47.45% Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System! / Chapter 140: Drako returns to Kuoh/Female private talk.

บท 140: Drako returns to Kuoh/Female private talk.

It was 8:00 a.m. when Drako left the building. He wasted no time in summoning his motorcycle, as he had to make a trip to Kuoh Town.

This time he was going alone because he needed the free space. It was impossible to bring anyone with him because Drako was going to pick someone up.

It took Drako a little over half an hour to get to Kuoh Town. But, unlike when he came with Valina, Drako had a clear goal. He wasn't going to be wasting his time running around town.

Drako parked on Golden Drive in front of a regular two-story terrace house with a light blue exterior, a second-floor balcony and a brown roof. It was an ordinary house, because a normal family was living there.

Well, not all the residents were normal people.

The one who opened the door was a woman who seemed to be in her forties. She had a friendly smile on her face when she invited Drako into her home.

"Drako-kun, come inside."

Drako went inside the house, following in the lady's footsteps. The house was not very large, so he soon reached the living room. There, a man similar in age to the lady was sitting next to a boy about 13 or 14 years old.

"You're here now, boy." The man said hello to Drako.

"Drako-nii-san, I've been waiting for you!"

Obviously, this was the Hyoudou residence. The woman was Miki Hyoudou, and the man Gorou Hyodou. They were the parents of the young boy, Issei Hyoudou.

"Do you have everything ready, Issei?"

Drako asked the boy.

The reason Drako had returned to Kuoh Town was that he was going to take Issei with him.

In fact, this was Drako's third trip to this town. On the second time, he had come prepared and gathered information on Issei and his family.

Gorou Hyoudou, Issei's father, is an ordinary office worker while Miki Hyoudou, Issei's mother, is a full-time housewife. They were a completely normal family, with a son who was finding his love and devotion for boobs.

Drako had met them and offered Issei a place at a special school. He had told them about a special talent Issei had, and they had been quick to accept Drako's offer. At first, they were a bit resistant to the idea that Issei would be separated from them. Still, they accepted when Drako assured them that Issei would be back in three or four years.

Probably, they thought that this special school was going to heal their son abnormal perversion.

"All set!"

Issei pointed to the suitcase that was leaning against the wall. He had probably filled it with all his personal belongings since he was going to stop living in this house for a while.

Drako had convinced Issei to join Akatsuki, thus gaining one more Fate Point. So far, he had collected a total of ten Fate Points. Convincing Issei had not been too difficult, as Drako had only promised to help him secure his own harem, or at least gain enough power to have a harem. It was Issei's dream to be the harem king, so he needed considerable strength.

In Drako's visit to the Hyoudou family earlier, Drako had taught Issei a bit about the supernatural world, and he had taught him how to use his own Sacred Gear. Unlike Raynare, Issei had been able to get Boosted Gear out with ease.

Actually, summoning a Sacred Gear was not difficult. A human who owns Sacred Gear only has to think of the most powerful thing his mind can imagine, and his Sacred Gear will manifest. The problem with Raynare was not that she couldn't use her Sacred Gear, but that she didn't want to.

But that was a problem to deal with later. Now, Drako had to focus on this kid.

"Okay, let's go then. Mr. and Mrs. Hyodou, I'll be in charge of your son from here.

Drako didn't waste much time with Issei's parents, and he left the place with the boy.

Drako went up to Golden Drive, and he waved Issei over behind him.

"Is this your bike?" Issei asked curiously.

"It is, but it is a bit special. You can think of it as something similar to your Boosted Gear, although they are different things. Now, stop talking and get on. They're waiting for us."

"Yes, sir!"

Issei climbed onto the back of the bike and wrapped his hands around Drako's waist. Drako had to admit that it was much better to take Valina and Kuroka on the Golden Drive than Issei.


Natsume felt uncomfortable while eating breakfast.

Drako had left everyone's breakfast ready before he left to pick up Issei, since he was not going to be able to join them.

Natsume had woken up later with the rest of the girls. It had been Drako who had awakened them before he left, as he used to do with the lazy girls who slept with him every night. Natsume had woken up along with the others, until she realized the situation she was in.

The first to realize that Natsume was in bed was none other than Valina, the girl Natsume had diagnosed with Chūnibyō. She had said something along the lines of "So Natsume Minagawa has already realized how impressive this White Dragon Empress' older brother is" and had laughed vainly. For some reason, Natsume felt that Valina had been sincere in her words, and had no intention of mocking her. After that, the other girls joined in teasing her.

Natsume blushed at the thought.

To distract her thoughts, Natsume fed the hawk that sat on her shoulder. She had given the falcon the name Griffon, and it was the manifestation of her Sacred Gear.

All the girls were gathered around the table, eating the breakfast that Drako had spent his time making. Natsume had to be honest, the meals that Drako made sent her straight into a culinary orgasm.

Not only was Drako a handsome, muscular, and charismatic man, but he was also the best cook Natsume had ever had. Even his kisses were incredible...

Natsume's face grew even warmer as she thought of what had happened in the morning.

Since when was she such an easy girl? There was no way Natsume would have let Drako take advantage of her with such ease.

But what was done was done. There was no way Natsume could change what had already happened.

But... What would Drako think of her now?

Drako already had a girlfriend, Kuroka, so Natsume could be considered the third wheel. In fact, Natsume was feeling very bad right now.

As such, Natsume approached Kuroka after breakfast.

"Kuroka-san, can we talk?"

Kuroka looked a bit confused for a moment, but then she nodded. She turned to Shirone and said, "Go ahead, Shirone-nyaa. I'll follow you later, Natsume and I have to discuss matters related to Drako and the future."

Natsume tensed up when she heard Kuroka's words. Did she know about it?

"Don't be too long."

That's all Shirone said before she headed out onto the terrace. Mordred gave Kuroka and Natsume a deep look before following Shirone.

Kuroka said nothing to Natsume and left the house. Natsume had no choice but to follow Kuroka outside.

Once outside, Kuroka leaned against the wall as she watched over Natsume.

"So, what is it you want to tell me?"

Natsume was nervous. It was evident that Kuroka knew something had happened. Still, she was playing on the fact that she was unaware of the situation.

"I'm... so sorry!"

Natsume leaned in such a way that her back formed a 90-degree angle.

"Why are you apologizing-nyaa?"

Kuroka looked really confused, which surprised Natsume. Kuroka knew that Natsume wanted to talk to her about Drako, so why was she surprised?

"Yesterday, I got up to go to the bathroom late at night. The next thing I knew, I was in your bed... Then... Drako and I had an intimate moment... It was an accident, I swear! I don't know what was going through my mind at the time. Drako was in front of me, and I didn't know how to react, and I ended up doing it..."

"Doing what-Nyaa?"

Natsume was very nervous at this point. A pity she did not see Kuroka's face, which was all smiles. It was undeniable that Kuroka was playing with Natsume, and she seemed to be enjoying the moment.


The colour red covered Natsume's entire face, reaching her ears. This was too embarrassing, too embarrassing.

She had slept in the same bed with a boy, and they had kissed. Kissed! Drako had even played with her tits!

"I can't get married anymore!"

Or so Natsume thought.

"Do you love Drako?"

Natsume looked up, surprised at Kuroka's question. Kuroka's gaze was serious, on a level that Natsume had never seen in the Nekoshou.

"I... don't know."

Natsume wasn't going to admit it. She was in front of Drako's girlfriend! She couldn't say she was in love with Drako to his face!

"This is not the time to hesitate, Natsume Minagawa. I want to hear your answer right now, and it has to be "yes" or "no". Either you answer white, or you answer black. I don't want grey answers."

It was just as Kuroka had said. Either Natsume answered yes, or she answered no. There was no other answer.

In other words, Kuroka was giving Natsume an ultimatum.

There was no doubt that Natsume's future with Drako depended on the answer Natsume was going to give Kuroka.

Natsume was hesitating. She wanted to give Kuroka a grey answer, not making her true feelings clear. She knew that Kuroka was forcing her to confess her feelings, however.

If it was a choice between a yes or no answer, Natsume could not lie to herself.

"I... think I'm in love with him."

Natsume finally confessed her feelings.

It was not the answer Kuroka was looking for. It was still an answer that was close to grey, but at least she had made a choice.

Kuroka could start working from here.

"Do you know that Drako is not human? Well, it's pretty obvious, considering that pair of horns on his forehead. At least he can hide them from humans who have no connection to the supernatural world. But he's still not human."

"He is a dragon."

"That's right. And being a dragon, his sex drive is immense. I'm not saying this is bad. In fact, it's very satisfying, believe me. You've only experienced his kisses and a little bit of his "body massages." But that's nothing compared to the level of pleasure he can give you, I guarantee it."

Kuroka had a satisfying smile as she spoke. Natsume, for her part, only wanted to run and hide in the most bottomless pit in the country.

How could she be so bold as to speak of personal matters so easily? And why was Natsume feeling jealous?

Natsume remembered the kiss he shared with Drako that morning, and the caresses he gave her body. Natsume was feeling her body warming up just thinking about it. For a moment, Natsume thought she wanted to feel what Kuroka had been feeling all along as well.

"But... I can't catch up with Drako. With every day, his techniques in bed grow exponentially. Most times, when we have sex, I momentarily lose consciousness due to pleasure."

Was Kuroka telling the truth? Natsume found that hard to believe. Could someone be good enough in bed to knock someone out?

"That's why I need teammates. Like in the isekai stories where the hero puts together a team to defeat the demon king, I need a team of women so I can defeat Drako in bed. Of course, I'm not willing to accept just any woman, I have my own conditions."

"Are you saying that...?"

"Exactly, you've been through those conditions successfully. Be proud, Natsume Minagawa, because you're the first to go through all the conditions."

Kuroka smiled proudly, as if what Natsume had accomplished was incredible.

"What exactly are those requirements?" Natsume asked.

"The first one is the most essential, and it is the one you have just fulfilled. You must love Drako and recognize that love openly! If you had answered that you didn't love him, then I wouldn't let you have a relationship with him now or in the future."

Kuroka's first requirement was both reasonable and unreasonable. If someone was going to have sex with Drako, that person had to love Drako. That was the reasonable part. The unreasonable part was not to let that person join the harem if she fell in love with Drako later.

In the end, Kuroka was still the female ruler of the harem. She was the one who made the rules on this house.

"The second?"

"The second is that Drako has to agree with that relationship!"

Weren't these two requirements needed to establish a normal relationship?

"But... Drako has never said he agrees..." Natsume tried to protest.

"You're wrong! Drako would never have kissed you if he didn't find you attractive. I know him very well, and I know how he thinks. Now, I'm sure he thinks your relationship has taken a step forward, but you can't be considered an official partner. Therefore, I have an assignment for you, Natsume."


"I want you to get close to Drako and bring your relationship closer. In fact, I want you to be as intimate as possible."

Kuroka's request left Natsume in shock.

She just wanted to apologize to Kuroka. After that, she thought of forgetting about Drako, though it would be difficult after all he had done for her and the other students. Natsume would never have believed that Kuroka would willingly let her get close to Drako.

Natsume was very delighted to have this opportunity. She had studied the ways of the supernatural world with Baraqiel over the past two months, and knew that harem was not uncommon in this world. Since learning this, she thought she had a minimal chance with Drako, but she thought it was nothing more than an impossible wish.

Though all of this was still a bit absurd to Natsume, she had to adapt to the circumstances. Her life during these two months had bordered on perfection. It was true that she missed her parents and friends, but she had formed a new family with all the girls and Drako. Even Tobio and Kouki could be considered good friends for Natsume. Sharing Drako with girls who made up this large family was something Natsume could agree with.

The problem was... how should she approach Drako?

"Huh, here's Drako-nyaa!"

Kuroka had officially ended the conversation when her verbal tic came back.

Natsume was confused, as she did not see Drako anywhere.

Five seconds later, the sound of a motorbike rang out in the street, and a golden flash of lightning passed in front of Natsume's eyes, stopping just in front of her.

"Drako-nii-san, this bike is amazing!"


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