90.47% The Binding of Fates HP/GOT / Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Mudbloods Deserve To Die

บท 19: Chapter 17: Mudbloods Deserve To Die




Summary: Jon has no clue how to fight against magic. Nymphadora Tonks is a one-witch reinforcement army.

The next morning Tonks had her books, important clothes, clan gear and potions trunk packed. That letter could be a turning point in her life, and she knew it. Her parents were humble and wanted the absolute best for her and her future endeavours.

She was an adult, or maybe she should say, of age. Time to let them know what she has been doing these past few weeks.

"Mom, Dad, can I show you something?" she asked as she joined them for breakfast.

"What's up?" Ted asked, looking at her as he sipped his morning tea. He put down the Daily Prophet. Andromeda joined them from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a drying towel. "Is it ministry stuff again?"

"No. I've got... a new job. Thing. Here," she showed them a parchment of her recent Gringotts records for the months of July to early September. Ted frowned, scrutinizing the rows. He passed it on to his wife when she asked. Ted leaned back, shifted his plate and laced his fingers together on the table.

"That's... interesting." Ted nodded, his eyebrows knitted in concern. "Are you in some sort of trouble?"

"Starting credit, forty five galleons. Deposit fifty galleons. Then... look at these sums! Internal Credit transfer TCV twenty seven thousand galleons, forty five sickles and three knuts. Internal transfer credit TCV twelve thousand galleons, internal transfer credit TCV four thousand galleons. Internal transfer credit TCV thirteen thousand galleons. Debit two thousand eight hundred World Wizarding Gear. Other small debits. Remaining balance FIFTY THREE THOUSAND TWO NINETY! What is going on here? What is TCV?" Andromeda voice rose higher and higher as she read Gringotts statement. She looked absolutely furious. "This better be blasted good. If you dare tell me you've been gambling, or dealing with shady-"

"No mum. I am now a registered Clan Witch for the Hunter's Guild." There. She said it. She took a deep breath as she eyed her parents.

"What!" her father snapped. He took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "That's extremely dangerous. Especially for a lone girl." His voice was low, measured. "What does TCV stand for?"

"The Crows' Vambrace. That is the name of our clan. I want to help you out here as well, and probably put something away for a nice retirement when you are ready for it," she offered with a hesitant smile. "Those figures are my cut of the payments issued by clients for work done on jobs."

"These...are ...astronomical fees," her mother growled, hitting the parchment with the back of her palm. Tonks could not remember the last time she saw her mother so angry. "In one month? Wait. This is the span over two and a half weeks! What kind of jobs were you doing that costs so much?"

"What I always wanted to do. Combating dark magic."

Her parents stared at her, trying to find words. Her mother actually made a rather passable imitation of a goldfish. Her dad composed himself first and took back the parchment. "Is this some sort of pre-requisite for the auror program?"

"No. Actually, Aurors contract out reputable clans to help them do their work," Tonks explained. "Some of those fees are from The French MLE." She pulled out her trump card: the Gringrotts' statement of the Crows' Vambrace Clan Vaults. "What you have in your hand is the account you set up for me since I was in Hogwarts. This, is our Clan's statement." She passed it across the table.

Her parents watched the curled parchment as if it were a potion that the healer wanted them to take, but knew from prior experience it tasted awful. Reluctantly, Ted took it.

"Holy shit," was all he said. Her mother looked over his shoulder, and her lips pressed together.

"Statement period of Total deposits: One hundred and ninety two thousand galleons. Guild commission, nineteen thousand, two hundred. Total transfers out: Fifty six thousand and ninety galleons. Which coincides with this," Ted brought her personal vault parchment side by side on the table. Andromeda scrutinized the payees.

"L'academie Royal Du Magie Beauxbatons (The Royal Academy of Beauxbatons School of Magic). Le Bras De Magie Royal Du Roi (The King's Royal Arm Of Magic). Les Estats Du Sud de la Magie (The French Southern States of magic)," her mother translated in perfect French. "The French Aurors paid you?"

"As I said, we were fighting dark magic."

"We?" her father asked.

"My team and I. There are three of us."

"Three? I'm confused. Only big jobs get these sort of payments. Since you're so young, won't you be like, a trainee of a big group? You said you were the Clan Witch. Which means you are the founder, or leader, or am I mistaken?"

Tonks knew that this part would be the hardest to explain. It still didn't make much sense to herself, far less to her parents who did not go on the adventure to witness her lads in action.

"I need a secrecy oath from you two if I am going to explain this to the best of my ability. Clan affiliation is something that is kept secret, even from the Ministry."

"All right. I'm dying to find out. I Swear not to reveal what you tell me in this discussion," her father declared, tapping his mouth his wand.

"I swear," her mother did the same.

"The Boy Who Lived and the Lord Black are my teammates. The three of us are the Crow's Vambrace. We have rescued a kidnapped boy, foiled an infiltration and hostage situation at Beauxbatons, and rescued a town from a nogtail infection orchestrated by a Russian network of criminals. They eventually took the whole town under hostage... we freed them and captured the leader. Also, we captured a French hit squad that attacked a rich heiress' birthday party. Those figures are the bounty payments issued by the Aurors and so on."

Her parents were suitably impressed. Tonks could have sworn that her father, even through his frowning demeanor, was immensely proud.

"I... I don't know what to say. I didn't think you had it in you at... well; so young an age. I always believed with the proper training you would learn and be capable of magic beyond my dreams...but this..." he looked down at the Clan Account. "This is incredible."

"Incredible is an understatement. But How?" her mother asked. "Your most advanced attack spells when we sparred are Stupefy, Depulso and the only non-verbal you have is the manacle charm."

Tonks knew that her parents were closely monitoring her spell progress. If the roles were reversed, she would be dumbfounded as to how their aspiring eighteen year old daughter could be fighting crime abroad. Tonks blew out a deep breath. This was it.

"Actually I... mostly helped. Those lads are Heroes, daddy. They do stuff that most wizards- um well... I had only imagined. There is no other way to explain it. And-" she blew out another breath. Another bombshell was coming. "I'm going to splitting time between home and at Hogsmeade."

"What? You...moving out?" her mother asked, concerned.

"Sort of."

"What about your studies for the entrance exam?" her dad asked.

"I can do both. I'm going to rent a place in Hogsmeade, for clan business. I'll be back and forth, and I'm still going to do classes. On the weekends I would most likely be up there, but during the week I'll be home some days, depending on my lecture and practical schedule. But please, don't tell anyone. If they ask, say I am renting in London or something."

"Hogsmeade huh?" Ted pondered. He rolled back up the parchments and tapped his wand to cast a ribbon charm. "Once you're sure, we'll do whatever we can to support you."

"Thanks dad," Tonks beamed.

"We'll stand by you, no matter what. If you are sure, then I'm alright with that," her mother said softly. "When will you be leaving?"

"I guess... now? I'm packed already. I'm taking Cloud. The Hogwarts express leaves in thirty minutes."

Her parents looked at each other for a tense moment, then at Tonks. "I'll help you take your things," her father offered. "I did see an amazing broom in the storage room... was wondering how you got that..."

"Gift from Lord Black, we used it on mission. I'm going around back and get Cloud. Where's his leash?"

Fifteen minutes later the Tonks family were on platform 9 3/4, three trunks and a dog carrying box piled on top of them. Cloud was happily leashed circling around Tonks legs. He was waving his white tail at the few passengers going on the red train.

"Be careful, Nymphadora," Andromeda said, giving her a hug. "Write as soon as you're settled in."

"I will mom."

"Gets cold there soon. Take care of yourself. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks so much dad. Love you both so much."

"You want to make an old man cry? get on. We'll be seeing you soon. You're only a train away."

"Yeah. Bye mom. Will floo call when I reach!" Tonks levitated her trunks on the train and sat down in the nearest compartment. She opened the window and waved. Cloud bounded up on her lap and was barking joyfully at her parents.

Her parents waved at the two of them and Nymphadora got a weird feeling of nostalgia, remembering when they used to drop her off to school.

Now, she was summoned to be a one woman army of reinforcements to the most protected magical place in the world. She sat back, drawing a deep breath. If Jon "The Immortal Knight" Black said they were under attack, she had better be ready. Without further ado she took off her loose robes and dressed in the dueling armor. She put on a regular traveling cloak over that and settled in for the ride.

"She needs proper rest, Headmaster," Severus Snape confronted Dumbledore as soon as he arrived. The headmaster was uncharacteristically clad in somber robes when he walked in the medical wing. The afternoon sun shone through the western windows. "It is only so much stimulant potion I can give her before she starts to make mistakes."

"And good afternoon to you as well, Severus," Albus Dumbledore nodded. "I agree wholeheartedly with you. However, Poppy has told me under no uncertain terms that speed is of the essence."

"She has rested for a total of three hours, only one hour breaks after nine hour shifts of surgery and spell work. You must bring in relief."

"Would you have inquisitive healers from St. Mungo's reporting directly to the press? She said the work is not beyond her capacity, it simply needs time, and attention. I prefer to allow her, and the Aurors do their work without panic or unnecessary involvement from parents and the public alike. Is there anything more I need to know about concerning Harry?"

"Progress has been steady with the arm. The torso and face have been treated as best as she could, all of the metal pieces extracted. Bones are re-growing as we speak. Concerning the eye, the restorative will be finished," Severus twirled his wand in a circle. A clock-face shimmered into the air. "Sixty four minutes. Then it will take half an hour to cool before it is administered."

Severus began to pace, hitting his wand against his thigh in a nervous gesture as he went into lecture mode. Albus observed his behavior thoughtfully. Severus has never shown this much determination for anyone other than students of his own house.

"That time will be crucial. The eye repair and especially the reconnection of the optic nerve is extremely taxing and meticulous work. I recommend we have a specialist brought in with a seal of confidentiality, specifically for moral support and physical backup for Pompfrey, if it comes to that."

"Have you slept, old boy?" Albus enquired. Severus just snarled, dismissing the question.

"It is too critical a stage not to have all of our weaknesses covered," Severus hissed. He would have mentioned hiring substandard Defense Staff as a weakness, but for the moment, unity amongst staff was paramount. He did not want to be at odds with Albus when two students were sequestered in the hospital wing within the first day of classes. "Who knows how well she will manage in an hour or two? Sleep is necessary for her to perform at the highest level, which this procedure indubitably is."

"You have given this much consideration, Severus. I must apologize for not giving her as much attention as I should. I have spent the majority of the time deflecting the Aurors from Harry's situation as much as possible. You have someone to proposition?"

"Healer Wanderley Worthington Junior comes to mind."

"Moody's personal surgeon, yes. You do know if we contact him, Alastor will know."

"Your student's eye is at risk, Headmaster." Severus did not argue, just stated the facts.

"Very well. See to it. Speak with Poppy and scribe the summons. I will sign it and personally deliver it to him. In the meantime, I will keep watch here. Please inform Minerva, Pomona and Filius that I will be leaving soon."

"Wotcher, Rosmerta!" Tonks greeted, letting her wrapped up broom and levitated trunks drop with a thud on the inside of the doorway. A draft of cold air followed her in. In her left hand Cloud's leash was wrapped a few times around, and the dog obediently sat, wagging his tail and looking adoringly up towards his master. She turned and shut the door, drawing back her hood.

"Hullo, Tonks!" Rosmerta put down the wares she was washing and came forward to the counter. "Will you be staying a while?"

"A short while, yeah," Tonks smiled. "Open up a room for me for a few days, please."

"No problem, now it's quiet time until Halloween. You would have your pick of the lot."

"Great!" Tonks dug into her purse for her money bag. After ten minutes her stuff was packed away in the largest room, the one with its own back alley staircase exit. She planted one of the pair of sneakascopes above the exit door and kept the other in her pocket. If someone tampered with her door, the one in her possession should alert her. That was what the manufacturers claimed it would do. Hopefully she wouldn't have to put it to the test. She grabbed Cloud on his leash and her Quicksilver broom and made her way down the exit. She walked up the street and dropped off a pre-written letter to Mr. Howard Humburly at the owl post station. He was the owner of a property behind Hogsmeade station that Jon had shortlisted for purchase or rental. Cloud was energized out in the open street, his tongue hanging out happily as he sniffed all the signposts and any immovable object within the range of his leash.

"Heel, Cloud!" Tonks commanded as she walked down the road. The dog bounded over to her side, sometimes tangling up her legs with his leash. Tonks patted his head and he eventually calmed down and kept pace on her left. Tonks made the walk up to Hogwarts gates with her broom slung over her shoulder. To her annoyance, the gates were locked, again. "Come on, boy." Tonks scooped up the massive dog and with some clumsy maneuvering , used her broom to fly over to Hagrid's hut. She set down and Fang and Ghost began to bark from inside. Cloud gustily returned the favour.

"Hagrid! Hallo!" Tonks called. Hagrid swung open the door, his parasol held at the ready.

"Nym'dora! Lass! What are you doing here? Get in, quickly!" Hagrid hustled her and Cloud inside the hut. Fang and Ghost began to snarl. "You shouldn't be- oh? And who is this white 'un?" Hagrid smiled at the dog, completely disregarding the curfew lockdown scolding he was going to give his unexpected visitor. "Swiss shepherd huh? Yeah, I reckon that be the one... those coats are magnificent. Very good at magical animal control if I rem'ber correctly."

"Yeah, Hagrid this is Cloud. Ghost looks almost fully recovered, Hagrid! Great work! Jon was down for a while without him. Ghost you remember me?" Tonks crouched and extended her hand. Ghost approached, sniffed, then licked her fingers once. He silently went back and sat down on the rug in front of the fire. Fang was still in attack position, staring at Cloud.

"Easy Fang," Hagrid commanded "Sit yer arse down over there," he pointed. Fang spun twice and bounded over to the massive bed and jumped on top of it. His tail hit the bed in intervals, staring at Cloud. Cloud was currently sniffing Hagrid, unsure of what to make of the huge half giant wizard. "So. Nym'dora. You're not really supposed to be here. Aurors are in the school."

"I heard Harry was attacked. Jon wrote me. I'm here to visit him. And possibly help if I can." Tonks squared her shoulders, determined.

"Hullo Rubeus!" a voice came outside of the door. There was a rapid knock on the heavy wood.

"It's the headmaster," Hagrid whispered, unsure if to hide Tonks or not. "Better get this over with , then," he grumbled, deciding against it. "Definitely not the time for secrets." Hagrid opened the door and greeted his second visitor. "Professor Dumbledore, come in!"

"Good evening," Dumbledore stopped in the doorway, looking at Tonks. "Miss Tonks. What a surprise." Dumbledore did not look particularly pleased. The last time he spoke with her, Dumbledore had to make a hasty visit to London and Obscurus' Journals and Literature bookstore. That spiraled into the discovery of two people hexed and an Auror Investigation into Dobby and the Malfoy residence. The next time he heard of her Professor McGonagall had told him that Harry and his friends were attacked visiting Katherine Bell at the hospital wing. Dumbledore studied her, clasping his hands behind his back. The effect was immediate. His demeanour exuded power and suspicion. Tonks had never been so intimidated in her life.

"Good evening Professor Dumbledore," Tonks made an awkward attempt at a curtsy. "My friend Jon told me that Harry was in the hospital wing. I was coming to visit."

"Yes, he is," he said curtly. Dumbledore paused, never breaking eye contact with her. "Right now I am on my way out. The gates were closed."

"I saw. I um, flew over."

"You flew over. I see. The grounds are charmed to warn us of malicious intent by visitors when we activated the security hex. Seeing as it has not done so, I believe that you wish Hogwarts no ill will. Is that the case, Ms. Tonks?" Professor Dumbledore said gravely.

Tonks put up her hands in innocence. "No, of course not sir! I'm here to help, and check on Harry, I swear!" she hastily said.

Professor Dumbledore stared at her another moment. "What was the reason for you being reported by your head of house to come to my office in your fifth year?"

"Um... I impersonated Wiona Merrythought and kissed her boyfriend?"

"Correct." He turned to Hagrid. "Send floo call to Minerva and Poppy. Tell them that I have spoken to Miss Tonks and have allowed her entry to the school and she is allowed to visit Harry as they see fit. Miss Tonks, pardon my rudeness, but I must speak to Rubeus, privately."

"Um, ok. Hagrid, would Cloud be ok here for now?"

"Sure, why not?" Hagrid replied. Tonks eyed the massive boarhound and the young wolf and raised her eyebrows. "They're fine. I have it under control, lass."

"Thank you Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore. I'll head on up. I can find my way." Dumbledore just stared at her as she left the hut. Hagrid closed the door softly behind her.

"Wha' was that all about?" Hagrid asked Dumbledore.

"She has been involved in two separate incidents when it came to students' safety over the school break. The timing of her visit now is quite," he stroked his beard, looking at the direction of the school. "Uncanny."

"Naw. Jon Black and Harry are her friends. She's like a bossy big sister to them from what I noticed. She personally brought up Ghost here, with the twin Weasley boys."

"Ghost?" Dumbledore asked. Hagrid indicated the white wolf curled up before the fire.

"This is Jon's familiar, Ghost. Got injured in the fight with the thestral. I've been treating him ever since."

"A wolf," Dumbledore noted, watching the animal. "The closest relative to magical creatures while still being non-magical, apart from the mighty Blue whale. But they are highly reluctant to fraternize with humans. Jon must be a powerful wizard to have him as a familiar."

"Aye, that he is. Fiercely loyal to him, in fact. Tried to escape as soon as he could walk. But I spoiled him rotten so he finally decided to stay. I took a couple a bites to show that he could really trust me," Hagrid chuckled.

"Very well. I am going to hopefully fetch Wanderly Worthington from Manchester to help Madame Pompfrey. She is currently taking a short rest. Professor McGonagall is currently manning the Hospital wing and Septima is overlooking her Gryffindors. I came to give further instructions and to reinforce that no one is to be allowed in while the Aurors are here, but maybe I should have put a bit more pep into my step."

"Ah, I'm sorry Professor. But she's alright. She even checked out with Ghost. He accepted her as soon as she gave him her hand."

Dumbledore drew his wand and did an animagus revealing charm on Cloud. Cloud yipped once and hid behind Hagrid's massive legs. "Good. From this moment forth until I come back, Godric himself is not to be allowed unto the grounds. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore," Hagrid apologized.

"Upon my return, ask me for my password. Please have Severus and Filius ready as reinforcement on short notice. My password would be," Dumbledore looked around for inspiration. "The White Wolf. I would give a password to Mr. Worthington, and that would be 'Chocolate Cake'. This should be asked as soon as we arrive at the gates. Please remember this, and do not allow such a breach to happen again," Dumbledore said gravely.

"Understood, headmaster. Sorry fer letting you down."

"Be ever careful, Rubeus. Mr. Worthington is a shrewd and powerful healer. He must be checked out on arrival. Let the others know Miss Tonks is on her way. I must leave. Constant vigilance, old friend."

"That's an old order code word..." Hagrid frowned.

"Things are getting Dark once again, Rubeus. We cannot afford any mistakes," Dumbledore turned and left.

"Mr. Black," Professor Septimus Vector called into the common room after reading a slip of parchment brought to her by a house elf. "Where is Jon?"

"He's up in his room," Percy said, seated behind a desk near to the entrance door. He was mandated to man the portrait door and not allow any students to leave. This task was shared between himself and Claudia Howard, the seventh year prefect.

"Call him down, Weasley. Bring him to me in Classroom G- 11, please. Ms. Howard, please hold on for the time being."

A minute later Jon came downstairs and Percy escorted him out. They walked to the closest class down the hall. Percy knocked on the open door.

"Come," Professor Vector said. The two young men walked in. Tonks was standing next to Vector by the teacher's desk. "Thank you Percy. Please wait outside, this would only take a few minutes." Percy closed the door behind him and leaned on the wall. He drew his wand and scanned the halls.

"Jon, this young woman says she knows you. Do you?"

"Of course."

"I asked her to give me a specific question about her that you would be able to answer. Please answer it on this piece of parchment." Vector beckoned him over to the first student desk in front of her where ink and a quill was set up.

What gift did you get her in the clothes shop?

Jon dipped the quill and answered.

Dragon leather jerkin.

He handed the parchment over to the professor. She checked it with another parchment that she had Tonks fill out prior to calling Jon.

"Good. Hagrid and Professor McGonagall confirmed that you two did know each other, but seeing as I am in charge of you for now, I am making triply sure. She says she is here to visit you and Harry at the hospital wing. I will call Professor Sinistra to escort you down. Give me a minute, Miss Tonks. Jon, do not leave until I come back."

Jon dipped his head in a small bow.

"Thanks, Professor," Tonks said.

Professor Vector got up and left the class.

"It's serious here. Haven't ever seen the staff so tense," Tonks opened up as she sat down on top of the desk on Jon's left.

"Harry was in a literal mess. The left side of his face was one large bloody wound... and his arm.." Jon shook his head. "Since the adrenaline has gone, those images are all I could think of."

"Shite. What happened?" she whispered. "Your letter was maddening... and short on info."

"Lockhart was hexed, similarly to Katie. He got aggressive and was quite skillful. Obliterated a chandelier and banished the pieces into Harry. It was partially blocked by his shield charm, but a lot still got through. He's been under care from the healer since yesterday after lunch. No word yet on his condition. I am extremely glad you came. I have no idea how to battle magic. Enemies are no problem. Harry is the one verse in these things." Jon's voice dropped lower. "Did you bring a rooster?"

"No. Not yet. Why would you need a rooster?" Tonks whispered. Jon stood up and bent low to her ear.

"There is a basilisk in the castle."

"What!" Tonks hissed. "How?"

Jon had to think up something on the spot. Harry knew about the Slytherin Monster due to his previous journey. How was he to explain this now?

"He told me he had one of those dreams about it. Yesterday morning we awoke to find out the chickens were killed. All of them. It is somehow related."

"Dreams?" Tonks asked. "Harry definitely told me he wasn't a seer."

Jon simply stared at her. Tonks cursed.

"Fuck. I should have known," she closed her eyes. "Rooster... rooster... all I know about the uses of a rooster is a blood ritual used for vandalism. Permanent ink for almost a whole month. That's about it."

"I don't know why he told me to ask for the rooster, but he did. He also wanted you to find information on poultry farms nearby."

"Jon, Hogwarts is in a very remote part of Scotland. There is nothing nearby for miles on end. Only Hogsmeade. Anything else would be by broom." Jon raised his hand to halt.

"Someone is coming," he warned. Sure enough, both Professor Vector and Sinistra came in the room. Percy walked in.

"Jon, you may go with Miss Tonks to visit Harry. Percy, thank you. Ten points to Gryffindor," Vector said. "Professor Sinistra would escort you down to the Hospital wing."

The walk down to the Hospital wing was eerie and quiet. The sun did not set entirely as yet, so the empty halls had an orange glow on the tiles where sunlight crept in.

"Wands out, Nymphadora and Jon. There are three Aurors working in the castle. They do not expect the conspirator to attack while they are here, but have advised all staff to remain vigilant." They bent the corridor with the defense class from yesterday. Tonks watched the stern- faced Auror from the Ministry standing sentry at the door.

"Tonks," he nodded as they walked past. His eyes followed the three of them.

"Auror Drinkwater," she replied in greeting. She continued walking, only nodding once in acknowledgement. Within minutes they were at the hospital wing.

"You are to wait in the visitor's area until summoned." Sinistra escorted them through the main doors to the infirmary and turned a left before the first row of beds. She opened a door and Tonks and Jon were seated in a room with a short coffee table and a few couches. There were stacks of old magazines on couch side tables and a narrow shelf against the far wall packed with books. There was an aquarium built into the wall opposite the shelf. Colourful fish swam through a miniature version of Hogwarts caste and the Quidditch pitch. "Professor McGonagall will see you shortly. You are not to wander the halls until an escort has been provided. Am I clear?" Sinistra spoke in a no-nonsense tone.

"Yes, Professor," the two of them said in unison. Tonks realized she had turned immediately back into student mode the moment Headmaster Dumbledore confronted her. Sinistra nodded and left the room.

"I am to assume that Harry did not tell anyone else of the..." Tonks mouthed the word Basilisk without saying it out aloud.


"Bingo? What?" Tonks frowned.

"Isn't bingo used for... affirmative?"

"Yeah, but it usually when it is a mystery clue popping up or something that you figured out after ... forget it."

"Sorry. But yes. He does not want people to know about his... um... clairvoyant dreams." Tonks raised the hem of her loose robes and showed Jon the dark red pants by her calf.

"These robes were inspired by the Red Oracle.. or Ora Kill to be exact, according to Bulistrode. Harry thought up my code name Red Dora on the fly in Salles. I was curious and dug up on her story. She was eventually hunted down and killed by a Hit Squad almost fifteen years later after her victory. It appeared she became a psychotic serial killer after her taste for blood."

"Interesting. What was her real name, did you find out?"

"Yeah. Her name was Immaculate Betelgeuse Black. An ancestor of ours. A white seer gone horribly dark after her performance in the Joust."

"Witches going dark seems to be a trend I am hearing more and more often recently," Jon said. "Is this a common occurrence?"

"Not really. A wizard going Dark usually becomes an issue when he has a cause and gains political power. Wars, uprising, civil unrest, that sort of thing. A witch who goes dark usually creates a powerful curse that lasts generations, without anyone really knowing she went dark. Betelguese created the curse Sectumoccipitalis, a curse that sprays blood from the neck like a fountain. Her continued usage of this curse during her life tainted the female branch of the Blacks to have one particular fetish as a recurring... thing. My aunt Bellatrix was known for her madness, and love for torture. My other aunt was one for self-love. My mother, thankfully escaped the curse. The Black girls have always been ... analyzed for traits by healers even when in the womb.'

Jon stared at her, smirking at her penchant for flirting. "No wonder your mother named you that."

"Shut up," Tonks said. "I think the story is just that, a story. The curse needs to be fulfilled by the girl, who has choices of who she wants to be. Some of us just choose to give in to their ...namesake."

"Of course. What are we, if not our choices?"

Tonks broke off the conversation, feeling uneasy. She picked up the magazine closest to her. On it was the picture of Jon and Harry sitting in Diagon alley. To her annoyance it was a recent Witch Weekly, the same issue Alexandria asked the boys to sign in Gringotts after their meeting.

"Tell me about him."

"I was in the surgery area when Pomprey was explaining to the headmaster. They needed to re-grow his arm bones and potion the flesh to magically repair. Also she said she might be able to rebuild his eye. The Potions master seems competent. I believe it took the whole day and more to finish the ocular restorative."

"Wow. Yeah, Snape is good at potions, I give him that. Too bad he's a bastard when it comes to dealing with people." Tonks grew somber. She looked at the cover of witch weekly again. She opened it and skimmed through the pages. She came across two more pictures of Harry and Jon. One was of them walking down towards the camera on the pavement at Diagon. The other was a closer picture of the two of them grinning at each other while sharing a bounce of fists outside Ollivander's shop. She watched Harry's face, only his left side was captured in the picture.

Anger grew inside of her when she imagined a disfigured boy with only a socket where his eye should have been in this picture. She mentally chased the image from her mind.

"I mailed Mr. Humburly about the property behind the station. Hopefully I would get a response by tomorrow back at Rosmerta's place. I would need to find out more about this ..." she mouthed the word basilisk, "In the library. I wonder why McGonagall hasn't come as yet."

They waited for almost an hour, talking about the situation in hushed tones and what they could do about the property. There were long gaps in between when Jon and Tonks would simply be quiet. When an hour passed, Professor McGonagall came into the waiting area.

"Miss Tonks, Mr. Black, I can only speak for a few minutes. A specialist healer has agreed to support Madame Pompfrey at this critical stage. They are working on him right now, as we speak. He will have to be awakened afterwards for a short space of time for around five minutes. It will be just to test to see if he can sense a sensitivity to light after the operation. He would still be heavily potioned, but at least he would know that you two came to visit him before we sedate him completely again for surgery aftercare. I will come back again when she says you can stop in during that short window. I am not sure how long from now that would be. You may call upon Millie for supper if necessary. In the meanwhile, I must go back to my post."

"Thank you, Professor," Jon said. Tonks thanked her as well. The clock on the wall now read minutes to six. "Might as well eat something now."

Tonks agreed and they summoned Millie for supper.

At around nine o'clock Jon pushed Tonks awake on the other couch. She opened her eyes, and sat up. "They said we can see him now," Jon said. He offered his hand and helped Tonks to her feet. Both of them followed Professor McGonagall to the surgery area.

Harry's head and the entire left side of his face was heavily bandaged. His neck, upper chest and left arm were also completely bandaged, his elbow bent and held in a sling. His right eye watched Tonks and Jon approach.

"Hey," he whispered out the side of his mouth. "You are a sight for sore eyes."

"Well, eye," Jon joked. Harry rolled his one good eye. He feebly held up his right hand and closed his fist. Jon softly touched his fist with Harry's. "I brought you a visitor."

"Hiya Tonks," Harry croaked, trying to smile.

"Hiya Harry," Tonks said, taking his right hand in hers. "You look awful. How are you feeling?"

"Right now? Nothing. But I did get an immense headache when they did the light test," he pointed to the left side of his face. "They gave me a painkiller so I could talk to you first. It's going to get ten times worse if they don't sedate me soon."

Tonks wrapped both of her hands around Harry's. "What can we do to help?"

"Pen. Paper. I need to give you some info," he whispered. "They only gave us a few minutes."

Tonks slipped out, took up a quill from the registry counter outside and brought a napkin. Harry took the quill and scribbled instructions.

Confundus on corridoor tiles to Myrtle bathroom. Slytherin chamber still closed. Michael? Lockhart? Penelope? Rooster dawn. Malfoy? Flint? Protect Ginny. Cloud- watchdog! more roosters! He underlined the last two statements.

Madame Pompfrey came in at that time. Harry crumpled the napkin in his hand and held it close to his side before she could see what he had in his hand.

"I'm sorry, but we need to put him under again before the pain kicks in," the healer said. Her eyes were heavily bagged with dark circles. Tonks leant over and gave Harry a sisterly kiss on his good cheek while taking the crumpled napkin from his fingers. Harry knew he definitely had a new source for Patronus casting if needed.

"Get well soon, Harry," she said softly as she pocketed the note and quill.

Jon nodded solemnly towards Harry.

"Bye," Harry said to her. "Glad you came."

"As if I would ever stay away," she grinned.

"And thanks, Jon."

Tonks kept smiling as they both waved goodbye.

Harry's heart warmed at her smile. At least getting almost blinded and crippled got her back talking with him. "Laters," he said as both Pompfrey and Worthington came advancing with a tray full of potions.

Tonks and Jon left the surgery area. They went over to McGonagall who was chatting with Dumbledore.

"How was he?" Dumbledore asked.

"Positive. It appears his medical treatment is going well," Jon shrugged.

"Good. I was present for the initial work on his eye. Not a pretty sight, I am afraid. I must commend Severus for convincing me to bring in Mr. Worthington. There were slight complications."

"What? Complications? What do you mean?" Tonks asked.

"Phoenix tears were present in his blood. Had a bit of heat emanating from the wounds, which did not bode well for the eye restorative, which needed to be at a constant temperature. His expertise was needed at a crucial time. Both of them claimed that the modifications to the procedure were successful and believe that the healing process should go routine from now on. Miss Tonks, you may stay over for the night in the Hufflepuff dorms if you wish. I prefer as it is late that you do not leave the grounds until morning. Jon, Professor McGonagall would escort you both back to your dorms."

"May I use the washroom before we go?" Tonks asked. "I'll be quick."

"Certainly," McGonagall agreed.

Tonks went to the hospital bathrooms and made a duplicate of the napkin tucked away in her outer robe pocket. She cast impervious on both of them, quickly reading the message Harry wrote. She folded Jon's copy tightly in the palm of her hand.

When she returned to the ward both Jon and herself followed McGonagall down to the Hufflepuff den. She offered her hand to Jon as she turned to go in. "Thanks," she said. Jon looked down at her hand for a fraction of a second, bewildered. She opened her eyes in warning, indicating he take the offered handshake. Jon caught on and grabbed her hand, shaking it twice firmly. He pocketed the folded napkin he felt in her palm. "Tomorrow, then."

"Tomorrow," Jon agreed. "Goodnight."

When Jon reached back into his dorms it was late and most of his housemates were sleeping. Alexandria had curled up on the couch downstairs. She awoke when he came through the portrait.

"Hey Jon. How was he?" she sat up.

"Potioned for pain. But it seems the treatment was a success." He yawned. Alexandria got up and give him a quick hug.

"Oui, tres bien. I'm happy to hear that he's going to be okay. I'm heading up to bed. Bonsoir, Jon." She leaned forward on tip toe and kissed him quickly on both cheeks but Jon had unconsciously leaned in for a middle kiss. Alexandria paused, watched his embarrassed expression, and spontaneously gave him a quick peck on the lips. Jon reddened as Alexandria spun around, running up the steps to her room.

Jon shook his head and smiled. He opened up the parchment folded in his hands. He read the note and was completely lost. Myrtle? Penelope? Michael? Lockhart? He was dead. So what did the French have to do with this? Malfoy? Was that Lucius Malfoy? The only name he recognized was Flint, the oldest student in the school. Protect Ginny. That was self explanatory. Rooster again. Dawn. More than one, and Cloud as watchdog. That made some sort of sense.

He would have to talk with Tonks in the morning to figure this out.

In the middle of the night, a sly fox was sniffing around on the corridor towards Myrtle's bathroom. The fox inched forward tentatively, sniffing the ground carefully each step it took. It nimbly avoided tiles enchanted by Harry's Fwooper wand, sniffing out the remnants of magic. When it reached the closest un-charmed tiles to the door the fox whined in frustration. The last six tiles adjacent to the door were completely confounded. The door was closed so he could not even make the jump in his more agile fox form. The fox stood up awkwardly on his hind legs on two adjacent tiles and immediately morphed into Michael Ellewyn-Sayre. Spreading his arms for balance on the narrow tiles, he drew his wand.

" Alohomora!"

"Fucking elf, dumb as batshit," he swore. He took a deep breath and vaulted from a standing position towards the doorway. He made it, but one of his feet grazed the charmed tile. He fell over inside of the bathroom, cursing as his leg began to cramp up. He cast the counter to the jelly legs jinx and felt his leg revert to normal. However when he got to his feet his whole world was spinning.

"Great. Just fucking great," he cursed. He crouched down, and reverted back into the fox. Leaning sideways with an ungainly trot, he slinked under the door into a bathroom stall and curled up. He would have to sleep off the confundus charm before he did something stupid and try to jump back out of the bathroom and become another double cursed lunatic like Lockhart and Penelope.

At least he and Penelope weren't exposed to the cup. That lust potion and the confundus charm had done a number on her though. Hopefully his memory spell earlier would erase any link towards him. He cursed again. Potter would make it out the hospital wing alive. No way he could get back in there again with all the staff on high alert.

All his plans: his house elf, Lockhart, was all for nothing. Lucius better be coughing up more dough when next he talked to him. That man was sinister as well, but he knew how to play that game. He would lay clues to convince Lucius to up the ante. If it worked, Lucius would believe that it was his own idea to pay him more for all his effort. Either he came to that conclusion on his own, or else Draco would simply be his next guinea pig.

Mudbloods deserve to die, but at least he could get paid making it happen. Getting rid of Potter would be icing on the cake.

AN: Thank you for reading. Botswana, Jamaica, Nepal, Ukraine, New Zealand readers! Where ya'll at? Comment with your country location ! I am honored that you are checking this story out! Thanks for reading and hit me up in the box below! And to all the Americans and UK peoples who represent every day! Thanks a lot!

Much respect!

Until we meet again


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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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