56.37% Futanari System / Chapter 146: New Moves

บท 146: New Moves

I finished all the contracts that needed to be done. I was happy that I finished, but I was much more pleased to begin the new training regime that I thought of. There wasn't going to be much time before the war or when I would be ordered back to the Beast-kin Nation. The rumors in the Embassy must have been going crazy by now as I stopped taking new orders when I came back and told Alexia that the towers that I had signed contracts with could collect their potions. However, what fueled it was that I was rejecting any more orders.

That lent credit to all the rumors, and I knew it would once I completed the orders. Those were hard potions and many life-threatening if done improperly. It was one of the main reasons. Alchemists were so rare and protected. It was another reason we Bunny-kin were so happy to have a Master Alchemist was the depth of knowledge that it allowed our nation. It was another reason why most countries had such a shortage of high-level potions since potioneering was so deadly in this world. Only low-level potions were common, and that was because no nation wanted those to be in short supply. Plus, none of them are deadly if you fail.

The chance to die, though, from the potions among the high-ranking members of nations. But the biggest problem was the wealth of knowledge, and still, regardless of how high ranking you were, how deadly those potions could be. That also made the reason why I could fetch such a high price for the contracts of such a small amount of potions. For the last couple of weeks, where I completed those potions, I had played with a knife's edge. If I made one mistake for some of those potions, I would be a dead woman regardless of how powerful I am.

It was also why my brother Anthony could make such a contender for the throne of Silvermoon tower. Alchemists had a lot of respect and so much power under their names. However, the only problem for him was how much better I was than him in both Wizardry and Alchemy. That with my mother being obsessed with me over him meant that I had got the Heir title. I wasn't sure how that worked, and I knew that it had something to do with the change in my race the system gave me when I was a baby.

I sighed as I moved through the embassy, ignoring some of the pressing duties that many wanted me to do. It was only the Medusa's Wizards tower that was most in line with the representatives, though. I wanted them to understand, though, that due to their races use trying to destroy the free trade agreement with those damned fishing rights that they were trying to push that I wasn't happy with them. The fact that I wouldn't take the contract even if it was Mira and the Illusion tower asking.

I told Yuri to tell them that I wouldn't be accepting a Contract from them since I had closed the business for the foreseeable future due to lack of time. The fact I didn't tell them, though, was still a blatant snub to the medusa race. I was annoyed with them, and I better things to be doing than telling them no.

The next ambassador will inherit the problem, and I knew that wasn't a good thing. The problem was that it seemed that both the Venomancers and the Medusas hated us for some reason. They wanted something from me, and I did make some potions for them, but the representatives disliked me, and the Fishing rights were a way to snub me. They learned that I was not too fond of it early, but they continued down that path, and their enthusiasm only increased as I made that known. With what happened in the auction, I knew that something happened in the past that made them pissed off at me.

All of this led me to hate the gutted spy ring that I was supposed to have here in the demon lands. The size and reach that spy ring should have in the capital and the entire nation still made me feel as if I was blind and dumb.

I shook my head as I cut off my thoughts on it. The political situation should be away from me soon, and there was a reason why I snubbed the bitches that came to see me. I made it to the training area with Florine smiling as I reached the door.

"I didn't expect you to come for a rematch so quickly," Florine said, and I shook my head.

Florine raised her eyebrows as I shook my head, and I replied, "I need a sparring partner since I have come to a realization, and I need someone who can protect themselves while challenging me." I took a breath and smiled, "I also need someone who can tell me if my choice of spells was stupid in the combos that I come up with," I told her with a serious expression.

"Combos?" Florine asked.

"I plan on creating a new style of fighting," I stated flatly, making her raise her eyebrows. "I want one that I can take into combat while keeping as a generalized Wizard. I plan to make a fighting style with both fists and Wizardry working in concert, and I need a close combat ranker to help me with that. Are you interested in helping out?" I asked.

Florine looked surprised at what I had just said, but I could see her mind moving as she began to smile. "That is a fantastic idea, although I think a close combat wizard is an oxymoron. With you being a Void Generalist, Wizard might make it possible. Plus," Florine smiled as she continued, "It sounds interesting, and I don't mind since it is you who asked."

I smiled back, and I moved forward quickly, and I pecked her lips. "That is just what I was hoping to hear," I told her happily but promptly turned serious. "I do want to start now, though. I wonder if we have a smaller area to train in to start off, though." I looked at her with a question.

Florine shook her head with amusement, "Yes, I do, and it is my training room saved for the Head guard to Train. With it being typically a B rankers position and with so many wizards in the Bunny-kin's ranks, they have fitted to give me a Private training room. There should be one for you, too, though." Florine frowned as she thought of that, and I raised my eyebrows.

"I didn't know that, to be honest," I said honestly, and as I thought about it, it would make sense. "I think I should ask Yuri or Alexia," I said with a wry smile. "I never asked about it, so I didn't think about it. That idiot Ralph was supposed to show me around, but that never happened." I finished lamenting with a shake of my head. "That will be later, though. For now, let us play it out in your training area."

"This way," Florine said before turning to walk into a wing of the Embassy I hadn't been to yet. She then turned her head to look at me, "Although I do hope to have some fun after sparring a bit?" Florine blushed as her tone made it a question, and I stepped up faster behind her and grabbed her ass a little in a way so that no one else could see.

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Of course, we can fight on the bed afterward. Did you think I would let an ass like this off after sparring?" I asked her, "I am sure that we will have fun afterward, or I will make the time for us to enjoy each other's company." I finished with a grin, and Florine's blush deepened, and I felt her ass start to move faster down the wing. Then stopped at the door with some visible enchantments, and Florine opened it.

I entered, and I could see the enchantments in the room as I looked around. They were all fantastic, and I could see some of my restoration gold on the embassy in this room. I didn't remember which piece of paper I signed off on allowing it, but I knew that I put a good amount of gold into revitalizing the training areas of the Embassy as most were on the ground floor and in the foundations of them.

Though, Florine moved her ass out of my excellent grip and turned to me after moving to the center of the small room. "You have paid to repair a lot of the degradation of the enchantments in the room. So I am happy to see you use it, but I look forward to what you have in mind and hopefully get your money's worth out of them soon." Florine said with a grin. "Let us start soon. No need to waste time," Florine said with a smile, and I could feel the want behind it.

"Good, Now please, be Careful; I want an ass to play with after this," I told her with a grin, and I launched myself at her. Without rifting and Florine pulled out her knives from seemingly nowhere. My fist was covered in ice as I landed them against the daggers, and I pushed against her weapons. Florine looked surprised at my initial attack, but she moved quickly. I jumped back as she freed one speedily and tried to use the other dagger to drive my fist that was blocking her daggers. My jumping back created just enough distance between us to dodge her dagger as I crouched and struck out with my leg in a sweeping motion.

Florine jumped, and my mana whirled, and Florine realized the mistake she made as my mana moved as I used one of the combos that I thought of using while making the potion, and her daggers barely got there in time to block a fireball. The slap of fire, though, put her off balance, and I followed it up with a strong punch as I leaped up. My fist connected into her right shoulder as Florine barely dodged my strike meant for her jaw.

Florine flipped after my hit, and I saw the surprise in her expression from the simple combo. "Interesting," Florine said, and I could see her smile as I stood up. "I underestimated what you came up with. Although," Her smile turned vicious, "You better do better than that if you want to put me down today." Her smile told me that I had her respect, and we jumped at each other.

My strike came at her as I dodged a dagger she sent at my kidney. There was no backing off, and my strike missed, but the mana missile punched her in the same shoulder. She grunted as the missile collided with her shoulder. I saw Florine's eyes narrow as she realized the simplicity of the move and how effective it could be. I shot out a fist, and she dodged it as if I was a close-range specialist. The problem was that the move drastically changed the range of that simple fist.

I moved mana through me and my legs kicked out while she was off-center, and a spike of Ice shot up from the ground as she dodged back, creating distance. I frowned as I realized that Florine had already guessed my intentions with the simple close kick. "I see; you are adding spells to hit where you believe I intend to go. You are using your body to create hits." Florine said, her voice flat.

"My physical hits do matter," I told her bluntly.

"I know," Florine said, and suddenly she was in front of me in a spurt of movement, and I felt a fist in the pit of my stomach, "But so do mine!" She told me with a grin as I crunched slightly into it. Then she leaned to whisper into my ear, "Now, I am going to tell you the truth. You need to increase your game, and it is good you came to me. Your moves are slow and too easy to read. But then again," I could feel her grin as she continued, "The bruises are what helps teach you the issues with your moves."

Florine stepped back, and I coughed as I tried to breathe again. I stiffened my spine again, and I grinned. "Good," I told her, and I remembered the instructor back in my previous life saying something close to the same thing. "The bruises and cuts will be for the best in the end. Don't go easy on me. That would be the worst thing you can do." I told her honestly, and I jumped forward, attacking her, and my fist missed as I used another Ice spear to come from behind, only for my world to spin as she moved through me instead of dodging.

This was going to be more challenging than I thought. I smiled and got back up, and I tried something else and ended up on my back. Florine was ruthless with me, and I never stopped trying. Time and time again, though, I was countered easily and put down to the floor sorer than before.

Soon I was in a heap and sweat-drenched my body. Very few of my ideas throughout today actually worked. It was the trial and error point, and all of them required different spells to go along with each movement Florine tried to make. It was a harsh lesson in how strong and hard I was trying to accomplish.

"That's it for today," I huffed as my sore breasts as she recently hit me right in the boob when in my last attempt to hit her with a rift suddenly coming from above her at her shoulder with omnidirectional spikes of earth and ice to mix it up. Florine whistled, and her hand dropped the dagger, then began to show me my lousy execution as I was too slow to get it off.

She left me in a heap of pain and on the floor. I could continue, but I needed to heal, and I wanted to reward Florine a little. I grinned as I huffed, "Yeah, that is it," I told her again, and Florine chuckled.

"Good, Some of those moves you tried are dangerous. You need to be careful with them in a spar that omnidirectional spike came a little late, allowing me to dodge, but I think you should add it into something less conspicuous." Florine commented as she moved to overtop me, and I noticed that she was naked. She leaned down, and I felt a hand on Doorknocker as she continued without thought to the small barrier that was my loincloth. "The fighting style is in rough shape and not ready for battle though, Chelsea," Florine said solidly, "Trying with this will get you killed. The fact that you reach B rank without finding a style that is your own to fight with amazes me."

I winced without pain as her hand started to stroke Doorknocker into an erection. I felt the pleasure, but the last sentence that she said was true. I never had a Style of fighting ever. I played it by the seat of my pants, and when I was just starting, I almost got killed by weaklings that should have been killed with practically just a thought.

"That isn't all, though. Your mana pool for a wizard is amazing. I have never seen a wizard in a spar last as much with as many mana intensive spells as you use." Florine said, "And you don't use that to your advantage." Florine said as she now laid beside me, her head on my bruised abs as she looked at Doorknocker get larger in her hands. "I think you need to add more intensive spells into your fighting style. You are not an imp with a naturally lower mana pool. You have a large intense mana pool that you can waste mana as you fight." Florine said, and I felt her lips as she tilted her head to kiss my stomach. "You have advantages that you can use as well as using the mana in your body to fuel your hand-to-hand combat. I feel like you are not using everything you have together to make a style that fits you." Florine said, and her tone made it sound like it was all she wanted to say.

I sighed, and I nodded, although I knew that she didn't see that. But I smiled as I enjoyed today, even if I was beaten over and over again without Florine even needing to use her daggers. I felt her lips on Doorknocker, and thoughts of fighting flew out of my head as I grinned. "Thank you," I told her honestly, and I let out a giant huff of air that I didn't notice I was holding while I thought.

"No worries, Although I do want my reward," Florine said, and I felt her lips greet Doorknocker on the head, letting her know her want for me. I pulled Florine by her hair to look up at me, and she saw my smile. I leaned down as she moved, and our lips met.

"Reward?" I asked as our lips broke, "I think you mean punishment for throwing me all over the gym. I moved, and Florine allowed herself to be pinned. Doorknocker pushed against her stomach as I fought the pain I felt from moving so suddenly before moving my hips to pierce her. Doorknocker entered her harshly and quickly, and Florine moaned, and I didn't stop.

The pain wouldn't stop me until I made her submit tonight. I kissed her as I knocked on her wombs door, and I felt her already opening the door for me. Doorknocker made himself at home, and my hips thrust into her repeatedly as Florine moaned at my repeated entrance.

It was a productive day; I thought with a smile as Florine moaned under me as slaps of our hips resounded in the Training room.

Madjic Madjic

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.

I would love to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, Haarderade, MadRat, Florian, SoundsMad, Mael, Alfurence, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, Joris Zono, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, Ritsu 229, JustMo, Ryu, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Minos Akuma, ShadowReader, K. Kordrich, Thanatos, BIGSHOTSWAG, L. Cole, Prodical211, Hydra587, maniac_Ian, W. Bolsvert, Sheperd, Nitrogue97, DeivinetGamer9, Belkoth, JTOKING, xedex, Johndoe, M. Butlar, Tiffy Tang, Sweg, Julie C., Neptune, JustMo, Yuuki, H., R. Boyle, KillerWulfe, J. Paul, J, Durmey, EZ Gipten, Tnarb, D. Jones, BlindTatic, K. Fang, T. Baker, C. Kramer, Qwan, Sentinel, S. Tadaewsky, Jack, A. Neal, Kuroko, Playtmage, Alukard, Dannyzee123, H. Dehesdin, D. Rachal, Jonny, Ayth, Archthrene, D. Austin, The Theoritizer, EXORAVANT, Von, Kovaton, Gapir58, Loke, Chris, Ryuu Sakuri, Chad Ray, RedDroid X, Caid, MaraH87, Za'afiel, a.r. ortega, J.N. Seib, Pog Boy,

J. Kodýtek, J. turpin, C. Panagis, Alex for supporting me on *******.

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