Winston had really found a way to get it done. Bai Qingqing had a bowl of dumplings by the roadside when one of his underlings came over on a motorbike.
"Hello, Brother Tiger. Hello, Sister-in-law." The underling greeted sweetly the moment he arrived.
Bai Qingqing looked awkward while Curtis's face turned black.
Winston suddenly felt that this feeling wasn't bad. His brows raised, and even the scar on his face didn't look as scary as before. He said, sounding pleased, "Lead the way."
"Alright. My brother-in-law is the department head in that hospital. I'll tell him that my boss has brought a woman over. There won't be a need to get a queue number, and it'll be done immediately." The underling explained while currying up to Winston.
Bai Qingqing threw a glance at Curtis's expression, feeling worried for the underling for an instant. She then spoke up to interrupt him, "Hurry up and lead the way. It's freezing."