82.02% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3363: ROAD TRIP TO REMEMBER


"Are you kidding me?? Just come home already!!" Luke screams angrily into his phone as he pulls into the driveway of his house.

"I don't care if you're a High-Risk! You're already vaccinated!! Just come home Sara!"


"FINE!! Stay in Denver! WHO GIVES A FUCK that we haven't seen each other in a YEAR!!" He screams into his phone before hanging up angrily.

Without much luck in winning his argument, Luke ends the call in utter frustration. He has had enough! Ever since the start of the pandemic, his fiancé Sara has been away from home dealing with COVID patients at a major hospital up in Denver as a volunteer nurse due to the overwhelming amount of cases throughout the state. The local hospital where she worked at in Colorado Springs looked for voluntary Paramedics, RNs, and Doctors willing to travel to Denver to deal with the surge of cases during the spring and summer of 2020. Luke was initially supportive of his fiancé Sara's decision to be a volunteer RN in the COVID ward at the hospital. He's grateful for her time and service doing her best to save as many lives as possible.

Unfortunately, with her heroic service came the cost of damaging the relationship between them. Due to the nature of the job, Sara was not comfortable coming back home to him or her family. With people dying everyday from the deadly virus right before her eyes, she developed a sense of paranoia that she could accidentally transmit the virus to her loved ones. For months, Luke tried to convince her to come home on her limited days off for a visit. He reminds her that she must do frequent tests and show a negative result in order for her to report for duty. She does all the necessary precautions with washing her hands, social distancing, and wearing face masks. She stays in quarantine with several colleagues from her hospital, sharing a temporary apartment lease up in Denver. Sara had even received her vaccine in the early stages of the mass distribution due to the nature of her job! Luke reminds her of all of these things, yet she still lives in fear. Sara has not left Denver to visit home in Colorado Springs since the spring!

In present day early 2021, Luke and Sara have made things work through phone calls, FaceTime, and texting. They were supposed to get married in the fall of 2020 but had to put their wedding on an indefinite hold due to the pandemic. Luke and Sara have been in a tough spot for most of her time spent up in Denver. There has been a lot of stress, arguments, and sadness between the both of them. The only reason they've stayed together is because they know the issues are because of not being physically together. They both hang on to the hope that things will get better in the near future.

Luke steps out of his car after returning home from work. Around the start of the pandemic, his apartment lease ended and he made the tough decision to return back to his family home to save money. Being in his mid-twenties, he had already moved out and lived on his own at the start of his college years. Luke is a personal trainer and a fitness coach but got laid off after his gym was shut down once most businesses went into lockdown. He found a temporary job working for a parcel delivery company. The money is good but it's not what he ever envisioned himself doing. The one thing that helps him get through each difficult day is the fact that he knows he's not alone. Many others just like him had to make tough decisions and sacrifices to make ends meet. It was just the nature of dealing with a worldwide crisis. Luke makes his way inside the house where his parents are seated in the dining room, waiting for him to commence dinner.

"Hey sweetie! How was work?" Luke's mother Lisa asks.

"Same old, same old. Just really annoyed right now ma," he replies.

"Did you talk to Sara?"


"She's still scared to come home huh?" Luke's father Henry asks him.

"Yup. Even though she's already vaccinated and stays in quarantine when not at the hospital. It's insane! She's less than a two hour drive away from here and we haven't seen each other in almost a year!" Luke says angrily.

Both of Luke's parents try to calm him down and reassure him that things are going to get better, sooner than later. Luke can only hope for the best. After dinner, Luke heads up to his bedroom to undress and wind down. He takes a long, hot shower and gets out feeling refreshed and in a better mood. That is until he takes a good look at himself in the mirror. Being a personal trainer, he always admired his athletic body. Broad shoulders, big chest, clean cut abs. After the lockdown though, he slacked off and lost progress. He fell into a depressive state, coming home too tired from his temporary job to even do an at home workout. He gained some weight from having too many cheat days each week, eating his favorite comfort foods. When he did workout at home, he struggled to do some of the same routines he could easily do at the gym when he was training others. Luke could see his lost progress in the mirror with his abs no longer visible. He isn't fat or out of shape. He now just has an average looking fit body. A body he feels no longer fits the look of a bodybuilder. To take his mind off his low self image, Luke heads downstairs to the living room. Since he moved back home to his parent's house, they all have a tradition of binge watching shows on a streaming service. Sure enough, his dad has the remote with the television set up on the main menu. His mom is in the kitchen prepping some popcorn in the microwave.

"Just in time!" Henry says with a chuckle.

"Wait for me!" Lisa shouts from the kitchen. The family watches a few episodes of a crime thriller series they're all heavily invested in. Just as Henry shuts off the television, Lisa's phone rings.

"Hello?....... Hey momma!" Lisa says, speaking to her mother Kathy over the phone.

Luke is reminded almost immediately that he's flying over the weekend to California to help his grandmother Kathy move out to his hometown in Colorado. After living more than five years alone since her husband passed away, Kathy and Lisa decided it would be best for her to move to Colorado Springs to be close to the family. Originally, Luke's grandmother was supposed to move out to Colorado last Spring. Due to the pandemic, Luke's family told her to hold off and stay in quarantine for her safety. It was only after Kathy was able to receive her vaccine that her daughter Lisa helped her put her home on the market about a month prior. After a few weeks, Kathy had a buyer and sold her home. The plan is for Luke to fly over to California to pick up his grandmother and drive the entire weekend back to his home in Colorado. Kathy will live with the family temporarily as they find her a small home in a retirement-friendly neighborhood. Kathy had a moving company come and pack up all her belongings for her. Most of her belongings would go into storage until she's ready to move into her new home. All Luke needs to do is help her drive her car on the long road trip from Sacramento to Colorado Springs.

Luke agreed to help his grandmother out after his parents had asked him to. How could he say no? His parents have been a tremendous blessing on him since he's moved back home. He doesn't pay any rent. All his parents ask is for him to pay for groceries. As an only child, Luke has been spoiled all of his life with his parents supporting him in any way possible. The least he could do is show his gratitude for their love and support by helping them with anything they needed. Luke actually looked forward to his road trip with his grandmother. It would be a nice scenic drive crossing the country through some beautiful states. He also has not seen his grandmother Kathy in over a year since before the pandemic. He missed having her over for the holidays and visiting her whenever he could. After Luke's mother hangs up the phone, she looks over to him.

"Your grandma says hello and she can't wait to see you this weekend. She'll be at the airport on Friday afternoon when you land," Lisa says.

"Sounds good ma!" Luke replies. He excuses himself and heads up to his room to get some rest. He has work early in the morning.


The rest of Luke's work week breezes by to his surprise. With a 10-hour Monday thru Thursday schedule, he enjoyed the perk of having three day weekends off to himself. On Friday morning, his father Henry drove him to the airport. Luke has a quick flight up to Denver to connect onto his next flight for Sacramento. He briefly thought about reaching out to his fiancé to let her know he was in town, even though it was just for a short hour. He decided against it, knowing she was busy at the hospital. He was also still upset with her. Over the last few days, the talking over the phone with her had been minimal. Mostly just some texts from her apologizing about not being ready to come home. Luke gets to his gate for his next flight. The plane isn't full and he gets a comfortable row all to himself.

After a couple of hours in the air, Luke lands in the West Coast just before noon. It's a relatively small airport and he's able to find the arrivals area quickly. His grandmother Kathy sent him a text in the air informing him where she parked. Luke finds her silver SUV parked along the curb and makes his way over. Kathy sees him coming from her rearview mirror and steps out of her vehicle joyfully, anxious to greet her grandson.

"Look at you darling! How are you?!" Kathy says to Luke with a warm embrace.

"Hey grandma! So happy to see you! It's been too long!" He says, holding onto her. Kathy's large breasts are imprisoned, pressed tight against Luke's chest. He inhales and smells her sweet fragrance as she lets go and gives him a bright smile.

"Let's get going! You must be starving!" She says as her grandson puts his luggage in the trunk of her vehicle.

Kathy and Luke pull out of the airport and drive to her house. They catch up on their lives over the last year. Luke tells his grandmother about getting laid off from work, his issues with his fiancé, and the stress he's been going through. Kathy tells him about the recent selling of her home and the stress of packing and how relieved she is to finally leave California to be close to the family. After the short drive over to the house, Luke and his grandmother head inside to the kitchen. The house is vacant except for her belongings she'll take with her on the road.

"The movers finished packing last night and should be en route to Colorado. I bought you some takeout from down the street at the local deli. You'll love it!"

"Thanks grandma! I'll eat fast so we can hit the road as soon as possible!" Luke says. The plan for the day is to drive from Sacramento to Wyoming. At least a 10-12 hour drive. Luke is more than ready for it as he got plenty of rest the night before and on the plane. He wanted to get most of the drive to Colorado done on the first day so the second day would be much shorter and easier. Luke eats his food and helps his grandmother pack up her belongings into her SUV. They hit the road soon after, leaving behind her Cali home for good.

CHAPTER 3: On the Road

It's a beautiful drive on the interstate. Luke and Kathy stopped briefly for gas just before the Nevada border. They continue along the scenic route of I-80 heading east.

"What a lovely day!" Kathy says taking in the views of the valleys and mountains in the distance. The goal is to cross the Wyoming border by midnight, local time. Luke and Kathy enjoy the drive, making small talk every now and then. He gets a phone call from his fiancé Sara after her shift ends at work. She's happy to hear that he's on the road with his grandmother and that she's moving to Colorado to be with the family. The call lasts only a few minutes and contains the usual updates of how things are going and how she doesn't know when she'll feel safe to leave Denver and come back home. Luke hangs up with a disappointed sigh.

"Still not comfortable coming home is she?" Kathy asks her grandson.

"No. She's not. And now she's scared even more now that you're coming to live with us because of your age. She already knows you were vaccinated just like her. But what can I do? Sara has always been stubborn," Luke says feeling defeated. Kathy reaches her hand over and rubs Luke's leg as he drives.

"Things are going to get better! You'll see! This pandemic is coming to an end and vaccines are being rolled out! It's only a matter of time before Sara comes back and you both will have your long awaited wedding! It'll be beautiful! I can't wait for that day to come!" Kathy tells Luke with a burst of optimism. Luke shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders with a grunt. He's over the pandemic, his stubborn fiancé, and most of all feeling sexually frustrated. His grandmother must know how to read minds as her next question throws him off guard.

"Forgive me for asking but are you tired from the excessive masturbation?" Kathy asks looking at her grandson. Luke swerves the vehicle, almost merging onto the next lane when he hears her.

"GRANDMA!! What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry Luke! I just had to ask! I'm just being nosy. We're both adults here. We can have an adult conversation on a long road trip, can we?"Kathy says nonchalantly. Luke thinks about it for a moment and realizes she has a point. He trusts his grandmother and he'd rather have uncomfortable conversations about his sex life with her instead of his parents.

"I guess you're right grandma. You just threw me off! Never really thought I'd have these kind of talks with you," Luke says.

"Why not? Like I said my darling, we're both adults. And we have hours to go before we stop for the night. Might as well keep things interesting. I'm being nosy and I'm absolutely curious to know! I want to know how you've been sexually dormant since Sara hasn't been home in almost a year!" Kathy tells him.

Luke actually laughs when his grandmother talks about being curious about his sex life. He figured what the hell? Might as well talk to her about one of the many dilemmas in his life at the moment. Kathy was on point about his excessive masturbation. Luke spent countless hours each week watching porn and jerking himself off for the sake of temporary pleasure. He jerked off to take away some of the stress in his life and to fill the void of his fiancée's absence. He missed having her around. The sex was great between them. She loved to suck him off and dress in kinky outfits for him. Luke would jerk off thinking about the times they had sex while she wore kinky clothes. She loves to ride his cock. It was her favorite position. One thing that helped make up for her absence is the fact that she'd send her him sexy photos and nudes on her days off when she could. She would send pictures in uniform after work and promised Luke that the first thing she'd do when she gets back from Denver is to role play at a hotel with a nurse and patient scenario. The hope of seeing her soon and the constant masturbation is what has helped Luke stay committed to her even from a distance. He spends time on the road talking to his grandmother about all of this without a feeling of discomfort. Kathy sits in silence listening attentively to her grandson. After he brings her up to speed on his sex life, she continues the conversation with follow up questions.

"So have you ever been tempted to find sexual pleasure elsewhere?" She asks casually.

"What do you mean grandma?"

"Well it sounds like you've been managing your sexual urges the best that you can given your circumstance. But is it enough to just masturbate and wait for Sara to come home?"Kathy asks. Luke thinks about her question for a moment to find the appropriate response.

"I mean, of course I've been tempted to sneak around. I have several clients in my contacts that flirted with me big time when I was training them before the gyms closed. I also have a sexy supervisor at my job now who's a single mother and likes my content on my fitness page on social media and sends me suggestive private messages. It'd be easy to cheat.

But I still love Sara. And I'd hope she's just as loyal to me as I am to her. I've thought about cheating many times, especially after major arguments with her over the phone begging her to come back home already. I don't know. It's a weird feeling. I'm not comfortable with cheating on her but at the same time, I know I am more than capable of it. Anybody is. I guess I've just been fortunate so far that I haven't reached my breaking point," Luke tells Kathy. She nods her head and stares ahead looking at each mile marker sign they pass on the freeway.

"Have you talked to Sara about opening up your relationship? Maybe seeing other people while you're both away from each other for such a long period of time?"

"I've thought about bringing it up to her. There was a time though a few months after Sara left when she got drunk and cried over the phone thinking that I would leave her. She said if I did, she would understand. I comforted her and told her we wouldn't ever get to that point. I decided against bringing up the subject since I doubt we'd both be on the same page.

Gosh grandma! You really are nosy!" Luke tells her finishing with a chuckle.

"Well of course I am! I just had to know how you've managed to go this long without intimacy with your fiancé," Kathy replies with a smile.

"Well now you have me wondering grandma! Have you had any relationships or sexual encounters since grandpa passed?"

"Oh boy! That's a conversation for another day my darling!" Kathy tells him with abrupt laughter.

"Wow! I see how it is! We can talk about me but not you huh?" Luke says playfully. Kathy follows up with a promise to continue on with the conversation another day. Possibly the next day on the road.


As dusk settles over the Great Salt Lake Desert, Luke and Kathy continue their drive through the state of Utah. Luke has received multiple winter weather advisories on his phone. He knew there'd be a risk of winter weather this time of year on the road. He was comfortable though driving on the interstate where the roads should be salted and visibility clear. His grandmother Kathy was not so confident. Being a west coast gal in Cali for so long, she's not used to the snow. And she wasn't equipped with warm clothes either, wearing a long sleeve burgundy blouse and a comfortable pair of jeans. Luke is glad he brought an extra coat with him in his luggage just in case. His grandmother will definitely need it once they stop for the evening. As nightfall surrounds the sky, Luke is lost in his own thoughts. He is awake by himself as Kathy naps next to him in the passenger seat. Nothing but his wondering mind keeps him alert driving on the interstate. He passes a large sign with the mileage to Salt Lake City, about 65 miles away. His phone vibrates and he looks at it.



Just what I need!

Luke thinks to himself. He still has his goal of crossing into Wyoming sometime after midnight. But the winter advisory in the Salt Lake City area starts at 11PM. The Wyoming border was at least a good 80-90 miles away after the city. Luke began to mentally prepare himself for alternative options, such as finding a place to spend the night in Salt Lake City instead of Wyoming.

As the miles to Salt Lake decrease, Luke stays lost in his thoughts. He thinks about his grandmother Kathy of all things. She lies asleep next to him. Luke had never thought about his grandmother in any kind of sexual way. That is until she began to ask questions earlier about his sex life. Why would she do that? And why was he comfortable talking to her about it? This is the same woman who helped raise him. Luke has fond memories of both his grandparents coming to Colorado to visit. Especially Kathy. She would babysit him while his parents worked, took him on errands, and baked him his favorite cookies, peanut butter-chocolate chip. Luke stares occasionally at his grandmother, looking down at her body when she's visible in the freeway lights, illuminating through the windshield of the vehicle. Kathy's blouse is burgundy with buttons. The top two are unbuttoned, showing off her tanned cleavage and exposing the material of her black bra. Luke always thought of his grandma Kathy as a beautiful woman, especially back in her day. He never would have imagined he'd see her in a different perspective. She went from just his beautiful grandmother to a sexy cougar in a span of a few hours.Kathy is a 70 year old blonde bombshell. She has some wrinkles and a big smile with bright white teeth. She wears minimal makeup with red lipstick and has medium cut hair with bangs. She dyes her hair blonde to avoid her natural silver hair color revealing her mature age. She has tanned caramel skin from sunbathing in the summertime in her former backyard pool in the wonderful Cali climate. Luke stares at his grandmother every chance he gets on the road as she snores lightly, sound asleep. He can't help but feel a sense of guilt thinking about her. She's his family! His own blood! As he drives her vehicle, he fights the urge to think about what she looks like naked. His grandmother has great curves in all the right places, especially her ass. Luke tries to think about anything else to get his perverted mind away from her.

As they enter the Salt Lake City outskirts, Luke notices the roads are not iced. He thought the interstate would have been better prepared for the incoming winter storm. About ten minutes go by before the storm kicks in with flurries falling down. The flurries steadily turn into a heavier snow fall. Luke slows down the vehicle when he sees traffic ahead. All of the vehicles have hazard lights on, driving through the dangerous road conditions. Just when he decides that it's time to start looking for a place to stay, Luke gets another winter advisory on his phone.



"Are we stopping for the night?" Kathy asks with a bit of grogginess. She wakens after feeling the vehicle slow down.

"Looks like we are. We're in Salt Lake City and there's a massive snow storm passing through. I don't think we have a choice but to pull off and find a place to spend the night," Luke says to her. He takes his phone and uses the maps to find lodging off the next exit. He settles on a decent motel about five minutes away.


Once Luke pulls off the exit, it's easy for him to find the motel down the street. He pulls into the parking lot. The first thing he notices is how full it is. He can't even find a parking spot. He ends up dropping his grandmother off at the front entrance and finds parking on the other side of the building. Luke grabs his luggage and his grandmother's overnight bag and heads to the lobby of the motel. He finds Kathy ready to head up to their room with the key in hand.

"So here's the situation.....we just got the last room of the night and it's a one bed, queen size," Kathy says to her grandson.

"That's fine. We'll make it work," Luke replies after a brief pause. His perverted thoughts kick in all over again as they make their way to their room on the second floor. Having to share a bed and sleep close to her, his mind drifts off thinking about the chance of spooning with his grandmother in bed. As they stand in the elevator, Kathy looks to him with a smile on her face.

"Thanks for bringing the extra coat! Definitely would have been freezing tonight without it! Didn't think it through when I packed the few winter clothes that I have for the movers shipping my belongings!"

"Figured you didn't have one. Mom told me to pack it just in case," he replies. Kathy had put on the coat before stepping out of the vehicle. The winds were strong and the snow was falling heavily. The icy weather brought sub freezing temperatures to the Salt Lake City area. Luke and his grandma got off the freeway at the right time. The interstate shut down soon after for the night due to the hazardous conditions. By the time Luke and Kathy got to their room, the weather became a blizzard with howling winds and strong snow fall.

"There's no way we were going to make it to Wyoming tonight my darling," Kathy says staring out the window.

"Not a chance grandma."

They get settled into the small room for the night. Luke is a bit tired from the hours spent driving. Kathy asks him to turn the heat up as the room is cold. She ends up taking a hot shower before getting into bed. Luke eyes his grandmother walking out of the bathroom in her pajamas. She wears a silk, pink pajama dress. The material is thin and the dress cuts off half way down her legs. Her skin is soft and smooth after putting on moisturizer following her shower. Luke can't help but think how amazing his grandmother looks for her age. While she digs through her overnight bag, Luke takes a look at Kathy's full body. His eyes widen at the sight of her enlarged breasts hidden underneath her gown. He can see her erect nipples through the thin material of her pajamas. Luke knew his grandmother has big boobs. He just never made a big deal about them because he never had a sexual interest in her. At least until now. He knows she had her breasts enhanced. When he was a young teen, he remembered overhearing a conversation his mom had with his grandmother. Kathy had a boob job done to enhance her breasts for her husband's satisfaction and to feel young again as she was going through a late midlife crisis. Of course, Luke didn't think anything of it at the time but seeing his grandma now, he's driving himself crazy!

Luke ends up taking a hot shower shortly after his grandmother. He enjoys the feeling of the hot water falling down his body after walking outside in the freezing weather. The water pressure is great too. After he gets out, Luke stares at himself in the fogged mirror. He looks down at his crotch at his erect penis. It's such a relief for his cock to be free after being hidden in his pants all day. Several times thinking about his grandmother he managed to hide his bulge in his pants. At times it hurt from how hard he was. Now his cock is out free. He stares at his average sized penis, almost six inches. He was satisfied with his size and never felt insecure. He was impressed with his girth, having a thick and meaty cock. He does the best he can to hide his bulge in his boxer briefs and slips on a white tee before exiting the bathroom. Luke feels the temperature change leaving the humid and fogged bathroom to a chilling environment in the small room. Kathy is wrapped up in bed shivering.

"Luke, I think the heater is broken. The machine just stopped running out of nowhere when you were in the shower," Kathy says.

"Let me check it out." Luke walks to the thermostat to find the screen completely blank. He tried pressing the power button and the reset switch but had no luck. It was dead. Luke could feel the temperature in the room dropping by the second. The snow storm outside is in full effect. He decided to give the front desk a call to try and see if by chance maintenance was available. He gets a hold of the front desk employee after a brief hold but receives the bad news.

"I'm so sorry! Maintenance is gone for the night and won't be back until 8AM. We have about ten other broken heater complaints and unfortunately we're completely booked due to the storm. The best that I can do is bring up some extra blankets but it'll be awhile since I'm all by myself."

"No it's ok, I understand. Have a good night,"Luke says hanging up the phone.

"Looks like we're on our own grandma. The heater is busted and maintenance won't be here till morning"

"Wow! Guess we're just going to freeze ourselves to death tonight!" Kathy says with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"We'll make the best out of it grandma. You can sleep with my sweater on that I brought. I actually don't get cold easily so I'll be fine with just the covers," Luke tells her.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. If all else fails, we have each other for warmth my darling," Kathy says with a smile. Luke tries to dismiss the instant image in his head of spooning with his grandma. She has a point though. They could use each other for warmth as they have to share a bed. He feels a tinge of guilt within that he can't think about hugging his grandma in bed for warmth without sexualizing it mentally.

Luke grabs his sweater and gives it to his grandmother. She takes it but doesn't put it on. Instead, she decides to wrap herself in it just in case she ends up getting hot. Luke turns off the light in the room and climbs into bed joining her. She lies down in the center, extra close to her grandson for body warmth. The temperature in the room continues to drop as the blizzard progresses with no sign of stopping anytime soon.


Kathy is sound asleep, snoring lightly. Luke lies face up staring at the ceiling. He feels her body pressed up against him. He's warm underneath the covers but knows he'd be freezing if he were to step out of bed. Luke can hear the wind howling outside with the heavy snow continuing to fall from the sky. The room is dark but he can see everything in the room as the curtain isn't fully shut. From the small gap in the center of the curtains, he can see the outside. With the motel parking lot lights and the overcast winter skies, Luke can see the snow falling down. He shifts his head over to look at his grandmother sound asleep wrapped in his sweater and the blankets. Her body is snugged against his. He feels her warm tender legs pressed against his. Luke is tired but he can't sleep, lost in thoughts and lusting for his grandmother. It's been so long since he's had intercourse. He's been too lenient and patient with his fiancé, waiting for her to come home. He has jerked himself off so many times. And now, here he is. Lying in bed with another woman who happens to be his grandmother. The guilty feelings of lust for his grandma began to dissipate. He feels his heart beat faster and sexual adrenaline kick in as his cock hardens inside of his boxers. Luke thinks about getting out of bed to relieve himself in the bathroom. He wants to masturbate thinking about Kathy. Just as he shifts himself upward to get out of bed, Kathy wakes up with a stir.

"Are you ok?" She asks him sitting up.

"Uh, yeah. I was just cold," Luke says trying to think of what to say in the moment.

"Oh darling I know! I'm freezing! Maybe we can cuddle for warmth. Care to hug your grandma and keep me warm?" Kathy asks reaching over to Luke and rubbing his shoulder. Luke instantly feels nervous knowing he has an erection. But he didn't want to make himself look like a jerk by acting like he was uncomfortable hugging his grandmother in bed as she freezes. He takes a deep breath and decides to take a risk.

"I don't mind keeping you warm grandma. I just uh....well....let's just say I'm a bit stiff. I usually go to sleep and wake up with a hard on. I don't want to make you uncomfortable lying with you while I'm like this..." Luke says. To his amazement, Kathy laughs.

"What, you think I don't know men get erections? Darling I was married to your grandfather for over forty years! He had an erection each time we spooned in bed. And of course he'd wake up with morning wood! I know your stick has a mind of its own. Especially when you haven't had the luxury of being intimate with your fiancé in almost a year! All I know is that I'm freezing, you're freezing, and we can cuddle for some body heat. We don't need to make it weird. Ok?"

"Yes grandma."

Kathy lies down on her side with Luke moving in closer to her. He presses his body up against hers and wraps his arm over her waist. She gasps feeling just how hard her grandson is behind her. His cock is pressed up against her ass. Luke lies down spooning Kathy with a feeling of disbelief. Not only for his dirty thoughts seemingly coming to life but for how relaxed his grandma was cuddling with him knowing he has an erection. And the fact that he openly told her that he had an erection. Why was he so comfortable talking about his sex life earlier to begin with? A bunch of questions begin to flood Luke's head. One thing for sure, he knew that this was no longer just an innocent cuddle for warmth. And there's no going back for what is to come.

Five minutes turn into ten and then fifteen minutes go by. Luke is wide awake, body pressed against his grandmother. His bulge is still present. His throbbing cock hurts, desperate to escape his boxers. He knew his grandma had to be awake. She keeps quiet and pretends to be asleep. Except he knows that when she's asleep, she snores lightly. Now she lies on her side breathing heavily. Luke wonders what's going through her mind as he courageously decides to grind his hips slowly against her bottom, thrusting into her with his bulge. Kathy's breathing becomes more audible with each of her grandson's thrusts into her. Luke presses his arm tighter around his grandmother, allowing the opportunity for his hand to press against her lower breasts. As his courage builds, he grinds himself against Kathy with slow gentle motions. His heart beats rapidly from the thrill of it all. He feels his cock against the material of his boxers press and rub his grandmother's short gown. His bulge rubs in between her glutes.

Kathy lies awake completely aware of what's happening. She knows just how much sexual tension her grandson has been under for a long time. Her subconscious and morals must have taken the day off as the last thing she's concerned with is how wrong the situation is. The craziest part was that she's more than happy to relieve her grandson. She has been around his entire life and is very proud of the man he is. Kathy has definitely paid attention to how handsome he's become. She's more than grateful to have the opportunity to spend quality time with him. She appreciates the time he took out of his schedule to come and help her move from out of state. As a widowed woman, she too has been lonely and desperately craved the sensual feeling and touch of a man. Earlier in the car, she realized deep down in her heart how much she lusted for her grandson after the conversation of his complications with his fiancé. She knew in her heart it's wrong but she chose to ignore the feeling and chased her darkest and deepest desire at the moment. And now everything seems to be falling into place. It's just a matter of time before Luke realizes that his grandma has completely accepted the fact that whatever happens that night is more than fine with her.

Luke stops grinding and takes a moment to wait for any kind of sign that his grandmother is alert and aware of what's happening. His heart pounds, holding onto her in a spooning position. All of a sudden, he feels Kathy's lower body shift, thrusting back into his crotch. She does so softly a few times, discreetly signaling her grandson to go forward. Luke cannot believe what's happening. He screams at the top of his lungs in his head just how wrong this is. The flirtatious spooning with his grandmother is escalating! And she seems to be ok with it! And on top of it all, he knows he's cheating on his fiancé. He chooses to think with his lower head currently in his pants dry humping the woman who gave birth to his mother.

Luke continues to grind up on Kathy, gaining the confidence to take his hand and venture it up north to her breasts. He scoops one up and squeezes it gently. He excitedly feels the fabric of her silky gown, holding Kathy's boob. He hears her moan aloud for the first time. Both of them stay in silence for the next few minutes, trying to make the moment last. The moment they each allowed their incestual lust to take over. They lie in darkness inside the motel room, listening to the howling wind outside. Thanks to the crack of light coming from between the curtains, Luke can make out his grandma's figure. She suddenly takes her arm and pulls him off of her body and adjusts her dress. Luke feels her trying to yank it upward. He helps his grandmother and pulls himself back just enough for her to pull her gown above her waist. He takes that time to lay himself on his back and completely pull off his boxers. Luke jerks his penis slowly under the covers, enjoying the feeling of his meat breaking free from captivity in his boxers.

Throughout all of this, he and his grandmother don't say a word. Once she pulled her dress up, she continued to lay on her side facing away from her grandson. Luke then gets back into his spooning position with Kathy, allowing his cock to press up against her lower body. He's shocked to feel her warm, naked vagina in between her legs. The entire night, Kathy didn't have on any panties. She climbed into bed with her grandson wearing a short pajama dress without undergarments. With another burst of confidence, Luke takes his arm and slowly caresses Kathy's body going down to her leg. He slips his hand in between them, reaching down to explore her womanhood. Kathy makes it easier for her grandson to have free rein over her crotch by opening her legs a bit wider. Luke feels like he's losing his virginity all over again, playing with his grandmother's pubic area. He feels her short, prickly pubic hair. He then reaches a bit lower to feel her wet vaginal folds. Luke savors the moment and rubs his grandmother's clit in a circular pattern.

Kathy's body shivers from the stimulation. She cannot believe in her head what's happening. She's longed for the touch of a man for so long and her own grandson is pressed against her with his hand in between her legs, moments away from giving her orgasmic satisfaction. It's so difficult for her to stay quiet as he plays with her clit.

Luke continues to play and tease Kathy, rubbing her pussy. He finds her tight entry and takes his forefinger to shove it up inside. Kathy is no longer able to keep silent, gasping out loud. She breathes heavily trying to moan quietly to herself as her grandson works up the courage to take an extra finger and shove it deep inside her wet snatch. Luke lies down breathing just as heavily as his grandmother. His heart pounds and his forehead drips with sweat from the intensity of the moment. He can feel his cock twitch, spitting out pre-ejaculate from his arousal. Luke presses his face up against his grandmother's neck. He inhales and gets a whiff of the feminine scent of her shampoo with her hair in his nose.

Kathy then let's out an audible groan, out of breath. Luke's fingers inside her pussy are wet and gooey, sliding in and out of her snatch easier than before. Kathy has reached her first climax of the night. The best one she's had in years. Possibly ever! Her own grandson has made her cum in such a way, her vagina throbs begging for more attention. She needs more sexual relief and she desperately wants it now! Kathy knows there's no going back now with her grandson. He must finish what they've started. Luke's fingers aren't going to cut it. Nothing in the world could make her happier at the moment other than her grandson's penis shoved deep inside of her.

With a devious grin on his face and immense satisfaction, Luke takes his hand away from Kathy's crotch. He smells his fingers that were lodged inside her love hole, taking in a deep whiff of his grandma's scent. Luke puts his two fingers in his mouth and relishes the tangy flavor of a mature woman. He's always had a fetish for older women. Luke lets his grandmother's vaginal flavor sit on his tongue as he gets more comfortable. He sits upright in bed and takes off his shirt. Without a word, Kathy sits up and rips the bedsheets off the both of them. Their silence speaks for them. Both are on the same page and don't need verbal communication to get what they desire. Luke and Kathy take their first glances at each other fully naked in the freezing dark room. Luke eyes Kathy's body, admiring her naked beauty. For her age, she looks amazing! Luke can see she's chubby with curves, especially around her waist. Her enhanced breasts are just a bit sagged and have a tan line from her bra. Her areolas are perfectly centered with puffy erect nipples. Luke is in a trance, not knowing where to begin. His grandmother clears her throat and speaks in almost a whisper.

"Is this ok with you?" She asks her grandson.

Luke replies with a simple nod. He extends his arm over to touch his grandmother's bare breasts. He feels how soft and tender they are. Kathy closes her eyes and gently moans as Luke feels her up.

Kathy's pussy aches and longs for her grandson's cock. She can see it standing nice and firm. She admires it from a distance at first. Luke's cock reminded her of her late husband's. Luke definitely has more girth. She envisions just how much he'll stretch her out once he stuffs his manhood deep inside her. Kathy allows Luke to fondle her tits for a moment before she takes her hand and grabs his stiff rod. Luke gasps at the sensation of Kathy's warm hand wrapped around his shaft. She strokes his meat up and down, relishing the feel of a hard penis in her hand. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. Luke sits back and relaxes as his grandmother gives him a hand job. Deep in her heart she knows what she's doing is wrong. But Kathy and Luke are way past their morals and have accepted that this is what they both want. Kathy stares at her grandson in the dark room. She can make out his face and see his eyes are closed. He takes deep breathes trying to stay focused and determined not to cum so quick. Kathy looks at Luke and doesn't see a relative. She sees a handsome man who can be her lover and provide sexual satisfaction. Kathy stops jerking Luke off and leans into him. She grabs his face and turns him toward her, leaning in. Their lips touch for a second before he backs away for a moment. Luke still struggles to grab onto the reality of his present situation but he accepts it.

He leans into his grandmother and returns the kiss back. They start slow, letting their lips touch on and off. Kathy breathes heavily into Luke's face as he works up the nerve to reach for her thighs and bring her body closer to him. Kathy takes this as a means to climb on top of Luke. He feels his cock rub against her dripping wet clit in between her plump ass cheeks. Luke and Kathy's kiss is far from innocent and continues to build up as he slips his tongue into her mouth. Kathy presses her face against her grandson's as they explore each other's mouths.

Kathy groans, slurping up the flavor in Luke's mouth and passionately kissing his lips. Her patience has run out. She needs Luke deep inside her hungry pussy. Reaching behind her, she finds his erect penis. She shakes her hips and adjusts herself to find her slit with the tip of his cock. Without any trouble she sits down on his stick, stretching out her tight vaginal passage. Kathy yelps at first with Luke definitely being the thickest cock she's ever had. It's a foreign sensation she's not accustomed to. At first it's painful. She feels like her vagina is being torn wide open. The pain magically subsides in a few moments and turns into pleasure. Kathy grabs both of her grandson's broad shoulders for support. She springs up and down on his fat rod, getting close to her second orgasm.

Luke lays down in awe as his grandma does the work for him. His mind is going at a thousand miles per hour screaming how wrong yet satisfying this is. Kathy rides his cock, bouncing up and down on top of him. He lays with his arms holding her lower thighs and occasionally venturing off to her plump ass, caressing her cheeks. Kathy is mostly quiet, grunting and moaning softly. In a bizarre way, Luke appreciated the fact that his grandmother has kept the talking to a minimum. She spared him the possibility of having second thoughts for their unexpected intimacy. Deep down Luke knew she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. They both skipped the talking and just went straight for the sex. The last thing on their minds is the aftermath of their incestual affair. Neither of them care about the potential consequences as Luke tries hard to distract himself. He can feel deep inside his testicles an orgasm building up. He's enjoying every moment, trying to make it last as long as he can.

Kathy briefly stops her movement as he adjusts himself. It's his turn to take over. Luke wraps his arms around her and brings her face closer to him for another kiss. Luke and Kathy groan in unison, lips locked, tongues colliding, and bodies thrusting. Luke uses his hips to shove himself deep into her mature pussy. Their bodies are pressed firm against each other. The audible clapping of his cock busting in and out of her slit fill the dark room. Luke tastes a soft mint flavor in his grandma's mouth. He smells her shampoo each time her hair falls into his face as he fucks her. He feels her soft tender breasts pressed against his chest. Luke takes Kathy and pulls her up to grab her large breasts and fondle them. She moans as he squeezes them tight, smashing them together and massaging them. All the while building up his tempo, letting his hips get a great workout with deep thrusts in and out of her snatch.

Kathy knows she's close to her second arrival of the night. Luke hits her clit in the right spot each time he thrusts deep into her. She knows just how wrong this is, thinking about how her lover is her grandson of all people. The high levels of serotonin in her brain mixed with lust is more than enough for her to excuse her guilt-ridden thoughts. She closes her eyes and thinks about how satisfying it is, feeling her grandson penetrate her deeply. Luke picks up his pace once more and Kathy knows she's going to gush! He squeezes her breasts and takes deep strides up into her cunt at a steady tempo. Her eyes open and her mouth drops as her pussy is showered in nirvana. She feels herself gushing down his shaft, doing a terrible job of staying quiet.

"OHHHHHHH FUCK!!" Kathy cries.

Luke knew his grandma had another orgasm. He felt her vagina convulse as he steadily continues to fuck her. Kathy's orgasm soon subsides and Luke gives her a moment to catch a breath.

"Wow!!" Kathy says ecstatically. Luke stays quiet but smiles at his grandma feeling proud. She was able to cum once again and he somehow managed to last this long without an orgasm. He knows he's on borrowed time at this point. His balls are boiling with semen, itching to be drained. Kathy calms down and eventually rolls herself off of Luke. She grabs the covers and wraps herself up.

"It's so cold!" She says.

Luke pulls his body under the sheets and gets on top of his grandmother. Her body shivers from the cold. He caresses her body as she moans softly once again. He wants to shove his penis back into her. Kathy's legs widen, allowing for the opportunity for Luke's cock to meet and touch her dripping wet clit. He leans down into her for another passionate kiss. His lower body does the work for him as he aligns himself finding her slit and slips back into her. Luke loves the warm sensation of her tight vagina wrapped around his shaft. He then takes long and deep strokes in and out of her. He allows his body to move upright enough for his tip to stay inside of her until he slams right back down deep inside of her pussy. Kathy grunts each time he slams himself into her. Luke fucks her for a couple of minutes building up the intensity for his imminent arrival.

Kathy kisses her grandson with desire. She's never felt so alive and complete until this very moment. She wants to scream out loud as Luke fucks her. She contains herself as she feels him slow his pace down. She knows he's about to cum. Kathy wants to feel her grandson cream her throbbing pussy. She encourages him to finish deep inside of her without any worry.

"Darling, please cum inside me! Cum for your grandmother! I can't get pregnant anymore, please give me your seed! I need it!!"

Hearing her words, Luke grunts. He knew he was a goner once she told him to cum inside of her. To cum for his grandmother! It's all too surreal. Hearing her say aloud that he's fucking his grandmother sent a chill down his spine, in a good way of course. With a few more powerful thrusts, Luke lifts his head and cries out with a loud moan.

"I'm cumming grandma!! I'm cumming for you!!!"

Luke's penis spits out one massive load after the other deep into his grandmother's womb. A wave of pleasure sweeps over his body as his cock convulses, spurting out his milk deep inside of her. The lust for his grandmother, knowing how wrong he was for doing what he did, and not having any kind of intercourse in nearly a year were all contributing factors for the most powerful orgasm he's ever had. His fiancé was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

Kathy lies with her eyes shut as her grandson fills her up with his seed. It's so warm, so plentiful. The ultimate feeling of satisfaction knowing she was able to make her grandson cum for her. She loves the fact that he wanted to fuck her. She's happy she was able to give him the sexual pleasure he desperately needed for so long. Most importantly, she's relieved to know that she doesn't regret what just happened between the two of them. No post orgasm guilt. No heat of the moment excuses. Just the pure satisfaction of a good fucking in such a long time.

Luke eventually pulls himself out and lies down next to his grandma. They catch their breaths in silence. He wonders what's going through her mind. For him, all he can think about is how relieved and satisfied he is. Not one ounce of guilt or regret in him! He admits to himself that he just fucked his grandma and he absolutely loved it! He thinks back on some random hookups with strangers in the past that he regrets having. Yet deep down, he knows he won't ever regret this night. The night he got intimate with his loving grandmother during a snow storm on a road trip.


"Yes Grandma?"

"Any regrets tonight?" She asks.

"Absolutely not!"

"Good! This will be our little secret," Kathy says. She gets closer to her grandson. Luke pulls her in and gets into the familiar spooning position from earlier.

"So uh....no idea if the roads will be clear by morning. But if so, maybe we can take a detour? I'm not in a rush anymore to get back to Colorado," Luke tells her. She laughs and reaches behind, rubbing her grandson's arm.

"I would love to take that detour with you my darling. I got a good feeling this will be a road trip to remember for the both of us."The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in the night prior. The same position that gave Luke the opportunity to have an intimate evening with his grandmother. He wakes up thinking it was all just a dream. He knows it wasn't. Especially once Kathy sits up in bed with him and gives him a big kiss on the lips with her bright smile.

"Well good morning handsome!"

"Morning Grandma!"

Kathy stretches and gets out of bed, making her way to the bathroom. Luke gets a view of her thick mound from behind. Her short pajama dress is pulled up and he can make out the lower halves of her rear cheeks. Luke sits in bed thinking about their wild night. No regrets whatsoever cross his mind. Besides the fact that he slept with a blood relative, he also cheated on his fiancé Sara. For the longest time he did his absolute best to stay committed to her. But having gone almost a year without seeing her, he caved into temptation when his sexy grandmother gave him the opportunity to fuck her and relieve himself. His fiancé has been gone almost a year due to the Covid pandemic. She's a nurse working voluntarily at a hospital in Denver, a couple hours away from where he lives. Her paranoia of bringing the virus home to her loved ones has kept her away from him since the spring of 2020 when the lockdown began. Their relationship has been in trouble for so long. Luke has begged Sara to come home for months. But she's stubborn and refuses to listen even after the distribution of the vaccine.

In present day February 2021, Luke is given the task of helping his widowed grandmother Kathy move to his family home in Colorado from California. He flew out to the west coast to meet his grandmother and drive her vehicle to Colorado the entire weekend. For the most part, they're on schedule. Their plans changed when they were hit with a winter storm in Salt Lake City and had to stop for the night. Unexpected events can really lead to unexpected situations. Especially now that Luke and Kathy have a dirty secret. They decided that they're no longer in a rush to get to the family home in Colorado Springs. Luke decides to book a hotel in Cheyenne, Wyoming for the evening. They'll continue the trip after brunch and jump back onto the interstate.

Kathy comes out of the bathroom after a hot shower. She's dressed and ready to go. Though it's cold outside, she's dressed as if she was still living in California. Kathy wears a dark long sleeve blouse with a denim skirt, extending to her ankles. She has on a comfortable pair of slip on sneakers. Luke eyes her thinking about how attractive she looks. She walks to her side of the bed and begins to pack up her overnight bag.

"By the way, I'm not wearing any panties," Kathy tells her grandson.

"Sounds like we'll need to make a couple pit stops along the way," Luke replies. He takes a quick shower and puts on a pair of jogging pants and a long sleeve shirt. Just like Kathy, Luke decides to not wear any undergarments. He wants his grandmother to have easy access to his manhood on the road. They pack up their belongings and grab brunch at a diner down the road. Luke and Kathy get onto the interstate and depart Salt Lake City, heading east toward Wyoming.

CHAPTER 8: Car Play and a Detour

The roads are clear and the traffic is light. Just as they enter the state of Wyoming, Luke remembers asking Kathy about her sex life the day prior on the road. She was nosy about his and asked him questions freely. When he asked her she told him it would be a conversation for another day.


"Yes Darling?"

"Now I'm curious and nosy too. Want to tell me about your sex life since grandpa passed away? You said you would yesterday." Kathy laughs and thinks about her response for a moment.

"If you must know darling, yes. I've gone on a handful of blind dates thanks to some friends of mine setting them up for me. If I'm being honest, sex was usually involved with each of the men I saw after your grandfather died. But none of them were memorable. None of them would continue to fuck me after their orgasms. I usually have a better experience pleasuring myself alone than with the men I saw," Kathy tells her grandson.

"I will say darling, I had a GREAT time back in my high school and college days."

"How so Grandma?"

Kathy has a big smile on her face as she reminisces on her yesteryears. She goes on to tell Luke about her days in the late 60s and the 70s. In high school, she was a tomboy. She played sports and mostly had male friends. She had three best friends, all male. They did everything together and would hang out after school. They all hit puberty around the same time. Her three friends took a notice of her sex and tried to win her over around their junior year of school. They would get into big fights over wanting to ask her out. Kathy at the time wasn't looking for anything serious. She was a virgin and wanted to wait until marriage for intercourse. She was still a hormonal teenager and wanted to please her friends. She came up with a solution that left her three friends satisfied. Kathy decided to give each of them a blowjob. With two of her friends, they took her to their homes after school. She sucked each of them off while both sets of parents were away working. Her other friend took her to a park to suck him off in a secluded area in the back of his pickup truck. Kathy spent the rest of her time in high school sucking off her best friends even when two of them started dating other girls. One of them lost his virginity at the end of their junior year but continued to enjoy oral sex from Kathy throughout the summer and into their senior year. Kathy was way better at blowing them than their girlfriends.

Kathy enjoyed sucking dick and would later meet up with guys in college for quickies all around campus. She kept her word true to herself and waited until marriage to lose her virginity. She met her husband in college. They dated for less than a year before they got hitched. Kathy described her wedding night and having sex for the first time as one of the best memories of her life. She and her husband had a happy marriage with plenty of ups and downs.

She tells Luke about her husband's time away from home fighting in Vietnam during the war as a soldier. He was drafted while still in college. She missed him dearly and kept herself busy with her job and raising her young daughter (Luke's mother Lisa). Luke's grandfather was gone for almost four years until 1975 when the war ended. He and Kathy only had communication via letters. Kathy fell into a state of depression during the last year of her husband's time away from home. He wrote a letter to her admitting to having an affair with a local village woman near his base for over six months. He wrote that the guilt inside of him began to eat him alive the longer the affair went. Kathy was depressed for some time and would eventually have an affair herself to get back at her husband. She ended up having sex with one of her best friends from high school she'd suck off. Once Luke's grandfather returned from Vietnam, he and Kathy separated for over a year after she told him of her extramarital affair.

It took a long time but eventually they forgave each other and reconciled. The last decade of their marriage before his death was one of the best highlights of her life. They traveled frequently after retirement. Their favorite destination was Maui in Hawaii and would spend weeks at a time out there on vacation. They also frequently visited the family in Colorado and took care of Luke when he was growing up. Kathy and her late husband were always horny and had sex almost every day. She was just as aroused as her husband even after menopause in her mid fifties. Kathy finishes off with telling her grandson that besides sex with her husband and her best friend from high school during her affair, Luke is one of the few in her life that could make her orgasm.

"Wow! Quite the extraordinary journey you've had grandma," Luke says to Kathy driving down the interstate.

"Yes my darling, I think so. Think it's fair to say I've lived and was a bit rebellious at times," Kathy says with a chuckle.

"I think it's safe to say we BOTH rebelled in our own ways grandma. Besides the sexual experiences we've had, the fact that we've fucked....it doesn't get more rebellious than that."

Kathy thinks about what Luke says for a moment. She realizes that they haven't talked about their night in the freezing motel room. Kathy turns her face to look at her grandson driving her vehicle. He's focused on the road but turns to look at her when he feels her staring at him. He smiles at her, reaching his free hand over to her left knee to caress it. Kathy eyes the bulge in her grandson's jogging pants and comes up with a plan.

"All of this sex talk has got me thinking...." Kathy starts off with, reaching over to her grandson's lap. Luke feels her hand slide down his crotch. Almost instantly, his bulge grows and his shaft turns rock hard. Kathy runs her hand up and down his crotch playing with his erect member hidden inside of his pants.

"Yes grandma?" He asks trying to stay focused on the road.

"Would you like your grandmother to suck you off while you drive? After all, I do have decades of oral experience!" Kathy says pridefully. Luke responds by lifting his hips off his seat and using his right hand to pull down his jogging pants while the other operates the steering wheel. He pulls his pants down to his knees, allowing for his cock to spring out. His rod stands at full attention.

"Oh my! No underwear for you either?" Kathy asks, reaching her hand over to Luke's side to grab hold of his stick.

"Absolutely not grandma! If you're not wearing any panties, I'm going commando!"

Kathy laughs, slowly stroking her grandson's cock. His focus remains on the road. They pass through a tunnel on the interstate. They're just under 300 miles away from their destination of Cheyenne for the night. Luke keeps his eyes on the road as his grandmother stokes his cock slowly with her left hand. Both of them are silent now with only the sound of her vehicle cruising down the freeway present. Luke gets into the passing lane to pass a semi truck and then gets back to the right lane. The freeway isn't congested without too many vehicles on the road. He puts Kathy's SUV into cruise control, setting it for five over the speed limit. Kathy sits quietly continuing to jerk off his erect penis.

"Are you ready darling?" Luke nods, taking a deep breath. He can't wait to feel the warmth of his grandmother's lips around his shaft. He never would have thought another set of lips would kiss or suck his cock besides his fiancé's. Kathy takes off her seatbelt and shifts her body towards the driver side of the vehicle. The seat belt sign on the odometer screen illuminates as a repetitive chime sounds. Luke and Kathy drown out the noise once her head reaches the tip of his cock. Kathy can see precum spilling out of his urethra. A direct result of his arousal most of the drive so far. Kathy extends her tongue and glides it along the the top of his cock in an upward motion, licking up the sticky ooze of his pre-arrival. Luke feels his body shutter from the oral stimulation. He maintains his focus on the road ahead. Kathy's SUV has tinted windows so they're able to remain discreet on the interstate as Luke drives. He keeps his distance from other vehicles in front of him to avoid being seen in their rear view.

Kathy kisses the tip of her grandson's penis a few times before she slowly opens her mouth and lowers her head down into his crotch. Her mouth calmly stretches with his meaty shaft sinking deep into her oral passage. Kathy holds her breath with her mouth paused halfway down his cock for a few moments. Luke suddenly hits a pot hole on the highway causing her head to bob and take the remainder of his length to the back of her throat. Kathy chokes and springs her head up to regain her breath. She spits up excess saliva with his precum and coughs.

"Sorry grandma! I didn't see that pot hole on the road!"

"No need to apologize darling! I was going to build my way up slowly and eventually shove this bad boy to the back of my throat!" Kathy says. Before he can say anything, she moves closer to his side to lick his cock up and down. Luke grunts softly while his grandmother works her way down to his scrotum. He reaches to the seat control button on his side to pull the seat back. Kathy's head is too close to the steering wheel. Her tongue flicks all around his testicles, savoring the taste of his tender sack. She can feel her grandson's breathing get heavier as he tries not to moan. She knows he enjoys this so she takes one hand to stroke the entire length of his rod with her lips pressed against his testicles. Kathy cups his balls with her mouth and gently nips her teeth on his smooth skin for extra sensitivity. She listens to Luke's sudden grunt, taking it as a sign of pleasure. She loved doing this. Her late husband would cum for her when she did this.

Kathy then leans upward and opens her mouth to receive her grandson's stiff cock. She lets it sink deep into her mouth and pushes it to the back of her throat. Luke grunts again feeling his grandmother deep throat his manhood. She holds her breath for a few moments with Luke's cock deep in her throat. She's pleased with the brief sense of asphyxiation, knowing she's unable to breathe with his fat cock deep in her mouth. It made her feel like a whore. She cups his scrotum with her hand and begins to bob her head up and down, sucking off her handsome grandson. Kathy thinks to herself that she's now able to cross this off her bucket list. In all her years sexually active, she's never given fellatio on the road, cruising down a freeway at 80 miles per hour. She has another bucket list item she wants to cross off her list with her grandson and can't wait to surprise him later at the hotel.

Luke keeps his eyes on the road. He makes out his grandmother's blonde hair in his lower peripheral vision going up and down as she sucks off his meat. He listens to her choke and gag. He can't help but smile. It's been a long time since he's been happy. His fiancé has been a continuous disappointment for months not wanting to come home and his self esteem was shit after gaining weight and losing progress with his athletic body. Now his grandma gives him a blowjob in her car while driving. He never would have thought his present moment would be one to bring joy back into his life. He wonders how things are going to be when they get home to Colorado Springs.

Luke drives for ten miles with Kathy giving him head. She takes periodic breaks in between, sucking off his cock and jerking him off. Luke takes his eyes off the road to look at his grandmother each time she sits up to catch a breath. Her mouth drips with saliva and she smacks her lips each time. Kathy then swivels her tongue around his helmet for a few minutes. Luke had an orgasm building up for quite some time. The sensation of his grandmother's tongue on his tip with her hand slowly stroking his shaft is his sudden breaking point.

"Grandma, I'm going to cum!" Kathy swallows up his rod and stretches her mouth to accept her grandson's meat. She wants to swallow his load. All of it! With her head bobbing up and down his cock, Luke closes his eyes for moment feeling the rush of his orgasm approach. Kathy grunts when the first wave of Luke's seed hits the back of her throat. He feels his cock spit out spurts of semen into his grandmother's mouth. She swallows each load, continuing to slurp him up with her head moving up and down. Luke calms down after his orgasm subsides. Kathy eventually lets go of his penis and sits upright back into her seat, catching her breath.

"Delicious honey!" Kathy says proudly.

"That was incredible!"

"The thrill of sucking you off on the road darling, it made me feel so alive!" Kathy takes a wipe from her glove compartment to clean herself. In a swift motion, Luke pulls his jogging pants back up. He takes a notice of Kathy's denim skirt pulled up. All her movement sucking him off pulled her skirt up higher to her mid thighs. Luke feels his heart beat faster, grabbing hold of Kathy's left thigh with his free hand. He rubs her smooth skin. He casually slides his hand in between both of her tanned legs.

Kathy reclines her seat back and allows her grandson to do whatever he wants with his hand. She spreads her legs out wide to allow easy access for him to explore her womanhood. She stays quiet, hoping he'll reach for her clit and feel just how wet she is. She can see a smile on the corner of his face as he drives with the cruise control still in operation. They both enjoy the silence inside the vehicle, letting the sexual tension escalate between the two of them. Luke slides his hand further down to Kathy's crotch and touches her pussy. His two fingers are greeted by her glistening vaginal folds. He teases her by rubbing his fingers against her clit. Kathy shifts her body upright trying to keep herself contained. Just as easy as she was able to find her grandson's sensitive spot, he finds hers. Luke knows he's in control now. He enjoys the moment, taking his time rubbing her gently with two fingers. Kathy covers her mouth with one hand and uses the other to pull her skirt higher. She does the best she can to not scream, audibly grunting. Luke stops rubbing her clit a few times to feel just how wet Kathy is. He moves his fingers in a scissor-like motion to see her sticky juices ooze in between them.

"Darling! I'm going to make a mess! I'll literally cum all over your fingers if you stick them inside of me right now!" Kathy says out of breath. With a smile on his face, Luke slides his fingers down his grandmother's vagina and finds her slit. She's so wet, he can feel the tips of his fingers easily slide into her tight hole without much effort. Luke keeps his eyes on the road, shoving his fingers deep into Kathy's pussy. She does a terrible job at maintaining her composure. She moans and shakes her body around in her seat. Luke feels his fingers turn into a slip and slide. The longer he fingers his grandmother, the easier it gets for them to slide in and out of her snatch. Luke takes a brief look down to her crotch and can see her juices dripping down in between her legs and onto her seat. His fingers are covered in her post orgasm juices. Luke takes his hand away from his grandmother's crotch and shoves her pussy juice fingers into his mouth. He savors the taste, letting her mature vaginal flavor sit on his tongue before swallowing.

"Delicious!" Luke says to Kathy with a grin.

"You are something else darling!" Kathy says out of breath. They continue down the freeway when a sign for a rest stop comes up. The rest stop is just four miles out and Luke has an idea for he and his grandmother. He loved how delicious she tasted. He hasn't had enough just yet though.

"Grandma, let's stop at the next rest stop ahead for our first detour!"

"That sounds like a great idea darling! What do you have in mind?"

"Your oral skills are amazing! It's time I show you some of mine!" Luke says to her. The exit for the rest stop approaches. Luke pulls off the interstate. They quickly run to the restroom for a quick bathroom break. He waits for Kathy by her vehicle and does some quick stretching exercises to give his legs a break from hours of sitting. Kathy comes out soon after. They get into her SUV and drive to a desolate area of the rest stop for privacy. Kathy had gotten into the back seat of the vehicle. Luke steps out of the driver side and makes his way to the back seat, opening the rear door on his side. Kathy has her blouse pulled up with her breasts exposed. She doesn't have a bra on. She sits with her back up against the window of her car and her legs spread. Her denim skirt is on the floor of the vehicle. Luke jumps into the back of the vehicle and locks the car. Kathy takes her legs and lifts them, spreading them wide open for her grandson.

Luke takes a notice of Kathy's pussy, visible to him for the first time. They fucked last night in the dark motel room. While he felt just how amazing her snatch was, he never got a look at it. Luke turns his body and gets close to his grandmother putting his face in between her elevated legs. Her vaginal area is clear with a pale tone lighter than her tanned skin. Her pubic area is neatly trimmed with hints of grey hair in the shape of an upside down triangle. The bottom tip of her triangle stops just over her clit. Her slit looks tight with small vaginal folds hanging loose at her entrance. For a seventy year old woman, Kathy has a vagina that looks remarkably sexy compared to women more than half her age.

"Do you like it?" Kathy asks her grandson.

"Grandma, I can't lie to you. This is the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen. Don't ever tell Sara I said that," Luke says with a chuckle.

"This is our secret darling! I think it's time for you to show your grandmother how you eat pussy. Fair warning, it won't take much for you to make me cum again. I haven't been this horny in AGES!!"

Luke takes one last glance at Kathy's elegant pussy before diving into her gourmet meal. His arms are underneath both of her thick legs and he uses them to spread them wide for him to get deeper into her snatch. With his nose buried in her pubic mound, his tongue slips out of his mouth and finds her clit. Kathy is unable to stay quiet. She lies against the back window of her vehicle and moans while stroking her grandson's hair. Luke feels her legs shifting from the oral stimulation she's receiving. Her legs squeeze his head at times while his tongue flicks her clit. Luke then uses his tongue to part her vaginal lips open, slipping his salivating member into her slit. Kathy moans, softly whispering for Luke to continue. With her encouragement, Luke moves his head in a clockwise motion, tonguing her pussy deeply within. Luke senses the familiar taste in his mouth from earlier when he fingered her. He takes deep breaths when he can and is hit with her natural scent driving him wild! While his mouth does most the of the work, Luke moves his right hand lower to her crotch area and discreetly slips two fingers into her slit.

Kathy lets out a loud grunt and begins to purr. Her grandson eats her wet snatch with two of his fingers deep inside her. She can't believe it! Even after all that's happened in the last twelve plus hours, she can't believe what her grandson is doing to her. She's moments away from another orgasm. Luke's fingers thrust in and out of her with slow, deep motions. His tongue swirls all around her clit and into her vagina. Her legs begin to shake, preparing for her eruption bound to happen. She feels the sensation of her grandson's facial stubble rub against her clit and crotch as his tongue glides up north to her grey pubic patch. She doesn't warn Luke about her sudden arrival as her legs buckle and tighten, squeezing his head.

"YES!!! GOD YES DARLING!!!" Kathy shrieks with a high pitched yelp. Luke was not prepared for his grandma's orgasm. He's temporarily unable to breathe with her legs locked against his head. He slips his tongue back into her slit, feeling her vagina tingle. He's flooded with her nectar pouring out of her womanhood. Luke remains calm unable to breathe with his nose and mouth drenched in her fluids. He slurps up her cunt juice all around her slit and exterior vaginal area. After what felt like an eternity, Kathy releases her tight grip off of Luke's head and spreads her legs out. Luke pulls his face back, catching his breath. He looks at the outcome of her orgasm with her pussy glistening with his saliva and her juices. Her pubic hair is soaked. Kathy catches her breath as well, unable to speak. When Luke smiles at her asking how she's doing, she just gives him a thumbs up. Wanting to get a taste of herself, Kathy leans up to her grandson and kisses him. They share a deep kiss with plenty of tongue, savoring the flavor of her pussy.

After a few minutes spent recovering, Kathy puts her skirt back on. Luke steps out of the vehicle and stretches one more time before they get back on the interstate. They exit the rest stop and continue on with their journey.

CHAPTER 9: The Second Detour

Luke and Kathy enjoy the scenic views of Wyoming continuing their drive toward their destination for the night. They have a hotel booked in the city of Cheyenne. They make small talk, listening to music. Every so often, Kathy would reach over to her grandson's lap and touch his cock to tease him. His cock would twitch and harden. She would giggle and let go acting like nothing happened.

"You're such a tease!" Luke would say.

"Just making sure you're awake!" Kathy would reply. Around the half way point to Cheyenne, Luke gets a phone call from his fiancé Sara.

"Ugh!" He says answering his phone.

"Hey babe.......

We're good, we're halfway to Cheyenne. It'll be our stopping point for the night.....

Yeah I know we were supposed to get to Colorado Springs tonight but we hit a bad snow storm in Salt Lake City last night. We ended up deciding we'd make the best out of it and enjoy the road trip....

Ok....yeah that's nice....hope work is going well for you..........

Hey babe, sorry to keep it short but my cell service is getting a little weird out here. I'll call you later.....

You too....bye." Luke hangs up his phone and looks at his grandmother.

"That was rushed darling, was she busy?"

"No, she just got off a sixteen hour shift. To be honest, I didn't feel like talking to her. I think I just need a break. I'm enjoying this road trip and spending quality time with you grandma. Thinking about Sara and our drama....I just don't want to deal with it." Luke says. Kathy understands where her grandson is coming from. If anyone knows how complicated a long distance relationship can get, it's her. She drops the subject and they stay quiet for some time listening to Luke's playlist. An hour passes by and Kathy decides to lighten the mood. She reaches for Luke's crotch and rubs his cock.

"So darling....got any ideas for another detour? I'm starting to get horny again!" Luke shifts in his seat doing his best to stay focused on the road.

"Damn grandma! You got me horny too! Let me think about that," he says. The sun begins to set early with the winter solstice in effect. With dusk approaching, Luke finds an exit and gets off the interstate. He takes a right turn and drives down a rural road trying to find a quiet, safe spot to park the vehicle. About two miles down the road, they come across an old abandoned gas station. The station has two pumps and a small building, with tall grass and a few trees surrounding the property.

"This seems like a good spot right?" Luke asks Kathy.

"It's perfect darling! What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see," he replies with a wink. Luke pulls the SUV to the back of the abandoned building. The lot is vacant without a soul present for miles. He steps out of the vehicle and walks around the lot to make sure he and his grandmother are alone. Once the coast is clear, he opens up the front passenger side door for Kathy to step out. Before Kathy can ask Luke what he wants to do, he takes hold of his grandmother by her waist. He pushes her back against her vehicle and kisses her deeply. Kathy is taken aback at first but goes with the flow. They kiss passionately as Luke rubs his body against hers, dry humping her.

Kathy feels her grandson's bulge pressed tight in between her legs. She moans softly with her lips locked against his as he dry humps her against the SUV. Kathy is turned on by Luke's dominant position. She loves how he took the affirmative action to find the secluded area for another detour. They share a kiss for a few minutes before he pulls back, shoving his jogging pants down. Kathy smiles when she looks down seeing Luke's complete erect cock standing tall.

"It's getting dark fast grandma! This is going to be a fun quickie! I want to get back onto the interstate before the sun sets."

"Let's not waste any more time darling!" Kathy says in reply.

"Turn around for me grandma." Kathy obeys her grandson and turns around. Luke directs her to move to the front of her vehicle and bend over the hood. She follows his command and leans her body down onto the hood of her car. Kathy gasps as she feels Luke reach around her waist and unzip her skirt. He thrusts the denim material down in one quick motion, exposing her lower naked body to him. She can feel her pussy getting wet from the thrill and arousal of her grandson taking action giving her commands.

Luke takes in the view of his grandmother's thick rear end, bent over the hood of her vehicle. He takes mental snap shots of her wide booty cheeks with some wrinkles, tight asshole, and her pussy from behind. Luke grabs his thick shaft and rubs it up and down, inching forward closer to Kathy. He grabs one of her hips with one hand for support and uses the other to guide his cock into his grandmother's snatch. When his tip finds her slit from behind, he thrusts into her.

Kathy moans as Luke begins to fuck her slowly against her vehicle. She's still amazed by the girth of his cock as it stretches her out just like the night prior. It almost hurts her in a good way, feeling each and every inch of her grandson's meat pierce her slowly. She enjoys the warm sensation of his big hands pressed against her glutes. She feels her body rock back and forth at a steady tempo as he builds up speed fucking her. Luke reaches up to Kathy's blouse and pulls it up, continuing to fuck her. He moves his hands upward and keeps them in place just below her breasts. Kathy moans as he then fondles her enhanced boobs from behind. He gently rubs her areolas before squeezing her nipples playfully for increased sensitivity. She yelps each time he pinches her erect nipples.

Kathy knows that they must hurry and get back onto the interstate before dark but she doesn't want the moment to end. It's perfect. Her grandson behind giving it to her raw with everything he's got, his hands pressed against her breasts and squeezing her nipples, and the fact that they're in public. She can add exhibitionism to her bucket list. It's too much for her. Kathy knows she's going to have another orgasm. She wants to feel her grandson finish deep inside her again just like the previous night. She needs to feel his warm seed deep inside of her. Kathy speeds up the time for Luke to hit his orgasm by pushing her ass back into his crotch, each time he thrusts into her. He grunts with her in the process of her thrusting back, shoving his cock deeper into her than before.

"Yes darling! Just like that!! I want you to cum inside me! Cum for your grandmother!!" Kathy says out of breath trying to keep her composure.

"I'm going to cream your pussy grandma!! FUCK this feels GOOD!!" Luke cries. With his own orgasm approaching for the second time that day, Luke leans into Kathy continuing to fuck her deeply from behind. He kisses her shoulder blade and makes his way to her neck, kissing her softly. Kathy moans while he kisses her and squeezes her breasts firmly. Luke then takes hold of his grandmother's ass and spreads her cheeks wide open. He hears the music of flatulence escaping her pussy. He loves to do that when he's fucking in a doggy position. Kathy warns Luke that she's about to cum for him.

Moments after, Luke feels her vaginal muscles clench his shaft inside as her flood gates open, creaming his cock. As she cums, Luke feels himself slipping out of her vagina with his penis doused in her natural lubrication. Kathy moans quietly with her orgasm subsiding but Luke knows he's about to hit his. With his final three strokes, he shoves his rod deep inside her saturated pussy and holds himself for a few seconds before pulling back slowly. He wants Kathy to feel every inch of his meat inside of her when his eruption hits. He thrusts deep into her and stays in a locked position with his penis balls deep inside. He spews his milk deep into her.

Kathy relaxes her body against the hood of her SUV. Her grandson is deep inside of her and she can feel every drop of his cum shooting into her love tunnel. It's warm, gooey, and beautiful. Her vagina throbs from her orgasm moments prior. Kathy doesn't know much more her body can take. She's so sensitive! She grunts quietly as he finishes deep inside of her. She feels him kiss her neck before he pulls himself out from behind. Kathy feels her pussy spill out their bodily fluids, dripping out of her snatch and down her leg.

Luke admires the view from behind his grandmother, watching his semen spill out of her and down her inner thigh. He opens up the front passenger door and reaches into her glove compartment for some wipes. He gives some to Kathy to clean herself up a bit before taking one for himself to clean up their mess.

"That was exciting my amazing my darling! I'm loving this sexual adventure our trip has turned into!" Kathy says, pulling up her skirt.

"Me too grandma! First time I've ever done something like this!" They jump into her SUV and pull out of the abandoned gas station, driving back toward the interstate. Dusk is in full effect with nightfall quickly approaching. They're approximately an hour and a half away from their hotel for the night.

CHAPTER 10: Kathy's Surprise

The rest of the drive goes by without further interruptions. They arrive at their hotel in Cheyenne in the evening just in time for dinner. Luke and Kathy settle into their room. It's a cozy double queen size bedroom with plenty of space. They place their overnight bags on one bed, planning to share one together just like the night before. They head down to her car to drive to a restaurant down the street for dinner. On the way back to the hotel, Kathy asks Luke to stop by the pharmacy to grab a couple of items she needs. They head straight back to their room after.

Luke calls his fiancé back on the phone to catch up briefly after taking a shower. From what she tells him, she's become increasingly homesick and plans on leaving Denver sooner than later. He's happy to hear her update but takes the news with a grain of salt. He was used to constantly being let down. He does not want to get his hopes up. Sara has been paranoid over the pandemic for almost a year. She can easily change her mind about coming home.

Kathy decides to take her time in the bathroom. All day on the road, she's had her second night with Luke on her mind. She wanted to make it special, more memorable than Salt Lake City. Not only has she realized since then that she desires her one and only grandson sexually. She also feels like she owes him so much. After the year he's had without his fiancé and losing his regular job as a fitness trainer, Luke has been struggling. Not to mention sexually frustrated for months! Kathy wants to give him a surprise and offer him something that she's never had before but has wanted to try for a long time. She thinks he'll be excited. Kathy preps herself for his surprise with a lengthy hot shower. She blow dries her hair and does her make up to look her best for him.

While waiting for his grandma, Luke lies in bed relaxing after another long day on the road. He briefly spoke to his mother Lisa after his shower to give her an update on their whereabouts. He tells his mother that he and Kathy are enjoying the road trip and that they'll be home the following day in the evening. He spares Lisa the details of the night prior in Salt Lake City that began his affair between he and her mother Kathy. After hanging up the phone, Luke can't help but wonder what consequences may lie ahead in the near future. He knows it's risky to be with Kathy. But he thinks of ways to minimize the chances of getting caught. Sex with his grandmother is worth the risk of getting caught someday by his family and even his fiancé.

Kathy finally emerges from the bathroom after taking an hour to get situated. She wears a bathrobe provided by the hotel without the straps tied, exposing her naked front with thin purple panties she has on. Luke stares at the mature bombshell standing before him.

"Sorry it took me so long darling. How do I look?" Kathy asks, twirling her body around to give him a complete look at her body.

"Just.....Stunning!" Luke responds, trying to find the words to describe his grandmother. He stands up to get close to her. He wears just a pair of boxer shorts. Kathy reaches her hands to his chest and sensually rubs him up and down.

"You're so strong and handsome my darling!"

Luke stands in silence allowing his grandmother to touch and feel his body. He takes hold of her robe with each hand and peels it off her body, collapsing it to the floor. He takes one of her soft breasts in his hand and squeezes it. Her nipples are erect. She reaches to him and plants a kiss on his lips as they touch each other. Luke locks her in for a few moments, kissing her with passion. Kathy pulls back, smiling at him with her beautiful teeth.

"So I actually have a surprise for you," she tells him gently caressing his chest.

"Yes grandma?" He asks curiously. Kathy leans closer into him and whispers seductively into his ear.

"Would you like to fuck me in the ass?"

Luke's eyes widen. Her question surprised him. Not having much experience with anal, he's excited to try it again. He's had anal with his fiancé Sara a couple of times but she wasn't into it. It doesn't take long for him to answer the game winning question.

"Absolutely grandma!"

With a smile on her face, Kathy kisses Luke again and takes his hand. She leads him to the bed. She gets onto the bed and lies down on her stomach. She informs Luke to reach into a bag on the nightstand for some lube jelly she bought from the pharmacy a short while ago.

Kathy lies in bed feeling a mix of emotions. She's excited yet nervous at the same time. This will be her first time ever getting fucked in the ass. Her late husband was not into it when she asked him if he'd like to try it during their marriage. It was only in the last decade that her curiosity had grown, wanting to experience anal. On evenings out with her friends drinking wine, some would brag about how amazing anal felt with their husbands. Kathy recalls buying a butt plug out of curiosity and playing around with it one night by herself. She remembers how sensitive and firm it felt up her back door. It was slightly painful but she got used to playing around with it every now and then when she wanted an enhanced orgasm during masturbation.

"You know what to do darling. Be generous with the lube," Kathy says to Luke. He takes two fingers and dives them into the small container. Kathy turns her body over at the same time to take off her thin panties for Luke to see her pussy. Her grey pubic hair is gone, completely shaven. Kathy winks at him as he stares at her bald pussy in a trance. He can't wait to dive in deep inside of her. Kathy turns her body back around and lies on her stomach. She puts a pillow under her lower body to elevate her ass for her grandson to easily apply the lube into and around her anus.

"Whenever you're ready darling."

Luke gets onto the bed and positions himself over his grandmother's body. He takes hold of her plump ass with one hand and uses the other to rub his lubricated fingers in between her rear cheeks. He begins to apply the lube jelly up and down from her asshole to her vaginal lips. Kathy lies still grunting softly, trying to keep herself relaxed. Luke takes some more lube from the container and uses his middle finger to put some up her tight hole. He feels her body tense up when he shoves his finger into her asshole. Her tight hole practically absorbs his finger. Kathy stays quiet as her grandson slowly fingers her asshole from behind. As his finger gets slippery, Luke decides to stretch Kathy's tight muscle ring with an additional finger. Kathy's body shakes side to side at first adjusting to both his fingers up her rectum.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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