เขียนรีวิวDear Webnovel - The best thing you can do to yourselves is to sign the contract for this novel and get it translated. Seriously this book is really good and gets better later on, I'm sure theres at least one of you who have read this to the latest chapter in mandarin.
This is really interesting and fun to read, very different from what I thought it would be. I really want to read more of the story so I hope this gets selected!
Okay, I rarely do reviews on novels but this novel is one of the best if not the best novels I read. The MC is not a braindead trash and deals with his situations in a logical way! Finally someone who has freed this site/app from the most cliche genre of braindead trash MC!
Gotta say, this is a very rational and logical version of a vampirism. Warning, if you’re looking for really magical and supernatural vampires, this is probably NOT your ticket. It’s a very logical and reasonable outlook of the vampire change. The MC takes step by step investigation into his status. Makes for good read too. If you’ve read Bill the Vampire or Fat Vampire or even heard of the Demon Accords, you may like this. It’ has the right blend of action/drama/mystery/and maybe, just maybe, some romance? Give it a read. You should. It’s good.
nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
This story is fairly interesting at first. It certainly shows the MC investigating the implications of being a vampire with a very thorough experimental approach. That being said: The MC is BALD—i mean, like a que ball. This doesn't disturb his anywhere nearly as much as it should. He cannot eat. He cannot drink anything but water or blood—not even sugary drinks like colas or milk. O come on author! Give the dude a break, at least allow him to drink milk, coffee and soft drinks. He doesn't even particularly ENJOY Blood (or water.) He just NEEDS half-pint of blood every fortnight. He only sleeps once in ever 6 to 7 days. Helle's Belles dudes! In the MC's (God, how I HATE auto correct!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'da meant "Macs" I'da writ "Macs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) place, I would be sharpening a wooden stake to dive on to attempt to Long Journey myself! Can't tell f the MC remains capable of doing the"Dirty Deed"; however, I'd FAR rather give up sex than carbonated beverages. Colas add SO MUCH MORE Satisfaction to existence than lustfull wrongdoings...
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์A minute of silence for another excellent novel buried by the webnovel 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢
why webnovel just why? the best novel in this trail read. f*******************************************************************************ck
This was one of the promising story that I have read, Although the novel have a slow character development it was able to clearly show the MC's characteristics and how he reacts in his situation. It was a waste for it not to be chosen.
Hope somebody picks this up. I hate seeing gems put aside for ones that have no need to be there. 😤😤😤😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Wtf why was this removed it has been only 2 weeks and it has the most votes and everything right after senior brother is to stable and super dragon pet.
So long bald vampire, you will be missed. May another brave translator pick you up and say FUCK YOU QIDIAN🖕. Since i need 140 character to post this, i will give you guys recipe. Sate kelinci Bahan-bahan 500 gr daging kelinci Kecap manis 100 mL air Minyak goreng Garam secukupnya Kaldu bubuk Daun salam 2 ruas Lengkuas (memarkan) 1 ruas jahe (memarkan) Gula merah Bumbu halus: 1 sdt Merica butir 5 siung Bawang merah 3 siung Bawang putih 4 buah Cabe merah 2 buah cabe rawit (sesuai selera) 4 butir Kemiri Bumbu kacang: 1 genggam Kacang tanah goreng 1 siung bawang putih 3 buah cabe rawit sedikit Daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut secukupnya Gula merah Kecap manis Langkah Potong dadu daging kelinci. Sisihkan Tumis bumbu halus sampe harum. Masukan gula merah, daun salam, lengkuas dan jahe. Aduk sebentar sampai layu. Matikan api Masukan daging kedalam bumbu halus yg telah d tumis. Diamkan sekitar 30-45 menit Tusuk2 daging yg telah direndam tadi. Tuang kecap di atas sate. Bakar di atas arang sampai matang sambil dioles bumbu Bumbu kacang: haluskan bawang putih, cabe rawit, gula merah, daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut sedikit, kacang tanah yg telah di goreng. Setelah halus tumis bumbu kacang sampe harum. Matikan api.tambahkan kecap manis Sate siap dihidangkan dg saus kacang ENJOY😘 Just copy-paste this to google translate indonesia->english to understand the recipe.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Oh my goooosshhhh!! This is a must-read, you guys!! I can legit tell you that you will be glued to your mobile device the whole time!!! Many thanks for this masterpiece 💜
I give it a full five star rating , just from the reviews I've seen so far. BUT! I got one question for those who have already read this; is there any sort of romance or harem what so ever? I can't see the tags cuz my phone broke and the device in using is bull and sometimes these don't have a tag to warn me at all so yeah. Yes? No? Maybe so? Plz I don't usually read Male Protagonist novels and this is only the second or third from all nine of my accounts out together, with one account being a year old 😭😭😭😭
This is a review based on the free chapters +1. I decided to drop this and not read the paid chapters. Normally I will write a review on the free chapters and then finish, but very occasionally I do drop a trial read novel. I decided to drop this not necessarily because it was bad, but because I feel bad for the giant owl. Yeah idk. Probably a weird reason to drop but I feel anxiety about it and don't want to see what happens to the poor thing. But aside from that, I find the novel okay. It is generally different and unique from the usual novels on this site, so if you like something different, you might like this. The MC is a person that slowly analyzes everything and so if you like that type of MC, you might also like this. The problem for me with this novel is that it's a bit slow, very information heavy, and not exceptionally interesting imo. I prefer something with either a little more humor or a little more fast paced or has some more substance/plot rather than just forty chapters of exploring his new abilities/body. Perhaps this novel would have gained more plot in the future that would be interesting, such as some vampire society, or the reason/conspiracy as to why his body changed, but so far nothing and I decided that it was a bit too slow moving for my tastes as a result. So yeah, although it's not bad and honestly preferable to a lot of the more cliche novels on the site, I won't be continuing to read this and find it doesn't really capture my attention very well. In terms of the other current trial read novels, I still find I prefer the Senior Disciple or the Secret Agent one the most.
I like how the interactions are not forced in this. And I like how I am still wondering where the story will go. I see action, mystery, and some romance maybe? And the subtle comedy is also good, not forced. Characters too are likeable. MC is also smart in his own way, and quite mature. Hope he doesn't end up annoying in the future. I hope this gets picked up. 🙂
Excellent so far. I want moar. Enjoyed the MC’s cautious and steady approach to the changes he experiences. ...
A wonderful read. Plot is not rushed but does not feel slow either. The main character gives off saitama vibes. One of the most rational and realistic novels i've read on quidian (the MC is actually mature and clever). Look forward to seeing this novel picked.
I love how it seem sort of scientific and the mc actually tries to understand it instead of randomly excepting everything without any questions. X
I like it has a good plot line And good Carter's that made me Laugh 😂 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll God 🙏
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it
Ttb once set seer tnn at dry dry tub DJ DJ an aft GB gun dry ruby dry Cubs cty free TV TV tug zzz n by zen zzz VCR cc burr vfx zen TV TV rgb
Review 60 chapters: It's a good novel so far, smart MC, intriguing story, just a bit slow in the story development, but I like it.🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Good story so far! Can’t wait to see what the chapters hold for the story! Interesting plot points. Definitely a different view point on this fantasy genre
why it is not yet selected, unlike other novel finally a real novel with a normal rhythm, with a good quality as there are less than ten on webnovel. (I agree with you dead to the hot-blooded Mc who don't even think about their arrogant actions and manage to get away with it for the sake of the rest of the story at least 4 times every 10 chapters. prostitute Mc jumping on girls every chapter) rage apart from other novels this novel is really great it's nice to read supernatural a little bit more thoughtful and intelligent
Dear Webnovel - The best thing you can do to yourselves is to sign the contract for this novel and get it translated. Seriously this book is really good and gets better later on, I'm sure theres at least one of you who have read this to the latest chapter in mandarin.
This is really interesting and fun to read, very different from what I thought it would be. I really want to read more of the story so I hope this gets selected!
Okay, I rarely do reviews on novels but this novel is one of the best if not the best novels I read. The MC is not a braindead trash and deals with his situations in a logical way! Finally someone who has freed this site/app from the most cliche genre of braindead trash MC!
Gotta say, this is a very rational and logical version of a vampirism. Warning, if you’re looking for really magical and supernatural vampires, this is probably NOT your ticket. It’s a very logical and reasonable outlook of the vampire change. The MC takes step by step investigation into his status. Makes for good read too. If you’ve read Bill the Vampire or Fat Vampire or even heard of the Demon Accords, you may like this. It’ has the right blend of action/drama/mystery/and maybe, just maybe, some romance? Give it a read. You should. It’s good.
nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
This story is fairly interesting at first. It certainly shows the MC investigating the implications of being a vampire with a very thorough experimental approach. That being said: The MC is BALD—i mean, like a que ball. This doesn't disturb his anywhere nearly as much as it should. He cannot eat. He cannot drink anything but water or blood—not even sugary drinks like colas or milk. O come on author! Give the dude a break, at least allow him to drink milk, coffee and soft drinks. He doesn't even particularly ENJOY Blood (or water.) He just NEEDS half-pint of blood every fortnight. He only sleeps once in ever 6 to 7 days. Helle's Belles dudes! In the MC's (God, how I HATE auto correct!!!!!!!!!!!! If I'da meant "Macs" I'da writ "Macs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) place, I would be sharpening a wooden stake to dive on to attempt to Long Journey myself! Can't tell f the MC remains capable of doing the"Dirty Deed"; however, I'd FAR rather give up sex than carbonated beverages. Colas add SO MUCH MORE Satisfaction to existence than lustfull wrongdoings...
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์A minute of silence for another excellent novel buried by the webnovel 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢
why webnovel just why? the best novel in this trail read. f*******************************************************************************ck
This was one of the promising story that I have read, Although the novel have a slow character development it was able to clearly show the MC's characteristics and how he reacts in his situation. It was a waste for it not to be chosen.
Hope somebody picks this up. I hate seeing gems put aside for ones that have no need to be there. 😤😤😤😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Wtf why was this removed it has been only 2 weeks and it has the most votes and everything right after senior brother is to stable and super dragon pet.
So long bald vampire, you will be missed. May another brave translator pick you up and say FUCK YOU QIDIAN🖕. Since i need 140 character to post this, i will give you guys recipe. Sate kelinci Bahan-bahan 500 gr daging kelinci Kecap manis 100 mL air Minyak goreng Garam secukupnya Kaldu bubuk Daun salam 2 ruas Lengkuas (memarkan) 1 ruas jahe (memarkan) Gula merah Bumbu halus: 1 sdt Merica butir 5 siung Bawang merah 3 siung Bawang putih 4 buah Cabe merah 2 buah cabe rawit (sesuai selera) 4 butir Kemiri Bumbu kacang: 1 genggam Kacang tanah goreng 1 siung bawang putih 3 buah cabe rawit sedikit Daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut secukupnya Gula merah Kecap manis Langkah Potong dadu daging kelinci. Sisihkan Tumis bumbu halus sampe harum. Masukan gula merah, daun salam, lengkuas dan jahe. Aduk sebentar sampai layu. Matikan api Masukan daging kedalam bumbu halus yg telah d tumis. Diamkan sekitar 30-45 menit Tusuk2 daging yg telah direndam tadi. Tuang kecap di atas sate. Bakar di atas arang sampai matang sambil dioles bumbu Bumbu kacang: haluskan bawang putih, cabe rawit, gula merah, daun jeruk/kulit jeruk purut sedikit, kacang tanah yg telah di goreng. Setelah halus tumis bumbu kacang sampe harum. Matikan api.tambahkan kecap manis Sate siap dihidangkan dg saus kacang ENJOY😘 Just copy-paste this to google translate indonesia->english to understand the recipe.
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์Oh my goooosshhhh!! This is a must-read, you guys!! I can legit tell you that you will be glued to your mobile device the whole time!!! Many thanks for this masterpiece 💜
I give it a full five star rating , just from the reviews I've seen so far. BUT! I got one question for those who have already read this; is there any sort of romance or harem what so ever? I can't see the tags cuz my phone broke and the device in using is bull and sometimes these don't have a tag to warn me at all so yeah. Yes? No? Maybe so? Plz I don't usually read Male Protagonist novels and this is only the second or third from all nine of my accounts out together, with one account being a year old 😭😭😭😭
This is a review based on the free chapters +1. I decided to drop this and not read the paid chapters. Normally I will write a review on the free chapters and then finish, but very occasionally I do drop a trial read novel. I decided to drop this not necessarily because it was bad, but because I feel bad for the giant owl. Yeah idk. Probably a weird reason to drop but I feel anxiety about it and don't want to see what happens to the poor thing. But aside from that, I find the novel okay. It is generally different and unique from the usual novels on this site, so if you like something different, you might like this. The MC is a person that slowly analyzes everything and so if you like that type of MC, you might also like this. The problem for me with this novel is that it's a bit slow, very information heavy, and not exceptionally interesting imo. I prefer something with either a little more humor or a little more fast paced or has some more substance/plot rather than just forty chapters of exploring his new abilities/body. Perhaps this novel would have gained more plot in the future that would be interesting, such as some vampire society, or the reason/conspiracy as to why his body changed, but so far nothing and I decided that it was a bit too slow moving for my tastes as a result. So yeah, although it's not bad and honestly preferable to a lot of the more cliche novels on the site, I won't be continuing to read this and find it doesn't really capture my attention very well. In terms of the other current trial read novels, I still find I prefer the Senior Disciple or the Secret Agent one the most.
I like how the interactions are not forced in this. And I like how I am still wondering where the story will go. I see action, mystery, and some romance maybe? And the subtle comedy is also good, not forced. Characters too are likeable. MC is also smart in his own way, and quite mature. Hope he doesn't end up annoying in the future. I hope this gets picked up. 🙂
Excellent so far. I want moar. Enjoyed the MC’s cautious and steady approach to the changes he experiences. ...
A wonderful read. Plot is not rushed but does not feel slow either. The main character gives off saitama vibes. One of the most rational and realistic novels i've read on quidian (the MC is actually mature and clever). Look forward to seeing this novel picked.
I love how it seem sort of scientific and the mc actually tries to understand it instead of randomly excepting everything without any questions. X
I like it has a good plot line And good Carter's that made me Laugh 😂 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll God 🙏
เปิดเผยสปอยเลอร์if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it if it is not picked webnovel people are full of sh*it
Ttb once set seer tnn at dry dry tub DJ DJ an aft GB gun dry ruby dry Cubs cty free TV TV tug zzz n by zen zzz VCR cc burr vfx zen TV TV rgb
Review 60 chapters: It's a good novel so far, smart MC, intriguing story, just a bit slow in the story development, but I like it.🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
Good story so far! Can’t wait to see what the chapters hold for the story! Interesting plot points. Definitely a different view point on this fantasy genre
why it is not yet selected, unlike other novel finally a real novel with a normal rhythm, with a good quality as there are less than ten on webnovel. (I agree with you dead to the hot-blooded Mc who don't even think about their arrogant actions and manage to get away with it for the sake of the rest of the story at least 4 times every 10 chapters. prostitute Mc jumping on girls every chapter) rage apart from other novels this novel is really great it's nice to read supernatural a little bit more thoughtful and intelligent