11.16% A True Beginning / Chapter 22: Ch.21

บท 22: Ch.21

A stray thought of hers had me reeling for a minute. Sighing I sent her. (While I'm not averse to having threesomes love, you know I'm committed to you.)

She sent back an amused and loving feeling with. (We can be committed to each other and they can be committed to each other as well.)

I grunted before sighing. (Buffy and Faith? That's an odd thought, they're polar opposites in personality. Do as you wish love, just be careful, the relationships we build here may indeed last an eternity or they may end with their deaths. They are mortal after all.)

I blocked the rest out as I sat in meditation and began working on digging deeper into my well. I poured all my magic into a ward stone I'd built in Devon as a part of my lessons. It could handle many times my max capacity as it was made to hold the entire covens worth of magic at once.

Once it's filled I'll be able to use it to defend the house from any outside threats as any barrier it powered would last against a nuclear bomb. I personally used it to empty my magic supply safely now that I knew how.

I channeled the magic from nature and pulled it towards myself to feed the vines inside myself. They began the task I put towards them as they sucked up the earth beneath the well.

Faster and faster they dug as my well went to the very edge of the fourth barrier at the four hundred foot line. The barrier put up a greater resistance than the others before it as I took in more magic to compensate.

Storm clouds gathered outside as I sucked in the surrounding magic and slammed into the barrier in one large hammer like strike. The vines actually thickened as the barrier gave way under the assault and they made purchase. They went for another fifteen feet before stopping by my will. I used the last of the magic in them to widen the well by another foot.

I channeled the last of the magic needed to refill my supply back to max capacity and stood up. With a thought I released my control of the nature magic around the house. The storm clouds dispersed and a light rain poured down.

I heard the girls downstairs talking about the weather changes. I came back downstairs saying. "Sorry about that. I was practicing and extending my magical powers."

Buffy looked shocked. "That was you?"

I nodded. "Magic comes from nature. Eventually, when you pull enough towards you, nature reacts as well. It's going to rain for the rest of the night. You're welcome to stay in one of the spare rooms. There's plenty, after all it used to be a frat house. If you're uncomfortable Alice or I can drive you home. While Faith knows how to drive she's accident prone. Something about the slayer essence and technology doesn't mesh right."

Faith shrugged. "It's not my fault the damn thing acts like a bunch of breakable parts about to fall apart."

I sighed. "I'm sure you get the same feeling when you try to drive Buffy?"

She nodded. "Yeah, major control issues."

I chuckled. "Something like that."

I left them to decide and eventually she just picked a room to crash in. Alice and Faith came to bed and as per their plans they attacked me with a fervor. Moans and screams of passion echoed throughout the house thanks to Faith leaving the door open.

At one point she slowed her pace as she and Alice caught her watching and gave her a show. They'd only told me afterwards about it and found it both erotic and funny. I let them have their fun as Alice startled my head and lowered herself to my mouth.

Faith was busy riding my like I was the last stallion and she was determined to break me. I gripped the headboard where my wrists were tied up and it creaked and cracked under the strain.

I let my magic repair it and reinforce the bed as our lovemaking to a rough turn. They were both clawing at my skin as they road me. I channeled magic into my tongue with a silent lengthening and vibrating spell that sent Alice over the edge.

While she bucked on my face, Faith received a similar treatment down below. Both girls let their orgasms be known in the form of passionate moans and kisses they shared. They'd even stopped caring whether Buffy was even watching.

My senses however became more and more heightened as I channeled magic throughout my body. I could perceive the blonde slayer just outside of the doorway view watching and enjoying her own fingers.

I didn't bother to let her know I knew but instead sent a pulse of magic through the wooden floor and into her. It spread as it sensitized her already exited body sending her over the edge as well.

I returned my focus to the warm wet tightness gripping my manhood and sent a levitation spell to Faith to pull her off of me in time as I released just as I pulled her off of me. Our now wet and sticky lovemaking juices were all over us.

After I vanished the evidence Faith decided it was time to change places. Alice and her switched and we began again in earnest. Well into the night we continued. At several intervals they changed positions until eventually it was me behind both of them as they were entwines together.

When they reached their last climax and I released once more I vanished the evidence and curled up with them. They both fell asleep pretty quickly while I held them close. I sent a wave of telekinesis and closed the door gently, discreetly letting Buffy know we knew she was there the whole time.

I heard her gasp and chuckled lightly as I sent a cool wave of air through the house to her, helping her come back down from her last play session. The next morning came pretty quickly as Faith woke me up with an oral fixation.

After I hit my release she swallowed like a champ and sat up. I sent a bolt of magic through her body sending her crashing over the edge as well before saying. "Sorry darlin, but I can't stay and play. I've got to speak with Giles about whether or not I need to hire a new manager for the Magic Box. If you want you can wake Alice up and see if she's interested in some one on one time."

I hit the shower while Faith moaned into the sheets and pillows. The magic I used was clean and very potent so it lasted a bit longer than most. After I was dressed again I headed downstairs to find a wide eyed and exhausted Buffy sitting on the couch.

I chuckled. "Couldn't sleep? Sorry if we made to much noise. Faith was just messing with you I'm sure. If you want I'm fixing to drive back into town, I can drop you off wherever."

She smiled weakly. "Thanks, that'd be great."

I went to the garage and hopped into the charger. She slid into the passenger seat and asked. "How much of that was real?"

I sighed. "All of it. I tend to please my women or I try to at least. Faith tends to know what she likes and Alice is becoming more and more like her as time goes on. They've been finding their pleasure in each other whenever I can't get the time. I've been training and working constantly so it's up in the air about when I join them."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Faith and Alice? Like, together?"

I chuckled. "Yes together. As a matter of fact that's what they're doing right this minute. I have to talk to Giles so I left them alone to have fun. If you'd rather stay and join them be my guest, just don't complain when Faith plays dirty. She likes to take control of the bedroom actions."

Buffy frowned. "And you don't have a problem with them, you know, being together?"

I shook my head. "I've been with Alice for over eighty years. In all that time she's put up with a lot of my hang ups and problems. If it makes her even the slightest bit happy to be with Faith and me at the same time, I'm all for it. I've no problems with Faith either, she's a strong independent woman that has her own tastes and isn't actually trying to take Alice away from me but join us so I'm fine with it so long as it makes them both happy."

Buffy sighed. "Wow, and here I thought you'd be insecure about it or something. Isn't it weird to be with two girls at the same time?"

I snorted. "One, I'm male, it's practically every guys dreams, not that it's mine really but I understand it and two, they're as much into me as each other so I don't really mind at all. It's possible to love to people at the same time and not subtract from either person Buffy. Though it usually ends badly because people let their egos and greed interfere, I've learned to take life as it comes."

I sighed. "I've had nine thousand years to get over myself. I know for a fact that I'm not the center of the universe, nor am I the center of our relationship. Think of it like this, it doesn't subtract anything from my feelings for me and Alice to feel something for Faith, it only adds more good things instead."

She looked dumbfounded by my explanation before asking. "Aren't you afraid it'll cause problems though?"

I shook my head. "I love and trust them and that's all that matters. All healthy relationships are built on love and trust because without them there's no way for it to last."

I hit the garage opener and started the car. It was still raining lightly but not nearly as bad as the downpour we got last night.

Buffy gaped like a fish for a few moments until she sighed. "Let's go."

I nodded and drove out of the garage before hitting the button again to close it. I dropped her off at her house before driving to the Magic Box. It was long past opening so I wasn't surprised to see Giles manning the front counter with Anya.

As soon as I walked in Giles told her. "Take over while I talk to Ryan."

She made a remark about double pay and I chuckled before heading to the office. It was rather cluttered with boxes and orders of things to be sent out. Once we were inside Giles told me. "I'd like to stay on as manager for now but I'd also like to dictate the hours I work and I'll need some more leeway to arrange things around."

I nodded. "Do as you see fit so long as you keep the real magical items away from the fake and adhere to the basic standards of workers rights. As for the hours, I'll arrange a starting salary so you won't need to worry about being paid by the hour. So long as you actually manage the shop and not let it go to ruin I won't mind. As for the extra work like buying rare and expensive texts, I won't be changing that as you'll make plenty when you do find and buy them. Ten percent of millions is plenty of money I think."

Giles fidgeted and agreed. "You're right of coarse, I meant the furniture and tourist items."

I shrugged. "Do it how you like it. The only reason I want the magic separated from the fake stuff is because it's dangerous for it to be sold like that. Humans with no idea what there playing with could get disastrous."

He seemed to agree so I added. "The basement has enough room to store the ingredients to make room in the supernatural section should you wish to store the extra there. As for the dangerous books on magic, they can be stored on the second floor bookshelves if you want, but you'll need to get them down for customers when they wish to purchase them."

He wrote my words down and I continued. "As for the back section of the magic shop, I see no reason why I can't have a card reader installed to work on the discount cards those of demonic and magical origins carry. That should allow them to browse and choose their items. Perhaps you can set up a register in the back room as a sort of separate shop for the magically inclined."

He stopped righting for a second before muttering "Excellent idea" and continuing. I sighed. "It's up to you however you want to organize it. I'll be recharging and putting in a lot more safety and defensive spells around and in the shop to keep it and the employees protected. Once I'm done I'll connect it all to a ward stone I got from the coven. They liked the idea of the shop enough to want to help me protect it. Something about me having ties to humanity."

Giles nodded. "Excellent, do you need any help with the spell work?"

I shook my head. "No, not really, though I'll take some advice on where to put certain spells and runes to ensure a safer environment. I've more than enough experience and power to get it done, Ms.Harkness made sure of that. She's a task master that one."

Giles smiled lightly. "Yes, yes she is."

I told him. "I'll need to borrow the command bracelet to link it all so if you want we can begin."

He nodded and just like that I began enchanting and carving runes into the walls, floors and ceiling. It took me two whole days without sleep to get it all done as I had to connect it all to the previous spell work. Once I was done I added a magic cleansing and gathering rune system underneath and around it all. I melded the ward stones it was all connected to into the walls.

With that the entire building was cleansed and the very air tasted of fresh clean magic to my senses. It was a light witches ideal place to practice now. It couldn't be tampered with either so it would constantly purify and collect magic into the ward stones and building itself so that witches could practice here safely even if it was on the hellmouth.

There was no fear of taking in the taint of the hellmouth while inside the magic shop and so any and magic practiced here was purified to a lesser degree. It couldn't purify the magic inside someone but it could purify the magic they used in the shop itself once they released it.

Giles was astounded by it while I merely hummed in satisfaction. I still have my own house to do and the only reason I haven't so far is because it's quite a bit bigger and much harder to accomplish. Anya spoke up. "It feels cleaner in here for some reason."

I chuckled and turned to Giles and Willow who was working today. "It's safe to practice magic in here without getting hellmouth energies mixed into it. I learned it in one of my later studies the spell work is really hard on the concentration as it requires you to identify and separate the various energies gathering in one spot. On the bright side it'll help keep the ingredients fresh as well."

Willow felt it as well and commented. "It feels so- so clean and refreshing!"

I nodded. "That's the purifying runes doing their job. The shop is basically safe from anything short of a war. It still allows demons and other magic users in to purchase items but not even a gun will work inside the shop. I wouldn't try any offensive spells either."

I handed Giles the bracelet back saying. "Get used to its new features before you need to actually use them. They're pretty self explanatory but nonetheless I'd prefer you to know how each one works. If you have any questions just ask as for the rune work, it can't be seen by anyone who doesn't have magic in them."

I left not long after that and went home to rest. There I found Faith and Alice going over the UC Sunnydale campus maps. I left them to it and headed to shower before going to bed.

Two days later we were all heading to campus for our first day there. We had to buy the books and we ran into Willow, Buffy and Oz as we explored the place and got a mental map of the campus in our heads. We went with them to purchase our books and watched Buffy knock a stack of books onto a TA's head.

He started discussing psychology with Willow while Buffy stared at him. Alice hummed and pulled me along, grabbing a few of the books for us. We'd decided to stick to psych this time as I hadn't really taken it seriously the last few times we'd majored in it. It just wasn't my cup of tea for the most part.

Faith was taking it with us as she found it interesting since her own background was rather harsh. It gave her a whole new perspective.

Riley, the TA and possible future lover of Buffy's, was showing us around. Towards the end of the tour we'd collected all the books we needed while Willow were struggling to carry hers. I helped her out by taking the basket.

Riley who hadn't paid much attention to me to notice I wasn't one of the girls spoke up. "My names Riley, what's yours?"

I chuckled and held out a hand. "I'm Ryan and this is Alice and Faith. We're just enjoying the tour, thanks for that by the way."

I introduced the girls to him and he seemed to stop and stare at them for a bit before Faith laughed lightly. "Sorry farm boy, we're taken so you can stop staring now."

He caught himself and looked embarrassed. "Sorry, I was just wondering how I missed you all following us on the tour."

I chuckled and set the baskets I was carrying on the checkout counter. Faith smirked. "Don't sweat it. We can be pretty stealthy when we want to be."

He nodded. "I bet. Anyway, hopefully I'll see you all in Professor Walsh's psych class."

We continued our trip around campus before heading to our first introduction classes. I was in mechanical engineering and computer graphics design with intro to psychology as my major. Alice was in Arts in dance and theater production with intro to psychology as hers.

Faith ahead been more wide spread with engineering, psychology and medicine as her main classes. She was also taking criminal justice as a special class. She wanted a more diverse portfolio but so she's majoring in psychology with us as well.

My first class ended up being mechanical engineering. After two hours of going over the mechanics of a v8 engine as and introductory into the class I was on to my next class of the day, Intro to psychology. I arrived fairly early and sat down in the second row with Oz.

Willow arrived next with Faith and Alice, then just as the class began filling up Buffy arrived. Willow has saved her a seat between Faith and herself. The class began with Professor Walsh introducing herself as a hard teacher with her nicknames like the evil bitch-monster from hell.

I smiled lightly and took a few notes to show I took the class seriously. In reality I was thinking on using my spare time to meet the local Wiccan group that colleges seem to gather. Well, that and how to avoid the obvious military presence on campus.

Luckily enough the house was just off campus so we could walk to school easily enough. While Professor Walsh talked on and on I did some stock trading on my laptop. Alice was designing her own clothing line while Faith was actually designing smartphones and iPad technology using the stuff she'd learned from me.

When the class ended Buffy asked me. "Did you take notes for the class?"

I chuckled and handed her my notebook. I'd written everything Professor Walsh had said word for word. She took it and seemed shocked. "Weren't you typing on your laptop?"

I nodded. "I can do both. It's not hard to keep up with human speech paternal while doing other things. Besides, I can go back and review my own memories in audio as I remembered hearing them. It saves a lot of time and prevents mess ups."

Buffy snorted. "Gee I wish I could do that."

Faith walked up beside her before saying. "It's pretty easy once you've organized your past memories. New stuff seems to sort of slow down as you take it in like there's no confusion or cluttering thoughts."

Faith kissed me before heading off to her medical training. Buffy turned to away before mumbling. "I gotta learn that."

I chuckled and told her. "It'll be very intimate and intrusive, but If that's what you want I'll help you out."

Buffy snorted. " I thought you said before that you didn't want to go through our minds like that?"

I stopped her there. " I didn't want to go through Xander's hormone infested teenage mind is all."

She laughed as I sighed. " Come by the house after classes are done for the day and I'll help you out."

She laughed a little. "I'll be there."

I chuckled before telling her. "That's fine. I'll see you back at the house when you're done dropping off your things at your dorm."

We parted ways and I headed home I'd managed to finish the warding on the house this morning and that coupled with the classes meant I needed blood to get back into top shape.

I downed a pint of cow blood before popping a spearmint gum in my mouth to get rid off the blood smell. After lighting a few candles and waiting for a while Buffy showed up with a hesitant smile. I led her to the living room and sat down. There I told her what I was going to do. Her only question was. "Is it going to leave scars?"

I shook my head. "No, I can heal it easy enough with a healing spell."

She nodded and I brought out my claws. When she looked at them she fidgeted for a second until I brought them up behind her neck and dug in. Our eyes met and closed as I entered her mind. Like with Faith's I felt the first slayers presence only this time it didn't react except to recede into the deepest parts of her subconscious.

I found her and we began the process. For the most part it went smoothly as we only had to stop for her to rest a little when we finished with the first step, we began viewing her entire life's memories all the way back to her birth.

It was a very profound experience for her like it was for the rest of us. She had a few stop gaps like when she died and her first time with Angel. I didn't judge her but instead showed her my first time and my better days with the Romanian's.

She was a lot more calm after that and we continued on. She was very much a young inspiring female who just needed more confidence in herself and a better understanding of the world she lived in.

When her memories were finished and we were on today's memories I asked her. "Do you want the same memories and experiences I gave Faith? The college courses and all that?"

She smiled. "Sure! That'll be a great help in understanding what the heck's going on in classes at least."

I had her build more storage for them and began the same process. When we were finished I asked one more thing. "I've got fighting experiences from my time in the army if you want them."

She was a lot more hesitant now before nodding weakly. I showed her the memories and let her experience what war was like. When they were over I left her mind and healed the claw marks.

Ten minutes later I was driving her to her moms house while she fiddled with her fingers. I had sent Faith and Alice to slaughter the nest of vampires for tonight and Faith would most certainly want to sell all the stuff off.

I headed back to the house after dropping Buffy off. Faith and Alice were there with smiles and a room full of things they wanted to sell off. I left them to it and went over my stock portfolio. After cashing out a few that were about to dive I went to my 'man cave' as Alice started calling it. There I read a few books while they continued their discussions.

When I heard Buffy's voice again I headed back upstairs and found them talking about the nest they raided last night. They'd found a boy named Eddie dead and in mid transition there. I walked Buffy back to her dorm room where I caught a whiff of demon stench. The moment she opened her door I saw the source of it.

After a minute I spoke. "Your roommate is a demon. She wreaks of demon stench."

Buffy's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "It's kind of strong so I'd say she's kind of new to the pretending to be human thing. She's definitely not from this dimension at least."

Kathy, said roommate greeted Buffy as she walked in. "Hey, I didn't see you come in last night. If you're going to be out at all hours can you make sure to lock up when you leave?"

Buffy played it off and wanted to get tell Giles and the scoobies involved. I offered to eat the demon but she shook her head. "I don't exactly want my roommate to disappear, leaving all her stuff behind. Police tend to ask questions."

I shrugged. "If you change your mind I'm not far away. Be careful."

She nodded and I told her told her to be careful before leaving. Her to head towards the watcher's apartment. I headed home to crash as I had classes the next morning. That night Faith and Alice had their way with me. Faith brought in the chains and Alice supplied the whip and oil.

I'm not one for resisting when they want to have their own fun. It got pretty intense when Alice brought in the hot candle wax and Faith tried playing mistress of pain with us both. Luckily the leather mask they gave me had breathing wholes as I'm pretty sure I needed air, though I doubt it would kill me, it would still be uncomfortable.

When they passed out covered in various fluids and liquids I unchained myself and cleaned up before getting my own sleep. The next day classes took up most of the day for me. I had my basics plus a few extra classes I'd audited in case I wanted to add them for next semester.

When I finished with those I headed to the lunch room where I found Buffy, Willow, Xander and Oz sitting at a lunch table. Kathy was about to join them when I took her spot. I ignored the demon and simply shifted my eyes when I looked at her, getting her to back up and leave us be.

To my surprise they were talking about a guy that hit on Buffy at the lunch line. I chuckled and noticed Buffy's awkward blush as she talked about him.

Buffy was busy telling Willow about the Guy she met.Xander mentioned he and Giles spent the night going over demonic texts about what Kathy could possibly be. I told him. "Whatever she is it stinks bad enough I'm surprised Oz can't smell it."

He shrugged. "She smells like Buffy for the most part."

I looked to the demon in question who was sitting several tables over and looking our way. I turned back to Oz. "She's probably using Buffy's scent to mask her own. Your nose isn't as keen as mine when it's not a full moon so it's understandable I guess."

After lunch I heard the Parker kid talking about how he's going to bang another freshman before the nights out. When I heard that I told Buffy word for word what he'd said and she shrugged. "He's a pig like most guys. I'm just glad I dodged a bullet there then."

She mentioned Alice taking her shopping in LA today so I figured they'd have some fun while I dealt with the demon girl. When she left for class I called Giles and told him I'd take care of the demon girl tonight and not to worry Buffy with it. He was more than happy to let me deal with said demon as he hadn't much to go on.

After my last class of the day I sniffed out the demons that had come for Buffy's roommate. They were in the forest nearby the campus standing around a fire. When I came across them I spoke in plain English. "Your run away brat is causing problems for me. I'll bring her to you but then you must leave this dimension."

The demons hissed and spoke to each other before the one in charge spoke. "This is acceptable."

I flashed my eyes and left in a blur. I headed to Buffy's dorm room and found Kathy there. As soon as I came in I told her. "You're going home little demon."

Her eyes went wide and I moved, knocking her out with a solid fist to the temple. It was already dark so I opened the window and tossed her over my shoulder before hopping out. I ran into the forest to fast for human eyes so see clearly and found them.

I tossed her down at their feet saying. "She was planning to attempt a soul sucking ritual to hide herself. Remove whatever Magic's she's performed and I'll let you have her. If not, I'll kill all three of you and burn the bodies."

I let of an impressive killing intent and they obeyed. I'm sure they haven't a clue what I am only that I'm not human and very bloodthirsty. They removed the ritual Magic's she invoked and left through a unique portal in the earth.

I headed back to Buffy's dorm and cleared it out leaving a note on Kathy's bed saying she couldn't handle the stress and dropped out. All the stuff she had I stored in a spare room at the house so that Faith and Buffy could take or sell what they wanted.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C22
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
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  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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