50.82% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2084: @2

บท 2084: @2

One of the internet videos Andy watched not too long ago, had alluded to the belief older women would show you the world in the sack. He thought Darleen made a strong argument for the conception, not that he had any younger women experience to compare her with. In fact, he'd only gotten to second base with his ex, but doubted any girl in his school would be as good.

Well, maybe the cheerleading, Stacey Bell. He'd heard some wild rumours about "the school slut"—not a tag he invented.

Andy didn't need any references to know Darleen was amazing. She seemed to swallow his cock with ease.

The raven-haired MILF's quick bobbing went on, which caused a wet gulping sound to emerge and her boy's balls to boil. He could take the torture of prolonging his orgasm no longer. "Oh fuck, Mom," he cussed without thinking, "I'm about to cum. Where's the cup?" He reached for it as Darleen slurped him out.

"Don't worry about it." She shook her head and used a hand to stroke his member.

"Huh, uh, what?" He tried to hold back his orgasm, but his first gob launched out without authority, landing above her left eye, dripping down. Andy noticed Darleen's pearly whites in her mischievous smile. "Ohh." He realised his stupidity and stood.

He brushed her hand aside, took over the hold of his erection and stroked away. Seconds later, bliss kicked in, his shaft throbbed in his grip, accompanied by loud grunts, as an unreal torrent of thick white cum spewed from his opening.

Andy's first few shots took Darleen by surprise, hitting her with such force they stung a little. Then came the endless drenching of her face, covering almost the entirety of it and a little of her hair. One streak somehow reached the back of her neck.

It was one messy scene. And when it ended, some of the spunk on Darleen's face ran down her chin, onto her exposed left tit and down her camisole.

Taking in his mom's image brought to Andy's mind the faked facial videos he'd first viewed online. It wasn't as bad, but the thought came up. And if one were to walk into the room right now, he or she would probably wonder where the rest of the members of this bukkake party were.

"Jeez," Darleen said, then wiped her mouth as she tasted spunk creeping in. "Andy, where did that come from?" She spat and then attended to her eyes.

"Sorry, Mom. I forgot that tends to happen when I stimulate myself for too long—which kinda happened."

"It's all right." She smiled, wiping her eyes with her forefingers. "I did ask for it. Just got caught a little off guard." Darleen laughed.


The next night, after diner, Andy sat and read at his desk, again. Final exams were on the way and the young man wanted to be prepared, but couldn't be called scared or even nervous. Andy may not have inherited all his parents' striking physical features, but had been compensated a brilliant mind—along with something else. Wink, wink.

Andy had even been thought of, by both his mom and dad, to be smarter than them combined. Which said a lot, given his father was college educated and that his mother had an even sharper mind he, and would've also graduated had she hung about.

One couldn't blame the parents for thinking highly of their son. They'd heard nothing but compliments about him from his teachers throughout school. The boy held a 4.0 GPA from his previous year, and had breezed through his SATs and ACTs.

In fact, everyone that knew Andy revered him as somewhat of a genius. He may not have been destined to become the next Einstein or Newton or Hawking, but they all had high expectations of him and were sure any higher learning institution would be happy to have him aboard.

Andy had done his fair share of thinking on which college he'd join in the fall. The only thing he knew for sure was he wanted to go somewhere with a strong science program, as physics was his passion. Believe it or not, this millennial wasn't influenced by the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory." Andy believed the show lost its charm after its first few seasons, and was glad it'd soon be over—his mom and dad were still fans at the time, though. Andy simply loved the idea of working with numbers and equations.

At the recommendation of his teachers, he'd applied to a few Ivy League institutions, but was still undecided. Although, Harvard did appear to be the most tempting prospect if he were to gain acceptance, despite the long commute to/from home. Which had never been much of a concern until recently.

Andy knew he'd miss both his parents, but felt guilty in knowing he'd miss his latest interactions with his mom more than anything—other than her.

The scene which took place in her bedroom the day before remained on his mind and pulled him out of his focus every so often. If he didn't have to save up for Darleen, he would've taken care of the problem with thoughts of her captivating eyes and inviting bosom; the poignant sound of her voice; the sweet smell of her mysterious scent; her delicate touch and the soft feel of her full round lips.

Andy was smitten and grieved in advance the day he'd have to move on and find another—probably in college, he believed. However, he wasn't done with Darleen just yet. The young man still had one last goal he felt he had to achieve before he could move on.

But oh boy, what he wouldn't do to be in his dad's shoes. He sighed and flipped a page.

Soon came a knock on his door and once Andy answered, he turned around to see his old man coming in, closing the door behind him. Think of the devil. It wasn't unusual for Oscar to check in on his son, but Andy hadn't expected his visit.

"Hey, Son. You studying?"

"Yep." He swivelled his chair.

"That's my boy." Oscar smiled.

"Ah, what's going on, Dad?"

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to talk to you for a minute."

Andy wondered what about. It wasn't as if he and his father ever had a lot to discuss. He knew his dad loved and cared for him and was proud of his academic achievements, but that's where he felt Oscar's interest in him ended.

From an early age, Oscar had tried to connect with Andy, but only in trying to get him more involved in sports. He'd taken him to numerous ballgames to watch the Lakers, Chargers and Angels. He'd played catch with him out back—or at least attempted to. He'd even signed his son up to join him at the gym, but interested in physical activities, Andy was not. Well, that's if you discount larping.

No, Andy preferred games of the mind—like chess and scrabble—partaking in spelling bees and debates, or reading about Spider-Man, Batman, Thor and so on, than hitting, kicking or throwing a ball of any kind.

However, in an attempt to please his dad, he'd given baseball a try in elementary school, feeling it was one of the less physically demanding sports. But after the mishap of getting beaned by a ball machine, causing a giant bruise on the side of his ribcage, he decided to hang up his glove and gave up on sports, all together. Andy felt the profession was dangerous.

Oscar was disappointed, of course, but he understood that not all were born with the ability to perform spectacular physical feats. He even felt bad about all those he picked on who were in the same shoes as his son during school.

"Talk about what?" Andy said.

His dad gave him a straight face as he folded his arms. "About what you've been doing with your mother for the last few weeks."

Andy's heart soared into his throat. "Ah, w-w-what...do you mean, Dad?"

"It's okay, Andy." Oscar smiled, calming his boy. "I know you've been helping her out with her beauty treatments lately, and I just wanted to come by and thank you for what you've been doing."

Andy stared, suspicious. "Really?...You're not mad?"

"No." Oscar chuckled with a shake of the head. "I'm not. I'm sure she's told you that I haven't really been able to...help her out in that area anymore. And I just wanted to stop by and thank you for taking over. I'd much rather have you doing it than anyone else, and I'm not sure how many others would agree to help their moms out like that.

"So, yeah, I'm proud of you, Son." He nodded, stepped forward and gave Andy a light slap on the back. "Good man."

"Ah, no problem, Dad," he said, feeling confused.

"Okay, yeah, I've said all I wanted to say, and I've got work in the morning. So I'm gonna call it a night and let you get back to reading."

"All right, Dad. Talk to you in the morning."

Once Oscar closed the door, Andy sat and mulled over the conversation they'd just had. He found it a little odd how easily his dad dealt with being in the know. He thought it was awfully mature of him, but also wondered how much he actually knew.

Why he knew anything at all came to mind next, and there seemed to be two possible explanations: either, his mom had informed him or he'd somehow figured it out on his own. Andy preferred the former theory, as it seemed the more likely. He knew there was no point in any further speculation. He'd soon have a definitive answer. He shook his head and returned to his book.


The next afternoon, the young man was back in his parents' bedroom, sitting on their large bed. It was Friday and Andy and Darleen wanted to fit in another session to avoid a four day wait until their next opportunity.

Even with Oscar knowing about their arrangement, they felt it wouldn't be wise to do anything with him lurking about. Plus, Andy still didn't know the degree of his dad's enlightenment. With the usual morning bustle, school and Darleen's workout routine, he hadn't gotten enough time alone with his mom to find out.

She soon entered the bedroom, and Andy took a moment to soak in her stunning form and sexy apparel. With her raven hair tied under a cap, she wore trainers, biker shorts that covered a third of her shapely thighs and a loose cut shirt that left her smooth stomach to be seen.

Darleen had returned from her weekly run around the neighbourhood with plump Mrs Bernstein from next door. Mrs Bernstein had convinced Darleen to run with her on the road every Friday, since the month before. Andy didn't know how his former babysitter's mom expected to trim down with her one day a week routine.

"Honey, what're you doing in here?" Darleen said as she walked in.

"I-I'm here for your...treatment. Whoa, Mom, you look good."

She smiled. "Thank you, baby." Darleen bent her knees and raised a foot to pull off her first shoe. "But you wanna do that right now? I mean, don't you want me to at least take a shower first?"

"Ah, no." His head shook. "Not necessary. You smell pretty good to me, and you don't look all that sweaty."

"Yeah, Regina does slow me down." She dropped her second shoe and sock. "I guess I can always shower later." Darleen grasped her shirt and pulled it up.

Andy was taken aback by her nonchalance. Was she stripping in front of him?

He was disappointed to discover she wore a white training bra underneath.

With her cap and top on the floor, and in her shorts and training bra, Andy thought his mom looked like an MMA fighter—a smoking hot one, at that. All she needed were the gloves. He would've been more than happy to go a few "rounds" with her.

He snapped out of his reverie, shaking his head. "Oh yeah, Mom...did you tell Dad about what we've been doing?"

She crossed her arms and stood with her feet a stretch apart. "I did." Darleen nodded.

"Ummm, ookaaay." He thought. "A couple follow up questions, starting with: why?"

She remained silent with her head down. Then she made eye contact. "I just felt bad about what we did the other day, Andy...and I needed a way to feel better about it—if we're going to continue. I didn't tell him about absolutely everything, but I felt I had to give him something. So I let him know you've just been helping me out with my beauty regimen for the last few weeks."

"Ohh." Andy processed this. "A little heads-up would've been nice, but okay. I get it." He mulled. "But that's all you told him, right? That I've just been providing you with cupfuls?"

Darleen nodded.

"Okay, that answers my other question. So...yeah, where do we go from here?"

"Nowhere." She shook her head. "We just keep on doing what we've been doing...and I'll manage to deal. Promise. No more surprises."

Andy stared her in the eye. He felt concern. "Are you sure, Mom? I'm mean...you don't seem all that happy. Is all of this really worth it?"

Darleen gave his question serious thought. "To be honest—no. I don't think so." Her head shook. "But we've come this far." She half-smiled. "And there's really no point in turning back." She pulled her training bra over her head, tossed it next to the rest of her gear and slowly lowered to her knees.

Her bare tits and submissive demeanour coming into play knocked Andy off his stride. He wanted to go a little deeper into their conversation, but lost his train of thought as he felt the rise of his cock. Her current state was impossible to disregard.

He rose from the bed, pulled his black top off and stood before Darleen. He unfastened his belt and jeans, pushed them down with his boxers and revealed his rising erection, which caused a shiver to flow through his mother's body. For the first time, it didn't bother her.

Darleen reached for his cock and took it in her hold. As she stared transfixed and gently stroked him, his erection turned to stone. The feel gave her goose-bumps. Her face moved in as she took his glans between her lips. Darleen circled her tongue around it a few times, causing Andy's eyes to close with a sigh.

He was glad she'd chosen to skip the introduction. Amazing as her hands were, he preferred the feel of her sweet round lips. He laid a gentle hand on her head.

Darleen pushed him farther into her mouth, taking in three-quarters of his length. Then her one hand rose, cradled his balls and kneaded them as her head bobbed, immersing at least half of his erection each time.

Andy still found his fortune hard to believe. He knew many others would sacrifice a testicle to have their beautiful moms' mouths on their cocks like this. Or at least that's what online comments suggested. And yet here he was, with both his balls in tow and in her soft hand's care.

The only sweeter achievement would be if he could enter the pussy from which he entered the world. He still planned on it, but for now, he wanted to enjoy Darleen's amazing tongue and lips. Moments this beautiful deserved to be fully appreciated.

His eyes stayed closed as her head continued its rise and fall, accompanied by the sounds of her wet smacking mouth, gulping and little gags.

It was glorious to listen to.

Darleen soon felt it was time to end the warm up and kick proceedings up a notch. She steadied herself, placing her hands on his hips, and slurped him from her lips. Then she took a deep breath, sucked him back in and slowly pushed his erection into the far depths of her mouth, wedging it into her throat and causing her boy to groan.

Darleen kept going. She took him farther and farther in and broke her previous dick swallowing record.

"Oh, dear God, Mom," he exhaled, "this is incredible."

Darleen still couldn't get him all the way past her lips, but she came mighty close, shirking only an inch. And hearing the delight in his voice put goose-bumps on her goose-bumps. She kept him in her throat for a few seconds, but feeling an intense gag coming on, she withdrew and recaptured her breath.

She took his glans back in and slowly slid her rosy lips down his length again until she had the lion's share of his erection back inside her mouth and gullet. Darleen kept it in for a few more moments. She repeated the wondrous procedure two more times. Then she returned to bobbing her way up and down half of his length, amplifying her speed, as her one hand attended to his balls and the other worked the rest of his shaft.

Andy resided in a world of bliss. Keeping his orgasm at bay would be a tall order if she kept this up much longer.

Darleen's mouth and hands worked on, but then a thought occurred. She audibly popped him from her lips, relieving and disappointing her son at the same time. Talk about an oxymoron, he thought with a sigh.

She looked up. "Wouldn't you like a little more control?"

Andy wasn't sure what she meant. Was he still high or did she fail to make sense? "Huh?" he said.

"I mean, you never seem to do anything while I'm helping you out. You just sit still and take whatever I give you. Which, don't get me wrong, I think is impressive. Given that whenever I do this for your dad, he can't help pushing his hips to try 'n' get more of his penis into my mouth. But I wouldn't mind, is all I'm saying."

Darleen then wondered if her offer had been wise. Andy was considerably larger than Oscar and she wasn't sure if she could handle it if he became too aggressive with her. She also wondered why she said "whenever I do this for your dad." She and her husband hadn't been very physical ever since Andy took over his "duties." The decline in intimacy started a little while before, but as of late, it felt as if their sex life had diminished to near nonexistence.

"You know," Andy said, "I actually gave that some thought the other day."

"Okay." She nodded, deciding to take a chance on him. "Give me your hands, then."

He stuck them out. Darleen placed her palms underneath the backs of his hands and rested them on her head. Then she grasped his shaft and took his glans back inside her mouth. She looked Andy in the eye, gave him a nod and opened wide.

The young mother wasn't sure why she felt the need to guide him through this. She knew her son was sexually inexperienced and suspected his virginity lay intact, but there was probably no need for the tutorial. Sex was more like learning how to walk or talk than pilot a plane. Still, a part of her enjoyed doing so with him.

Oscar had been the one to give Andy "the talk" when he was a young teen. It seemed best since they shared the same kind of genitalia. Little did she know, her husband hadn't done a very good job. He mainly spoke about his conquests before he met Darleen and ended the chat with a shrug as he said, "Just use a condom."

Darleen had always wanted to get more involved in Andy's sex life, and what better way to teach him than through practicality? Granted, most parents would focus more on the importance of safety than the acts themselves. But she figured the "safety" part had been taken care of, and she needed something. Plus, Darleen preferred her kind of lessons.

Can't believe Mom's actually about to let me face fuck her. Andy's heart rate quickened as he got a firm hold of her head and slowly thrust his hips. Dreams do come true. He smiled at the wordplay and watched engrossed as his cock disappeared behind her beautiful lips. It was still great to watch.

His glans breached her throat. Darleen narrowed her jaws and locked a tight seal around his shaft with her lips, hiding her teeth behind them. He withdrew a few inches then thrust back in. Over and over, Andy gently sent his cockhead into her gullet.

Darleen felt he was being way too cautious. She loved how considerate he was of her, but she wasn't made of glass! The young mother placed her hands on his hips and intensified his trusts. He moved quicker and deeper into her mouth and soon caused Darleen to sound as if she chugged down a pitcher of beer.

Andy got the message. She could handle this.

When she removed her hands, his sharp deep trusts remained, and even accelerated. But he never got out of hand. Darleen was impressed with his self-control. The first person she'd received orally seemed to have no care for her, whatsoever.

In her inexperience, he kept forcing her head down. He was more concerned with satisfying his own needs than looking out for her. It wasn't a great experience for the young lady.

Even though the guy in question was good looking, Darleen felt embarrassed their short relationship lasted as long as it did. He was a bit of a jerk and they shared little in common. Although, she only dated him to get under the skin of her father.

And Oscar too wasn't always an angel in bed. There were nights she'd thought of him as either an asshole or a pig or both. A part of Darleen did like being mistreated behind closed doors. But to her, it was more a matter of timing.

Andy's hips continued moving as he groaned and pulled his mom's head to meet his trusts. This was an incredible experience for the young man, and he expected to wake up in his bed with the feeling of disappointment. But this dream was reality. Better mothers in the world, Andy believed were a finite few.

The highest quarter of his cock stretched her oesophagus as their act of debauchery climbed.

"Oh, wow...Mommy."

Darleen felt a current surge through her body on hearing him say that. He hadn't called her "Mommy" since he was a young boy. It was shameful, but it caused her great excitement. Her panties and biker shorts were already drenched, but now she felt a stream running down one thigh. Bad Mommy! Darleen thought, smiling on the inside.

Amazing as this oral session was, Andy knew it couldn't last forever. His climax lay around the corner, and he knew it'd soon come knocking. He thought of just going with it and coating Darleen's face, but there was something he still had to do with her.

Andy knew he was being impatient and should wait it out a few more sessions, but the thought of ending his virginity and achieving the goal to do so with this amazing woman, was too great for common sense to hold water.

However, he had enough wits about him to know coming out and asking her wouldn't go down smoothly. But a fiendish idea soon came to fruition.

Andy's hips pushed on. Then he huffed, "Oh, God...this's amazing. If only I could do this with your pussy, Mom."

Darleen's eyes bugged as she felt her biggest gag. She pushed his hands off her head, coughed twice and then looked up. "What?"

"Oops." He placed both hands over his mouth. "Sorry about the language, Mom."

"No, not that. If only you could do what?"

He feigned thinking. "Oh, that?"

"Yes, that."

"Is it so surprising, Mom? I mean, isn't it obvious? In fact, I think I've already sorta told you this before."

Darleen eyed him and looked in no mood for games. "I know you very well, Anderson Davenport: you wouldn't say something like that without reason. What are you getting at?"

Andy wondered how she could see through his ruse. It seemed like she'd tapped into that superpower all moms have to see through their kids most elaborate of schemes. But he wasn't about to give up on his act of ignorance without a fight.

"I'm not getting at anything. I just got caught up in...the heat of the moment. I didn't even know what I was saying."

Darleen stared with doubt. "If that's so, then how do you know what I'm talking about?"

He hesitated. "Aaah, because...you gave me a hint."

"I'm not buying this, Andy." Her head shook. "Just say what you want to say."

The young man placed his hands over his face with a sigh. He could see there was no point in carrying on with this charade. "Okay, Mom. You got me. I said what I said...because I'm trying to tell you...that I want to have actual sex with you."

Darleen's eyes and head dropped. In fact, her whole body deflated.

She knew this day would come. She knew some day her son would ask her to commit the ultimate sin. She didn't know when or how, but she knew the question was on its way. She didn't even expect it to come this soon, but she definitely expected it. This was in no way a surprise.

She'd lain awake at night, contemplating what she'd say when the time came. She never came up with a clear answer. The question terrified her to dwell on. In the end, Darleen trusted she'd make the right decision.

"No, Andy." She looked him in the eye, head shaking. "That's not going to happen."

As he returned her stare, Andy got the same look in his eye he used to get when he was little. Whenever Darleen and her son were in a store of some kind and he desperately wanted a sugary treat or an action figure or something other, he'd give her the same look he had right now. But Darleen would not be moved.

"Andy. No."

"Please, Mom." He placed his hands together. Yes, this is what it had come down to—grovelling. "I swear, I'll never ask you to do anything more if you grant me this last wi—no. Dream."

"Andy, no, stop asking me...because it's not going to happen." Her head shook. "And you know exactly why. I find it hard to believe that I've given you as much as I already have. "

His plead with his eyes remained, but Darleen showed no sign of caving. Andy sighed as his head and shoulders slumped. "Okay." He nodded. "I get it. It was stupid of me to think someone as beautiful as you would ever really be interested in me."

"Trying to lay a guilt trip on me isn't going to work, young man."

"That's not what I'm trying to do, Mom." He looked her in the eye. "Honestly speaking, none of the 'hot girls' in school are interested in me. They all think I'm just some geek who's probably into guys."

Even in her strong-willed state of mind, Darleen could empathise with him there. She'd also struggled to fit in through most of her school life, and, in spite of the situation, she felt his honesty. Darleen felt she had to say something other than just shoot him down.

"Andy...I'm going to be very honest with you, right now. I know I shouldn't say this, but: you're wrong. A part of me really does want to do what you just asked of me," she said and noticed him perk up. "It's true, honey.

"But that doesn't mean I'm going to let it happen. It would be extremely irresponsible of me, as a mother and a wife. And please let's not split hairs on what we've already done. I've punished myself enough over it...I probably still will." She sighed.

"So, yeah, it's final, baby...I'm not crossing that line." Her head wagged. "I hope you can tell that that's not because I don't believe you're good enough for me—because that's just ridiculous. It's just something I can't bring myself to do.

"Now—and I know I shouldn't—but I don't mind if we keep doing what we've been doing so far. But you need to understand that's all I'm willing to give." Darleen gave him a straight face. "And it's up to you to take it or leave it."

Andy thought about his mother's words. It was a tough pill to swallow, but he could tell there was no getting around her unwillingness to have intercourse with him.

He did find solace, however, in knowing that if she could—morally, at least—do so, she would. She'd also agreed to continue with their softcore form of incest. There was a moment in listening to her he thought she might cancel their whole arrangement. He figured he ought to be grateful.

It may have saddened Andy to know he'd never fulfil his deepest desire, but he felt it wasn't the end of the world. Although, he thought there still might be one more—not so softcore—thing she might allow him to try. With all the wild mom-son porn he'd watched, the idea had lurked in the back of his mind. Andy felt it'd be a satisfying consolation.

"Okay, Mom." He nodded. "I'm willing to accept and respect that vaginal intercourse is just out of the question for you. And I promise not to ask you about it, again."

"Thank you." She nodded.

"But..." he said, causing her eyebrows to rise, "there's still something in the realm of not actual sex that I feel we can still do."

Darleen was curious. "Go on."

"Ah, okay, um, would you mind...if we gave...um, anal sex a try?"

Her eyebrows shot up again and jaw dropped. Darleen's face reddened. She couldn't believe her son would ask that of her—especially given the size of his equipment. Did he want to make her scream "bloody murder"?

The young mother had taken cock in her rear end before, on more than one occasion, but only with her husband. On their first few attempts, Darleen didn't like the act, at all. She found it very uncomfortable, even with all the lube they used. But after trying to get more into it and loosening up a bit with the help of a couple toys, she wound up enjoying herself. She had even experienced anal orgasms, which she found amazing.

Butt sex was something Darleen occasionally enjoyed.

It was still strange to know her son wanted to sodomize her. It felt a little disrespectful. And could she handle his size in that way? This, however, was something she felt she'd never get to find out.

"Umm, yes...I would mind, Andy." She nodded. "It's still too intimate of a sexual act for me. You'd still be penetrating my nether region." Darleen noticed his disappointment, triggering her caring mother instincts. "But we could still try something else."

He perked up.

"I know a lotta guys love the idea of putting their cocks between a woman's tits." She squeezed hers together, making his cock twitch as she stood. "We can do that if you like."

Andy's dark eyebrows rose at watching and listening to her. Obviously, he'd contemplated the idea of titty banging his busty mom. Why wouldn't he? He was after all a boob man. He'd also wondered if she'd allow him to suck on her prominent nipples. Probably not, but it too was one of the many fantasies he had about Darleen.

Andy glanced down and noticed her little feet. They were beautiful to look at—clean and well taken care of. He had dabbled in mom-son footjob videos every so often, and it too felt like a tempting prospect.

Andy considered his options. In the end, the young man knew he'd have plenty of time to try them all.

"Would it be okay...if I, ah—excuse my French—fuck your feet?"

Darleen smiled with a shake of the head. "Like father, like son. Of course, you can." She slipped past him and sat on the edge of her bed. As Andy spun, his mother grasped his cock and pulled him closer. "But let's get this back up first." Her head and jaw fell as she took him back between her rosy lips.

With his erection still not at full strength, she was able to take in Andy's entire shaft. She sucked on it and felt him slowly swell inside her mouth. Darleen had always loved the feeling of an erection forming between her lips. She tried to keep in his cock's entirety and felt Andy expand into her throat, causing him to groan. Once his girth became too much to handle, she pulled up and resumed bobbing her head.

Over a minute ticked by as she coated his entire length, pulling out and licking the parts she couldn't swallow, testicles included.

Andy didn't believe he'd ever tire of Darleen's spectacular mouth. He thought of her as an artist of the blow job, causing a smile.

She slurped him from her lips and, still holding his erection, moved farther back on the bed. Andy watched with interest as she scooted her pale little feet onto the bed and fixed his shaft between them. She eased backwards, balancing herself on her elbows. Then she ran the inner sides of her soles up and down his length.

Andy loved the sight of Darleen's cute feet—white tipped nails and all—attempting to pleasure him. He could imagine her breasts providing a greater sensation, as they had a larger surface area to work with. But he wanted to enjoy this to its fullest. It felt naughty, in a different way from hand jobs and fellatio.

He took hold of her feet and tightened their grip as he helped Darleen manoeuvre them with greater pace and smoother rhythm. Andy found the experience exhilarating, but his mom decided to take it to the next level:

"Oh, yes," she purred. "Do you like sliding your big fat cock between Mommy's little feet?"

"Oh, man," Andy rasped with his eyes tightly shut and brought his hips in to thrust his way between her soles. "I do, Mom." He smiled, sheepishly. Dirty talk did not feel natural coming from his mouth.

"I bet you do. How many lucky boys' mommies out there...do you think allow them to do this to their hands, feet and mouths?"

"Aaah," he groaned, keeping his hips moving, and gasped, "I don't know."

"You're one of the lucky ones...Are you gonna shoot a big fat load for Mommy?" Darleen used her thumbs and middle fingers to roll her thick hard nipples. Had she played with herself in front of him before?

"Aaaaah, yeessss."

"Are you gonna cover my entire face in it?"

"Oh, man. Yes, Mom."


"Sooooon," Andy groaned and continued manoeuvring her feet."Well, then, you better make it quick. Mommy's been waiting a long time for it now."

He kept sliding his cock between his mom's feet as she talked filthy to him. Andy found her incredible. Darleen was truly his sexual goddess. The young man believed it would be a fruitless task to find someone one who could match or surpass the affect she had on him.

His eyes soon opened and he noticed Darleen's tits bouncing in her playful, squeezing hands, as if she sat on some malfunctioning massage chair.

Dear Lord, it was majestic to behold, and caused his first involuntary streak to shoot out and sully the bed along with her right foot. It was quickly followed by another that flew up her right calf and dripped down between her heels.

"Hey. Andy. That's supposed to be for my face."

"Oops...sorry, Mom," he gasped as his hips kept rocking. "That wasn't on purpose. Quick, get off the bed." He grunted as he released her feet.

Darleen scurried to kneel before him as Andy took hold of his cock. He stroked at it and within seconds, euphoria kicked in, his shaft throbbed and the young man groaned as he let loose.


For the next four beautiful weeks, Andy rushed back home from school and headed to his parents' bedroom. There he found Darleen, who never failed to help him achieve sexual release.

Sticking to their schedule, every second or third day, she stripped down to her bare necessities, involving either her yoga pants, biker shorts and, on three lucky occasions, a lacy pair of cheeky panties—pink, black and then purple. Then she knelt before her boy and used her hands, mouth, tits, feet and saucy language to coax orgasms from him. And Andy rewarded her efforts each time with a heavy load, banished upon her lovely face.

It was an amazing time; it was every perverted young man's dream; and lasted until the arrival of spring break. As usual, Andy made no reservations to go out and get hammered with his buddies, but at least this time he had a great excuse to be at home.

And even though he never achieved his goal to bed the woman of his dreams—as he kept his word and stopped asking—Andy had to admit, these four weeks were one hell of a time.


After getting eliminated in his latest Fortnite: Battle Royale attempt, Andy decided it was time for a break. He removed his headphones, stretched his back and took a sip of his energy drink. The last facial session he had with his mom was the day before, so he had no plans with her this afternoon. However, he felt the need to spend some time with dear ol' Mom, anyway. Maybe they could watch a movie or something.

He walked out his door and straight into his parents' open room. He found Darleen sitting on the edge of her bed, using the landline. It didn't look like she enjoyed her conversation.

"Are you messing with me, Maxine?" she said with concern on her face. A distorted voice cried from the receiver. "Okay...Oh, God, this can't be happening." She placed her free hand over her face and more distortion followed. "Okay, Maxine...Okay, thank you for letting me know." She sighed. "I'll talk to you later...Thanks." Darleen put down the receiver, and then hung her head.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Andy wasn't sure what to make of what he'd heard.

Darleen remained seated with her head low. Then she shook it as she looked up at him. "I'm not sure." Darleen stood and made her way to her closet. "But I'm about to find out." She stepped into a pair of sneakers.

"Aaaah...want me to come with you?"

The young mother hesitated as she shouldered her purse and looked him in the eye. Andy got the impression she searched for something—an answer, if you will, deeper than the words that left her mouth:

"Ummm...okay." She nodded. "It might be best."

Andy and Darleen climbed into her white Porsche Cayenne. Once they were buckled up, she backed out of the driveway, gunned the accelerator and drove out the neighbourhood.

The mother and son sat in silence as they headed towards the city, with Darleen's foot heavy on the accelerator whenever the road opened. There was no point in trying to talk to her. Her eyes remained on the road, and she looked in no mood for a conversation outside the one in her head.

Andy wondered what it was about. Obviously nothing good. He rarely saw her in this mood. Andy knew he didn't need to question what all this fuss was over. Since he was along for the ride, he'd soon have an answer.

Eventually, Darleen steered into the parking lot of a motel inn. Once she backed into a particular parking spot, she pulled up her handbrake, shifted the car into neutral and killed its engine. Andy waited for her to open her door and step out. She only detached her seatbelt. He followed suit.

"What're we doing here, Mom?"

She didn't answer or turn her head to acknowledge his existence. Her focus remained on the east wing of the motel.

He stared at her. Man, she's being weird.

Minutes ticked by, and many more.

Andy's stomach growled. He tired of the games on his phone. Plus, his battery ran low. All he wanted was to head back home at this point. He no longer cared what he and Darleen were here for.

He heard a gasp.

Andy eyed his mom. He noticed a hand over her mouth and devastation in her eyes. He looked to where she did and shock filled his eyes, too.

Andy spotted his father in the doorway of a room on the second floor of the motel. With the jacket of his suit missing, his light blue dress shirt looked dishevelled—collar up, tie crooked and all—and so did his hair. The whereabouts of his jacket was no mystery. It hung in the arms of the blonde woman who stood before him.

It took a moment for it to register to Andy, but the woman's name was Lacey—Lacey McCauley. He remembered meeting her on a couple trips to his dad's office. He never talked to her for too long, but he remembered finding her gorgeous.

She was in her mid or late twenties, and was also the PA of some exec in the company. Andy also remembered—disappointingly, to him at the time—that she sported a wedding band.

He watched stunned as his dad and Lacey talked in the doorway with toothy smiles. Then Oscar leaned over and planted his lips on his colleague's. Andy turned his attention to his mom. Mascara dyed tears ran down her cheeks. This wasn't easy for the young man to witness.

I knew it. Darleen shook her head, sniffled and wiped her face. I knew all along he was doing this to me.

Her thoughts may have come from the perspective of hindsight, but seeing her husband and his tramp made the last few months make sense: the lack of intimacy, his decline of interest in her, and, more tellingly, the reduction of his semen. Old age, my ass! It all made sense.

The thought of him stepping out of their marriage had crossed her mind, but she'd dismissed the notion.

How could I be so stupid! She wiped her face, again, reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. She snapped a few pictures of Oscar and his skank, and one of his car. Then she reached for the ignition and brought her SUV to life.

The drive back home was another silent affair. Andy fully understood it this time. He couldn't believe what he'd seen and wondered what this meant for his family. Andy knew he was no saint in all this, but that didn't make the situation any easier to accept. How could Dad do this? He shook his head with his face in his hand.

When they arrived back home, the mother and son entered the house and headed straight upstairs. As they reached Andy's bedroom, Darleen ordered him to get inside and pack his bags, at once. He felt no need to protest. Darleen then headed to her bedroom, stepped into her closet and found her vacation bags.

After dealing with his own luggage, Andy helped his mother place her bags into her car. Before he could head upstairs to bring down her last bag, his dad's Mercedes coupé pulled into the driveway.

Andy was instructed by Darleen to get into her car and wait. She told him she could handle her last bag.

She walked into the house, headed upstairs and into her bedroom. Darleen eyed her bag for a moment. Then she walked to her bed and sat. Oscar soon strolled into the bedroom with his briefcase, casual as ever.

"Babe, I'm back. What's for..." He stopped in his tracks. "What's with the bag?" he said, pulled off his jacket and hung it up.

Darleen stared, seated. "How could you?"

Her words were calm, but any fool would notice the rage in her eyes.

"Whoa. Honey, calm down." His hands came up. "I'll take the trash out in a minute. No need to pack your bags." He could tell she was in no mood for wisecracks. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"How could you, Oscar? How could you cheat on me with that little whore?"

His face turned grim. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play games with me, Oscar! Don't. I saw you with her an hour ago!"

He looked confused.

"Oh. You need me to refresh your memory, do you? Okay." She reached into her purse, pulled out her phone, made her way to her pictures and tossed it to him.

Oscar caught it and examined the evidence. "Fuck," he sighed.

"How long have you been doing this?"

He stared at her, concerned.


Oscar exaggerated a sigh, then walked over to her dresser and took a seat. "Is that really important, Darleen?"

"Just answer the motherfuckin' question!"

"Okay, umm...I don't know. A few months now—maybe."

"I knew it. I knew it, you cheating BASTARD!"

"Is this really how we're gonna handle this, Darleen? You yelling at me for the next two hours? Okay. You got me. I cheated." He tossed her phone back, landing on the bed. "I'm sorry!"

"Well, you don't sound very sorry."

"Oh. Dear. God. Darleen, what do you want from me?" Oscar placed his face in his hands.

Darleen stared at her husband. His lack of remorse shocked her more than anything. Didn't he care about what he'd done, didn't he care about their marriage, their family, did he no longer care about her or her feelings?

Darleen wondered who this man was who sat before her. It certainly wasn't the same one she fell in love with nearly two decades earlier. She felt she may as well have been looking at a stranger.

"Oscar...tell me what's going on here. Why are you talking to me like this? Does this woman mean something to you?"

He faked a laugh and shook his head. "No."

"Be honest with me here, Oscar. Look dead into my eyes and tell me she means nothing to you."

Oscar looked his wife in the eye for what felt like an eternity to her. He seemed to struggle to find words. Then his head dropped.

That one action hurt Darleen a million times more than what she'd seen at the motel. To her, this was the ultimate betrayal. She didn't know where she found the strength not to stand up and maul him to within an inch of his life.

"So what does this mean for us?" Her eyes welled.

"I...really don't know." His head shook. "Probably nothing." Oscar shrugged.

She found that impossible to believe. "Okay." Darleen placed her phone into her purse and stood, wiping her face. "I think we just need a little time apart." She walked to her bag and extended its handle. "And then...we'll take things from there."

As she headed for the door, a part of Darleen hoped he'd say something and try to convince her to stay. She knew she would've left, regardless, but she wanted to hear him fight for them, and wanted to leave on better terms than this.

He remained silent.


"So...we're staying at Grandma and Grandpa's place, huh?" Andy unbuckled his seatbelt as they pulled into his grandparents' driveway.

"Only for a little while, sweetheart. I think we need to give your dad some space to clear his head. Then...we'll see what happens."

"Okay." He opened his door. "Let's try and make the most of this."

As they walked up the lit stone pathway toward the house, Darleen looked over her shoulder and said, "Honey, don't tell Grandma or Grandpa about anything that happened this afternoon."

"Of course, Mom."

"I'll let them know what's going on when I feel the time is right."

Darleen rang the doorbell a couple times. Soon after, Gloria Walker opened the front door. "Honey!" She beamed and stuck in her key to unlock the door's gate. "What're you doing here, and at this hour?"

"Hi, Mom." Darleen smiled back and gave her a hug. "Well, Andy and I thought we'd just stop by and maybe have dinner with you and Grandpa."

"Of course, of course. And just in time, too. Your daddy's in the kitchen, right now, finishin' up with his famous oxtail soup."

"Sorry we didn't call in advance."

"It's quite all right, dear. Oh my, your skin looks amazing, darling." She placed a hand on Darleen's cheek, causing her to blush. Gloria turned her attention to a smiling Andy and opened her arms. "And how's my grandbaby?"

"I'm doing okay, Grandma." He gave her a squeeze. "You?"

"I'm good, too, dear." She took a moment to admire him. "Okay, you two come on in and make yourselves right at home. Oh, and go and wash your hands while I put down two extra plates at the table for y'all."

Once everyone was seated at the dinner table, and grace was said by a smiling Gloria, the family dug in and enjoyed the delicious meal Grandpa Grant had prepared.

It was a causal affair.

Most of the chatter derived from Darleen and her mother, as they caught up on current news—barring one subject—and engaged in their usual gossip. Andy threw in his two cents every now and then. Grandpa grunted with a nod or shake of the head whenever a question came his way.

Andy had always known his grandfather to be that way—a man of few words. In a way, he thought he and Gramps were alike. Andy too was never the life of the party.

He figured his grandmother was probably the perfect person for old Grandpa Grant. Other than the cute fact they shared the same initials, Grandma Gloria was the exact opposite—never short on words. Andy thought they evened each other out.

And might that be how they managed to stay together for all those years? Forty-one, to be accurate. He wasn't exactly sure, since research suggested those with similar personalities were better suited for one another.

"I love the new colour of your hair, Mom."

"Why thank you, dear. " Gloria smiled. "I'd been thinking about making the change for a while now."

"Well I think you made the right choice. Blonde really works for you."

Darleen's mother smiled, again. "Okay, well, it looks like everybody's just about done."

"Need any help with the dishes, Grandma?" Andy took a sip of his soda.

"Don't worry about it, dear. Me and your mom will take care of it. Why don't you and Grandpa head to the den and watch some TV. I'll bring you both a slice of my blueberry pie, and maybe Grandpa will even let you have one of his beers."

"Mom, he's still only eighteen."

"Ohh, don't be such a fuddy-duddy, Darleen."

Soon Andy and his grandfather were settled in the living room, while Darleen and her mom kept themselves busy in the kitchen. As Darleen attended to the dishes, Gloria sliced out a third helping of her store bought pie. She'd lied to Andy for years about being its baker, but Darleen had long caught on. Gloria also poured her daughter a glass of milk to enjoy.

"Are you and Andy plannin' to stay the night? It's getting pretty late out there." She looked out the window.

"Would you mind if we did?"

"Of course not." Gloria placed Darleen's pie and milk beside her on the counter. "I'll make sure the guest bedrooms are ready for y'all."

"Thanks, Mom...Oh, and would it be okay if we stayed for a few more days after?"

Gloria stepped up to the sink and eyed her daughter. "Why? Is something goin' on between you and Oscar?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded. "We really got into it today."

"What happened?"

Darleen hesitated. "Well..." she said, placed a glass in the rinsing water and filled her mom in on the details.

"I can't believe he would do that." Her head shook.

"Yeah. But please don't tell Dad. He doesn't need to know. At least not until I know what's going to happen moving forward. For now, though, you can just tell him Oscar and I got into a big fight and I need somewhere to stay for a little while."

Her mother sighed. "All right, then, darlin'. My lips are sealed. I'm still shocked about the way he behaved."

"Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?" She shrugged. "Hey, when are you and Dad gonna move back into the future and buy a new dishwasher?"

"Ohh, you know how uptight he is about spendin' money."


Later that evening, Andy lay awake in his new bedroom for the next—he wasn't sure how many days. He thought about his current day. It seemed to be going okay until he and his mom found his dad out. He didn't know what on earth Oscar had been thinking. How could he be so stupid?

Andy believed had he been lucky enough to end up in a relationship with someone like Darleen, he never would've strayed—not even for Lacey McCauley.

That old fool. He sighed, shaking his head.

He looked at the desk placed in the corner of the dark room, illuminated only by his bedside lamp and the moonlight shining through his sheer white curtain. He wondered why he'd left his computer behind. Andy didn't think he could go on watching Fox News and sports with his grandfather.

Plus, Grandpa Grant was retired. He and Grandma Gloria would be around all day. That meant facials were probably off the table. He figured he could use his cell phone to help relieve himself, but, still, what would he do with the rest of his time? Maybe his mom would allow him to drive back to the house while his dad was at work. Andy switched off the lamp and closed his eyes.

Moments later, he heard a gentle knock on his door. He answered. The door creaked open, and in stepped Darleen. She was in a sleeveless white nightgown that stopped a little way past her knees. It looked somewhat old-fashioned, but elegant.

"Everything okay, Mom?"

"Yes," she whispered, walking up to his queen size bed, and took a seat. "I, ah, just...don't really feel like being alone right now. Would it be okay if I just cuddled with you for a little while?"

"Of course, Mom." Andy nodded and pulled back the cover.

"Thanks, hon." Darleen slipped in and rested her head on his shoulder. She curled her left arm across his chest and rested the same side's leg on top of his. They adjusted to get comfortable.

It didn't take long for Andy to become dazzled by her scent. And this time, he picked up her strawberry scented hair conditioner. As usual, he couldn't name the fragrance. All he knew was he enjoyed the smell. He closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. He let it out with a smile.

Andy also enjoyed the position they lay embraced in. The intimacy felt good. Curling his arm around her neck and resting his palm on her upper arm, he didn't ever want to let go. He could lie with Darleen like this until the rapture of heaven's gates came calling. Funny, he didn't think it would feel as good.

"Are you okay with everything that happened today, hon?"

"Yeah. Still a little...shocked. But yeah."

"I'm sorry I took you with me to find out if it was true. You didn't deserve to see that."

"It's okay, Mom."

"I only brought you along because if what Maxine told me turned out to be true, I wanted you to be the first to know."

Andy wasn't sure what to make of that.

"Meaning...I wanted to see...if I can count on you; if you would...be there for me."

He considered. "Always, Mom—without question."

Darleen snuggled him tighter. "I know." She sighed. "It's why I love you so much."

"...I love you, too, Mom."

Following a moment, Darleen looked up and into his light blue eyes. She gazed into his soul. Then her face moved in and lips merged with his.

Andy expected her to pull back after a second, but their lips remained sealed. His eyes closed as he took in the beautiful feel of their first kiss—complemented by her soft round lips. Of course, Darleen had given him many kisses before, but none on this level. This was different. This had meaning. This felt like Andy and Darleen's first true kiss.

If the young man had a favourite moment over the last few weeks, this would definitely be it.

Darleen shifted her leg farther across him as she climbed her son's frame, straddling his waist. The lock of their lips broke as she did, but she quickly reunited them.

The sound of their lips smacking emerged. Her tongue pushed past his lips. Andy accepted it with glee and reciprocated by entering her mouth, too. Darleen felt him swell between them.

Their make out session went on for minutes before she pulled back and looked deep into his eyes, once more. She then turned her frame, flicking his blanket away and sat astride his waist, facing the other way.

The young mother hooked her thumbs into his boxers and lifted its waistband over his erection. Andy helped her get his underwear down by lifting his hips. She backed farther up his frame as she reached back and pulled the hem of her nightgown above her waist.

Andy was startled to see Darleen's bare round cheeks in his line of sight, glowing in the moonlight. No panties? He hardened further. Oh, how he'd longed to see her tight round ass unhindered by clothing. It looked as beautiful as he'd imagined.

Given the lack of lighting, he couldn't get a great look at Darleen's slightly parted pussy. However, he could tell it was as smooth as his pubic region—like he'd hoped. Andy got into the idea of shaving his pubic region when he realised he might be able to get hand jobs from Darleen. He knew it made him look more prominent.

His heart hammered as her pussy inched towards his face. The next thing he knew, it hovered over his lips. In his distraction, Andy couldn't tell Darleen had taken hold of his shaft.

He placed his hands on her taut ass cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze. Then he leaned in, compressed his nose against her perineum, and took in a deep inhale. God, he loved her heavenly smell; almost as much as he loved the feel of Darleen taking in his cockhead. The combination made him sigh.

His tongue snaked out as Darleen sucked more of him in. Beginning at her budding clitoris, Andy slid his tongue all the way down her slit before sliding the back of it back up to her clit. Meanwhile, Darleen's head bobbed, sounding as if she rushed to finish a hot cup of tea.

Andy continued his oral assault on her labia. He used his tongue to saturate them in his saliva and her own juices. Darleen moaned with a mouthful of cock. Andy lined up the tip of his tongue with her opening. Then squeezing her ass and pulling it downwards, he pushed his face in and penetrate her.

The dark-haired mother had to release him from her mouth to let out her groan.

Andy swirled his tongue and savoured her insides. Man, he loved the taste of Darleen's honey pot—the first he ever sampled: so much so, it wouldn't have bothered him if it was the last.

Darleen took him back between her lips. Andy moved his head back and forth and used his tongue to bring her pleasure. It made it hard for the young mother to focus, but she sucked the majority of his length back in, penetrating her throat, omitting only a couple inches.

Andy slid his hands to her waist. She returned to bobbing. He pushed her vulva farther up his face. With the tip of his nose between her labia, the young man sealed his lips around her swollen clitoris sucked it in. Darleen was forced to release a soft cry.

He sucked her clit in and out his mouth and used his hands to knead her buttocks, which was more for him than her. Andy had wanted to play with his mom's round ass for weeks now, and the opportunity was at its best.

Darleen tried to keep her lips moving, but she found it impossible to concentrate. If they fought over who could better endure oral pleasure, she would've been declared the loser, hands down.

As he sucked her clit, the young mother felt her insides ripple. Her exterior trembled as euphoria engulfed her. Darleen's eyes rolled and back arched as her noisiest groan gravelled from her throat.

It's a good thing her parents lay fast asleep, and that their bedroom was all the way down the hallway.

Andy sucked and licked on as her orgasm ascended. It'd been long since she last experienced one as powerful with someone other than herself.

Darleen's legs struggled to keep her up as she regained her composure. She took Andy back into her mouth and sucked on his erection , satisfied. It didn't take long, though, for him to send her through the motions of another earth shattering climax.

Minutes flowed as Andy devoured Darleen's pussy and sent her over the edge.

He couldn't get enough of her taste. It didn't even bother him she couldn't seem to keep up in their exchange of oral. He felt he owed her this, and more. Even though Andy never failed to uphold his end of the deal by coating her face, he always believed Darleen received the short end of the stick. He was more than happy to return the favour.

"Andy, baby...stop," she panted, but he feasted on. "Before you make me pass out."

Getting in two last licks, Andy finally released her buttocks as his head fell back. Darleen caught her breath. Then, on shaky knees, she crawled her way down his body. She sat up, sitting on his stomach, and pulled her nightgown over her head.

As she tossed it to the floor and switched directions, Andy reached for his bedside table and switched on his lamp to get a better view of her body.

The first thing he noticed was a fading animated dolphin tattoo, about an inch in length, on the inside left of her pelvic bone. He wondered when she got it. He knew his mother had a soft spot for the majestic sea creatures, but he never thought of her as the kind to get inked up, and in that area.

Then again, he'd been learning about her wild side.

What was wonderful to see, though, were all her splaying curves peeled of apparel. Andy could only describe it in one word: "Wow," he mouthed.

Darleen smiled as she looked him in the eye. "Take that shirt off. It makes me feel like a cheap date."

"Okaay." Andy sat up, pulled off his t-shirt and rested against the headboard. Was what he thinking, about to happen?

His mouth dried and heart thumped. Darleen inched closer towards him on her knees. She suspended her vulva over his erection and dangled her tits in his face, and placed her left hand on his shoulder as the other reached back and took hold of his shaft.

Oh, God. It's really gonna happen. Andy's heart hammered double-time.

She slowly lowered her hips and placed his glans at her gates. Then she placed her right hand on his other shoulder and farther lowered her frame. Darleen's eyes closed with a moan as his cockhead breached her walls. Then the rest of his erection stretched her like she'd never been stretched by a man before. Darleen struggled to contain her cry, letting out only enough to set off the neighbours' dog, followed by an intense groan.

As we all know, in a different way, the experience was brand new to Andy, as well. But could it be? Had he done it? Had he entered the vagina he coveted most in the world and lost his virginity while at it?

The young man was over the moon. This was easily the happiest moment of his young life, eclipsing his first trip to Disney World as a kid. The sensation of Darleen's constrictor of a pussy was wondrous, but it came second to knowing he shared this experience with his beloved mother.

As she bottomed on his erection with a final soft moan, he wrapped his arms around her waist. He held her in place, and rested the side of his face against her chest. This reaction took Darleen by surprise, but she put her arms around his head, in response.

The mother and son couple sat still with their eyes closed as they enjoyed the feeling of being one, once more.

Moments didn't get any more intimate.

Thirty silent seconds to a minute passed. Then Darleen removed her arms from his head and placed her palms to his cheeks. She smiled as she looked him in the eye. She pecked him on the lips, then placed her hands on his shoulders and used her legs to push her body upwards with a gasp.

Once she felt only his glans remained between her labia, she dropped back down. Darleen moaned, closing her eyes as his shaft once again stretched apart her inner walls. She'd never been so full.

Over and over, the young mother slowly bounced in her son's lap. She would've been amazed if she ever found a better lover. And the crazy thing was he could only get better. Darleen felt privileged to be the lucky girl chosen to unlock his full potential. It made her giddy, but the sensation of his cock was probably a contributing factor.

As she bounced on, moaning and groaning with her eyes shut, Andy became mesmerised by her hefty tits. He loved how when they dropped, gravity held them down an extra second before springing back up with the rest of her frame. He found it incredibly sexy, and could've watched all night, but there was something he needed to do.

He raised his hands and held her breasts. Darleen slowed down her rhythm. Andy tilted his head and took in her right nipple, sucking on it and causing her head and dark hair to fall back a few inches.

He kneaded the soft yet firm features of her breasts as he nursed on her thick nub, slowly running his tongue around it. Even though it held no distinctive taste—like her delectable pussy—Andy enjoyed sucking on it just as much.

He did for a while, as Darleen moaned and grinded their groins like an ambitious stripper looking for a big tip. Andy moved on to her other tit and gave it some attention, too.

On a side note: what is it about a guy and his insatiable need to suck on a woman's breasts? Why is it a must? All Andy knew was he had to satiate this primal need, as he switched from mammary to mammary.

Then he placed his hands on her waist and pushed Darleen upward, encouraging her to resume her bounce. She let out a soft yet high-pitched cry each time she bottomed on his erection, which Andy enjoyed hearing. It let him know he had an effect on her.

According to statistics and conversations he had with his three buddies, he'd always known he was considered "well-endowed." However, Andy wasn't sure if he'd be a good enough lay for a woman in her prime. He was glad he didn't seem to be a let-down.

The frequency of Darleen's whimpers increased alongside the rhythm of her bounce. Tiny orgasms rippled through her body as she enjoyed the feel of Andy's cock, reaching parts of her that had never been reached. And thanks to his unquenchable thirst for cunnilingus, seconds later, sheer euphoria crashed over her, once more.

Darleen bit down on her lip to supress her scream. Her frame shook, sealed eyes tightened and pussy lips contracted. Andy loved the sensation. It felt as if her inner walls attempted to suck his semen from his balls. At this rate, it wouldn't take long.

As Darleen's senses slowly returned, she rested her chin on Andy's right shoulder as their sweaty chests lay pressed together. How had he not cum, yet? The young mother caught her breath, baffled. One thing was for certain, though: come hell or high water, she'd feel his cum soak her insides.

Only letting his lower half escape, Darleen turned her frame and faced the other way, placing her hands on the mattress. Andy had lowered farther down the headboard, to help get her leg over his stomach, and placed his hands on her curvy hips.

He was pleased to be greeted by Darleen's nude round ass, again. He felt he'd never grow tired of its image. Andy may have loved boobs, but the feminine spectacle of a woman's bulging backside enthralled him just as much.

Darleen gained her balance then restarted the bounce of her hips. Reeling from her orgasm, she started slow, but in time, gradually picked up speed. Then came the meaty sound of her bubble butt crashing down on Andy's pelvis.

With her hands resting just above his knees, her back arched and the movement her hips, it almost appeared as if she twerked for Andy. Had she taken classes? She looked in her element.

Andy loved the show—complemented by the winking eye of her back door. It seemed to entice him. Was there no part of Darleen's anatomy that didn't leave him spellbound?

Time and again, the raven-haired, blue-eyed beauty dropped her round ass onto her son's pelvis, releasing an, "Aaahh," each time he stretched her apart. Two more small orgasms took her. Where were they all coming from?

Then she slid free from his appendage, bent over, and rested on her forearms. "Fuck me, honey," Darleen groaned, eyes shut. "Take Mommy from behind, baby."

Excited by her words, her upturned ass and his first opportunity at doggy, Andy quickly slid his legs from beneath her. He got her calves between his knees, slotted his glans past her labia and took hold of her hips. Then he thrust and drove his ridiculously hard erection deep within her.

Darleen gasped before releasing a noisy groan, muffled by her burying her face into the duvet. Then, in a low but demanding voice, she said, "Fuck me."

Andy withdrew from her depths, and before the top quarter of his length could depart her labia, he thrust back in and refilled her to the brim.

"Aaaaaahh!...Fuck me."

He withdrew once more then surged back in, rocking Darleen's fleshy tits beneath her. The young man kept at it, impaling his bent over mother. With her eyes tightly shut, she moaned, groaned, grunted and used terms of deity as she egged him on:

"Yes. Yes, Andy, baby, fuck Mommy.

"Make her feel good...Take her. Take me.

"I'm all yours now...use me like I am.

"Fill me up. Slap my ass. Call me your slut. Call me your whore.

"Use me however you want to, baby. My body's yours.

"Fuck me. Make me feel good. Make Mommy yours, baby.

"Make me more than your mommy: make me your woman, make me your slave, make me your lover, make me your submissive little slut.

"Make me whatever you want, Andy...Just make me your everything.

"Mommy's yours, baby! She is!"

Darleen gasped. "Oh God...Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!"

To Andy, it almost felt as if her words weren't directed at him. Without giving him a chance to respond, it sounded more like she was in deep prayer. Little did he know, his thoughts weren't far from true: as he ploughed into her, Darleen knew words left her mouth, but she hadn't a clue what she said. It was as if she left her body and her subconscious took over, causing her to speak in—sexual "tongues," if you will.

What was evident to Andy, however, was he loved listening to her. Her words had an undeniable effect on him, causing his hips to pump with greater energy. And as he slammed into her, he pulled on her hips, forcing her derrière to meet his thrusts. The sound of colliding flesh resembled that of a harsh spanking.

If either Grandma or Grandpa awoke, there'd be no convincing them they'd heard differently. What had started out as a sweet session of love between Andy and Darleen had turned into a bona fide romp in the sack. There was no doubt about that.

The frenetic pace of it all, mixed with Darleen's saucy words, became too much for the young stallion to contend with. Right before his mother's gasp and cries of "Oh God," he thrust his cock all the way within her. He squeezed her hips, grunted and tried to force more of himself inside her pussy as his shaft throbbed and euphoria finally claimed him.

Heavy groans alongside cries of, "Oh God," rang through the room as Andy fertilised Darleen's cervix. A seemingly infinite amount of cum streamed from his body. The young mother had missed the feeling of her insides being drenched to this extent. Yet another overwhelming orgasm coursed through her frame.

Then moments later, Andy and Darleen collapsed.

His cock remained between her walls, twitching at random, giving Darleen everything. Too much for her quim to contain, thick white goo seeped from between her labia and Andy's softening erection.

They lay still, eyes closed, his weight on top of her, as they slowly recaptured their breath and regained their senses.

Moments passed.

Then they stirred, crawled back under the cover, and nestled in one another's embrace. Darleen's head lay on top of Andy's chest and with his arm around her neck, he stroked her upper arm as the mother and son pair basked in the ambiance of post-coital bliss.

"I don't know what to say..." Andy said, head shaking, two minutes later. "Thank you?"

Darleen smiled with a purr. "No need to thank me. I wanted to, and enjoyed it just as much as you—if not, more."

He smiled subtly. "All I know is that was incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better first time."

"Really?" She smiled. "I'm your first?"

"Uh-huh." Andy nodded. "Like I've told you, girls aren't really all that interested in me."

"Well, then all the girls you know are idiots. If only they knew what a sweet and caring young man you are, and what lays hidden inside your pants." She gave his cock a gentle squeeze. Strangely, Andy enjoyed the sharp feeling of her nails. "Then they'd all be throwing themselves at you."

"Uh...technically, Mom, the phrase is 'what lies hidden.'"

She chuckled. "Although," Darleen sighed, "I can see how being a know-it-all might get under one's skin."

Andy too chuckled. "Sorry."

"I'm only teasing, dear."

"Oh and, by the way—thanks for the compliment—but we all know girls aren't really into the nice guy."

"Ah, yes...To be young and dumb." She sighed. "I've been there. It's sad, really. But at least you know I appreciate you, honey. And someday, you'll find someone who does, too, just as much—I promise."

He thought. "I won't need to, though. As long as I've got you, that's all I'll ever need."

Darleen felt her heart swell. It'd been a long while since someone made her feel like a princess. She hugged him tighter and hoped his words were true. "I'll always be here for you, my love."

Andy smiled.

Moments went by as they enjoyed each other's warmth and company in silence. Then a question brewed in the young man's mind. It came up a little while earlier. He was too absorbed by intercourse to ask, but now he felt he had to:

"Mom, are—or were you okay with me...ah, cumming inside you?"

She lay silent. "Why do you ask, hon?"

"Ah, you know: aren't you worried about...falling pregnant?"

"...Are you worried?"

Andy thought. "Umm...yes and no."

Her face scrunched. "Whatchu mean?"

"Ah, well, 'no': because I wouldn't mind going through that kind of thing with you. And 'yes': because I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that kind of responsibility."

"That's sweet. And, yes, you're not ready." Her head shook. "Finish school before you even start thinking about that kind of thing. You've still got your whole life ahead of you. But to put your mind at ease; no, I'm not worried. I'm on the pill."

Andy didn't respond, but Darleen sensed the next question on his mind. "You see, your dad isn't—wasn't too keen on the idea of bringing more children into the world. He was happy with just you. So he and I implemented steps to prevent it from happening—birth control and facials being the latest, uh, ploys."

Andy took notice of her relegating Oscar to the past tense and considered her words. "And what about you?"

Darleen's face slightly scrunched, again. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, did you wanna have more kids?"

Again, she went silent. Then she sighed. "I did." Darleen nodded. "As a young girl, I used to picture myself having four, maybe five kids. I think such thoughts came with being an only child. I didn't want my kid—or...you—feeling as lonely as I used to, sometimes. Guess I didn't account for video games and technology alleviating the boredom of kids today. Still, it's something I wanted. But having a lot of kids is something you just don't force on your partner."

"Hmm." Andy thought. "I get you, Mom." He nodded. Then following a moment, he said, "For the record, and if it were up to me and I could have things my way, I'd give you all the kids you want."

Darleen laughed. "Listen to you, you naughty boy—talking about knocking up your own mother."

Andy smiled. He knew about the possible complications of getting a blood relative pregnant, but his love for Darleen was true. He wanted to give her the world, moon, sun and stars, and wasn't worried about the risks.

"Yeah, I know I shouldn't...but—Aah, you know what, yeah, I shouldn't be asking about this kind of thing."

Curious, Darleen said, "It's okay, honey; say what you want to say."

"Noo, it's just that—Ngghh, okay. I was just wondering...if you might be open to the possibility: you know, having more kids."

"I assume you mean with you."

"Yeah," he murmured.

"Uh, I...honestly haven't given it much thought." Her head shook. "Any thought, really. Not many mothers do when thinking about their son." She mulled. "So, yeah, I'm not sure. But...in reality, who knows what the future holds?"

Andy processed. "Well, whatever you decide, just know I'll be okay with it. And as long as your 'future holds' me, I'll be happy with whichever way it turns out."

Darleen smiled and looked up to face him. "Of course my future holds you in it, silly. You're the ray of sunshine in my life." Still smiling, she pecked him on the lips.

Andy placed his other arm around her, pulled her in and gave her another kiss chocked-full of passion. Their mouths slightly parted and closed on one another's as he caressed her back and bottom. Andy was overjoyed that at the tender age of eighteen, he'd already found his "one." Funny, he'd known her his entire life. It felt like something out of a movie.

As their kiss progressed, Darleen felt his cock harden against her leg. Ah, to be young and always eager, the young mother thought with a smile as he climbed her frame, positioning himself between her legs. He separated their lips to take hold of his shaft and placed his glans at the entrance of her flushed vulva. He kissed her again as he thrust his hips, causing Darleen to groan into his mouth.


The following morning, with a smile on his face, the young man woke up with the same amount of joy in his heart he'd fallen asleep with. It didn't take long, however, for that smile to dissipate as he smoothed his palm against the spot he last remembered his mom. He turned his head.

She was gone. Vanished in the middle of the night like a fabled pumpkin carriage.

Had the previous night been nothing but a dream—a hallucination caused by the effects of REM sleep? No. It was too real, too memorable for that to be true. More tellingly, his aching muscles told a different tale to that of a restful night in bed.

Andy stretched his back with a yawn as he stared at the ceiling and thought about the night before. It was an amazing period of time, better than his wildest of dreams and something he'd hold dear to his heart forever. He'd lost his virginity to his beautiful loving mother.

A smile took over his face again as he thought of himself as the luckiest guy on the planet. He couldn't wait to see where it all led. Andy got the sense, during his last chat with Darleen, that the future looked promising.

He found his t-shirt and boxers, unzipped a bag and pulled on a pair of pyjama bottoms. Then he headed to the bathroom, urinated to relieve his morning wood, splashed water onto his face and brushed his teeth. He arrived at the kitchen last, where he found Darleen and his grandparents.

Grandpa Grant sat at the kitchen table with a steaming cup of coffee and its pot as he solved the newspaper's crossword. While Grandma Gloria and Darleen laughed and gabbed away over the island, preparing eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausages and toast.

The smell of it was terrific. Andy loved his grandmother's Midwestern ways. Too bad she'd been converted into cooking everything with olive oil, instead of her patented butter. The young man smiled. Still, he knew the meal would be scrumptious.

Andy greeted everybody, sat down at the table by his grandfather and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Did you sleep okay, Grandpa?"

"Nggh." He nodded, focused on his puzzle.

Judging by both his grandparents' usual demeanour, Andy was relieved to know they hadn't the foggiest what had taken place in his temporary bedroom hours earlier. His mother's occasional noisy spells had left him concerned. If his grandparents had heard them, then this would've been the most awkward breakfast ever.

Disaster avoided, though.

He added cream and sugar to his cup, pulled out his phone and played a few rounds of The Bubble Witch. Darleen and Gloria soon joined the table with everything in tow. Grandpa put aside his pencil and paper. Andy said grace. Then everybody filled their plates.

"So, Andy," Grandma said, "I trust you had a good night of sleep?"

"Uh, yeah." He nodded. "You can say that."

Darleen smiled, resembling a troublesome teenage girl.

"And what do you plan on doing today?" Gloria said.

"Ah, I—"Andy flinched as he felt a bare foot running up his leg. Grandpa gave him a look. "I-I'm not sure. I was actually hoping I could head back home...to get my computer." The foot reached his crotch.

"Well, you're always welcome to use our computer, hon."

"Thanks, Grandma." Darleen's foot stroked his sleeping appendage, causing it to stir. He cleared his throat. "But it's-it's not"—he coughed—"really the same. My-my computer's made up of...different, ah, parts and, ah...programs that I need."

"Oh. Okay, then. Are you feeling all right, honey?"

"Yeah." He nodded and took a sip from his mug.

After a smile, Darleen dropped her foot. "Ummm...we'll see if we can go and pick up your computer later on, Andy." She nodded.

"In the meantime, honey," Gloria said, "if you find yourself bored, and you're not in the mood for TV, you can use the study. I know how much you love readin' and I believe there's a few old comics in there that I've been meaning to give to you."

"Really?...Thanks, Grandma."

Cutlery clinked against plates.

"No problem, dear. You can also help me with my gardening today, if you like. Your grandpa will be out back, too, mowin' the lawn."

"Uh, you sure you don't want me to do that?"

"No, it's quite all right." She shook her head with a smile. "He likes it. We managed to get ourselves a steal for one of those ol' lawnmowers you can ride around on."

Andy and Darleen chuckled.

"But if you're so keen on helpin' out, you can always wash the dishes for me when we're done."

"No worries, Grandma."

"And what're your plans for today, darlin'?" Gloria turned her attention to her daughter.

With her foot now on her chair, Darleen swallowed her bite of toast, wiped her mouth and brushed her hands together. "Well, I was hoping to figure out my workout routine while I'm here, maybe scout a nice route to run on. But I might just join you in the garden."

"You're more than welcome, dear."


An hour or two later, after dealing with the dishes and taking a nice long shower, Andy pushed open the door of his grandparents' study and flicked on its light. Like every room in the house, with exception to the basement, it was a spick and span affair. Even the floor-to-ceiling rows of books, aligned along the walls, harboured not a trace of dust.

Andy knew his grandparents liked to keep a tidy home, but thought this room was this well taken care of because he knew his grandpa liked to spend time in here, reading or writing about whatever he wrote. Andy wasn't sure what that was, exactly. He suspected stories or maybe his memoirs.

The young man entered the library-like room, and at the centre of it, sat a large oak desk, cover by a large chequered red and white tablecloth. The desk seated a lamp, Grandma and Grandpa's computer screen, mouse and keyboard, and his grandfather's typewriter. He walked around the desk and sat in its swivelling chair. It felt comfortable.

Andy scanned the table for the comic books his grandmother mentioned at breakfast, looked on top of the computer case and then around the room. He saw no sign of them. He thought and wondered if he should go and find his grandmother. Then he noticed the desk comprised of drawers.

He pulled open its top right one, finding nothing but a stack of papers. He opened the next two and the little door beneath, but came up empty handed. Next, he opened the top left drawer and—

"The fuck?" He reached in and pulled out a black strap that held a red ball in the middle. A ball gag? His face scrunched. Andy reached back into the drawer, pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and then a small black leather whip that resembled a horse rider's crop.

It must've slipped Grandma Gloria's mind they'd left these in here, and his grandfather barely paid attention to the conversation. Andy was startled his grandparents would even conceive of using such things. What has this State turned my grandparents into? He shook his head. Although, he couldn't blame them for having a little bit of fun. Grandma Gloria still looked pretty good.

He put the items back, opened the next drawer and finally found what he searched for: five dated comic books in total, in not too bad condition. There were two Superman copies, a Dark Knight, The Flash and a Green Lantern.

DC comic books, huh? Andy wondered how much he could make off them. Probably not a lot, but these were going straight into his collection. He opened the Batman comic book first, carefully leafed through it and then decided to give it a read.

Before he could sink his teeth into it, though, a knock rattled the door. He looked up and saw Darleen in the doorway, leaning against the frame. She wore a soft smile, a white top—with the word "DAMN" written in bold black across her chest—running shoes and, of course, yoga pants.

"Hey, Mom." Andy sat up.

"Enjoying your new comic books?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Grandma really did me a solid."

"I'm glad to hear it." She strolled into the room, closing the door, arms behind her back. "Sorry about disappearing before you woke up this morning, by the way." Darleen stood in front of the desk. "I didn't wanna risk being caught naked in your bed."

"I figured it was because of something like that. Don't worry about it. It's okay."

"You know, Andy"—her shoulders traded moving back and forth—"I know you're reading right now, but...it's been a couple of days since I was last given a beauty treatment," she said, raising Andy's eyebrows. "So...I'm about due."

"Really?" He smiled. "You're not worried about—you know." He motioned with his head.

"Naah." Her head shook. "They're busy in the yard." Then her frame slowly descended, arms still behind her back. "Plus"—Darleen disappeared behind the desk, reappeared on the other side, between Andy's legs; she undid his belt and jeans and dragged them down with his plaid boxers, making him raise his hips—"I've missed this guy." The young mother took his cock in her hold.

Andy hardened in her soft palm with a smile as she stroked him, hoping to quicken the process. He'd hoped something like this would happen. He didn't like the thought of his grandparents being a consistent cock block. He was happy his mother seemed to get a kick out of gambling.

Her head dropped as she opened her mouth and took him in. Darleen sucked. Andy's erection hardened to its limit and widened the O of her full lips, causing him to let out a low groan and his eyes to close. If her sweet mouth ever lost its effect on him, his heart had stopped in its tracks.

He placed a hand on her black hair, pulled back into a neat ponytail. He pushed her head down as he gently lifted his hips, bending the top third of his erection down her oesophagus. With his eyes sealed, Andy hummed as he held her down a few seconds. Then once he felt Darleen's head push back up and heard her choke, he eased the pressure of his hand and allowed her to catch her breath with half his cock in her mouth.

"Sorry about that, Mom."

She mumbled it was okay—her mouth was full, after all.

Trying to be more careful, Andy pushed her head back down, re-entered her throat and let her up seconds later. He repeated this several more times, gaining speed as he lifted his hips. Then he removed his hand, sat still and allowed Darleen to take over proceedings.

She didn't skip a beat as she plunged her head, took him deep and penetrated her throat. And Andy showed his appreciation by droning sounds of bliss. He found it strange how whenever Darleen was in control, his volume amplified.

A few minutes ticked by as the young mother bobbed her head and filled the room with the sound of suction. But then, on what sounded like the other side of the house, Andy and Darleen heard the sound of Grandma Gloria's voice, calling Darleen's name, causing her head to stop.

Andy's eyes opened. He glanced at his mom, whose mouth was still full, and then eyed the door. Gloria called for her, again. Then Darleen's head continued bobbing. The young man didn't expect that.

His focus returned to the door and remained there as, after every few seconds, his grandmother cried, "Darleen...Darleen, honey...Darleen, where are you?"

She remained persistent in her pursuit. Andy wondered what on earth was so important. And as Grandma hollered on, to him, it sounded like she drew nearer to the study. Darleen didn't seem fazed, however. Her head maintained its brisk rise and fall.

Andy's heart pounded when it became apparent his grandmother stood in the hallway. Is she coming here? he dreaded.

The sound of Gloria's clapping sandals rose. Darleen's head quickened. Andy's anxiety piqued. Grandma's footsteps stopped outside the door. She knocked, turned the handle and pushed the door in.

Darleen slurped Andy from her lips as the door creaked. She scurried under the desk and he pushed his chair forward as Grandma poked her head into the room.

"Hi, honey." She smiled.

Andy cleared his throat. "Aah, hey-hey, Grandma."

"Have you seen your mom, anywhere?" She stepped into the room, wearing a sunhat, a pink and white shirt that consisted of buttons, jeans that stopped at her shins and a pair of gardening gloves.

"Aah"—Andy gave a quick and needless look around the room before glancing under the table to a subtly smiling Darleen—"Nope. I haven't seen her, anywhere." His head shook.

Gloria smiled. "I see you found those comics I told you about." She walked closer, causing him to scoot farther under the desk.

It was a good thing the other side was covered by its large cloth.

Andy glanced down and noticed the Batman comic book lay open. "Yeah. That's all I've been doing in here, Grandma. Reading comic books." He nodded, then wondered, Why am I talking like an idiot?

"Do you like them?"

Before he could answer, the young man felt his mom take hold of his slightly fading erection. "Mmmh..." She took him back into her mouth and sucked. "...Aaah, yes, Grandma." He nodded as his cock tensed back into pure steel. "I love them. Thank you"—Darleen kneaded his balls—"so much. I really appreciate them."

"Are you sure you feelin' okay, honey?" She removed her right glove, leaned over the desk and placed a hand on his forehead. "You're acting awfully strange and you look a little flushed."

"Umm, yeah, I'm good. I-I just get like this sometimes. You know...with the-the heat and all."

"Well, it is getting hotter." She nodded and removed her hand. "All right, then." Grandma eyed the small stack of comic books as her mischievous daughter sucked the top quarter of her grandson's cock. "Ya know, I found these in my brother Daniel's house when he passed last year." She placed her hand on them. "God rest his soul. You remember him, doncha, honey? You were at the funeral."

Andy nodded.

"I remember he used to love reading these just as much as you. He had a lot of them, actually, but I'm not sure where they all went. I just found these, and thought you would probably appreciate them the most."

"Mmm. I do, Grandma. I promise I'll take care of them."

"I know you will, baby." She smiled. "Well, I'm not sure where your mom's gone off to. I'm gonna head back to my garden and let you get back to your new comics."

"Comic books, Grandma." Andy's corrective trait slipped.

"What now, honey?"

"Aaah, never mind. She's probably gone out, you know—looking for that running route she mentioned at breakfast." Andy felt bad about lying to her at that moment, but he couldn't exactly yell out: Here she is, Grandma! She's under the desk, sucking my dick!

"You're probably right. Okay. Have fun, baby." She blew him a kiss.

Once Gloria closed the door, Darleen popped Andy from her lips. Looking him in the eye, she smiled with the candour of a child pleading innocent, wearing a face full of crumbs, accused of stealing cookies. "Did you enjoy that?"

Andy smiled back. "Actually, that was pretty uncomfortable."

Darleen chuckled. "Ohh, don't worry about it. I'll let you punish me later on. Actually"—she reached back and showed him the bottle of olive oil she'd prepared breakfast with—"you can punish me right now."

Andy's face contorted. "So that's what you were hiding...And how am I supposed to 'punish' you with that?"

"Well, remember the other month, when you said you wanted us to experiment with...anal? Well, as it turns out, olive oil's a good enough lubricant. And Mommy's gonna let you stick this big fat thing"—she shook his cock from the base—"into her tiny...little...butthole," she whispered her last word.

Andy's jaw dropped.

Darleen smiled. "'Nuff said." She placed her hands on his thighs, pushed up and gave him a kiss. "Now"— Darleen spun, moved aside the comic books and computer peripherals, and then bent over the desk, thrusting her ass out—"give Mommy her punishment."

Andy stared at her roundness. There was no way he could resist her. "And what if Grandma comes back? That door doesn't have a key, you know."

She moaned as if he sucked her clit. "The risk of getting caught will make it even better."

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