Three days had passed since Tobio met Valina and three days since he suffered a fate similar to that of Kouki Samejima.
As much as he possesses a Longinus, Valina is still too strong for Tobio to defeat her. Not for nothing is she a descendant of Lucifer and the current owner of the Divine Dividing, the Sacred Gear that contains the Vanishing Dragon Albion.
Today was one of those strange days when Kuroka decided to do something strange, and this time it was to take a bath with me.
Yes, she wanted to take a bath with me.
Being a male dragon, my biggest weakness is the female of other races. In other words, I'm more attracted to the female gender of other races.
In Kuroka's case, I'm not only attracted to her physically but also emotionally. It has been a long time since I thought of this world as one created by the mind of a human in my previous life. People I've known for a long time are no longer mere characters, and I consider them as "people".
I think you understand what I mean.
As to why I haven't had sex with Kuroka...
That's for something similar to what would happen in the future with Shirone if she had followed her original path, being the Rook the Rias Gremory. Kuroka is now the same age as Shirone at that time, 16, and her body, although more developed than Shirone's, is still very weak in the event of a possible pregnancy.
And as a dragon, I am totally against the use of condoms or birth control pills. Considering that the birth rate of my race is among the lowest of all races, even lower than the devils, I cannot waste a single drop of my semen to get a descendant. This is something that Tiamat took it upon herself to put in the back of my mind.
On the other hand, Kuroka doesn't think much of condoms and birth control pills either. She only thinks about having kittens and doesn't seem to want to waste any opportunities for that.
If the birth rate of dragons is so low, why am I so worried about Kuroka?
That's because Nekoshou get 100% pregnant when they lose their virginity. It's like they're in a permanent mating season.
"I'm gonna wash your hair, Kuroka."
I think she wanted to "okay" that.
Stroking Kuroka's hair is one of my favourite activities. It's so soft and so beautiful, I could spend hours stroking the Nekoshou's hair.
But just as I was half-washing Kuroka's hair, the bathroom door opened and a little guest came in.
"Oh, it looks like little Jin wants to take a bath, too."
Tobio's puppy, Canis Lycaon or Jin, is the intruder we have in the bathroom.
But it seems that he is not the only one who seems to want to enter the bathroom, as I hear another two voices coming from the corridor.
"Tch, the two bitches are coming to take up my time alone with Drako," Kuroka mumbles underneath.
The bathroom door opens, revealing the naked bodies of Lavinia and Natsume. I already knew that Lavinia's body was voluptuous and that her tits were quite large, but I am quite surprised at Natsume.
With a slender body, such a figure was standing there. And yet, there was a mass there that I hadn't previously noticed when clothed. I think that I have to revaluate this girl.
A from the naked blond girl, Lavinia. Her body stresses feminine curves beyond those of Natsume. That which hadn't become clear that time she appeared on my bed was now clearly visible
"Oh, it's Dra-kun and Kuro-chan. We were following jin-chan to have a bath." That was what Lavinia said.
And for Natsume...
Steadily getting her face red from the current situation, Natsume finally sprung back out of the bathroom. But, before she could go out, Lavinia held her arm and brought her inside.
"Natsume? You said that you wanted to take a bath this morning, why are you going out?" Lavinia asked.
Seriously, doesn't she realize that Natsume is obviously embarrassed? Or maybe she's doing it on purpose.
"B-B-But Kuroka-san and Drako-kun are here too!!"
Natsume explains while trying to cover her body as good as she can.
"I don't find any problem there. There is a lot of space in the bath."
What Lavinia says is true. Thanks to Azazel, who I'm sure had the idea, the bathroom in this apartment is incredibly large. It's not a joke to say that six people can easily fuck inside the bathroom.
Although I have to say, the quality of the water after we all get in the same tub is more than questionable.
But this is where the great advance of Japanese society from the rest of the world comes in. Rather, this is where Azazel's foresight and intelligence come in.
This bathroom is the same style as a public bathroom in Japan. There's a part of you taking off the dirt and another part, which is where Kuroka and I are right now, where you can relax.
It's this last part that I say is big enough for several people to enter.
In the end, Natsume agreed with Lavinia, and it ended up being practically for her to go to the baths.
"Do you usually bathe together?"
I can't help but ask.
Already images are coming to my mind of the two girls bathing together, helping each other wash their bodies...
It was Natsume who responded from the other side of the bathroom.
"...When I wake up in every morning, Lavinia is always openly sleeping in my room! But, this time she was sleeping while holding Jin-chan! Such being the case...everyone was taking a shower together...aah geez!"
Natsume was shaking as she gave an explanation.
"We're going in!"
Lavinia was the opposite of Natsume. She did not seem to feel any shame in being exposed by a person of the opposite sex.
"And there you have it. My time alone with Drako totally spoiled by the two bitches."
After what happened this morning, I still had to make breakfast today.
Dish after dish had been put on the table. In today's program, eggs with sautéed sausage and spinach garnish, grilled salmon filet, a mixed salad, and the delicious miso soup that is so common, were on the menu. In addition, the broth used for the miso soup, as well as the fried eggs, sausage, and salmon filet, were all perfect without being burned in the least. The white rice, too, having been boiled in a special pressure cooker, was not the least bit overcooked, with each grain of rice rising magnificently.
"WOAH! As expected, it was the right decision putting Drako on cooking duty!"
Before everyone could say 'itadakimasu' Samejima was slurping the miso soup. At that moment, he put on a broad smile.
"In any case, this is scrumptious."
This was muttered with poor speech. Much like Samejima, Lavinia could do nothing but gape.
"Dra-kun's cooking is the greatest."
After saying "Itadakimasu", Natsume quickly reached out with her chopsticks.
"Uum, delicious!"
Natsume's assessment was that today's breakfast was the best yet.
Then, watching Valina's figure as she moved her chopsticks in silence, I wore a mischievous expression.
"Here you go, your favourite breakfast. Isn't that what you were asking me the other day?"
She just looked at me silently as she continued to eat.
"You misunderstand. I was only interested in obtaining nourishment from this meal."
"It comes back to nourishment, huh. Good grief, you're not honest at all."
It's true, Valina has a tendency to seem cool and mysterious in front of the rest of the world.
Seeing this exchange, Kouki let out a laugh with a "Kukuku."
"Lucidra-sensei's at the height of her cheekiness."
"Muh, Samejima Kouki. What's with this Lucidra? Is that supposed to be me?"
Valina raised her eyebrows inquiringly at Samejima.
"Yeah, aren't you Lucifer and a dragon? In that case, Lucidra is good for short ain't it?"
It seems that Kouki's wasn't so good for Valina, since the corners of her mouth lowered into a frown.
"Mumuh, change it. I am the bloodline of the Maou Lucifer, and also carry the legendary dragon known as the "Vanishing Dragon" within my body…"
"Ah, yes of course. Lucidra, Lucidra."
At the childish exchange between Samejima and Vali, Natsume could only sigh.
"Geez, no fighting during a meal."
Natsume tossed one of the sausages to Griffon, which the bird skillfully caught and gulped down. The independent avatar types consisting of Jin, Griffon, and Byakusa also partook of meals, just like ordinary animals. However, there is no need to worry about things like hawk, cat, or dog food, as they eat everything given to them from meat to fruit. Since they hadn't observed any abnormalities up till now, it was likely there weren't any restrictions like there would be on a real animal.
"Va-chan, good girl, good girl."
Lavinia was patting the pouting Valina's head.
"Like I said, don't pat my head! I am not a child!"
This normally cool-headed girl, after only a little teasing, was displaying a face appropriate for her age.
"Big brother Drako! They're bulling me!"
"They are? I can't see it."
"The betrayal-nyaa."
Since much of what follows in the original novel is a conversation that can be wholly avoided, I will summarize what happens from Drako's point of view until we get to the action once again.
After breakfast, we met to have a meeting of our own actions.
Well, they met since I barely took part in it.
To sum up, what was decided was that we were going to investigate the whereabouts of the families of the missing students. They had moved en masse, which was too rare.
On the other hand, information from Azazel about the Five Major Clans had arrived. Information that only increased the anger I felt toward them.
They were beginning to take action.
They, the Five Major Clans, were going to begin eradicating everyone connected with this case. No one who got their hands on it was going to survive if the Five Main Clans began to work.
And that pisses me off, a lot.
What the clans wanted to do was eradicate all the students who had been forced to become Utsusemi and all their families. They also wanted to eradicate Tobio and the rest, and they even wanted to eradicate any journalist who felt that this case was strange.
They wanted to erase any records that would negatively impact the Five Major Clans.
Since there were so many houses to visit, Tobio and the rest decided to start by searching the house of Tobio's childhood friend.
Sae Toujou.
The reason for choosing this was because we work from the mentality that enemies expect us to go to the houses where Tobio's close friends Natsume and Kouki used to live.
Valina had been called back by Azazel, so this time only Tobio, Lavinia, Natsume and Kouki's group went to Sae Toujou's house.
They only went because I wasn't needed to accompany them. The strength of the boys had increased considerably during three days of training with Valina, and was more than enough to survive a fighting battle on the scale that was going to take place there, in case there was even a fight.
Besides, my instincts said that the final battle was yet to come, so I'm not interested in leftovers. That group are the protagonists of a novel, so I don't think they'll die so easily.
From what I was told later, the house had been surrounded by a magic field that made it impossible for ordinary people to enter the area. Which was quite suspicious.
As expected, there was no trace of Sae Toujou's parents inside the house.
In the end, the final boss appeared at Sae Toujou's house, next to Sae herself.
He introduced himself as Hanezu Himejima, the leader of the so-called Utsusemi Agency.
"Speaking honestly, I believe my only desire has been partly fulfilled. Ikuse Tobio was how you introduced yourself, huh. A 'demon' beyond the daughter of 'lightning' has been born from that Himejima. Moreover, it is an authentic creation compared to the aforementioned 'lightning'. The degree of comedy is boundless. Rather than the 'red' of the 'Suzaku' of Shintoism that the Himejima rules over, they've given birth to 'jet black'. Having acknowledged you since your face reminds me of the previous 'Himejima' clan chief, I guess I am sufficiently satisfied."
This had made such an impact on Tobio that he had remembered every word Hanezu had spoken at Sae Toujou's house.
The Utsusemi that Sae Toujou had seemed to be a special monster created specifically by Wizards of Oz, and it was called The Cowardly Leo. I thought the name was funny when I heard it, as it is clearly based on the book for young children.
But... my decision not to accompany Tobio's group turned out to be the worst one I could have made. And that's because Lavinia and Tobio have ended up being captured by the enemy.
But not only that, I'd received a message from Kouki saying that he and Natsume were in mortal danger.
Without waiting a moment longer, Valina, who just returned from an errand for Azazel, and I set out.
To my surprise and Valina's, when we arrived at the place where Natsume and Kouki's presence was, and another presence that I had already felt before, we met two quite powerful beasts.
One of them was a white beast, which although it had the shape of a cat, its size was more than three meters. The beast had teeth similar to those of the sabre-toothed tiger. Moreover, it had numerous long tails growing from it, all of which included a sharp tip in the shape of a round cone. The whole body was emitting sparks.
As for the huge four-legged beast floating in the air, its size exceeded two meters. There were two pairs of wings on its back, and its head that resembled that of a falcon had horns on it. However, the form of a beast had been matched up with that of a bird, just like the Griffon that appears in fantasy productions——the upper half of the body was that of a falcon, and the lower half of the body was that of a monstrous lion. Its whole body was clad in the wind.
There was no doubt, these were the True Form of Kouki and Natsume's Sacred Gears.
Speaking of Kouki, he was in pretty bad shape. He had a wound in his chest that showed what was behind Kouki, something had gone right through him.
"What, this is...!! These are... the Four Fiends!? Their original forms!?"
This is the person I was talking about, who I've seen before. He's also responsible for Kouki and Natsume's bad condition.
Doumon Kazuhisa...
The wind cut through, and an *HYU* sound was heard. Passing by Natsume and Samejima, something small moved about at high speeds. Looking about, it was the numerous tails of the white beast, which were continuously moving about the factory's interior freely, finally swooping down upon a clay doll! The clay doll took a guard stance by crossing both arms, which was easily broken through, as throughout the whole body the white tails——the lances pierced through it! Instantly, releasing a seemingly huge electrical phenomenon, the clay doll was fried from the inside! Its entire body smoking, the clay doll collapsed worn out and powerless.
Seeing that sequence of moves, Doumon shrieked.
"Táowù! Truly, this is Samejima Kouki's...!!"
Before he could finish speaking, a sudden gust enveloped the inside of the factory! The large winged animal was flapping its two pairs of wings on the spot! The pile of scrap material was lifted up, and even the factory roof was blown off by its vigour. Other than Natsume, anything that was not tied down was also launched up into the sky. As for Samejima, one of the white beast's tails was wrapped around him, fastening him down.
Of course, Valina and I were able to hold our own.
But seriously, this isn't even the Balance Breaker of these Sacred Gears, and they were already so powerful.
They're not even Longinus!
Race: Fiend
Status: Sacred Gear (Sealed)
Strength: 400
Defense: 350
Magic: 375
Agility: 450
This is the power of a Sacred Gear of the highest level, I'm not counting the Longinus, without even using their Balance Breaker. Just awesome.
The instant Natsume confirmed Samejima's safety, a countless number of sharp wave-like things attacked a clay doll. In no more than a second, the clay doll's entire body was covered with multiple scars as though it had been slashed. Shortly thereafter, the clay doll crumbled into fragments all over the floor.
"This is Qióngqí!!? How unpleasant! That it would even be both at the same time…"
Seeing the body of the transformed Griffon, Doumon was uttering as much, only to then raise a shriek as he became aware of the change in himself.
Indeed, from below the elbow, his left arm was gone. Regarding that arm, it had fallen to the ground nearby. In all likelihood, it had been hit by the wind blades Griffon had just released. Because of that, the arm had been cut off.
Doumon crouched down on the spot, writhing in shock due to the pain of losing his arm.
"These are Griffon and Byakusa-chan's true forms?"
Race: Fiend
Status: Sacred Gear (Sealed)
Strength: 375
Defense: 400
Magic: 400
Agility: 325
As Doumon had said, these enormous creatures were the true forms of Kouki and Natsume's Sacred Gears.
The question was, why had the true forms of Sacred Gears now manifested?
I remember that this is not the first time that Kouki has been in a life-and-death situation, but Byakusa had not been transformed before.
It didn't take me long to understand.
Lying on the ground next to Doumon was a young boy, whom I recognized as Kouki's friend. He was obviously an Utsusemi, but the problem came in the form of the Utsusemi.
The Utsusemi that accompanied Kouki's friend was shaped like a little girl and seeing the resemblance to the boy, I would not be surprised if it was Kouki's friend's own younger sister.
Seriously, how much craziness has to be inside these people to do something like this?
The transformed Griffon descended downwards towards Natsume's position. Griffon, who since before had behaved like a spoiled child, drew close to Natsume. Seeing that, "Ahh, this child truly is Griffon," Natsume said with relief. Even if the form had changed, the mind was the same. Naturally, she was able to turn and accept this new appearance.
Surely, Byakusa and Griffon, due to the predicament of their masters, or possibly due to resonating with their complex feeling, had seemingly increased their power in an instant.
Seeing that it was all over, I waved Valina into action.
"Let me speak first, big brother Drako."
"It's okay."
I don't know what you have in mind, Valina. But I think it's not bad to let her get away with it this time. Knowing her, she probably just wants to act cool one more time.
"What's this, you're still alive? It would have been settled without Azazel getting mad at me."
I knew it, she just wants to act cool in front of Kouki and Natsume.
"Yo, Minagawa Natsume. I was late. Given that there were tasks to finish. I've come to meet up with you."
As always, Valina trying to act cool…
Valina then looked over at Doumon. Doumon was picking up his fallen arm and then began running towards the entrance. He was planning to escape. Sensing that, Valina stood in his way.
Seeing that reaction from Doumon, Kouki laughed a little bit.
"Hahaha, he is dead…"
"What?" Natsume asked.
"Never spoke badly about that little girl when you are in front of him…"
I'm not going to allow anyone to harm any of my beloved ones, even if it's only verbal abuse.
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