67.97% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2787: OEDIPUS AWAKENS


There is a time in our lives that we begin to see our parents as sexual people. Sometimes it's a shock and quickly ignored. Others it's an awakening. For me that time didn't occur until I was 18 and spending my summer between my senior high school year and freshman year of college working during the day and then chasing girls, drinking beer and occasionally getting lucky with a blow job, eating some pussy, or getting laid.

I had wrangled a job with a local law firm or should say lawyer. Mr. Wilder was a well known lawyer in our region and a big booster of our local high school sports teams. I played football, basketball and ran track in our medium size school. I was good at the high school level but knew a scholarship at the college level was not very likely. When summer came and no scholarships appeared but instead got "Come and walk on and we will see what we can do letter", I knew I needed more money. Bagging groceries, and busing tables wasn't going to cut it. So I approached Mr. Wilder about a job, at first he told me he had nothing, then about a week before graduation he called me in and offered me a job at 800 a month as a runner.

In the late 70's this was hell of a lot of money for a high school or college student. He said I was to carry documents, packages, and sometimes people to places with no questions asked and with complete secrecy. I agreed without question and signed the confidentiality agreement without hesitation. He told me to show up for work the Monday after graduation. I rushed home to tell my Mom I got a job but didn't mention the pay. I was afraid she would get suspicious and say no. Even though I was legally an adult, if she had said no I wouldn't have done it. She had raised me alone since my father died when I was 8, in a car crash. She worked as a nurse at the local hospital and worked days while I was younger but once I reached high school she would alternate between evenings and late night shifts because the pay was better. Sometimes because of sports practice or a date I wouldn't see her for a few days at a time other than when she came in after work and kissed me on the forehead while she thought I was asleep.

I never thought as my Mom as anything but Mom. She looked remarkably like the actress Cathy Lee Crosby. Tall blonde, athletic, but her boobs were a little bigger, a size I would recognize now as about a C Cup. She drew the attention of many men but I remember one night hearing hear complain over the phone to a co-worker, that they were all married or jerks.

I started my job and would show up and sit waiting for something to do. Sometimes it was running for coffee or food, sometimes it was picking up cigarettes or liquor for Mr. Wilder, Although underage I was never questioned at the store where I was told to pick them up. Sometimes I would take envelopes or packages to other lawyers, clients, or government offices. Depending on the location I might be allowed to drive one of Mr, Wilder's cars. If I was heading to one of his more affluent clients house it was usually the Corvette. He didn't think my Pinto projected the right image to his clients. Hey what 18 year old would argue about driving a Vette.

On some occasions I would be told to go to an address and pick someone up and take them to the address they would give me. Sometimes those locations were hotels or houses. Then I would drive the Oldsmobile and they would sit in the back. Sometimes it was women, sometimes it was men. There was one young woman, not much older than me that stood out because I carried her the most. It was usually from her apartment to a hotel. It stood out because of the frequency and often I would see Mr. Wilder's Corvette there in the parking lot.

Since I worked differing hours, often I wouldn't need to be in the office. I had a beeper, it was a about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide and was triggered by a radio at the office. If I was needed and not there the beeper would beep and vibrate. I then called the office or the after hours number for my instructions. It was during one of my split days that my vision of my Mom changed. I had completed all the office runs for the day; dropping off various legal documents waiting for them the get signed to return or just drop offs. When I got back, Trisha the secretary told me there was nothing more for me to do and to go home. She told me that I might be called that evening so make sure my beeper was charged. She always wore outfits that exposed her the tops of her tits. They were a pale creamy color and covered with freckles like the rest of her visible skin. Her hair was a fiery copper color, and which I was to find out later was her natural color. She had bright green eyes and looked a little like Melissa Gilbert as she got older. I would often unconsciously grow a tent in my pants smelling her perfume and seeing her tits about to spill out of her clothes. I was certain that she was teasing me on purpose and later found out that was so. I wasn't a virgin. I had a few girlfriends by now and had done the big 3; oral for me, oral for her, and straight sex. The next few months would expand my horizons even more.

I rarely went home during the day because I was afraid I would wake up my Mom. This month she was on evening shift from 4-12 so she might already be up. Besides I hadn't been laid in over a week, add that to Trisha's teasing, made me need to go rub one out. I pulled up to the house and noticed a car in the driveway that didn't belong, so I parked on the street and walked up the driveway. I didn't recognize the car but as I walked by I noticed it had a high school faculty parking decal.

Our house was laid out so when you came in from the carport you entered the family room. My room, a full bathroom and the "guest" room was down a hallway off the back of this room. The kitchen was next, then the dinning room, and then the "formal" living room. This was barley used by us but sometimes mom used it to entertain friends. Off the living room was a hallway that went back past a study and then ended with the master bedroom and bath. The house was a U shape with the family room, kitchen and dinning room making the bottom of the U along the street.

I was quiet as I came in the door in case mom was asleep or entertaining in the living room but as I closed the door I could hear mom's Bread albums playing on her stereo. That kind of worried me because before the only other time I would hear "Make it with you" or "Sweet Surrender" was when she was depressed and missing Dad. On a few occasions I would find her passed out with a wine bottle beside her and Bread on repeat.

Now a little concerned I went through the kitchen and dining room expecting to find mom in the living room with whoever was here. Instead I saw a mostly empty bottle of wine and two partially filled glasses. Both glasses had lipstick smears. A different color on each one. The curtains in the living room were closed and the study door was shut making the hallway darkened but I could see mom's doorway was open and some ambient light was coming through her closed curtains. With confusion adding to my concern I walked down the hallway.

The closer I got the louder the music got and I could of held a normal conversation and not been heard. Moving down the hall I was almost at her door and if I stuck my head in and looked left I would see her bed. What stopped me was the pile of clothes just inside the door. It registered but didn't. There were two bra's and two pairs of panties instead of the one I had seen in the past when Mom had dumped her clothes in a hurry. I think if I had saw a man's clothing on the floor tangled with my mothers it would have registered right away and I would have backtracked down the hall in embarrassment. But I wasn't as worldly as I thought. I looked slowly around the corner and what I saw changed my world forever.

My mother was laying on her back naked. Her head was toward the foot of the bed. Her left leg was straight out and her right leg was bent at the knee and leaned out. Straddling her groin was my high school English teacher. Ms. Gallagher was a gossip and masturbation fantasy of many a classmate and myself included. Despite relatively modest clothing her tits always seemed to be trying to make their way into open air and her skirts and pants seemed to caress the curves of her ass. Her shoulder length curled copper hair famed her round face of pouty lips and blue eyes. Now this dressed wet dream was naked, her head thrown back her face drawn in the grimace of chasing an orgasm. Her D cup tits rolled and bounced across her chest with nipples curled up like new rosebuds as she had one leg behind her and one across my mother grinding her copper bushed pussy.

Across my Mother? Oh My God!. Mom's tits were rolling across her chest and she pushed and ground against Ms. Gallagher. Her face too, was tightened with the strain of the race to cum. The redhead reached down and began stroking mom's nipples who then then reached up and pinched the rosebuds bouncing over her. That sent both women over the edge as moans turned to shrieks. I felt heat wash over me and the world spin as I shot ropes of cum in my pants. I put my hand out to the wall to steady myself and as my vision cleared I saw that Ms. Gallagher was now laying over my mom kissing her heaving chest while mom's head lolled behind closed eyelids. At the moment the precariousness of my position overcame my confusion. I quickly backed down the hallway and foggedly made my way out to my car and drove off.

I didn't go home until I was sure mom was gone to work. When I got in the door I found a note on the fridge with reheating instructions for supper and reminder to clean up after myself. I looked on the drainboard and two wine glasses were there. I checked the trash and there was the wine bottle from earlier. I walked through to the living room and down the hallway to my mothers room. The door is open and I look in, my mind immediately flashes to the vision of Ms Gallagher riding my mothers crotch in a wild frenzy. I shake my head and look. The bed is made there is nothing out of place. I walk back to my room and sit on my bed. The wine glasses, wine bottle, and crusted semen in my underwear remind me it was no dream.

I spent a few hours trying to make sense of everything. I wasn't a total idiot I knew about lesbians. I had seen the Hustler magazines, read Penthouse forum and even saw a porn loop with Rhonda Jo Petty banging another girl. But it was my mother, and it was Ms. Gallagher. Not some story and not some porn loop. My mother wasn't a lesbian she had a husband and had a child, me. Ms. Gallagher had dated both coach Murphy and Mr. Roberts, one of the math teachers. I was sitting in the waning summer light when the beeper went off on my belt making me jump.

I called the after hours number and was given my instructions. I had to pick up Valerie again at 9:30. Valerie was the young girl who I had told you about before. I looked at the clock and realized I had enough time to take a shower and wash the dried cum off my body. I hopped in the shower and as I soaped up I couldn't help but think of Ms Gallagher again, Rhona, I remember now Rhona was her given name. Her hair bouncing, her face tightened in the stress of sex, her chest heaving those large tits with the turgid rosebud shaped nipples. In my thoughts my hands had stop washing and began stroking my cock and balls. Her belly undulating as she ground her copper bush against my mother. I let out groan because my mind went to my mothers rolling tits and flexing hips. In my daydream they both came like before but this time both looking at me. I shot another load, painting the shower wall with my cum. I slumped against the shower wall catching my breath and wallowing in guilt about cumming to the idea of my mother having sex with another woman, until the water ran cold. I stepped out of the shower and toweled off before getting dressed and heading to the office to grab the Olds.

I picked Valerie up at 9:30 right on time. She must have been looking out the window because she came out of the apartment building door as I was getting out of the car. Her long blonde hair was done in the feathered blown back look made famous by Farrah Fawcett. It was dark enough I couldn't see her bright blue eyes but in the street light I could see her nipples poking through the cloth of her yellow strapless sun dress. I didn't stare and opened the door for her admiring her upper thigh as the dress slid up as she got in the back. For someone who was going off she never seemed to be happy about it.

I drove her to the motel address she gave me, it was in the next town about 10 miles away. We drove in silence as always and my glances in the mirror just revealed Valerie looking out the window. Somewhere in the short drive my mind went to Rhona Gallagher naked on a bed grinding again, this time with Valerie. I was so engrossed in my day dream I almost didn't make the turn into the motel. Probably not a good time to be driving.

Valerie yelled out "Here it is" snapping me out of me reverie.

I pulled in the driveway and drove her around to the side and she scanned the doors for room numbers.

She snapped out "Stop here."

She got out and headed to a door on the first floor. Room 112. I sat there until she disappeared into the room and then drove around the building to get out. As I went around the back there was the Vette parked over in the shadows. I drove back in silence and as the lights of the town disappeared and the darkness of the agricultural land that separated the two towns took over I let my mind wonder again. About Valerie and Rhona.

Their crotches locked together in a grinding frenzy and I could hear the pants and sighs in my ear. Until the roar of a Semi- Trucks horn snapped me out of day dreaming and I whipped the car back into my lane from the oncoming one to keep from getting crushed. Shaking from the near death experience kept me from visiting that vision for the rest of the trip.

I was parking the Oldsmobile at the office when I got another beep on my pager. I had a key to the outer office so I could pick up packages and the cars when no one was in so I let myself in and called the service. They gave me a number to call. Based on the prefix I guessed it was in the town I just left. Adding the extension of 112 I was guessing it was Valerie but normally I didn't get called to pick her up and if I did It wasn't until the next morning. Valerie picked up and told me to hold on and handed the phone off. I was only mildly surprised when Mr. Wilder's voice came over the line.

He gave me instructions to go pick up his wife at the country club. It appears she had two much to drink and the valet wouldn't let her have her keys. And before he hung up he made to sure to mention not to say where he was. I drove the Oldsmobile to the country club and pulled up out front. The valet came around and I told him I was there to pick up Mrs. Wilder. The valet looked relieved and showed me where to park. He took me inside and to an office off of the side of the main hallway. Mrs. Wilder and another older lady where sitting on a couch and the older lady was talking quietly to her.

When I came in and introduced myself Mrs Wilder snapped "What are you driving?"

I replied "The Oldsmobile"

She grimaced and said "That won't do," pointing to the valet she snapped again,"Give him my keys since you won't give them to me."

With that she stalked out the door a little wobbly on her heels. The Valet rushed ahead and got her car from the parking lot. The red Mercedes convertible had the top down. Mrs Wilder wobbled around the car with me behind her since I didn't want her to fall. I rushed and opened the passenger side door for her and as she sat int the sporty car the hem of her already short black dress rode up her thighs exposing her stocking tops and garters and a hint of light brown bush before she snapped them shut again. I burned with embarrassment at the quick peek not wanting Mra. Wilder to think I was a pervert or peeper.

The Wilder's actually lived outside of town on estate that sat back from the roadway. A few minutes into the drive Mrs Wilder lit up a cigarette and as she blew out a stream of smoke into the night air then asked, "Where is my fucking husband, out fucking one of his whores?" I started to answer I didn't know when she cut me off "Don't worry, I know Dickey fucks around, that's why I don't let his needle dick prick fuck me anymore."

Sighing she finished, "I'm a trophy wife that has a lot of dirt on my husband so that's why he won't divorce me and it's in a safe place so he doesn't have me killed."

She looker over at me and said "Do you want to fuck me?"

I was mortified, the Laura Wilder was not the same prim and proper one I had seen at the office or at functions around town. This one was brash and aggressive. To answer her question yes I would fuck her. She was tall with honey blonde hair and large tits, a slim waist and curving hips.. When she wore jeans her ass was heart shaped. She reminded me of Faye Dunaway.

I stuttered out, "I don't think that would be a good idea right now, your drunk and I work for your husband."

She laughed and leaned her head back against the head rest. Her thighs spread out allow her skirt to ride up her up again past the stocking tops but not quite the show I had gotten earlier. I guess I got caught looking because I heard her laugh lightly.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Laura looking at me and her right arm was moving. I looked over and almost ran off the road. Her right hand was under her skirt rubbing away. I snatched the car back into the lane as she laughed at me again. By this time we were out of town so the street lights were gone but in the light of the dash lights I could still see her rubbing under her skirt. Then she leaned over and placed her left hand over my covered cock, which had gotten hard as she rubbed. As she fondled she felt the breadth and length and added. "If you want to fuck me I would be OK with it."

I was torn between not wrecking the car on the two lane country road and not coming in my pants as Laura kept rubbing. When she pulled her right leg up and exposed her neatly trimmed bush to the dash lights and continued to rub her crotch with her right hand both decisions were made for me. I didn't wreck but I did swerve off onto the tractor access on the right. As she parted her bush showed me her now red pussy lips the second decision was made for me. I tensed and shot loads into my jeans. Laura's eyes sparkled as she felt my cock tense and spurt under the cloth. Her fingers continued to play in her pussy as I sat back panting and watching.

She cocked her head to the side and asked, "Are you a virgin?"

I wasn't but I was embarrassed by the question and she took my beet read face as her answer and she smirked "Oh my gawd," jamming two fingers in her twat before cumming and moaning out, "I would love to fuck a virgin." The squishing sound went on for a few more minutes before she gasped and moaned out something unintelligible and leaned against the door gasping. Feeling really guilty for just getting a rub off from my bosses wife while she got her self off I got the car back on the road.

We pulled up to her driveway and she looked over and asked "Are you coming in?"

I looked down at the floorboard and said, "No, as much as I want to, I work for your husband and I don't think it would be the right thing to do at this time."

She rolled her eyes at me and said "What a fucking Boy Scout, suit yourself."

She then leaned over to me and wiped her still damp right hand and wiped it across my cheek and lips before getting out. It had a pleasant order and slightly acidic taste but not bad.

As she got out she said "Pull the car in the garage in the back and I will have Edna call you a cab."

A cab? I didn't think about that, or how I was going to get the Olds or even back home. Laura walked into the house and slammed the door. I pulled the car around and pulled it into the open stall. She didn't say what to do with the keys so I tool them to the front door and rang the bell. An older lady in a house keepers uniform opened it and I handed her the keys and she told me the cab was on the way. It took about 15 minutes for the cab to get there and another few to go back and get the Olds. During that trip my pager went off 3 times.

The cab driver looked backed, grinned and said, "Man you must be selling some good shit, to be getting paged that many times."

Oh great he thinks I'm a fucking drug dealer. When I got back to the Country Club it was locked up and everyone was gone. There were no payphones there either. So I just drove back to the office. During that drive the pager went off twice more. I got back to the office and unlocked the door and turned off the alarm before calling the service. I was supposed to call the hotel number again.

I did and this time Mr, Wiilder picked up the phone and asked angrily, "Where the fuck have you been, I called the Club a while ago and they said you had already picked her up?"

I relayed the having to wait for the cab, then the Club being closed and having to drive back to the office to call.

He sighed and softly asked me, "Did my wife ask you to fuck her?"

I gulped but answered "Yes."

He asked "Did you?"

I told him, "No."

He replied thank you and hung up. I didn't tell him I got rubbed off while watching his wife get herself off.

I drove my car back to the house and saw my mother was home. I was hoping to get home before she did and pretend to be asleep because I was still trying to process finding her locked in a lesbian sex act with my high school teacher.

I walked in the door and she was sitting on the couch in her short silk robe with her legs crossed "Indian" style. Her robe covered the top of her thighs but I couldn't help but notice her nipples poking through the thin silk and the way her tits rolled as she looked up to see me come in. I was seeing my mother as a sexual person now, not like before.

I tried to get past her and down my hallway but she stopped me. Calling me back I looked at the floor so I wouldn't look at her nipples or look in her eyes and blurt out all the confusion I was feeling. She felt my confusion and then called me over to kiss her good night. I walked up to her and her face was level with my crotch and I felt myself twitch at the thought of those soft full lips being so close to it. I hastily leaned over and kissed her quickly on her cheek and said good night. As I pulled back I saw the look of confusion on her face as I hurried down the hall.

By the time I had gotten to my bedroom my cock had risen to full size again, thinking of those soft lips sucking it. I felt so disgusted I stripped off my clothes and went to the shower turning the water on full cold as penance for my dirty thoughts. Now cold and horny but no hard on I toweled off roughly before slipping on some thin running shorts and sliding into bed. I was tired, more emotionally than physically. It had been a rough day, first finding my mother and high school English teacher locked in a lesbian themed wet dream, then getting jacked off by my bosses wife while she got her self off. My life had made a totally different and unexpected turn.

Sleep came but it wasn't restful. My dreams were filled of my fiery redheaded English teach naked sprawled before me, Valerie laying between her thighs as she licked the red bush and the pussy below. Watching Rhona's tits roll as she moves her hips in coordination with the tonguing of the young blonde. Her nipples tighten on those D cup tits until they are twisted red rosebuds siting on that pale flesh. I hear her gasping out softly not quite making out the words as I feel soft lips on my cock sucking it to hardness.

I hear the wet licks and kisses of the blonde on the redheads pussy and her own moans she she burrows into that wet slit. Rhona now grunting and now I hear her softly "Suck, suck him, suck your boy."

Looking down at that revelation I see my mother now naked kneeling before me my cock hard and wet sliding in out of her mouth, her tits rolling as she looks up at me with smiling eyes.

As my load starts to shoot down my cock and out the leg of the small shorts I wake up. The room is dark and the house is quieted except for my gasping as the jets continue despite jacking off and getting jacked off the day before.

I lay there feeling my cum harden against my leg and roll down to the sheet as I wallow in my guilt. What kind of fucking animal wants to have sex with their mother. I laid there in the dark and cried before falling asleep as the darkness starting to turn gray in the windows. I woke up to the blaring alarm and reminded of the dream as the dried cum pulled the hair on my leg. I stumbled into the shower and tried to wash off the cum and the dirty feeling of dreaming of getting a blow job from your mother.

Today was court day so I made sure to dress in a suit instead of business casual in the event I was needed as a runner during the court hearing. I got to the office and helped Trisha load the case files into the Olds and took her and the files to the Courthouse. She had me grab one box and head to the door when we met Mr. Wilder coming down the steps of the courthouse. He told us that Judge Sanderson was out sick and all the court cases had been continued until next week. He went on to say after we put the files back we could have the rest of the day off.

After putting the files back and fending off Trisha grabbing my ass In the file room I slid out to my car. I drove over to the park and parked under a tree watching the geese swim across the lake. Their gracefulness of the movement belied the frenzy of activity below the water. Like my emotions now broiling inside me.

I sat there for awhile and tried to make sense of seeing my once prim and proper and thought to be celibate widowed mother locked in a writhing lesbian sex act in her bed. And to guilt of me cumming the thought of her sucking my cock. It's not that she was old or ugly. She like me was a multi-sport athlete in high school and had even managed to wrangle a scholarship to college in basketball back when college scholarships for women were a rarer thing. Between that and her good grades she managed to be the first person in her family to go to college and the first to graduate and became a licensed nurse.

She met my Dad in college although they didn't marry until she had graduated. When she had me she left nursing for awhile but after my Dad died in a car crash she eventually went back to work to help make ends meet. All this time she kept her athletic shaped. I flashed back to her laying naked on the bed, the muscles in her thighs and arms showed strength and definition as her tits shook and rippled with the frenzy of her grinding her pussy against Rhona's.

I jerked up right and started the car, I couldn't sit there and daydream about my naked mother anymore. I pulled out and drove, I couldn't go home, my mother was still there and I still didn't want to face her or have that conversation. So I drove. Subconsciously I drove to Rhona's house and parked in her driveway behind the car that had been sitting in my driveway when I walked in and caught them. I wanted to go in and ask her what was going on. I wanted to ask her what she did to my mother to make her act that way but I couldn't. I sat there in the car and cried quietly tears running down my face.

I don't know how long I had sit there but I heard the front door open and heard Rhona asked "Jason, are you OK?"

I didn't reply I just sat there staring straight ahead.

She walked closer to the car and saw I was crying."This time she asked, whats going on, are your hurt, is something wrong with Janie. (my mom)

I shook my head no and started to put the car in gear but she put her arm in the car and placed her hand on my chest as she opened the car door with the other hand. Taking my arm she directed me out of the car and up toward the house.

As we were walking she lightly rubbed my back and the contact coupled with the image of the day before made my cock stir despite my emotional upheaval.

She guided me in the house and sat me down on a couch. She stopped to grab a handful of tissues before sitting down beside me. Her right thigh pressed into mine and her right breast pressed into my arm a she wrapped her arm over my shoulders. My cock stiffened more at the contact.

She handed me the tissues and used one to help dry my face before asking, "Should I call your Mom?"

I shook my head no and started crying more and she asked "Is she OK?"

I shook my head yes an cried a few more minutes. I was finally able to catch my breath and had calmed down a bit. I tried to get up to leave but she held me back.

Taking my chin in her hand she turned my face to hers and asked "Jason, why are you at my house, crying?"

I looked at the floor and softly said, "I'm sorry I stopped here, I don't know why I did."

She pulled my gaze up from the floor and I looked into those bright blue eyes that were shaded with concern. She had never been a mean teacher but she was firm but fair. But now she was switching on her teacher mode.

In a firm voice she asked again, "Jason why are you here?"

I sighed heavily and looked at the floor again before almost whispering out, "I don't know I guess I was looking for answers."

Still firm she asked, "What kind of answers."

Almost crying again I stalled, "I don't know."

Adding an edge to her voice she spat out "Jason".

Sighing again I took a deep breath and breathed out, "About my mom, about you...

I heard her breath catch in her throat and her body tense a bit as she paused for a bit before asking a little less assured now, "What about your mother, what about me?"

Taking a deep breath I let it all spurt out like a fire hose, how I came home early and caught them having sex.

Rhona pulled back as if burned and jumped up as she said in a panic, "I knew I saw someone at the door."

You have to understand this was the late 70's and homosexual activity men or women was not out in the open, if it came out that she was gay she and my mother could loose their jobs or worse.

Now standing before me she asked a little tersely, "Did you tell anyone?"

I shook my head no.

She asked again "Are you going to tell anyone?"

I delayed because I hadn't even thought of doing that or why I would do that but Rhona took it as a yes. She started to say something but the phone rang in the kitchen. You know back when phones were attached to the wall or had a cord.

She walked quickly into the kitchen answered it. I could hear her side of the conversation.

She was curt and answered, "No I can't come over after all."

After listening her voice softened and she went on, "No, everything is fine. I have something I need to take care off and I will talk to you about it later."

With the curtness lifted out her voice she finished "I'm sorry, yes everything is OK, I will see you later."

I heard the phone put back in the cradle and her footsteps come back into the room. I had my head down as she walked in the first thing I saw was her feet. For the first time I saw them, she had never worn open shoes at school. Her clothing at school had never been risque but the often revealed the hint of the curves that I had seen naked over my mother. But I didn't see her feet until now. Long thin toes carefully manicured with bright pink polish attached to a slender foot encased in summer sandals. Her curving calves and ankles, were visible below the hem of her lightweight summer skirt.

My reverie was interrupted as she returned to stern teacher mode. Now standing between my open knees I could smell her perfume. Soft and fruity, summerish not heavy or strong.

Leaning over me she asked "Who were you going to tell Jason?"

I answered honestly "No one."

But based on my earlier pause she didn't quite believe me and asked again.

I raised my head defiantly now because I was angry she thought I was lying and said firmly, "No one."

I think she realized now that was the wrong tack because she switched up to a more soft appeasing voice and began to say how bad it was if I was to tell anybody, and that not only would it be bad for her and my mother it would be bad for me as well. As she was saying this she knelt between my knees trying to look up at my eyes as I had my head down again. As she knelt her ample cleavage was on view in the light blue thin cotton blouse which was unbuttoned uncharacteristically low.

The top swell of her milky white breasts and the light blue lace of her bra were on display. Knowing what was underneath all that frilly blue made my cock harden. Rhona put her hands on top of my thighs rubbing lightly trying to get me to look up at her while telling me how I shouldn't tell anyone and forget about everything, which made it harden fully. On one pass her hand brushed it before she gasped and pulled back quickly.

She seemed to regroup and her tone went from passive aggressive to sultry before saying coyly, "Ohh did I cause that little problem."

She slid her hand back up my thigh and began manipulating my hard cock through my suit pants.

She cooed and said "Ohh that's nice."

I knew I wasn't huge but slightly bigger than some. I didn't do a lot of comparing like some of my girlfriends did. I guess this is now where we put in the obligatory cock size. When hard it's about 7 inches long from pubes to tip. I say about because sometimes its a little shorter and sometimes a little longer. At that time I would say it was working its way to the long end. The distance around my cock is a little over 4.5 inches. As Diedre one of my girlfriends who would let me fuck her with it. "Its a fire hydrant of love"

I started get up to leave but Rhona put her arms around me grabbed my pants trying to pull me back to a sitting position. But all she managed to do was pull my pants down. I reached for them but she grabbed my boxer and pulled them down as well before shoving the tops of thighs making me sit down hard.

Rhona grabbed my cock and pumped it a few times as she whispered. "If you don't tell anyone I will do this when ever you want."

She leaned in and took my cock in her mouth. I was awesome, only Diedre and one other girl had even wanted to try that and it felt nowhere as good as now. While she worked her tongue around my head and pushing me in and out of her mouth I reached down between my splayed thighs and started rubbing her face and tits.

All at once Rhona sat up and gasped out, "Oh my God, how old are you?"

I assured I was 18 having had my birthday in February.

Giggling she said "I wish I had know about that and this cock then."

She went back to sucking and I tried to play with her tits which were still encased in in the light blue armor. I stopped her and had her take her blouse and bra off.

She pouted as she did and asked "What else do you want?"

I wanted to fuck her but I wasn't sure that would happen even with her taking my cock in her mouth but I was going to try. I pushed her shoulders back making her lean backward and finally falling back to the floor. I have to say I probably wasn't as smooth as I thought since I went straight for her tits. Taking the left one in my mouth and twirling the right nipple in my fingers. She didn't stop me but cradled my head in her hands. I laid down between her still skirt encased thighs. Because of out height difference, me being over 6 foot 3 and her 5 foot 6 My chest was laying on her pussy.

She moved my head around off and on her nipple as I licked and sucked. She moaned and gasped. Before directing my mouth to the other breast.

I bit her lightly and she giggled "OMG that must be in the genes."

As I sucked her tits my pants were still around my knees and my cock was scraping and drooling on the carpet. I kicked off my shoes and managed to get my pants, socks, and underwear off leaving me in my shirt and tie only, as I had taken my suit jacket off in the car. As much as I loved rolling my face in those wonderful melons and teasing those buds I really wanted to taste her pussy. I was fairly new to eating pussy. I had tried with Diedre but she didn't want me too. It was only my last girlfriend Angela that I was finally able to find some one who didn't think it was gross. I loved eating Angela's pussy and she liked it as well. She didn't care so much for reciprocating with a blow job but she did like to fuck. To bad she had went across country to college.

As I was sucking her tits I started sliding her skirt up her thighs thinking I was being sly. I ran my hands up from her knees a little at a time and lifted my body a bit each time giving me access even higher. I was the one in for a surprise when I got to the juncture of her thighs and groin and discovered she wasn't wearing any panties and my hands brushed against the soft fur covering her mound. Rhona tensed at my first contact and before she could say no I flipped her skirt up over her waist and buried my face in her pussy.

She was clean, freshly showered as I breathed in her scent. Her hands started to push my head but I zeroed in and took a long lick between the pussy lips I saw peeking from behind the red hair. She tensed and I found the bud of her clitoris, lashing it with my tongue in an all out attack trying to get her to relent. Eventually she did, taking my head in her hands like she did when I was sucking her nipples. She would guide me on and off her clit or down her lips and even to the bottom of her vagina. As I was licking she would roll her hips upward and I could reach even further.

At one point I was fingering her clit as I tongued her hole and on one roll of her hips she went up high enough that my tongued found her anus. I think it surprised us both at first but I realized it was clean and didn't taste bad so the next roll I did it again and she jerked in shock. This time I pinned her hips up and lashed her asshole with my tongue as I strummed her clit and fingered her hole. Rhona shrieked and growled as she pulled my hair and pushed my head into her ass. She heaved her pelvis up and down mashed my forehead into her pussy pinning my fingers in place. I knew she was cumming so I turned my face slightly and bit her on her ass cheek. I didn't mean to but she jerked at the same time and I ended putting a hickey there.

Rhona pushed my head away from her sensitive areas gasping, "Enough, enough, no more"

I raised up between her thighs and must have been a sight naked from the waist down sporting a red angry drooling hard on but wearing a dress shirt and tie. I watched her still unsure if I should try and enter her. I wasn't sexually sophisticated at that time. Rhona laid there on the floor topless, her large tits lolling about on her chest in time to her gasping breaths. Her nipples still tight and still glistening with my saliva. Her skirt was pushed up around her waist and her thighs were splayed open around mine show her wet matted red bush and now slightly open pussy lips displaying the bright pink under them.

She fanned herself with her hands and said. "Oh my God, that was great."

Looking at me and then down at my drooling angry cock she sighed and said, "I may regret this later but come here stud."

She reached up and pulled me down by my tie before taking my face in her hands and kissing me.

She pulled back and smacked her lips and said "I taste pretty good."

Back to kissing again. As our tongues dueled and we licked each others faces she reached down with one hand and guided me toward her hot wet pussy. At first contact I think I showed my limited experience because I pushed a little to soon.

She pushed back with her hand and said "Easy stud, it's a little thicker than I am used too, I'll handle it all."

She rubbed my drooling cock along her slit and brushing it over her clit making her gasp and smile. Eventually she lined me up and told me to go slow. I pushed slowly letting her guide me by her hand on my pubic bone. A few times she stopped me to let herself adjust or to reach down and rub her clit. About halfway in I just lost it. I shot the ropes of cum that had been boiling up in me into her pussy. She gasped but held me as I jerked them out. One of the perks of 18 is not going soft especially as she squeezed and pulsed her cunt on my cock. I was to sensitive to move but the pulsing felt good. Rhona later told me she had some minor orgasms during this time.

Once I was able to move without hurting we began again. The way was a little slicker from the load I had shot up in her but she still controlled my way in. Finally we were pubic bone to public bone. Me buried to the hilt and her pulsing around me. Rhona slowly began to rock her hips and soon was able to take me in with no discomfort. We were rocking a steady rhythm when she rolled me over on my back and was on top without ever coming off of me.

That brought a renewed lust to me. Watching this woman undulating on top of me in an obscene dance. Her belly rippling, her tits rolling, her flowing red hair flipping . Her blue eyes narrowing in her search for another orgasm. As I ripped the skirt from around her body she gasped but sped up her movements. I wanted to see where we were joined at. I wanted to watch her rise up and take me back inside if her. My eyes couldn't take it all in, Heaving breasts, undulating belly, her clit now hard and proud peeking out against my cock.

Her breathing grew more ragged and her movements for frenzied. She dug her fingers into flesh of my chest. I reached up and pinched her clit softly making her spasm and jerk before screaming out. Her hips shoved down hard on my cock causing me to follow her into another orgasm.

Rhona jerked and moaned a few more times before falling forward on my chest. Where she seemed to sleep for a few minutes. I felt my cock softening slightly but still hard enough to stay inside her. I was aware of her tits and nipples pressing into my chest. Her breath was sweet and soft against my cheek. She had little tremors in her body that faded away. Not know what else to do I wrapped my arms around her in a protective way.

After a few minutes she stirred on my chest. She moved slightly realizing my cock was still in her and she giggled. She kissed my chest, my forehead and my lips before letting out a big sigh.

Laying her head back on my chest she sighed again before saying softly, "I'm sorry, I was trying to manipulate you with sex and I shouldn't have."

I kissed the top of her head and said "I think it worked out OK."

She groaned and said "Men."

She was quiet for a few minutes again during which time I was running my hands softly over her body. Caressing her, sometimes making her shiver slightly.

Once again she sighed, this time into my chest before she asking, "You want to know about me and your mother?"

That question forgotten in the moment came back with a blast. Before I could say no she went on. "Do you remember our first class in the 10th grade where you were having problems?"

I nodded and she went on, "Your mother and I met then, both worried about you until we realized your learning disability was due to your cock and you spending your time staring at the hot little blonde across the aisle instead of paying attention to class."

She kissed my nipple before she went on, "We became friends and spent time together, when you were off on sports trips or off with friends Janie would come over and we would drink wine and we would tell stories."

Pausing, this time I am not sure if for effect or to gather courage she added, "One night after too much wine and bemoaning the availability of single men in this town and the willingness of married ones to push themselves at us we both discovered we had experiences with girls in college."

Taking a deep breath she said "I don't know how it happened but we ended up kissing, we kissed for hours in the darkness, until eventually we were naked and pleasuring each other with our fingers."

Rhons stopped and raised her head, "You little perv you're getting hard thinking about your mother and I."

I tried to stammer out a denial but the facts were facts my cock was stiffening again.

I saw glint in her eyes as Rhona rose up and began rocking her hips working my cock around.

She looked down at me and hissed out, "I bet you would love to know that your mother tastes sweet and just flows juice when I lick her pussy; and that she loves it when I sit on her face and rock myself to orgasm .

Gasping a little now with the eroticism of the movement she added, "I bet you would like to know that during your graduation party I fingered her to an orgasm in the bathroom 3 times that night and when she kissed you goodnight she had my pussy juice on her face."

My cock lurched and she laughed before saying "Does Jason want to fuck his Mommy with me?"

I said no and kept pumping into her.

Rhona lightly slapped me and said "Don't lie, you would to fuck her while I licked her clit and and your balls."

I growled out a loud "NO" before grabbing her by the arms and pulling her down and off of me. I lept on top of her pushing her thighs apart and pinning her knees back behind her ears as i shoved myself back in her causing a loud moan before I started pounding her pussy.

Laughing in hysterics now she yelled out "Pound your mothers pussy".

I shoved harder yelling, "I'm not fucking my mothers pussy, not fucking, fucking, fucking my mothers pussy, oh fucking my mothers pussy, FUCKING MY MOTHERS PUSSY!."

With that I came again, this time it started in the base of my brain and traveled my entire body. I continued to pound Rhona and I think she began shrieking in orgasm as well. All I remember is the bolts shooting through me before falling into a black pit if darkness. Janie hung the phone up dejectedly. She had been looking forward to Rhona coming over and thought she had detected an off tone in her voice. Janie felt a twinge of jealousy and began to wonder if Rhona had found a new playmate. They weren't in a true relationship, they had discussed that early on, but still Janie felt affection for the fiery little redhead. Janie and Rhona had both dated men since they had started their friendship and later on their sexual relationship but Janie had never gotten sexual with her male dates much to their chagrin. It wasn't really out of loyalty to Rhona, more the guys were insufferable bores. Already pre-charged thinking about her afternoon tryst with Rhona Janie felt her self reacting to the wish that she could find a decent penis attached to a man that knew how to use it and wasn't a total ass after they were fucking. Her husband had ruined her. He was sexually liberated and was as adept at slow erotic making love as he was as banging her senseless when she felt an itch. He encouraged her to act on her sexuality and to not be ashamed or feel guilt for sexual thoughts. She was never unfaithful to him but he was her sexual confessor and confidant.

She had some complications when Jason was born and as a result she had to have some help around the house for a few weeks, since lifting and bending were discouraged by the doctor. Paul, her husband, found a young girl to help her out. Jung-hi was 18 and the step daughter of the local Army recruiter. She was Korean, her chipper smile and intelligence made her a pleasant companion as well as great domestic help. When Paul was around Jung Hi was very business like and would wear an outer covering like a jacket or over blouse. When he wasn't around she was very cheerful and would shed her over garments do Janie could see she had rather large breasts for such a diminutive frame. Janie found herself thinking back to her sophomore year of college when she had gotten a new room mate.

Mattie was a junior college transfer from Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She was only 5 ft 2 (157.5 cm) inches tall but her diminutive size was over shadowed by her boundless energy. Usually someone of Mattie's size wouldn't make a university basketball team but she had professional level ball handling skills, extreme on court awareness, and an unorthodox but deadly accurate outside jump shot. Janie was struggling, academically, in basketball, and personally. So the arrival of the little Cherokee girl from Oklahoma was a gift in disguise to Janie.

At 5 ft 9 in. (175.25 cm) Janie had been accustomed to playing power forward or center in high school but at the new level there were girls taller or stronger. It seemed no matter how hard she worked she felt one step behind. The resulting depression started to affect her personal life as well. That is until Mattie showed up.

They had been roommates a little over a week when Mattie asked her, "Why don't you switch?"

Janie was confused because she had no idea what Mattie was referring to.

Mattie was lying on her back in her bed shooting mock foul shots and looked over at Janie, before continuing, "Why don't you play guard or small forward?"

The thought never occurred to Janie but she knew why she couldn't and told Mattie, "I have always been one of the tallest on the team until now and I was never really helped with ball handling skills."

Mattie frowned before saying, "Piss poor coaching if you ask me." and went back to flipping the ball.

A few minutes later she asked Janie, "Want to?"

Janie who was trying to get her head wrapped around College Algebra looked up bewildered and said , "Huh?"

Mattie still flipping her mock foul shots said, "If you want to work on your ball handling skills, I can help."

Janie said "OK" and went back to her math.

The next morning Janie was shaken awake by Mattie, as she sat up she asked groggily "Wha-what's wrong, what time is it."

Mattie laughed and said 6 AM. Janie knew her roommate was an early riser but she usually kept quiet to keep from disturbing her, grabbing her pillow she started to roll back over as she said, "My first class isn't till nine, I can sleep for two more hours."

Mattie jumped on the taller blonde straddling her hips laughing as she said, "Not today, today is day one of ball handling drills."

A brief wrestling match ensued and shortly into it Janie had felt her nightgown had ridden up over her hips and her thin panties were all that were between her vulva and the panty covered sex of her roommate. The jolt she felt wasn't from the friction, she had played around with boys before and knew how pleasurable it could be to have your private parts rubbed. No the jolt was from it being caused by the cute well formed minx with the dark hair and hazel eyes.

For a second she wanted it to go on but then fear and confusion took over and she angrily flipped to the side and yelled, "STOP!".

The snap of expression halted Mattie's efforts and she slid off the bed onto the floor not sure what she had done to the girl. She had felt the friction too and enjoyed it while it lasted but it wasn't her goal for the day. And it wasn't the first time she had felt another girl grinding against her.

Mattie asked hesitatingly "What's wrong, you did say you wanted to improve.".

Janie felt ashamed for snapping at her friend replied, "No, your right, I guess I just wasn't expecting it to take place in the middle of the night."

Laughing now Janie threw her pillow and caught the smaller girl off guard as it wrapped around her face. A short chase around the room ensued before Janie got to the safety of the bathroom locking the door behind her. A few minutes later the girls were out on the nearby basketball courts with Mattie starting at ground zero with Janie. Over the weeks Mattie developed drills and showed Janie techniques on how to handle the ball and how to keep your head up and watch for defenders and open teammates. Some days they practiced just the two of them, others they got involved in pick up games with some of the local guys on the court. One more than one occasion in these games Janie or Mattie would be backing the ball in or posting up under the basket and feel the hardness of the defender rubbing against their ass. Sometimes it made Janie get a little wet between her legs.

She was still a virgin, that's what "good girls" did back then plus she didn't want getting pregnant interfere with college. Since she arrived at college she hadn't dated seriously enough to get to that point. But she had handled a few cocks and even taking one in her mouth at the insistence of Bobby Mann. He had come back to town on leave after joining the army. Janie just 18 and working the summer between high school and college at the local Tastee Freeze thought he was cute in his uniform, so they dated. Bobby had gotten to second base a few times. Janie knew Bobby was leaving in a few days so she didn't want to get to serious with someone leaving so soon. It was on the Saturday before he was to go back to the Army that Bobby had told her,

He told her he was going to Vietnam and didn't know if he was going to comeback. Janie felt the breath catch in her throat. Although she knew about the war it was kind of abstract. Something you saw for a few minutes on the TV newscast each night. This was the first time she would have a real connection to what was going on in the war. Bobby tried to tell her he didn't want to die a virgin. Janie felt so conflicted she knew that he was going to war and that she wished she could make his wish come true but she didn't love him. She liked him some, and he did manage to make the physical responses occur in her body but she just wasn't ready for that.

That's when Bobby brought up "French Love". To Janie it sounded pretty gross, why would you put that in your mouth. She wasn't sure if it was the sloe gin fizz or what but she finally ended up in the back seat of Bobby's mother's rambler with her legs spread and her panties gone. Bobby had craftily got her blouse open and begin licking her sensitive nipples. Janie felt her panties get damp and her legs separated on their own. It was somewhere between the nipple licking and fingering that she realized how exposed she was and that Bobby had now had his trousers off. He kept his boxers on so Janie could see the dark shadow of his cock sticking out of the slit of the white boxers. She reached down and grabbed it out of fear before he could lower his hips down to her steaming crotch. It felt hot, spongy and slimy.

Without thinking she did what she thought would be the only thing to save her virginity. She pulled the throbbing mass to her mouth. She wasn't sure what to do so she did what she would do if there was a food she hated but had to eat. She popped the whole thing in her mouth. Bobby moaned and shoved in making her gag before she was able to pull off and push him back. He was still in her mouth and pumped twice more before he grunted and Janie felt the hot bitter liquid erupt in her mouth. She tried to get it out of her mouth but with her head on armrest and Bobby over her it was impossible. She felt waves of nausea wash over her. Fortunately he was done quick and he pulled back and flopped back to the other side of the car trying to catch his breath. Janie spit the mouthful of acidic sour mess onto the floorboard before dry heaving right after. She needed something to get the nasty taste out of her mouth so she gargled with the slow gin fizz.

Before Bobby could say anything Janie snapped, "Take me home!"

If was about a month after that Janie was worried about Bobby, they didn't really say good bye and she didn't get to see him before he left. She was at the grocery store when she saw Alyssa Mann, Bobby's mother.

Walking up to her Janie inquired, "Hi Mrs. Mann, I hate to trouble you but I am friends with Bobby and I was just wondering if you have heard from him, I know you must be worried?

Alyssa Mann looked at the tall blonde and smiled politely, "Worried, I guess I am but not as much as some mother with son's in uniform."

She reached over and grabbed a box of Corn Flakes before adding "We were fortunate the Bobby was sent to Italy instead of Vietnam."

The anger in the young girls face was accentuated by the blaze of red in her cheeks. Bobby's mother deduced what her son had been up to wondered how far he had gotten with the walking wet dream.

Alyssa was no stranger to a little sapphic love and wouldn't mind doing the young girl herself.

Alyssa poked at the young girl by asking, "What did you say your name was, would you like me to pass on your regards to Bobby."

Janie answered "Janie, but no, no need as long as he was safe."

Alyssa figured how ever her son had used the young girl, there wasn't a pregnancy involved.

Janie learned a lesson that day about men and what they will do for sex.

Thanks to Mattie's help Janie's skills improved so much that she was moved from third sting forward on the verge of getting cut to second string guard often alongside if Mattie. With her height advantage she could see over players and was able to make some great passes and assists. Their teams winning season was as much as a result of the two girls as the rest of the team.

Over Thanksgiving the team was invited to an east coast tournament, Mattie and Janie were room mates for the trip as well. On the way there Mattie was excited because her cousin who Mattie hadn't seen in a few years was going to come by and watch some games. Mattie's cousin Lavelle had joined the Navy out of high school not having Mattie's athletic or academic abilities.

Lavelle showed up the day of the first game. She was different from Mattie, where Mattie was short Lavelle was almost as tall as Janie, where Mattie was curvy, Lavelle was very boyish, and where Mattie was an extrovert and never met a stranger, Lavelle seemed almost withdrawn. Janie liked Lavelle, her shy smile and obvious affection for Mattie was enough for her, When Mattie asked Lavelle how long she was staying she had said she was leaving after the game to take the bus back to the base because she couldn't afford to stay in town. The bus ride was at least two hours from the college, if it ran on time. It was during the third period of the game that night that Mattie hatched her plan to Janie. Lavelle would stay with them in the room, she would just stay hidden until coach made bed check. Janie was a little afraid. Not sure what would happen if they got caught but she owed so much to her roomie that she agreed. After all it's not like they were hiding a boy.

It was hard fought game that night. Janie played most of it when her starting counterpart turned her ankle two minutes into the first period. The nerves quickly wore off as she worked as hard as she had ever in her life. Sprinting up the court on offense and defense sometimes breaking up a fast break or getting her own lay up as Mattie fired the ball up the court. When the final buzzer sounded Janie could say she left it all on the court. Her body was bruised and sore from the contact and her legs like jello from her effort. Everybody opted to skip showers at the arena and go back to the hotel. Once there Janie had a long hot shower while Mattie and Lavelle caught up and then ate a banana prior to climbing into bed. She didn't even bother to turn out the light knowing the Mattie would. She was probably asleep before her head hit the pillow.

She heard the giggling through the fog of sleep. She knew Mattie and Lavelle were catching up and it really didn't bother her. They didn't have do anything until 10 tomorrow. Sometime later on the giggles changed and instead of words she heard husky whispers. Janie opened her eyes and at first was blinded by the crack of light coming from around the bathroom door that wasn't pulled completely shut. Mattie's bed was across from hers just a few short feet away but with her face pointed toward the bathroom she really couldn't see what was going on.

She heard Mattie ask. "Are you sure she is asleep."

Janie heard rustling on the other bed and quickly snapped her eyes close as a shadow crossed her closed eyelids.

Lavelle whispered out, "Yeah, she's out."

Janie laid there and listened to Lavelle climb back onto the bed and the covers rustle. A few seconds later you heard the wet clicks of kisses being placed on human skin. She could hear sighs and moans, some she could make out as Mattie's some most likely Lavelle's. Her curiosity getting stronger Janie act liked she was shifting her sleep tilting her head back and pulling her blanket up to her ear.

The girls gasped and froze at her movement and waited to see if they had been found out. To her credit Janie was able to suppress a nervous giggle and laid there with her eyes closed. After a few minutes the other girls felt it was safe to continue.

As the sighs and moans built Janie finally opened her top eye just a slit. The shadow from the blanket shrouded her face from the duo. Janie had to bite her lip to keep from gasping so loud the girls would hear her. The tableau laid out before her was not only erotic but a little frightening. Mattie was leaning up against the head board with her breast bare and Lavelle was paying loving attention to them with her tongue. Janie has seen the young girls brown breast with the dark nipple before in showers at the gym or incidentally as they got dressed in the room. But this was the first time she saw them erotically.

The dark nipples and aureola puffed up like macaroons topped with berries. With the light from the bathroom she could see the wetness on her friends nipples and the wry grin on her face as her cousin bathed her nipples.

Mattie groaned, "Ohhhh, I've missed this."

That was one more shock to the blonde, this meant this wasn't a one time thing that Mattie and her cousin had done this before. She almost flinched when Mattie looked straight at her as if she could see in the dark shadow covering her face but if she was caught the young girl made no mention of it.

As Lavelle's head tried to dip lower Mattie caught her head and whispered "No, I don't.."

Lavelle put her fingers over Mattie's lips and said "Let me, I love your taste and you don't have to do it to me."

Mattie lessened her grip on her cousins head, resting her hands on top her head as she trailed her face down. At first Janie was confused but then Bobby Mann and French Love popped into her head and she realized that what she did for Bobby, Lavelle was doing for Mattie.

Janie was on fire on the inside and outside. Her vulva was seeping liquids and building heat while her skin flushed in a sexual fever. She wanted so to reach down and touch her self but she didn't dare. Mattie grunted and pulled her attention back to the girls. Mattie had her legs pulled up with her knees almost to her head and Lavelle's face was hidden between her thighs. Mattie rocked her hips and legs as her moans turned to grunts and the interval between grunts got shorter.

Janie was listening to Mattie and her nipples puffed even more, all she heard was "Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, oh my god don't lick my butthole..."

Mattie slammed her hand over her mouth as she tied to bury the scream. Janie was trembling under the blanket on the verge of cumming herself despite not being touched nor touching herself.

As Mattie came down she pushed her cousin off her and in a panic looked over at her sleeping roommate. She knew Janie was a sound sleeper and had a hard work out today but still. When she realized Mattie was looking her was Janie had managed to shut her eyes without detection and laid there afraid of getting caught. When Mattie was satisfied that Janie was still asleep she pulled her long lanky cousin up to the bed and climbed between her legs. Lavelle was similar in height and build to Janie, although Janie had a nice c cup tits and cute little round ass.

Plunging her fingers into Lavells twat she knew the girl didn't need to be warmed up. The silky moisture was covering her dark pubic hair and the inside of her thighs. Mattie hadn't taken to pussy eating like Lavelle did but would do is in reciprocation. She was glad her cuz had freed her from that.

Instead Mattie jacked Lavelle's large clit like she would a small cock and watched as her blood relative squirmed under her fingers, Mattie like to have it rubbing between her lips and against her own clit. Feeling Lavelle ready Mattie laid her pussy over Lavelle's pushing down trapping the taller girls clit between them. As Mattie ground against her cousin Janie began to tremble. She had a feeling of what the young girl felt as she remembered that short interval where Matties warm panty clad cunt had rubbed her own those few short strokes. As Mattie rode her cousin she looked over at her sleeping roommate. She has often had fantasies of riding Janie like this or rubbing her cunt against her round ass until she came. Of course she would never follow up on them. She wouldn't do anything to jeopardize her friendship with Janie and she knew this little white girl from middle America didn't know anything about girls loving girls. From their conversations Mattie knew that Janie was only slightly sexually experienced and still a virgin. It didn't stop Mattie from rubbing one out in the dorm shower as Janie slept a few feet away. Feeling the long muscular body beneath her Mattie let her mind wander and Lavelle slipped away to become Janie under her.

Janie felt the pressure building in time within her friends hip thrust. Janie was enraptured watching the girl's breast sway and bounce and the curve of her ass flex while she humped against the young woman under her. That tingle Janie felt a few weeks ago became a buzz and soon a rumble as she watched Matties hair stick to her sweaty face and the beads of sweat roll across her breasts. She could smell the odor of sex as it permeated the entire room. Lavelle had long sense finished and was laying there under Mattie, her cunt being pummeled by the smaller girls flaming pussy. To Mattie she was fucking her roommate in her head. Mattie made one final grinding lunge locking her pussy to Lavelle's as her grunting groan rolled out. Watching her friend climax pushed Janie to her own as she trembled under the blanket not having touched herself but still shivering in rapture.

As her waves slowed to a stop and her eyes heavy again Janie heard Lavelle say, "What the fuck was that cuz."

Mattie giggled and said "I just missed you."

As exhaustion swallowed Janie again.

Jason was trying to clear his brain from the range of emotions running through him. He should be ecstatic, he had just had a frenzied bout of sex with his high school wet dream. Rhona Gallagher was not only his high school English teacher, had a beautiful face, fiery red hair, firm rolling tits and a muscular, round thrusting ass, she was also his mothers lover, and now she knew that he wanted to fuck his own mother. It wasn't his fault, just a few days ago he was just a normal guy wanting nothing more to enjoy some good beer with buddies, chasing girls along with an occasional piece of ass. There was no way he could ever forget what he saw that day.

When he walked in and found Rhona naked, grinding her pussy on his equally naked and lust filled mother before he fled. His quest to sort out what was going on had him ending up at his teachers house where he got some answers and he got fucked with more energy than he had ever felt in his life. But now Rhona knew he lusted after his tall blonde mother. He had shot a screaming load into the witch's pulsing pussy after she had him confess he wanted to fuck his mother.

She got him hard again by squeezing her hot oozing cunt around him all while telling him how his mother would sigh to her touches, and moan as she sucked on Janies nipples and how she would love tonguing his mothers sweet wet pussy. The little redhead had rolled over on him straddling his now hard cock grinding her pussy against his pubic bone while her large tits rolled and bounced over his face. All the while telling him how she loved to ride his mother like the Thoroughbred she was and leave her quaking and quivering beneath her as she nipped and chewed on his mothers smaller but firm tits and nipples.

Rhona told him how she was going to ride his cock while his mother rode his face or tongued her clit and his balls. Rhona had gotten so into her teasing that she sent herself over the edge and passed out from the role play. Aroused but even more confused Jason had pushed the redheaded English teacher off and him and struggled to shove his cream covered and still throbbing cock into his pants before stumbling out into the daylight and his car. If any of the neighbors had seen him he would have looked so disheveled like he just came of a week long drunk. Jason just wanted to get home.

Janie loved walking around her house nude but having an 18 year old son running in and out at odd hours made that a likely embarrassing proposition. Instead she compromised and put on her light blue silk robe but left the front open. Her missed date with Rhona gave her extra time so she had already showered and even after rubbing her clit to take the edge off she still felt the tingle. Her missed date and expected sexual release along with her reminiscing of Mattie made the quick rub in the shower seemed like a distant memory. The silk caressed her skin strategically with each scrape across her nipples sending visible shivers through her body. What she would like to do is have a few glasses of wine, put on some soft music and lay back on her bed and masturbate to a few orgasms.

She sighed as she looked at the clock, Jason was dressed for court today, those were all day events, so she knew he wouldn't interfere but her work time was too close and showing up as an PICU RN smelling of wine even if you weren't impaired wasn't a good idea. She had time for a short bit of self exploration. She walked the house locking doors before she returned to her bedroom. As she walked the halls her robe caressed her shoulders, it gaped open exposing part of her nipples but scraping on the side, then wrapped across her thighs.

She stopped as she entered the living room almost breaking into tears. Sitting in the corner was that old Edwardian arm chair, Its brocade faded in some spots and shiny in others from wear. It was one of their first pieces of furniture, Paul had drug it home from garage sale 19 years ago. That old chair was more than a place to sit in their small studio apartment, Paul was almost obsessed with having sex with her in that chair, He would lay her back on it placing her legs over the arms as he knelt on the floor feasting on her pussy making her come multiple times before pushing her legs back and pounding her for a few more. He also liked to have her kneel in the chair facing the back with her arms draped over the back while he would eat her pussy and ass until she was a quivering mess and slamming her into oblivion later. Janie lost her anal virginity in that position and she was positive that Jason was conceived in it when she had her legs spread wide like soaring condor wings.

Janie chuckled as she remembered the horror when her Mother in Law (MIL) had come to visit and interrupted them in the act of a quickie. As Paul bounced down the hall toward the bathroom pulling up his pants and hiding her panties, Janie quickly pulled her skirt down over her hips trying to catch her breath before opening the door to the insistent knocking of her mother in law. She was able to get her mother in law in the door and make small talk while directing her towards the chair. As Mom was sitting down Paul exited the bathroom drawing his mothers attention while she sat. Janie's panicked face was hidden to Mom but not to Paul and she cringed as her Mother in laws rather broad denim encased ass sat down across a snail trail of Paul's pre-come and a damp spot caused by her squishing pussy.

Fortunately Mom didn't seem to notice the mess and the visit went well. It wasn't until after Thanksgiving dinner that year and Mom had a few glasses of wine that she pulled Janie aside and suggested that if they were still using the chair for newlywed sex, she should put a towel down. Janie's face had glowed a brighter red than MIL's sweater. Blushing at the memory she rubbed her hand lightly over the brocade as she sighed heavily and sat in the chair draping one leg over the arm.

Jason pulled into the driveway next to his mother, luckily that he made it that far without a crash. After his tryst with Rhona he was even more confused. He wasn't happy that his mother was home but looking the time, and knowing her habits, he knew she should be in the shower at which point she would throw on her scrubs and rush out the door. So all he had to do was slip in the door and to his room. He did not relish running into his mother reeking of her lovers pussy juice. Strike one, the door was locked, and he didn't have key for that door but he did for the laundry room. Rushing around he pushed and it was locked as well. No problem he had the key. He unlock the door and pushed quietly. Bang. Oh shit, the dryer door was open blocking the door strike two. The laundry room door was closed so Janie only barely heard anything, even then it didn't register. Jason stuck his hand through the opening and quietly lifted the dryer door before slipping through the door. Through the kitchen and then a left to his bedroom. Passing the fridge Jason looked right to make sure the coast was clear. STRIKE THREE!

Janie was sitting back in the chair with one leg over the arm of the chair her robe splayed open exposing her breast and matted wet pubic hair as her head was thrown back in ecstasy. Her pussy was obscured by the fingers of her hand making while it made wet clicking noises. This is the second time in two days that Jason had secretly observed his mother in a wanton sexual frenzy. His mind now gone, his arousal from Rhonas pussy and that aborted last fuck along with their brief role play made his next move the only logical one in his mind. He unbuttoned his pants letting them fall to his knees. His underwear having been left on Rhona's floor. His cock extended from between the flaps of his shirt as he grasped the still slimy snake.

Janie lost in her fantasy, still had no idea what was happening a few feet in front of her. The air conditioning kicked in pushing the male sexual odor and past sex toward Janie subconsciously increasing her arousal. Her mind was so deep in her remembering Paul fucking her in that chair. As much she loved her fingers and a dildo they couldn't do one thing she missed. Paul used to come like a fire hose and she had developed a fetish of having him come on her tits, belly and pussy. It wasn't an every day thing and was discovered when they got busy without a condom when she was fertile. Paul almost didn't pull out in time and they weren't ready for kids at the time. Janie was close to coming when he ripped his thick meat from her twat and she felt the first splash on her nipples then the hot liquid landing on her belly and finally pussy where Paul mashed his cock against her clit.

Jason had no fear of getting caught, his common sense was gone. As Janie's strokes got faster so did his. He had no idea he was slowly penguin walking toward his mother. He didn't know what her fantasy was but when she bit her lip and threw her other leg over the arm of the chair exposing her open pussy lips to him as she mashed her clit and let out a sensual guttural moan, no son should her his mother make he lost it. He fired one load that traveled up and hit her just below her hip bone, fortunately for his mother that was his third orgasm in just a few hours so the Tsunani he unloaded into Rhona didn't happen. There was enough to leave streaks on her body. Each time he did come his hips shot forward and a drops flew and landed along his mothers thigh.

At the first drop Janie thought it was part of her fantasy but as the drops kept falling she began to recognize something was wrong. Sliding her other hand down off her stomach until her fingers felt the wet sticky liquid prompted Janie's eyes to open slightly. Seeing her son with his pants down around his knees and his hand pumping thick angry red cock didn't register at first. The word Jason clicked in her head, then echoed a little louder.

Then finally it made her it through her fogged state and out her mouth as she gasped, "Jason??"

Then the realization kicked as she scrambled to cover her own angry gash screaming, "JASON, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!."

Jason saw what was happening, he saw her eyes flutter open but he was powerless to do anything. It wasn't until he heard his Mother screaming his name did he react. Stumbling back he tripped in his pants as his mother kept screaming. He flailed smearing his cum covered hand on the wall as he tried to get up. Eventually he did, hopping along getting his pants up and fastened as he bounced off the locked door. Slapping at the door he got it open and almost fell out onto the carport as he heard his mother crying in the background. Getting into his car he revved the motor and peeled backwards out of the driveway knocking over the mail box before disappearing around the curve.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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