57.58% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2361: MUM'S NEW BODY

บท 2361: MUM'S NEW BODY

I don't always know how to start these things off. I guess telling you about me would be the best thing. My name is Alex, I'm 24 years old and I'm a computer science graduate. I live in London where I work for a big tech firm as a programmer. But none of that is really relevant, because you're here to find out about my sexual relationship with my mum, aren't you?

For the longest time it was just me and my mum against the world. My dad had come out as gay when I was 8 and moved in with his boyfriend shortly afterwards. I was an only child so it was really only me and mum. I was there whenever anything happened. She'd meet a new guy, it would start out well but then they'd inevitably break up and it would break her heart. I was always the shoulder to cry on, her best friend and her confidante. Mum shared everything with me, within reason, and I did the same with her. As I grew older I became fiercely protective of her and tried my best to make sure she was always happy, just like good sons do.

By the time I was 15, mum had not long turned 40 and something changed in her. She kind of gave up. She stopped going to the gym, cared less and less about her appearance, she became quite depressed. She'd had no luck with men since Dad left and I think that realisation of being 40 and single was just the final straw. She gave up and succumbed to a life destined to be single. If I'm honest, it broke my heart but there was nothing I could do to help her. After all, as her son I could do a lot to make her happy, but I couldn't fill that void that only a lover could.

When I was 18 I managed to secure a place at a great university but it would mean leaving home to live in student accommodation. Mum naturally encouraged me to go but I could see in her eyes that she didn't want me to. I tried my best to convince her I was happy to stay at home but she was having none of it. So I went off to start my university life of studying, drinking, partying and (on the rare occasions) hooking up with other students. To be honest, I'd never had so much fun in my life.

Mum and I would talk on the phone nearly every day, I still kept in very close contact with her as best I could. She was so proud of me that I was living my dream and getting excellent grades. I could still hear an inherent sadness in her voice though. She missed me and if I'm honest, I really missed her too. As the first semester ended just before Christmas and I had a generous four week break, I'd made arrangements to come home for the holidays. Mum was beside herself with excitement to see me.

On that cold December day I drove my little car up to the house, grabbed my bags and let myself in.

"Mum?" I called out, "are you in?"

"Alex!" she called down from upstairs, "I'll be right down."

I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on, the heater was broken in my car so I was frozen to the bone. I heard mum coming down the stairs but I really wasn't prepared for the sight to befall me. She had put on so much weight, easily 40lbs while I was away. She was dressed in sweats, her hair was a mess and there was not a hint of the makeup she used to wear daily. She threw her arms open and beckoned me over.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, sweetie, give your mum a big hug."

"I've missed you too, mum," I said hugging her tightly. I decided not to say anything as I didn't want to upset her.

We spent hours catching up with each other. I told her of the girls I'd been seeing, the classes I was taking and essentially regaling her with the fun life I was leading. Mum seemed happy and sad at the same time, I could tell she wanted fun in her life. Since I'd left all she really did was go to work, watch TV then sleep on a daily basis. I felt so bad for her.

A few days into my stay, mum had gone out shopping and I was feeling particularly bored. Mum lived in a small village and there was not much to do. I could have jumped in the car and driven somewhere, but the idea of being in that freezing metal box wasn't particularly appetising. I sat myself on the sofa, made myself comfortable and opened my laptop. I had thought of doing some Uni work, but who was I kidding, I was going to look at porn. It didn't take me long, but I found a video of a buxom MILF taking two cocks at the same time and it was certainly doing the trick. I was hard in seconds. I unbuttoned my jeans, slid off my boxers, took off my t-shirt and grabbed some tissues from under the coffee table.

Before long I was at full mast and quite happily jerking myself off. I had my headphones on with the video audio loud, so I didn't hear the car pull up in the driveway. The first I knew that mum was home was when she clipped me on the back of the head (the door to the living room was behind the sofa, so I'd have never seen her coming). I freaked out, slammed the laptop shut and tried my best to cover my erection from her.

"Oh god Mum, I'm so sorry," I blurted out.

"Porn? In my living room?" She sounded hurt, "how could you, Alex?"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you'd be home so soon..."

"And you think that makes it okay?" she said, cutting me off, "it's okay to jerk off on my sofa because you're home alone?"

"I— err--"

"No, you don't speak now," she said with full fire in her voice, "and what on earth were you watching? That woman must have been as old as me, if not older!"

Before I could hazard an answer, she clipped me again, "get out of my sight, I don't want to see you until dinner time!"

I sloped off upstairs, feeling very ashamed of myself.

Dinnertime came and I came downstairs, expecting another verbal dressing down, but nothing came, she talked to me as if nothing had happened. The same happened the next day, and the day after that, in fact the entire time I was home not a word was mentioned about the incident. I kept waiting to be yelled at, or told that I was a disappointment, but nothing came of it. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I of course said nothing but when I left back for Uni in the January, still nothing had been said and I was slightly puzzled by it.

Fast forward a few months and the second semester had finished. I had called mum to arrange to come home for the two week break but she said she wasn't going to be home, that she'd booked a holiday with one of her girlfriends and she was going to Turkey for the two weeks I would be home. As the spring had come, she'd been sounding more and more chipper and more like her old self again. She hadn't told me why, but she just seemed to be happier. So off she went on holiday and I hung around the student accommodation on my own for two weeks. It wasn't all bad, after all not having flatmates around means you can pretty much do as you please.

Before I knew it, it was June and my first year of uni was over. I'd aced my exams and coursework and passed the first year with a First Class Honours. When I'd told mum about this she was ecstatic with happiness, I could hear her bursting with pride down the phone. Months had passed since her holiday and she was still sounding happier and happier with each passing day. I suspected she must have gotten a boyfriend or something, but I wasn't going to argue. Mum being happy made me happy.

After two days of packing and an 8 hour drive, I finally reached home for a long, 12 week summer holiday and I was planning on making the most of it. I'd been really stressed for the last semester, working hard to get my work completed and handed in as well as holding a part time bar job in the student union to just keep the money trickling in.

After dumping the majority of my bags in the garage for sorting out later, I walked into the house and was immediately hit by the aroma of my favourite meal, my mum's home-made shepherd's pie. She was such a good cook and after weeks of living on cheap ham and ramen noodles, I was ready for a good hearty meal.

"Hey mum!" I yelled out, "I'm home!"

"Just in time, sweetie," she yelled back from upstairs, "dinner's on the table, I'll be right down, get stuck in"

She didn't have to tell me twice. I dumped my last remaining bag, went straight for the dining table and started serving dinner. I sat down and commenced shovelling as if I'd not eaten in a year. I heard mum coming down the stairs and I remembered the shock I had at Christmas and prepared myself for the worst. I still wasn't prepared for what walked in the door though.

Mum had completely transformed. At Christmas she was overweight, looking rough and nothing like my mum, but when she walked through the door I couldn't believe my eyes. Gone was the weight, she'd slimmed right down, in fact she was slimmer than I ever remember her being. She was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her figure so tightly I could see her toned abdominal muscles and belly button. Taking in the rest of her new body, her legs seemed long and shapely, probably due to the expensive looking platform heels she was wearing. I moved my eyes back up and I noticed that her chest was bigger than I'd ever remembered, did she have implants?

Carrying on looking up, her collarbone was now perfectly defined, her double chin had gone and I could see her soft jawline. She was wearing makeup again and her hair was long, straight and blonde! She'd never been blonde in all the time I'd been alive.

"Judging by the fact that your mouth is hanging open, I'd say you approve?" She said with a cheeky smile. I quickly closed my mouth and swallowed the mouthful of food I had.

"Wha-?" I tried to say, but failed, "Mum? You... you look incredible!"

"Thanks sweetie," she said, beaming a wide smile at me as she sat down, crossing her legs. I could see right up her thigh from where I was sitting.

"When did you do all this?" I said, not even bothering to hide the surprise in my voice,

"Well, since you went back to Uni in Janurary,"

"You didn't say anything,"

"Well, without being funny, but it wasn't any of your business." She poured us a glass of wine each and started her meal,

"What spurred this on?" I asked, pressing the issue slightly,

"Do you really want to know?" she asked, raising an eyebrow,

"Yes," I replied slightly too eagerly, "You look so good, I just can't believe the difference in you."

"Well, do you remember when I caught you watching porn?" she said. The words alone caused an instant knot in my stomach, remembering the embarrassment of it,

"Err... yes."

"Well, after you ran away upstairs I reopened your laptop and I watched some of the video. I don't blame you for enjoying it, it was very hot," she said in a very matter-of-fact way, "and it dawned on me, I'm not getting any younger and this woman in the video must be my age and she has men around the world drooling over her."

I stayed silent, not really sure where the story was going.

"So I joined a gym," she continued, "I started running, doing weights and cardio. Then my friend Anna recommended me the place where she had some work done and I went in for a consultation."

"You had plastic surgery?" I said with some tone of surprise. Mum had always hated doctors.

"Yeah I did," she replied, still in the matter-of-fact tone, "I obviously had a boob job, then I had some nips and tucks and a little bit of a lift on my face. It wasn't much work, but enough that I feel years younger."

"Wow, you do look incredible. I just can't believe the change in 6 months,"

"Well it's all thanks to you, sweetie," she said putting her hand on mine, "If I hadn't caught you watching that video I'd have had no idea that younger guys like older women and I'd have not realised that I needed to change".

Still feeling strange about everything, I carried on eating. We started talking about university, my grades, Mum's new job and the upcoming holiday she'd booked to Antigua with my aunt.

After dinner, we sat in the back yard, enjoying the summer evening and polishing off more wine. I'd lost count of how many drinks we'd both had but I knew we were both a bit drunk. As the light was starting to fade, Mum chipped up,

"Oh, why don't we have a dip in the new hot tub?"

"You bought a hot tub?" I asked, "Have you won the lottery or something?"

She laughed, "No, sweetie. I'm making more money now and I've always wanted one, so I bought one." I couldn't argue with the logic.

"I'll go up and put a bathing suit on," she continued, "You get it started and get comfy".

I walked over to the new structure in the corner of the yard. The tub's controls were beautifully simple: ON or OFF and JETS ON or OFF. Perfect. I turned it on and it started to warm up. I poured another couple of glasses of wine. I took off my shorts and t-shirt and in my boxers climbed into the nicely warm water. It was very pleasant.

Mum walked out of the house in an amazing two piece bikini. I'd expected a swimsuit but no, it was a proper string bikini. As she sauntered over to the hot tub I couldn't help but think of how sexy she looked. Her flat, toned stomach, shapely legs, that cleavage, she had become the definition of a MILF. The problem was, she was MY Mum, but that didn't stop me from getting rock hard as she walked closer towards the tub. I hit the on button for the jets to obscure my lower half so she couldn't see that I had a raging erection.

She climbed into the hot tub with effortless grace, sitting right next to me. She let out a pleased hum as she got in and felt the warm water around her body. The waterline came up to just below her chest and did nothing to help distract me from her glorious new figure. I handed her a glass of wine and she snuggled up next to me.

"This is nice," she said, "Just what the doctor ordered."

She leaned her head against my right shoulder and motioned for me to put my arm around her. Like a good son, I did as I was told and she cuddled up under my arm and sipped at her wine.

"I love you, Alex," she said, slightly slurring the words, "I've missed you so much this year."

"I've missed you too, Mum. It's good to be home."

"I've been so lonely without you," she continued, sounding a little upset, "This house is so big and empty for just me."

I hugged her tight, "You've got three months of me, you'll be glad to have rid of me come September." She laughed with me at that.

"I could never get sick of you, sweetie." She looked up at me and smiled, he big blue eyes looked so beautiful in the twilight. I could feel my heart racing, my cock was hard as ever. She's my Mum, I kept thinking to myself. Why am I having these urges?

I looked back down at her and without warning she moved up and kissed me. Not on the cheek, not on the forehead, but on the lips. Her soft, warm lips felt so good and the wine was fuzzing my head up. I kissed her back, softly at first until she increased the pressure and started kissing me harder. After a few seconds we broke the kiss and she turned away from me. We were both panting. I could tell she was furiously trying to work out what had just happened because I was doing the same. She kissed me, my mum kissed me. My head was in a spin.

Before I could say anything, she turned back around, a big smile across her face.

"You're a good kisser, sweetie," she said. Not exactly what I expected her to say.

"Did you know, that's the first kiss I've had in years?"

"I did not, mum, no." Where was she going with this?

She placed her wine on the edge of the tub and took my glass from my hands.

"You've always been the one man in my life I could rely on," she said, still smiling, still looking deeply into my eyes, "you're smart, funny, handsome and I love you so much. Do you love me?"

"Of course I do, mum. What kind of question is that to ask?"

"Then don't judge me for what I'm about to do," she said as she submerged her left hand under the water. A second later I felt her grasping the bulge in my boxers,

"Oh shit!" I yelled out in surprise.

"Well, well. What do we have here," she purred, her voice full of desire.

"Mum! I--" before I could finish she was kissing me again, this time passionately. Her tongue was exploring my mouth and before I knew it I was kissing her back, darting my tongue in and out of her mouth. My cock was straining with pressure and her hand grasped around it wasn't helping things.

Her hand moved from the outside of my boxers to the waistband. She slid her fingers in and wrapped them slowly around my cock. Gently she started to jerk me off. I couldn't believe it, it felt so damned good I almost forgot entirely that it was my own mum's hand. I broke the kiss and she looked at me with nothing but lust in her eyes. She wanted this badly and if I'm honest, I was beginning to want it too.

I leaned back in but instead of kissing her lips I kissed down her neck. She moaned in pleasure and started to jerk me faster. I reached up and placed a hand on her breast. It felt so firm and full. I kept kissing her neck as I cupped my hand and moved it inside her bikini, feeling her tit against my hand. Her nipple was hard. I pulled it out from the bikini and moved to kissing the nipple. She moaned as I tickled the nipple with my tongue and gently bit at it.

I moved from her left to her right and did the same with the other breast. She was constantly moaning now and I was loving the feel of her touch on my dick.

"Ohhh Alex," she moaned, "Stand up..."

Like a good son, I stood up in the centre of the tub. She slid the boxers down, unleashing my 8 inch cock. She smiled as she leaned over and kissed the head of it. I felt so much excitement rush through me, I almost came there and then. She opened her red lips and took me in her mouth. Her warmth was amazing, her technique was superb. She sucked so hard I thought she was going to cause me a hernia. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes as her head bobbed up and down on my cock. I was in heaven, she was superb at this.

She then took my cock out of her mouth and started jerking me while sucking on my balls. I'd never had a girl do this to me before, it felt amazing.

"Oh God, Mum, that's so good!"

She mumbled something which I couldn't hear. Her mouth was full after all. Soon I could feel myself about to cum but I didn't want this to end. At a point where she didn't have my cock in her mouth, I stood her up and kissed her deeply again. As we kissed I grabbed her firm ass, noticing that it was actually a thong bikini she was wearing. My mum, the whore.

I slid the thong down and sat her on the top edge of the hot tub. Her pussy was neat and completely bald, not even the slightest hint of pubic hair remained. I leaned forward and licked at her clit. She shook with excitement. Despite her being half submerged for most of the time I could taste her pussy, she was delicious and she was so wet.

She held my head as I continued to lick her out, my tongue reaching from her clit and deep inside her,

"Oh fuck, Alex you're so fucking good at this," she said, grasping at the back of my head with excitement.

As I moved back to licking at her clit I slid two fingers into her tight pussy and started to finger fuck her. Within seconds she clamped down hard on the back of my head, screamed out and came. I could taste the rush of orgasm and it was beautiful. I came straight up and kissed her hard, making sure she could taste her own pussy on my tongue.

"No more fucking around," she said between pants, "fuck me. Fuck me like you mean it!"

She didn't have to tell me twice. I moved up and in one motion slid my cock into her waiting pussy. I started off slow, gentle thrusts as she started to kiss me hungrily. One of her hands was on the back of my head, the other on my ass check trying her best to guide my rhythm.

I started to speed up, fucking her harder and harder. Mum was yelping in time with each thrust, I was moaning like I'd never moaned before. Within minutes I felt her pussy lips tighten around my cock and she screamed as she succumbed to the most almighty orgasm. to"Mum... I'm close..." I managed to gasp between kisses.

"In my mouth, baby, in my mouth" was all she could manage as a reply.

I pulled out of her, she quickly slid down back into the water and took my cock in her mouth. It didn't take long, only a minute or so of her sucking my cock that was slick with her cum for me to reach my peak. I unleashed what felt like an unending amount of hot cum into her mouth. I heard her gag as she tried to keep all of my cum from escaping past her lips.

When the torrent of cum had finally stopped, she looked up at me and opened her mouth to show how much I'd left on her tongue. Then with a smile she closed her mouth and swallowed it all.

I sat back down in the hot tub, thoroughly spent. Mum cuddled up to me again and we kissed one last time.

"You should sleep in my bed tonight," she said as she caught her breath.

"I'd like that, Mum. I'd like that."

I awoke the next morning, in mum's bed, with a banging hangover. I was alone. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said it was just after 11am. As I sat up I started to wrap my mind around the previous night. I'd come home from university, mum looked incredible, we were drinking together in the hot tub, we'd had sex...

I said it over and over in my head, that I'd had sex with my own mother. I watched as she swallowed my cum, she took my cock, I licked at her pussy. After the hot tub we'd come up to bed, drank some more and carried on having sex. My headache was bad enough without trying to sort this in my head.

What was confusing me was that it had happened so suddenly. One minute we were drinking together and then the next her hand was down my shorts and we were kissing. It just didn't make sense to me. Part of me had clearly wanted it to happen, as thinking back to it I could feel my cock starting to stir.

I got out of the bed quietly, trying to work out if mum was still in the house or not. I peeked out of the bedroom window and saw her car was gone. Good, she was out. I went straight for the bathroom and got into the shower. I stood for a good 10 minutes just letting the warm water wash over me. I'd found in the last year of being a student that there's nothing better for a hangover than a long, hot shower. I tried again to work out what had happened in my head, but it just made the headache worse so I finished my shower, dried myself off, threw on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and wandered downstairs on the hunt for some painkillers and coffee.

I walked into the kitchen and on the counter, next to the kettle was a note with my name on it. I opened it up, half dreading what it would say.

"Alex - Last night was amazing. Thank you so much. Please stay around the house today as we should really talk about what happened. I'll be back around lunchtime. Love, Mum xxx"

Well, fuck. At least I had the potential to get some answers as to what happened. I figured I had a couple of hours until mum got home so I made a coffee and swallowed some painkillers. While standing in the back garden having a cigarette, I looked over to the hot tub, where all the action had started off last night. Mum's bikini was still strewn by the side of the tub, as were the two wine glasses we were sat, empty.

The sun was starting to beat down and even though I was only wearing the tracksuit trousers, the heat started to get a bit much for my hungover body, so I came back inside to finish my coffee just as the postman came and knocked at the door.

"Parcel to sign for," he said, thrusting a little PDA into my hand, "for Ms Roxx..."

"Who?" I enquired.

"Emilia Roxx," the postie said with some unwarranted hostility, "Look, are you going to sign or what?"

"Well there's no one here of that name," I countered, "My mum's name is Emilia Jones."

"Look, kid. I've been delivering parcels for Emilia Roxx to this address for months, just sign the fucking box so I can get on with my work."

Surprised at the tone of the postman, I scribbled in the box on his PDA and took the parcel from him as well as a hefty pile of mail. Placing the box on the kitchen table I looked through the letters. Half of them were plain white envelopes addressed to Ms. Roxx, a few others were bills addressed to Mrs Jones and a couple were addressed to me.

Something didn't sit right for me. Why was mum getting post delivered to her in a different name. She'd never changed her name from Jones after dad had left and her maiden name was Christer, so only God knows that this Roxx business was about.

I grabbed my coffee and sat on the sofa to watch some TV. As I flicked through the channels I noticed some opened mail on the shelf underneath the coffee table. I don't know why, but curiosity overcame me and I grabbed the little pile. It was all addressed to Emilia Roxx. As I flicked through the letters, they were all cheques, made to Ms Roxx for a lot of money. £5000, £3000, one was as high as £12,500. I looked at the letters themselves, which were invoices marked as "Paid in full for service rendered" from places like "Paul Allen Productions", "Sight To Behold" and "Skin Talent Agency". None of this was adding up. My headache had gone, but my head was as confused as ever.

Before I could reach over to my laptop to start looking for these businesses, I head mum's car pull up. If we really were going to talk I guess I could ask about what this Emilia Roxx alias was all about.

Mum walked into the house and called my name, I yelled back that I was in the living room. She walked in looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing skin tight yoga pants, so tight I could trace the edge of her thong through them, a low cut red blouse and knee high, leather high heeled boots. I instantly felt a reaction in my cock, though I was sitting in such a position that I was hoping she couldn't tell it.

"Morning sweetie," she chimed, "how are you feeling today?"

"A bit hungover and a lot confused," I replied. She looked at me with a sliver of sorrow in her eyes. I wasn't sure if it was because she didn't want to talk or if it's because she didn't like that I was confused.

"I understand, sweetie," she said as she sat next to me and crossed her legs. God, her legs looked so good in those yoga pants, "I take it you saw my note?"

I nodded. She sighed and turned to face me directly.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know why it happened, just when we were in the tub for the first time in a long time I felt like I could be open with someone and I think the wine helped to lower our inhibitions."

That was not the kind of explanation I had been expecting and, in fact, it wasn't even that satisfactory an explanation.

"Mum, look," I started, "that's not what I'm confused about."

"Oh, really?" she said, clearly quite surprised.

"No, we're both adults and these things can happen," I said, brushing off the explanation as it really wasn't what was confusing me any more, "No, what's confusing me is this."

I produced the pile of post addressed to Emelia Roxx. I saw that she instantly went a bit pale as if she hadn't expected me to find them.

"I can explain..." she started, "it's... well... you see..."

"Mum!" I interrupted with as much authority as I could muster, "Please, who is Emilia Roxx?"

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I could see she was desperately trying to find the words to explain. This in itself made me worried, my mind immediately wondering what she had gotten herself into.

"Well?" I said after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I'd really rather not say," she said, sheepishly looking away.

"Mum, what's going on? Why are you getting sent money from these companies, why are you having all this post delivered in another name?"

"I'm sorry, Alex, I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing," she said, I could hear her voice starting to crack.

"Mum, after last night I don't think there's anything that we can keep from each other for the fear that it's embarrassing."

She turned to look at me. She locked her eyes with mine and I could see that she was thinking intently on what to say next. Eventually she let out a deep sigh, "I guess you'd have only found out on your own."

"Found out what, mum?"

"Emilia Roxx is me. It's the name I use for my new job."

The new job! Of course, she'd never actually told me what she was doing for a living, but she said it was excellent money, easy work and was over all, a lot of fun.

"You have to change your name for your job?" I asked, slightly puzzled.

"Well, I didn't have to, but it makes having a life simpler."

"Eh? I don't understand," I said, still struggling to put the pieces together.

"Let me show you," she said, picking up her laptop. She clicked away a few times, then placed the laptop on the table and hit "play" on the video she had loaded up.

The video started with two guys sitting in an office, talking to each other in graphic detail about one of the secretaries in the office.

"What is this?" I said, only to be shushed and told to keep watching.

After a few minutes of fairly terrible dialogue, one of the men on screen summoned someone into the office. Imagine my heart falling out of my chest when it was mum! Dressed in a short skirt, tight blouse, heels and stockings, she walked into the frame and within seconds both of the men on screen were pawing at her.

"You're..." I started, unable to find the words, "a porn star?"

I looked over and she nodded at me. I could see how ashamed she was, she was blushing immensely.

"After I caught you jerking off to that video," she said, "I was initially really upset. But I watched it back, realising that the woman in the video was my age. She was sexy, vibrant and she inspired the desire of men around the world. I did some research, I watched other videos of older stars and I saw that there was a desire for it."

I sat in complete, stunned silence.

"So I thought, if those women could do it, why couldn't I?" she continued, "I joined a gym, lost weight, I ploughed my life savings into the surgery for my boobs, a tummy tuck and a slight lift. I was betting on myself. As the months went on and I got slimmer and slimmer I became obsessed with this idea that I would be in these movies. No one had ever really desired me since your dad and his desire became for guys. It was such a huge knock to my confidence and I was desperate, this seemed like the only way I could see to get back to me."

"But, mum! Porn?!"

"You don't know, sweetie, but when I was a teenager and in my 20s, before your father, I was sexy, all the guys wanted me and I loved the attention. I wanted the attention back. The holiday I went on was a lie. I was in London, auditioning with agencies, doing screen tests, buying outfits and meeting established stars."

My silence resumed, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Eventually, Skin Talent took me onto their books and started getting me work. In the past few months I've made quite a few scenes and made more money than I did in the last two years of working at the office."

I looked back at the screen, there was my mother, squatting down, taking turns sucking two massive cocks. My mind was swimming, I absolutely couldn't believe what I was seeing and believing.

"I..." I started, "I just can't get my head around this... My own mother is a porn star..."

"I'm sorry, honey," she held my hand, "But it's making me feel amazing. I can understand if you have a problem with it, though." I looked back up at her, she now looked really ashamed of herself. I looked back at the screen as the scene switched to her lying on her back, being fucked by one of the guys and sucking the other one off.

"What I don't get, mum, is why last night happened. I'm shocked that this is what you're doing for a living, but it's your life and it's not up to me to judge you if it's making you happy, I just still can't work out why we had sex."

"Well," she said, slightly hesitantly, "One of the companies I work with, they pay a lot of money for talent who are willing to make... taboo scenes."


"Yeah... scenes of incest. Sisters, mothers and grown up children, that kind of thing. I was offered a huge amount of money to do a taboo scene so I started looking up taboo porn and seeing what kind of thing I would be doing..."


"... and well, I found it really hot. But the more I read, the more I watched, I started imagining that the scene was being played out by me... and you..."

I could feel myself getting hot. Between the sight of mum getting double penetrated on the video and what she was telling me I could feel my heart start to race and there was definitely movement in my cock. I hadn't even realised by mum's hand was on my knee at this point.

"...so I booked to do the scene. It was really hot but I got far too into it. When I came I called out your name. That was two days ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since."

My hard on was raging by this point and no matter how I sat I could tell that she knew it. I was still in stunned silence, I didn't know what to say to her. I looked back at the video screen just in time to see the scene end as both guys came on her face and neck. As the screen faded to black, we both sat in silence.

"Here, let me show you something else," she said, picking up the laptop. I was slightly excited and full of trepidation about what she could possibly have to show me. She placed the laptop back down and hit play.

The scene started up with mum dressed in a tight dress, heels and wearing glasses. She was in a classroom. She turned around and dismissed the class but asked one girl to stay behind. It was a busty blonde girl, wearing the clichéd slutty catholic schoolgirl uniform, you know the type. The dialogue was awful but within a couple of minutes teacher was disciplining the student. I'm not sure how French kissing is a punishment, but porn doesn't have to make sense.

As I watched my mother undress this young star, I felt her hands on my shoulder as she leaned my back on the sofa. I didn't resist, but it was blatantly clear now that I had a huge erection as my jogging pants were completely tented. Mum leaned back on the sofa too and watched the scene with me. Just about at the point that the video showed mum going down on her pupil, I felt her hand on my bulge.

"You're enjoying this one?"

I just nodded, without taking my eyes off the screen.

"That's good, sweetie." She slid her hands under the waistband of the trackies, gently grasping my cock. I felt a rush of excitement, more profound than last night. Slowly she started to move her hand up and down. My breathing quickened and I began to unconsciously moan at the feel of her touch. With her free hand, she pulled the drawstring of the trackies and undid the knot, before pulling the waistband down and releasing my length. I looked down as she did this, I was harder than I think I'd ever been.

She opened her mouth, taking the head into her mouth and starting to suck me off in that expert way she could. On screen the student had undressed her and was now going down on mum. The sensory overload was almost too much, I had to really concentrate to try and calm down and not cum, so I could savour this experience.

As mum got into the rhythm of sucking me off, I reached over with my left hand and started rubbing up and down her back, which she seemed to like. She was lying forward, so I couldn't reach round to touch her tits or grab her ass, but I was just content in this position, watching her suck me off and watching her on the laptop having her pussy eaten.

As the action changed on screen to mum fucking the poor girl with a very large strap on, she stopped sucking me off and stood up. She made a show for me of lifting off her blouse, which she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, then unzipping the boots and sliding them off. She turned around to face away from me, grabbed the waist of her yoga pants, then with an exaggerated movement, bent straight forward to slide them down, giving me an amazing view of her firm ass and the tiny pink thong she was wearing. With a similar movement, she slid the thong down and even from across the room I could see that she was dripping wet with excitement.

She moved back over to me, leaning forward to kiss me as she pulled my tracksuit bottoms off. She sunk to her knees, leant forward and pushed her boobs together, enveloping my cock. She made gentle movements up and down with my cock nuzzled tightly in her cleavage. I moaned, it felt so good.

"Do you like this, baby?" she said, holding my eyeline with her own.

"I love it, mum."


I reached down and felt her firm tits as she used them to jerk me off. Suddenly, I felt like I was going to peak. She must have sensed it too because she leaned back and let me cock go free. She looked back at the screen,

"Do you like seeing your mum fuck girls?" she said, with language I could have hardly expected from her,

"I do, it's really fucking hot," was about all I could reply, such was my excitement.

"I like her, we've done a few scenes together," she said, full of mischief, "maybe one day I'll bring her home for you."

"I'd like that."

Without saying another word, mum climbed up and straddled me. She lowered herself gently onto my cock and suddenly I felt the heat of her pussy. She slid down it slowly, gently gyrating her hips on it. I leaned up and kissed her deeply as she did this. Gradually she started to speed up her gyrations till she was practically bouncing on my cock. She began to moan loudly and in time with her bounces. Without warning she grabbed onto my shoulders and dug her nails into me as she succumbed to an enormous orgasm.

"Fuck, sweetie," she panted, "I love your cock."

With that she continued to grind hard on my dick. I reached behind her and held onto her tightly as I started to thrust into her, fucking her as hard as I possibly could. Staying power be damned, I was desperate for her.

"I'm gonna cum..." I said as I felt the pressure building up.

"Cum in me, baby," she replied.

"What?!" I protested.

"Cum in your mummy, fill me up!" she yelled.

"Oooooh fuck!" I yelled as I felt her pussy tighten around my cock as it swelled up.

"YES!" she yelled as she came, only for seconds later my orgasm to arrive. What felt like an unending stream of cum filled her hot pussy as I kept thrusting into her until the very last of it had left my body.

She leaned forward, moaning and kissing at me like a woman possessed. She didn't get off me for a minute or so and as my erection started to subside I could feel my cum dripping back onto my cock. She clambered off me, went onto her knees between my legs and sucked at my ever decreasing erection, cleaning my cum and her cum from my body.

She came back up onto the couch and laid down with her head on my chest.

"I love you, Alex," she said.

"I love you too, mum," I replied. I was completely spent and I could tell she was too.

She fell asleep on my chest, naked and full of my cum. I watched the end of the scene on screen, as mum had finished fucking her student and they kissed as the scene faded out. Before I knew it, I was asleep too.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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