Just before they left Alice asked. "Where's Lydia?"
I frowned and looked around. She'd been with us throughout the original search and now that she mentioned it Aiden started looking around as well. "She was just here!"
I cursed. "Either she's heading to look for his next victim or he's taken her. Either way it's not good."
Alice agreed while the others paled. Derek spoke up. "We'll take Stiles's sent. Scott you take Lydia's and hopefully we don't find them in the same place."
They left with far more urgency now while Alice took my hand saying. "We need to talk."
I nodded and she pulled me into an empty patient room. I watched her panicked face as she told me. "Someone's blocking my visions. Even if I look I can't see anything now."
I frowned. "Like the Quileute's?"
She shook her head. "No, with them I can see darkness. With this it's more like I can't get a vision at all."
My frown deepened and I made my own decisions and found my visions blocked as well. I growled. "Mine are too. There's only one being I can think of that could possibly know to do this and still have the power to do so."
She whispered. "Maloker."
I nodded sadly and tried to use my nature ability. It worked to some extent but it was a struggle in and of itself to get the potted plant in the corner to raise one root. I stopped exhausted and panting. "My plant abilities are blocked as well. He's found a way to weaken us. Dammit! He must be using the fox to his advantage."
Alice frowned visibly shaken. "That means they're working together!"
I closed my eyes and nodded. I focused on my wolf senses and partially shifted before shifting back. "I can still shift. Whatever he's done only effects the natural gifts we have and not what we are."
She sighed in relief. "Then we can still fight back."
I agreed. "We need to find out who he's possessing. Call Braeden, I'll call Argent. We need them on alert."
A couple days later Argent and Braeden were scouring the town while Alice and I were searching the forests and sewers. With no end in sight and no sign of Stiles or Lydia we were caught unaware when the hospital blew up.
That is to say an entire floor of patients were killed and the roof collapsed in on that area. The power lines broke loose and electrocuted several people on the ground level just outside the hospital.
Alice and I ran to the scene to help save as many as we could. Luckily for us Kira was there to absorb the electricity into herself. Though several people were badly electrocuted with a few dead.
Isaac and Erica were among the wounded. There werewolf healing was muted to a crawl as the pain made them more human and negated the healing. Alice and I saved as many patients and orderlies as we could, Malissa was among those we'd gotten out mostly intact.
The police and staff organized a search for the dead after the bomb squad did a sweep of the area. Unfortunately thirty two of the people on that floor died. There blood was mysteriously missing as well. Later that night I sat with Derek and the rest of the pack while they hovered around Isaac and Erica.
I sat between them and took their pain into myself. Black lines gridlocked all over my body and face as I gritted my teeth in agony. Their combined pain was more than I'd experienced since my time with the Romanian's though still less than what they'd done to me.
After I let them go I whispered to Derek. "Break their fingers and trigger the healing process. I've taken the majority of it so they should heal up fine now."
Cora broke Erica's thumb while Derek broke Isaac's middle finger. They both woke up roaring as their bodies healed. Alice helped me stand up as I felt drained. "Let's go home. They've got it from here."
I shook my head. "I need to help the other patients."
I looked at the pack. "We all do. It's our duty as this town is your territory. You protect it and help it heal as much as you can."
Isaac grunted. "Yeah, give me a minute or two."
I snorted. "Not you idiot. Your body is already taxed enough. You and Erica need to rest. The rest of you however-"
Peter spoke up. "I'm not helping these humans."
I growled and he frowned causing me to sigh. "Do what you wish. Just don't expect me to help you the next time you're injured."
Alice asked. "Are you sure?"
I nodded. "I can take more. I've lived with far more pain than these people experienced. A little more will mean nothing."
She sighed and helped me from wobbling as we went from room to room taking all the patient's pain. Their bodies began healing easier though still at a human rate. When we finished I took the pain from Derek and his pack and told them. "Get out there and find Stiles and Lydia, I'll handle the pain."
The next morning I was back on my feet as my body was no longer taxed. I went with Alice to the track to keep an eye on coach in case void-Stiles decided to put him in the hospital. Scott and Stiles never showed up but the arrow did. Alice caught it just before it hit Kira. From there we sent everyone back to school.
The woods would be thoroughly searched by the police. Derek and Chris both called me saying they were being taken in for questioning about the death of a Japanese mafia member. Apparently agent McCall found them in Chris's office with the mafia members money.
Chris said he'd went to Silverfinger to find out more about the nogitsune and came up with nothing while the money was for the gun he used to set up the meeting. I sighed to myself. "I'll send my lawyers over. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, if you're there then it must be because Stiles wants you there."
Chris replies evenly. "Got it."
I chuckled. "And tell Stilinski to be on the look out for anything new or suspicious."
Chris answered. "The good sheriff isn't here he's on a bomb call to the school-"
I bit out. "Shit, the bomb is probably there then. Chris, tell agent McCall to evacuate the building immediately. I'm on my way!"
Alice drove like a bat out of hell to the Sheriff's office. We got there just in time to see it blow up. I ran inside with Alice and pulled everyone out of there that was still alive.
Several officers were dead and missing all there blood. Growling to myself I looked around for Maloker. I couldn't tell who he was in but he was most certainly feeding his essence off of these people.
On the bright side the police started listening to what Argent was saying after the Sheriff called so most of the station was evacuated before it blew. Only a few were killed because of the shrapnel and they didn't last long because their bodies were drained of blood as they died.
There was very little we could do for those only injured other than to stabilize them until the ambulances got here. I took all the pain I could from them before the paramedics took them away to pull the screws, nuts and bolts out of them.
The dead were carried out in body bags while the FBI took over the investigation. Luckily the nogitsune is at least crafty enough not to get caught because Stiles would be screwed if we ever find him and get it out of him.
I knew it was a bad idea not to just kill the thing immediately but it would've altered their experiences enough that they'd have died from the next big bad to come to town. We left the station with my lawyers who'd shown up and gotten Derek and Chris out of the Silverfinger trouble.
When they got there they had filed several charges against Agent McCall. He'd brought them in for questioning and hadn't even thought to read them charges. They'd been forced to wait in cuffs next to a bomb the entire time. I had to reign them in before they tried getting him fired from the FBI.
Outside I told Chris. "Catch up with Braeden and find him. This needs to end now before more bombs go off or god forbid the school blows up during classes."
He left in the SUV I'd brought while I told Derek. "Help Argent if you can. I can't give you a command or anything all I ask is that you help us end this."
I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me. Derek grabbed my arm before flinching and letting go. "You're in pain."
I sighed . "I've felt worse. Leave it be Derek. We have more important things to think about. The nogitsune feeds on pain and strife while my father feeds on blood and demonic essence. By themselves they're disasters, together their nightmares. I'm hoping one or both will be attracted to the pain I've gathered inside myself."
Alice was beside me when I said that, it was our plan after all. As the day passed I felt a sense of unease. I called Scott and asked. "Have you found anything?"
He immediately replied. "Ahh, no- no everything's good here."
I snorted. "You've found him then. Where are you?"
He sighed. "Look man, he's freaked that you'll kill him or turn him into a werewolf. Peter's here with Deaton and my mom. It's going to be fine. We're going to do like you said and try to force the fox out. Besides, it's safe at my house."
I grunted. "Very well, just be careful. I'll send Derek and the pack over just in case."
I hung up and called Derek after telling him they were at Scott's house and that they'd found Stiles he agreed to head over with the pack.
Later that night Derek called me up. "Whatever Scott did, it worked somehow. Stiles, the real Stiles is safe. Deaton said they split or something and that it was a dangerous move on the fox's part. It escaped while they were watching Stiles emerge from the floor though. He says they're at the Oak Creek detention camp."
I sighed. "I'll take care of the rest tell everyone else to stay away. If I'm right my father's there in another vessel. I'll have to kill whoever it is to get him out, he's not like the fox that way. Whoever he possesses can't just evict him. He's simply to strong for that. Keep everyone else out of it."
I called Braeden and Chris to tell them the same thing before driving there with Alice. Each time I went to say something she would stop me saying. "I don't need to be psychic to know what you want to say, I won't stay out of it, I can't."
I sighed. "I don't make it easy huh? Either way all I can ask them is for you to be careful."
She nodded. "I will, I love you, you know."
I smiled sadly. "Not as much as I love you Alice."
We drove the rest of the way in silence. When we got there I saw the vehicles of seemingly everyone else there. Cursing I ran inside and saw Alison shoot the arrow that would kill an Oni. Alice moves before I could react and ran to Alison's side to protect her as the Oni exploded.
Lydia's scream rang out. "ALLISON!"
The other Oni reacted and went to stab Allison, Alice took her place in front of the blade. I roared as it penetrated her diamond like skin. The blades had been spelled! I shifted and roared shaking the entire world as I saw Alice hit the ground. Rage covered my mind as I grabbed the Oni and tore it literally in half.
My body mutated as I breathed in its demonic essence and I went for the next one. The other three Oni gave up their fight with the weaker wolves and went for me as well. Their blades barely penetrated my furred coat as I tore into them. My only thought was- kill, kill, kill-as I ripped them to pieces.
I didn't give the nogitsune a chance either as I bit into his torso. I'd absorbed all of the Oni's demonic essence and my form was still continuing to change. As the fly flew out of the nogitsune's vessel, Kira's mother caught it.
I looked down at her before backhanding her and sending her flying into Derek. He caught her and surprisingly enough she hadn't let go of the possessed fly. I roared at him as I towered over them all. My mind was flooded with the need to kill, maim and tear them all to pieces.
My form had changed so much that it now resembled the werewolf from Van Helsing. If I had a mirror I wouldn't have recognized myself. Oddly enough my vision was red instead of the green I was used to. I charged at Derek as he seemed intent on challenging me.
Just before I could reach him I felt multiple bolts of electricity and arrows pierce my body. Chains that were apparently buried in the ground came up and netted me. I roared and struggled as I felt several tranquilizer darts hit me. The chains shattered under my five inch claws and the wolves surrounded me.
They attacked as a pack and if I'd been capable of coherent thoughts pride would've replaced the unending rage I felt. They tore into my back and gut as I seemed to miss with each swing. My mind wasn't used to the size of my new body and I couldn't strategize at all until I heard it.
As my blood soaked the ground a voice spoke clear as day. "You've certainly changed my son, it's good to know you have even higher pain tolerances then even my old body. To bad your body hasn't been tempered by hellfire yet. I'll have to put it on my todo list when I've taken it for myself."
My mind cleared some as I turned and saw Boyd standing next to the entrance gates for the compound. I roared and ignored the wolves that had stopped attacking to look over at the new contender. Just before I collided with V-man, he grinned before spewing out the red mist I called father.
I chocked and spoke in a nails on the chalkboard voice that grated my ears. "Not yet my son, I'll be seeing you soon enough though."
My by slid to a halt barely stopping Untime as I hit V-man. He fell over in pain but not from me. He started coughing up blood as the mist flew away at high speeds before vanishing into the woods.
I roared again at the fleeing mist as Alice came up beside me. My mind snapped back into focus upon her touch. Sh spoke. "It's ok, I'm fine now see?"
She showed me her stomach where she'd been stabbed. I growled and started to shift back. She ran to the car for some spare clothes and came back with some sweat pants. I slid them on as I turned back to V-man.
I could smell death lingering on him as he coughed up the blood. I went to take his pain and all I felt was coldness. I sighed. "You're dying. There's nothing I can do about it, I'm sorry."
He smiled weakly. "It's not your fault. You were my first friend, you did enough."
I sat down on the ground as everyone else gathered around. Derek kneeled down and took V-man's hand. Even now Derek tried to comfort him. As Vernon Boyd aka V-man passed, I howled and the others joined me.
When I stopped I stood up and nearly fell down again. I'd lost a lot of blood and even though my wounds healed I was still lacking the blood to function properly. I told Alice. "Set fire to my blood. It needs to be destroyed or worse things than a kitsune could use it for other purposes."
Aiden and Ethan helped me to the car where I cleaned up most of the blood on me. We watched as the whole place burned. Lydia came out with Scott and Stiles so it was fine I guess. Mission accomplished for the most part. I still felt like I'd lost in the end but yay team and all that jazz.
The packs left as Scott took Kira, Stiles and Lydia home. Isaac, Erica, Malia, Derek and Peter took Boyd's body with them. Kira's mother and father left after that and the twins followed Alice and I back. I learned later that Derek buried Boyd under a wild aconite plant like he'd tried to do for his sister.
The twins kept a weary eye on me after that night. They seemed to be waiting for me to snap so I did the same thing. I gave them my town house in London and sent them to Jackson to deal with. Lydia and Aiden were already broken up and Danny wasn't willing to continue to date a werewolf so it wasn't a hard sell.
Alison and Chris needed a break so they went to France. Isaac joined them as he'd been in love enough to quite the pack. Cora decided to go back to South America where and I quote "Crazy shit doesn't happen every two weeks."
Erica and Malia stayed in the Hale house while Peter got an apartment downtown. The last I heard of Derek he was checking in on something his mom had told him. The next three weeks were quiet until Scott came to us one afternoon saying. "Malia and Erica found bullet casings in the house. Derek's not answering his phone at all and I'm getting nervous. Lydia says he may be in Mexico but she doesn't know if he's dead or alive."
I got up from my meditation pose and sighed. "Let me see the bullet casing."
He tossed me one and I nodded. "Hunters based out of Mexico called the Calaveras. If they have him then he's probably in some deep shit. Give me a minute."
I texted Braeden who answered my text immediately. She said she was on a side job in Mexico. I texted her that I was headed there myself and I might help out if she wanted. She texted a sign for money and I sent back that I'd do so for free. A smiley face was all I got from that.
I turned off my phone before saying. "Alright. So Mexico. Alice is driving the SUV. Stiles your piece of crap Jeep can stay here. If we're crossing the border I'm not relying on something held together by duck tape."
You could tell he wanted to argue but just exhaled. "Fair enough. Will the SUV hold us all?"
I nodded. "It'll be an easy fit as Peter and Erica aren't coming. Erica looked rebellious until I continued. "They're headed to France to see the Argents in case things go south for us. We need a backup plan and they're it."
Peter snorted. "I don't fly coach."
I shrugged. "There's a private plane waiting for you at LAX. They'll fly you wherever I tell them to so that's fine."
He shrugged and Erica growled. "Derek's my alpha I should-"
A rumbling growl echoed out of my chest that vibrates the building a little. Ever since my change I've been far less tolerant of back talk. Her eyes went wide with fear till I felt Alice's hand on my arm.
I sighed. "Just do as I ask. If the hunters react violently you're Derek's last hope for escape. Think of it this way, would you rather sit down and talk to the hunters nicely or fight them head on? If it's fight then you're better off not going anyway."
Peter took her arm. "Come on, I'll drive to the airport. Hopefully they'll have Derek back in no time."
I asked the rest. "Do you have your passports?"
They all nodded and I grabbed mine and Alices while she grabbed the keys. The next few hours of the ride were spent with Alice telling them about the music I wrote. I closed my eyes and listened to her voice as time passed. My feet were hanging out the window when we pulled up to the border guard post.
Alice gave them all of our passports and waited with a smile. One of the guards asked. "What is your business in Mexico?"
Alice cheerfully told him. "We're going to party like its spring break."
A guard tapped my foot with what I can only assume was a baton. "What's wrong with this one?"
Alice told him evenly. "He's asleep. He's saving his energy for the parties and dancing."
They seemed to except that until the drug dogs they had refused to go anywhere near the vehicle. The wrote it off as odd and had us open up the back for an inspection. Alice did so and they did the search by hand. The dogs didn't want to be near me as even now I was giving off a vibe that set the wolves on edge.
My rage had been boiling under the surface now since the demonic essence had dragged it out of the control I'd kept on it. I'd actually been in meditation since the incident trying to put a leash on it with no luck. Whatever the essence did to me seems to have given me a hair trigger now.
Alice placed her hand on my arm as her own senses sent her a warning. We were still blind to the future but our heightened sense of danger was apart of our vampire and in my case werewolf senses.
I calmed under her touch and voice sub whispering soothing things to me. The wolves heard it as well and that left Lydia and Stiles looking at them like something was wrong. The border guards gave up the search as there was only a bag of cash for the clubs as Alice said.
They had no proof or reason to think otherwise so they let us pass. Alice drove us to a small town atop a plateau where we broke up into groups and found our own way in. Alice paid off a bartender for our card and we headed in early.
The music was a little loud but the drinks were strong so I didn't mind. Three bottles of tequila worms and all and Alice had managed to pull me on the dance floor. When Lydia and Stiles arrived with the small back pack of cash I'd given to him, Alice distracted me by pulling me to a booth and sliding onto my lap.
I hadn't even realized time pass until a guy went flying past us and hit the wall. Alice continued her kisses as we were only here as back up. We'd try it Scott's way first. As the night went on we heard Scott and the rest get caught. When I heard him say they didn't know where Derek was Alice got off me.
She sighed. "It's time to introduce ourselves."
I nodded. "The wolfsbane fog was a unique way to trap them alright. Let's go pull their asses out of the fire."
On the way to the back halls I heard Stiles rum his mouth off to the Calavera matriarch. "We brought more than just a few wolves, we brought the first werewolf. The one they all came from and he's pissed."
I snorted and knocked out the last of the guards at the end of the hall before breaking the door down. "You really need to shut up sometimes Stiles."
The female on the coach fired at me and I took it to the stomach. The bullets felt more like BB's. While it ruined my shirt Alice knocked the shotgun holder out. A male held up a rifle at Alice and I moved, taking it from him and knocking him out.
I turned to the matriarch. "You can set the gun down, I'm not here to fight believe it or not."
She scowled. "I prefer to stay armed in the presence of something like you, especially if what they said is true."
I shrugged. "Suit yourself. But you may want to tell the rest of your people to stand down. I don't plan on holding back if they continue."
She trembled before turning to the door and saying. "Retirate ahora."
I chuckled at their responses and told them. "If I wanted to kill you all your little toys wouldn't stop me. As a matter of fact neither would the wolfsbane you're using."
I grabbed a seat next to Lydia as Alice sat on my right. "Now, let's talk business. I'm aware you don't have Derek Hale but you at least know who does."
The matriarch nodded. "The she wolf."
I shrugged. "There are many female wolves you're going to have to be more specific."
She looked down right pissed before sighing and telling us. "Kate Argent."
I stilled before nodding. "The claws certainly went deep enough in her case. I take it you went by the code and forced her to take her own life?"
She nodded. "It is our duty to uphold the code."
I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Very well. Where is Kate keeping him? I'll do us both a favor and kill her if I run into her."
She looked defeated before saying. "If I tell you, you must promise to let my bounty hunter bring her back to us."
I growled before Alice said. "Agreed."
I turned to her and she nodded and I said. "Fine. Our business here is concluded. Return the betas and the kitsune and we'll be on our way."
She frowned. "You expect me to-"
I tossed the back of cash on the table that Stiles was holding. "Five hundred grand for your pain and damages. Take it or leave it, either way I'm taking them."
She sighed. "You don't make it easy to like you."
I snorted. "I care less what a silly humans opinion of me is. Especially a hunter whose killed her fair share of wolves."
She nodded. "Fair enough. I'd like a word with the banshee before you leave. I'll call my bounty hunter to show you the way in the meantime."
I shrugged. "Harm her and I'll turn this entire city into a graveyard, just so we're clear."
She nodded. "I won't touch a hair on her pretty little head. Mi hijo les muestra el camino a los demás."
The bodyguards showed us to the room they were keeping Scott, Kira and Malia. They were still unconscious so I grabbed Scott and Malia while Alice grabbed Kira. We walked out and the hunter sneered before muttering. "I should lock you in here with them."
I grinned. "This room couldn't hold me and the door would break almost instantly from a light knock."
He paled at my words as I walked passed him. Alice and Stiles followed me out. We went outside and I dropped both the shifters into an old horse water trough. They came up spluttering and Stiles asked. "Why'd you do that?"
I shrugged. "I thought it would be funny and wake them up. I was right on both counts. Fill them in I'm going to rest in the SUV."
Alice set Kira down beside Scott instead of dropping her in. She apologized. "Sorry, he's been on edge since last month. The changes are effecting him on many different levels."
Stile sighed. "It's ok, I get it. I haven't been the same either. Doesn't give him the right to be a dick though."
Alice laughed. "No it doesn't, but the fact that he also took in all that pain with nowhere to put it does. It only serves to bring the rest of his old painful memories to the surface."
He shut up then and Alice met me at the SUV. I was laying on the roof getting some sun when she joined me. She lay next to me and put her head on my arm, closing her eyes. About a half hour later Lydia came back shaken up from seeing someone die.
They came over to the SUV and Scott asked. "Is she still alive?"
I grunted. "Yes, the hunters aren't lying. They have no reason to."
He sighed. "What's the next step then?"
I chuckled. "They're giving us an escort to wherever Kate's hiding out these days. Once we go there we get Derek and if possible we capture Kate and turn her over to the hunters."
He sounded mad. "They'll kill her."
I opened my eyes and growled. "Ask me if I give a shit. She burnt an entire family alive and she'd do so again without hesitation. She's already supposed to be dead, what does it matter if they finish the job."
He scowled. "We don't-"
I snorted and closed my eyes. "Save it for someone who cares. She deserves her fate many times over. How about you feel sorry for the half dozen people she killed just to get out of there, or those she's killed since and leave it be."
After five minutes I got up with Alice and we both hopped down. Braeden showed up on a motorcycle. I smiled when she turned off the bike. "Told you I might show up and help out."
She took off her helmet and Scott asked. "Wait a minute, you knew she was working with the Calaveras?"
I shook my head. "I knew she was working a job in Mexico. When I smelled her I knew she was the one the Calaveras sent to escort us."
Kira asked. "Who is she?"
Scott replied. "Braeden."
Lydia spoke up. "She's a mercenary."
Braeden smiled. "Right now I'm the only on that's going to take you to la Iglesia."
Lydia replied. "The church?"
Stiles asked. "What's the church?"
Braeden answered smoothly. "It's not a place you'll find god."
I chuckled and told them. "Load up, we have mass to attend to. Let's just hope it doesn't involve slaughter."
Alice snorted cutely while getting in the driver seat. The others got in and we took off. After several hours Malia asked. "So whose Kate?"
I tuned them out till I felt the SUV get hit and Alice pulled over. I hopped out and roared at at the berserkers general direction. I heard it getting more distant as it fled. Braeden pulled up. "What happened?"
I growled. "Something decided to attack the truck."
Went over and pulled the bone knife out of the tire and showed her. "You take Scott, Alice will run along beside you and keep you both safe. I'll stay here with the rest and change the tire. We won't be far behind you."
She nodded and Scott said his goodbyes to Malia and Kira. They both kissed him before he left with Braeden and Alice. I told Malia. "Hold up the front end of the truck and I'll replace the tire."
She went to do so and couldn't lift it enough. I sighed. "Alright, I'll hold it up and Stiles can help you change the tire. The spare is in the back."
I lifted the front of the SUV up like it was a remote controlled toy. Stiles walked her through it as she was basically the muscles. Ten minutes later we were back on the road and I was driving. Unfortunately it had started to get dark.
I turned the high beams on and sped up. When we arrived I heard Scott's roar from the church. Sighing I told them. "They should be out in a few minutes. Unfortunately I don't know Kate's scent and even if I did the smell of rotting dead things and dirt would cover it easily."
Malia rubbed her nose. "I agree. What is that smell?"
I tossed her the bone dagger. "It's the same smell as that. It must be whatever attacked the vehicle earlier. I think Scott did the same trick as me and scared it away."
As I said that Alice came out carrying a de-aged Derek with Braeden and Scott following her. She set him down and I sighed. "An ancient ritual of some sort. I can only imagine the price she paid to pull it off. Let's get him home."
I turned to Braeden. "I haven't seen Kate so I take it she's either not here or hiding very well."
She nodded. "Care to do a run of the place?"
I shook my head. "This place wreaks of rotting dead things. I couldn't catch a scent here even if she was right next to me. Besides, I can't hear anything remotely like a human heartbeat within two miles of here. Either she's managed to change that or she's not here."
Braedon sighed. "Damn. She must've had her guard dogs distract us while she left."
I shrugged. "Could be. Anyway, I don't plan on sticking around anymore. We need to get him home and there just so happens to be school tomorrow. When you finish up in mexico make sure to head back to Beacon hills, it's time you began looking in earnest."
She nodded. "I'll lead the way out. This place gives me the creeps."
I took Derek and set him in the back seat with Scott and Stiles. Everyone else got in and I called to have the private Jet pick us up in Mexico City. Six hours later we flew over the border and landed just outside Beacon hills where another SUV was waiting for us.
Alice dropped Malia and Kira off before taking us to the veterinary clinic. Deaton was waiting on us and after ten minutes he finally admitted. "This is out of my area of expertise."
I agreed. "She had to have drawn the power from something in the Aztec temple to do it. Probably something that collected power from the sacrifices that were made there. Whatever it is I know it's not permanent."
Deaton asked. "How so?"
I grinned. "Maybe you should read more? Just messing with you. The reason I know it's not permanent is that it would take a constant supply of power to reverse the aging process like this. With him here and no longer in the temple the power supply is cut off. Otherwise he'd be an eternally young immortal or he'd have continued to grow younger until he was unmade."
Deaton nodded. "Sounds reasonable."
Stiles asked. "Aren't you an eternally young immortal?"
I snorted. "My immortality came at a special price so I don't think I'd count. The source of my power is inside me. Derek here is technically immortal but he can still be killed by diseases and outside influence."
Stiles made a weird face and Deaton told him. "Beheading or fire. Basically anything that kill regular werewolves."
I shrugged. "He's immune to a degree of most wolfsbane as is those he turned but they didn't get the immortality part of the deal, only long lives like most werewolves."
Stiles asked confused. "Wait, how long?"
I shrugged. " Five to Six hundred years if they're lucky and smart. Most die off long before then though."
Scott looked stricken. "I'm going to live six hundred years?"
I shook my head. "Probably not. At least not at the rate you attract trouble. You'll be lucky to live a few more decades tops before some hunter or creature with a bone to pick with you kills you off."
Stiles snorted. "Mister optimism thy name is Ryan."
I shrugged. "He asked. Besides, it's not like you have better odds. You'll more than likely die from some creature you piss off to much and be lucky to make it passed twenty."
Lydia spoke up. "You do tend to annoy things with your sarcasm."
Scott looked towards Stiles and shrugged. "They're not wrong."
I turned to Deaton. "Mind if we leave him here? I'm sure he'll wake up sometime tomorrow but we have school in the morning and I need to meditate before I'm the thing that ends Stiles."
Deaton shrugged. "Sure. I'll need someone to help keep an eye on him though."
Lydia volunteered and Scott told her to call him when Derek wakes up. On the way out Stiles asked me. "What did I do to piss you of?"
I snorted. "Ninety-Nine bottles of beer on the wall? Seriously?"
He gasped and scratched his head asking. "What? It's a classic!"
I growled and followed Alice to the SUV. Peter and Erica should be arriving soon and their car was already waiting at the airport so I really had no need to help there. Alice had called them right after finding Derek and told them to just come back as we didn't need the Argent's help.