73.07% To be a Demon God in Marvel / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The Ancient One

บท 18: Chapter 18: The Ancient One

So I recalculated the Stats. This is the results: (I thought I had major flaws, but they weren't much J )

Strength: 2 (Starting Point) + 50 (Demonic Heritage) + 10 Ascended (low) + 2 (training Ch8) + 2 (training Ch9) + 4 (Training Ch10) + 9 (Training Ch11) = 79

Vitality: 1 (Starting Point) + 50 (Demonic Heritage) + 10 Ascended (low) + 2 (training Ch8) + 3 (training Ch9) – 1 (Deal with the Devil Ch9) + 3 (Training –Deals Ch10) – 1 (Ch10 Neville's grandfather deal) + 8 (+Training –Deals Ch11) = 75

Dexterity: 5 (Starting Point) + 50 (Demonic Heritage) +10 Ascended (low) + 1(training Ch8) + 1 (training Ch9) + 3 (Training Ch10) + 10 (Ch11 Training) = 75

Intelligence: 2 (Starting Point) + 50 (Divinity of Mind) +10 Ascended (low) + 1 (training Ch9) + 4 (Training Ch10) + 7 (Ch11 training) + 10 (For conquering Hogwarts library) + 10 (Salazar's library) = 94

Wisdom: 1 (Starting Point) + 50 (Divinity of Knowledge) +10 Ascended (low) + 1 (planning Ch2) + 2 (Training Ch10) + 11 (Ch11 Training) + 10 (For conquering Hogwarts library) + 10 (Salazar's library) = 95

Magic: 0 (Starting Point) + 50 (Divinity of Magic) +10 Ascended (low) + 1 (training Ch9) + 5 (Training Ch10) + 18 (Ch11 each mastery in magic gave him 3) + 8 (Ch 11 Training) + 3 (Mastery Ch12) + 15 (Ch12 Mission Accomplished) + 10 (For conquering Hogwarts library) = 120

Luck: 5 (Starting Point) + 10 Ascended (low) + 1 (Ch11 training?) = 16

And for the timeline

Upcoming events:

Jun 22, 1943: Steve Rogers is successfully transformed through the use of the super-soldier (Already happened)

(So the chapter 13-16 was around that time, and chapter 17 was four months after that, in Oct 1943)

Nov 3, 1943: Captain America leads an assault on a HYDRA facility in Austria

Nov 25, 1943: The Bluefin came under attack by a German destroyer (Containing a fragment of the Ark of the Covenant)

Now the chapter

Chapter 18: The Ancient One

"It seems that I've been wrong about you Mr. Green"

I looked back and saw a person in white monk clothes. She pulled back her hood and I could see her signature bald head.

"I've also been waiting to see you Ancient One."

I was scared. If she wanted to fight me, I didn't know if I could survive the fight. Centuries worth of wisdom and knowledge that she carried with her was showing from her piercing eyes.

"You did?" She smiled, but it was terrifying.

"I know you are a protector of earth, and with my rising power, it would've been unlikely for you not to check for a threat. Don't you give like the 3 warnings or anything?"

She said "I did, and you didn't look like a threat Mr. Green, not until today. I thought the casual sacrifices were enough for you, to feed your demonic powers. Those sacrifices do not cause imbalance, but this does."

'Should I use my future knowledge to convince her to let me be?'

"As you might know, the future doesn't look so peaceful for earth and humanity. We, people who have power, shouldn't we do anything? This war with Germany, if I think that for the sake of humanity I need to help a side of war, and maybe I gain something from the side and maybe I don't, but shouldn't I decide to help?"

'The thing was that I knew she saw the future where Germany lost the fight, and the world was going toward that. So even though I made lots of changes in the world, I don't think the timeline of anything changed, a timeline that supposed to happen. And also, if Rick & Morty taught us anything, it was that a world where Germany wins the fight is scary.'

She said: "Even if your intentions were pure, how much did you help with this fight? Maybe there were people in that camp that were US citizens or British citizens that were spying on them."

'It's not like I could justify my killings anyway, it was just a shot in the dark.'

I said: "How about this? We won't fight, and you won't kill me or seal me or anything. And we can find a reasonable deal here."

She was amused. "Oh? So what can you give me that I can't get on my own?"

"I … I can work for you as a librarian, I am god of knowledge and mind, you can't get a better librarian than me, and I can even protect the sanctums for you. I know Dormammu and other beings are after destroying the sanctums, and I can see the destruction of all of them in the hand of one of your students. I'll also try not to kill people … a lot. This killing was a one-time thing." I even tried to use the puppy eyes. I couldn't risk anything so I had to use all my hidden cards.

She smiled again and said "We were actually lacking staff members, and I never intended to fight you. This was your interview for the job. It's actually convenient to have a deity of knowledge, mind and magic as a librarian."

I was surprised. I looked at her blankly. 'Seriously?' "Seriously?"


'Oh shot up system'

"Seriously." She said. "You know where Kamar-Taj is, come before the end of the week. I don't know how much you know about me as you are a deity and have power over knowledge, but I've seen your past and future and hope you didn't fool me, that's the reason I'm not destroying you now."

She opened a portal for herself, she was leaving just like that! She stepped in the portal and looked back at me, "And remember that I won't kill you as it is a quality of nature to be life giving and destructive, but if you push your darker powers by killing masses of people, I'll put you down. This is the warning that you wanted."

The portal closed. I was scared. That woman does not mess around, she was darker than what was shown on MCU! I could understand her logic. She doesn't destroy small evils because that is a part of the cycle.

'Maybe she gives second chances to people, because that's what she wants for herself. She feels she sinned by forming the connection she has with Dormammu. Dumbledore is also the same.'

'Daaaaaaaamn, I should try to become a shrink if this librarian gig doesn't work out'

I laugh inside a little and look at the souls that I gained. It was more than I wanted.

I gained 1035 souls, which was actually pretty easy. If I didn't alert any powerful entities, I would've tried it a couple more times at least.

I was on level 15 (10/220) and with 1035 it went on level 18 (145/500) and I got the stat I needed to shop.

I found Howard with the mark I left on him and teleported there.

Howard was in his laboratory and was working on the design of an energy weapon.




"Jesus! Why are you popping out of nowhere? The house is not ready yet." He got scared.

"I need to go there. Don't worry about it. Give me the address."

"I found the best place for you in Greenville, builders are still at work but I think they'll finish everything in 3 more months."

"I don't need that place finished anymore. Pay the builders and start with the books. Bring them there in 2-3 days. Now give me a detailed address"

He was surprised that I said it was ok for the mansion to be half done, but he didn't ask any questions. He just gave me the address and I teleported there.

The mansion was really big! It could be compared to castles and big university buildings! And it was surrounded by jungle. The main structure and the walls were complete but it was just it.

First I bought the "Main Domain Creator" and "Yggdrasil's Seed", I used my hand to cast a spell to move all of the construction equipment away from the building.

[Main Domain Creator is bought. Choose a 1km x 1km land to create your own realm.]

[Yggdrasil's Seed is bought. Choose a 10m x 10m land to plant the seed in your realm.]

(When I say domain, it means realm, and a place where he is the owner and has the control of everything. When I say domain of power, or authority that means a part of his power that can control a law or a concept.)

I chose the land and used the "Main Domain Creator", it contain a part of a jungle, a small hill and my half built mansion.

[Main Domain Creator is starting.]

[Processing …]

[Processing …]

[Processing …]

I could feel the change in the air and in the land. It felt like a connection was forming, which made me feel the air and the land differently.

[Congratulations! Your main domain is created!

Main domain is your realm. It is not earth, but a realm so close to earth that there is a physical gateway were anyone can walk inside (And of course you can close it.)

Main Domain [Level 5] (It grows by the power of your divinities (2knowledge+2magic+1mind))


1. Complete control (as long as you have enough mana, you can do whatever you want here)

2. Stat boost (When you are here you gain +200 stats (It can be changed as your realm gets stronger))

3. Realm consciousness (You can order your realm to do things you want, when you are not around)

4. Omniscient (You can always feel the things that are inside your main realm and connected realms)

5. Divinity generator (+1 divinity per year) [+I had 0.1 knowledge divinity per year from Hogwarts] this amount can change as your realm gets stronger.

6. Realm invasion. (Power to attack and absorb other realms for your own)

These effects can change based on the power of your realm and your divinity (High level divinities can change the realm)]

I gain the stat boost, and suddenly I felt a surge of power in my body and a clearness to my mind. I felt I could do anything that I want! Maybe if I put my mind into it I could create new life forms!

I moved my hand and the building changed in form, it got bigger and became like an elven castle. Everything was shiny in white, silver and gold. And many flowers that were always blooming. Five giant towers on the five side of my now mansion turned castle, and in the middle there was a giant garden.

I walked inside the castle and was happy with my creation. Most of the halls and rooms had shelves covering them.

I reached the garden. If I was asked to picture heaven in my last life I would've described this place. Different kind of bloomed flowers and the trees made a calm and happy environment. Three small streams made a calming sound of running water. I even stole some of the animals from the nearby jungle to make this garden feel alive. Maybe I should get some servants to stay in my domain. Dryads maybe? They could make it feel livelier. Well it wasn't much of a garden, more like a small jungle in the middle of my palace. I used some space magic with my knowledge and my power inside my domain to increase the size of my domain.

I walked to the middle of my garden and found the place that I didn't use my magic to grow any trees in.

I chose to use the "Yggdrasil's Seed" on the ground.

[Plantation of Yggdrasil's Seed is starting.]

[Processing …]

[Processing …]

[Processing …]

I looked at the ground in front of me and saw the middle part which turned into a green ball of light. And the light went out, and the ground was the same.

[Congratulations! Your Yggdrasil Seed is planted!]

[30s to the first bloom]

[29s to the first bloom]

[28s …]

After it went to zero I could see the ground moved and it came out of it and was growing in an incredible pace.

In 3 minutes it grew until it was as tall as me.

[Yggdrasil (Divine):

A plant that creates and destroys worlds, and if you are lucky and willing to lose an eye or two, some divinities.


1. Divinity generator (+2 divinity per year) [When Yggdrasil grows, it can generate more divinities]

2. Realm empowerment (it empowers the structure of the realm so outside attacks could not destroy the realm or force the owner out of it.)

3. Stat boost (When you are in your domain you gain +100 stats)

4. Divine Arts (Yggdrasil granted you the Art of Controlling the divinity.) [Yggdrasil has the natural power to control it and it gave you some instructions, system turned it into a skill]

5. Realm enhancement (Each year it helps your realm to grow bigger and stronger)[Not on earth, but in its own realm] (On earth it's just 1kmx1km, his realm by using the space magic has something like 3kmx3km, and each year it gets something like 10kmx10km on his realm at least. on earth it's still that 1kmx1km)


[New Skill Created!

Divine Arts /Divine/ [Level 1/10]

Let there be light.

This power uses your divinities on pure form of divine.

Level1: Clone creation (You can create max 2 clones containing some parts of your power.) (If any of your clones die, 90% of your powers will be sealed for a year and you will lose a permanent 5% stats.)

Level2: Follower Power System + Prophet Maker

Level3: Power/Buff Granting

Level4: ???]

'Hah, I didn't expect the Divine arts at all, so I can get my followers? I do have some, but let's worry about that in the future.'

Aside from the castle which I called it the Castle of Knowledge, I made a giant tower on top of the hill, called tower of magic, imitating the Saruman tower. I inscribed it with different magical runes so it would be used as a weapon, it could absorb different kinds of energy and turn it into a combination of Evil magic, destructive magic, soul severing magic and magical core destroying magic. Depending on the amount of power it could absorb, the effects varied. It might not be able to kill beings who are ridiculously powerful, but some small thieves could be killed.

I also spent some time making more altars for myself. It was much easier with the stat bonuses. I had to have some handy to improve my followers. I also made some small metallic staves that were filled with runes. I was planning to hand these to hunters around the world as my first gift to them. These staves were vengeful soul killing staves. Well, that's what I'm going to tell them at least. Their function was actually to send those souls to my realm, and my realm would cleanse them and then I would absorb them.

I wasn't sure how to defend from or invade other realms, I had to check Kamar-Taj's library for that matter.

I sent one of my clones to Hogwarts to fill my position as the librarian and also one to work on improving the realm. I used it to make a small house in front of the entrance of my realm so any untrusted visitors or followers would not enter the Castle of Wisdom.

'Should I go to Kamar-Taj right now? Don't they say to wait for 3 days to call when a girl gives you her number?'

'I'll go find some magical items then. And also I should form SMILE as soon as possible. Maybe talk to Tom about all this godly stuff. I told him about some of my powers, but I didn't tell him that I am a demon god. Probably in 30-40 years, all these preparations bear fruit.'

My first plans were to:

1. Gain more knowledge (Magical and Muggle)

2. Get the SMILE up and running.

3. Contact the hunters and start making safe houses for them and new items so they could hunt better, I needed their trust.

4. Gain more power in Wizarding world.

5. Start gathering mystical items so I could gain more powers and maybe new divinities.

'Too much work' *Sad smiley face* 'I need to find capable people other than Tom and Howard.'

Name: Michael Green (Level 18) (AKA: Grin)

Titles: Magician, Annihilator

Race: Demon God

Lifespan: 250 Earth Years

Tier: Ascended (low)

Free Stat Points: 8

Str: 79

Vit: 75

Dex: 75

Int: 94

Wis: 95

Mgc: 120

LUC: 16


Divinity – Mind [Level 1/?] (0/3)

Divinity – Knowledge [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity – Magic [Level 2/?] (0/5)

Divinity Domain – Souls (Under Magic Divinity) [Mastery of Domain 12%] ***

Demonic - Knight of Hell [Level 1/5]

System [Level 15/?]

Shop (Temporary, closes after 24 hours)

Long-Runner [Max]

Gamers Body [Max]

New system skills and magical skills

Godly Magic – Divine Arts /Divine/ [Level 1/10] ***

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C18
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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