The more the two women fanned for air with their hands and revealed their cleavage as if it were in the middle of summer, the more the request for directions was becoming farfetched and shady.
The twins knew they must not be swayed as it could be dangerous to let unknown individuals continue with their questionable intentions. Additionally, their mother and sister could be in danger if they let themselves become seduced by what was in front of their eyes.
One of the two women requested to be helped. She wanted to be taken to a corner because she wasn't feeling too well in the sun.
Lenn and Renn didn't accept. But when the twins disagreed with the request, the other woman stepped on her foot and fell on Renn.
Renn mention in the letter how he didn't get swayed when a woman was embracing him. But it was obvious a young teenager would become nervous if a woman with the description of beauty the twins reported were true.