Ed spent the rest of the day coming up with new ways to rig up the goblins. He would return the successfully modified warriors back to Prild and the tribe where they would be welcomed and receive high praise and respect.
They would then drown in this praise while a new comrade appeared. Ed didn't like this cycle, however, so he advised them to train themselves up just like Pipsqueak. As Pip was an outsider, it was treated with respect befitting of the first sculpted of god, but the indifference of a passerby.
Truthfully, Pipsqueak was more like a statue to be admired. He was different, in color, place, and mind. He was simply too different to be treated as one of their own at the first meeting.
I did start writing this one earlier but somehow I was rather tired so I wasn't able to write fast enough.
Anyway, thanks all of you leaving comments and suggestions. I do seriously consider the feedback so I think I might end up cutting the status window into Attributes and skills. There will be things like name and type that will be universal but otherwise I think only showing what is relevant is best.
I was already trying just to use the status less but It's pretty hard to balance that when you have like 4 windows constantly changing. So I'll still try to include some full status windows all the same just once per body switch or something if that makes sense.
Finally, thanks for reading~