Elise appeared in the sitting room after the door was opened by the maids, she entered to see the three Church members sitting across the couch where Ian had taken a seat. With one glance, she could tell who was who as she had seen and known them before. The oldest man was Kyle, followed by the one who sat in the middle Oliver, and the last was the person who had come to the conversation she shared with Ian before in the dining room, Dalton Lone.
To this day, Elise still could y shake the feeling inside her that tell her she had heard Dalton Lone's name before but can't get a clear picture of when and where she had heard the name.
Ian raised his hand and Elise, who made way to sit toward him instinctively reached out her hand and placed it on his. They took seat with hands holding each other. Cynthia came after and Elise was surprised as she didn't know Cynthia was in the house. The woman return her smile cheerfully when she smiled at her.