"Grave pit?" A look of shock flashed across Winston's silver eyes. Many beastmen were thrown inside, so didn't this mean there was another level underneath?
The scorpion king's nonchalant attitude confirmed his speculation. So, there were more formidable existences in Flame City, possibly four-striped and above.
"How does one get into the grave pit from outside? And how does one get out?" Winston asked immediately.
This time though, the scorpion king wasn't planning to answer. "I'll tell you when you've obtained my trust."
Having gotten the answer he was looking for, Winston didn't stay a minute longer and left right away.
Once he entered the grave pit, Winston was astounded.
There were white bones everywhere underneath and a foul stench in the air. There were also the breaths of countless living beasts. They were lurking somewhere in the dark, staring at the light at the exit constantly, looking for an opportunity to make their escape.