"How does that song go again? Something about the hanging tree and the strange things that happen underneath it?" I ask myself to try and jog my memory while I also jog with my legs back to where I last saw Reeze. I have a sackful of dynamite I want to introduce him to.
"Maybe I'm thinking of that other song. The one that goes dahdah-dahdahdah-dahdahdidahdah. Yeah. That's the one I'm thinking of."
"Which song are you talking about?" Clair asked behind me.
I turned my head over my right shoulder so I could look at her and replied, "Birds With Broken Wings. It's one of my favorites."
Clair hummed and tilted her head to the side curiously. "I didn't know they had music in Impel Down. I thought they were too busy torturing you for your sins to let you have any songs."
I laugh a little when the image of a bunch of prisoners singing Let It Go pops into my head for some reason. "They don't. There's never any music in Impel Down."
"Then where do you know that song from?"
I stop completely.
That's an excellent question. Where do I know music from? I can't sing or anything, but I definitely remember music. I used to try and sing everyday when I was younger but it never ended well. As time went on I forgot more of the music in my head until I could barely remember anything at all.
I wish I could remember. That would be nice.
"I don't know where I know the music from. If I ever remember though I'll be sure to let you know." I tell Clair, then I continue walking.
Each one of my heavy footsteps cause a small cloud of dust to rise up from any of the debris I step on and it's times like this that me me happy I'm tall. If I was shorter I'd probably have to breath that all in. As I step out of the ruins of one house onto a street I see a light shining into my eyes from the sides and I turn to look at it.
"Oh? The sun is setting." Clair says behind me. Then she says something else but I don't listen.
It's beautiful. The setting sun is reflective off the ocean waves I can see from the street I'm on and is bouncing off of all the smoke in the sky. It's turned the whole town I to so many shades of red and orange I don't have enough words to describe it properly. Hell. I don't any words to describe it.
Clair notices me looking and scoffs. "It's just a sunset. Nothing to get worked up about. A sunset happens literally every day."
"Yeah. I know that. But that doesn't mean that this sunset isn't any less special than any other." I reply nonchalantly.
I feel someone behind me and turn to look at them. Clair is gone already so I don't think about her.
I relax a little when I see one of the men from the crew. I don't know his name or anything, but I recognize him from one of the ships. He's standing in front of what's left of two women laying dead in each other's arms on the street. Maybe they were trying to protect each other from whatever killed them? Oh well, it's not my problem because I don't care.
The guy sees me looking at him and gives a lazy salute. "Hey Boss. Where you heading?"
"Going to kill... Wait. Nevermind I need to question the guy. I'm going to go and maim the guard captain. He's pretty strong. What're you doing?"
"Looking at these dead girls and missing my sister." He replies shrugging.
"Oh. You any good at fighting?"
He barks in laughter. "Not as good as you Boss, but I'm passable."
It wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone come with me while I fight Reeze. I'm pretty sure it's a cliche in a fight for one opponent to the in no they've won only for the guy they thought they killed to get back up and strike the other guy from behind. If this guy comes with me he can call out 'Look out behind you Boss!' in case something like that happens.
I jerk my head in the direction I'm going through all the houses I had crashed through before and say, "Come on. Walk and talk."
He nods and walks behind me. We walk for a few moments before I address the elephant in the room and ask, "Why aren't you wearing shoes?"
He give some a bug eyed look, and begins to laugh without stopping. I assume he just has gas or something so I don't say anything and wait for him to finish. When he does stop he wipes a tear away and replies, "That's because I have tough pads Boss."
Pads? "Like the things girls shove in their shirts to impress their senpai?"
He raises an eyebrow. "No... What are you talking about?"
I shrug. "I don't know. I just assumed. Speaking of assuming, mind if I ask another question? Cause I'm asking anyways. Why do you look like a hyena?"
He snorts. "I can't believe that's the second question you asked. I look like a hyena cause I'm from the Mink Tribe Boss. And before you ask, no. I am not from Zou. I was born elsewhere and got arrested on the way there with my sisters. My sisters got away and I didn't."
"If course." I nod. "That explains absolutely nothing. Try again."
He laughs again. "Okay okay. So I'm a Hyena Mink and you're a Lesser Mink. That's why I look like a hyena and why you look like a Lesser Mink."
I frown beneath my mask. "Why am I a Lesser Mink?"
He shrugs. "Cause you're a mutant Monkey Mink with no fur."
I look at him and judge his height. "I call bullshit. I have like three and a half feet on you. So since I'm bigger, you should be the Lesser Mink. That's just logic."
The Hyena Mink smirks. "Sure Boss. Whatever you say."
I sigh. That isn't what I expected him to say. "I was kinda hoping I could argue with you instead of you just agreeing with me... What's your name again?"
"My name is Trogo Boss, and with all due respect there's no way in Hell I'd ever argue with you. Sure all Minks are born great fighters but I saw you rip off a man's head and kill eight people with it back at the docks. The only reason you didn't kill more than eight people was because the skull turned into a mushy paste when you hit someone too hard with it. I peed myself a little when that happened."
"Oi. I... don't actually have anything to say about that. I saw Warden do that once I thought I could try it out."
We keep on walking, the lit candalbre casting shadows on the unlit areas of the town. The rest of the crew seems awfully arson-happy because the amount of smoke in the sky has increased. Now the town has been bathed in dark red light with cinders falling sporadically from the sky. Sporadic screams still echo around the town all g with the laughter of the ex-convicts. It's just as beautiful as the sunset from before, but in a different way.
Soon enough I arrive back at the street where I last saw Reeze. For some reason he's there, his purple cloak now black in the dimmed lighting. I grin under my mask.
I want to see him go boom. I jerk the bag if dynamite open and put three sticks of dynamite in my hand held between my fingers. Then I withdraw my hand from the bag and show Reeze.
Behind me Trogo laughs.