66.66% Star Wars: Fan Fiction / Chapter 5: Coruscant

บท 5: Coruscant

While in Hyperspace Drex finally decied to go to his Captains cabin on the ship and took his armour off, closed the door and sat in a mediatating position and finally took his lightsaber kit out and the Frost Crystal he was given from the kit the system gave him. He designed his lightsaber handle to pop out his armour on his wrist so no one ever noticed it. The blade was made to look like a Katana (https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/155303887158132970/?lp=true) and the blade radiated Coldness of it due it being a frost crystal. Drex was happy with the design and fell asleep on his bed afterwards.

The Dispatcher slowly came out of hyperspace near the planet of Coruscant. He was awoken several hours later by DD over the intercom stating "Boss were getting hailed by the Republic shall i ignore them and carry on or shall i follow them" Drex angry as he was awoken from the best sleep he had in ages. Drex said "Follow them!" as soon as they did they were being followed by 5 Republic fighters telling DD to follow them and to come and land at an inspection port as they couldn't understand our Transponder beacon on the ship. It was blocking them from reading the ship so they ordered The Dispatcher to land and get a new transponder after inspected the ship.

Landing down at the port there were armed men waiting to greet the ship. Drex came off surrounded by all 40 HK's. The republic guards were instantly alarmed and aimed there weapons at the squad of what they thought were Mandalorians. The HK's instantly aimed there weapons but Drex shouted at his HK's saying "MEN STAND DOWN! Don't shoot unless they shoot first" he said sheeply after that and he walked towards the highest ranked looking Republic Solder and said "Greetings, I am Drex and these are my men. Sorry about that, it seems your men didn't like the idea of seeing Mandalorians around here"

The Soldier he was speaking to was scared stiff by this towering man looking down on him. This Republic solder was only 5'8 and the guy he is speaking to is 6'10 and all the men he brought with him are 6'8. The soldier calmed down a bit and said "I am Captain Sloane! Sorry about my men its not every day you see a Mandalorian. There supposed to be rare and here we have 41 Heavily armed and trained Mandalorians right on our doorstep. Your transponder isn't working that is why you have been told to land here! So we need to search your ship for any illegal good!"

Drex chuckled which scared the Soldiers even more then calmy said "On you go have a search, Prime! guide these men and guard the ship. Get DD to order a new Transponder!" The Captain stiffened and nodded and followed a massive Mandalorian as he still thought who was wearing Red Mandalorian armour who was carrying a massive portable cannon. Prime shouted "Yes Mandalore!" Drex had went through a plan with all the HK's that he is too be called Mandalore when not in the Temple's underground.

Drex nodded and he left almost all hid guards there except 6 Assassin HK's who were going to be in stealth mode around him at all times he also had his 10 Commando HK's with him in a Square formation around him and his main squad apart from Prime of course. He slowly made his way of the Dock and towards a Taxi when he noticed a few men in brown robes walking to him and he instantly recognised the man in the front. It was Mace-Windu he was secretly fanboying over him but he pretended they weren't there and slowly got to the taxi rank and waited for a taxi. Mace-Windu noticed him ignoring him and got frustrated and ran over with a few jedi knights in tale.

Drex seen this and told his men to secretly be ready. Drex turned to him and said "And how may i help you?" with his hand resting on his pistol in his holder. Mace-Windu slowed down looking at all the Mandalorians who are protecting him and visibly grimaced thinking this could go wrong at any point. Drex said "Men move aside for the Master Jedi and the rest of you uncloak" As soon as he said this his men moved to the side and Gold and Drex walked forward with Shadow in tow. All the Assassin HK's unstealthed and it looked like the Jedi were surrounded on all sides. Mace-Windu visibly grimaced as he hadn't even noticed this men.

Mace-Windu put his hands up in surrender and laughed "I didn't even feel these men around me" Drex nodded as he dares not take his helmet of since he is still a Sith in there eyes if they see him. He then says "They wont attack unless you try to kill there Mandalore" He then points to him self with his free hand. Mace-Windu then says "You probally want to know why i have came here to you" Drex nodded and said "Well i wanted to explore. But i can have a chat if you want but are those knights really necessary for a chat?"

Mace-Windu said "You are requested before the Council of Jedi and the knights are incase you attack the Republic soldiers who are searching your ship" Drex chuckles and nods to Mace-Windu "Lead the way master jedi, but my men wont stay behind me they will follow us and protect me. My men never attack unless i order them" Drex winks at the end of that sentence and all the HK assassins bots went invisible again and Mace-Windu started walking infront with Drex and crew following behind.

After walking through the upper levels of Coruscant towards the temple i noticed people moving back in fear seeing myself and my squad following a Jedi master as we are heavily armed and many people spoke out loud worrying that we were going to destroy the temple. Drex always giggled when they said that getting more fearful stares from the pedestrians who ran out of there way.

They eventually arrived before the temple to be met by a hundred Jedi Knights and Masters. Mace-Windu turned around and said only Drex can follow from here. Drex turned to his men and said "Hold the area men, Ill be fine you don't have to worry after all its just a chat" He grinned under his helmet and started to follow Mace-Windu all the HK's lined up facing the knights and straightend up and hit there chests at the same time in uniform shouting "YES MANDALORE!" This made all the Knights and Masters physically stiffen especially seeing Mandalorians uncloaking and facing towards them also.

Drex slowly follows Mace-Windu into the Temple and he notices all the youngling staring at him so he give them a wave and said "Don't worry i wont hurt you or the Order" They seem to chuckle at that. He finally arrived before the door to the council and Mace-Windu said "Please wait here for a bit so the council can prepare" Drex nodded and started to look around and he noticed a familiar face making his way here with his padwan in toll. It was none other than Qui-Gon Jinn with his young padwan Obi-Wan Kenobi. Drex seen this and laughed gathering there attention, as he laughed Obi-Wan Kenobi put his hand on the hilt of his lightsaber Qui-Gon Jinn noticed this and told his padwan "Patiance Obi-Wan, he has clearly been invited here so don't be so quick for action"

Obi-Wan Kenobi grimaced at the sight of a Mandalorian in the temple. Drix put his hand up in jest and said "I didn't want to come but Mace-Windu basically dragged me here" chuckling at the end. Qui-Gon Jinn chuckled as well and walked up to Drix and put his hand out and Drix shook it saying "Mandalore Drix at your service" Qui-Gon retorted saying "Qui-Gon Jinn and my fast hand padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, But aren't you a bit young sounding to be a Mandalore?" Drix hearing this laughed and said "Well i am only 16 and no one else in the clan can beat me in a fight even if they team up. Were a hidden clan this is our debut to the universe though, were known as the Reapers as we don't normally leave prisoners since we have never met living beings before"

Obi-Wan Kenobi was angry at Qui-Gonn calling him fast hand. Drex piped up saying "You should go to the planet Tatooine and look for a child named Anakin Skywalker while he is still young" as soon as he said that Mace-Windu appeared and told him to enter. Drex walked in before the council and they all physical stiffened feeling the force surround him like it was made from him. Drex said "Hello" and waved half assed at the same time. Yoda grinned and said "Welcome you are, Force is imbedded in you it is"

Hearing this Drex laughed and said "I would take my helmet of to show my face but you will probally try to kill me thinking i am another race" Hearing this they all seemed to be on edge and Mace-Windu said "What do you mean?" Drex responded instantly saying "Well i am part Sith Pureblood and more" Saying this he takes his helmet off to reveal his Sith like face but it was different and he didnt have the appendages that Sith Purebloods have he also had bone like features and normal hair.

The Council all stood up but Yoda, Yoda thought for a sec and said "I can see you aren't a Sith but what are the other species in your body, What are you?" Drex said "Well thing is i awoken 8 and a bit years ago from carbonite, I then found out i was an experiment from 300 thousand plus years ago by an ancient species wanting to make something stronger and more powerful. So they built my body from different species and blood types all i had been told by the droid that awoken me was that i was a PureBlood Skell, well whatever that is. ahahha"

Taken back by his speach the Council were still holding there lightsabers ready to attack at any moment. So Drex just put his hand up and said "I wouldn't even try if i was you" As soon as he said that Shadow and 2 assassin HK's dropped down from an air duct with there vibro blades ready. Drex looked at them and told them "Thought i told you to stay with the rest Shadow" Shadow retorted stating "Mandalore my primary objective is to protect your life and i hacked there system to listen in and soon as we seen them stand up we entered through the airduct system to defend you"

Drex looked at them and said "Well i ordered you to stay back and stay with those knights didn't I? So go and F***ING DO THAT!" he shouted at the end. Shadow nodded and his men jumped back up 30 feet into the duct like it was nothing and went away. Yoda seeing this and said "That armour has no life, what are they?" Drex turned and said "Well you are correct they are not alive, There Robots that i made. I don't like to be alone i am the only sentient being in my clan. The rest are droids, Advanced droids that i have customised but droids in the end"

Hearing this the council finally sat down hands still on there lightsabers ready, Mace-Windu went on to ask "Who do you serve the Light or the Dark? As i feel both in you but that could be due to you being made instead of being born" Drex laughed a bit and then finally said "I serve myself, I want to be a part of the Republic eventually but i don't want to be controlled like the Senate. I have given feelings and personality to all my droids so they feel emotions and there learning. There sole directive is to protect me and the Temple i awoken from and they don't like taking orders from others"

Mace-Windu was still visibly tense and Yoda could feel he was getting ready to attack at any moment so he said "Master Windu, Calm yourself you must. No harm he brings" Mace-Windu still didn't chill but did seem physically less tense but not mentally. Mace-Windu finally calmed down a bit and said "We sensed a powerful force user a few days ago and we believe that force user to be you! Do you know what you're Midi-Chlorian count by any chance? and were you trained in the force?"

Drex couldn't turn around and say yeah i am the master of all combat force powers so he had to play it cool and get the system to limit his Midi-Chlorian count for when they test his blood. He whispered in his mind saying "System, Make my Midi-Chlorian count about 38,000 for them to test please" after he recieved a conformation from the system Drex said "Never been taught and i don't even know how to use the force or a Midi-Chlorian"

Yoda then said "Test we will, teach we will not" Mace-Windu got up and came to Drex as drex removed his left gauntlet to not show his hidden lightsaber. Drex felt a small prick on his hand and Mace-Windu started to walk back before he looked at Drex in fear and shock. Master Ki-Adi-Mundi shouted out "Whats wrong Master Windu!" Mace-Windu passed the tester over to Ki-Adi-Mundi and he looked at Drex in shock and the process repeated till everyone was just starting at him. Drex was thinking how do i get out of this. How do i do this!

Yoda finally said "Largest reading i have seen indeed, The force love you indeed" Drex then piped up saying "I heard a rumour of a slave on tatooine who has about 20,000, I interecepted chatter on a radio about it. I think his name was Anakin Skywalker" Yoda hearing this stared at Drex and felt no deception in his words and went into thought then looked at Mace-Windu who then asked "how old is he?"

Drex went silent trying to work it out, if he remembered correctly he was 9 at the time he met Padme so he should be 7 1/2 right now. Drex stared directly into Yoda's eyes and said "He should be 7 1/2 right now Master Yoda" Bowing as he said that with a smile. Yoda then smiled back at him and laughed. All the Masters stared at Yoda who started laughing who then said "more questions anyone?" No one said anything so Master Windu stood up and said "Thank you for coming in Mandalore Drex! but be warned we will be keeping an eye on you" Drex then said "Well how does one find the bounty hunter guild around here? I have about no Credits and i assume i will need to pay for docking"

Master Windu then called said "Master Qui-Gon Jinn come in with your padwan" hearing this Drex instantly threw his helmet back on before his face gets seen by more people. Yoda seen this laughed and so did the rest of the council. Drex then let out a bellow of laughter thinking of how flustered he must of looked. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi entered to see Drex standing before the council.

Qui-Gon Jinn said "Yes Master Windu how may i be of service?" Windu then said "Can you show Mandalore Drex here to the Bounty Hunter guild" Qui-Gon Jinn nodded and said "Mandalore follow me" Drex laughed and said "Best pick up my men at the front, there probally getting very itchy right now" He then turned to the council and also said "My face stays a secret and so does the thing about my men and one day ill take you to the place i was born, There are many secrets i am still to unlock"

Hearing this Yoda smiledy greatly thinking if a race can design such a powerful race and have access to design that type of droid, What secrets does this place hold! Drex then started to follow Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan. After several minutes they arrive at the front of the temple for Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan to stiffen at the amount of Mandalorian Soldiers waiting to greet the guy there supposed to escort.

Gold seeing Drex was fine shouted "WE SALUTE THE MANDALORE!" At the same time all the HK's stand straight and hit there right hand to there chest making an audible *THUD* which echoes up to Drex who shouted "STAND AT EASE MEN AND PREPARE TO MOVE OUT!" The Jedi Knights who had been watching these Mandalorians relaxed hearing this as they knew they was no chance they could defend against these Mandaloians as each one had two vibroblades on them so they can handle the lightsabers.

Drex then looked to Gold and said "Were going to be defending these two Jedi's here as they escort us to the Bounty Hunter Guild so we can make some credits and pay for the docking fee" Gold nodded and made some hand movements and everyone rolled out. Obi-Wan kept looking at all the mandalorians and he couldn't help but notice that they always step in unison and some were fading in and out of invisibility. He asked his master Qui-Gon Jinn "Master, how are they going in and out of invisibility at will? Are they ghosts?" Qui-Gon Jinn chuckled and said "No young Kenobi they are using such advanced tech ive never even heard of it!"

Obi-Wan hearing this was going to ask Drex before he turned around and said "Young Jedi, I made this tech one day as i wanted a stealth unit for scouting, I could even make it onto ships one day but thats too much effort!" he laughed at the last bit then Qui-Gon Jinn said "I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be rare, how comes there are so many of you here?" Drex then turned to him and said in a low but cautious voice "I am incharge of thousands of these Mandalorians, I only brought my protection team"

Obi-Wan agreed with his master hearing that Mandalorians are supposed to be almost extinct but after hearing what Drex said he stared in fear at all the Mandalorians and then he noticed something again apart from the Mandalore all the rest are the exact same height not even an inch off in diference, Qui-Gon Jinn also noticed this but didn't want to say something he also noticed that there was alot of fear in the eyes of all the civilians leading these mandalorians through the streets.

Eventually arriving before the Bounty Hunter Guild, Qui-Gon Jinn was in the middle of saying by when a blaster shot was fired directly at the Qui-Gon Jinn. Drex seen it coming and so did his ment but he had them hold back he grabbed Qui-Gon Jinn and pulled him behind as he stood in the path of the blaster shot and Drex punched out hitting the shot of his fist. Grabbing his pistol in his off-hand he fired directly at the sniper 900 meters away and directly hit him.

Obi-Wan seen this and stared in shock, he didn't even see the blaster shot coming let alone someone hitting a shot from 900 meters away with a pistol. Let alone Drex's Heavy Blasters Pistols had been moddified by now to take down Rancors after a few shots. Qui-Gon Jinn seen this and said "Thank you Mandalore if it wasn't for you i'd be dead. I didn't even notice or hear the shot!"

Drex just chuckled and said "Don't worry about it!". The main reason Drex done this as he was always a big Fan boy of Qui-Gon Jinn in the first movie and he was upset that Qui-Gon Jinn died so simply in the movie. The two Jedi's finally made there way off back to the temple, Looking around Drex noticed hundreds of eyes on him punching a blaster shot like it was nothing and firing off into the distance to see a body fall. All the eyes on him were of fear and admiration, Drex was blushing on the inside as he hates being stared at must be because he hates his new face as if people see it they will think Sith if they know what they look like. Drex slowly looked at the Bounty Hunter Guild, He had all his men stand guard outside the guild except Gold, Shadow and some of the commando and assassin HK's. The doors slowly opens as he enters a smoke filled room full of noise and shouting, as soon as they enter everyone felt the difference in pressure so they looked over to see 10 Mandalorians enter, Greed in some of there eyes as they can be worth a ton if they make them slaves, Some for there awesome looking armour and weapons and then they all looked at the big guy in the centre who was Drex and then they turned to there Holocrons as they replay the video that they just recieved a few moments before hand and look back in fear as they look to his fist as the armour didn't even have a dent in it.

Drex and group made there way over to the Bar and said in hoarse rough voice towards the bartender and said "Any big bounties on Coruscant?" he chuckled dangerously towards the bartender. The bartender started to sweat, shiver and nodded quickly and went back to pull a blaster on him but before he could there were 10 guns pointed on him and Drex just laughed at him and said "I'll give you one more chance, any big bounties for me?" the bartender collapsed to the ground and ran off.

Everyone in the Guild building ran out as they knew what was gonna happen a door in the back slowly opened and a pair of red eyes apeared brightly before all the lights went out. Shadow and Gold shouted out "TIME TO HUNT SOME PREY" Before Laughing manicaly. Drex just went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took his helmet of drinking it while his men went round killing all the attackers. While Drex was drinking he was storing all the Alcohol he could in his inventory as he hadn't tried any in this universe yet, As he took the first sip of whiskey he smiled as it reminded him of a 12 year old bottle of Dalmore, he looked at the bottle thinking it was Dalmore and found it to be called Eromlad. He laughed as it was litteraly Dalmore spelt backwards!

Eventually Drex put his helmet back on and Shadow said sadly "We ran out of meatbags to play with" He faked cried at the end and Gold said "I was having so much fun" he said happily, Drex hearing this shouted "Well get the lights back on i want to see where these bounties are kept!"

{Enemy Eliminated - Assassins X 60 - Lvl 20 - LVL 40 - XP Recieved 22000XP}

{Enemy Eliminated - Expert Assassin X 1 - Lvl 75 - XP Recieved 60000XP}

{Level UP! X5}


NAME: Drex Xi Rinn

RACE: PureBlooded Skell

AGE: 16

Height: 6'10

Health Points: 13580/13580

Force Points: 18800/18800

Level 5 ->10

XP - 8,332/30,000

STRENGTH: 20 -> 25

VITALITY: 21 -> 30

DEXTERITY: 20 -> 40


WISDOM: 25 -> 30

CHARISMA: 23 -> 30

STAT POINTS: 50 -> 0


Advanced Technology Manipulation

Total Memory

Adaptive Muscle Memory

Force Master

Dark Lords descendant

Jedi Grandmaster descendant


Master of all Combat Arts

Master of all Survial Skills

Master of Building


Jango_Dett Jango_Dett

Hello Everyone!

I am open to ideas to be added like who he speaks to and love interests at the moment the only love interest he has is Padme as you all know ;) Anakin doesn't deserve her aha.

But yeah any advice i would love as this is my first ever novel and i am enjoying writing it so far. Thank you all!

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