Kuriboh reached and tilted them a little to the left, which made the former stare at him silently.

Ritsuka heard those words as her lips froze and didn't know what to say. From Fuyuki HGW, she realized that she has known Leo for a few days at most. When she summoned him, no, he wasn't summoned by her, but by the World (Gaia/Alaya/Root).

Leo responded to the call(abduction) of the World and manifested in Fuyuki and she just happened to be involved in the middle. In the face of a being beyond all Heroic Spirits, she, as a human, is unable to confront, much less understand. She can't even understand her own Servants in the first place!

"And you are thinking too much about it. But if you are talking about my crowns, then I have loaded and shot them back in the HGW. However, I might have really changed for you because… There are no shitty daemons here!!"

Leo cheered cheerfully and celebrated with a small dance as Kuriboh imitated his actions.


"No daemons to make a mess and keep screaming in whispers in my head. Humans' wishes and desires blablabla, NO! My world has none of that! Fuck your world(Type-Moon), I am free!!"

Leo raised his hands as another explosion went off in the distance. His sudden performance made Ritsuka freeze in place, unable to say anything.

"Wow, is it so bad that you're praising DXD?" Kaguya found this rather surprising, but she happened to notice something new in the Control Panel.

"My world(DXD) might not be the best and its common sense makes me want to end myself at times, but I am not that short-sighted. I literally beat a bunch of high schoolers in school and they didn't report me, heck, even their parents didn't!"

"Of course, I made sure to not leave visible injuries on them for legal reasons, and you know what they did? They gave me a stupid nickname and respected me. People there seem to have dropped their IQ somewhere… It's so… so… anime!" Leo felt that the word 'anime' is the best to describe the nonsense going on in his world.

"Anime, huh?" Kaguya rolled her eyes at the casual, yet very fitting description, and scrolled down to the Control Panel.

In front of her was a list under the function named 'World Imitation', which showed the names of the Worlds of the Chat members. Looking at Leo doing a little dance and the helpless Ritsuka, the word 'Type-Moon' glimmered for Kaguya.

It was so horrible, yet so… right. Kaguya smiled gently before choosing the greatest option to test because she is a nice person.



The World Imitation function is active! The environment is being simulated and connected with the original honorable world that has been established!

Imitated Worlds: Type-Moon.]

"And listen here, side pony-tailed incompetent master. Even if I am terrified of what you might become, I will never surr— MOTHERFFFFF!!"

Leo was giving a very grand speech before his expression abruptly changed. His cursing wasn't heard as the world became eerily quiet for a moment.

Kaguya, who clicked on the Control Panel, stiffened and shuddered while Saitama's figure quickly flashed towards the battlefield ahead and was about to punch.

However, he hurriedly stopped as the illusory silence vanished. Looking at his fist in confusion, Saitama tilted his head. He suddenly got a very nasty feeling and wanted to punch.

"Wha…!" Kazuma, who was watching the show, suddenly felt his legs were out of strength and struggled to stand up. Misaka wasn't in a better state as her legs were shaking and Leone felt goosebumps all over her body.

Only Ritsuka was completely fine and didn't understand what was happening.

They hurriedly looked to the side to see Leo's body breaking into azure wisps of mana, scattering in the air. From the battlefield, a much bigger explosion sounded as the smoke rose like a mushroom cloud.

A figure shot into the sky and made a long arc in the air before crashing on the ground, yet it didn't stop. It rolled and slammed multiple times before landing near the mansion where the Chat members were.

Kaguya took a deep breath and recovered her composure before seeing Leo lying there without any motion. Unlike Whitebeard, who looked very embarrassed, Leo didn't have a speck of dust despite rolling on the ground.

He looked at the sky in a daze as his expression was rather depressing and whispered "The daemons… are back"

"Are you fine? No, what was that just now?" Kaguya asked as the previous feeling made her very uncomfortable, but Leo didn't answer right away as he stood up and shook his head.

"Daemons, anyway, I had enough. Edward, we'll continue this farce in another time and there are a couple of things to talk about later…" Leo looked deeply at the chat members as his eyes made them uncomfortable again, especially Misaka.

Misaka didn't know why, but she felt those eyes looking at her with pity as if she was involved in some deep problems with no way out. This irritated her fiercely as electricity flared around her.

"Well, I am leaving, but before that…" Leo glanced at Ritsuka before saying "Suddenly, you stink… Don't get close to me. Adios!"

Leo's body, mansion, and his familiars broke into several particles of light and vanished into the air. The chat members looked at each in confusion as Ritsuka was completely frozen as if the winds of the north pool were blowing.

Whitebeard rushed to see this scene as he was equally puzzled.

What was that just now? Is this guy playing riddles again?!

Unaware of the thoughts of the Chat members, Leo found himself back in his mansion in the Dimension Gap, sitting on the chair in the reinforced office while the grimoire was slamming the space barriers in the vortex.

Leo let out a small sigh of relief as he closed his eyes and collapsed on the chair. He rubbed his temples with a large frown on his face as if he was experiencing a big headache.

"MADRIAAX DS PRAF LIL =)&é==&é)ç'..." Leo started chanting some unknown words slowly as his voice distorted until it became incomprehensible. Even though they have already vanished, their loud whispers are still echoing in his head like an annoying buzz.

After staying in this state for a while, Leo stopped and leaned fully on the chair with almost no strength left. He looked at the ceiling in a daze before sighing {Is this what the Chat meant by fatal damage or is it something else?}

That was… so close.

The change came too suddenly and he wasn't prepared, almost adventing as a BEAST.

Leo understood that without the crowns, his resistance would wane, but that doesn't mean he couldn't control this impulse. In the worst case, knowing his present condition would make it tough, Leo wasn't willing to return to Type-Moon anyway, so everything was alright!

But even so… Type-Moon came to him… and slapped him.

As he reclined on the chair, Leo rubbed his hair and felt his headache subside. The frown on his face, on the other hand, did not dissipate. These days, he has been a bit off. The thoughts come and go, the shift in mood, and Nero.

The World's Evil and BEAST Authority were motionless within him, sending regular feedback from time to time. This became rarer since Leo came back to DXD. Yet, the more he observed, the more he felt Angra was snickering at him.

The space rippled next to Leo before Palkia's head crossed the void. Knowing they came to check on him because he wasn't alright, Leo rubbed Palkia's head and chin as Palkia narrowed their eyes.

"I am alright. It's just that I have been caught by surprise. It is kind of refreshing, I must say."

Palkia listened patiently before shaking their head and letting out a cry. Unlike their lord, Palkia thinks that mysteries and the feeling of things beyond control are irritating. Although it's the nature of life to be unpredictable, they feel all this chaos is unnecessary.

"Maybe this is related to your nature. Space is unchanged. No matter how explanations vary, you can't change the quality of this boundary that supports the world. Time, on the other hand, is the opposite, which is why it's so bothersome."

"Well, for me, the feeling of surprise and mystery slowly fades to numbness as you peep into the world's secrets, along with everything else… I guess I am lucky that my field of work involves many unknowns."

Leo chuckled as he watched Palkia's expression change as if something clicked in their minds. It felt like they were saying 'This is why I hate Time'.

"You sure do. By the way, how do you feel?" Leo asked as he performed a full scan on Palkia.

That simulation unsurprisingly counted them as one 'body', which isn't technically wrong. This way of judging seems very flexible and reliable. The Chat members won't have to worry if their bodies got obliterated or were stolen by something.

This made him wonder if that wasn't the case, would 'that' get dragged by the Chat? In less than 5 minutes, two possibilities of erasing the Chat members from existence were found, which made Leo feel that the warning from the Chat wasn't just annoying… it was correct and annoying!

Palkia shook their heads to say they are completely fine, then informed Leo about the duel monsters tournament. Kuriboh is waiting and saying that Leo has no heart of the cards, asserting his position as the game master.

Leo's eyebrow twitched and felt Kuriboh had entered some weird rebellion phase. The only way he knows how to deal with it is by tossing them out of Heaven. Considering Kuriboh's shape, this sounds very fitting.

"Well, go and have fun. Remember to keep yourself in the best shape, we might have to go do something outrageous after a while" Shaking his head, Leo sent Palkia's out before calling the Chat Room window.

Currently, the ongoing Simulation was hung on top of the interface as something important, however, Leo put his attention on the second most highlighted thing on the Chat.

"Hey, Venom, the plan has to change. We are wrapping everything up as soon as possible"

{Pardon my frankness, my lord. Although we have developed a highly efficient ploy for this operation, the constant change of variables and the difference between worlds put us in a tight spot. The haste might ruin all the progress.}

"I am well aware. Therefore, I will use my greatest advantage…"

Listening to Venom's words, Leo nodded absent-mindedly while looking at the 99+ missing messages from his very dear 'friend', DXD World's Wills.

Strength comes in many forms, from basic power to even luck. Humanity is well versed in this topic as the development of society limited violence and forced people to adapt accordingly. Money, politics, and public opinion became the new weapon in this era as the masses grow to love throwing shade and smearing each other's reputations to destroy their social standings. In the midst of this social fight, an advantage shone brightly, which is connections.

If someone would ask Leo what his greatest forte and advantage is, he wouldn't say the Chat Room. The Chat is simply a tool and what matters is what is behind it… The connection to the World's Wills.

Now, another person would ask Leo how he is planning to get assistance from a World's Will, who will probably curse at him at first sight. The answer is actually very simple…

"There are a few hundred messages here and there has to be a blackmai---…"

[######(DXD World's Wills): *Sigh* I feel much better now. You know, you would make a great listener if you don't talk back or… listen. Hmph, whatever, I'll delete all of these messages later. Ooops, there is turbulence outside… ]

{I'm speechless…}

"There are definitely blackmail materials! We are eating good tonight, Venom."

The most recent message was so promising that Leo wanted to shake hands with it. He hurriedly looked up to see the next message…

[######(DXD World's Wills): ### Is such a slowpoke that rarely wakes up. The universe could go boom and won't affect 'her' sleep. If the laziness has a contest, those sloth embodiments should go revoke their concept. But I prefer to deal with 'her' because 'she' won't suddenly threaten me to explode… I don't think 'she' has the energy to even threaten som---

However, as he started digging this gold mine, all the messages vanished in an instant. What was left is a new message that just arrived.

[######(DXD World's Wills): …]

The awkward silence filled the office as Leo clasped his fingers and straightened his back. His expression was hard to tell behind the flash of his glasses.

The expectations were so high, then they were slammed down. This reminds me of the good ol' times.

"So… stalker?"

[######(DXD World's Wills): Really now? Maybe you shouldn't have thought of me, you know, basic skills of higher beings. So, should I apologize for not letting you have fun with my private matters?]

"Well, I wouldn't call something written in a shared channel as private, but who am I to say? I don't dare to 'comprehend' the mentality of a great World's Will. However, I suppose it isn't so bad, you have responded…"

[######(DXD World's Wills):… You f-f-f-f… Can't just simply call me? I am always around!]

"Are you admitting your stalking behaviors? Forget it, do you remember the time we talked about that important project of yours?" Leo shook his head as he stood up.

[######(DXD World's Wills): What? Did you finally take over the psychopath legacy and go full insane? Since when did I even involve you in my matters to share an important project with you?! Hold on, are you trying to gaslight me?!]

" 'His' Legacy, huh? That is strangely fitting… my problem is related to that actually." Taking several twisted wooden crosses from the desk, Leo had no expression on his face.

However, this lack of reaction made the angry DXD World's Will gradually cool down as 'she' felt a weird chill. 'She' knows this feeling… This feeling haunted 'her' for an unknown time.

[######(DXD World's Wills): W-w-what are you planning to do? You don't mean…]

"Here is a deal for you, I know you have a couple of things you want to do and although I am not aware of their scale and risk, I am willing to fully assist you… So, why don't you be a 'kind' individual and lend a hand to a fellow kind person? After all, I am pretty sure we both don't want to see me turn into fireworks, no?"

Leo smiled slightly as this expression froze DXD World's Will. Those words and temperament reminded her of one World's Will, who made the Outer Gods wail in fear against 'his' Kamikaze tactics.

Although she said the previous words out of anger, DXD World's Will felt that at this moment, Leo has really become the successor of the psychopath as 'she' wanted to scream that there is a terrorist on 'her' plane!

Above the blue, a golden comet tore the clouds and left a trail of light, scorching the air as the temperature made the atmosphere distort.

[######(DXD World's Wills): …]

"Are you still grumpy? I have already issued my deepest apologies as the kind person I am" Within the comet, Leo's figure was hardly seen as his body seemed to be blending with the light, breaking the restraints of matter and achieving high speeds like nothing.

[######(DXD World's Wills): …]

"*Sigh* Listen, I also don't want to go through this. I mean, I am at a big disadvantage in this deal. You should be thankful that you're dealing with a Fool. What I asked for isn't even that hard."

As far as this deal goes, Leo is the losing part no matter what. After all, DXD World's Wills should pretty much be fully aware of what he's going to do, but he has no idea what the World's Wills is planning.

A tasteless plot correction and become a nanny? Although Leo feels this is a good way to torture him, he doubts DXD World's Will would waste a chance to order him around this simply.

Of course, the dark possibility still exists, but Leo is willing to bet on their previous conversation and the tip from his senpai, elder, teacher, and guide, Toaru World's Will. DXD World's Will seems to have a past with the phenomena called Infected Replicas.

[######(DXD World's Wills): Oh? My bad, I should really show how I am grateful to somehow, who threatened me by exploding himself!!! Why… why did all of you people come to my door, strapped in bombs, and trying to hug me while smiling?! And do you think controlling all the energy circling in nature is a simple feat?!]

DXD World's Will felt very wronged at the moment. All her work of twisting the World's common sense and burying the past accident was nullified by Leo running around. Although her second plan is proceeding smoothly to slap this asshole, the fact that even 'her' own inhabitants (Azazel) played 'her' made 'her' so mad!

'She' needed a long time to calm down after almost cursing Azazel to never succeed in any experiment for eons!

"Sorry, I can't help it. I am seriously facing the danger of going boom! Sorry if my medical condition has caused you any hardship, but I'm not sure if interfering with an ethereal energy flow is more difficult than blocking the supernatural world's common sense."

[######(DXD World's Wills): Touché, but don't you dare call what you have caused by your own hand a medical condition! If you haven't strolled around like a dumbass and stacked all these cursed shit on yourself, would you have all these problems? No! This is your fault! Eat the consequences away from me!]

"No can do, you are the world, where am I supposed to go? But you knowing the ins and outs is wonderful because I won't have to explain. So, I can assume you have agreed to my suggestion?"

[######(DXD World's Wills):… Oh? What do I hear? Did I actually have the freedom of choice? That would be funny because CAN I JUST WATCH YOU BLOW UP IN THE MIDDLE OF MY WORLD?!... Deep breaths… I don't have lungs though… I swear I am going to overwork you to death and beyond. Don't even think about running away.]

"Hey, I know I am a piece of shit and a lying asshole, but I at least honor my promises. On another note, I would be rather impressed if you were able to overwork me to death."

[######(DXD World's Wills): Hehehehehe, just you wait. I would like to see how long you'll keep that infuriating expression.]

Knowing that the World's Will had agreed, Leo relaxed a bit as the hard part had passed. Although he'll greet DXD World's Will full revenge by promising this, he still feels it is worth it to reset the aggro of the World's Will.

It may not seem like a huge issue at first, but living under the continual harassment of a World's Wills sounds exhausting and uninteresting to Leo. So, he used this as a chance to shoot a flock of birds with a rocket launcher and mend the relationship with the World's Will.

To be honest, he also feels a bit guilty about being able to play 'her' with a few words. Well, who made his World's Will act like a child?

This made Leo sigh secretly because he really doesn't like to try acting smart as a Fool shouldn't. He observed and studied many people and situations… Trying to understand, just to understand. The so-called smartness is something far from him, he just knows too much… Too much.

Leo shook his head furiously and became solemn. His thoughts seemed to be drifting in the direction again without him even noticing…

The comet ripped through the air, replacing the huge blue ocean underneath it with land, prompting Leo to spread his reception in search of something.

[###### (DXD World's Wills): By the way and just to make sure, you are going to use what Root gave you to implement this ploy, right?]

"That is a significant part of the problem and the greatest solution. Why do you ask?"

[######(DXD World's Wills): Of course, I will ask! Don't you remember the two times you used the psychopath tools?! The first time, you almost switched the laws of this reality to an imitation of psychopath's (Toaru's) laws, and the second time, you nuked yourself and made the Chat Room malfunction. How are you able to ruin things so… efficiently!]

"I appreciate the compliment."

Reading DXD World's Will message, Leo had the feeling 'she' would have probably tossed her shoe in his face if 'she' had one… or a foot in the first place.

Although he is particularly interested in the 'switch of the laws of reality', Leo organized his words and said "Don't be worried. You should have seen what I've been up to these last several days, and if I'm asking for your assistance, I wouldn't advise doing anything repulsive for you."

[######(DXD World's Wills): Hmph, at least you understand. Root's gifts should be enough to initially solve your dilemma and I will accelerate the process and make it very smooth…]

The will of DXD World felt relieved and became much more at ease. 'She' just cannot afford another magical ceremony that alters the reality of the world. Damn you, psychopath (Toaru), why does everything he provides have a connection to reality and laws?

"Gifts?! I worked hard to receive these! I have even shot my crowns; I have you know! On this note, how are you sure they are enough? The difference between worlds made my progress have many bum---"

[######(DXD World's Will): You intended to utilize World's Evil and Senjetsu to fill in the blanks. How fitting that it's clever, yet for me, it's a foolish attempt. If you truly want to count the worlds' differences, be prepared for your abilities to never function. You see now? Do you believe we would be willing to utilize this tool if this concern was not addressed? Don't question me the next time I say that neither we nor Root are stupid.]

DXD World's Will interrupted Leo and sent him a message filled with boredom and displeasure, as if 'she' was answering some obvious and idiotic questions.

Leo raised an eyebrow when he heard the next information and quickly made a guess, but he quickly concentrated because he had arrived.

The high-speed comet made a sudden 90-degree turn in the air and plunged straight down, breaking through a sea of gray clouds and welcoming a group of islands as he passed an airplane full of passengers.

Right now, in London city, England's capital. The rain had been pouring for some time, and the heavy clouds had cast a gloomy pall over the city. People carrying umbrellas and traversing the streets kept the atmosphere vibrant.

A burst of light pierced through the clouds, seemingly out of nowhere. The light flashed down at an incredible rate, forming a line between the sky and the earth before fading in an instant near the Clock Tower. People couldn't help but lift their heads, unsure if lightning had struck.

Meanwhile, the rain was falling inside the Magic Council's hidden space as well, and hooded individuals could be seen moving around. This is one of Europe's most prominent centers for magicians, where many magical organizations may coexist. Grauzauberer, Rosenkreuzer, and Golden Dawn, for example.

A slim man with black and blond hair was spotted strolling down the Council hallway. He was dressed in a red robe that flutters with each step he takes.

"This location is as serene as ever, unaffected by the outside world; Mephisto is quite fortunate..." The man shook his head and accelerated his pace as he looked at the water-stained glass.

He would avoid being in the same spot as the Golden Dawn if he could, but his master, Sirzechs Lucifer, has given him orders to carry out. As he considered what he should say to Mephisto, the entire room trembled.

A fiery ball of light ripped apart the gray clouds, burning the air as the water droplets evaporated instantly. All the magicians underneath were terrified as the limitless amount of mana squeezed the air.

As the magicians awoke from the shock, numerous magics and protective spells from various structures were triggered. They're being attacked! The comet, on the other hand, was extremely rapid and had already gone by a building.

The magicians' proud defense mechanisms were ripped apart by the blazing mana and couldn't hold for even a second. The skinny man woke up from the shock only to see the comet had slammed into the window next to him.


"Ugh!! Who are you?!" Protected by various magic circles, the man screamed before shooting a large wind magic forward.

The wind blew the smoke and flames away like a little candle, revealing a figure landing on what remained of the floor. Before taking a step forward, the figure peered at him for a moment, as if confirming something.

Mathers tried to see who it was, but his mind went blank as everything in his sight flipped.

"Fuck you, Mathers!!"

These were the last words he heard before his consciousness faded. Leo's fist deeply sank into Mathers' face before the devil was blasted, dropping a tooth on the ground, and crushing several walls during his flight.

[######(DXD World's Will): Jeez, was that necessary? He isn't the same individual, you know?]

"I just hate Mathers."

[######(DXD World's Will): Don't you mean the entire existence of the Golden Dawn?]

"I just hate Mathers."

[######(DXD World's Will): …]

Leo hurled two wooden crosses into space as he tossed them about. In the view of the bewildered magicians, 80 percent of all rituals and formulas carved into this secret base malfunctioned, causing another tremor.

Leo nodded and dusted his hands, sensing the link to the Dragon Veins, before detecting multiple auras heading his way. He didn't pay them any mind, though, as his body transformed into a beam of light and vanished.

[######(DXD World's Will): Hey, at least leave a souvenir! Like a card saying, The Fall was here…]

"You fu---, are you the one that put another tasteless nickname on me?!"

The comet faded in the sky as quickly as it appeared, leaving magicians to stare at the Council's devastated Magic System. As if a calamity had struck, they were completely helpless.

[######(DXD World's Will): No, no, no, I just promoted the idea. You can go and be angry at someone else, but why are you mad though? I think it's very fitting. You never really felt like Lucifer to me, but more like the Morning Star. The falling from grace Venus… Hmmm, should I call you 'The Lucifer' then? Nah, The Fall is better!]

"… 'You' are enough for me, and the first thing I'd do once I'm recovered is ripping this Venus off my face!"

[######(DXD World's Will): What a waste of an excellent Venus authority. Consider how much bloody drama that may cause, yet you're hiding the charm behind that deception...]

As Venom continued reporting on the condition of the artificial channel, Leo rolled his eyes and ignored DXD World's Will as he headed to the next planting place.

DXD World's Will may also have opened up and turned into a chatterbox after confirming the deal. 'She' discussed a variety of topics and occasionally mocked Leo for ignoring her.

Leo traversed the world at breakneck speed in this manner, planting node after node without pausing. He was unconcerned about the limitations or the possibility that the artificial channel may implode because he had already received a report from Venom.

Palkia's job is much simpler to strengthen space now that DXD World's Will has taken action and the energy of Dragon Veins is scarcely flowing inside the Artificial channel. This amazed Leo since, if it's Type-Moon, this move is the equivalent of choking Gaia.

His response pleased the World's Will, who began bragging that, unlike the tiresome things like rules, memory, and common sense, guiding some ethereal ownerless energy is quite simple for 'her.'

Leo put his anxieties aside and concentrated entirely on detecting and planting while his 'teammate' took care of the balance, ensuring that the project would not blow up in their faces. The planting of Dragon Veins has been completed in record time thanks to their cooperation.

However, when they neared the final key location, Leo couldn't help but ask the same question again, which irritated DXD World's Will.

[######(DXD World's Will): Don't be too concerned about the worlds' differences; Roots' gifts aren't simply for show. Despite the lackluster and tiresome performance, that World's Evil and Grail of yours should suffice. Of course, you won't succeed for a long time without my assistance.]

"Don't worry about the difference…" Leo stared blankly at the Chat screen as if he couldn't believe he was reading this retarded message from a World's Will.

[######(DXD World's Will): Grrrrrr… What with your look?! Okay, I didn't word it well! But you should already know the reason.]

"… The Chat Room, huh?"

The conclusion he had just reached caused Leo to sigh a bit before the next message arrived.

[######(DXD World's Will): OF COURSE, It's the Chat Room. Did you believe you could just travel to another world and employ a totally different power? No way, kid, welcome to the real multiverse! The Chat Room includes the majority of the members' powers...]

According to 'her', most of the Chat members' abilities are initially integrated into the Chat, including Leo's Longinus, and demanded a personal thank you because 'she' integrated the Boosted Gear for free!

In her 'eyes', the Chat members are cloaked in a special field created by the Chat Room. This field interacted directly with the laws of the world, allowing them to execute skills as they had in the past, then 'translate' them to achieve the identical effect utilizing the rules of the foreign domain.

Of course, this has flaws since, no matter how well the imitation, some world differences cannot be adequately compensated for. Still, this is an incredible achievement.

Because of this, 'she' was very impressed and showed a lot of admiration to Root, who made it possible.

"Is that so?" Leo confirmed his suspicions and resolved to investigate more later.

[######(DXD World's Will): What is your tone? You sound… disappointed.]

"Well, not really. How to say… This is basically a basic routing, so it wasn't hard to guess."

[######(DXD World's Will): Haaah? You ignorant fuc--- Listen up, this is a feat that uncovered the Outer Gods' secret of how they spread their locusts over the Multiverse! Not only that, but we outperformed them! We can transfer our own individuals to other worlds! You don't get it?!]

"Is that… important?" Leo couldn't help but slow down his flight and focus.

[######(DXD World's Will): It's without doubt, very, very, very, very… Important!! During those times, the only entity that could enter and travel between worlds freely was those intruders (Outer Gods' champions/ Multiversal Space players/Reincarnators in general). They could come in and out like our barrier is nothing! Even those Outer Gods can't do it because it's suicide for them to step into a World!]

"Those reincarnators, huh?"

DXD World's Will and Leo suddenly went silent as only the sound of friction around the comet was heard. The World's Will scratched 'her head' in annoyance because 'she' didn't want to bring this topic up.

Although they have spent a long time together and are on the same side, DXD World's Wills isn't dumb enough to deny or sugar coat it, and neither Leo is that clueless to not admit it. One way or another, he is the same…

[######(DXD World's Will): Ah… Forget it, let's talk about it when I overwork you. When you see those replicas, I doubt we can avoid this topic… Anyways! What was I saying? Do you think whatever we do is simple, you illiterate birdman? It's incredible that our inhabitants can travel across the worlds! We tried for a long time and tried too many times, which predates my arrival in existence. Root was just recently able to crack it.…]

Leo was silent for a long time before he closed his eyes and said "What happened to your inhabitants before the whole Chat thing? You guys tried many times, didn't you?"

DXD World's Will expected such a response, but still 'sighed' and 'she' thought for a moment before giving up.

[######(DXD World's Will): A chosen few from our inhabitants have accepted our deal back then…]


[######(DXD World's Will): Eradicated.]

"… Good grief."

The comet swooped down and transformed into a burst of light, hitting the ground in an instant before cracking open, and revealing Leo within. What he saw in front of him was a busy city with numerous antique Japanese-style castles visible from a distance.

"I should thank you for telling me these, right?" Leo adjusted his spectacles as he gazed at the castles from afar.

[######(DXD World's Will): Save it; the more thankful you are, the more I am going to overwork you… I can't avoid them later anyways.]

"Figured, I guess we can begin this farce."

[######(DXD World's Will): Um… Do you really want to get them involved? I worked so hard…]

"As my fellow kind person, I believe we should not start something and then abandon it.…" Chuckling, Leo rolled his eyes at the Chat window.

[######(DXD World's Will): *Sigh* I swear, I am going to make you die a couple of times from overworking…]

"Well, I look forward to it, I suppose…"

Leo gave a little smile to the Chat window as he entered the city. The capital of one of the supernatural groups that originated in Japan, and the location of the key to Leo's little scheme… Kyoto.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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