But it was unknown if Winston would be able to remain so calm when he got to see Bai Qingqing's entire body.
He took the broom from Bai Qingqing and said as he stroked her head, "Are you tired? You can go inside and rest."
Of course, Bai Qingqing was tired. In order to pretend she was fine, she even gritted her teeth. Upon hearing this, she gazed at Winston with a touched expression in her eyes. "You're the best."
With that, Bai Qingqing gave him a sweet smile and then turned around and ran off. She had no idea of the lingering look in Winston's eyes as he watched her leave.
Shaking his head helplessly, Winston's lips arched in a smile as he recalled his spouse's grateful expression.
The moment Bai Qingqing entered the house she fell onto the bed, feeling so stuffed she didn't want to move at all.
Curtis curled a tail over from far away and gently rubbed her tummy, saying suddenly, "What a coincidence."