26.39% A True Beginning / Chapter 52: Ch.7

บท 52: Ch.7

After school let out Bonnie showed up at the house for more lessons and I warned her. "There are two witches in town right now. I'm unsure if they're hostile but my point is you aren't aloud to do magic without me being there, at least not yet anyway. So I'm giving this to you and also a warning, don't let them get ahold of a personal item of yours. Witches can channel others if they have something of the targets."

She nodded before taking the amulet I held out. "Who are they?"

I sighed. "A father and son. They're family name is Martin. The amulet will protect you from their magic's for long enough for me to arrive. Remember, don't give them any personal items, nothing at all."

She smiled. "Got it. You like me don't you? I mean, you actually care-"

She didn't get the rest out as I hit her with a full body binding spell saying. "The amulet doesn't protect against my magic. More of that talk and I'll be having you lay bricks with telekinesis. Or reading the minds of animals. When you get out of that you can go on your date with little Gilbert if that's what you want but remember to be careful and if you feel threatened contact me immediately. Witches bargains can happen in a moments notice."

She was still smiling annoyingly as I left her on the floor. Later that evening Damon and Rose went to get information on Elijah's movement from her friend Slater in Richmond. I saw Stefan at the Grill with Caroline while Bonnie was talking to Luka, the young witch who came to town with his father.

Lexi distracted me with tequila and pool. I gave her the advantage and used my mind and telekinesis to shoot. Eventually she got me drunk enough to lose and Jeremy took my place for a few rounds. Bonnie and Luka came over as the young witch spoke up. "I got winner."

I smirked as I felt him poke and prod the little bit of power he felt in me. With a snort I revealed enough to have him visibly pale and back away. "Kid, with your strength you should know better than to challenge others. Especially since I feel ancestral magic mixed in. You parents should've taught you better."

He nodded a little to quickly and I sighed. "I'll let it go this time but if I find you trying to poke and prod Bonnie I'll take what power you and your father have. She's my apprentice after all."

He looked at Bonnie once more, this time with both fear and respect. To earn a teacher with my kind of power you'd have to be very exceptional or have something they'd want but couldn't take. Either way it was something impressive for someone as weak as Bonnie is.

He excused himself and went to find his father to warn him of the potential danger of pissing off Bonnie. After beating me, Lexi went on to whoop Jeremy and Bonnie in pool before we left with the tequila. By the time we were outside the Martins were both there.

Sighing I felt the father poking now. "You're just like your kid, only I know you know better. It seems some punishment is in order then."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry to have to do this but I can't have you interfering in our business."

I felt him reach for his full power to curse me and I growled revealing my full power which was half in actuality. Sighing I ripped the magic from him as he screamed in mental agony. I took it all, his and his son's magic, leaving them now former witches with no more power than a spoon full.

If I'd taken that as well they'd be dead right now and while annoying they didn't deserve that harsh a punishment. Their magic was clean mostly so it went to my reserves. It wasn't a lot but enough to coat my moon like reserves in a thin layer more magic together.

I turned to Lexi as both father and son passed out. "Go tell Bonnie not to worry about these two anymore. They're no longer threats as a binding spell will simply move them out of the way now. They're no longer witches."

Her eyes shot from me to the downed former witches before heading back inside. I put them in the car that they were laying next to assuming it was theirs. After that I headed to my black 67 Chevy impala. It made me feel more connected to home where my mates awaited me.

While I waited I began soaking my body in my own magic, strengthening it once more. It was like tempering a sword as the more I did so the stronger and harder it became. Soon enough Lexi will no longer be able to bite through my skin to feed and be forced back to feeding on blood bags or humans.

It wasn't necessarily the best solution but I wasn't going to hold back progress just to feed her. While I didn't mind and even enjoyed it most of the time it needed to be done to go any further. When she arrived back at the car she told me Bonnie was a bit sad that her first witch friend was no longer a witch.

Shrugging I told her. "She'll get over it. By the time she's finished training she'll understand why I had to do it. Anyway, let's go see a movie or something. This town is starting to chafe. I haven't been back a year yet and shits kicking into high gear."

She smiled. "That's why we came back though isn't it?"

I nodded before smiling. "How would you like to see me drain the spot of power where a hundred dead witches were killed and are haunting?"

She smirked before saying. "Is it enough to help?"

I shrugged. "Don't know until we try. At best though I expect a tenth of my power will be restored from it."

We hopped in the car and drove to the abandoned witch house and headed inside. The house itself was very antique or dated as it was one of the first built in Mystic Falls before the witch trials and before Mystic Falls was even named. The spirits inside started messing with us and fudging with Lexi's daylight ring.

Growling I told her. "Wait outside. I'll drain these bitches dry."

She nodded and left in a blur barely making it out. The dead witches weren't happy to hear my words and tried cursing me but I simply overpowered them. Walls of magic surrounded me while I headed inside the room where their center of power lay.

The candles sprang to life as they tried to stop me but even working together they weren't enough. I smiled in satisfaction as I started pulling in their magic in long drafts like a dark ale to good to put down. It was tainted to be sure as many of the dead witches had practiced dark magic but it was easy enough to fix later so long as I didn't put it with the rest.

I drained the spot after twenty minutes of playing tug of war with the spirits. The last of them screamed and passed on fully to the other side finally as they had no more power to influence this side. Emily was amongst the first to give up and leave and one of the only ones to do so of her own free will.

She knew she could not win against me and fighting only brought pain as I tore the magic's from them forcefully. I was indeed surprised as it'd filled out three tenths of my power and once I purified it I'd be almost at full power once more. I still wouldn't have the moon sized planet orbiting it but all good things in time.

When I left the house I told Lexi who was looking at me weirdly. "It's done. There's no more magic here."

She nodded. "Your eyes are black like Willow's was."

Sighing I told her. "I need to do a cleansing ritual for a few days and acclimate the extra power into my own afterwards. It'll take time so I won't be able to participate in any reindeer games."

She smirked at my reference to the silly things the Salvatore brothers get up to. She drove us home where I poured a holy oil bath and made some homemade living flame to boil the dark magic out. A painful process even to my current self but definitely effective. I made special gloves for her to use to hold me under and tried my best not to fight back as she essentially drowned me in boiling oil.

After letting out countless screams of agony and losing two layers of skin I stepped out healing as I went. The tub of blackened oil and red boiled skin lay still as no more bubbles or pops came out. I put out the flame and dumped the oil in a pit of fire I'd dug outside. It smoked black for a bit and stank to high heavens but once I'd cleaned the tub for later use I buried the pit once more.

The earth would disperse the black magic taint naturally while it filtered out and took what it needed. A sacrifice all it's own of sorts. Lexi was inside watching Charmed whilst I'd done so. With my new fresh skin regrown I grabbed a hot shower before joining her.

We made fun of the spells they used as rhyming wasn't actually magic in any way. It was pretty dumb to assume chants and words of power boiled down to rhyming a verse as every rapper out there would've been second rate witches. No, the words mean little as it was more about intent and power. The words used were more to guide the power to your will.

Sort of like directing a river using stones to build dams and run offs to redirect the water to where you wanted it to go. For the next week or so other than instructing Bonnie I spent my time in meditation to safely add all the power I'd gained to my existing reserves before bringing it all under my complete control. Or half any way, damn seals.

My moon was now nearly planet sized and I was extremely happy. Another intake of that size and I'll be at my most basic full power. Then I plan to take it much further as I will have a solar system of planets to draw power from before I return to slaughter twilight and take back my essence.

There was no essence here strong enough to replace what I'd lost and as it was mine it would come back after twilight was truly dead. For now though I had to depend on magic and physical brute strength. After I finished acclimating the new power I soaked my body in it finally drawing closer towards my goals.

My body was indeed to strong now to be pierced by average vampires even if I let them try. It would take a vampire of advanced age nearing seven hundred to do and damage to me now. Otherwise the blows would bruise at best unless they were using a magical artifact.

A great many things happened over the week I was out of commission as Jeremy then Stefan were stuck in the tomb as they'd gotten the moonstone from Katherine only for Jeremy to get caught and be traded for Stefan.

Elena went all suicidal and decided to try turning herself over to Klaus only for Elijah to show up and kill the vampires that had come for her. Slater, Rose's friend was found dead while Elijah was on the move trying to find new witches to replace the ones I'd drained.

He'd made a Faustian bargain with Elena to sacrifice herself for a chance to end Niklaus and hopefully bring her back. Rose had been bitten by Jules and now here I was being dragged to his house by Lexi to fix the mess. Sighing as I looked over the dying vampire I bit my own wrist as my teeth were the only things in the house capable of piercing my skin now.

I shoved my bloody wrist into Rose's mouth as I partially shifted my arm to draw on the dual nature of my being into my own blood. After a few seconds she sank her teeth into the wound to keep it open and drank deeply.

When I felt lightheaded I pulled back forcing her to release me saying. "Enough!"

She sank back into the pillows as her wound disappeared. Standing up a bit dizzy I told them. "She's cured. It'll take a bit till she's at full strength again but she'll be fine. Now, onto our other problems. Lexi, can you go get a couple bags of blood from their basement cooler? I'm feeling a bit peckish and dizzy."

Rose apologized but I waved it off. I turned to Damon and Elena before sighing. "You're both idiots. If you'd have waited I could have taken away the barrier and compelled Katherine to stay inside."

I looked at Elena only now saying. "Making a deal with Elijah is both dumb and reckless. While it's true he keeps his word, that's only when it doesn't involve his own family. Niklaus has they rest of them daggers and locked in coffins somewhere. To get them back Elijah would break his word and your neck for good measure. Hell, he'd even slaughter this god forsaken town if he thought that's what would get them back."

She gasped before shaking her head. "He wouldn't do that-"

I snorted. "Like I said, you're an idiot. You don't even know them and you're deciding he's trustworthy. A fool more like I guess. Each and every one of them excluding Finn would kill to protect each other. They'd fight like cats and dogs amongst each other but against outside forces they stand united. Do you really think I haven't kept an eye on them after all this time? Even hibernating in a cave for eight hundred years I scried for them and watched their slaughter and excessive fighting ever since I left them. I know them better than you know the idiot you call a brother."

I sighed as Lexi brought the blood to me. "Take Elena outside the house. Like I've said before I'm a ripper and I need to feed right now. If I smell her so close she's be lunch and none of you are strong enough to stop me."

Damon ghosted with the doppelgänger while I sat and tore through the bags of blood one after another. My senses overwhelmed with the sensation of pleasure with the more I fed. I lost track of time as I emptied all fifteen bags she'd brought up for me into a bloody mess around me.

When I came back to my senses I forced my iron will back into place. It'd been a thousand years since I fed. It wasn't ideal as I couldn't even bite Lexi during sex but I wasn't about to complain as coming back at all was more than I expected.

After I cleaned myself up and disposed of the mess I told Damon. "It's fine now, come back inside."

A minute later they were amongst us once more. Rose was feeling much better now and even walking around. When I smelled Elena again I clamped down on my urges and tossed sense dampening spell on myself. After they were muted it wasn't much of a problem anymore.

Sighing I asked Damon. "Where's the moon stone?"

He frowned and pulled it out of his back pocket. Sighing I held out my hand as he handed it over. With a frown I tossed it back to him. "It can't be undone without breaking the curse. The sacrifice must be made. A big a bitch Esther is, I can't fault her for being a much better witch than she ever was a parent. Let's go get Stefan out of the tomb."

I turned to Elena. "Then we're all going to sit down and talk about our options life reasonable people and not the idiots you've been."

Lexi drove us while Damon drove in front in his charger. A newer car he'd traded in for. I'd given him shit over getting rid of the mustang but he'd insisted it was better. When we got to the tomb Stefan came to the entrance with Katherine. I smirked. "It's been a while Katherine. You shouldn't have abandoned your old friends. Pearl would've asked me to let you out if you hadn't screwed her over."

She sneered. "Yeah? Look what that got her."

I nodded. "True, sipping mai tai's on a beach in California does sound like a horrific fate."

She grimaced. "Then I guess John lied to me. That doesn't bode well for him."

I chuckled. "You're assuming you'll make it out of this alive."

I lit the torches and within a short minute I brought the spell down. She tried to flee and I caught her by the throat. She tried to fight me before wheezing. "That's not possible-"

I smirked. "I'm an original. Did you possibly think I was just a witch?"

Her frown turned to terror when she bit out. "Kol."

I smiled. "Got it in one. Stefan, you're free to go. Now as for you."

I looked her dead in the eyes. "You're not to leave this tomb ever. I know how you like word games so I'll keep it simple. If you should ever find a loophole in my wording you're to stab yourself with the closest sharp object before returning to the tomb."

She looked like she wanted to cry asking. "And if the closest sharp object is a piece of wood?"

I smirked. "So be it. Notice I didn't say where to stab yourself? Get creative for all I care."

I dropped her just inside the doorway of the tomb before turning to Stefan and Damon. "There, as simple as that. No more being idiots. Besides, Elijah doesn't know nor would he care that if he kills Niklaus then everyone he's ever turned will die with him."

Elena's eyes shot open. "That's not possible that-"

I snorted. "Girl I've been around for a very long time and I've learned the impossible is just the beginning for the supernaturally inclined."

Katherine muttered behind me. "So either way I'm screwed."

I nodded. "Indeed. You've screwed yourself into a corner. If you'd not been a complete bitch I might have protected you from them but you've managed to alienate us all, your last chance of getting away. Because unlike Niklaus and the others, there is no running from me. I can track you with spells and teleport right to you. You, like John and Isabel are bugs before the a windshield to my siblings. But more importantly they and you are nothing before the hurricane that is me."

I released a hint of my power into the atmosphere and the sky darkened turning into a thunderstorm as I smiled at her. "Now be a good big and stay put before I introduce you to the boot that'll inevitably squash you."

With a snap of my fingers the clouds dispersed and the sun was shining again. She smelled of terror and fear beyond anything I'd smelled in her before. Damon was smiling at her before waved goodbye and we left in blurs. Elena was in Stefan's arms now as he carried her to the car.

Rose announced. "I'm leaving town. If there's going to be a showdown of originals I want no part in it. It's been fun Damon but we both know I'm not what you want. Call me if that ever changes."

She turned to me. "Thank you for the daylight ring."

I shrugged and Lexi elbowed me. "No problem. Here, Lexi wanted me to give you this."

I grasped her arm and a tattoo appeared on under my hand. Damon complained. "Hey, how come I had to get it needled on?"

I smirked. "You're a bit of a dick and I thought it'd be funny. Besides, Lexi got her tattoos needled on as well."

She smiled knowing I couldn't have actually used magic to put her's on. It shut him up though as Lexi told her. "If you're ever in trouble or anything just think Ryan's name and what's happening and he'll be there to help. There's very little he can't stop and save you from."

Rose smiled once more before hugging her and disappearing in a blur. Damon looked sad but understood it was over as he didn't really want her anyway. We headed back to the Salvatore's house where we all sat down in the lounge and Elena has the vampire facts of life explained to her.

Finally she understood her part in it all asking. "And you're sure I'll survive?"

I snorted. "Esther's spell may be strong but once you die it no longer needs you. My spell will kick in at dawn and you'll be back as the sun rises. Safe as houses provided John is the one I tie it to. He'll die in your place just so you know."

She frowned while Damon said. "I'm completely ok with that, I'm sure John would be happy to die for your sake. After all, that's what he's been preaching ever since he started all this crap with the tomb vampires."

Stefan seemed ok with it as well while Elena asked. "And who will be the vampire and werewolf needed?"

Lexi smiled now. "We've actually got that taken care of. I picked up a not so good person near a playground and turned him. He's in the basement in a cage eating rats. As for the werewolf, I'm thinking the bitch that bit Rose will do."

I nodded. "That can be arranged. Besides, there's a whole pack coming to town or there will be once they know we've got the moonstone. I'm thinking I can capture two and kill the rest before the next full moon then we call up Niklaus and offer it all on a silver platter provided he behaves himself."

Damon frowned now. "And if he doesn't?"

I smirked. "Then even as immortal as he is he won't want to live through being buried alive under several tons of concrete for the next ten thousand years or so. See? No loss there and he even gets to live in peace and quiet. All is well with the world then."

Stefan asked. "If you can do that to him then why go through with the ritual? Why risk Elena at all?"

I held up a finger. "One, no matter how big a dick he is he's still blood. Two, that's a nasty punishment that no one really deserves, and three, well, I'm not all nice. I'm not Elena's friend, no offense meant to you, but I barely know you, and I'm not attracted to you in the slightest. Why should I risk the other originals ire over a silly girl that wanted to sacrifice herself to start with."

Damon frowned not amused as I turned to him. "Love you like a brother Damon but she's not your girl ergo I don't care enough to piss off the other originals for her sake."

I turned to Stefan. "I don't like you that much Stefan, no offense, but you're a downer who broods too much. Lexi may love you but she'll be at risk as well from my former siblings and it's a risk I'm simply not willing to take."

Lexi sighed as she told Stefan. "He won't budge on it I've tried. We've argued repeatedly and if it's a risk to me he won't do it. Besides the spell to bring her back is guaranteed to work if it's a parent or sibling. And the Gilbert ring won't work in conjunction with it. It has to be a true sacrifice or she stays dead."

Damon sighed. "Then John dies. I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it."

I smirked. "No, but you and Stefan are the ones going to fetch him. I've no idea where he is but I'm sure Jenna or Alaric can get in contact with him. They both have ties to him after all."

I stood up and told them. "Now that everything is settled and everyone knows the score you should take a break Elena. No matter what Elijah has promised you've no need to worry. I can keep this town safe easy enough now that I know where to cast my gaze. Might I suggest a slumber party with Bonnie and Caroline? Bonnie's been studying a lot and could use a break as well."

Either way she took my suggestion I was no longer needed here. I picked up the moon stone from where Damon set it on the coffee table. "I'll be keeping ahold of this. Your house isn't nearly as protected."

Damon actually held I a finger. "Hold."

He dashed away and came back saying. "We've actually come up with a solution to that."

He handed the packet of paper to Elena saying. "The deed to the house. It was in our dearly departed nephew Zach's name. As soon as you sign it, it'll be yours."

Elena frowned. "You guys are giving me your house?"

Stefan nodded. "Ryan was right, this place isn't really safe even with us here. This way you can control who you invite inside."

I chuckled. "Hey, they do learn."

Elena asked. "Whose name is your house in?"

I smirked. "Mine of course. But there's a difference there. Nothing and no one can get inside my house and live long enough to get out. I'm an original vampire and an all powerful witch. My place is warded against everything under the sun and moon. Hell, even if something managed to slip past my wards I'd tear them apart with my bare hands or go nuclear and bomb the whole town, laying waste to every living thing for miles around."

Her eyes shot up and gulped. I chuckled. "I don't fuck around when it comes to security. I highly doubt there's anything that could but I'm prepared for the worst case scenario."

Damon asked. "Why can't she just stay at your place or you ward this one?"

I snorted. "I'm not giving you my brand of protection Damon. One fuck up and anyone trying to get inside, friend or not would be paste. Seeing as how your place is used as a hangout spot I'm assuming you like having friends that actually breathe when they come inside."

He frowned. "Touché. But still, a little witchy mojo to tighten security wouldn't go amiss."

I turned to Stefan and Elena before shrugging. "Fine, I'll ward your house against werewolves or something. Wouldn't be too bright to ward it against vampires or witches as I'm both and I like coming in when I please."

Elena frowned. "You can do that? Come in I mean, even if I haven't invited you?"

I chuckled. "Yes, so can Damon and Lexi. Charms I made them but I don't need them. You see, you view a house as a home. To me it's more like a bunch of rocks and sticks. Nature likes me, and so as long as any house is made of natural materials or thing made from nature I can go wherever I please without invitation. With a charm I made nature view Damon and Lexi the same."

Elena frowned. "But not Stefan?"

I sighed. "I don't really hang out with Stefan as he's always brooding about something or other. It reminds me of this vampire I knew way back when, he had a big forehead and a hero hairdo of his own. The guy would sit in the dark all the time and brood as if life wasn't boring enough. Makes my skin crawl how similar they are."

Lexi burst out laughing before she looked at Stefan. "Sorry, you know I love you to death Stefan but he's got you there. You could do with a little less brooding."

Damon smirked and I turned back to Elena. "Since I never really hung out with him I didn't think to bother after all."

I turned to Stefan. "If you want one just ask as it's not that big a deal."

Stefan sighed. "Alright, I want one."

I nodded and grabbed his wrist as a root dug it's way out of the coffee table and wrapped around it. After a few seconds runes burned into it and I released him saying. "There, you break it and your on your own. It'll allow you into anyone's house without an invite. I just don't recommend you trying it at my place."

He looked at it before saying. "Thanks. It kind of itches a bit though."

I shrugged. "That's the wood. It does that when it's varnished and sandblasted. It'll go away after a while. By the way, if it gets wet and starts flowering that's probably just a side effect. It'll go away after a while I'm sure."

Damon snorted. "He means that's him messing with you. He pulled that crap in the sixties. If I wasn't already high on hippie blood I wouldn't have believed it either."

I smirked. "It's been fun but we got places to be and people to make suffer."

Lexi raised an eyebrow. "Now? You seriously want to do this now?"

I shrugged. "Until Johns back in town I think it best if I keep adding to my power don't you?"

She sighed. "Alright, but I'm not holding you down again, I'll use a chair or something because last time I broke a finger."

Damon frowned. "What, he makes you do that cleansing crap with him too?"

I snorted. "Better that than going dark and destroying the world. Besides, you have a Gilbert to find. Chow!"

I took Lexi and left, we headed to the house where I did several scrying spells and found all I needed. Then I teleported is to a car shop just outside of Dallas Texas. There we did a quick search and found one of the missing pieces of the hell dimension bell.

I teleported is to just outside the armory next and with a single spell killed every human inside. I wasn't taking any risks today as I had Lexi with me. I turned their bodies into fertilizer as the wooden floor absorbed it and returned their energies to the earth.

Lexi wasn't to happy but seeing as how they were all back stabbing murderous bastards she couldn't fault me much. I strolled through the front door absorbing all the magic in the place and in the artifacts. Most were severely dark but I had my ways of dealing with that.

Lexi packed up all the spell books while I grabbed the tuning fork from hell itself. It was literally created to connect this world with a hell dimension the first recorded witch/psychic made upon his death. And while the devil in this world may be named Cade, I was most certainly gunning for the thrown.

Smiling as I put it away I headed to the back room as there was practically a sun in mass of dark magic and all kinds of mystical energy inside me now, there was one last thing I needed. I told Lexi as she stood beside me. "Go outside the armory and wait. The siren inside will be able to affect your mind but as I intend to kill her I don't intend for her to shut you off like a light switch. I can't protect your mind from something like that, at least not right now."

She sighed. "Fine but I'm going with you when you face Silas."

I nodded. "Deal."

As soon as I agreed she kissed me then blurred away. I grabbed the last vault door and ripped it off its hinges with a smile. "Come out come out little siren. This big bad god is hungry and immortal essence is just what the doctor ordered. I promise there will be no hell for you after I'm done. Only a black abyss off nothingness."

My eyes were already black along with my hair as the power called to me to use it and I fought and denied it while listening to the siren song as it hummed. Growling I partially shifted into my werewolf form and caught the bitch as she tried to get me from behind.

Growling I shifted back with her flayed arms in my grasp. "Nice try little siren but I've eaten stronger creatures than you for breakfast before."

I tossed her against the back wall and shifting into May partial wolf form once more before tearing into her. I drained her of the essence that made her soul immortal and brought her back each time . Then I drained her soul to fuel my own essence just a little more.

Sighing when there was only paste left I drained the last of the magic in this place revealing the false tunnel. I headed into the back and stole the siren's stash include the devil's bone blade. Smiling I headed back to Lexi outside and reached for my clean magic forcefully pushing the rest aside before teleporting us home.

I hadn't expected the armory to be so chalk full of magic and power. I immediately set to work building a giant holy oil bath and a bon fire sized living flame. The tub itself was a special order metal swimming pool Lexi thought of when she saw my last bath.

She'd ordered it while I was in meditation and boy did I need it now. I had to go into meditation first this time as I pulled apart the black and red sun sized ball of power into moon sized bits before jumping in. Almost immediately I was in agony as Lexi pinned me to the bottom with a harpoon like pole. I tried not to resist, I did but the sheer agony was simply more than all my physical suffering I'd endured before combined.

I choked on my own bile and intestines as they liquified inside me and came out. I truly pushed the bounds of how immortal I was right this moment as it went on for hours. Every time I thought I'd died, wished for it even, my body would simply heal as it started all over again.

There were moments when I'd wished to be back with the Romanian's even with their cruelty they at least weren't this creative. After my eyes blistered and burst for the seventh time as my body went lax from the muscles degrading I held out hope that it would soon end until I saw the black masses inside me and cursed before almost passing out as only half of the first moon sized ball of power was cleansed and there was six more to go after it was finished.

My mind nearly gave in but the sheer stubbornness of my will kept me holding out hope. Agony turned time wonky as eons passed in mere moments and time itself stretched on for eternity. After loosing most of my reason and nearly all my sanity at several points it finally finished as I floated in a sea of blackness.

Lexi fished me out with a couple pool nets and dragged me to the surface as I finally breathed fresh air once more. She managed to get me to the edge before cursing herself as I mumbled. "How bad-"

She showed me a mirror and I nearly threw up as I was skinless and looked like the bad side of Warren. Only throbbing muscle and nerves held me together until she helped me pull myself out. Once I was on the ground I started to heal a rapid pace.

When I had skin again I stood up with her help before she hosed me down. Once all the oil was off I did a quick purging spell to get it out of me as well. Finally I hit the drain tap on the bottom side of it as it drained into a massive pit. I then lit it aflame and watched the black smoke rise.

I asked Lexi. "While I'm meditating can you run and get the bell before making sure the Salvatore brothers aren't doing something stupid?"

She sighed before nodding and leaving while I pulled on a towel and headed for the shower. When I got out and dressed I spoke to the doorway. "I'm surprised you waited this long Elijah, though I guess you do have a reputation for manners to uphold. Come in, my wards won't stop you now."

The door swung up slowly and he stepped inside. Sighing I told him. "I'm a bit rung out from a massive dark magic purge so you'll forgive me if I don't offer to make tea."

He stared at me for a bit before deciding on. "It's fine, I saw what transpired. A full night and day of purging. Truly impressive. Where'd you happen upon so much black magic?"

I smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know? Well no bother really. I massacred the armory. An organization that spent their time collecting magical and mystical artifacts through various underhanded and downright murderous means. Then I drained all but a hand full of their artifacts including the building itself. It was more than the power of a hundred dead witches if that's what your thinking about."

He smiled now. "How much more?"

I grinned mysteriously. "Enough to wipe out this silly little planet and start over elsewhere if necessary. Killing Niklaus would be as easy as snapping my fingers, but then it always was so that point is moot as well."

He looked me over with a thorough eye before deciding I was bluffing before saying. "Then you won't mind telling me where the hundred dead witches were killed would you?"

I chuckled. "Sorry Elijah, but I've already drained that spot of power and added it to my own as well. I intend to help you regardless so you can discard those silly little witches you've brought to town unless you're offering me their power as well?"

He frowned now. "Are you so greedy for power that you'd steal it from others?"

I snorted. "As if I needed to. No, but then, that's how most witches amass power unless they're sacrificing something or someone. Or worshipping the dead of course. I shan't dismiss the spirits here or the ancestors in New Orleans. Powerful to be sure but none mean anything to me. While I'd take the power if they chose to fight me they are forever neutral unless you enter their territory. I'm neither that dumb nor that desperate."

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C52
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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