95.74% Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace / Chapter 45: Bosco Act I: Arrival

บท 45: Bosco Act I: Arrival

Strider and Mithrellas were both up early the day of their trip to Bosco. Strider had informed the Princess that they would have someone coming along with them. While he was sparse on the details, he assured her that she was quick, intelligent, and would be helpful. Before leaving, he wanted to see Asuka and Bisca. Their condition had improved significantly over the past couple of weeks, and they were both getting into the swing of things again. While most of the guild didn't know the details of what had happened, they had an inkling of the events. Everyone was suddenly much more aware and protective of the two. More than a couple of times, a policeman or someone from the media had requested entry – only to be scared off when Mira's She-Devil made itself known.

"Hey. Are you going?" Bisca asked, sitting at the counter. She hadn't moved into Fairy Hills just yet.

"Yes," Strider said, sitting on the stool beside her. "But I have your call card with me. Should you need anything of me, I will not hesitate to come rushing back, alright?"

"Don't worry. I'll just be here at the guild. I… I don't think I'm going to be taking a job for a while," Bisca said, looking at her hand. Despite the time that had passed, she was still having trouble holding a gun.

"Don't push yourself, Bisca. All you need to focus on is getting better. Let us handle the rest," Strider said.

"I don't want to…" Bisca trailed off. She wanted to say "rely on you all the time" but couldn't bring herself to say the words. Strider understood, however.

"We're your friends. I'd say you're morally required to rely on us. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that if you don't rely on us, it's the highest insult," he said, smiling. He held a hand out to her. Bisca looked at it for a long minute before taking it. Strider gently grasped it. Bisca brought it to her cheeks and sighed. She had had a lot of trouble touching him in the past couple of weeks. At most, she would feel his arm or his clothes – but not his skin.

"This is nice," she said softly.

"I'm glad you think so," Strider said gently. "I'll try to bring you and Asuka some gifts from Bosco."

"Don't," Bisca said, suddenly stern. "I don't want anything from there."

"Probably a good choice," Strider sighed.

"Hey – be careful, okay? Don't go too overboard."

"Too overboard?" Strider asked.

"I know you. You'll go a little overboard," she giggled.

"You know me too well, it appears," Strider said, smiling. "I will do my best. Irrespective, nothing will prevent me from coming back to you."

"Good," Bisca said, caressing his hand. She saw a carriage arrive outside. "Be safe, Strider."

"I shall," Strider said, bringing her hand to his forehead.

"I will see you soon, Bisca," Mithrellas said.

"Bye, Ella," she said.

"Ella?" Strider asked, surprised.

"Asuka couldn't say Mithrellas, so she started calling me that. I've grown fond of it," she giggled.

"I see," Strider said, smiling. He headed upstairs and gave Asuka a kiss on the head. It woke her up; she rubbed her eyes and looked at him.


"It's me, my dear," Strider said, smiling fondly at her. "I'm going to be gone for a few days to help out a friend. You'll be on my mind the whole time, though."

"Kay," Asuka said, smiling. Bisca was sure to already explain to her that he would be away. "Stay safe, papa."

"I will," Strider said softly. "Don't worry, Asuka. Nothing will ever keep me from coming back to you." Asuka smiled at the words and reached out to hug him. Strider closed the distance and hugged her close.

'Nothing,' Strider thought to himself. He gave Asuka a quick kiss on the head before taking his leave with Mithrellas and the princess. As he walked, Anglachel suddenly spoke up.

'This intrigues me. Your relationship with the girl.'

"I didn't think you'd say a word about that," Strider said, more than a little surprised.

'Why is the girl so dear?'

"I don't know myself," Strider said. He smiled as Asuka popped into his head, with her bright, toothy grin. "But she is. I was too kind on those fools. The next being that injures her will die immediately."

As they began their journey, Mithrellas took a separate compartment from the two. Hisui decided not to ask any questions; she was too focused on the man sitting in front of her with his usual smile.

"Thanks again for accompanying me, Strider," Hisui said once again.

"It is an honor, my lady. I will protect you by all means during this trip," Strider said.

"Speaking of which, my father asked me to give this to you," she said, handing him an unopened letter. "Before you ask, yes, I tried opening it. It's specifically tied to you," she said, grumbling a bit. Strider laughed and opened it.

Strider. Thank you – from the bottom of my heart – for escorting Hisui to Bosco. She will be attending in my stead as I will be arriving with the monarchy of Seven. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you one thing: Hisui is the most important person in my life. I beg of you – as a father – to protect her by all means necessary. Should any problem arise, I will fix it. Act as you see fit. Let no harm come to her.


Strider read it multiple times before telekinetically shredding it. "Your father loves you greatly."

"I know. I think I know what he said. I don't want you to get into any trouble, though," she said uncomfortably.

"If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will. You have my sword, Princess. I will not let anyone harm a single hair on your head. Should anyone try, I will make an example of them," Strider said, taking her hand in his. Hisui blushed a bright red but smiled and nodded silently.

"Have I told you about the itinerary?"

"I don't think so, no," Strider said.

"We'll arrive in half a day. When we get there, there's going to be a procession that takes us to the castle. The king, queen, and their son – the Champion – will greet us, and we'll have dinner with them in private. We'll retire for the night, and then the next day is when the other royalty arrives. My father is traveling with the monarchy of Seven, so he'll meet us later. After that, there's going to be a feast, and each country will get to petition the king for favors. The morning after, the champions are going to get some time to mingle, after which the location of the cup will be unveiled. After that, it's just more festivities. You and I won't have to stick around too much, though.

"You & your father intend to ask them to stop their slave trade?"


"A valiant quest, but perhaps doomed to fail. I wonder what the others will ask for?"

"Enca won't, but that's a special case. I think we'll get a few people on our side. Definitely Minstrel, Caelum, and Desierto. The others are a toss-up, though."

"Your statesmanship is noble. Alas, some of them are likely run of the mill politicians," Strider said.

"How would you deal with this?"

"A little bit of this, a dash of that, and a whole lot of the other thing," Strider answered.

"You're evading the question," Hisui said.

"I know," he laughed. "I recall you telling me about a princess that was sold into slavery there. What became of her?"

"Robin," Hisui said sadly. "A princess of Enca. Her stepsister, Boa Hancock, is the sovereign. I think she's still there, in the service of the son of the king, Prince Reynard. They call him Reynard the Fox. Enca is an island, and Bosco is landlocked, so no country would let them go through because they knew what might happen. They've had their borders closed since she went missing. This is the first time we're going to be seeing Hancock in a long time."

"If it's an island and they've closed their borders, how do they conduct trade?" Strider asked.

"Well… we haven't been able to confirm or deny it, but the rumor is that they've turned to piracy. Sometimes, ships go missing, and they… just never come back," Hisui said.

"What is Hancock like?"

"Hmm… Beautiful. They call her the most beautiful woman in Ishgar. I remember what she looks like from old pictures. It's probably true," Hisui said.

"I'm surprised no one was willing to help them. I, for one, could not help but help a beautiful woman in distress," Strider sighed.

"It really turned Hancock off to the rest of the continent. Everyone sent her gifts, but they couldn't even get past the blockade. They just got turned away. She only wants one thing. I just hope the king and prince don't try to do something to her," Hisui said.

"Why has she decided to come out now? Why not earlier when her sister went missing?"

"No one's sure," Hisui said.

"It appears as though we'll have to be wary of them. But, you are my main priority, princess. I will not hesitate – not for a moment – to save you, should the situation call for it," Strider said.

"Thank you, Strider," Hisui said happily. While she had initially been anxious about the trip, as soon as he had agreed to accompany her, all the worry had simply melted away.

"Not at all," Strider answered. "So, all of the other champions will be there? I imagine there will be quite a few spies in the palace."

"Yes. You will be getting plenty of offers too… well, you know," Hisui said, blushing. Strider just grinned at that.

"I shall, of course, ensure that Fiore comes out ahead in every respect," he said. Hisui's blush just deepened.

The landscape slowly transformed from town to empty plain, to lush forests. When they came upon the border of a vast, green forest, Hisui informed Strider they had crossed into Bosco. Strider was intrigued by the natural beauty of the country. Trees rose high into the sky, while their path was littered with leaves of every shade of red, green, brown, yellow, and orange. It was almost like a jungle; they could hear the soft cries and howls of animals, the chirping of birds, and the buzzing of insects.

Cities in Bosco paled in comparison to its natural beauty. Strider observed keenly as he saw men, women, and children wearing rags and collars as they were led around by others, often carrying people or items on their backs or in their hands. Some of the slaves seemed positively happy with their current condition. They walked with smiles, beaming at others with their heads held high. Others were stooped over low, cowering in fear of abuse or worse.

"What do you think?" Hisui asked. She saw a shadow of something flicker across his face.

"That this country is not long for this world," Strider said. In the distance, he saw a woman being hounded by several men. The woman wore a collar around her neck and had a pensive look. Whenever she tried to move away, they would encircle her, laughing. Suddenly, one of them fell, then another, then another, and finally the fourth. The woman made a quick getaway while Strider smiled.

"Was that you?" Hisui asked, giggling.

"The wind, perhaps?" Strider suggested.

"Mhm. Let's go with that."

The other towns, villages, and cities they passed through were similar. The procession made sure not to tarry too long in any one place. The retinue seemed to be on constant edge, looking from side to side for anyone suspicious. The people began to cheer and scream from Princess Hisui, whistling at her, declaring their love, or worse. Hisui just kept her attention focused on Strider, who smiled comfortingly at her the entire way.

They soon entered the capital city of Bosco, Greenwood. People and soldiers lined the street to get a good view at Hisui – as well as Strider, who, rumor had leaked, would be traveling with her. Strider retreated to the dark parts of the carriage, obscured from view, while Hisui waved at the people, smiling. Trumpets and other instruments sounded their regal arrival, and leaves & flowers rained on the procession as it made its way through the tree-lined streets of the capital to the castle, Dasos. The castle itself was a collection of some of the most giant trees Strider had seen in Fiore – as large as Mercurius in Crocus. Their massive canopy spread over a significant area, providing an eternal shade. The leaves of the tree, Strider saw, were larger than the carriage they were in.

Towards the top of the steps, he saw three people. One was an older man with long green hair and a green beard, as well as a crown of leaves and flowers on his head. At his side was a woman with long, green hair. She held onto his arm, her head also adorned with a crown of leaves. At her side was a younger man with shoulder-length green hair and handsome features. He had sharp green eyes and wore a slight smile. He wore no crown, but his suit was of the deepest shade of green.

"That's Reynard," Hisui whispered. Suddenly, her eyes shot open. "Oh my gosh… that's… Robin!"

Robin was a beautiful young woman with long, black hair and large blue eyes. She wore a light green dress and stood demurely at Reynard's side, a look of disdain flashing across her face whenever she looked at him. As she saw Hisui, she bit her lip and held back the tears that threatened to spill over.

"Princess Hisui! A pleasure to have you, my dear, a pleasure!" the king – Isengrim – said in a booming voice. He looked, as Strider saw, fat and slow in his old age.

"King Isengrim. Its been to long," Hisui said, bowing perfunctorily.

"And this must be Strider!" Isengrim said, craning his head up to look at Strider.

"It is indeed," Strider said with a curt bow of the head. Isengrims soldiers were suddenly on guard; they had expected him to bow or kneel, but he did neither.

"I understand you are from a different land," Reynard said with a small smile. "Here, it is customary to kneel."

"It is not such a simple thing. I have knelt twice in my entire life. Thrice, it shall not be so easy," Strider said pleasantly. He bowed his head to the queen, Meline: "My lady."

"No matter, no matter," Isengrim said through pursed lips. Strider looked up at the castle; now that he was standing right under the canopy, he could really see how magnificent it was. He felt a twang of desire in his heart.

"A beautiful home," he said softly. "It cannot be such an easy thing to tend to."

"Not in the slightest!" Meline exclaimed. "We must be careful each time a leaf falls! We have to have a slave keep watch at all times, just in case. There've been a couple of times when one of these leaves has crushed someone to death."

"I saw your win, incidentally. You're quite powerful," Reynard said, holding out a hand. Strider shook it; he smiled as he felt some Magic come through.

"So they say. Alas, I shall not watch any footage from any of the competitors," Strider said.

"You don't want to gain an advantage?" Reynard asked.

"Where's the fun in that? Tricks can only get one so far, after all," Strider said. Reynard's lips pursed, similar to his fathers, as his face flushed of color. Strider continued: "No, I shall go into this competition blind. That said, I shall not begrudge my peers an advantage. No, quite the opposite. I encourage you to get acclimated with my Magic and ability."

"That's quite a reckless position to take, young man," Isengrim said with a smile.

"I fear I am too safe. I look forward to seeing your son in battle, King Isengrim. I am certain he will not disappoint," Strider said softly. His eyes never left Reynard's who, suddenly, looked away. "Shall we head inside, princess?"

"Certainly," Hisui said, her eyes fixed on Robin. She could see a near-dead look in her eyes.

"Strider – did you hear the news?" Isengrim suddenly asked as he led them through the castle.

"What news, King?"

"Lady Silvan – one of the Wizard Saints – will be in attendance here," the king said in a haughty tone. "In fact, she specifically requested to come here! In fact, many of the Saints will be here!"

"That's quite the achievement, Lord. Lady Silvan is, perhaps, beauty incarnate," Strider said.

"You've met her?" the king asked in surprise.

"I have seen her," Strider answered honestly. The king seemed a little placated by that. He led their way to their quarters, where Hisui threw herself on the bed, burying her face in her pillow. Strider weeded out a couple of surveillance lacrima and destroyed them.

"What do you think, Strider?"

"The boy is weak. He tried to use some Magic on me when we shook hands. It couldn't make it past my telekinetic barrier. That he won is likely because his father stacked the odds in his favor."

"Good guess. What happened was–"

"I do not wish to know, princess. As I said, I will go into this blind. Reynard, unfortunately, is less of a fox and more of a dunce. The lesser son of a lesser father," Strider said, disgusted. "That Isengrim calls himself a king is an insult to Aragorn. I hope that not every monarch is such a disappointment."

"Who's Aragorn?" Hisui asked.

"The King of Gondor," Strider said, a hint of pride in his voice. "He is the greatest man that I know."

"Is he one of those people you knelt too?" Hisui asked.

"He is. With joy. He is good, wise, just, and humble. No one compares to him," Strider said.

"He must be a really great man if you respect him so much," Hisui said, rolling over on her back and smiling. "I hope I can meet him one day."

"As do I. I think you'd like him. He's only in his 90s, too. His best years are ahead," Strider said.

"90s?!" Hisui exclaimed. "My father isn't even that old!"

"Ah. Well, things are different there. He still looks like he's in his 40s," Strider said.

"Ugh. I wish I could look that young when I get that old," Hisui blanched.

"I do not think your beauty shall ever fade, princess," Strider said. Hisui blushed and smiled at that before burying her face in her pillow.

"Anyways, I'm going to rest for a bit. Your room is over there. We'll go to dinner in an hour," Hisui said, pointing to a door.

"Such a large bed. Are you sure you'll be alright?" Strider asked. He laughed as he saw Hisui turn even redder before taking his leave.

As he joined Mithrellas in the other room, she was looking out the window.

"Remember to be careful. I am curious to see Silvan, though," she said softly. "I shall watch over Hisui, Strider. Sleep."

An hour later, Hisui and Strider headed to the dining room. Isengrim, Meline, and Reynard were seated while Robin stood to the side. Strider and Hisui joined them.

"So, Strider – where, exactly, are you from?" Isengrim asked.

"The far Northern Continent, king," Strider said, drinking some wine.

"How did you come here? I don't think anyone has crossed the Great Sea," the king asked.

"I flew. I can apply my telekinesis to myself, which results in flight," Strider said.

"That must've been a dangerous journey," the king said

"It had its ups and downs. There plenty of islands and lands along the way. It's getting to them that's the problem," Strider answered.

"And what is your country like?"

"Like most anywhere else, I imagine. We finished with a war around a decade ago. Our side was victorious, but there is still much rebuilding to be done," Strider said.

"Strider is a king back there," Hisui told them. This was news to them.

"Are you now?" the king asked uncertainly.

"I suppose so," Strider said in a dull tone. "I don't begrudge you or King Toma your positions. Such drudgery and dreariness. That you handle it with such grace is nothing short of miraculous to one such as I."

"I'm sure you're doing a great job there," the king said, obviously pleased at the praise.

"Do you have an institution of slavery back home?" Reynard asked with a smile as he looked to Robin. She just glared at him.

"We don't, no. The opposing side did, however," Strider said.

"And how did you deal with it? Did you negotiate with them to end it?"

"Negotiation? You cannot negotiate with absolute evil. There is but one solution. You must abolish your enemy in their entirety," Strider said. Everyone stopped eating and turned to look at Strider. Robin looked at him with intrigue.

"What do you mean?" Isengrim asked quietly.

"I mean the enemy is no more. They are dead. Gone. Unavailable. I found each and every straggler, and I slaughtered them. I ran the rivers black with their blood. I piled their corpses as high as this castle and burned them. I ensured that not a single one of them would survive to avenge their fallen comrades. I annihilated them. We did not even need a charnel house. Not even their bones remain," Strider said with dramatic coldness. "We did not have the luxury of dealing with an enemy that could negotiate. Never did one of them defect to us. There were no prisoner exchanges. It was let them live to rise again or destroy the evil that we could, for the war years were binary. I chose the latter. Perhaps once, long ago, it may have been different. I did have the fortune of living in such a nobler time."

"You are speaking of genocide!" Isengrim exclaimed, more than a little horrified.

"Call it what you will. My means were efficient, and my cause was just." Everyone was silent as Strider continued to eat his meal in peace. He looked aside and saw Hisui looked at him with an indescribable emotion in her eyes – it was, perhaps, closest to fear. The others looked at each other. Finally, Strider broke the silence again. "Your food is getting cold, ladies and gentlemen. Come, join me."

Slowly, they all recommenced it. Reynard soon broke the silence.

"I heard you completed a Century Quest," he said.

"I did. Blossom Valley Shrine," Strider answered.

"The warrior monk?" Isengrim asked.

"Indeed. It was difficult," Strider said.

"A lot of our own people died trying to take that job," Isengrim said.

"My condolences. Did they get far?"

"Not at all."

"Did your son ever consider trying?"

"My son is strong, but that quest isn't suited to his skill set," Meline interjected.

"Understandable. It required strength and durability. The arena itself was quite small. Tricks would only get you so far," Strider said. Reynard gripped his knife and fork tightly as he glared over his glass at Strider. Strider just smiled back at him. After Reynard finished, he excused himself from the meal. Hisui and Strider followed and retired to their rooms.

"Strider?" Hisui said softly.

"Yes, princess?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, princess."

"Okay. I don't know everything, but… you can talk to me if you need to," Hisui said. She leaned forward and hugged him, gently rubbing his back.

"Thank you, princess," Strider said, returning the hug. He kissed her on the cheek and headed to his own room. Still, he did not go to sleep. It was a few hours before Strider heard a rustle. He made himself unseen as he observed Hisui's room. Suddenly, he saw a couple of figures creep in. They wore dark green outfits, their faces covered with leaf-like masks. They were about to grab the princess when their bodies seized. Strider quietly pulled them into his own room and observed them with interest.

"That was quick. Very quick. It hasn't even been a night," he said, Dominating the both of them. "Who do you serve?"

"Reynard," one answered.

"Isengrim," said the other.

"A foolish question on my part, perhaps. What do they intend to do with Hisui?"

"Fiore," one answered.

"They want to marry into the family," the other replied.

"I see. They planned to force her to marry Reynard?"

"Yes," they answered in unison.

"How? It would not go unnoticed," Strider asked.

"Princess Hisui's drink," one answered.

"It has a potion in it. It would make her fall in love with Reynard after he or his father incanted to her," the other answered. Strider felt his anger rise at that.

"I see. A cruel ploy, to be sure."

"I shall help her," Mithrellas said.

"Please, do so," Strider answered. "As for you two – go back to Reynard and Isengrim. Inform them that Hisui is nowhere to be found in her room – nor am I. When you get a chance, bring me all the information you can on the royal family, as well as Robin's situation. Bring me the cure to whatever ails the princess, as well. Do not fail me."

"Your powers are quite impressive. Especially your Domination," Mithrellas said.

"I am fond of it myself. The ability to control another is a great and terrible gift, however. I must be careful not to use it too much," Strider said, looking at his hand. "Ever since what happened to Asuka and Bisca, I have felt more…"


"Yes," Strider admitted, cracking his knuckles. "I am afraid."

"Of what, precisely?"

"Myself," Strider said quietly, so as not to disturb Hisui. "Contrary to popular opinion, I am well aware of my power."

"Then you are on the right path," she said.

"Am I? You know the oath I swore. I will not forsake it."

"Hisui has not suffered the slightest injury yet. She will be cured with the antidote. Her condition has not changed," Mithrellas reminded him.

"A technicality," Strider said with a smile.

"Such nuance greases the engine of the world," Mithrellas giggled. Suddenly, she looked more serious. "Not even the wise can see all ends. I do not know what is written; for you, myself, or for Hisui. You must reconcile with yourself."

Strider could only nod. He stared at his hands for the long hours before the two finally returned. One gave Strider a vial that Mithrellas gave the princess, while the other presented his head to Strider. Strider put a hand on his head and began rifling through the man's memories. It was several minutes before he stumbled back, a vacant look in his eye. Strider thought on what he had seen for a while longer before nodding. Mithrellas felt a wave of energy rush out of him.

"You've done well. Standby for further instructions. Return to your posts and act normally for now – with the proviso that you never act against Hisui or I.," Strider said. The two nodded and took their leave.

"What did you see?" Mithrellas asked.

"I have made my decision, my lady," Strider said. Mithrellas noted that the entire castle had fallen eerily quiet. She saw a dark look in Strider's eyes.

"And what decision is that?" she asked gently. Strider just looked at her. In his eyes, she saw cold resolution. Immediately, she had her answer.

The following morning, Strider had told Hisui what happened the night before – leaving out a couple of irrelevant bits. With each word, Hisui grew angrier.

"That bastard!" she hissed. "I will have him castrated!"

"It seems as though he has a thing for you," Strider said.

"I am not kidding, Strider. When you fight him, I want you to ensure he never sires a child!"

"I will take care of him," Strider said.

When Hisui and Strider joined Isengrim, Meline, and Reynard for breakfast the following morning, they found the three of them a little surprised. Strider felt a gnawing at his side from Anglachel. His sword was hungering for blood and could sense Strider's own desire. Still, he exerted all the willpower he could to reign in his fury.

"Is everything alright?" Strider asked in a level voice.

"Perfectly fine, Strider!" Isengrim said with a nervous chuckle. "Hisui, my dear – could I have a moment of your time, please?"

"Of course," Hisui said, smiling. She was about to get up when Strider suddenly took her hand. He kissed it in front of everyone; Isengrim just seemed surprised while Reynard looked almost angry. Hisui blushed and nodded before leaving with Isengrim.

"You and Hisui seem close," Reynard said stiffly.

"I suppose we are," Strider said, looking through the door.

"It won't work out, dear. Royalty always marries royalty," Meline said.

"Which doesn't preclude me as I am a king," Strider reminded her.

"So you say," Reynard said.

"My word is my bond," Strider said casually.

"I am thinking of asking her to marry me. I hope I'll have your support," Reynard said.

"You shall not," Strider replied. Reynard glared at him; while he wasn't accepting Strider to agree, he didn't expect such an immediate rebuke.

"You do not let others save face, do you?" Meline asked through pursed lips.

"I lack the time and patience to deal with such frivolity," Strider answered.

"Your speech is…"

"I'm aware," Strider sighed.

"Ah. Excuse me," Reynard said. He was about to leave when Hisui came back. She smiled at him before sitting back next to Strider. When Isengrim reentered, he seemed shocked.

"Is everything alright?" Strider asked again.

"Y-yes! Perfectly fine!" he said, almost squeaking. "Oh, the others are about to arrive! Please, join us!"

"But of course," Strider said, holding a hand out to Hisui. She put his arm around her shoulder, leading him to the entrance.

"Father! What happened?" Reynard hissed when they were out of earshot.

"I don't know. The incantation didn't work!" Isengrim said.

"I don't like that Strider," Meline said, almost snarling. "Do you hear how he talks to us? Veiled insults in every word!"

"We cannot do anything about it now," Isengrim said darkly.

"Let me handle it, father," Reynard said.

"Do so, my son – quietly and quickly," Isengrim said. Isengrim and Meline followed behind Strider and Hisui.

"Your son is not joining us?" Strider asked, not turning around.

"H-he will join us later," Isengrim said.

"As you say. I look forward to seeing him in battle," Strider said, a hint of ice in his tone. Meline and Isengrim were silent as they continued to follow Strider. Others began muttering to each other as they saw their king being led by another. The royals quickly picked up the pace to get ahead of Strider and Hisui. Strider just smiled sardonically at their attitude, curious as to what Reynard would try to do to him.

When they arrived at the top of the steps, Strider could see a procession of carriages and people stretching on for many miles. It was a straight shot to the bottom of the castle and, even out of the city gates, he could see the flags that represented each country in attendance. His heart immediately fell.

'What have I done? This will take years to get through!" Strider thought, sighing. Hisui giggled; she had an idea of what went through his mind.

"Don't worry. We'll get a lot of rest tonight," she said.

"Beautiful and kind. You'll make someone a happy prince one day," Strider said, smiling.

The first country was Veronica. A blond mushroom-haired man dismounted. He wore white regalia with gold accents and a purple cape, a condescending smile on his lips. Several women got out of the carriage and walked up the steps with him. At this side was a man with blue, unkempt hair that fell around his face, wearing a black coat. He was followed by a woman named Coordinator, a short masked man named Chase, and a wild, orange-haired man named Cannon, each of whom Cream announced before his own name was called.

"Cream, the Prince of Veronica! And the Champion of Veronica, Dyst!"

"Dyst is a telekinetic as well, Strider," Meline said. Strider tilted his head a bit as Dyst walked up to him with a smirk. Strider returned it with a pleasant smile of his own. Dyst tried to shoulder check him as he passed by. To his surprise, however, Strider didn't budge an inch; instead, he felt as though he ran into a boulder and stumbled. Cream looked surprised before looking at Strider with narrowed eyes.

"Careful, friend. I wouldn't want you getting injured before I see your telekinesis in action. I'm a telekinetic myself. I am particularly interested in you," Strider said, turning his attention back to the procession.

"Lady Meline! As beautiful as ever!" Cream said lavishly.

"Thank you, Cream. And still so handsome," she giggled. "Reynard is eager to see you again."

"As am I," Cream said graciously. He stood beside her and Isengrim, Dyst behind them, and waited for the others.

"You'll have to deal with a lot of that. Everyone here is extremely egotistical," Hisui sighed.

"I don't mind. Ego crushing has long been a favorite pastime of mine," Strider laughed.

Next was Seven. Toma bounded off the carriage and began waving to everyone. Following him was the king of Seven, Oda Nobunaga, and its champion, Shimazu Toyohisa. Nobunaga looked less like a king and more like a vagabond; he wore an eyepatch over his right eye, his wild hail pulled into a ponytail. His grin was just as feral as he stared at everyone else that was assembled. Others seemed surprised by his look. Toyohisa meanwhile, looked calm and sturdy. He wore a red coat with a crest on it, a sword at his side. His hair was jet black, but shorter than Nobunaga's. Accompanying them was a beautiful man who also wore his hair as a ponytail. He carried a bow and arrow with him and smiled at the assembly.

"How's it goin'?" Nobunaga said, shaking Strider's hand first and foremost.

"As well as I can hope. A pleasure to meet you all," he said. He could tell immediately that all three were dangerous men.

"I look forward to seeing you fight," Toyohisa declared.

"Likewise," Strider said, shaking his hand. The two were almost level in height, with Strider having just a couple of inches. The archer introduced himself as Nasu no Yoichi. He was, in manner, polite – but Strider could tell that underneath that politeness was a sharp-eyed shot.

"Toma, your daughter is as beautiful as ever!" Isengrim exclaimed.

"Thank you, thank you," Toma said happily. He shook hands all around before asking: "So – what do you all think of Fiore's champion?"

"He's interesting – I'll say that much," Isengrim said, looking at Strider.

"I'll ask everyone to pardon him. He's not from around here, so don't take anything to heart," Toma said with a laugh.

"He and Hisui seem to be close," Meline said, carefully observing Toma's reaction. Toma looked at Hisui in surprise before breaking into a wide smile.

"Ha! Excellent!" Toma said happily. "Oh, but I'll leave that to Hisui to decide. Jade would never forgive me if I tried to betroth Hisui to someone!" The others just looked in surprise, while Hisui blushed.

"But he isn't royalty," Cream said.

"Actually, Strider is a king," Hisui said.

"Yes, yes; he's from the Northern Continent," Cream said. "But how can you be sure?"

"You doubt me?" Strider asked in an authoritative voice. His eyes locked with Creams and he gave him such an intense glare, the blond couldn't help but avert his gaze. "That ought to settle that."

"Who cares?" Nobunaga asked in a bored tone. "Live and let live!"

"The Queen of Iceberg, the Wizard Saint Nobara Yukinokouji! The champion of Iceberg, Saeko Busujima!"

The queen of Iceberg was a beautiful, light blonde woman with pale, blue eyes. She wore glasses and an ice-blue dress as she walked up the steps. At her side was a beautiful, purple-haired swordswoman. She wore a fitting blue dress, her sword hanging at her side. Her eyes were sharp and immediately went to her competitors. She looked at Dyst with distaste and shared a small nod with Hisui. She held Strider's gaze longest. The news had spread by now – the first Century Quest had been completed by a powerful wizard from Fiore.

"As beautiful as ever, Nobara," Isengrim said as they ascended the steps.

"Thank you, Ise," she said with a pleasant smile. "Still so cool, Meline."

"Not as cool as you, Nobara," Meline said with a forced smile.

Stella was up next. "King Nova and Queen Nebula of Stella! Champion of Stella, Bishamonten!"

King Nova and Queen Nebula both had stark purple hair. She was as beautiful as he was handsome; upon their exit, the crowd erupted into its loudest cheer yet – as though they were looking upon stars. Bishamonten brought up the rear. She was tall and beautiful blonde hair and striking purple eyes that eyed her opponents. She wore a gray top and gray skirt, her blonde hair levitating just inches above the ground. Cream couldn't contain his grin as he saw her and tried to introduce himself. Instead, she ignored him and stood by her monarch's side.

"Toma! It has been too long!" Nova said jovially. Toma laughed and hugged the man and woman, both of whom seemed happy to see him again.

"Nova is the second luckiest man in Ishgar! My dear, we have wonderful eye doctors in Fiore if you ever need one!" Toma said. Nebula giggled and kissed both of his cheeks before doing the same for Hisui, who hugged her tightly.

"Second luckiest is right! If I had a daughter as beautiful as you, Hisui, I would never leave her side," Nova said, pinching her cheeks and laughing.

"Uncle Nova!" Hisui whined.

"Stop embarrassing her this instant!" Nebula said, slapping Nova's hands away. "Sorry about that, dear. You know how he is."

"Thanks," Hisui said, smiling. "Strider, this is King Nova. He's like an uncle to me. And this is Queen Nebula. She's like my older sister."

"I'm glad you remembered. You remember what happened when you called me auntie last time, sweetheart?" Nebula giggled, poking Hisui's cheek.

"I remember," Hisui sighed. Her cheeks were red for days after.

"A pleasure, Strider! Toma has nothing but praise for you! I look forward to seeing you and Bisha fight!" Nova said.

"I am certain that the pleasure will be mine, your majesty," Strider said, shaking his hand. "Ah, Queen Nebula. I doubt I shall ever see a nebula as beautiful as you."

"A charmer," Nebula giggled as he kissed her hand. She was, by all accounts, beautiful. Her purple hair ran straight down her back, her purple eyes as sharp as Bisha's own. Bisha followed, extending her hand to him.

"Bishamonten. You may call me Bisha," she said.

"Strider. A pleasure, my lady," Strider said, shaking it.

Next was Minstrel. "Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret! And the Champion, Gentiana!"

Lunafreya was a beautiful blonde woman wearing a white dress. She was upright, and her smile was captivating. She waved to everyone she could, stopping here and there to talk with a child – free or slave. Gentiana, meanwhile, had stark black hair and wore a black robe with white accents. She wore the slightest hint of a smile and walked with her hands clasped in front of her, and her eyes closed. Every man seemed captivated by her – even royalty.

"Hisui!" Luna exclaimed as she ran up the steps. Hisui smiled and hugged her tight; it had been long since they had seen each other. Though she had never gone there personally, Luna loved coming to Crocus when she could.

"Luna! Its been so long!"

"I know! You still haven't visited me, you know!" Luna said.

"Soon. I really mean it this time," Hisui said lamely.

"Good. Hi there," Luna said, extending her hand to Strider.

"A pleasure, Lady Lunafreya," Strider said, kissing her hand.

"That's Luna to you. Any friend of Hisui is a friend of mine. And this is Gentiana," she said, introducing her. Gentiana opened her eyes, revealing two black irises. As they met with Strider's eyes, he felt a slight coolness emanating from her.

"The Prince of Peace goes to war anew. He burns those in his path with the Flaming Iron. All will know when he comes into his own, for he shall await Evil at the Door of Night when Time has passed, and Space is at its end," Gentiana said. Strider stood silent, rooted in place as he listened to her speak.

"You are wise, my lady," he finally said, bowing his head.

"A star constantly watches over you. White fire but a gentle warmth." Strider was silent, while Hisui looked curiously between the two. Finally, Strider nodded.

"Yes," he said.

"We shall speak further, soon," she said, as though knowing.

"At your earliest convenience, my lady," Strider nodded. Gentiana and stood beside Luna, who seemed as startled as Hisui. The two shrugged at each other and stood beside Nova and Nebula.

"Strider? What did that mean?" Hisui asked.

"I'm curious myself, princess," Strider said.

"Luna, you look fantastic," Reynard said as he finally appeared. Luna sighed but put on a smile for him.

"Thanks, Reynard. How've you been?"

"All the better for seeing you," he said with a smile. "My parents would love a moment to speak with you when you have a chance."

"Sure. After all of this is done, maybe," she said.

"The King and Champion of Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum!" the announcer announced.

"Ooooh, Noctis, huh?" Hisui asked, elbowing Luna. The blonde turned bright red and smiled.

"Ah. Is love in the air?"

"Oh yeah. Luna and Noct are so in love," Hisui giggled.

Noctis was a handsome youth who, along with his retinue, was fond of the color black. Noctis and a well-built man standing next to him had stark black hair, while two slimmer blond men stood to either side of him. All were dressed in Royal Black clothes and came up the steps with strength in their stride. Noctis smiled at Luna, who returned it.

"Luna. Hisui. How's it going?" he asked in a relaxed tone.

"Hey. Looking good," Hisui said, hugging him. "Noct, this is Strider."

"I know. You're pretty strong," he said.

"No kidding. I'd love a duel when you might have a moment," the well-built man said. "Gladiolus, but you can call me Gladio."

"Prompto!" the smallest of the four said, a camera around his neck.

"Ignis, at your service," the final, polite man said.

"A pleasure to meet you all," Strider said, shaking their hands. "So, I heard a ru–"

"Strider!" Luna whined, covering his mouth her hand. "I swear, I'll hurt you!"

"Forgive me," Strider chuckled.

"Hey, Luna. Looking good," Noctis said, smiling.

"Hey. You don't look so bad yourself," she said, hugging him. The two held each other for a long time, eliciting some raised brows from the others. Noctis and the others stood beside Strider and Hisui.

"The queen of Midi, Luvia Eedlfelt! The Champion of Midi, Rin Tohsaka!"

Strider was amused as he saw Luvia and Rin step off the carriage. The former was a beautiful blonde that wore a conservative blue dress and her hair tied into twin drills. Rin wore a red sweater, a short black skirt, thigh highs, her hair held together on each side with black bows. She and Luvia seemed to be having an argument with each other; it spiraled into each veritably running up the stairs, trying to be the first one to reach the top.

"No, I was first!" Luvia exclaimed.

"Yeah, right. You got more fat to carry around," Rin said, eliciting a little growl from Luvia. Both took a moment to calm down before presenting themselves as absolute ladies to the others. They went around, shaking hands.

"Still fighting," Luna sighed as she hugged Luvia.

"Only because she–"

"I dare you to finish that sentence," Rin said with a slightly evil grin. Luvia returned it; Luna and Hisui sweatdropped as they tried to diffuse the situation. Strider just looked on stoically, deciding it'd be best not to laugh.

"You're the one who completed the Century Quest," Luvia said, smiling up at him. "Maybe you could give Miss Gorilla here a couple of pointers on how to really fight."

"Why you–" Rin began before Strider quickly cut her off.

"Ah, I think Miss Tohsaka ought to be entirely capable if she is the champion of your country," he said.

"Hmph. See?" Rin said.

"Only because she requires the help of her spirits," Luvia said.

"Oh, like you're any different," Rin said.

"You two are Celestial Wizards?" Strider wondered.

"Sort of. We've our own classification in Midi. I can explain it all over dinner if you'd like," Luvia said. Rin went red; she wasn't as forthright as Luvia.

"The pleasure would be mine, my lady," Strider said with a slight bow. Luvia smiled and stood off to the side, while Hisui blushed a deep red.

"Better move quickly, Hisui," Luna whispered to Hisui.

"Luna!" Hisui yelped, eliciting a laugh from her friend.

"From Desierto, please welcome King Thoth and Queen Hathor! And their Champion, Zane!"

Striders' eyes were immediately drawn to Zane. He was tall – just an inch shorter than himself, with a slightly smaller build. His skin was almost bronze, most likely because of his country. His black hair was spiked back, a single tuft hanging over the left side of his forehead and eye. His steel-grey eyes locked immediately on Strider as he disembarked after his regents. He had black marks on his cheeks and wore a slight smile that exposed his teeth; he looked almost feral. His clothing was light and sparse – a long-sleeved t-shirt, under which Strider noticed a few bulges and baggy, black cargo pants. Black fingerless gloves covered his hands, and heavy black boots covered his feet. At his waist, he wielded a longsword. The scabbard wasn't long enough to sheathe it in its entirety; it held it by the base, leaving part of it exposed. Strider noted an ebony edge to the blade that reminded him of Anglachel, though not as dark.

Thoth, meanwhile, had similarly tan skin to Zane. She wore red regalia and had long, black hair, similar to Gentiana. She carried a long, thin, black staff with her and smiled gently at everyone else. At her side was King Thoth, a darker-skinned man whose face was etched with wisdom. He had a grave look about him, but Strider couldn't help but respect him – he almost reminded him of Aragorn. He strode up the steps a couple at a time and landed before Toma, who he first shook hands with before glad-handing with the others. Zane, meanwhile, first went to Strider – like most everyone, he had already heard about his victory on the Century Quest, something he had yet to try. Their conversation was limited to a nod that conveyed what was necessary before Zane stood off to the side with his regents.

"You two just nodded at each other. Why does it seem like you're already friends?" Hisui asked.

"The nod is universal," Strider said sagely.

"The queen of Bellum, Retsu Unohana! The champion of Bellum, Kenpachi Zaraki!"

As soon as Kenpachi disembarked, he got everyone's attention. He was a giant of a man with sharp, spiked hair that went off in all directions. Like Nobunaga, he had an eyepatch on his right eye. Strider immediately felt irrepressible energy washing off of him, as though desperate to get free. He immediately knew who he looked forward to facing off in the champion. Kenpachi seemed to share the same line of thought. His eyes were locked on Strider as he walked up the steps with a wild grin.

"Good luck," he said, not showing anyone else the slightest attention.

"To you as well. It's not often I run into someone taller than me," Strider said.

Retsu Unohana, meanwhile, was the polar opposite. She was, in a word, peaceful. Her hair was braided in front of her neck, which interested Strider immensely. Just like Kenpachi, however, he felt energy washing off of her. Unlike Kenpachi, she didn't seem to have an ounce of wildness within her body. Like Kenpachi, she wore a sword at her side – one of the few of the monarchs to do so. She took her time, and politely introduced herself to everyone. When she arrived at Strider, she smiled and bowed her head slightly.

"I look forward to seeing you fight," she said simply.

"I hope it pleases your majesty," Strider answered.

Only a few more countries remained.

"Queen of Isvan, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing! The Champion of Isvan, Alucard!"

Despite being introduced as Sir, Integra was a woman. A sharp one, as far as Strider could see. Her blonde hair fell neatly to the front and back of her torso, while her blue eyes took in her surroundings. She put out a cigar before disembarking with her champion and what seemed to be her butler and another girl. She was, in a word, critical. Her smile betrayed no sense of mirth or joy or happiness; it was just a fixture, a motion devoid of its usual intention. Alucard was fond of the color red. He wore a red suit and top hat that covered his wild hair, with orange goggles covering his eyes. He wore an indefatigable grin and reminded Strider a bit of Toyohisa. The butler wore a neat suit, his black hair pulled into a ponytail. He wore a monocle through which he sharply observed the assemblage of characters before him. The only normal person was the girl who wore a brown uniform and had short blonde hair. Her smile was genuine, her presence muted.

"The Queen of the Pergrande Kingdom, Teresa! The champion of Pergrande Kingdom, Clare!"

Teresa and Clare looked more like mother and daughter or sisters rather than simply royal and champion. Both had blonde hair; the formers long, the letters short. Teresa had a faint smile as she glided up the stairs, while Clare frowned as her footfall made her known. Unlike the others, Teresa wore a massive sword on her back. It was almost as tall as she was, yet Strider had no doubt that she could wield it. Also, unlike the others, she wore armor as opposed to a dress. It protected her shoulders and waist, while some white fabric covered the rest of her body. Immediately, Strider knew she was a warrior queen.

"The King of Sin, Lucifer Morningstar! The Champion of Sin, Mazikeen!"

Strider looked more surprised than anything as the King of Sin bounded from the carriage, liveliness in his step. He was a handsome blonde man wearing a neat, black suit and wielding a glass of wine that, no matter what, refused to spill. Pulling up the rear was a beautiful, dark-skinned, black-haired woman wearing naught but black leather.

"You know him?" Hisui asked, noting Striders look.

"I do indeed," Strider said, finally smiling.

"I'll be honest, I don't know anything about him. At all," Hisui said, suddenly curious. Most of the others, she had an inkling of, but not this man.

"Greetings, one and all! Hello, hello, hello, hello," he said, going around and introducing himself. When he got to Strider, he just grinned. "Ha! It's been a while!"

"Too long. Imagine my own surprise," Strider said. To the surprise of the others, the two hugged each other like old friends.

"You know how I like my surprises," he laughed.

"Mazikeen. You're as beautiful as ever," Strider said, kissing her cheek.

"Hey. Looking handsome yourself. Same as ever," she said, returning the favor. Her eyes fell on Hisui, who she winked it; Hisui just blushed.

"We'll catch up a bit later. Ha! You never expected it, did you?" Lucifer laughed.

"I suppose I should've put two and two together. You virtually said as much when we first met," Strider said, smiling. Lucifer and Mazikeen inserted themselves next to him while they waited for the penultimate entries.

"The Queen of Joya, Imperatrix Archon! The Champion of Joya, Uma Koshio!"

The first word that came to mind when he saw Imperatrix was severe. She was neat to the nth degree; not a single strand of her black-violet hair was out of place. Her eyes were narrow and cutting as they passed over everyone. She had a strident walk, which was apart from the abundant energy her champion had.

"Hello," Imperatrix said simply as she mad the glad-handing rounds. The queens and princesses seemed almost intrigued by her. Imperatrix was taller than most of the women there and wore a conservative violet dress. Around her face, she wore a sheer drape that obfuscated her lips and nose, revealing only her violet eyes. Her handshake was as has hard as her personality. When she shook Strider's hand, he felt some of her magic come through.

"A pleasure," Strider said.


"Oooh, you're Strider," Uma said, grinning. She had long, rusty colored hair and jade green eyes. Her bare forearms revealed some scarring; she was no doubt used to battle.

"That I am. A pleasure," he said.

"Sorry, can't charm me," she laughed. She turned to Hisui and looked her up and down with a smirk. "Nice to meet you, princess. Love your style."

"Thank you," Hisui said graciously.

"Uma," Imperatrix said stridently.

"Right. Sorry, miss!"

"Finally, the Que–"

"No man shall announce me!" a haughty voice sounded. "Sister?"

"The Queen of Enca, as well as her Champion – Boa Hancock!" someone else exclaimed. When the carriage door opened, jaws dropped to the floor. Wives pinched their husbands, while others were just as enamored.

Boa Hancock was perhaps the most beautiful woman that anyone had ever seen. She was tall, slim, and well endowed. Her black hair ran like a river down her back, coming just past her hips. She wore a patterned snake dress that was slit down the side. It had a short plunge, only adding to how captivating she was. The retinue of women that accompanied her was, on their own, gorgeous; comparatively, however, none seemed to stand up to her in terms of looks.

"Make way!" Hancock announced to everyone. Everyone made haste to get out of her way while she made her way up the stairs, like an angel ascending to Heaven. She towered above almost everyone there; only Strider had a couple of inches on her. She did not shake hands; she did not bow or kneel, or anything. Instead, she was commanding. Still, no one dared to reproach her. When her eyes fell on Robin, the latter averted her gaze. Strider saw Hancocks face soften a bit before hardening as she looked at Isengrim, Meline, and Reynard – the last of which smirked while the other two wore a hard look.

"Welcome, Queen Hancock. It is an honor to have you grace us first after opening your borders," Melina said. She seemed as stunned with her beauty as her husband. Hancock just ignored her, though.

"It's gonna rain, Hancock," a beautiful orange-haired girl said. She looked at Robin, and Strider saw the pain in her eyes; these two seemed well acquainted.

"Can't have that," Strider said. Everyone watched him raise a hand. The clouds suddenly began to disappear, revealing the warm sun. Hancock just watched.

"You can command the weather?" the orange-haired girl asked.

"Nothing so dramatic. But a cloud is easy to disperse," he answered. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dyst shuffle a little.

"Enough, Nami," Hancock ordered, scoffing as she looked at Strider. Hancock said nothing else; she stood beside Gentiana and Luna, her eyes facing forward.

"That concludes the introductions! A round of applause for the champions!"

"I think you forgot one more carriage, my good man," Isengrim said in a booming voice.

"Forgive me, sire! Yes! Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce to you guests of the king – the Wizard Saints Yoruichi Shihouin, God Serena, Esdeath, Reiko Natsume, and the Lady Silvan!" As they disembarked, their eyes were first drawn to Strider. He noticed that Reiko's cat was sitting on her shoulder, seemingly smiling at him.

'What is up with that cat?' he wondered.

"It's so good to see you all!" Isengrim exclaimed.

"Thank you for having us," Yoruichi said, smiling.

"Lady Silvan, you must be tired! Let us retire inside. We have a wonderful feast prepared for all of you!"

"Certainly," Silvan said. She led the way inside, and no one seemed to mind following. Strider and Hisui waited for everyone else before bringing up the rear. Striders' eyes washed over the backs of everyone, making notes here and there.

"What're you thinking about?" Hisui asked knowingly.

"Nothing in particular, my lady," he said. He spotted the two men he had Dominated the night before off to one side; they gave him an imperceptible nod.

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Stone -- หินพลัง








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