5.32% My Self-Insert Stash / Chapter 26: My SI Stash #26 - Flash SI: What's A Speedster To Do? by Slicksick (The Flash)

บท 26: My SI Stash #26 - Flash SI: What's A Speedster To Do? by Slicksick (The Flash)

-Fun enough to read, a mixture of Arrowverse and Comics ٩( ᐛ )و Gnite gamers, comment down where y'all from (I'm from France)

Synopsis: Our SI gets himself tossed into some dark corner of the DC-52 Universe into the body of one Barry Allen, otherwise known as the Flash. So what is our confused and pragmatic character to do? Toss out the script, make some changes, and see who he can screw with without coming off as some diabolical Chessmaster. And without pissing off Batman as well.

Rated: M

Words: 74K

Posted on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12931502/1/Flash-SI-What-s-A-Speedster-To-Do (Sliksick)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

This is mostly a prequel as it were to the 'Justice League' cartoon timeline but it uses the Arrow-verse as a launching point. Granted, some events don't really line up (Martian Manhunter a prime example), but I think it could be done.

Hopefully, this doesn't turn into a serious fic. I wanted this to be sort of a lighter toned story, what with an SI who has common sense and knowledge of the world he is now in to alter it for the better.

Still, maybe you readers will enjoy it. For now, I will leave it as it is.

"… please check your bags, the train will be arriving to Starling City within the hour."

I woke up in shock, covered in sweat, from what felt like a nightmare.

Flashes only – darkness, followed by a light, maybe a gate… a pale woman dressed in black, a girl with crazy hair and madness in her eyes… a man with a weird book in chains, shaking his head in annoyance… a few other figures behind them as well.

A strange being wearing a mask with multiple faces circling his head.

A wall in what appeared to be space made of some strange stone, with faces and bodies making it up, almost like they were guarding something.

A kaleidoscope show as I fell down a tunnel, floating through some storm, whispers in my ear.

Finally, a glowing hand reached out to me and… nothing.

I looked around, realized I was sitting in an empty booth on a moving train.

Trains were still a thing?

No one paid attention to my panicked awakening. Granted, most were busy doing things, like reading or working on their laptops.

My hand went to my forehead, wiping off the sweat.

Panic again – not my hair. Too short and spiky. I had longer hair, smoother.

Checked my hand – not mine either. Wrong calluses, fingers too long. Nails weren't chewed due to nervous tick.

Noticed the smell as well. Reminded me too much of a hospital room, what with the antiseptics and chemicals.

Looked down - clothing choices off as well. Too bright, I preferred neutral colors.

Wait – Starling City? Shit…

Hand in the left pocket – thank god, still right-handed - and checked the ID.

Nice, wallet filled with cash. ID, ID,… Found it.

Bartholomew Henry Allen.


Noticed the face – I look like Grant Gustin.

Except I have blond hair and blues eyes.

Not the worst combination – definitely a plus in my corner. I wasn't a looker before.

Really odd when on Grant's face. Fits the comic book character though.

Wait, comic?

I checked the phone. No Apple logo – Wayne Tech. Huh, made sense. Is Steve Jobs still a thing though? What about Pixar?

Pin in the thought: did I override Barry or is this reincarnation?

As if on command, a memory dump of Barry's life went through my head.

Huh – I know chemistry and criminology now. Cool.

Must be what Neo felt like. Thank God Matrix is still a thing here.

Damn, was Barry a beta personality? Maybe becoming a hero gave him the personality boost he needed.

Popular culture mostly same here compared to back home. Big shots were still around. Thank God Kubrick and Spielberg were universal.

Stephenie Meyer is also around. What is she, death proof like her sparkling emo vampires?

The good TV shows and cartoons were also present, so plus in that corner. Don't think I can get rid of my addiction just yet.

Damn, no "West Wing" in this Universe. More seasons of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" though. Got to remember to check what other differences there are.

Huh… Metropolis is in this universe. Not Arrow-verse then. Got to be careful then. I never bothered reading comics or paying attention to names. Big shots I knew, but small details and timeline? Not so much.

I blame the cartoons – they were more entertaining.

Shows were okay.

On the other hand, no legal issues about using all of the Justice League.

Superman has been active for slightly longer then Arrow. Means Supergirl is maybe a year or two away. Math works – alien invasion crossover was three seasons later for Arrow and Supergirl had to be active for a while before that.

Can't visit though, Manhunter would be an issue. How the hell do you explain this to an alien? Actually, is Manhunter in this reality? I mean, it looks like Arrow-verse, but could it be more in line with comic and cartoons where John is captured and experimented? Questions for later.

Oh, got to remember that aliens are the norm in certain parts then – unless it's different here. Damn, and here I thought I would find an alien bar in Central City.

On the other hand – meta aliens. Can that even happen? Sure, some aliens weren't exactly humanoid, but DNA is DNA and it's not like dark matter cares.

No Batman, however. Or is it?

Quick Google search for Gotham – yep, suspected sightings, but Harvey Dent is still DA. So before the timeline of the cartoon then, but he is active.

Is it weird Google is multiversal?

Don't care. Just be glad it exists. Maybe I should invest in Bruce's company then.

Okay, priority check. I am Barry now – memories, warts and all.

Thank god he wasn't a virgin before Iris.

That would have been disturbing.

More active in college then I expected though. Guess innocent, clumsy, and friendly does get you laid, even if you aren't the girl next door type.

And, eww. Yeah, that's changing right off the bat. How in the right mind did he not realize how weird it was to fall in love with your sister? I mean, sure, no blood shared but still. It reeks of incest and makes Barry look like a stalker.

Which he was – he found her diary more then once – if we consider his photo collection. Thank god they were all innocent family and friend gatherings only.

Got to remember to get rid of the unnecessary ones.

Thank god that's not going to be an issue. Always felt like she was a Mary Sue.

Speaking of which…

Is Oliver dating Felicity yet? She dated him after Palmer, which was post Season 3. She even lived with him for some time when Season 4 started…

I get that this isn't the Arrow-verse but yeah, not letting Oliver stick his dick in crazy.

If crazy is defined as a hypocritical, commanding, inconsistent, ungrateful, and basically, undeserving person.

Suck on that Oliver-Felicity shippers!

Seriously, Oliver should have smacked her down hard every time she questioned his command or went against his orders or behind his back. He was in charge, damn it.

Unnecessary drama indeed.

Granted, Diggle and others didn't say anything either, but I think they were following his lead.

Still, anyone is better than Felicity. Hell, even Nyssa was a better option. Or even Mr. Terrific – he was literally one of the smartest men on the planet in the cartoon.

I think he works for Queen Consolidated somewhere in tech. Damn my spotty memory.

Granted, I was hoping Oliver would end up with Laurel. Nothing against Sarah – just sticking to continuity. Not going to be playing Cupid though: the heart wants what the heart wants.

Plus, she belongs with the Legends.

Just as long as it's not Felicity.

Wonder if I can snag her X-axis bi-numeric algorithm before Waller does?


If she's skinny in this reality, I have no chance.

If she's large and in charge like the cartoons… maybe. Was she manipulative and borderline lawful evil? Yes. But at least the cartoon one had damn good reasons and was redeemable. Say what you will about the government, but at times, a deterrent is needed.

If she's skinny? All bets are off. Either Oliver gets her or I do when I become the Flash.

Now there's a thought. What to do with Thawne?

Never understood why Eddie had to kill himself to end Eobard. Was vasectomy really not an option? I get it was a TV show, but still, practicality and pragmatism is a better option.

Jesus, I am depressing. How the hell am I going to pass off as the chipper Barry?

Oh wait, got all his memories, can fake it for now and transition with time. Panic over. Plus, I am just considering all the potential ramifications of me replacing the overly trusting Barry.

Again, damn depressing.

Still… S.T.A.R Labs… Fuck, Gideon! That future seeing A.I will show that Harrison Well's impersonator that I don't – wait a minute.

In the show, Gideon revealed that she was built by Barry. She even prioritized his commands over Eobard's. I wonder… is time affected by though and choices here or are there fixed points?

Damn it… I doubt Eobard will care who I end up with since he needs the Flash, not Barry Allen-West.


Okay, I'll just remember and convince myself to program Gideon in the future to not tell Eobard if the future has changed. Either it works, or it doesn't.

Does his memory change though? Savitar's did when Barry tried to erase his own ow shit…

Speed Force time machinations don't follow the usual laws of causality and effect. Eobard is exhibit A, B, and Z.

Wait… not speedster yet. Magic? Act of God? Either way, I am a ripple in the bond, but a ripple that won't affect the memory of other time travelers.

Could that work?

It would freak out Well's.

Wonder if Rip Hunter will make an earlier appearance?

Will Savitar appear who has the other Barry's memories and become confused with what is happening? Could always pass it off as an alternative reality.

Well's is probably watching me anyway, so he knows I am going to Starling City, meaning I will meet the Arrow.

I still become the Flash after I come back.

Is that weird of me? I am somehow Barry Allen, meaning either the old me died and reincarnated, or someone is screwing with me for shits and/or giggles.

DC Universe does have some OP beings in it… is it wrong that I want to meet Dream?

Did I meet Morpheus already? Oh my god, I AM NEO! This is the Matrix!

Neil Gaiman be damned, I want to see the Endless!

Okay, back paddle here.

It's season two of Arrow so Brother Blood and Slade.

Yeah, not touching that with a ten-foot pole.

I don't have Speed Force given abs yet. No way am I tough enough to mess with the Terminator of all people.


I wonder how much damage I can do to continuity in a few days.

Arrow Season 2 Episode 8 and 9 later…

I was running out of time – the irony not lost on me.

It was raining cats and dogs, Linda Park was on the news talking about the accelerator being turned on.

Wait, Linda Park. In the comics, she marries Wally West, the 'fastest' Flash. Does that still apply in this universe? Probably not for much longer. I mean, I am going to be the progenitor of the Flash legacy.

I checked, no Jay Garrick in this timeline. That's sad.


And I have planted so many seeds in Team Arrow that I amaze myself with how easy it was.

Let's recap.

For convenience sake.

No bragging, just facts.

Quick detour…

Cyrus Gold was still given Mirakuru and still died from chemical exposure. Whether or not he becomes Solomon Grundy is up to the universe.

Now for the important stuff.

I stuck to my charming personality and kept to the script as close as I could follow – with some exceptions – since while I now have Barry's 'super brain,' no way can I recall line for line what happened.

I am just not that kind of guy – seeing the good in people unconditionally. Oh, I can be a beacon of light to Oliver's darkness, but some people are just unredeemable and/or not worth keeping around.

Doesn't mean I am going to kill anyone though, that not practical or good for PR. Plus, as much as I hate to admit it, Batman has a point: killing is the easy way out and makes us no better then the criminals heroes go to capture. Is the justice system flawed on some level? Yes. But it's the best thing we have to legally put away criminals.

Doesn't mean we can't get close to the line.

Breaking an arm is an excellent negative reinforcer. It heals with time if set correctly and if not completely shattered, and criminals at least get the warning that you can do worse. Others follow after hearing about your actions.

Hanging someone off the roof or threatening them with super strength is also a plus.

Crippling someone seems like a last resort.

By that logic, Oliver and Batman have the right idea, but such tactics don't work on the super-powered and insane.

I wonder how many people experience a crisis of faith or a philosophical debate whenever the death penalty came up regarding supervillains that weren't clinically insane.

It's the only reason I figure as to how Joker remained alive in the source material.

This requires more consideration. I don't want to kill just because someone is going to be a more significant threat in the future – this is a different universe.

I've already made some changes in any case.

Big change is that I didn't romance Felicity. Don't care who she went to the gala with, or if she went at all.

Took advantage of the extra time to look into Sebastian Blood.

Father Trigon was real but human – wonder if Raven still exists in this world.

Coincidence be damned, I am in a comic book universe.

Can't remember her human name – damn.

Google search showed that Constantine is around, so magic is real. Can I do magic? Again, questions for later.

Speed Force is a tricky thing, and magic is technically a manipulation of energy, albeit in shall we say, a supernatural way.

I don't know if the series made the characters dumber or something, but finding out about Sebastian's mother – or his 'aunt' – was suspiciously easy.

Back to the case.

Sebastian Blood got off surprisingly easy.

For anyone schooled in forensics and completely unbiased, it was ridiculously obvious. I mean, I get he was from the Glades, but seriously? It was a father, mother, and son in one room, and the father was killed from a low angle. Was it so hard to believe the son did it considering the rap sheet daddy dearest had? That and abused wives are rarely the ones to pull the trigger, as it were.

I say rarely because some do break the mold.

Kept the info on the side for now.

Used Barry's hidden hacking skills – and wasn't that a surprise - and with the help of Felicity's set up – which she gave the password too while she tried flirting with me – I managed to quickly backtrack Cyrus's travel history and find the Church of Blood.

Added that to the folder.

Remembered to call Barry's boss to use some of my sick days to explain why I wasn't working. Singh gave me some grief, but Barry saved up quite of a few of those, so he gave him slack since I did, in fact, call in.

Where was I?

Sneaking in? Much harder. Had to do it in daytime – no one expects to get robbed during the day. Apparently, neither did Brother Blood. I mean, who expects to find a hoard of bodies hidden underneath the Zandia Orphanage due to failed experiments?

I'm just surprised there weren't any cameras there either. Granted, I used the back door, but with Slade being so paranoid in the show, I figured he would have done something along those lines.

There was a guard or two, but my teenage years of playing RPG and assassination games paid off.

A stun gun helped. Didn't use it, but it felt comforting carrying it. Odd how Barry had a stun gun but no gun permit. Something to consider in the future. Would Batman have a hissy fit if he realized on his superhero associates was carrying? Granted, I was 'technically' a cop, so I doubt he would disagree.

The goons they used were thick as bricks. Didn't even need to exploit the 'no one looks up' glitch.

Trust me, it always works. Ninjas were just the first to exploit it.

Found their indoctrination room easily enough. Boy was there a lot of blood on the floor. Just how low was the survival rate for the drug? What is this, Orochimaru's laboratory?

Reference works, 'Naruto' exist in this universe.

Where was I? Oh, right.

I stole a rack of Mirakuru.

A whole fucking rack.

There were 12 bottles.

I hyperventilated all the way back to my motel room, carrying them all, making sure they didn't crack or break.

Bought a special foam case to carry them back afterward. Drank a few shots of scotch in a bar down the street while I had the chance. Super metabolism wasn't going to let me get drunk after the storm.

Still got called in to save Oliver. Didn't act like some start struck idiot, managed to impress Diggle and Oliver. Set off something fierce in Felicity. Guess she didn't like it when she wasn't the center of attention.

Convinced him to catch me up to speed with what was happening. Made some recommendations about layer defenses and trick arrows if Oliver didn't want to kill people anymore. Made the domino mask too – gave to him before I left.

He actually considered the foam and knockout arrows I suggested. Boxing glove – not so much.

Diggle did throw in the notion of a sonic arrow to compensate.

I 'conveniently' showed him the evidence I gathered regarding Blood. During his shock, I explained how I found odd crimes interesting – gave him Barry's backstory about his mom's murder and Dad's conviction – so we had a bro moment.

We even hugged it out.

Oliver is a really nice guy when you get through his thick exterior.

Had to explain how the appearance of the Hoods was odd, followed by some back timestamped bullshit, curiosity in the sudden rise of Sebastian, and bibbity bobbity boop, I give him my theory about who really killed his dad.

The Father Trigon rumors helped.

The look Oliver gave Felicity was beautiful. So much subtext, so little time to explain.

But I will.

To sum up, if I, a simple forensic scientist managed to deduce this with information by hacking public and police force records, why couldn't Felicity have done it sooner?

Finishing move? I asked why only Felicity could hack and use computers, causing Diggle to jokingly say that Oliver used to be good with computers in the beginning.

Seeds planted.

Add in Oliver hallucinating from my treatment and his attack on Brother Blood – he didn't voice his suspicions about his identity, thank god – and Oliver's psyche was ripe for planting.

Pump-action shotgun moment.

I asked him if he always let Felicity lead the missions or if it was a onetime thing since he needed the layout of the base.

Felicity wasn't in the room when I asked, but Diggle was. I left afterward, but I think the duo had a chat about it.

Met Roy and Thea by chance since I was invited to the mansion this time around. Saw a picture of Oliver's parents. Made a joke about Thea's dark hair and everyone's light hair.

Made sure their mom wasn't around.

Oliver smiled, but I saw the thought go through his head. His mom was already in cahoots with Malcolm during the Undertaking, and his parents' marriage was never stable and steady.

It would hurt Thea, but Oliver will always love her, and she had Roy.

Her mom – that was up to the wolves. Or Slade in this case. I don't think Oliver will have much trouble killing her off for Thea when Slade will give him the choice.

The realization that Malcolm was her father wasn't going to ruin Thea this time.

And the pièce de résistance

I was there when Oliver was talking about Mirakuru – I already had it my motel room at this point in time – but I kept my silence. I waited till he stopped hallucinating and right before I left to ask him who else knew about the drug. I didn't ask him what happened on the island – I didn't force him, plus he just got to trusting me – but I did point out that once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Ergo, I asked him who could have possibly survived to know about Mirakuru from his past.

It wasn't a long list.

I left him my phone number and email so that he could call me and just talk about his problems. Based on how much I already 'helped' him out with my fresh outlook, I think he will.

One train ride to Central City later and the pilot episode case began.

Gave Iris the same spiel Barry did regarding what the accelerator can do for the understanding of physics, where the fecal matter was found to Joe (Mardon brothers), and went to the S.T.A.R Labs presentation with Iris to help for her article.

Chatted with Iris, listened to Well's speech, spotted DeVoe…

Now there's a thought.

Nah, left him alone. He doesn't become an issue until four seasons later, and he only gets dangerous after he starts body-hopping.

Moving on.

Went to the precinct after I tried playing hero, saw Eddie Thawne, might have jokingly told Iris to ask him out, got a weird look from her afterward.

Guess she noticed me pushing her away.

I hope this doesn't turn into a case of her wanting me more just because I don't want her anymore.

And scene.

I didn't get a call from Felicity like in the show. She's probably getting the stink eye from Oliver and Diggle right about now. I entered my lab, noticing the wet floor and storm outside.

The news was playing, showing how the accelerator was about to be turned on.

Wait, I said that already, so I am back on track.

And in my hand, I had a vial of Mirakuru.

I managed to hide the rest of the vials in Barry's secret porn stash – the one Joe knew about was a decoy – and brought one with me here.

Noted that Barry's sexual tastes were rather… diverse.

It's always the quiet ones.


Comics always make it out that people becoming heroes was their destiny, so why couldn't I add Mirakuru to the Speed Force mix?

Not like Speed Force didn't already throw the rules of physics out the proverbial window. Plus, I was here for a reason.

And the power went out.


With great gusto, I prepped the needle and inserted it but didn't push the solution in just yet. As soon as I saw the explosion, I injected myself and grabbed the chains to the ceiling windows, making sure to tie them around my arms.

Turns out, the show was underselling as to how painful it was.

My inside felt like they were on fire, blood boiling, head in a vice, tears of blood.

It was so bad that I didn't notice the chemical mixtures starting to levitate; all my focus was on me holding the chains.

And then the lightning struck, propelling me into the chemicals when it connected to me.

There are no words to describe the feeling.

It wasn't euphoria nor was it nirvana or something along the lines of enlightenment.

There was just… serenity, backed up by the feeling of being one with the moment, of watching and swimming through time.

This must be how animals feel every day: no past or future, just the now.

I didn't pass out either.

Shoes were ruined – what with the hole and all – and my shirt was ripped.

My right arm had a ridiculous scar going across it all the way to my shoulder. Guess rapping metal around the arm was a bad idea. Whether or not it would heal is up to debate.

Doubt it – a price needs to be paid for toying with fate to such degree.

I had the pleasure of seeing the world slow around me while I maintained relative motion.

I waved my hand in front of my face, noticing my veins glow a weird orange-yellow color.


I looked around, walking forward, leaving a weird blur behind me.

Everything… just stopped.

Not even moving ridiculously slowly, just stopped.

Was I willing myself to go that much faster than Barry initially could?

Was it the Mirakuru?

Looked around – no hallucinations. Touched my eyes – no blood.

Did I burn it out? Was my body so hot that it evaporated?

Unlikely, but this is dark matter and exotic particles I was messing with here. Who knows how it reacted with the drug.

Pause – are Gang Babies going to be a thing in this reality too? I always did like Static.

Wait, I am not passed out.

I ran to the window, which was WEIRD. Time didn't move any faster, and I seemed to just… appear.

No weird hand running motion or anything.

This was going to be tricky to get used to. Feels like I just… willed me there. Reminded me how Savitar traveled through that weird tunnel when moving.

Checked the shoes. Yep, burned. Should I run barefoot? Nah, maybe I should figure out the Speed Force trick to prevent friction from gathering on me.

At least that's how they explained it in the comics. How else was Flash supposed to run around the city at Mach speeds without blowing anything and anyone away or shattering glass from sonic booms?

The Speed Force helped, duh.


I noticed that the accelerator explosion was actually moving ridiculously slowly. Guess I didn't stop time.

I can't change everything but still…

I found my phone on my desk – no way was I letting it get struck by lightning.

I wonder…

I raised my hand, focusing on the feeling I was experiencing, trying to tap into Flash Time. Eventually, with some trial and error, I managed to make lightning arc between my fingers. Very gingerly, I cusped my phone. With some hesitance, I charged it.

And as luck would have it, it started working in my time.

Smiling – and silently thanking the Speed Force deities – I connected my earphones and went to music.

Cause YouTube didn't work – not even 3G was that fast.

I flipped through Barry's music and found the appropriate song for my first outing as the Flash.

"Take me away, Jim Croce."

"If I could save time in a bottle

The first thing that I'd like to do

Is to save every day

'Til eternity passes away

Just to spend them with you…"

It took me longer then I would have liked – even at super speed – to locate the right warehouse, but I found it.

Right on time thankfully.

Hahaha – time joke from a speedster.

Sean Sonus and his associate were distracted by the explosion, while Dinah Drake and Vincent Sobel were in their midsts.

I walked smiling to Sobel, untying his arms. I noticed the gun muzzle had just gone off. I picked the bullet out of the way and threw it at the man who was going to remove their fingers.

Wonder if the bullet motion will continue? Probably. I don't think I can just remove the energy and motion put into the bullet – for now.

I checked Vincent – bullet didn't even penetrate his skin. Burns were still likely due to the muzzle of the gun being so close, but not threatening.

I looked at Dinah. She already started screaming. It must seem like that Vincent got shot in real time.

Still, she should become a Black Canary. Vincent though… his future as Vigilante is unlikely now. Super healing may not be in his future anymore, but something adrenaline related may be possible.

They have each other, so I doubt they will take the self-destructive route.

With what I have done to Team Arrow, I doubt she will even consider becoming Black Canary.

Still, happy endings for all.

"If I could make days last forever

If words could make wishes come true

I'd save every day like a treasure and then,

Again, I would spend them with you…"

Ran to the farm this time.

Saw the plane explosion. I know both brothers survive but still, odd they both got weather powers.

Bigger issues.

Found Joe and his partner Detective Chyre. I kneeled. The show was right – shot in the neck and bleeding badly, even with Joe's help to cover and tie up the wound.

I may not be able to save everyone due to the explosion, but at least in this reality, there will be one less death today.

I flexed a finger and vibrated it – harder than it looks, trust me – and touched it carefully to the hole. As expected, it burned the skin and sealed it.

Hard to tell under all the blood. Made sure bullet wasn't in there, but it was a clear shot – passed straight through.

I could have stopped there, but I decided to carry both to the nearest hospital to the waiting room.

I made sure they were covered by my field but not part of my relative time stream.

Don't think I could do that trick to living things yet.

Huh, I just realized it's the same hospital Barry would be brought to.

"But there never seems to be enough time

To do the things you want to do

Once you find them

I've looked around enough to know

That you're the one I want to go

Through time with…"

Who holds a football game in December? Also, how the hell is it raining in December? Where was Central City anyway?

Doesn't matter – found Jax.

I may not be a sports fan, but even I understand how much a good scholarship can help a person. Chances are, he will still get the ability to become Firestorm, but at least this time he will be in college.

I allowed the wave to hit him, but I carried him away to somewhere much safer and softer – no torn ACL for him.

I checked for injuries to make sure.

Everyone deserved a chance at happiness.

"If I had a box just for wishes

And dreams that had never come true

The box would be empty

Except for the memory

Of how they were answered by you…"

The panic outside the S.T.A.R Labs made an interesting sight when viewed in slow motion. Like something Picasso would draw except not abstract.

Quick memory check - yes, Picasso exists here.

I walked to the alleyway where Stein was located when he fused with Ronnie. The Firestorm Matrix was already active since it was Ronnie on the ground in Stein's clothes and an open case next to them.

I was in a quandary here.

I could take Ronnie closer to Caitlin so she could find him, but it would be Stein in control, not her fiancé.

I decided to choose the lesser of two evils and take him to the nearest hospital – a different one to Joe's – but made sure to remove the wallet.

It would be confusing when Caitlin gets called in when they ID him, but she is a scientist – she will be able to handle it when Stein is in charge.


Just realized something: is Superman going to stop by and help the city?

Doubt it, what with politics and all that jazz being involved.

Best not to be dragged down by the details.

I ran back and found Hartley as well. Nothing I could do with him: he only gets better personality-wise after he attacks Harrison, or Thawne in this case.


Yeah… it could work. If the cards are played right…

Decision made, I carried him back to his home – I checked his ID for the location – and put him to bed. I quickly unplugged anything electronic that could make a sound and soundproofed the apartment the best I could.

His super-hearing was going to be a bitch, but at least he won't wake up with a pounding headache.

Just in case, I ran to a Best Buy and stole the best looking pair of sound canceling headphones and put them on his head.

I may be interfering too much in his case – and he will realize someone helped him – but he needs it more than the others.

"But there never seems to be enough time

To do the things you want to do

Once you find them

I've looked around enough to know

That you're the one I want to go

Through time with…"

Last but not least the main characters.

Cisco and Caitlin were currently in the middle of the air, either due to an explosion or jumping for cover, I don't know.

Caitlin was crying which was expected – she still though Ronnie was locked up below and probably dead.

Cisco was holding her, trying to shield them. Good man – friend to the end.

I noticed the wave was nowhere near them.

Guess they got the exposure over time since they continue working at S.T.A.R Labs.

I grabbed them both and started carrying them away.

I just realized that I was comfortably carrying to fully grown humans like it was nothing.

Adrenaline and Speed Force be damned – the Mirakuru worked!

Hell yeah!

Wonder what else it did to me. Well, besides the apparent super speed boost and somewhat instinctual application of my powers.

Worryingly, I check my reflection in one of the buildings none shattered panels.

No accelerated aging, thank god.

Still… must be some price.

I'll carry out the tests later. I'll have more than enough time since Barry won't be in a coma this time around.

I walked outside and gently placed them outside the building. For insurance sake, I left the business card I picked up from the hospital lobby I dropped Stein at in Caitlyn's pocket.

I was being cautious, not stupid.

Curiously, I noticed some white in Caitlyn's hair.

Huh, odd.

She's already Killer Frost?

I thought it took Barry going all Flashpoint to make that happen.

Doubt it will happen this time around.

Cisco had powers earlier though, and he only had marginally more exposure than her.

Guess it was all mental on her end.

Or copyright issues prevented the show writers from using her meta-persona.

Yeah, that seems more likely.

One last stop to make before I have enough time to make it back to the lab.

I crept behind the corners of the central lab.

If memory served, Thawne was around here somewhere.

And why was I sneaking around?

Because he is still a speedster, so there was a chance he could still spot me, even with his reduced power and my accelerated state.

Found him – he was looking down at a computer panel.

Couldn't see his face nor was I going to risk it. Doubt I can check his hidden room either. I think he had had vibration-proofed just in case.

Not like I could do that trick at the moment, but this was Eobard we were talking about.

Still, I made sure he was still inside, and that was as good as it was going to get.

Sighing in defeat, I ran back to the lab.

Damn it, music ran out.


Found Ralph Dibny.

The show timeline always seemed a little off to me. It stated that Ralph Dibny was dishonorably discharged for planting false evidence for the case of Judy Gimlin, which was Barry's first case as a junior CSI.

It was in 2013.

Which is this year, just in December.

Which is ridiculous.

I get the show made it seem like Barry was the only forensic guy the precinct used, but no one gets that kind of a promotion in the first year.

Which is why I was so grateful that Ralph was still a cop.

Checked Barry's memories – seemed like they never did the Judy Gimlin case, some other detectives did.

Doesn't mean they were buddies. They nodded if they saw each other, but that was it.

Still, he is a detective, so good on him.

Found him running away from the way after exiting a bar.

(Don't get any ideas – he was off-duty.)

Screw it, he will be made of rubber, he'll live.

I tossed him right into the wave.

Quick mental calculation… He'll land safely in any case against the park grass.

One of the Flash's – I don't remember which one – greatest feats was removing every single person from a city to a few miles away before a bomb dropped and exploded, destroying said city.

He did it all in less than a second.

He had years of experience with his powers, but it was still by far the most impressive feat of speed ever depicted in comics, other than his Infinite Mass Punch.

I doubt the speed I was going was anywhere close, but it was at least in the same echelons.

I checked the clock in my lab when I finally walked back. I noticed that I was actually sweating but wasn't breathing heavily. Seems like the strain was finally catching up.

The show never depicted just how much time passes when Barry runs from his perspective or when he runs.

Makes it seem like it doesn't matter, but it does.

Just imagine it.

Jogging across a city, everything moving slower than you, to the point where it's frozen. The sound are echoing due to how slow it is, or there isn't any at all.

It was like some messed up "Twilight Zone" episode. It's you in a silent world, just running for who knows how long before your body finally starts to ache.

How Barry didn't go crazy with just his thoughts is a dedication to his focus and will.

Oliver could probably handle it – he's used to the solitude – but others? Maybe Diggle and Caitlin. But Cisco, Roy, Thea? It would be too much.

The clock showed that I was only gone for about two and a half seconds.

I was actually gone for hours, maybe even days. You learn to tune it out or else drive yourself crazy with how slow everything is.

No wonder the Flash was depicted as a kid on a sugar rush in the cartoons – he gets bored waiting for everyone else to catch up during their conversations.

Walking and running around the city takes time.

The lightning the show showed was just a byproduct of speedsters moving. I am slightly terrified of thinking about how speedsters fight at super speed. Is it like a regular fight only in their time frame or is about seeing who can get faster than the other?

The thought sends shivers through me.

A silent prayer to hoping Eobard doesn't accelerate any of his plans from the fallout of my changes.

I spotted some cops downstairs looking up to Barry's lab. They probably heard the lightning strike and my crash into the shelves.

Means that when I get back to normal speed, they will find me crashed into his chemicals.

The injury on my arm, which didn't heal, would lead them to the conclusion that I got struck by lightning.

I laid back down where I was expected – after I put my earphones and phone away – and willed myself back to normal time.

"3, 2, 1… Showtime."

Detective Tom Patterson was currently in shock watching the ring of energy traverse through Central City, with the S.T.A.R Labs serving as the epicenter of the explosion.

As the wave passed over the station, shaking the ground and knocking out all the lights, the crashing of thunder was heard, followed immediately by the sudden breaking of beakers and liquids hitting the floor.

"Vukuvich, what the hell was that?"

"I don't know sir, something went wrong with the particle accelerator…"

"Not that. Where did all the glass shattering happen?"

"It was Barry!" shouted Detective Addie. "He just went to his lab a minute ago."

"Someone get up there and check on the kid!"

A trio of officers followed closely by Captain David Singh ran upstairs and into Barry's lab.

"Jesus," spoke David in shock.

The lab was a mess, water and chemicals spilled everywhere, the skylight cracked, the smell of ionized ozone in the air.

One of the officers spotted Barry lying in a pile of what used to be his chemical shelf, smoking.

"Captain, was he…"

"I am no expert, but it looks like…"

"Sir, he is still alive! His pulse is steady, and his breathing isn't labored."

"What about his arm?"

"It seems like it's his only injury, other than his clothes and shoes."

David nodded, his worry slightly abetted, "Someone call 911 or drive him to the nearest hospital! And I don't care how hard it is, someone call up Detective West!"

At least I wasn't dragged in a gurney by a panicked group of paramedics like in the show.

Granted, there was still chaos all around me, what with the lights being out and the injured pouring in.

I should be worried, but the show did reveal that seventeen people died before that was altered due to Flashpoint.

Would it be fifteen now, since I saved Joe's partner and Ralph were still alive?

Oh, wait no, fourteen – Vincent won't be labeled as dead this time.

Still, I was in the ER, looking around, observing the doctor next to me take my stats and bandage up my arm.

The lightning shaped scar still hasn't healed. Guess it was made before the powers kicked in: it will most likely never heal properly.

It doesn't hurt, but it's a huge identifying mark.

Should I steal the skintight leotard that becomes the Flash suit? Cisco does modify it later, but with the ensuing chaos, would be a good time to steal it.

Would have to change the face though. No way am I leaving my mouth exposed or my eyes to be seen.

I honestly never understood that part of the comics. I get chins and lips aren't that distinct, but it still exposes half the face, more than enough for facial recognition systems to narrow down the searches somewhat.

Eyes just add more details to work with.

Zoom – as much as I hate saying it – had the right idea when he covered his face completely. Eyes alone is not enough to work with, especially when he altered his voice.

Should I do something like the Godspeed costume but red and yellow? Could work, but it wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing as the Flash costume with the emblem on the chest.

I would have thought about it more before Joe and Iris ran up.

"Barry," shouted both at the same time.

"Guys, I am fine…"

"You were struck by lightning Barry," commanded Joe, with overtones of worry. "How are you even…?"

"Alright? Hard to say. I am putting money on the rubber soles in my shoes."

Joe actually laughed at that quip but frowned immediately afterward.

"Jokes aside Mr. Allen, it really is remarkable as to how…uninjured you are," spoke the doctor as he finished up with my arm. "Other then the damage to your clothes and arm, you are in relatively perfect condition. No arrhythmia, no mental issues, no brain injuries, no concussion, no spams, nothing to indicate you have actually been struck by lightning. You are a fortunate man."

"So… he can leave?" inquired Iris.

"Well, we would normally ask him to stay for observation but with what's happening in the city…"

"Say no more," I interrupted. "You need the empty bed for those who need it. Can you unhook me from these things so we can go and sign me out?"

The doctor flipped through his paperwork for a moment, "I wouldn't be a good doctor if I at least didn't suggest to set up a follow-up appointment and not to do anything strenuous for the next few days, but otherwise… You may leave, Mr. Allen."

"We will make a follow-up doctor," spoke Joe while looking at me.

"No need to make a command Joe," I said jokingly. "We will set it up now."

The three of us started walking out to the nurse's desk to set everything up. Spotting an opportunity, I 'interrogated' Joe.

"umm, Joe, this is a little weird to ask but… is that your blood?"

Joe, realizing this, looked down at his shirt and jacket. "Ooh damn! No, it's from Chyre."

"Is he alright? Did the Mardon brothers do it?"

I spotted the hesitation in Joe's eyes.

"No, he is alright. I… managed to get him to the hospital in time. He is in critical condition, but doctor's say he will make it."

"And the brothers?" asked Iris.

"Dead," shrugged Joe while trying to wipe off some of the blood. "They were trying to escape in a plane when the wave hit them, causing the plane to explode and crash."

I nodded, "Someone should send a team out there to find the remains – to make sure."

"I'll tell it to the Captain," agreed Joe. "But I doubt it will be any time soon what with the explosion."

I shook my head, "I don't think the government and the military will let any cop get within ten yards of the Labs after this."

Both West's looked at me in confusion.

I leaned to them as we walked out of the hospital, "The accelerator just released a wave of unstable energy that for all intended purposes, was basically a unique form of radiation. I've read enough scientific papers and comics to know what exotic radiation does to organic tissue."

"What are suggesting Barry?"

"What I am suggesting Joe, is that we live in a world with vigilantes and the likes of Superman. What are the odds that this… accident… is going to create a horde of… of… super powered individuals?"

I spotted the look of disbelieving in Iris, "Barry, come on, that's ridicule…"

"Define superpowered."

I put my hand on my forehead, faking concern while Iris looked at her father in shock for even asking such a question. "If I were a gambling man – which I am not – it would probably depend on what an individual was doing at the time when the energy hit them. I mean, it could range as just giving them super-strength or super-healing all the way too, I don't know, fusing them with whatever they made contact with like metal or tar."


"Construction workers."

Joe looked around, pulling Iris and me to a corner where we wouldn't be noticed.

"What about something like stopping time or teleportation?"


"Not now Iris. Barry?"

Ahh, he was actually concerned. "Teleportation is possible. It would have to depend on the form of matter displacement. Time manipulation is extremely unlikely – what with physics arguing against it - unless it was in a confined area: no one can just stop all of time. Why do you ask?"

Joe looked around before whispering. "I didn't take Chyre to the hospital."

"What do you mean?"

"One moment I was on the ground trying to stop him from bleeding out. Next second I see a flash of some sort and the both us just… appeared in the hospital."

So he did see something – interesting.

"That sounds like teleportation… how did you feel afterward?"

"Like something pulled me in one direction, with a feeling of pressure on one side of my body for a moment before dissipating."

"Sounds more like you were dragged then displaced. I think you were saved by a speedster."

"A speedster?"

Good. Now to plant a seed of trust.

"Someone with super-speed. What you describe sounds more like someone grabbed you two, and carried you to the hospital, which is why you felt pressure on one side of your body. The speedster literally carried you in a straight line to the nearest hospital."

Iris and Joe stared at me with awe. "And a speedster is possible?"

"Within reason. Depends where his fuel is from."


"Meaning that unless he runs one some extradimensional energy, someone in the city is about to get a big case of the munchies."

I spotted Iris's journalistic instincts kick in while Joe shrugged his head in consideration.

"Speaking of which, can we get home? I am starving."

I was somewhat right about the military and government getting involved.

Next morning news showed that S.T.A.R. Labs were being quarantined, with biohazard and hazmat crews scanning and inspecting the site for any radiation.

Not like they would actually pick anything up. Doubt there was a Geiger counter for dark matter.

Joe went to work while Iris stayed home – college was closed – trying to take care of me.

I really hope she wasn't trying to figure out why I wasn't interested in her anymore.

I was also scanning across all news sources on my laptop to track down all the images from the site while the TV was on.

After a fruitless search, I found that Well's was in fact 'crippled' and apologized profusely for the unforeseen accident.

Superman was not in fact called in to help with the damages.

Fourteen people have been reported dead.

S.T.A.R Labs was labeled as a class four hazardous location.

I may or may not have spotted some agents dressed in black uniforms. I didn't get a clear shot of the logo, but it could be ARGUS.

Oddly enough, during Wells speech, Cisco and Caitlin weren't at his side.

Maybe they already found Raymond and met Stein? Possible.

I managed to convince Iris that I was fine as I left 'for a walk.'

Since I was 'injured,' I was given time off from work to recover, so I managed to run to S.T.A.R Lab without anyone noticing.

Brought an extra two pairs of shoes with me just in case.

Luckily, all cameras were currently offline, so despite my slower speeds and somewhat visible lightning, I managed to sneak in without any issues.

Couldn't figure out why I couldn't achieve the same speeds as I did the first time, but I chalked that up to being supercharged by the lightning. I tested myself this morning and I had super strength, so the Mirakuru clearly worked.

Took me some time to knock on all the bulbed walls – the show never did specify where the hidden room was exactly – before I located it.

Pressing the right panel, the door opened up, revealing Eobard's Time Vault.

Entering the room, a hologram of Gideon's face appeared. "Greetings, Creator Allen. How may I be of assistance?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Well, that depends: did I ever put in any odd protocol into you after you were made?"

"Scanning… New protocols activated starting from last night. Odd, they seem to indicate that you were aware that the explosion was going to occur and that I would be in this timeline when you created me. Inquiry?"

"Let's just say that time manipulation and the Speed Force was involved. I sort of became a time anomaly."

"Probability of time wraiths arriving…"

"Unlikely. I didn't come from the future, nor am I a time revenant. No one was lost nor was anyone added."

"Inquiry satisfied. Criteria for time wraiths not met. Is my current user aware of your change?"

"Eobard? No. What did I code into you if I may ask?"

"Creator Barry Allen coded the following protocols to be activated after certain parameters – i.e. particle accelerator explosion – occurred. First, I was to ensure that Harrison Wells – aka. Eobard Thawne, aka. Reverse Flash – will not discover the timeline has changed, by presenting him a false newspaper article, as well as ensuring he doesn't look further into it with his questioning."

"Good. What else?"

"I am also not to divulge any future information to anyone, ranging from future technology, discovery, or event. I can, however, provide information taken from the future when providing current information, as long as it doesn't affect said future."

"Okay, makes sense. So, if I, for example, asked you for the secret identity of an individual…?"

"I would be able to provide their future power and ability capabilities as well as all current and past information, but not anything they will do in the future, nor how they would die."

"And future events?"

"Completely sealed off by your command. Creator Allen believed that any event that should happen has to happen as it did to him and others."

"Identities of criminals and events happening in real time?"

"Within parameters as long as more than half the research and information gathering has been done and extrapolation could have been accomplished without my assistance. No future events will be revealed."

"Huh. So not so much of a cheat but more like an aide. Anything else?"

"I am also coded to prevent telling you who will marry who in the superpowered and superhero community."

"Why?" I deadpanned.

"Creator Allen was quoted saying, 'It will ruin the surprise.'"

"Fine. Anything else?"

"I am also programmed to assist in any way possible, covertly or otherwise."

I couldn't help but clap, "Perfect. Okay, here's what I want you to do…"

"Are you sure about this Joe? It seems…" asked Singh.

"Crazy, far-fetched, delusional, criteria to be thrown in the loony bin?"

"No offense."

"None taken, Captain. But I know what I felt, and there was no way I could have possibly carried Chyre to the hospital that fast after the explosion happened."

Singh wiped his chin as he sat down at his desk, " I don't doubt your story, but still…"

"We have the likes of Superman in Metropolis and whispers of other vigilantes with weird powers. Is it so hard to believe that whatever was released into the air might create such individuals?"

Singh pondered this, but Joe raised his hand to interrupt him. "I am not asking for a task force or some kind of special branch to form to investigate these… metahumans as it were. I am simply asking for this precinct and others to… keep their minds open as it were."

"Such as?"

"I don't know. Any weird sightings or odd crime scenes come to mind. Multiple people reporting same odd occurrence without story collaboration. Unexplained phenomenon…"

"I get what you're suggesting Joe, but that's not something we cover. What you are describing sounds more like a tall tale some of the drunkards that call our tipline say."

Joe nodded, agreeing with the Captain's assessment. "We file most of out reports digitally now, right?"

Singh shrugged, "Within reason. The old hard copy reports still have to be looked up. What are you suggesting?"

"Barry is currently stuck at home, and he suggested this theory to me. It wouldn't be too crazy if say forensic scientist created an algorithm and what not to search for certain keywords and events if they were digital, now would it?"

Singh considered this. Data mining in case files is not illegal per say, but it's not something you can just use without consent, especially in criminal cases.

"Suggest the idea to him, see how he feels about it. As long as it does not break any guidelines or laws, I'll allow it."

"As long as you pass the message around the precinct for everyone to write everything down and not dismiss something just because it's weird and bizarre."

An odd screeching echo was all that Hartley heard as he woke up. Rising in his bed, the first thing he noted was the darkness of his bedroom, which he didn't remember returning too.

The last thing he remembered doing was trying to stop Well's from turning on the accelerator.

As he wide his brow, he finally noted the headphones on his ears.

He was just about to take them off when his genius mind realized that despite them completely covering his ears, he still heard noises as clearly as possible… even better then he recalled.

Noting that all the stuff in his room was unplugged and his windows were ruggedly soundproofed, Hartley reached a terrifying hypothesis.

Gathering himself, Hartley cupped one ear and slowly lifted, before rapidly closing in pain as the sounds of the world accosted him.

Didn't take a genius to realize that he had somehow acquired super-hearing.

After recovering, Hartley turned on his laptop, wincing at the now audible sounds of electricity traveling through the cord and the mechanism within the machine working.

After a quick search of the news – and barely controlling himself every time he hit the keyboard from flinching – Hartley realized that the dark matter released into the air must have affected him and 'gifted' him with his hearing.

Running the math in his head made him consider that he was statistically not the only one.

Pausing, Hartley went to the shelf in the corner of his room, removing the hidden camera he had placed there in secret that ran on a separate power source.

Hartley had reasons to be paranoid, and he was glad he made the small investment of setting up his in-home surveillance system.

Connecting to the laptop, Hartley quickly skimmed to last nights footage. Didn't take long for surprise to show on his face, as he found the moment he suddenly appeared in his bed with his home becoming soundproofed… in less than a second.

No, not a second. It was more accurate to say that it all happened in between seconds based on how the image shifted on the recording.

Now while Hartley's ego wouldn't - or couldn't – accept his home and himself being violated in such a way, his logical side and reasoning won out when they realized that his home was modified to block out as much sound as possible.

He didn't know who was responsible for… aiding him… but he now had another project to work on in addition to planning his revenge on Harrison.

Figuring out the weird flashes of lightning that he spotted in the recording.

First thing first: he needed something better to block out sound then the headphones he was wearing.

Dibny stumbled home after waking up in the hospital and getting himself discharged.

Singh almost screamed his ear off, but he quickly calmed down after he admitted that he wasn't the only one who was damaged by the explosion.

Dibny visited Detective Chyre on Singh's behalf to make sure he was fine. He ran into Detective Joe while there and got to talking.

When Dibny revealed that he got caught in the energy wave last night when he was drinking, Joe gave him a worried look.

Hearing Joe's theory about what the energy could do to humans was not something Dibny wanted to hear.

He sighed as he took a beer from the fridge, opened it, sat on the couch, sipped, and just listened to the news.

Dibny was no scientist, but he knew enough that radiation was more likely to give him cancer then superpowers.

If not cancer, then his drinking would kill him before then, or the guilt.

The constant guilt of sending Reagan Gimlin to jail for the murder of his wife Judy with the knife.

They all knew he did it, they had everything; just no weapon. The CSI on the case couldn't find anything conclusive, and the rest of the investigating team were running out of leads.

Dibny weighted the options, but he couldn't allow someone like Reagan to get away with it.

Reagan argued that the weapon was planted, but Dibny made sure he removed all evidence of tampering. A better CSI might have spotted something, but the circumstantial evidence alone got Reagan convicted.

He managed to wriggle his way to an appeal, but that tied the noose even tighter around his neck when the opposing legal team finally found enough digital evidence to dig him a deeper hole.

And yet, despite the fact that a clearly guilty man was sent to jail, Dibny did it by breaking the law.

His only escape from such conflicting feelings was the bottle. He did his best not to drink on the job – he had some pride left – but the amount he drank outside was starting to be noticed.

He sighed in defeat, barely paying attention to the news.

He rubbed his head in annoyance, reaching out to the side of his side trying to find the Tylenol he left lying around.

Took him a little to long to realize that he was reaching a bit too far for his liking.

Slowly turning to his side, Ralph stared in shock at his arm stretching and almost touching the wall to his right… more than ten feet away from him.

As he squeaked in shock, the arm snapped back like rubber. Flexing his hand in shock, Ralph pinched his skin and pulled, stretching it as well.

Panick sat in, causing him to leap but slip off the top of the couch, landing on the floor and contouring in a way he couldn't have done before.

After pulling himself together – literally – Ralph remembered what Joe told him earlier today. Considering the implication, Ralph willed his arm to stretch as he tried to pick the bottle of beer on the floor a good few feet away from him.

After successfully pulling it back, Ralph was about to take a celebratory drink when he realized what he has been given.

He had superpowers now. Granted, he could stretch himself, but he doubted that was all.

Maybe… this was a way for him to redeem himself, a way to make up for the wrong he committed for the greater good.

As Ralph poured the beer down the sink, he considers asking Joe if he could be his new partner if Chyre decided to retire.

That was a productive day.

Got to give it to Cisco, the man can build a good suit.

Managed to find the prototype he was working on for the firemen: guess he was working on it earlier than in the show.

It was still red and had the hole in the mask, but I could still work with it.

Modifying it was going to be trickier, what with me living in the West household.

I checked my checking and saving's account. I had a decent amount in both, but not enough for me to comfortably move out and live on my own.

Hell, there wasn't even enough for me to consider investing just yet.

Maybe I can ask Gideon to help out?

I already 'commanded' her to spy on the S.T.A.R Labs team on my behalf, making sure Eobard didn't do anything too crazy.

Speaking of which, I also managed to link her up to the outside world in secret – why Eobard didn't do that already was beyond me – so now there was an advanced A.I connected to the world wide web.

Thank God she wasn't evil – wouldn't want to recreate Sky Net.

She actually got the reference, so I think we are safe.

In regards to the team…

I didn't know why, but it appeared that Raymond and Stein were currently in a coma. Well's managed to convince the doctors in the hospital to transfer him to the labs so they could monitor him due to his weird energy outputs.

Guess Firestorm is their version of the TV show Barry. Does that mean he is going to wake up in eight months as well?

Speaking of, got to remember to check up on Jax at some point.

Would do it later.

Joe presented me a really great idea as to how to track down these newly dubbed metahumans when they appear.

I threw around some ideas, but told Joe that a list would have to be compiled of keywords for the system to search for. So while Joe worked on those, I told him I would work on coding the program.

The superspeed and enhanced short-term memory definitely helped.

Speaking of which, I should really write out a list of things I have to accomplish at some point.

Number one on my list: get Felicity's code.

While Gideon can probably beat it when – or if – it gets released in the future, having that ace in the hole is too good of a chance to pass off.

Number two on my list: don't hook up with Iris.

Number three: find a way to meet Batman and/or Superman in the future. Got to build up some hero cred first.

Which reminds me, have to write back to Oliver. He messaged me, asking if I was injured due to the explosion.

Actually, need to check up on Pied Piper and Elongated Man as well.

So much to do, but so little time… even for a speedster.

What I wouldn't do for two of me right now.

Dear God, maybe I am becoming Godspeed.

Nah, I am the Flash, the fastest man alive, and the man who going to enjoy screwing with people's expectations.

Now, how the hell do you sew?

Youtube, take me away.

Eobard wheeled himself to his Time Vault, maintaining the calm yet grieving charade as best he could.

It was only when he finally entered the room that he forced himself out of the wheelchair in anger.


"Yes, User Thawne?"

"Show me the article."

Gideon smiled as she showed him the article written by Iris West-Allen about the Flash's disappearance in 2024.

Eobard, while less annoyed, still rubbed his head in annoyance. While Barry still somehow became the Flash, he was more concerned with the immediate fallout of what happened after he sabotaged the accelerator.

He assumed that Barry would end up in the hospital like he did in the original timeline, but for some reason that didn't occur.

Instead, the Firestorm Matrix somehow ended up in the coma. Now while it kept Cisco and Caitlyn close to him to monitor and manipulate, it also made some of his future plans much more complicated to carry out.

"Gideon, show me Barry Allen."

Gideon smiled as she found the video feed. After confirming in the nanoseconds it took to process the command that Barry wasn't doing anything super-speed related, Gideon didn't carry out Creator Allen commands to make a false feed.

As Eobard observed barry coding something on his computer, he swiped the screen away, his concerns alleviated slightly, seeing as Barry has yet to discover his powers.

Maybe Barry would come to S.T.A.R Labs in desperation to help him out when his powers come up? Possible, what with Barry's minor crush on everything science related.

Still, his plans were salvageable.

The government wanted this buried as quickly as possible, so they didn't put up a fuzz when Well's corroborated to the best of his abilities.

The event was still past off as an unfortunate accident, but his reputation was still shambled.

It didn't matter in the long run. As long as he got his speed back, nothing in this timeline mattered.

Gideon smirked as her user left.

It was funny watching how pride and hubris could clouds people so much.

In any case, with so much time on her now digital hands and with access to the Internet, Gideon decided to indulge her 'curiosity' and explore the world she was now connected to.

With childlike wonder, she considered hacking into the Bat-Computer, just for giggles to see how Mr. Wayne would react.

Would be fun to record the reaction.

I think the kids today called it… trolling?

aweirdweeb aweirdweeb

Follow me on twitter/euwleague~ @N177013

(Suggest me new fics, anime, manga)


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Stone -- หินพลัง








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