*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring*
Lijuan's phone continued to ring. Slowly, she roused from sleep but was still very much dizzy. Her sleeping mask was still covering her eyes so she used her hand to search around for her phone till she touched it.
She already knew how to take her calls with her eyes closed so it was pretty easy.
"Good morning girlfriend." She heard a male voice greet her and instantly assumed it was Yun.
Morning? It was morning already? She thought she had only been sleeping for a few minutes.
"Good morning boyfriend." She said groggily and heard him chuckle.
"You seem to be getting into this now." He pointed out before yawning.
"Sorry. I'm still a bit sleepy. Just called to say a good morning since I promised you my voice would be the first you hear." He said before adding. "I'll return to bed now. Remember to call me later." He said before hanging up.
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