30.41% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 65: EPISODE 65: A Rough Tough Bird!

บท 65: EPISODE 65: A Rough Tough Bird!

Another pleasant day has arrived. The morning flower is at its peak. Mountains and hills filled with lush trees and vegetation. Seas and Oceans teeming with corals and water type Pokemons, while fields teem with cute and cuddly Pokemon. Large and Psuedo Pokemons live on dark and icy mountains while most people wake up to do their daily business.

The Silvent desert is on-site! A desert famous for the great Unown ruins and the tall Dojo tower. Me and my Pokemons slept late last night after saving Corviknight! The knight of the dark sky. It was being chased by no other than Kaizo's men. The hunt and poach for rare Pokemons and sell them to black markets. I had to stop their goal and rescue Corviknight. Corviknight's wing was pierced with an arrow. With the help of my newly evolved Gardevoir, we were able to defeat Kaizo's men and remove the arrow safely from Corviknight's wing.

In return for helping the knight, it gave us a Pokemon egg with blue spots. Gardevoir promised to take care of the egg, she became the egg's baby sitter. Now the question is... What would hatch from the Pokemon egg?

It was almost ten in the morning and I haven't woke up yet. Me and my Pokemons were so tired from what happened yesterday. We deserve to sleep and wake up late. After all Ms. Beatrice isn't there to scold us when we wake up late.

"Huh... Kalem isn't awake yet?" Glade queried as he went out of his tent. He saw Zhery and Camellia cooking together but I was still on my tent sleeping.

"I know right? Maybe Kalem slept late last night." Camellia hunched while cooking her Magikarp Stew.

"That's odd, he usually wakes up before me..." Glade recalled.

"Why don't I wake him up? heh heh heh!" Zhery thought.

"Don't wake up Kalem, let him sleep." Camellia objected.

"It's ten o clock and he hasn't wake up yet! This is my perfect opportunity to get him back after teasing me!" Zhery planned with a mischievous look on her face.

She took a pail of cold water and went inside my tent. She splattered the water on me and Riolu's face making us very angry at her.

"What was that for!?" I badgered as I stood up looking wet and soapy.

"Haha! Rise and Shine! You're late for school!" Zhery teased.

"That wasn't funny at all! I'm gonna get you! Mark my words!" I exasperated as Zhery rushed outside the tent laughing and jumping with a mischievous face.

Riolu shivered in coldness, so I had to dry Riolu up. I also had to change my shirt after what Zhery did to me. While getting my T-shirt from my bag, I saw the Pokemon egg Corviknight gave me yesterday, it was glowing and was surrounded with a blue veil.

"Come on out Gardevoir!" I sent out Gardevoir out of her Pokeball to protect the egg.

"Alright! Protect the egg for me." I favored. Gardevoir smiled at me and slowly lifted the egg. She carefully held the egg as we went out of my tent.

"Good morning Kalem! Breakfast is already." Glade greeted.

"It isn't a good morning after what Zhery did to me!"

"Eat some stew and you'll feel better in no time!" Glade insisted. I quickly sat down on my chair and we all ate breakfast together. Gardevoir and Absol were taking care of the Pokemon egg from an isolated tree near the camp, while the other Pokemons played and ate together.

"So Kalem, why did you wake up late?" Camellia wondered.

"Me and Riolu went for a night stroll in the forest until we saw a large Pokemon with black wings! Its name was Corviknight and it had red eyes! We saved it from Kaizo's men." I explained with joy.

"A Corviknight? That's awesome! Corviknights are rare in this region, though I've seen one before in the Galar region." Zhery recalled her memory.

"And guess what! Corviknight gave me and Riolu a Pokemon egg!" I exclaimed.

"Really! A Pokemon egg? Show us! Please." Glade begged with excitement.

"The egg is with Gardevoir, she volunteered to take care of the egg."

"I wonder what Pokemon would hatch from the egg?" Camellia wondered.

"I don't know, but it's gotta be color blue since the egg is color blue after all," I explained and recalled the egg's color.

After breakfast, we figured that it was time to move to the next route. I called Gardevoir and Absol from their isolated tree. I borrowed the egg from Gardevoir and showed everyone how the egg looked like.

"It must be a dragon type..." Camellia hunched.

"A dragon type? How sure are you?" Zhery queried.

"I've read a book before about Pokemon eggs, if the egg has a blue veil that means it's a dragon type, if it's red it's a fire type, and if it's green it's a grass type," Camellia explained.

"Then! Let's wait for the egg to hatch... Then we can know what Pokemon will hatch from the egg." I beamed with excitement while thinking what would hatch from the Pokemon egg?

Somewhere lurking in the forest, lies a bird with a white mane. It had a gradient feather on top of its mane and its eyes were cute just like those of a chicken. Its legs were thick while its beak was short. It had small wings and two tiny nostrils. Its wings were black and white depending on your angle.

Now this little bird, is practicing near the cliff. It was trying to fly but it was scared to do so. His mother left him when he hatched from an egg, so no one could teach the poor fella how to fly. This little bird sought to find his mother but was unsuccessful. The bird wanted to fly but it couldn't for some reason, it wanted to be tough like its other bird friends.

"You'll never be tough! No matter what you do!" A Pidgeotto teased while clinging on to a branch and observing Rufflet train its wings.

"I can do it! I will fly soon, you'll see!" Rufflet uttered with determination as he tried to flap his wings. Rufflet started to fly but fell down quickly, but this little bird is persistent and tough! Rufflet was known as the Eaglet Pokemon! A tough and rough bird who never gives up. Though other birds may tease him for its weak wings, he wouldn't listen to them and just focus on what he was doing.

This little bird, tried hard and tough but he still couldn't fly. He was afraid that if he tried to jump and fly while falling from the cliff he wouldn't succeed and would only meet his deathly doom.

"Stop practicing! You're wasting your time!" the Pidgeotto bullied while watching the bird fly!

"I am rough and tough I'll be able to fly! Just watch me closely and you'll be shocked!"

"I've been watching you for the last three hours! I'm tired of waiting! Just jump off the cliff and fly!"

"No way! I might not fly, I need to learn first before jumping off."

"What a scaredy bird! That's it, I'm pushing you off!" Pidgeotto started to push Rufflet off the cliff by using drill peck, a move wherein the beak of the bird spins and hits the foe.

Rufflet fell from the sky looking scared! Why would his friend Pidgetto betray him like that? There's nothing he could do but to flap his wings! Come Rufflet flap your wings!

Rufflet tried and tried but he wasn't flying, he saw the ground and knew he was going to die, there's nothing he could do but to accept his harsh faith.

"I guess this it, goodbye life!" Rufflet closed his eyes while flapping his wings one more time hoping that his deadly doom won't come true.

Rufflet still couldn't fly no matter how many tries! So he closed his eyes and waited for death to come. Rufflet thought he was going to die until suddenly he fell into Glade's hand.

"Um..." Glade was shocked with Rufflet. He was shivering at Glade's hand looking scared and frightened. Slowly by slowly Rufflet opened his eyes, only to see a savior dressed in white.

Rufflet hugged Glade for saving his life, he cried in joy but Glade was in awe.

"Um... Hi there!" Glade smiled at the bird, while me and my other friends came to look at the bird. Rufflet wasn't shy and was actually friendly, he hugged Glade very tight with its two flappy wings.

"I think Rufflet is thanking you for saving his life!" I hunched and stared at the cute little bird. Meanwhile from the top lies Pidgeotto waiting, "Where could that Rufflet be?" He wondered.

Rufflet stayed at Glade's arm, it hugged Glade tightly and closely, he doesn't want to leave Glade's side.

"Um, you can go back to your family now." Glade smiled as he slowly placed Rufflet down. Rufflet hesitated and went to Glade's shoulder.

"I don't think Rufflet has any family." Zhery hunched while looking at the bird.

<Ruff! Rufflet! Ruff-Ruff!> The bird spoke.

"Kalem, Rufflet says that his mother left him when he was just a mere child." Gardevoir translated while holding the Pokemon egg neat and tight!

I told Glade what Gardevoir said, and he asked Rufflet what can he do to help?

<Ruff! Ruff! Rufflet!> The Pokemon explained.

"Rufflet wants to learn how to fly! But it couldn't since its wings are too weak!" Gardevoir translated while holding the Pokemon egg. I translated to Glade what Gardevoir told me and he was willing to give his helping hand to Rufflet.

"I'll help you Rufflet and you'll be a rough tough bird in no time!" Glade offered while Rufflet jumped with joy and pleasure.

"Alright Rufflet flap your wings! Harder and Harder until you fly!" Glade instructed. Rufflet tried to flap his wings, harder and harder each time, but no can do! Rufflet couldn't fly and started to cry!

"Don't give up Rufflet! You'll fly soon I promise!" Glade smiled with determination.

"Alright Rufflet! Try jumping then flap your wings!" Glade instructed. Rufflet tried to flap his wings but still didn't fly, Rufflet tried to jump and flap but still couldn't fly.

Zhery tried to observe Rufflet's tiny wings, to see what was the problem with the little bird. Camellia and I were watching Glade train Rufflet to become a flying expert.

"Rufflet, we're not giving up! Try jumping from the log and then flap your wings!" Glade suggested.

Rufflet jumped from the log but nothing seems to work, even Rufflet was starting to give up.

"there must be something stopping Rufflet's wing, but what could it be?" Zhery observed at rufflet's two wings.

"Cheer up little rufflet, have this berry to boost your energy!" Glade suggested and fed Rufflet with an oran berry.

Rufflet felt better and stronger but still couldn't fly? What is the reason behind all of these? Zhery observed closer and closer, the wings seem to be fine except for one thing.

"What the?" Zhery was in shock, she saw a little wound on the back of Rufflet's wing. The wound was hard to find since the color of the blood matches Rufflet's feathers on the wrong angle.

"Glade! I found the problem!" Zhery stood up with determination.

"Rufflet has a wound on its wing! That's why he couldn't fly." Zhery explained.

Zhery held Rufflet tightly and examined the wound, the wound wasn't by accident, it was from an attack caused by a wild Pokemon.

<Ruff! Rufflet! Ruff!> Rufflet explained solemnly.

"Rufflet's mother was the reason behind Rufflet's wound, the mother forced rufflet to fly but since Rufflet couldn't fly, the mother decided to hurt Rufflet and leave him alone." Gardevoir translated while taking care of the Pokemon egg.

I translated what Gardevoir said and told it to Glade.

Glade pitied the poor little bird, and promised himself that Rufflet will learn how to fly. Zhery in the meantime applied a hyper potion on the poor rufflet, wrapped his wings with bandage.

Rufflet's wound began to swell, but he was able to tolerate the pain, Zhery gave Rufflet Aguav berries so that rufflet's wound would heal faster.

Rufflet laid down for a while, but after resting he called Glade since it was time to train!

"Alright Rufflet, stretch your wings!" Glade instructed. Rufflet extended his wings with determination, he didn't focus on the wound.

"Now, focus on the wind, don't think of anything else!" Glade instructed. Rufflet's eyes turned sharper as he felt the breeze rushing to his wings.

"Rufflet! Now Flap your wings gently at first, then flap harder as you slowly float up into the sky!" Glade instructed.

Rufflet did what Glade told him, slow and steady, Rufflet flapped his wings, Rufflet could feel the wind rushing towards him, after enough practice, Rufflet's feet left the ground as he slowly flew up.

"Good work Rufflet! Now flap even harder!" Glade complemented and instructed.

Rufflet was now able to fly! Rufflet soared through the trees and vines and landed on Glade to hug him! Rufflet thanked Glade for helping him how to fly, but it was time for the ultimate test! The four of us went to a nearby cliff, the cliff was higher than the cliff Rufflet first fell into.

"Alright Rufflet! Remember my instructions." Glade reminded. Rufflet felt scared if he could surpass the ultimate trial.

Rufflet believed he could do it, and jumped right into the cliff. Everything was going right at first, until Rufflet got scared and closed his eyes.

"No! Rufflet open your eyes!" Glade instructed. Rufflet slowly opened his eyes as he saw the ground.

"Flap your wings Rufflet! Don't be scared!" Glade instructed. Rufflet tried to flap his wings, but everything was failing! Rufflet wasn't flying but this was a life or death situation.

"Rufflet! Focus on the wind!" Glade shouted as Rufflet approached the ground. Rufflet began to extend his wings and focused at the wind. a few centimeters before reaching the ground, Rufflet was able to soar through the sky! He was able to fly back up into the air! Rufflet felt happy! He passed the ultimate trial!

"Good job Rufflet! You're doing great!" Glade complemented as Rufflet flew to Glade. He went to Glade's arm and hugged him tightly again. He thanked Glade once more for helping him learn how to fly.

"Alright Rfflet! We'll be going now!" Glade waved and said goodbye to Rufflet. I and my other friends also waved goodbye at Rufflet, but Rufflet felt sad. While walking through the forest, something flew above Glade, it was rufflet all along! Rufflet went to Glade's head and sat on it.

"Hey Rufflet! What are you doing on my head." Glade smiled and laughed as Rufflet pecked Glade's hair.

<Ruff! Ruff!> The Pokemon shouted with joy.

"Well isn't that nice? Rufflet wants to come with Glade!" gardevoir translated while taking care of the Pokemon egg.

I translated what Gardevoir said, and glade felt extremely happy.

"Is that true? Do you really wish to come with me?" Glade reassured. Rufflet nodded his head and continued to peck Glade's hair.

"Alright Rufflet! just tap the Pokeball and you'll be mine!" Glade instructed while getting a Pokeball from his bag.

Rufflet pecked the Pokeball and was sent inside. Rufflet didn't hesitate to be caught.

"Alright! I just caught a Rufflet!" Glade smiled and boasted.

Another member has joined Glade, and Rufflet' name! After learning how to fly, Rufflet became a rough tough bird! A bird who loves Glade from the bottom of his heart!


"Where in the world is rufflet!? It's already midnight!!!" Pidgeotto badgered while waiting patiently on a tree.

As the journey continues...

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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