This chapter is still Kamiko's perspective. All thoughts in italics are hers.
Kamiko started to outline the various battle ideas she'd come up with in her end, and explained how she'd come to the decision that it was best she sit on Kat's shoulders. Kamiko was smiling when Kat seemed to support her idea. *Oh I'm very happy. I didn't know if Kat would be comfortable being in such close proximity to someone else… though she does seem to be a very huggy person, which has been great… but I wonder if that's normal or if she's treating me like some lost puppy… wait, no, she's going along with my plan. I can take confidence in that right?*
"So… just one problem" said Kat. In that brief moment before Kat actually elaborated on the problem, Kamiko's mind seemed to be a series of endless alarms all blaring out warning. "What are you going to do about your dress?"
All the alarms screeched to a halt. *What?* "What?" said Kamiko