Elise had gotten close to the vicinity of the forest when she saw a fast silhouette running in the forest. Accompanying the shadow, a child's giggled sounded from deep of the forest. It was the same voice that she saw when she was about to leave the forest with Ian. Taking a step down to the forest, Elise called. "Is there anyone there?" After her question, the cherry giggles died down.
"Hello?" Elise Called again for a confirmation but for a full minute no one replied to her. Thinking that perhaps she wasn't too close, she stepped deeper to the forest. Her feet that stomped over the old branches made a crisp voice. "Hello?" She called again. "If there is anyone there, please reply to me. I'm not a bad person." She cooed gently. If the shadow that had been running in the forest was a child then, he must had quited down out of fear, she thought. And soon enough a small voice meekly asked. "Will you not hurt me?"