50.25% A True Beginning / Chapter 99: Ch.1

บท 99: Ch.1

Coming into being is not fun, especially when the body isn't even your own, or not technically anyway. It seems Lucifer had called in a favor with some primordial entities of this new reality.

The body I was receiving was literally born of darkness and a foolish mortal man who'd been chosen to be the father. The darkness writhed and shook like a blanket in the wind as the night itself screamed from my birth.

A type of divine energy mixed with my own as I came screaming into the world. (Fuck me sideways, this sucks!)

I heard Lucifer's laughter as the night itself formed and took the shape of a woman. She took me in her arms saying. "My beautiful boy, no matter the circumstances, you are my son now.

Another being formed out of nothingness and stood beside her before scowling. "We've done our part, get rid of it and let it be the last we speak of this."

Nyx, goddess of night and one of the five great primordial's scowled before making a black leather necklace with her emblem on it, a crescent moon on each side of a full moon.

With that, the babe was sent off to live with it's father, who by chance was being possessed by Lucifer for his amusement when he slept with the goddess. The poor guy was left with a baby and no memory on how it got there or who left it in his apparent in queens.

The next nine years passed, I lived on the streets for most of it. The man had coldly put me out at the age of four saying. "Find your own parents Wraith, I ain't got no place for you here."

I merely stared at the man before walking barefoot into the streets and becoming one with the shadows as I got out of sight. I spent years merely existing and learned to thrive off of the scarcest of food while using an old abandoned public library that was 'under renovation' as a home.

Monsters would occasionally come looking for me when I strayed too far out and catch my scent on occasion before I disappeared. That is until one day during my ninth birthday, I'd went out to steal from the local bakery for a small bit of scraps and a cupcake to celebrate when three kids running from monsters ran passed me.

Cursing to myself and out loud as the monsters caught my scent as well, I grabbed all three of them. "Fucking assholes, why'd you have to bring the monsters to me?"

They were all three startled until I pulled them into the shadows I used as a quick transportation. They wouldn't take me far and nowhere I hadn't been before especially with so many others with me now, but I managed, with a few hops that wore me out, to get back to the library I called home.

There we all four fell out of the shadows while I panted and cursed myself for realizing exactly where I was. When I was good again, I turned to the three idiots. "Thanks for ruining my birthday, I was planning on stealing a cupcake and everything."

They looked at me both confused and unamused. Annabeth, as she introduced herself, asked. "Who are you? No wait, is it safe here?"

I gave her a dirty look before replying. "I've lived here for just under five years now. The monsters have yet to find me here. As for my name, I was called Wraith by the human that gathered me. Something about my shadows that he didn't like but reminded him of the reaper or something."

I headed for the book stacks and grabbed my necklace off the hidden shelf I placed it on each time I went out. I definitely didn't want to loose it now. The female in charge said. "I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus, thanks for the save."

The only male with them said. "Luke, I've no idea who my father is, but my mother was human. Whose your parent? Hecate or Styxx maybe?"

I shook my head and showed him my necklace. "It is the only thing I have that my mother gifted me, other than the strange abilities and the monsters that chase me."

They each looked it over and I tossed them a book on Greek primordial gods. "From what I've been able to gather, my mother's name is Nyx, goddess of darkness and night, one of the five primordial gods and goddesses."

They each looked at me with both fear and awe. I took my necklace back and put it on. When it settles back in place, I felt the connection I had with my shadows grow stronger once more.

I grabbed a seat in my favorite chair saying. "I'd offer you snacks and drinks but I sort of live off the streets so there's no real- hold that thought."

I disappeared into the shadows once more before bringing a goat footed clown out as Annabeth yelled. "Grover!"

I let him go asking. "Is he with you?"

They each nodded before I frowned. "Then you've screwed us all now. I can feel monsters coming with my shadows. He's led them straight to us!"

They each looked uneasy now while I gathered the books in the library as they disappeared inside me from the way it looked to them. In reality they were being put in my inner world. I'd spent years studying them to Lucifer's amusement as my dyslexic mind had struggled and fought with me every step of the way.

New realities meant new knowledge and with it, possibly new abilities and powers. I wasn't about to give up the struggle now as I gathered nearly the entire library into myself to their amazement. I grunted when I finished. "Let's go!"

I grabbed each of them and stepped through the shadows as the library exploded inwards from all the monsters chasing them. Growling frustratedly, I grew severely weak after only three jumps panting. "No more, can't, gotta run now. Too many people to bring with me!"

They helped me stand straight and dragged me along as we ran. I could've put them in my inner world and simply shadow walked to the farthest of the territory I'd seen, but I wasn't about to show them that, not unless it was absolutely necessary.

We ran for blocks and blocks until I called out. "Stop, here!"

I waved them to a Jeep and hopped in before hot wiring it. When they came over, I told them. "Get in! I can't run as tired as I am and we aren't going to outrun them all this way."

I was just tall enough to reach the pedals as I started the Jeep. When they hopped in I flipped it into gear and drove like a bat out of hell. A human yelled as we passed him by and I asked them. "Any ideas where to go? I'm a bit lost and while I can figure out how to drive, I can't exactly go in circles till they catch up."

Grover, the satyr, spoke up. "Head for the north shore of Long Island. Let's hope we make it to there in time."

I grunted and drove till we were hit from the side by something big when we got close. It tipped the Jeep into a ditch. Luckily we didn't roll as well and only landed on the driver side. I cracked my head but while foggy and concussed, I was still sort of mobile. I grabbed them while they groaned and pulled us through the shadows and into the tree line I could barely make out.

The two trolls that were busy smashing up the Jeep hadn't noticed us yet so I woke each of them up before throwing up from the dizziness and nausea. when they all got to their feet, I pointed to the wobbly cyclops saying. "They tipped us over. I got us out but I don't think I can go much further and I definitely can't shadow travel any more."

Grover spoke up. "This way, we're close!"

Unfortunately he was slightly too excited because his voice became to loud and attracted the gaze of the two cyclops. Thalia pulled me along while Grover fled with Luke and Annabeth.

The cyclops yelled as they chased us at a ground shaking run. When we saw the boarder, a tree came flying and while the first two dodged it, Grover hadn't been so lucky and got caught under it. I grunted and grabbed his wrist before pulling him into the shadows and out the side of a shadowed tree next to us.

I passed out from the effort right then and there and don't remember what happened next. When I woke up, Luke was there. He told me. "Thalia saved you. When you pulled Grover out from under the tree, you passed out. She had Annabeth and I carry you and Grover back while she distracted them. She's dead."

I stilled. "Then it's my fault she's dead. If I had practiced more, had more control, I'd have been able to take us farther and gotten us out of that mess."

Luke shook his head sadly. "They said you were severely injured, something about your brain bleeding or something. If we'd been slower you'd be dead as well."

I shook my head. "Darkness heals me. It was night at the time so I was healing. It just takes a bit of time."

Luke frowned. "You weren't healing, at least not from what it looked like. You threw up a few times when they fed you that god stuff. Charon, the camp councilor said you might've died anyway with the ambro stuff. He said you were too injured."

I sighed. "Where's her body? I'd like to pay my respects."

He shook his head. "That's the thing. She turned into a tree, it's protecting the camp with a barrier now."

I felt for my necklace and Luke smirked. "Chiron has it. He said he had to show it to another camp councilor. He hasn't come back since."

I got up and felt lightheaded. Luke steadied me. "Show me the tree."

He helped me to the tree and I touched it as I closed my eyes before sighing. "I'm sorry you had to die for me Thalia. You didn't deserve that, no one should die for my sake."

A girl I didn't recognize came over with a silver bow on her back. She radiated power I recognized as she spoke. "Do you really feel that way?"

I nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I'd kill when necessary or even on a whim, but no one should ever sacrifice themselves for me, ever."

She cocked an eyebrow before I sighed. "What is it that brings a goddess down to the mortal realm?"

The girl frowned. "How can you tell?"

I smirked. "I can feel all that hides within the shadows of the night or I will be able to eventually. For now though, it's limited to all those inside the barrier. You can't hide what you are from me especially when you're this close."

The goddess nodded. "I'm Artemis, goddess of the hunt."

I shrugged. "Does it really matter? A god or goddess is not really my priority right now."

I turned back to the tree and paid my respects in silence, praying to all the gods and goddesses that she find peace or come back whatever they choose. When none really answered beyond the goddess behind me sighing, I bowed one last time touching the tree and saying. "If I could trade places with you I would Thalia."

I stood and Luke helped me walk steadily back to the camp. When we were a few yards away I felt another god appear next to Artemis and heard them through my shadows. "Is it true? Is he her son?"

Artemis sighed. "Her presence is unmistakable on him. He's her son, of that I've no doubt. Heck, he even knows you're here Dionysus. What's more, I sense apart of him has the nature of a beast. A powerful unstoppable killing machine. If he didn't feel so much like Nyx, I'd suspect he was a child of Typhoon."

I frowned as I sat on the bench near the camp fire where the other kids were gathered. I told Luke. "Go, join Annabeth and have some decent company. I need to be alone."

He gave me a reluctant face before heading to the bonfire. The centaur came over and said while beside the bench now. "You've an interesting heritage young man."

I snorted. "Come to kick me out?"

He shook his head. "Not in the slightest. Though your presence has caused a great stir on Olympus."

I grunted. "Care to return my necklace then? I can sense it on you and you really shouldn't have taken it."

He raised an eyebrow and pulled it out of the satchel he had. "Take good care of this. It's rarer than you know."

I snatched it from him and put it around my neck, only feeling fully secure when it was on. He sighed. "They've accepted you into the camp, but you should know there isn't a cabin for Nyx or any other god not apart of the Olympus council."

I snorted. "Arrogant aren't they, to assume because they have a simple focal point of power to command, that they're the strongest there is? They're nothing in the face of those that came before them. The lesser gods who follow them aren't even mentioned either? Then why follow them at all?"

A crack of thunder lit the night sky and I smirked. "Bite me thunder ass!"

When a bolt struck near me, darkness caught it, not of my doing, and slammed it into the clouds. I snorted and Chiron said. "You shouldn't provoke them. Nyx may be your mother, but this is their territory."

I gave him a droll stair. "Whatever. Just don't expect me to do their bidding. They can have someone else jump to their commands. I'm no ones gofer."

I stood and left him there as night began to fall again. Hard to believe it'd been nearly a day since Thalia died. I headed to the mess hall and made a plate of food before sacrificing half in the fire saying. "To Nyx, mother, goddess and the night itself."

I was one of the first to do so during this meal and when I left the hall with my plate, Dionysus stopped me right outside the door. "Camp rules say meals are taken in the cafeteria."

I shrugged. "I don't follow anyone's rules. Tell your fellow gods to leave me be or they'll find out what I'm capable of."

He frowned. "Is that a threat mortal?"

I smirked. "Maybe, maybe it's just a warning. I don't answer to you or your council, ever. I'm no one's lap dog so keep me out of your quests and prophecies. I'd just as soon watch you all suffer as you watch us mortals."

He raised an eyebrow brow before shrugging. "Whatever. Arrogant mortals are all the same, Demi-god or not."

I smiled as I walked away saying louder. "And all gods get their arrogance from us mortals, it's a vicious cycle."

I sat by Thalia's tree and found my place in the most recent book I was reading. I read to her spirit I knew was trapped inside. Over time I was able to feel her mind in deep slumber and enter. There her dreams were in chaos. I used a great deal of time and concentration to settle it down and find Thalia under it all.

When I did we sat in a replica of my library, where we both felt safe. I told her what happened and that I'd connected with her mind through the shadow of her inside the three. It was a bit complicated to explain away but in the end she accepted it before asking. "Am I dead?"

I mentally shrugged. "Don't know. I'm talking to you but they said you died saving me so you tell me."

She sighed. "Then I'm dead. Don't tell them about me then."

I sighed now. "That's not fair-"

She frowned. "I saved you doing this, you owe me that much at least. I don't want them to try anything that could get them killed to save a dead person."

Frowning I nodded. "Alright, I don't feel right about it, but ok."

We simmered down and I read to her slowly while she sat against the piles of books before picking one up. When she opened it up and saw that she could read it, I told her. "It must be my mind that's translating it for you. By all means, read away."

For the next three years I practiced the sword, ate and slept by the tree. All the while connected to her mind and soul. With all the knowledge she'd gained from the books she read over time she was becoming much more schooled.

Finally she'd tried making a spear and shield and when she succeeded, she'd insisted on practicing with me. Hence I swung my sword at an imaginary foe while standing, jumping and occasionally rolling around the tree.

The I'd stayed away from the other campers and looked the fool but they never got close enough to say anything as some had tried to mimic my moves, including Luke. His own talent with a blade was about as equal as the Ares cabin kids.

He occasionally found the time to challenge me during meal times but he ended up walking away bruised, cut and scared a few to many times to make it a regular thing. Chiron has watched us duel with most of the other campers and found I was a brutal and deadly fucker with a blade.

Luke has never managed to get me to put away the second sword, no matter how much he tried when I told him my skill was higher with one blade rather than two.

Finally after his last bout with me he received his first quest from the oracle. I ignored it and went back to the tree to show Thalia a replay. Ever since then Luke stayed away as well.

Another two years passed as Thalia and I grew closer as friends while having only each other to carry on real intelligent conversations with. One day Chiron left with Grover to find another Demi-god and passed by the tree while I was eating.

Grover asked. "Why haven't you ever made any friends here?"

I shrugged. "Who said I haven't? The Ares cabin seems to like me well enough."

He snorted. "They're fascinated with your skills, it's not the same."

I shrugged. "Thalia is my friend, she keeps me company just fine right here."

Grover sighed. "Whatever man. I've got a mission to do."

I nodded. "Good luck Grover."

He waved me off as he followed Chiron out. While they were gone I set about building a library by cutting down trees and clearing out the land myself. I suspected they'd be gone for a while so I got to work.

The other campers would occasionally ask what I was up to but I'd wave them off and continue working. My shadows had grown stronger over the years and now, with the night embracing me, I moved like I was one with it at speeds that would make Hermes shocked, not that I was faster of course, but that I was moving faster than any of his Demi-god children were capable of.

The only god really watching me at the time was Dionysus and he was just sour his wine kept turning into grape soda amongst other beverages. When the walls were up by dawn, I stopped l, panting and tired. He asked. "What are you doing?"

I sighed. "You could ask that, or I could tell you a way around Zeus's command that you not get drunk."

He stilled and narrowed his eyes. "How?"

I smirked. "You're the god of inebriation right?"

He nodded and I sighed. "Then isn't weed and other such drugs a way to feel inebriated? I'm sure you can come up with something that makes you feel as drunk as you'd like."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he had a bowl of weed lit up as he hit it like it was going out of style. I went to bathe in the lake before washing my clothes and heading back to the tree. I passed the now stoned god as he giggled in fits of laughter.

Laying against the tree as the sun came up, I connected with Thalia and told her what I'd done while she leaned against my chest and saw the outside world through my eyes. I heard Dionysus have a coughing fit before I felt him approaching.

I quickly severed the link as he asked. "So, are you the one who stole Zeus's lightning bolt?"

I snorted. "As you're well aware by now, I've not left this camp since I got here. I didn't even go with you all on that little field trip to Olympus. And I'll tell you a secret about my powers, I can't go anywhere I haven't been to before or can't see with my own eyes. Why else do you think I didn't just shadow travel all the way to camp with them back then?"

He sighed. "Well, there goes that thought."

I shrugged. "Old thunder ass probably lost it when he was off making it with a goat or something. You know how promiscuous gods are."

He snorted into a fit of laughter before sobering up a bit and saying with a straight face. "Whatever do you mean by that?"

I chuckled. "Nothing much on you personally, other than a few goats of course."

He went red in the face and I smiled. "Zeus is clearly the worst of any of you and he's not even a fertility god."

Thunder rumbled and I chuckled saying out loud. "Been a bird of any kind lately thunder ass? Or perhaps a bull?"

The skies darkened a bit but I said nothing more and so they eventually cleared up. I turned back to Dionysus. "See what I mean? He probably misplaced it when he went to get laid."

Dionysus shrugged and took out another pipe and wondered off while I leaned back against the tree once more. When I connected with Thalia once more, she frowned at me as I told her what I'd said. "You shouldn't antagonize him like that, my father-"

I covered her lips with my finger. "He's a dick and he needs a kick in the pants. Believe it or not, but he wasn't always such a sleeze, none of them were. As time passed and more humans were born and spread out, more of their hopes and dreams began to affect the gods in various ways. Eventually they became what they are today. These gods are just the collective wishes of humans given form and wills of their own after all."

She frowned lightly before asking. "These gods?"

I shrugged. "Whose to say they're the only gods out there or even the only type of gods. Perhaps there are more than we realize and just don't know it yet. I'm not willing to rule anything out without proof to the contrary either way."

She sighed and sat next to me while we lounged about under a clear blue sky in her mind. We'd become fast friends and enjoyed each other's company while we talked about all manners of things. When night fell once more, I was back at it working on my project.

With the roof finished, I worked on the door before borrowing the Hephaestus kid's forge and blowing glass into window sheets. When those were installed, I took out the shelves of books I'd taken from my old library/home and put them up.

I went through each book and transcribed them into Greek for the campers as I went. I spent the rest of the night writing at speeds that would make Athena proud. When I was done, I carved a small owl on the door frame as a piece offering to the goddess.

When I did so, she appeared next to me. "It's perfect now."

I grunted. "You knew? What am I saying, of course you did. Well, I hope you like it now. It's everything I had for the five years before I came here. It's not exactly the same but it should do I hope."

She smiled. "Thank you. I actually didn't expect this, though I had hoped your time in that library warmed yourself to me at least."

I shrugged. "Maybe, but it doesn't really matter if it's not allowed to stay. I won't be making things for the other gods so they might not like it."

She sighed. "It'll stay. There are more campers in need of an actual education than just those of my children. Besides, you've transcribed it all into Greek so they'll be able to read and comprehend it easy enough."

I nodded before heading to the lake again to wash off. While I was there, Artemis showed up looking more like a teenager this time. While I washed off she asked. "Why did you do that for her?"

I chuckled. "The campers here are limited in their own education. What do you think they should do once they grow old enough to leave this place? They need to know more about the world, to feel inspired like the rest of humanity. They're not going to get it by simply going on quests."

I washed my white hair before heading to the shore and grabbing my clothes and washing them to. She frowned when I ignored her presence before asking. "Why aren't you effected by me watching you like other mortals?"

I sighed. "Maybe because you're not attractive enough? Or because you're known as the virgin goddess? Or I don't know, maybe I'm just not that into you?"

Her frown deepened and she threw a spear at me that I caught with my bare hand to her surprise before throwing it back and burying it in the rock next to her. "I wouldn't do that again if I were you. Goddess or not, I'll spank your ass like a red headed stepchild."

My words seemed to pull her out of her shock as she asked. "How did you catch that? I threw it five times harder than any mortal could."

I smirked. "Maybe you throw like a girl?"

I walked out of the water and waved my clothes in front of her. "Care to help a guy out? I need them dried and while I could wait, it's just faster if you do it."

She snorted before smiling and changing them into a dress and female underwear. Grunting I sighed. "I guess I can just steal from the other male campers and replace them with this."

She frowned before smiling. "Not anymore. I turned all their clothes into females."

I sighed. "Then I can go naked, I'm not shy. But don't blame me when the other gods get pissy for this, especially Dionysus, he's the one who has to see us all naked all the time, or all the males anyway."

Artemis frowned and left in a huff as my clothes changed back. I dried them in Chiron's drier he keeps hidden from the campers for his warm and fuzzy clothes he likes to wear on occasion.

While I headed back to the tree line, the sun started to rise and with it, those early birds. The Apollo cabin were the first as always but the Athena cabin were next and when they saw the sign Athena herself left behind declaring it her library, they got excited to the point of insanity. Their entire cabin rushed it like they were starving wolves.

I chuckled when even Annabeth did so. She was the last out and met my gaze before entering the library. I shrugged and continued to Thalia's tree. There I ate an apple before going to sleep. I'd been a night person ever since I'd been put in this body.

Now you couldn't wake me during the day unless it was an emergency or you were looking to fight and get beaten brutally. An unlucky Ares child found that out the hard way the second year I was here. Even now he feared coming near me and would avoid the tree at all costs.

The nectar and ambrosia may have healed his body, but the mental trauma would stay for life. Hell, even Clarisse, the loudest most obnoxious of the Ares children would quiet down when I was sleeping nearby. Chiron had admitted once or twice when I wasn't near enough to hear without my shadows that he could learn a thing or two from me sword technique wise.

Dionysus had compared me to Achilles a time or two as well, only stoping to say I would probably die the same way as well. Two weeks passed by before Chiron returned worried. That night while I was relaxing and practicing swordplay, I heard trouble coming as I felt out beyond the barrier.

I sensed the problem immediately as it was coming right at the barrier. Grover was returning with two others and they were bringing company. I walked out of the barrier and waited. When they came into sight, Grover yelled. "Wraith! Oh thank the gods you're here! There's a Minotaur coming!"

I nodded. "Go inside the barrier, take the newbie and don't come out till it's over."

He gulped and pulled Percy inside saying. "Stay back and watch!"

Percy just looked at me as did his mother. "Who is he? Hey, who are you?"

I didn't dignify it with an answer but Grover did. "He's the scariest mofo in camp. Don't worry, he's got this!"

I turned to the older woman. "Stand by the barrier and don't attract it's attention."

She backed away to where I told her as the Minotaur came out of the brush like a rushing bull. I raised a hand and my shadows gather and reached out, grabbing the beast. I told it coldly. "Tell Hades the camp and all those near it is protected. You've failed."

It roared and I lifted it up, smashing it into the trees and ground as the camp grounds shook from the blows. I pulled a sword and walked over to it's beaten and battered body. It's horns were stuck in the nearby tree.

With two swings I cut off it's horns before decapitating it with the third swing. When it burst into dust, I sheathed my blade and pulled the horns out of the tree. I turned to those that were watching and tossed Percy one of it's horns. "Keep it, it might be useful someday."

I tossed the other to Grover and turned to the mortal. "If you have a safe place to go you should do so. If not then stay by the barrier until things are taken care of. You'll be safe here."

I walked passed them and shadow traveled to Luke's cabin. He was playing one of his video games when I appeared. I sighed. "I get that you're angry Luke, but you've played with other demigods lives in your petty anger. Leave camp now and I won't kill you."

I grabbed the shield I could feel the lightning bolt in and popped the bracer, revealing it. I took it out saying. "You have until morning to be gone."

He gave me a hard look saying. "They're responsible for Thalia's death! Come with me."

I shook my head. "That's not the reason you're doing this and you know it. I won't be leaving, but Luke, if I ever hear you use her name as an excuse again, I'll kill you regardless of where you go to or hide."

I shadow traveled to the barrier where Percy, Grover and now Chiron was with the rest of the campers. Dionysus was there as well. When he saw the bolt of lightning he sneered. "So you did take it!"

I shook my head. "No, but I know who did. Doesn't matter now though, they're leaving camp tonight. As for the bolt, Percy here can take it to Olympus and clear his and my name, not that I care either way."

I handed it to Percy. "Careful. If a mortal touched it, they'd be extra crispy. The only reason you can is because you're a demigod."

Percy asked. "Why would you give it to me? Why not get the credit yourself?"

I shrugged. "I could give a shit about credit or the gods. They're little more than nature spirits with a bit of extra power in my opinion. Hopes and dreams made flesh with faith and belief. Unlike the rest of these sad fools, I don't care about the gods, why should I then care for their favor?"

Dionysus frowned at my words but didn't comment. Instead he lit up again and asked. "Might I hold it?"

I chuckled. "Another thing kid, only hand it to Zeus, the rest of them would try and take it for their own gain. Either to use it themselves or to trade favors with those who would. Zeus's hands only I'm afraid. As for Olympus, he'll need a guide."

Grover stood out. "I'll go."

Annabeth did as well. "I will as well."

I shrugged and told Chiron. "It seems a quest is in order and needing permission."

Chiron granted them it and I tossed Percy the shield I'd taken the master bolt from. "There's a secret compartment that it'll fit into. Use it until you get there to avoid attracting attention. Perhaps maybe ask Zeus to allow your mother into the camp as the boom for it's return."

I headed back to Thalia's tree and in front of all of them I sat down before closing my eyes. Meditation was the only thing that helped my ADHD these days and it was far worse at night so it was necessary.

I heard Annabeth whisper about knowing whose shield that was but I ignored it and entered my meditation cycle. This body was really flawed and needed special care to work properly. The dyslexia wasn't a big problem except that it came with ADHD and that alone was a major issue as it made doing anything slow a task all it's own.

Thalia had laughed her ass off every time I'd tried to slowly go through my sword practices. Hell, I'd nearly chopped her tree down in anger and frustration a few times. In the end though, I'd forbore.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C99
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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