62.72% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2677: A1

บท 2677: A1

If you want 10" cocks, women who orgasm in 10 seconds flat, simultaneous orgasms or gallons of cum then I'm sorry, but this is not the right story for you. I like to write about ordinary people with ordinary sexual appetites in slightly out of the ordinary situations. I try to keep the plot lines as near to reality as I can.

I try to keep the sex as true to my own experience as possible. I love to write about kissing, stoking, how sex feels and sex as an encounter which involves all the senses. I do like to 'get dirty' but only in the height of my character's arousal. All my stories have my own experience in them, but they are not autobiographical.

No one in this story is under the age of 18.

Constructive feedback welcome. I am from UK, so UK spelling applies. Thank you for reading my story.


My husband (Bob) and I run a small dance studio attached to our home. We specialise in Latin styles. I do the admin and Bob is the instructor, a very good instructor, despite the fact that 5 years ago he was in a car accident which left him paralysed below the waist.

We have an 18 your old son, Luke, who has no interest in dance whatsoever. I think he is a bit of a late developer as his only interest seems to be playing Xbox online with his mates. If you live in the UK and can remember Harry Enfield's character Kevin, you will recognise my son. If you don't know what I'm talking about try YouTube "Kevin's sex education" or any Kevin videos from that comedy sketch show.

Bob and I are members of our local Latin dance club although our participation these days is limited to judging. One evening Bob and I were discussing the club's annual competition.

Act 1 -- The problem

"You ought to enter, Maddy."

"It may have escaped your attention Bob, but I don't have a partner."

"We can find you one. I am sure there are plenty men more than happy to dance with such a sexy looking woman."

It was a nice complement, but I don't consider myself attractive never mind sexy. "Oh, good idea Bob." I said very sarcastically. "Anyone who can dance already has a partner and I really don't fancy being groped and mauled only to be placed near last because my partner, a dirty old man, can't concentrate on anything but my cleavage." We laughed.

"Seriously though, Maddy, I know you would like to enter, you are a natural. Finding a suitable partner shouldn't be that difficult."

"If you say so, Bob, good luck finding a man who can dance and concentrate at the same time."

A week later Bob announced he had found the ideal partner. "He is young, athletic, good looking, willing to learn and has no interest in your body."

I should have been impressed, but I wasn't. "I didn't realise I was that unattractive that a young, athletic, good looking man would not be, at least a bit, interested in my body. Thanks Bob." Bob laughed. "what's so funny Bob?" I was only slightly insulted, mostly I was joking.

"The reason he isn't interested in your body is that he is your son."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "What Kevin, really?" It was our little private joke; we sometimes called Luke 'Kevin' when we discussed his teenage tantrums. Never to his face, of course.

"Yes, I've discussed it with him, and he is very motivated."

"We are talking about our son, Luke, aren't we? What type of rocket up his arse have you motivated him with?"

"I promised him I would pay for a driving lesson every other training session and a car if you are placed in the competition. 3rd place gets him an old banger, 2nd a nice second-hand car and 1st prize gets him a new car."

"and they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well done, but I doubt he will stay the course."

"Oh ye of little faith." Said Bob.

For a week or so Bob gave Luke private lessons and Luke started with a local driving school.

Act 2 -- First training session

The evening of out initial training session arrived. Luke and I joined Bob in the studio. I was wearing my normal skirt and shirt, Luke jeans and t-shirt.

"No guys sorry I should have said but for our 1st few sessions I need to see more of your bodies. I need to see the detail of the way you move. Luke can you change, just your cycling shorts will do. Maddy, a leotard, no underwear." Luke nodded and left the studio.

"Hold on a minute Bob, since when did bra and knickers get in the way of you seeing how a body moves? I do not want to show our son every nook and cranny of this old woman's body and I certainly don't want to see the detail of what he has got between his legs. Plus, he is going to be bare chested. It's too much, I'm his mother."

"I think it's important Maddy."

"That's complete rubbish and you know it. Tell me, which of your other pupils have agreed to this training method?"

"I do think it is important Maddy, but I see your point. Next time with underwear OK? I don't want to dent Luke's confidence in me as a teacher by going backwards on my first instruction. OK?"

"OK," I said shaking my head as I left to change.

We started with warm up exercises and then into practice. Luke was a surprisingly good dancer. He had good rhythm and was very expressive for a teenage boy. Bob had taught him well. It wasn't good enough for Bob though and I could see where he was coming from.

"Come on guys, these dances are supposed to be sexy. When you are dancing close your bums are sticking out. It's got to be the other way around. When you are dancing close, I want to see your crotches close if not touching. Let's try an exercise to get you closer. I am going to put on some slow tracks, and I want you to dance close."

He put on the tracks, and we did our best, but I couldn't get the fact that this was my son out of my head. I could not get my pelvis to move towards his. Luke was exactly the same, probably for the same reason. "No, guys this is rubbish. Luke when you dance rub your bulge on you mum's Mons Venus."

"I would if I knew where that was, dad." I laughed and I know I shouldn't have.

I heard Bob's wheelchair and felt his hand rub the spot up and down. "Here, rub you bulge here." That felt weird, my husband rubbing my crotch in front of my son. Weird but not unpleasant. The look on Luke's face was a picture. He went very red, and I felt sorry for him, so I pulled him in tight and rested my head on his shoulder; he didn't have to look at my, almost, laughing face.

After a minute or so, the smile was wiped from my face. The effect of an erect penis no matter who's, was bound to have an effect on me. My pussy was getting excited and I could feel her getting wet. I smelled teenage boy. As a mother that would normally have me ordering him to the shower, but this was different. My senses tingled with his scent. The smell made me more alive to the feeling of his erection rubbing me. He was definitely a big boy and it was lovely and hard. His breath was becoming a bit laboured, and I wondered if we carried on like this he might mess in his shorts. That would be funny but not good for his confidence, I thought.

We continued and I was getting carried away to a different place. I had forgotten we were in the studio; we could have been anywhere as all I could feel was a man in my arms bumping and prodding my mons. Eventually Bob called a halt. I glanced down to see two damp patches; one on a pair of cycling shorts and one on a leotard. We reverted to dance practice and the damp patches were soon camouflaged by wet sweat.

Bob called a halt. "OK that's enough for our first session. We will need to work on the sexiness, it is better, but it needs more work. Well done both of you." Luke was beaming as he virtually skipped away.

I turned on Bob. "Was that exercise really necessary." I said with some venom.

"Yes, I think it was. I needed to shock you both out of the son-mum thing. It seemed to help a bit didn't it? He was closer to you and your movements co-ordinated better."

"I suppose so, Bob, but his cock was grinding into my pussy. We were two thin layers of Lycra away from something very wrong."

"Relax, Maddy, nothing happened. He had an erection and you both got a wet patch. So, what? It worked." Dam, I didn't think he had noticed the patch. Chances are Luke had too. I had lost that battle and anyway Bob was right.

Act 3 -- Second training session

By the time we got to the second session I had forgotten about underwear. I was putting on my leotard when I remembered. 'dam'.

Luke and I got to the studio at virtually the same time. 'a teenager on time, crikey he is keen.' I thought.

Bob said "OK let's start. This time we will start with the intimacy exercise to see if we can get sexiness into your movements right from the start." Luke and I assumed the position and got on with it. I tried so hard not to enjoy it but what is not to enjoy when a virile young cock is rubbing itself on your very private parts? My mind drifted away, and I just enjoyed our slow sensuous movements.

We then were into dance practice, but it was still not going well enough for Bob. I did agree with him, we were still not moving as a single unit. Too disjointed. "Back to the intimacy exercise guys." Luke and I pulled each other the close and after so much strenuous exercise we both were sweating. I remember thinking he smelled great as I drifted off into sexy rubbing land. I don't know where that place is but it's miles away from the complication of being in my son's arms. Bob broke my dream. "We need more sexiness, Maddy pull down the top of your leotard."

I was so relaxed I was halfway out of my straps before I realised what I was doing. Luke still had his hands on my hips as he gawked at my breasts. I should have stopped and said no. My pussy was willing me on, she wanted Luke to gaze at my breasts. Actually, she wanted more than that, but alarm bells were ringing in my head. This was wrong but one breast had already escaped, so I sighed and 'got on with it'.

"Well done, Maddy, now as you dance with Luke, I want you to use your nipples to stroke his chest." We were back dancing close and I peered over Luke's shoulder. If looks could kill, Bob would be dead. Of course, soon my mind started paying attention to the chorus of appreciation from my pussy and nipples. They were all singing Luke's praises. My nipples hardening and my pussy getting wet. After a few tracks of sheer heaven, I pulled up my leotard and we continued dance practice. We finished, Bob congratulated us, and Luke skipped off.

I exploded. "What the fuck do you think you are doing? Are you some sort of pervert?"

Bob didn't back down. "Oh yeah, if you felt so bad why didn't you stop? If it was so terrible why did it give you another damp patch? And it may have escaped your notice, but I cannot feel anything below my waist, I haven't had sex for 5 years and I never will, my fantasies are the only sexual organ I have left."

I felt very mean. My pervert comment was too far 'below the belt', literally. "Bob I'm sorry, please forget the pervert comment. I was and still am angry but there is no need for insults, and I am really sorry."

"Look Maddy, I want you two to win this competition. I know it's only a stupid local one and not the high standard we used to take part in, but I love to watch you dance Latin. You are the sexiest woman I have ever met. You were made to dance, and our son has it in his genes. I know my exercises are unconventional."

I laughed "to say the least"

"but they are working aren't they. We don't have time to do things conventionally and look at our son; he gets less geeky every day. He is brimming with confidence and he is so committed to getting a car. I've never seen him so focused. The point is he wants to win, you want to win, what price are you prepared to pay? I will leave it to you, Maddy."

We trained for a further two weeks. Whilst we did the intimacy exercise every time, I no longer exposed my breasts. Technically we were getting better, but I knew the spark was not there. We would not win a prize without spark. Luke was ever more enthusiastic and, as far as he was concerned, we were a dead cert for first prize.

Bob's words kept ringing in my head. 'what price are you prepared to pay?'

Act 4 -- Last training session

"OK guys let's start with the intimacy exercise." Luke and I came together, we were starting to 'fit' each other and in a crazy way this exercise had become 'normal'. Too normal as its' effect on our combine sexiness was diminishing. As we settled into the music, I pulled my leotard down and started to stroke Luke's chest with my breasts. Bob had his answer.

We went into rest of session, but Bob was still not satisfied.

"No, no, no you look like two sacks of potatoes. Right, back together again about 1 foot apart. Luke put your hands on Maddy's hips, Maddy put your hands on Luke's shoulders. Look into each other's eyes, you are lovers remember?" Luke burst out laughing.

I wasn't sure where Bob was going but Latin style is supposed to be sexy, so I went with the flow. "Not so hard to imagine is it, Luke? I thought all teenage boys wanted to make it with a MILF." That wiped the smile from his face.

"Can we get on guys?" Bob sighed. Luke and I looked into each other's eyes. "OK, Maddy drop a hand and stroke Luke's bulge. Luke stroke Maddy between the legs." I felt my legs turn to jelly. "keep staring at each other and keep stoking each other slowly and gently." We did as we were asked. This was incredibly erotic, as long as I could forget this was Luke. My husband was watching me stroke another man's bulge. It nearly blew my mind, but the fact it was Luke kept spoiling my enjoyment.

"OK now I want you to do the intimacy exercise for a track or two before we restart practice."

I thought our dancing improved but I couldn't get Luke-the-son out of my guilt-ridden mind. We broke for a rest and Luke went for a pee.

"I am really not happy with this Bob."

"Maddy you keep saying that and you keep doing what I ask. You are both adults. He is enjoying it, you are enjoying it, it is private and what's more it's working. You two are becoming very good together. There is a natural sexual chemistry evolving and it is the difference between top places and middle order. You know all of this Maddy. Look, it's up to you Maddy, I'm not forcing anyone to do anything."

My logical brain agreed with him, my pussy certainly agreed with him, but my conscience did not. My brain was mush, I was so confused I couldn't think about anything. I had to stop my brain going around in circles for my own sanity's sake. I decide to stop thinking and see where Bob's methods took us. This was the last session; he couldn't have any more things planned. Luke came back and we resumed dance practice.

"STOP" Bob shouted. "We keep trying the same things, but it isn't working. We are going backwards. You two don't look like lovers, you look like total strangers. We don't have time for this. I am going to do something drastic and you two will just have to go with it, OK?" We nodded sheepishly. I had no idea what he meant. Rubbing my bare breasts on his bare chest seemed pretty drastic to me. I was nervous. Luke looked curious.

"Right, stand opposite each other a foot apart and look into each other's eyes. Luke hands on Maddy's hips. Maddy hands on Luke's shoulders. Roll your top down, Maddy." I did and heard Bob's wheelchair come up behind me. The next thing I felt was cold air on my bum as he yanked my leotard down. Luke's eyes bulged and he looked down to see his mum's black triangle of pubic hair. I do trim it a bit but I prefer the near natural look. From where he stood, he would only be able to see hair. He would not have seen my labia coming into bloom or my clit trying to peep out.

Bob wheeled behind Luke and pulled his cycling shorts down. I looked down to see Luke's magnificent cock spring back up and slap against his tummy. Our faces were a picture, open mouthed we could not speak or move. Our brains froze but our eyes were devouring each other.

"Right, look into each other's eyes. You are lovers, remember? Maddy stoke his cock. Luke stroke Maddy down below." I took a hand from Luke's shoulder and reached for his cock. His skin was soft, but it disguised a rock-hard pole. I pulled his foreskin forward over his helmet and then pushed it back down his shaft. He sighed and I could smell his cock. I thought 'this boy needs to wash more often'. It wasn't unpleasant, actually I liked slight tingling feeling in my pussy I got from it.

I could feel Luke fumble between my legs. He wasn't hitting anything just exploring everything all at once. It was too clumsy to be interesting. Bob could see this and intervened "Luke slow down, feel her wetness, feel her folds, move your fingers slowly and be gentle with your lover." It worked Luke stopped fumbling around and started to make a fair job of turning me on. I felt the cold wetness on some precum on my hand as I wanked my son. The ridge on his helmet was very pronounced as I worked his foreskin over it.

I couldn't get the back of my mind off the fact that this was my son and we shouldn't be doing this. I didn't stop though; I guess I was falling in with Bob's teaching methods and was driven by our combined desire to do anything to win. It was arousing me, and I did enjoy it, my pussy did not want to stop but it didn't make me feel like Luke was my lover. Bob was picking up on this. "OK kiss like the lovers you are."

Like robots we did as we were told. His lips were soft, but they didn't move much. It dawned on me; he had not got a clue what to do. Like playing in my pussy area he had no experience. I put my free hand behind his neck and slightly twisted his head as I pulled him closer. I mashed my lips on his and started to move my head, jaw and lips against his. He was a quick learner and was soon giving as good as he was getting. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and he learnt that trick in a second. Soon we were doing a good job of kissing like lovers. Our faces were wet with each other's saliva.

Bob was still not satisfied. I heard him move again and he threw an exercise mat onto the floor with a slap. "Luke lie down on the mat, Maddy sit on his face and then lean forward and give him a blow job." My mind was numb. What had I let myself in for? Why was I doing this? It was wrong, my mind screamed at me. STOP, it yelled at me, but I wanted to win the competition, I loved the confidence in my son, I wanted him to get a car, my husband (the man I loved) wanted me to do this. All complete and utter bullshit, it was wrong, and I knew it, they were all excuses not reasons, but they were all the excuses my pussy needed, she propelled me forward. I stood over Luke and lowered my pussy to his waiting mouth. I wanted this. My pussy wanted sex with my son.

I leant forward and engulphed his cock in my mouth. He groaned underneath me as I went to work on his shaft. He twitched as I moved my lips over the edge of his helmet. I pulled his foreskin back and licked his head. My evaporating saliva made the smell of his cock more intense, and I felt another tingle in my pussy. He was doing a good job down there although I was getting the most pleasure from moving my clit and labia over his lips and tongue. I don't think he knew what he was supposed to lick or suck, but it didn't matter as I used my movements on his face to bring me closer. His face must have been slick with our juices and I loved the feeling of me rubbing my clit on his nose and my labia on his lips.

Luke and I were writhing against each other, and our pelvises were twitching; me against his face and him in time with my bobbing. Bob spoke again "You are lovers. Make each other cum." It was all a complete pretence and I knew it. This lover bullshit was so that he could watch us, but I didn't care because I had an excuse to get sexy with my son and he was getting the education of a lifetime. The pretence was giving everyone what they wanted. I wanted my son's cum in my mouth and I wanted to flood his face with more of my honey.We were both making our way to the land of orgasm when Bob said, "OK, clothes on, back to work." At first neither of us heard or believed him and we carried on doing what comes naturally. We were both desperate to continue. I guess, given a chance we would have consummated our love on that mat, in fact I know we would have. I felt so gloriously dirty. I wanted my son's cock to pulse and spew its cum in his mum's pussy. "Come on lovebirds time to do some work." Bob insisted. I gave Luke's stallion like cock one last lick, got up and put my leotard back on.

My hair was a mess, my mouth tasted of cock, my pussy ran like a river and my crotch was soaking wet with spit, sweat and honey. Luke was not much better his face shinny with my sweat and honey. We were both frustrated, turned on and sexy in equal measures, but we danced like the lovers we were. Our best session ever and a great run up to the competition.

Act 3 -- the competition

A few days before the competition Luke passed his test. He was so nervous as we drove to the competition. All he could talk about of was winning a car, he was too tense and was not focused on the job in hand. He had to realise that we had to actually win the competition otherwise he would not be getting a car. Bob tried to calm him down, trying to get him to focus on dance not cars, but words were not working. I knew to win we would both have to be calm, relaxed but focused on dancing not on cars. I pulled over about ½ a mile from the competition venue. I didn't say a word as I opened the back door, climbed in and sat right next to Luke, almost on him. He never said a word and surprise was written all over his face. I pulled down his zip and fished out his cock. I took his cock and fed it between my lips.

I bobbed my head on him for a minute or so, sucking hard, using my hand to simultaneously wank him. Enough to get his rock hard and him sighing. I sat up and then kissed him hard on his lips thrusting my tongue into his mouth. I did this for about 2 minutes while gently wanking him. Then I looked him in the eyes and said. "Stop thinking about a car you will never win it if that's what's in your head. Remember the exercises? You need sex in your head. If you want this car you need to believe that I am your lover, not your mum."

He looked at me and straight from the heart he said. "you are both mum. I love you as my mum and I want you as my lover." I smiled; he was growing up fast.

We won the competition by a county mile. Luke was the star of the show and the talk of the venue. Our friends wanted to know who this sexy man was. We were so proud to confirm that Luke was our son. Most of the unattached women were undressing him with their eyes, he would not be short of dance partners in the future. If that's what he wanted.

We left the venue on 'cloud nine'. All the way home we talked excitedly about winning. What we could have done better, what mistakes others made etc etc. The journey flew by and we arrived home in no time. I drove through our gate and down our secluded drive to find a car parked outside of our house. "Who can that be?" I said.

We got out of our car and unloaded Bob in his wheelchair. He pushed his way to the car and said "I don't recognise the car do you Luke? Is it one of your mates?"

"Not that I know of, but it is a seriously great car, dad."

"Oh, what is it, Luke?"

"It's a Puma ST with Recaro seats and 19" alloys. My favourite colour, black. It will do naught to sixty in 6.7 seconds."

Bob said, "you seem to know a lot about it."

"Dad, if I could have any car in the world it would be a McLaren, but that's in my dreams. If I could have any car, in the real world, it would be this one."

Bob said, "Maddy would you help me up a bit, I am sitting on something and its sticking in my bum."

I walked over and helped him raise his bum off the chair. I grouped around and my hand closed on some keys. "It's a set of keys." I naively said "How come you are sitting on keys? They are no ours."

Bob said, "No, Luke's."

The world stood still for 15 seconds. Luke still couldn't speak. He flung his arms around his dad. He was sobbing slightly. "You are the best, dad."

"I think you need to thank your mum; she has put everything and more into helping you win the prize."

Luke stepped over to me and bear-hugged me. He whispered into my ear "I will never forget what you have done for me, mum. I will never mention it, but I will never forget it as long as I live." He kissed my cheek. I beamed. He was growing up before my very eyes and I loved him.

Bob spoke again. "Well it's taxed and insured; it has a full tank of petrol. Are you going to take your mum for a ride in your new car?"

"Come with us dad," said Luke.

"Son, I want to watch you drive it from here. I can't be bothered with all the pushing and pulling it would take to get me into it and besides you two won, go and enjoy it together. Don't be too long and I will right here when you get back."

So, we got in and drove off. Luke is a good driver, but I still had to give him the mother-son talk about not going too fast, not drinking and driving etc. We had got to know each other so well in the past month I was confident he would treat his gift with all the respect it deserved. I was looking forward to him bringing his first girlfriend home in it. Our conversation turned back to our winning of the prize.

We agreed that it was his dad's special training methods that gave us the edge. We hedged around the subject; we sort of discussed it as if it wasn't us training in the studio. Of course, Madeline-the-mother and Luke-the-son were not there. It was two different people. Those two people had been taught how to become lovers in that room. Our minds were drifting back to our sessions. I was getting damp and I bet Luke was becoming erect. Luke tried to tell me in stumbling words how much he enjoyed the training. He was trying to tell me how (without using the words) it had turned him on. It was painful, so I decided to be the adult in the room and 'put all the cards on the table'. "Pull over here Luke." He did and stopped the car.

"Luke, I appreciate that you enjoyed it but there were times when I was very angry with your dad. He gave me no advance warning of anything he asked us to do and I can tell you for a fact they are not recognised training methods."

"No shit sherlock." Luke interjected.

I smiled and continued. "If he had told me in advance what he intended to do I would not have agreed to any of it. My conscience still troubles me now." He was very glum and looked down at his feet. I didn't feel bad; he was a grown man and sometimes the truth hurts.

"But," I continued "I admit that his methods worked, and we certainly moved with the ease of two lovers. I doubt we would have won the competition without the intimacy we shared together. I want you to know that I enjoyed that intimacy. I want you to know that you made me feel very sexy. I was turned on. I don't want to be crude but Luke, you certainly made me wet. I hope you will build on the things you have learnt from me, and I know you will make some girl very happy one day. More than the sex, Luke, you have matured beyond all recognition in the last few weeks. I am very proud of you and I want you to know that despite my conscience I have no regrets about what we did. You really turned me on, and, of course, I enjoyed it. Now let's get back and celebrate with dad."

I was glad we had talked and straightened things out. I meant every word of my little speech especially the bit about being wet. Our dances had made me wet back at the venue and thinking about the training was having the same effect. I went to squeeze Luke's thigh, but my hand ended up too high up his leg. I smiled and apologised. I had accidentally felt the physical manifestation of his thoughts, they were the same as mine. We pulled into the drive and Bob was there, as promised to meet us.

Luke jumped out enthusing about the car, how easy it was to drive, how it responded etc etc. Bob said "it's got four doors, so there is plenty of room in the back for friends and whatever you want really." Bob winked at me and added, "Have a look." Luke opened one back door and I opened the other. We pushed our heads right in so that they almost bumped. We looked up into each other's eyes. We 'saw' the training, I saw cock, he saw pussy, we saw naked sweaty lovers, the competition, the car, the chat we had just had. Our bond was so close, and Bob had 'pushed' us into the back of the car. We had the necessary permission, but more than that we had unfinished business.

I reached up and stroked Luke's cheek. I looked into Luke's eyes and quietly said "I want to make you a man, Luke. Here... now... please. Let's make love."

He smiled and kissed me. The rest is a blur. We kissed. We pulled at each other's clothes. We sucked. We fondled. We caressed. We fingered. We tongued. We strummed. It was a hot night, and we were sweating profusely. We hadn't showered since the completion and we could smell each other. The unmistakable smell of an adolescent man who has too much testosterone and doesn't wash quite enough. The smell of a pussy that has been turned on and off for hours mixed with the clean sweat of a female crotch.

I found myself on my back, legs open with my knees bent almost double, Luke was between my legs but holding his weight off me. Kissing me and stroking my breasts. Now was the time, I wanted Luke's cock in me. Fuck my conscience I wanted my son's cock in me, and I wanted my husband to watch. I knew he was watching from a distance, but I wanted him nearer, so I shouted. "Bob, come to the door. I want you to see, close up, our son become a man. I want you to see him pulse his seed deep into me." I heard his wheels get closer.

"Would you like to make love to your mum, Luke?" He smiled and nodded his head. Smiling but with my eyes half closed in sexual anticipation, I took his cock with both hands and led him to his target. I engaged his head between my blooming soaking wet labia. "push, baby." His head slid into me easily on the slime from my labia. It had been 5 years since I had been entered and he had a wide cock.

I wasn't sure I could take it, but I was sure I wanted to try. "stop, honey" I wanted to pause and feel his bulbous head fill the entrance to my cave. Feel my pussy lips close on him, feel the anticipation of what was to come. "OK a bit more honey." I was so wet it slid easily into me, but the friction caused by its' size made Luke go slow, thank God. "A little more baby." I whispered.

I felt I was leaving Bob out. He had started us on this journey, and he was part of it. "Oh Bob, his cock is so big. It's so wide it fills me completely. I can feel his steel shaft as it opens me out, stretching my cunt. I am so wet for him Bob. He is only half-way and I feel full." Luke stopped thinking he might have hurt me. "No baby, keep pushing, nice and slow, I want all of you in me. I want your cock to fill every crevice of me. I want you to become a man. I want to feel your cum flood me."

He was a virgin, and this was not going to take very long. Not helped by my dirty talk. But I wanted to talk dirty even if that meant he would cum quickly. I wanted both of them to hear and share. Luke was about ¾ of the way in. "stop for a moment baby. Pull it out a little and then push back in slowly, you are filling your mum up with your beautiful cock. It's wonderful. It is so hard and virile." I spat on my hands and started to strum my clit furiously. I wanted to be more turned on to accommodate the last few inches of his cock. I wanted my arousal to overcome any pain there may be. I spat again making my clit soaking wet. The evaporating spit mixed with my sweat and escaping honey conspired to make a beautiful smell that filled our nostrils.

Luke was pushing back into me. My difficulty was not the size, although it was probably slightly larger than average, it was that he was wide, and I had not been penetrated for 5 years. I rubbed my clit harder and harder, spitting as I went to make sure I didn't get sore. Luke finally bottomed out and I removed my hand from my clit with a sigh. I looked up, our gaze met, and we smiled. I was not in any pain, far from it I was in paradise. Filled to the brim with virile young cock. Then we laughed. I don't know why laughed; we just did. Maybe it was the release of weeks of sexual tension, anyway it was nice. I stroked his face and leant up to kiss him sloppily on his lips. I saw Bob by the door, he was beaming. He could see our son's cook lodged deep in me. My labia caressing his shaft with a ring of cream starting to form around the base of his very hard cock.

Luke stopped smiling and his instinct took over. He slowly started to move in and out of me. My labia gripped him on the way out and vibrated against his shaft on the way back in. He grunted every time he bottomed out in me and sweat from his brow dripped onto my breasts forming a little puddle. My pussy loved his cock and she let loose another flood of honey in celebration of being fucked. I smelt him again, his sweat mixed with my evaporating honey and sweat. I looked at him as he laboured above me. His strong arms supporting his weight. My eyes followed my hands as I stroked his bulging biceps and pectorals. I caressed his shoulders. I moved my hands down his torso and they came to rest on his hips where I could feel his slow pumping rhythm. I stoked his bum. My eyes were eating him alive, and the touch of his damp skin was sending me to heaven.

I tried to admire his body, tried to drink him in but my pussy kept singing her enjoyment and she was taking over. His pace picked up slightly and I knew he would not last much longer. I wanted Bob involved. "Bob his cock is so big. My cunt is jammed open for him, I want him deep. He is making me so wet. I can feel every bump and rib on his cock as it enters me and pushes all the way. I am going to feel his cum soon. He is going to pulse his hard cock deep in me and fill my fertile womb with his baby-making seed. I can feel his cock getting bigger, its coming." The word 'baby' echoed around my sexed-up brain. Why had I said that? In my aroused state wanted his baby. What madness was this? I stopped caring and concentrated on being fucked.

Luke pushed hard into me once, twice, three, four times I lost count. Each one accompanied by a grunt and more of his cum. He was obeying his biological instincts to plant his fertile young seed deep into a receptive and willing womb. His cock was trying very hard to make a baby. My pussy was doing everything she could to help him make a baby. She made my pelvis rise to mirror every thrust, pushing hard against him. She wanted his baby-making semen in her as deep as it would go. She wanted all of his cream in her womb. She hoped an egg would be there waiting to meet a million sperm. She was willing his cream past her cervix and she made me push hard to make it happen. Bob had a ringside seat and must be able to see his son's cock pulse and pump fertile juice into his wife.

I pulled Luke down to me and mashed my breasts into his chest. I bucked my hips against him trying to get every last drop of his young juice into me. I pushed my tongue into his ear and then whispered to him as he slowed his thrusts. "That's it baby, fuck me, pump your cum into me, pulse your steel hard cock in my pussy, she wants your cum." I writhed against him milking every last drop. We were both slowing to a stop. I hugged him as I felt a trickle of us leak between my legs.

There was a long silence whilst we both came back down to earth. His cock was still in me, but that just felt natural. I wanted it in me to keep his baby-making cum where it was meant to be; in his lover's fertile womb. My pussy was squelchy wet, and his softening cock allowed a rivulet of our combined juice to escape.

"I'm afraid your new upholstery is going to need a clean, Luke." I joked.

He raised his head from my shoulder, he was beaming. "I don't care mum, I may leave it as a reminder of how I lost my virginity to a MILF." I slapped his shoulder.

"Get off me you sex starved teenager." He didn't but leant in for a beautiful slow languid kiss. No tongues but very sensual. I sighed into his mouth and pushed my tongue for one last taste of my boy. "You are going to break some hearts, my beautiful sexy boy." I said.

"I will never break your heart, mum. Anyway, I'm a man, thanks to you. Never mention but never forget" he kissed my forehead and we got up.


Luke and I never did anything like that again. We never wanted to, well I didn't. I was very happy to go back to being a traditional mum with a traditional son. My only slight regret was that I didn't orgasm with him. A small price to pay and anyway I have since had lots of orgasms about him.

I loved it when he brought girls home, always pretty and always good company. He was a nice good-looking boy who attracted nice good-looking girls. They were always attentive to Luke. I imagined I saw 'thank you for the earth-shattering orgasm last night' in their eyes as they smiled at him. It was especially nice when they looked after my miracle baby girl, Luke's little sister 18 years his junior.

Never mention but never forget.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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