By the time they got close to the cave, the big white tiger-pheonix beast stood outside watching its cub trying to catch a bird. As soon as Little White-Fire saw Astrid and Jareth, it stopped what it was doing and ran to meet them.
She picked the little beast up and rushed towards its mother. Jareth ran past them into the cave to get their things.
"Astrid, what happened?" The big white tiger-pheonix beast asked.
"White-Fire, we must leave, now!" She said, stopping in her tracks, her eyes trailed to the cave and back to it, looking into its eyes.
"All right, get your things then." It voiced back in her mind.
Astrid gave a nod, dropped the little beast in her arms down by its mother's feet and scurried off into the cave.
Please comment, let me know your thoughts on the novel, please I need it to improve and give you a better story.