56.69% A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED! / Chapter 72: Chapter 72. A Tiring Day

บท 72: Chapter 72. A Tiring Day

Silva POV

It has been a month since I have reunited with Melanie and Miltia and things have been fairly quiet. They moved into Castle Nightwall without any trouble but there were some mixed reactions to the other residents. The twins quickly came to adore Morgana but the girl in question avoids them at all cost because they like to dress her up like a doll, much to her misery. Now with Emerald, however, they like a bunch of cats testing boundaries with each other at first.

The result is that the twins accept Emerald and Emerald generally keeps to herself when it comes to them. Overall it is pretty peaceful which makes me anxious because I am far too used to traveling, fighting, and having something to do overall so it is difficult for me to stay still. Thankfully my treatments for Morgana's semblance take up a good chunk of my day with both in the morning and evening.

Some results can already be seen with me giving my aura to Morgana and her constantly using her semblance. Morgana can now focus on the bad luck generated by her semblance in a single direction. Meaning that she can now slightly isolate her semblance's effect which a step in the right direction. I do this in the morning and evening with a break from noon to later afternoon to speed up the process of making Morgana's semblance evolve to the point she can turn it off.

I plan on making a trip to Patch Island soon to set up a property there and see Ruby and Yang see if they remember me. I took up a few projects in the meantime until Beacon's semester starts and team CFVY is formed for this year. I also sent out some drones to find Neopolitan and Roman Torchwich to make things easier for me because no way am I passing up the Neo if I can help it.

Plus making sure Roman survives the Fall of Beacon is a good way to screw Cinder over because then Neo won't seek her for revenge then. Especially if since Neo cares a great deal about him but whether it's family love or romantic love but then again if Neo sees Roman romantically his death would be convenient for me. Well, whatever find out their relationship first then decide how to handle them.

I already have an idea of what to do this year which involves making a lot of weapons to interest Ruby and Velvet plus maybe mess with the Vale branch of the White Fang to annoy Adam and give Blake a heads up that I am here in Vale. Also on my to-do list is to make a connection with Glynda Goodwitch somehow either through Ozpin or some other way. It should not be too difficult to get Ozpin's attention with me having Silver Eyes and being related to Qrow.

But I digress, Morgana's situation comes first before anything else but in the meantime, I will work on a project that I have in mind. Aura powered engines, batteries, and weapons are something I have been wanting to work on since I got the collective knowledge of Atlas's minds courtesy of magic-making copies of their memories. I did not start this project at Atlas because I don't want James Ironwood to direct any attention towards me than necessary and take my hard work for the "Greater Good".

I decided to start on batteries that can store aura because this should serve as a basis for making anything aura powered. It was not too difficult, all I need was some materials that conducts aura well and insulates aura to retain it. After a good amount of trial and error, I successfully created a battery to store aura, and after I further refine the design to reduce any sort of leakage from the battery I moved on.

The final product is a good size cylinder covered with a black resin over a platinum alloy container and filled with liquid metal. The top of it has 2 metal prongs sticking out to take in aura and expel it in a controlled fashion. Designing an engine to run off aura was not too difficult if I base off of engines that don't rely on dust combustion to operate which is a few odd cars that run off of pure lighting dust, so Remnant's version of hybrids vehicles.

To my surprise, the model of Yang's bike Bumblebee is a hybrid motorcycle which I found out when I went browsing over vehicles for some ideas on the aura powered engine. After a bit of jury-rigging, I got a small working model started and I then start to upscale the size. The hard was linking the aura battery and engine with an open charge port to continuously provide aura to fuel it while running it.

With a bit of fine-tuning, I got work on my first aura powered vehicle. I went with a motorcycle that I based off on Devil May Cry 5's Cavaliere, twin buzzsaws included, eat your heart out Yang, Ruby. I did not stop there I also installed a pair of machine guns on it to give it some ranged capability. Unfortunately, the twins discovered the bike and deman- *Ahem* requested that I make them some similar bikes for them, excluding the buzzsaws.

The things I do for the women I love, while Emerald did not request a bike herself, she is hinting that she would like one as well. Then Morgana is pestering me for one as well, kids what can you do... I told her she has to get her license first before even thinking about driving. As I tinkered Emerald reminded me of something that slipped my mind.

Emerald: Um, Silva, do you remember what you promised me?

I took a moment to think then remembered my promise to her.

Silva: That shopping trip in Vale?

She nodded and I asked her.

Silva: Do you want to do it today or tomorrow?

She politely replied.

Emerald: Whenever it is convenient for you...

I put up my tools and told her.

Silva: Let me get cleaned up and we can go within the hour.

Emerald smiled pleased with what I said and thanked me as I went to get a shower and clean clothes.

( A bit later)

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I went to the main hall of the castle to find the twins and Morgana with Emerald waiting for me. Before I could say anything Melanie told me.

Melanie: Silva you could have told us you were going shopping with Emerald but anyway we are coming along to show you where the best shops are.

I looked over to Emerald to silently ask if that is alright with her and she got the message and nodded yes. I shrugged not minding it and went to the garage to get the truck. Morgana then shouted out seeing where we are going.

Morgana: SHOTGUN!

The call-out made me smile because unlike before where she was a bit shy but now she is far more comfortable with me and the girls. I am glad I picked her up and helping her overcome her semblance. Regardless, off to Vale for a shopping trip for 4 girls...

CRUD, what have I gotten myself!? Shopping with one girl is exhausting enough mentally but I now have 3 to handle. Seriously, what I have gotten myself into?

( Hours later)

Well, I have ready to go home for the last 3 hours but I am still here shopping with the girls. I sigh feeling tired and I am not the only one thankfully because Morgana is tired of being treated like a doll to dress up by not only the twins but Emerald as well since she was corrupted by them. Well, at least they are bonding which is good because if Emerald needs anything it's friends that care about her as well.

I sit down at a chair I brought out from my Blue Jade Ring which is now fuller than ever carrying the girls' clothes. On the plus side, I got to see the three of them in various outfits that range from classy, cute, and sexy plus everything in between. Emerald got her original outfit from the show and apparently, she likes leather chaps. As I rest in the fifth bloody freaking clothes shop today, Emerald came over with a pair of summer dresses and asked my opinion.

Emerald: Hey, Silva which do you think is better?

She has a white dress with green accents on her left hand and a black and green one on her right hand. She alternated putting one in front of her then another to give me an idea of how she would look in them. I opened my mouth to say something when some else beat me to the punch.

???: I would recommend the white and green dress because it offers a nice contrast to your dark skin tone while matching your hair color.

I turned to face the source of the voice to see one of my favorites characters, Coco Adel. Fashionista, fellow appreciater of the fairer sex, and future team leader of team CFVY. In her usual sunglasses and beret with a light brown turtle neck with no sleeves and black jacket. Along with black pants with high heel boots that cover her just below the knee. Emerald had a guarded expression when she asked.

Emerald: And you are?

Coco gave a confident smirk and introduced herself.

Coco: Nice to meet you, the name is Coco Adel.

I introduced myself to her first casually.

Silva: Likewise, and I'm Silva Cloud and this is Emerald.

Coco appraised me and noticed that I both tiger ears and a tail. She couldn't help ask.

Coco: I thought Faunus only has one animal trait?

I shrugged not minding her question and answer her.

Silva: That is usually true but I am considered a rare case.

Melanie and Miltia then showed up with Morgana looking miserable and Miltia asked me.

Miltia: Silva, which do think would look better red or black?

She held up identical pairs of push-up corsets in different colors and Coco commented.

Coco: Well, depends on what you're wearing with them really as either looks good on you.

The twins looked towards Coco for the first time and asked together in sync.

Melanie/Miltia: Who are you?

Coco just took their question in stride.

Coco: Coco, and I must say 3 beautiful girls with one guy is quite something to be envious of.

Coco directed the latter half of her sentence towards me then appraised the girls and commented.

Coco: Silva was it? I must say you have good taste but which one of them is your girlfriend if you don't mind me asking?

I gave her a light smile and answered honestly.

Silva: Miltia and Melanie here along with a few others.

Coco lowered her sunglasses and looked at me with a bit of shock, commenting.

Coco: Others!?

I nodded and Coco looked towards the twins with a bit of curiosity asking.

Coco: Are you 2 okay with this?

They both nodded and Miltia then asked Coco.

Miltia: May I ask why this is any concern of yours?

Coco held her hands up in surrender and said with a smile.

Coco: Well I noticed your group going around shopping and was a bit curious as I saw we kept on entering the same stores.

I decided to make a bad joke to break the ice and ease the building tension.

Silva: Well I am handsome after all...

The whole group just looked at me with deadpan expressions all around and I just shrugged off their looks. Miltia and Melanie just rolled their eyes after a bit and Emerald is looking at me with a weirded out look. Morgana did not care and Coco asked.

Coco: Is he always like this?

They all shook their heads in denial as I am not narcissistic. Coco just eyed me with a bit of confusion then just shrugged it off. Coco then said with a smirk.

Coco: Well sorry to interrupt your date and it nice to get to know you all.

As Coco walked away Melanie stopped her.

Melanie: Hey, wait a moment!

Coco turned then looked at Melanie and Melanie asked Coco.

Melanie: Would you like to join us?

Coco looked a bit surprised and then said.

Coco: Sure why not.

I get a distinct feeling this shopping is going to continue for a few more hours.

( Later on)

After a total of 8 straight hours of shopping, I finally got back home, and the reason it took so long is that Coco showed the girls all the best shops both public and hidden. I learned that she is here in Vale to get familiar with the city before going to Beacon next month. The twins invited her home because they all clicked pretty well together, even Emerald after she got to know her better. As we pulled up to the castle in the cramped truck Coco's jaw dropped seeing where we live at.

Coco: You guys live in the mysterious castle that popped up out of nowhere!?

We all chuckled at her reaction and Morgana then said with a bit of pride in her voice.

Morgana: Yep! Big Brother Silva built it himself.

Morgana has taken to calling me her brother after everything I have done for her and, to be honest, I like it a bit. Coco directed a look of astonishment towards me hearing Morgana's statement. I just kept my peace because right now I only want to sleep after the walking around I did today but first.

Silva: Morgana meet me in the training room for your treatment.

Morgana whined a bit feeling as tired as I am.

Morgana: Do I have to?

I sternly spoke to her.

Silva: Morgana...

Morgana sighed and said exhausted.

Morgana: Okay...

I parked the truck in the garage and got out then let out the mountain of shopping bags in the main hall and told the girls my plans.

Silva: Ladies after I finish with Morgana I am going to bed so have fun and Coco make yourself at home.

I made my way to the training room with Morgana following as she yawned.

Coco POV

Well, I certainly did not see my day go like this when I got up this morning. Meeting Miltia, Melanie, Emerald, little Morgana, and Silva made my day. Not only did I shop with some new acquaintances but I shopped more than I ever have in a single day. Silva's storage capacity is very useful even enviable and now coming to find out that they live in this castle that Silva built himself makes me wonder who I just got involved with.

As Silva left with Morgana I asked one of the twins, Miltia.

Coco: What did Silva mean by treatment is Morgana okay?

Miltia gave me a light smile as she explained Morgana's situation and Silva's hand in helping her. I knew that there were a wide variety of semblances but one that causes bad luck just sounds like a curse especially since it affects the people around her. When I heard how Silva is helping her I had to admit I don't think a lot of people would do the same as him.

Coco: Silva certainly sounds like a great guy I can see why you would date him but I still have trouble wrapping my head around him having a harem.

While I do feel a bit of envy towards Silva for having multiply girlfriends and making it work. I don't see myself doing the same but I'm me and Silva is himself. I then asked another question that I have in my mind about him.

Coco: Is Silva from a wealthy family or something because even if he built this place himself the materials must have cost a fortune?

Melanie giggled then answered me.

Melanie: No Silva is not from a well-off family, he is just good at making money that this castle is just a drop in the bucket for him.

Okay, kind, generous, and good at making money, that is a winning combination if I ever heard one, it is little wonder he has a harem. I then asked curiously.

Coco: How did you guys get together?

The twins looked at each other then Miltia said.

Miltia: How about we continue this in our room because these clothes and accessories are not going to sort themselves out for us.

True plus I am getting more curious about Silva the more I hear about him.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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