23.5% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 50: EPISODE 50: Loud and Clear!

บท 50: EPISODE 50: Loud and Clear!

Route ten was filled with tragic events after the attack of no other than the suspended grunts of team Chaos. With a goal of capturing our Pokemon, team Chaos bombarded the mountains causing a gust of dust storms! Their mission failed thanks to our Pokemons, Nobody was hurt, and I sought to seek revenge for all the troubles they did. I will travel not only to search for my parents, not only to be a Pokemon master, but to find Team Chaos and end them for good.

Their boss heard about Nate and Cyra's bombardment in route ten and ordered his men to capture the both of them and to bring them back to their headquarters.

Cyra and Nate were carried into the room of their boss. Their boss was sitting in his black throne looking at his window. As Nate and Cyra entered, the boss turned his throne towards them. The boss' helmet turned red filled with rage and anger.

"You are an embarrasement to team Chaos! Didn't I suspend the both of you!?" The boss squawked with anger as his helmet started to glow red.

"We are sorry boss, but... its Kalem and his friends fault for doing all this!" Cyra excused.

"The son of the Cypress and Lyra?" The boss queried with a low tone.

"Y... Yes boss, there were even some rumors that they're headed to the cavern of the deep." Nate explained.

"So the boy sought to seek his parents? The professors who blew up the lab?" The boss queried in a villainous tone.

"B... But didn't a Pokemon did it? Isn't that the reason why your head was bu-"

"I know what happened! Those two Pokemons were not made to stop me, they were made to stop someone or something far greater than me." The boss shouted as he interrupted Cyra's statement.

"But I thought you wanted to be God? There is nothing greater than a God." Nate questioned.

"I am not yet a God... Once I have my hands on those bio weaponized Pokemons, I shall unleash the prophecy! Only then am I, God!" The boss shouted as he walked solemnly to Cyra and Nate.

"You're going to repeat the past?" Cyra queried.

The boss points his sword and Cyra's neck and uttered. "Eight years ago I sought revenge, I sought revenge against my friends, against the elite, and against the Gods! I wasn't able to finish my plan, but now, while those measly professors are hiding, its time for team Chaos to step out of the shadows! I shall finish what I started, I shall be a God!" The boss shouted in determination.

"...And as for the two of you? You're are permanently kicked out of team Chaos!" the boss proclaimed.

"But boss... Please, please give us a second chance." Cyra begged.

"There are no second chances, Team Chaos is for the powerful! There's no room for weak grunts like you! Guards! Throw them into the dungeon!" The boss commanded, the two guards in front of the boss' door came rushing towards Cyra and Nate... Pulling them and bringing them to the dungeon.

"The time is right, the time is now... I shall no longer be a king, I shall be a God." The boss uttered softly as the doors of his room closed.

"I'm coming for you Camellia..." this was the last words of the boss before the doors completely shut. Cyra and Nate was thrown out of team Chaos, they're no longer part of the kingdom that sits on an isle.

Meanwhile, the four of us have reached route eleven, the last route of this jagged canyon. While climbing up the mountain, you could really see Photia-heart city and its great Photia volcano! I cannot wait to achieve my third badge! A third step closer to the Pokemon league, and to the cavern of the deep.

We were passing through a cave, which was a short-cut to Photia-heart city, until we saw a pink and small hopping Pokemon rushing towards us. It seems like it was begging for help or something. I asked Irys to scan the Pokemon and here are some datas:

[Whismur! The Whisper Pokemon! A normal type! Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes startled by its own crying and cried even harder. When it finally stops crying, the Pokemon goes to sleep all tired out!]

"Hey Whismur is there anything wrong?" I queried. Whismur seems like it needs help, it tried to explain but we couldn't understand it.

: Whis! Whismur! Whis! The Pokemon explained, but none of my Pokemons could understand Whismur. Whismur tried to pull Glade's leg, but Glade's leg was too heavy. Whismur gave up and ran away from us just like a timid person asking for help.

"Well that was weird? I thought Whismur was asking for help?" Glade wondered.

"It did try to pull your leg right? It was trying to lead you somewhere." Camellia recalled.

"Yeah but where? This cave is larger than Cave Moon. I don't even know where we are." Glade uttered with fear. Then we heard a large Pokemon screaming from the deeper part of the cave.

: PLOUUUUUUDDDD!!!! The Pokemon shouted with rage! Even the gust coming from the Pokemon's shout was able to blow my hat away.

"I think Whismur is being attacked!" I hunched as I started to worry about poor little Whismur, if only I had listened to it.

"Then, we have to go and look for Whismur, before any Pokemon hurts it!" Zhery suggested.

The four of us rushed as fast as we can, with maximum velocity just to save Whismur.

: PLOUDDDDDD!!! The Pokemon's cry got louder and louder.

"Where could that Pokemon be?" Zhery became worried about Whismur.

"But why would it cry all of a sudden?" Camellia wondered as we ran.

The Pokemon's cry also caused devastating events to happen! The Pokemon caused an earthquake inside the cave due to its loud screaming. Boulders came rushing down towards us. The cave started to collapse and we were about to be trapped. Kirlia tried to run but she wasn't fast enough. As the boulders came rushing towards us, Kirlia was hit in the foot. A boulder fell on her foot, my friends were able to reach a safe spot but when I saw Kirlia, I ran back to help her.

"Kalem what are you doing!?" Glade shouted as I rushed back to the danger zone to get Kirlia. As I tried to help Kirlia, we were sealed by boulders and me and my friends were separated.

"Kalem! Can you hear us?" Camellia shouted worriedly through the stone which separated us.

"Yeah, I'm fine, you three think of a way to break down the boulder. I'll take care of Kirlia." I shouted through the boulder.

"Come on, we have to find a way to break down the boulder!" Camellia instructed.

Meanwhile, me and Kirlia were stuck, no way in and no way out. The Pokemon continued to cry but it wasn't loud enough to trigger another devastating earthquake. I tried to lift the boulder that hit Kirlia's leg. Kirlia was crying in agony.

"You'll be fine Kirlia..." I comforted. The boulder was too heavy to lift and too hard to push. Riolu and Zorua are with my friends, only Scyther was with me.

Riolu tried to use force palm but it wasn't working. The boulder was to thick to be moved. Petilil and Roselia also tried to use razor leaf to break down the boulder but it didn't work. The two Eevees, tried to break down the boulder but they failed. Luxio's volt tackle just did recoil damage while Pansear couldn't knock the boulder with Flame Charge. Squirtle tried to use a water gun to knock down the stone since Rock types are weak against water types but water guns still didn't do a thing.

"Kalem, don't worry, we'll be thinking of other ways." Camellia comforted. I on the other hand, was sweating heavily as I tried to lift the boulder. I asked Scyther to break the boulder using X-Scissors but the boulder was too strong.

Kirlia continued to cry, she was traumatized too much to the point she couldn't open her eyes because of fear.

"You'll be fine Kirlia, we'll be finding ways to get that boulder out of your legs." I comforted as I tried to look around for tools that I could use to lift the boulder. "Hey Scyther, please look for a shard while I comfort Kirlia." I pleaded.

Scyther searched the area we were trapped in but there was no shard. I was planning to lift the boulder using the shard.

"We have to break down the boulder! But how?" Camellia began to worry. "Don't worry your Kalem is fine." Zhery teased.

"Even though! What if he gets hurt! Or gets another injury! What if a Pokemon hurts him? Or another boulder rushed towards him?" Camellia complained.

I could still hear the Pokemon crying.

:PLOOOOOUUUUUDDDD!!!!! The Pokemon shouted. I was starting to lose hope when suddenly I saw a long stone capable of lifting the boulder that Kirlia is stuck on.

Me and Scyther tried to lift the boulder with all our might. It worked and I was able to get Kirlia out of the boulder.

"Kalem, I can't feel my legs." Kirlia cried and complained.

"Don't worry Kirlia, I'm here, your legs will be fine." I comforted and hugged Kirlia. Kirlia won't stop crying in pain, her legs felt numb until she lost control over her legs.

"Kalem, but how could I walk... How can I battle?" Kirlia cried. "Don't think about that, the most important thing is that you're still alive." I comforted and smiled at Kirlia. I tried to wipe Kirlia's tears but she kept on crying. I sprayed a hyper potion on Kirlia's leg and wrapped it with a bandage. Hopefully her wounds would be healed.

"Kalem are you alright?" Camellia questioned. "Yeah, me, Kirlia, and Scyther are fine," I shouted.

On the other sealed part of the cave, I saw a Pokemon's leg through a small hole. "Hey! Hey! Please help us." I begged and shouted to gather the Pokemon's attention.

: Loud? The Pokemon looked behind and saw me peeking through the hole. "Please help me! Please! I'm begging you." I pleaded. The Pokemon stood back, and its ear started to glow, then vibrations were unleashed from the Pokemon's ear. The vibrations were able to break the boulder.

I asked the Pokemon to help my friends too, and the Pokemon did. The Pokemon had a good heart, he broke down the boulder and I and my friends reunited. "Kalem! Are you hurt? Sick? Injured? Or anything?" Camellia asked worriedly. "I'm fine Camellia, but we have to find a Pokemon center, Kirlia can't move her legs," I explained.

"There's a Pokemon center in route twelve I believe, but who's that Pokemon?" Glade queried as he pointed at the Pokemon.

"Lead the information to me! Irys the Pokedex! [Loudred! The big voice Pokemon! The evolved form of Whismur! A normal type, It positions the round speakers on its head to assail foes with ultrasonic waves at massive volume. It builds power by stomping the ground]"

"So, was the move you used called Sonic boom?" I queried unto the Pokemon or Loudred. Loudred nodded his head, and when he heard the crying Pokemon, Loudred became aware and rushed towards it.

Loudred rushed as fast as he can, I wasn't able to say thank you to Loudred, but we'll surely meet when I find the crying Pokemon.

"Come on, we have to help Loudred calm the crying Pokemon!" I ordered. I stood up quickly and carried Kirlia, Zorua hopped to my hat and Riolu went to my shoulder.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hurry!" Zhery agreed.

"We followed the voice of the crying Pokemon, we ran with swiftness before the crying Pokemon triggers another devastating earthquake. I also looked at Kirlia from time to time to see how she was feeling. Kirlia fell asleep in my hands as I carried her due to the trauma she experienced.

We arrived at the crying Pokemon, it was big and color violet. It had a lot of pipes surrounding it, and its face looked scary. I scanned the Pokemon for details.

[Exploud! The loud noise Pokemon! And the final evolved form of Whismur! A normal type, Exploud communicates its feelings to the others by emitting whistle-like sounds from the tubes on its body. This Pokémon only raises its voice when it is in battle.]

"So, the Pokemon which was crying was the evolved form of Loudred!" Glade concluded.

"Yeah, and look! There's Loudred and Whismur trying to remove something from Loudred's leg." Zhery pointed. I looked closer to what's happening and saw something unbelievable!

There was a shard piercing through Exploud's body. It looks to me that Whismur wasn't in danger, Whismur was asking help to remove the shard which pierced through Exploud's leg. Loudred was also trying to remove the shard but every time they touched the shard, Loudred would cry in pain.

I had sympathy for the Exploud, I asked Camellia to carry Kirlia and I rushed to help Exploud.

"Don't worry Exploud, I'll help you." I comforted, I was about to touch Exploud when it suddenly shouted at me.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help and not make things worse," I explained. Riolu even hugged Exploud as an expression of hospitality.

Sometime later, Zhery came to help me, she wants to become a Pokemon doctor in the future, so she knows what to do.

"This is Zhery, she's a friend of mine, she'll help you out." I introduced. Exploud allowed itself to be touched while Whismur and Loudred were watching.

"Alright, Kalem please spray this anesthesia on Exploud's wound, this is so that Exploud wouldn't feel a thing when we remove the shard," Zhery explained.

I did what Zhery told me, I sprayed some anesthesia. Exploud was even tickled by the anesthesia. We waited for three minutes for the anesthesia to take effect. Then Zhery got a pair of forceps and slowly removed the shard. Exploud wasn't feeling a thing thanks to the anesthesia.

"You'll be fine Exploud, you'll be fine." Zhery comforted.

"This shard pierced through Exploud's skin deeply," Zhery explained.

"Yeah, it might be because of team Chaos' bombardment. The bombardment must've caused the shard to puncture Exploud's skin." I guessed.

"Those filthy grunts, they don't care about any Pokemon at all." Zhery badgered.

We were able to remove the shard, I applied a hyper potion and a bandage. Exploud felt better and thanked the four of us.

I carried Kirlia once more before we were about to leave, but Exploud called us.

: Ex! Exploud! The Pokemon called. He showed use four objects that he'll be giving to us as a thank you gift for helping him.

The first object, he gave it to Glade. It was a red stone filled with a fiery core. The second object, he gave it to Zhery, it was also a stone but it was super clean and shiny. The third object he gave it to Camellia, it was a rock with a similar look to the Pokemon named Solrock. Then lastly, Exploud gave me a stonethath looks like a marble, it had a green and pink filling in the center.

"Thank you Exploud." The four of us greeted and beamed with happiness as we left the cave. Loudred and Whismur also waved bye at us. The four of us grew curious about the stones Exploud gave us.

I wasn't sure what kind of stone Exploud gave me. Explore gave me two marble looking stones and as we walked passed the cave I started to wonder about the stone.

We asked Camellia what Exploud gave us, since she was the smartest one out of all of us. She wants to become a Pokemon professor, so we're very sure that Camellia knows a thing or two about the stones.

"Glade was given a firestone, it is used to evolve certain species belonging to the fire type category. Zhery was given a shiny stone that is used to evolve certain species belonging to any type. While I was given a sunstone used to evolve my Petilil... But I won't be using it yet." Camellia explained.

"You won't use it yet? Why? Aren't you going to evolve Petilil to make it stronger?" Zhery queried.

"It depends, Petilil still doesn't want to evolve. I'll evolve Petilil when she wants too." Camellia answered.

"What about me, what stone did Exploud give me?" I queried while carrying sleep Kirlia.

Camellia observed the stone and was shocked, "Could it be!?" Camellia wondered and observed the stone carefully.

"Is there a problem Camellia?" I queried.

"That stone... that stone is a mega stone!" Camellia explained. Everybody was shocked except me! What in the world is a mega stone?

"A mega stone is used to evolve a Pokemon into its mega form, or a form which makes a Pokemon more powerful and stronger! Some say its more powerful than a Z-move. It needs a mega ring, which is the other stone placed on that black ring which Exploud gave you. But in order to achieve mega evolution, your Pokemon must first reach its last evolution state. Your bond must be strong as well!" Camellia explained with awe.

All that knowledge wasn't able to process in my mind, but at least I get the point.

"There are a lot of types of mega stones. The one you're holding is unfamiliar to me." Glade answered.

"Hey, since we are all headed to the Pokemon center, why don't we ask nurse joy?" Zhery suggested.

"Yeah, that'll be a great idea! Let's ask nurse joy more about mega stones!" I jumped with excitement as we left the cave.

So Exploud gave me a mega stone? I wasn't able to understand Camellia a bit, but at least I know that it is used to mega-evolve a Pokemon with the use of a mega ring or a ring which has another mega stone on the center of the ring. Now we are headed to the Pokemon center to treat Kirlia's leg and to ask nurse Joy about the mega stone Exploud gave me. Just like what Glade said, there are a lot of types of mega stones used to mega evolve specific Pokemons.

As the journey continues...

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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