73.82% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3027: PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN PT.


Even if you managed to hang on to your job and avoid illness, the pandemic changed everything. For some, a lot. For others, a little. I definitely belong to that first group.

Here's how it all went down.

I graduated from college in May, 2019. I spent a couple of months goofing around - - rolling out of bed at noon, grabbing a joint, listening to music, hanging out with friends. The typical post-grad slacker thing. I took a trip over the border to surf for a couple of weeks in Rosarito. I kept promising my parents I'd look for a job - - but things never got serious on that front.

By September, my dad gave me a choice: get a paycheck or get a new address.

I ended up bussing tables at a local Mexican joint. The hours were good - - late afternoon shifts allowed me to stick to my morning joint-and-jerkoff routine and still hang out with my dudes past midnight. The paycheck was small but gave me something to wave in my dad's face.

Things were settling into a comfy little groove when we started hearing rumors about Wuhan. In mid-March, 2020, California issued its stay-at-home order. The restaurant shut down. My paychecks dried up.

The stay-at-home order did more than cancel paychecks. My parents never had a happy marriage. I guess they stayed together for my sake. A month at home - - bumping into each other all the time, stressed about work and the future and their health - - things got pretty combustible. By late April, my dad had split. He decided it was better to ride out the pandemic at his brother's place up in Oregon. He also decided it was better to open up a new bank account to stash his salary.

That left me and my mom - - my increasingly depressed and penniless mom. She looked for work but her resumes just ended up floating somewhere on the web. I looked for work - - maybe a couple of times a week, if I remembered.

My mom was a lot more resilient than I was, I guess. Resigning herself to dad's departure and plugging away at the job market, she decided the pandemic was a great opportunity to get back in shape. After all, at some point the dating scene would have to open back up - - right?

She jogged. I slept. She did yoga. I did blunts. She lifted weights. I lifted tallboys of cheap beer.

One afternoon in June, I rummaged through our kitchen cabinets in my boxers looking for munchies. Mom returned from her second jog of the day - - sweaty and flushed. I sat at the kitchen nook with a bowl of frosted flakes when - - after showering - - she sat down opposite me.

"Ryan," she said, her eyes darting left and right. "We need to talk."

Oh jesus, I thought to myself. Here we go again - - more parental static about jobs, responsibilities, the future, etc. etc.

"What's up?" My spoon hung in mid-air.

Mom shifted on the nook bench. "I can't get your dad on the phone and he's stopped sending checks."

I nodded.

"We can't get by on just your unemployment." She put her hands to the sides of her head. "I don't know what to do."

I nodded.

"So," I started. "I guess I'll have to get a job." I shoveled more milk and cereal into my mouth. "I'll drive for Door Dash or whatever," I continued. "But I think that's less money than my EDD check."

Mom nodded. She frowned.

"I just can't find anything," she answered. "I keep looking and looking. But it's just impossible."

I nodded.

"Look," I said. "They can't kick us out of the apartment. So long as we've got money for food, I think we're okay."

Mom just stared at me.

"I've got to find something," she said in a quiet voice. "There must be something out there."

That's where we left things - - until that weird day in July.

I was listening to tunes in my room when my stomach started to growl. Time for munchies, I said to myself. When I walked past my mom's bedroom, I heard her talking. To herself? To someone on the phone? I knocked on the door.

"Oh," she said in a startled voice. "Hold on, Ryan."

Dumb me. Maybe I was too stoned or maybe the pandemic had made me forget the usual rules. Or, maybe it was just fate.

I opened the door.

My jaw dropped.

My fifty year-old mother was sitting on the edge of the bed - - dressed in nothing but a lacy black bra, black silk panties, sheer stockings, and a pair of super-high black heels. I struggled against whatever was happening in the back of my throat.

My mom stood - - her face frozen in shock.

For just one brief moment, I thought: damn, she's in great shape. Her bra pushed up her mango-sized tits. Her panties emphasized her narrow waist and wide hips. She had well-toned, thick thighs and long legs. Okay, yeah, she had a little pooch around her belly, but she hardly looked like a new AARP member.

"Get out," she shrieked. "Get the hell out of here."

I mumbled something and closed the door. I forgot about the munchies and retreated to my room. What the hell, I thought as I lit up a joint. Was she video-calling my dad? I sucked some sweet sativa into my lungs and plopped down on my bed. Maybe she'd found a boyfriend?

As I pondered this strange multiple choice question, a faint knock sounded at my door.

"Yeah," I said. "Come on in."

My mom appeared in the doorway, now wearing a long bathrobe but also still wearing her stockings and heels.

We stared at each other for a minute or two.

"Ryan," she said, wrapping her arms around her waist. "I'm sorry."

I nodded.

"I should have told you."

I nodded again and stubbed the joint out in an ashtray.

"Uhhhh... '' I replied. "Are you and dad back together again or something?"

Mom rolled her eyes.

"No. I haven't heard from your dad in months."

I nodded. "Okay."

Mom sighed.

"I was looking for work," she said. " And, you know, I couldn't find anything."

"Yeah," I answered. "Sure."

"But then...." She paused. "My friend, Sally, told me about these web sites."

Sally? My mind flicked through a deck of cards. Sally. Right. My mom's old college friend. The one who'd moved to Idaho a while back.

"So... I gave it a try." Mom leaned against the door frame. "And, that's what I've been doing. Mostly while you're in bed... or getting stoned."

I shook my head. "Wow...," I said. "You're like a cam model or something?"

Mom nodded her head. "I guess that's what you call it."

"Cool... cool," I said.

Of course, I knew all about "live model" websites. I'd even enjoyed a few - - when my shitty paycheck allowed me. To be honest, though, they'd never really done much for me. The girls all seemed so bored. Or, so eager to get my tokens. Porn clips always worked better for me.

"So...." I didn't want to sound insensitive. "The money is good? I mean... it's worth it?"

Mom relaxed - - probably relieved at my reaction.

"It's pretty good," she said. "I mean it's not great. But, it's getting better." She gave a little nervous chuckle. "I guess guys really do have a thing for MILFs."

I smiled. MILFs. Yeah, I liked the MILF stuff too. Watching some old bird get all hot and bothered at the sight of a young dude's wiener. I suppressed a dope-inspired giggle. It was kind of kinky - - and a nice break from fake tits, skinny asses, and whiny voices.

"It's only temporary," my mom continued. "Until this pandemic thing goes away and we get back to normal."

I nodded.

"Okay," I said. "That's cool. If you're cool with it."

Mom smiled. "I'm cool with it. For now. And...." She dropped her arms to her sides. "I promise you won't even notice."

"No problem," I answered.

She turned and closed the door. I re-lit my joint. As I puffed, I texted my buddies to let them know my mom was now a cam girl. We LMFAO-ed all over the text.

A couple of weeks later, I was again digging into a bowl of frosted flakes when my mom emerged from her room. She was barefoot and wrapped in her robe. She sat down opposite me and picked up a spoon somebody had left on the table.

"Ryan," she said in slow, drawn out tones. "Everything okay?"

I nodded and watched her tap the spoon on the table top. She smiled back at me, still tapping away. I kept eating but the spoon tapping and her silence were getting me a little antsy.

"What's up?" I finally asked.

Mom glanced at me and then down at the table. She cleared her throat. The spoon stopped tapping.

"Things are going really well at work," she said. "But, there's this guy... "

She raised her eyes to meet mine.

Uh oh, I thought. Welcome to the world of internet trolls.

"He's my best client," she continued. "In fact. Without him, I'm not sure if I'd make much money at all."

I nodded. "Cool."

She shifted her gaze back to the table top.

"Not so cool," she answered. "He has certain... ideas."

Uh oh, I thought. Here comes the world of internet kink.

"Ideas about what?"

The spoon started tapping again.

"Well," my mom said. "You know... we talk about ourselves a little. Just chit chat."

"Nice," I said.

She nodded slowly, her eyes still on the table top.

"I told him about your dad. And, about you."

The spoon thing was really getting on my nerves, so I extended my hand and laid it on top of the utensil. Mom glanced up at me.

"He'd like to meet you.... " she continued.

What? I'd heard lots of bullshit about guys dating their favorite cam girls. But, why would this guy want to meet me?

"Like for coffee or something?" I asked.

Mom's lips flexed into a little frown.

"Not exactly," she replied. "He just wants to see you... on cam."

I laughed. "He wants me to cam with him?"

Mom flashed her eyes at me.

"Not exactly."

She sighed.

"Look, Ryan," she continued. "I've been carrying the house. And you've been getting a free ride."

"But... my EDD check... " I stuttered.

"Please," mom said. "That's nothing. And, you spend most of it on weed. Besides, you know it's going to run out before we know it."

Wow, I thought to myself. Kinda harsh.

"This guy... Jonny... is rich." She paused and inhaled. "He says he'll give me... us... a hundred bucks to be on cam together."

I nodded.

"Like just sitting there? Next to each other, or something?"

Mom looked up at me and smiled. "Exactly. Just to sit next to each other."

She stood and whisked my cereal bowl away.

"All we have to do is sit next to each other for a couple of minutes," she said as she washed up the dishes in the sink. "I don't know. He's just got these ideas."

A hundred dollars was good money to sit next to your mother. Hell, I thought, it was good money for doing anything for a couple of minutes.

"Okay," I said. "I can do that."

Mom turned to me, her eyes big with surprise.

"Really, honey?" She asked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "So long as I don't have to wear anything kinky." I laughed.

Mom laughed with me.

"No, no. Nothing that weird." She clapped her hands together. "Oh my god. Thanks." She looked at me. "This guy really wants to see us. I think we can get more than a hundred bucks out of him."

"Cool," I said. "I'm gonna go smoke up."

I returned to my room and mom's door shut right behind mine.


Mom woke me early the next morning - - like around eleven or twelve.

"Come on, Ryan," she said, slapping me on the shoulder. "Time to get up."

I groaned.

"Jonny's going to be online in ten minutes." She nudged me.

Oh shit. Jonny. Right. Her online sugar daddy.

She left and I rolled out of bed and pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt. I combed my hand through my hair as I walked down the hall to mom's room.

Whoa! I said to myself as I opened her door. The bedroom had been redecorated. The shade was drawn down and two sleek lamps burned low on either side of the bed. A trippy portrait of a nude couple hung above the bed and the bed itself was covered in black silk sheets.

Mom was decked out in lace panties and bra. She'd ditched the stockings but kept the high heels. She gazed up at me with a nervous smile and patted the end of the bed next to her. I sat down and stared at the laptop on the little bureau in front of us. She'd bought a new webcam and ring light from Amazon.

"Are you okay?" She whispered to me.

I nodded just as the red light on the webcam glowed on.

An avatar of a bull with horns appeared in the browser window.

Mom raised her hand to wave at the computer.

"Hi, Jonny," she said in a bright voice. "How are you?"

"I'm great, Carla." A low, tinny voice warbled out of the computer speakers.

Carla? I grinned. Of course. Much sexier than Carol, my mom's real name.

"Who's your friend?" The voice asked with a hitch.

Mom smiled and patted my arm.

"This is Ryan. I've told you all about him. Ryan, say hi to Jonny."

I looked at the computer.

"What's up, dude?"

Jonny laughed.

"I'm good, Ryan. How about you?

"Chilling, man. Just chilling here... uh... with my mom."

Jonny inhaled sharply.

"Your mom is a really great lady," he said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "She's fantastic, man."

Mom cleared her throat.

"Don't forget, Jonny," she said. "What we agreed on."

A chime sounded from the computer.

Mom smiled. "Thanks, baby."

As we sat there on the bed, my mom's warm, smooth thigh pressed lightly against mine. I looked down and my eyes fixed on the way her bare knee flexed over leg. Her thighs were squeezed together and she shifted on the edge of the bed.

"You two look great together," Jonny's voice echoed from the speakers.

I glanced at mom who kept her eyes on the computer. Another chime sounded from the computer. A different name - - MountainMan1961 - - scrolled across the top of the screen. A window popped open.

"Jonny," mom said. "Is it okay if I let Mike in. He just tipped me and requested."

"Sure," Jonny answered. "The more the merrier."

The computer dinged.

A message scrolled across the screen. "Wow. It's really happening."

Mom smiled, a little uncomfortably.

"Yes, Mikey," she said. "It's happening."

Jonny chuckled.

Mom rested her hands on her thighs and I noticed that she'd painted her long nails a bright red.

"Carla," Jonny said. "Do you think you and Ryan could hold hands?"

Mom shifted on the bed. Another chime sounded from the computer. I could hear her breathing get quicker. She glanced at me and I nodded. Her left hand crawled onto my arm and her fingers interlaced with mine. She squeezed my hand.

Uh oh. My cock twitched under my shorts. Mom squeezed my hand again and my cock jerked in response.

"So sexy." Mike's message scrolled across the screen and another chime rang out.

"I agree," Jonny said.

Mom's palm was sweaty against mine. She squeezed her thighs together even tighter.

"You two look like you really love each other," Jonny continued. "Do you love your mom, Ryan?"

I frowned.

"Sure, dude. Who doesn't love their mom?"

Jonny laughed and the computer chimed. Mom's eyebrows shot up.

"You like that sound, don't you Carla?"

Mom faked a smile. "You know I do, Jonny."

The touch of my mom's thigh and the sight of her smooth skin were doing things to my cock. It was my turn to shift on the edge of the bed. Mom squeezed my hand.

"If you love each other," Jonny said, dropping his voice. "You should show it."

I flicked my eyes toward mom. Her lips were pressed together and a few beads of sweat popped out on her temples. I couldn't help looking down at her bra and the way it pushed up her sweet tits. My cock had stopped twitching. It was now just a long,hard lump of wood - - ready to poke through the leg of my shorts.

"Kiss your mom, Ryan," Jonny said.

He was panting now, his breath wheezing in and out.

I looked at mom and thought: "What the fuck." I leaned over and gave mom a peck on the cheek. She pulled her cheek away from me as the computer dinged once and then again...and then again. Mom's eyes widened.

"Go on, Carla," Jonny gasped. "Kiss your son."

Mom gulped and squeezed my hand before she ducked her lips against my cheek.

"OMG. So hot." Scrolled across the screen.

Jonny mumbled something before letting out a little yelp. His avatar suddenly disappeared. A couple of more dings echoed from the computer before mom grabbed a little remote next to her and clicked it. Mike's name disappeared from the screen.

"Oh my goodness," mom sighed, still clutching my hand.

She looked at me with a smile.

"Honey," she gushed, her cheeks bright red. "Do you know how much we just made?

I shrugged.

Mom leaned forward to peer at the screen.

"Four-hundred and seventeen dollars," she answered her own question.

She squeezed my hand again and pushed herself against me.

"Thank you, baby.... Oh my gosh. Thanks you so much, Ryan."

I laughed. "No problem. That was easy."

Mom turned to me and released my hand. She put her palms on each side of my face.

"Oh honey," she whispered. "I'm so sorry.... Sorry we have to do this."

I gazed into mom's hazel eyes and smiled.

"I'm not sorry," I whispered back.

Mom gulped and the air between us got heavy and weird. I put my hand firmly on her luscious thighs and her shoulders jerked. She pulled my face to hers until our lips were only inches apart. I squeezed her meaty thigh and she sighed.

Our lips met and mom looped her arms around my neck. As she pulled our mouths together, her tongue pushed its way into my mouth. I grunted and pushed her back onto the bed and slid on top of her. Mom said something into my mouth, but I ignored her and pulled my shorts down. Her warm skin met mine and she twisted on the bed, her arms still wrapped tight around my neck.

I didn't even bother to pull off her panties. I just pushed them aside and guided my hard cock to her very wet pussy. Mom moved her hands to my ass and pulled me inside her. As my cock slowly spread her, she squeezed my ass and wrapped her legs around my waist. A warm wet glove wrapped around my prick and we started moving together.

As I pumped into her, mom released her lips from mine. She squeezed her eyes shut and moaned, shaking her head back and forth. I planted my hands on either side of her chest and really started pounding. The bed bounced up and down and mom's moan shifted into short, high-pitched whimpers. Her hands still rode my ass.

My cock was ready to explode and I jammed it as hard and deep as I could. Mom's mouth flew open and she struggled to catch her breath. With one final thrust, the tip of my prick exploded in a burst of pleasure. Mom's hands smacked my bare ass as I glued my hips to hers and emptied everything I had deep inside her. Her body shivered and shook until, with a final grunt, she dropped her arms onto the bed.

She groaned and I dropped on top of her.

We rested like that for a couple of minutes before mom's hand pushed against my chest. I rolled over next to her.

"Oh my god," she whispered, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. "Oh my god."

I grunted something in response.

"Ohhhhh," my mom bleated next to me. "What did we just do?"

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Ryan," she said, her voice edged with panic. "What did we just do?"

"We just made a ton of money," I answered as my breathing settled back to normal.

"Oh my god," mom sobbed.

She sat up, glanced down at me, and blanched.

"Oh jesus," she blubbered as she shot off the bed and hurried out of the room.

The bathroom door banged shut. A bit later, the shower went on. I sighed and pulled my shorts back up my legs. That was weird, I thought to myself as I headed to the kitchen. Weird, but to quote MountainMan1961 - - very hot.

Later, mom and I sat down to eat dinner. She'd cooked up steaks and baked potatoes.

"Here you go, baby," she said, passing me a cold can of beer.

We sat and ate in silence. Mom spent most of the time pushing her food around on the plate.

When I finished, I folded my napkin and laid my knife and fork on the table. Mom looked up at me and darted her eyes away from mine."Ryan," she whispered in a hoarse voice. "We can't do that again. Not ever again."

I looked at her across the table, her dark hair brushed across her forehead, her pretty eyes fixed on the table top.

"I kinda liked it," I said.

Mom gasped and clutched her napkin.

"Noooooo," she answered, her voice edging higher and higher. "No, Ryan. Never again."

I shrugged.

"I'm gonna go light up," I said, standing up.

Mom sighed and I padded out of the kitchen on bare feet.


A couple of days went by and mom tried her best to avoid me. That was easy, as I was happy to spend most of my time in bed - - smoking and checking out YouTube videos. She left me food on the table and I heard her computer chiming away most of the day.

Later that week, a hand nudged my shoulder as I slept in bed. I blinked my eyes open. It was my mom, wearing a robe but with her hair and makeup all done up.

"Hey," I mumbled, my mouth gummy with sleep.

Mom gazed down at me and smiled.

"Jonny wants another date," she whispered, squeezing my shoulder. "Five-hundred dollars."

My eyebrows rose.


Mom nodded. "In just fifteen minutes."

I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Okay," I finally said. "Let me get up."

Mom turned and strode out of the room on her heels.

I rolled out of bed, grabbed a pair of shorts, and brushed my teeth.

In mom's room, the bedside lamps glowed next to her bed. The black sheets gleamed. Mom wore a new bra and panty set - - red and lacy. She also wore red stockings and her black high heels.

When I stepped into her room, she glanced up at me and patted the bed next to her. I sat down and we waited in front of the computer for Jonny to arrive. The bull avatar popped onto the screen.

"Hi Carla," Jonny said. "Hi Ryan."

Mom smiled and I waved at the camera.

"I really enjoyed our last show," Jonny said in his wheezy voice.

How old was this guy? I wondered. Was he locked up in some big house in the hills? Did he have a wife and kids?

"We enjoyed it too," mom said, patting my shoulder.

"Excellent," Jonny said.

The computer dinged.

"What we agreed on," Jonny continued and mom nodded. "Are you ready?"

I nodded.

"Okay," Jonny said. "Show me how much you love each other."

Mom's body trembled next to me and she sighed. Her hand crept over to mine and she squeezed. I pecked her on the cheek. Her thigh pressed against mine and she turned her head to me. Our eyes met. Hers were damp and shining. With a little smile of resignation, she pressed her lips against mine.

The computer dinged and we could both hear Jonny rasping hard.

Mom's mouth relaxed and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. As our tongues slid together, she slipped an arm around my neck. She made a sound in her throat and her free hand pushed itself onto the front of my shorts. I murmured my approval.

The computer dinged again and then again. Jonny approved and the pleasant chiming encouraged us.

Mom's hand gripped my cock through my shorts and she squeezed. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tight against me, our mouths still glued together. Her tits heaved against my chest. Just as I was getting ready to push her onto her back, mom pulled her mouth from mine.

"Wait," she panted. "Hold on."

She pulled her hand from my cock and pushed me away. Her face was bright red and the top of her tits burned crimson.

She cleared her throat.

"Okay, Jonny," she said. "I think you got what you wanted. Didn't you, honey."

Jonny's ragged breathing filled the computer speakers.

"Yes," he croaked. "But... you two... look so hot together."

The computer dinged and dinged again. Mom's eyebrows went up. She smiled.

"You liked it, Jonny," she said, her hand returning to my thigh.

"Uh huh," the voice on the computer answered. "I liked it a lot.... but I want more."

Mom glanced at me and I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Sure, baby," she said. "So do we. But... "

The computer dinged again. This was followed by the sound of a bugle.

"Today's High Tip," scrolled across the screen in big, bright blue letters surrounded by dancing stars.

Mom smiled and her hand crept back to my hard cock.

"Is this what you want, Jonny," she asked, running her hand up and down my shaft.

I leaned back and raised my eyes to the ceiling.

The computer dinged.

"Or, maybe," mom continued, sliding her hand beneath the waistband of my shorts. "Maybe, you want something more."

The computer dinged repeatedly and mom's soft hand slid under my shorts and down to my cock. She wrangled my big dick free and I grunted my approval. As mom's hand squeezed and stroked me, the computer kept up its little song.

"Hmmmmm," mom whispered to the machine on the bureau. "Look how big it is, Jonny. Big and hard."

Jonny uttered a strangled cry.

"My son's big cock," mom said in a low guttural voice. "Mommy loves her son's hard cock."

She squeezed me and I groaned. On the other end of the internet somewhere, Jonny moaned as well. I opened my eyes to see mom's hand wrapped around my prick. Her red-tipped fingers tugged at my shaft. She was breathing hard and her eyes were fixed on my crotch.

"So delicious-looking," mom stuttered. "So big and delicious."

The chimes on the computer rang in quick succession.

Mom looked up. She glanced at me with a smile.

"Hmmmmmm," she murmured. "Who wants a young cock like this to go to waste?"

She picked up the remote with her free hand and pointed it at the computer.

"See you tomorrow, Jonny," she leered. "I need to take care of Ryan now."

She clicked the remote and the window on the computer disappeared. Mom dropped the remote and twisted around to face me. Her eyes glowed. She released my dick and stood to face me. I drank in the sight of her plush, curvy body. Her tits barely contained by her bra. Her waist and hips. Her solid thighs. I gulped.

With a wide smile, mom dropped to her knees between my legs. Her hands reattached themselves to my cock. She glanced up at me with her big green eyes and licked me - - from my balls up my shaft to my cock head. She studied the big bulbous tip of my dick for a moment and rolled her shoulders.

When her warm, wet mouth touched my cock, I almost shouted. She gobbled me up, stuffing my dick between her lips and clutching the base of my shaft in both hands. It was like somebody pulled the trigger on a starter pistol. Once she'd tasted me, mom went nuts - - slurping and sucking and kissing as my cock stretched and swelled harder and longer.

I grunted and writhed on the bed, my body all electric. Mom's hungry mouth rooted at my dick until she found a slow, steady rhythm. As her head bobbed up and down between my legs, I groaned and pushed a hand into her thick, dark hair. She mumbled something and renewed her efforts until my ass was dancing up and down on the bed to meet her mouth.

The dam gates opened and a flood of jiz boiled up my cock. I shouted something and mom released my dick from her mouth. She squeezed and stroked me as I shot a fountain into the air above her. While I twisted and rolled on the bed, mom's hands remained glued to my cock. I let loose a final squawk of pleasure as my cock emptied itself in one long, thick spurt.

I collapsed back onto the bed and mom kissed my balls and my shaft, humming her appreciation. She rubbed her cheeks against my thighs and rolled my deflating cock in her cum-slicked hands. As I settled back to earth, she shimmied up and over me until we lay together. With her hand still clutching my cock, she nuzzled against my chest.

I fell asleep on the cool, smooth sheets with a smile plastered across my face.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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