15.78% Battle Ready (Pokemon Fanfic) / Chapter 2: Prologue (2/2)

บท 2: Prologue (2/2)

Vex laughed a little, interrupting the Professor from his little speech. "I'm sorry Professor, but you're mistaken." Vex stood up, startling the Pikachu awake as it fell from his lap. "This isn't a world full of Pokemon, because this isn't a world at all, its just a simple dream." He picked up the pokedex and slid it into his pocket. "You're not real and neither is your little mouse there." Vex glanced at the Pikachu, who was glaring up at him with a slightly offended expression.

"A dream?" The Professor asked, an incredulous look on his face. "If you think this is a dream then I may have another theory as to why. We can fix that though!! This next part may seem be a bit drastic but I'll show you that this isnt a simple figment or your own imagination. Pikachu, use thundershock on the young man, but keep the damage to a minimum." The Professor took a step back after he finished, glancing towards the Pikachu. Vex was slightly confused as he also turned to look at the small yellow mouse. Yellow streaks of light had begun flickering around its bright red cheeks giving Vex the distinct impression that something was building up inside the creature's red spots.

Vex barely had time to register the imminent danger before a blast of electricity began spreading throughout his entire body. The pain was sharp and it hurt to a very profound degree, but Vex could tell that it most definitely wouldn't kill him. This pain was like a wake up call because he was almost certain that in a dream he wouldn't feel any pain. He had been able to cope with everything that had been thrown at him since he had regarded each and every detail as just something happening inside his head.

With his previous theories disproven, a whole new bunch of questions erupted into his head. Why was he here in the world of Pokemon? Was it for some special purpose? Why him? How was he supposed to survive with absolutely zero knowledge about this world? He had heard of things called isekai before in his own world before. It was a situation where one person or soul was transported into a world different from their own. There was almost always a purpose when one had said isekai. With him being here, he had to wonder what exactly the purpose could possibly be for someone who was considered average in his own world, who never stood out from a crowd.

It didnt make any logical sense for it to happen, but to dismiss the fact and continue living as if it was a dream would only lead him to his actual death in this world. He could only accept this possibility and try to figure out what happened to him in time and maybe think of a way to return to his own world. However, the most amazing thing was that this all flashed through his head seconds after being electrocuted, as if the shock had sped up his mental state, allowing him to evaluate things much faster. Vex Masters now understood where he was and who he was, but it was still quite terrifying, it was still something that was completely new to him.

"Well?" The Professor asked as Vex collapsed on the ground in a heap, his breathing ragged. The Pikachu scurried up to him and bumped its head against his leg, encouraging him to get up. "The shock Pikachu just gave to you should've helped you return to your senses. I'm not sure what made you think this was some kind of dream, maybe some sort of Pokemon move like confusion or something else. My main theory is that you encountered something a Pokemon with immense power didn't want you to see and put you into your previous state." Professor Oak stepped up and helped Vex to his feet, dusting off his clothes for him. "So how do you feel? Any better?"

It was only now that Vex realized just how smart this Professor Oak was. To think that with one of his theories, he was able to accurately guess his exact situation despite having very few details about what had transpired. He made a mental note to watch himself around this man, deciding to keep his transmigration a secret for the time being. He didn't need any unnecessary trouble.

"I'm fine but I don't quite understand where I am or even who I am for that matter," Vex explained, deciding to act like he had lost his memories. "Seems I indeed lost my past memories as well as figured this was a mere dream. I might need some help on gaining some information."

Vex intended to keep going and lay the story on thick but winced as one of his nerves spasmed from the aftereffect of the thundershock, reminding him of what the Professor had just made Pikachu do. Looking over at Pikachu, Vex faintly smiled, which seemed to confuse the Pikachu to some degree but it eventually smiled back. "Pikachu, can I ask you for a favor?" Vex wasn't sure why he was in this world but he decided to list a couple of rules for himself, the first one being to always repay what those did to him, this being either positive or negative.

The Pikachu looked curious as it nodded its head clearly curious as to what this kid could want. "I want you to thundershock the Professor for me, also low voltage." The Pikachu looked over at the Professor before glancing back at Vex.

"Actually, usually Pokemon listen to their owners rather then complete strangers." The Professor explained. "However I was planning on gifting him to....." The Professor was interrupted by a sound that resembled the crinkling of paper. He looked over at Pikachu just as it released a flash of yellow light which surrounded the entire body of Professor Oak. His hair stood up on end and his eyes opened wide, clearly 'shocked' that this was happening to him. Vex was certain that it was 'electrifying' experience for him and that he would be 'stunned' beyond belief when it stopped.

The electricity only lasted about five seconds before the yellow aura around him vanished and he slumped to the ground clearly out of breath. Vex walked up to him and attempted to help him up, but the Professor stood up on his own and dusted himself off. He didn't seem to mind being hit by the lightning bolt as much as Vex thought he would, instead the Professor walked through the door and out the room. Vex knelt down and held out his hand.

"High Five little buddy, I appreciate your help with that favor, it felt really good." The Pikachu was confused at first until he seemed to finally understand, touching his own hand to Vex's. He smiled at him, and the Pikachu smiled back clearly enjoying the attention. This was when the Professor came back in the room with carrying a backpack and a single pokeball.

The Professor didn't seem too surprised that Vex was interacting with Pikachu to such a degree, in fact he even seemed to be expecting it. The Professor walked past Vex and stopped by the computer, typing something into it before asking Vex a serious question. "Vex Masters, how would you like to be a Pokemon Trainer? Of course I'll happily explain everything you need to know. Some things however you'll have to figure out on your own. Experience and failure is the best learning tool. Furthermore, being a trainer may jog some of those supposedly lost memories."

Before Vex could even ask what a Pokemon Trainer was, the Professor launched into an all out speech that explained, in detail, what a Pokemon Trainer did, what they wear, how they shit, basically anything Vex could've figured out just from the name 'Pokemon Trainer' was explained to him without leaving out a single thing. He even went on to explain things such as types and abilities of Pokemon. After a solid two hours though, the Professor finally seemed to realize how boring the speech sounded and cleared his throat.

"Anyways, in summary, a Pokemon Trainer goes out and catches Pokemon, goes on adventures and battles others in an attempt to grow and learn more about both themselves and the world that surrounds them." Professor Oak finished up his summary before tossing Vex both the pokeball and the backpack full of stuff. "This growth may be what you need to gain insights about your past and figure out what you truly want to do with your life."

"How old are you by the way? 14 I'm assuming? Because you have to be at least 14 to receive a starter Pokemon and begin travelling. Someone tried to make the age ten years old but that was ridiculous." Professor Oak began typing Vex's age into the computer once he had confirmed it. "A bunch of mere 10 year olds wandering around with potentially dangerous creatures? Not a chance, doesn't make any sense."

Vex silently agreed, though he thought 14 was still too low, before he began inspecting the inside of the bag. Though it had seemed rather small on the outside, it actually was quite spacious, holding various items needed for survival such as a water canteen, 5 days worth of food, a rope, etcetera, etcetera. Vex was now aware of how much one needed to prepare for travelling through the wilderness. Then there was the pokeball that the Professor had tossed to him, one that looked ordinary just like the rest.

"That pokeball belongs to Pikachu, I'm giving him to you, I ask you to treat him well on your journey. Also, I packed squirtle in the bag as well, purely because I expect big things from you in the future. Not many can establish such a connection with a Pokemon as fast as you did. Now unfortunately I have to ask you to leave as I have kids coming over frim Pallet town to collect their starter Pokemon. I'm going to create an ID for you and transfer it to your Pokedex, it should be updated before you even leave Pallet Town." The Professor explained it all to him as he ushered Vex and Pikachu out of the building and out into the wide world. "By the way, if you head directly North from here you'll reach a town called Viridian city, you should head to that area first as its a great first stop for those just starting out. You'll also run into my protege, Professor Baobab who will gladly let you study up on whatever you need. I'll go and send him a message now." With those parting words, the Professor closed the door behind him and walked back to his computer leaving Vex and Pikachu standing outside the building with nothing except a backpack and a pokeball.

"Is it me or did he just rush us to leave? You think he might be trying to get rid of us just because he missed his homosexual porno?" Vex asked the Pikachu though he didnt seem to understand the question since he stared at him blankly. Vex shook his head as he looked out at the Pride Lands, well actually the view from the top of the hill, but he still thought it was funny to quote the Lion King. He missed his own world and the lazy days he spent slacking off in class but since this was his new home for the time being, he figured he might as well try to have a little fun.

"He said to the north but he never said which direction was north." Vex was confused about this until Pikachu ran up to his shoulder and pointed in a direction that he assumed to be north. "Okay, if you say that's the way, then we'll head that way." Vex pressed the button on the pokeball twice and, to his surprise, it actually shrank. It seemed that the balls were capable of shrinking and expanding, and Vex laughed at the thought of how dirty it sounded in his head.

"Okay Pikachu then lets get going," Vex took off at a run down the path, ready to start his journey in a new world even though he still had various fears and doubts. He wasn't about to let any of that stop him though, he was going to be a Pokemon Trainer, and he planned to do it as best he could even if he wasn't entirely clear what it meant; he needed something to clear his head and drive away the anxiety and stress. He wasn't aiming for the top, wasn't aiming to be number one, just aiming to do his best in living in this new world. Maybe there was a way to get back home and this journey would be a key to finding it.

The path at the base of the hill split into three directions, one leading towards the houses the purple rat had ran towards, the other two pointed in opposite directions from each other leading into forests with trees that were spread out from each other. Vex decided to head in the direction that Pikachu had pointed out, opting to trust the mouse instead of going with his own sense of direction.

Vex began a very long walk through the light forest of trees, making his way forward at a brisk pace. It was about two hours in when he ran into his first Pokemon, though he was pretty sure it was a simple bird. The Pokemon in question was brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of its head was a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers were brown and the outer two tufts were cream-colored. Just under its crest were narrow, brown eyes. Angular black marking extended from behind its eyes down its cheeks. It possessed a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. Both its beak and feet were colored a grayish-pink and it had a short, brown tail made of three feathers. In total, it was a rather weird looking bird.

Vex held up the Pokedex and pointed it at the bird Pokemon that was a few feet away, the Pikachu scurrying down from his shoulder.


Pidgey- The Tiny Bird Pokemon

Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction and homing instincts. It can locate its nest even when far removed from familiar surroundings. It is a docile Pokémon, and generally prefers to flee from its enemies rather than fight them. By flapping its wings rapidly, it can whip up dust clouds and create whirlwinds to protect itself and flush out potential prey.


The Pokedex was actually very helpful when it came down to it and even had a automated voice that read out a description for him on the Pokemon he pointed it at, very helpful for the situation. Vex wanted to see what it's skill set was, but he figured he should capture it for the time being.

"It can create whirlwinds by flapping its wings? That's pretty cool. Well.... I guess we should try catching it, Pikachu, care to help me out?" Vex turned around to look for Pikachu but didn't see him. He looked around until he finally spotted him up in a tree attempting to grab an apple.

"I guess you're hungry? Then I can use Leonardo instead." Vex slipped off his backpack and began sifting through it, trying to locate the pokeball of his new Pokemon squirtle. After a few seconds, Vex found it but decided against it, placing the ball back into the back. He didn't want to use squirtle as of yet, wanting instead to get used to Pikachu first and foremost.

After zipping the bag back up, Vex looked up at Pikachu, who was still trying to grab the apple. Vex, grinning to himself, had a sudden urge to mess with him and decisively picked up a nearby rock, one about the size of his fist. "Hey Pikachu, catch!!" He then chucked the rock as hard as he could, aiming for a spot beside the yellow mouse.

The Pikachu, with astoundingly sharp reflexes, looked towards Vex, saw the rock and dodged it as it zoomed by and far out of sight. The Pikachu glared at him for over a minute while Vex laughed for a good while. At least until a loud screech filled the air, followed by dozens more of the same sound as it echoed throughout the entire surrounding area. Pikachu seemed to realize what the sound was and bounded out of the tree. Vex was still at a loss however as he looked towards where the sound was coming from and saw dozens of birds heading towards him although he didnt recognize them as the Pokemon he had been about to catch.

"Well, whatever they are, there sure are a lot of them." Vex stared at them as they approached their area. The one in the front leading the rest of them was bigger then the rest with hawk like eyes, a furious gaze that locked onto him, and a bump on its head from the rock he had thrown. "Pikachu, should we fight or run?" He turned to ask Pikachu but saw that he was already running away. "Gee thanks for the help!!" He shouted as he took off after it, attempting to outrun the pissed off birds.

It was clear that they were faster than them, gaining on them inch by inch at a rapid speed. For mere birds, they seemed to have quite the temper but Vex had to remind himself that in this world the animals were a step above the ones in his own world. The only option for him was to speed up and hope he could escape somehow. However, no matter what he and Pikachu did to try and shake them be it darting through trees or juking to the left and right, they not only kept up with them but also gained their ground.

It seemed that they were about to catch up when up ahead a waterfall appeared, one that lead into a river, a last line of hope that Vex planned to take. He put on a burst of speed and grabbed Pikachu in his arms before jumping off the waterfall into the safety of the river below.

AlphaGuardian AlphaGuardian

Join the discussion other on my discord and have some fun. Answering questions any tome of the day........except when I'm sleepin


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