38.82% Scarblade Goddess / Chapter 33: CHAPTER 32

บท 33: CHAPTER 32

On the other hand, checking back into the situation at Celestia Heavenly mall, Lilieth was still at Ru's bar, even though the time was already midnight. It appeared Lilieth was the only one left, as the other customers had already left for some reason. Though, she was still engrossed of playing on her smartphone, without noticing how late it was. Sooner or later, Ru went to Lilieth's table,

"Umm, Lilieth? Err, we're closing now, since tomorrow is a holiday or should I say in a few hours that is...".

It appeared that in Celestia Heavens, businesses should be closed during the holidays. As Lilieth heard Ru's reminder, Lilieth put away her phone and looked around. Her surprised eyes noticed that no one was there except Zeran, Ru, and Lilieth herself. Lilieth felt embarrassed afterwards,

"W-wow, who knew that I've been on my phone for that long. Sorry 'bout that.".

Ru didn't mind Lilieth's apology that much, instead Ru was filled with doubts, as she noticed that the wrapped meal for little Nassus was still on top of the table. There after, she told Lilieth regarding the package,

"By the way, I thought Ori and Yumine were taking li'l Nassus's meal as take out?".

Lilieth was also dumbfounded, as her eyes laid upon the said package, turning her to be absorbed in her thoughts,

"O-kay...did Ori just forget to bring this to her little Nassus?".

Soon, she responded back,

Oh that, Ori must've just forgotten 'bout it when she and her friends went out in a hurry. I'll be sure to give it to that young Nassus.".

Ru replied,

"Uh huh. Oh yeah! Mai told me that li'l Nassus had gotten up already and they're training at the training area. Okay, that sounded redundant.".

Lilieth grabbed the packed meal and she said to Ru,

"Okay thanks! See ya!".

Afterwards, Lilieth left the place, bringing along the packaged meal with her. The whole place was basked in luminous midnight, as the lights were bright. The shops were all closed. She was rushing along the paved hallways and there were less deities, heroes, and heroines roaming around the place. Lilieth thought of something,

"I think I should take a shortcut.".

Soon, she took a detour and went through the narrow dark alley. As she continued to stroll along, the path felt different than before, since the air was heavy. An ominous wind was felt by her skin. Her eyes witnessed that the abyss hooded male was there leaning on the wall. Lilieth took a sudden stop, as she noticed his presence. Thereon, Lilieth called unto him, although her greeting wasn't that much welcoming,

"Oh it's you, EX-MASTER. What do you want?".

The hooded master replied,

"Oh I just wanted to see you, how are you now?".

He shifted to look at Lilieth from head-to-toe. His sinister eyes looked-like he wanted to lick all over Lilieth's hot body. In turn, Lilieth expressed out a deep disgusted look on her face. Then, she replied to his question,

"Hmph! I'm better off living without you WHIPPING MY *SS all the time!".

The hooded master masked a devious grin,

"I see, I see...".

His eyes were locked into a deep interest, as he was seeing the cute package Lilieth was carrying. He looked-like he was about to laugh and he tried to tease her,

"Also, is that for your BOYFRIEND?".

Lilieth just looked away and and replied straight,

"Ummmm no, this is for Nassus who had turned into a kid.".

As the abyss cloaked master heard that funny reply from Lilieth, he cracked out a hilarious yet, sarcastic laugh,

"AH-HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH! Really? You're babysitting a kid now?".

Lilieth didn't reply back, although she looked displeased, since she already knew that in front of her was the ringmaster of the whole incident. The master was noticing that Lilieth was getting impatient, so he held her flawless chin. Then, he made her to look at him straight and he said in front of her, trying to appease her,

"By the way, why don't we have a short date, hm? Instead of taking care of a FALLEN who had turned into a kid.".

Lilieth declined his offer,

"If you keep this up, I'll tell them WHO YOU REALLY ARE and what you're doing to US GODDESSES...".

As soon as he heard that daring threat from her mouth, he had stopped touching her chin. Then, he replied back with a grin on his face,

"Blackmailing me again huh? I guess that's a no.".

Then, Lilieth shouted at him,

"Now, get out of the way!".

The master looked displeased, since he had failed to have his sweet time with Lilieth. He said his goodbyes later on,

"Tch! Also, Liliath's been doing a great job and she's helping the HEROINE IBLYTH now.".

Afterwards, the black hooded male vanished into the fray with sparkling monochromatic stardust such as he was a manipulator of both darkness and light. The deathly winds were no longer felt and time continued to flow once more. Lilieth just sighed with a stressed look, as she had contact with her said former master. It appeared Lilieth was one of the Goddess slaves of the abyss cloaked male before. For a second, Lilieth looked up to the cosmic skies, as she was troubled in her deep thoughts,

"My twin sister huh, tell me Liliath why are you so insistent on helping this, this MADMAN.".

Soon, she continued on her path to reach her destination. As she got out of the narrow alley, she had already arrived at the practice area that looked-like just a normal tennis court. She was hearing strong shouts of a kid and the sound of wooden sticks hitting each other from the court. When she took a closer look, she was seeing that little Nassus was swinging his wooden sword at the long bamboo polearm that Miro was holding tight.

"Hiyah! Hayah! Haiyah! Hiyah!",

Young Nassus kept on shouting, while he was hitting the bamboo polearm with such force. His face was sweating, as he was diligent on his training.

"That's great Nassus, keep it up!",

as Miro was motivating the youthful Nassus. She noticed that little Nassus was full of energy, so she didn't interrupt them. The physical training took a few minutes to finish. Sooner or later, they were done with the training. Miro let Nassus rest now and told him,

"We're done for now, Nassus. We'll continue this tomorrow and no more overtime okay? Geez, you're so full of energy...and I'm the one here who's tired...".


little Nassus replied. As for Miro, he sat on the floor and he looked up on the contents of the book that has the title, BASIC MAGIC FUNDAMENTALS. Although, he wasn't reading the book thoroughly, rather he was just skimming through its contents. While he kept on reading through it quick, little Nassus was glancing at the contents as well. Miro asked the youthful Nassus,

"What is it Nassus?".

Nassus replied,

"Can we try magic too? Just once please...".

Miro just sighed with a stressed look, since he can't say no to the puppy eyes of young Nassus. Then, Miro said to the little Nassus,

"Okay, just one time, It's midnight already.".

Poor Miro. When Lilieth heard that little Nassus was such a slave driver to the tired tutor Miro, she giggled. After a while, Nassus was standing on one side and Miro was behind him. Moreover, Miro was holding the book, as he was instructing Nassus through the use of the book. Miro read through the contents and said to Nassus,

"Now Nassus, it says here—Breathe in deeply and feel the magical energy that's everything around your area or mana in short. Feel the mystical winds and focus it one point, like your hand.".

"Got it!",

Young Nassus replied with an eager tone. He did as Miro had told him. He brought out his left hand. As Miro was witnessing that Nassus was ready, Miro told him,

"After that, cast out...PYRO SPHERE!".


as the youthful Nassus shouted out loud. Sadly, nothing happened. Both Miro and little Nassus were dumbfounded. Since, that's how to cast out magic basically. The next moment, Lilieth went near them and she made her presence clear, while she was wearing a proud smile,


Miro looked astunned as he saw Lilieth, so he greeted her with great respect,

"Oh! Goddess Lilieth, what brings you here?".

Young Nassus bowed to her as well. Lilieth replied,

"You're wondering why li'l Nassus can't cast out magic huh? Maybe because he's hungry now.".

Miro was convinced,

"Oh you're right! The last time we've eaten dinner was at Mai's humble inn.".

Lilieth responded back, while she was holding out the packed meal,

"Yeah, Ori had forgotten to bring this to you.".

Then, she gave the package to little Nassus. Nassus was filled with joy, as he saw the nice-looking package. As he opened the package, the ice cream had already melted and looked like a puddle of disappointment, turning young Nassus to frown. Though, Lilieth tried to raise his hopes and patted his small head,

"Don't worry, your ice cream will be back in no time! Since I can use ice magic as well!".

Goddess Lilieth took a deep breath and pointed her finger at the ice cream container. Instead of casting out a loud chant, she cast out with a soft tone,

"Ieva's air.".

Afterwards, a weak frosty air with stardust made from cold ice had surged throughout the container. As the frosty breeze kept on swirling around the container, the melted ice cream was returning back to its pleasing original form. It's true form looked-like it was scoops of heavenly hills of assorted rainbow colors, topped with shredded pieces of divine dark chocolate and white chocolate. As young Nassus's eyes had laid upon the amazing and vibrant form of the cold dessert, his eyes were sparkling since he was very much amazed. He ate the ice cream with great delight on his face. Miro whistled as he was awestruck by the said powers of Goddess Lilieth. A little while later, little Nassus was finished with his meal. There after, Lilieth clasped her hands and told them,

"Now Nassus's stomach is full, he should be able to cast out magic now...".

The youthful Nassus got up and did the magic exercise again. Miro told him the spell chant again and Nassus did as he was told,


Suddenly, a small ball of fire appeared in front of him. Even though, it didn't look that much awestriking, Nassus was still dazzled, such as he was a little kid who had seen something awesome for the first time. Then, the ball of fire vanished as a short time passed. Lilieth patted his tiny head and complimented him like he was a dog,

"Very good!".

Then, she told Miro,

"By the way Miro, why don't you let Nassus try the other element variations?".

Miro replied,

"Oh yes right!

He flipped to the next page and said to the little Nassus,

"Ummm Nassus...try chanting, HYDRO SPHERE!".

Young Nassus cast out,


The next moment, a sphere made of concentrated water appeared in front of him and dispersed later on. Miro told Nassus afterwards,


Little Nassus cast out,


Then, another small ball filled with surging green energy appeared in front of his face. After a while, it disappeared. Little Nassus was huffing and panting as the magical chants drained lots of his energy. Thereon, Lilieth told them,

"That'll be enough for now, since Nassus is exhausted...But really, he can use three primary elements. Now that's something!".

Miro was surprised as well,


Thereupon, Lilieth was engrossed in her thoughts,

"It looks like little Nassus is still the so-called chosen prodigy. Since, he can use MULTI-ELEMENT MAGIC but, he's NOT THE MAIN CHARACTER per se, or that's what they say in a story that is.".

Yeah, little Nassus is not the main character. Afterwards, she told the two of them,

"Now why don't we go back to Mai's inn now?".

Miro and young Nassus nodded. Lilieth, Miro, and little Nassus went back to Mai's inn that was just one block away from Ru's bar. Conveniently enough, Mai was there to welcome them. Funny thing is, Mai was wearing a maid outfit, even though she was the owner of the said inn. Although, the three of them just didn't mind her strange outfit that much. Afterwards, Miro said to Lilieth, while he was on his way back to the inn's entrance,

"I guess we'll go now—.".

Suddenly, Lilieth tugged on Miro's collar and didn't let him enter inside. Miro was surprised. Then, Lilieth told Mai,

"Mai, I'll just borrow Miro for a few moments, while you send Nassus to his room now.".

Mai replied,

"Yeah sure.".

Mai held Nassus's fragile hand and let him inside the inn. Then, the door was shut afterwards. Miro expressed a disturbing look, since he doesn't know what Lilieth was planning to do with him,

"Ummm, Goddess Lil—.".

Though, his mouth was shut, as Lilieth put her lady-like finger on top of Miro's lips. She stared at him straight in the eye, while she was wearing a friendly smile,

"Why don't we have a tour around the mall before it closes hm?".

Miro couldn't back down on the Goddess's offer, so he just agreed to her demands,

"Um, ok?".

Really Miro, you're one easy guy to be honest. The two of them went on their way. Just as Lilieth had said, the heart of the mall was still open, although there weren't anyone walking along the hallways except the two of them. It looked-like one of those teenage stories and shows where the two teenagers were the only ones who were moving through the stagnant time. The stores and boutiques were closed but, the vast department store was still open. There were lots of wares and items being showcased at the spacious department store. The whole place was pleasing to the eyes, as the interior was blended in chocolate brown, mocha, and deluxe gold. It's as if it was modeled after the modern and classical department stores of today. Not only that, there were still a few cashiers who were still working their *ss off. As Miro and Lilieth were waltzing along the aisle, Miro asked Lilieth about something,

"By the way Goddess Lilieth, why do you want me to go to the mall with you?".

Lilieth went close to his face and said,

"Let's just say, I'm here to help you. Don't you want to be in your human form for a full day?".

Miro was filled with interest and said his opinion,

"Yeah I want to...".

She grabbed his hand and expressed with a cheerful face,

"Then, follow me!".

She pulled him along the quiet aisle such, as she was an eager princess or rich girl who wanted to do something on her alone time. In turn, Miro was having a budding feeling of lavander petals along the sweet breeze, as he was seeing Lilieth's face filled with dazzling happiness. While they were rushing along the department store, Miro was noticing that the whole place looked serene, as there were less people. Soon, they've arrived at their destination, as Lilieth had stopped on her tracks. Miro noticed that Lilieth was looking at the set of bracelets encased in a clear glass. Miro took a sit at a soft cushion that was made for the unfortunate to rest. While for Lilieth, she called unto the sales clerk nearby and told him to get the certain bracelet. Afterwards, Miro and Lilieth went to the cashier and bought the black bracelet. As they were outside the department store, Lilieth suggested to Miro, while she was pointing at the coffee shop to the left side,

"By the way, why don't we go to the coffee shop now?".

Miro agreed. The two of them stayed at the coffee shop. Lilieth brought out the purchased bracelet and gave it to Miro,


Miro asked,

"Is this the bracelet that'll keep me in my human form?".

Lilieth replied back,

"Yes, now put it on.".

Miro accepted it and tried to put it on yet, he doesn't know how to wrap it around on his wrist. Lilieth was growing annoyed, since Miro doesn't know how to wear the said bracelet,


Soon, Lilieth was the one who put it around Miro's wrist. For some reason, Miro was blushing as he was seeing Lilieth's face. More than that, he was feeling her soft touch of an angelic maiden, as her hands were touching his wrist, while she was tieing a knot. Later on, Miro's was now wearing the black bracelet with that had amber and amethyst gemstones embedded. Soon, Lilieth told him,

"There we go, now you won't change back to your minotaur form yet, you can't use magic as well.".

"Oh I see and thanks.",

he said. There after, Lilieth told him,

"Now why don't we return back now?".

Miro replied,


Sooner or later, they went back to the inn. Then, Miro bid farewell to Lilieth,

"I guess I'll see you sometime again soon, Goddess Lilieth.".

Then, Lilieth gave Miro a metallic white card. Miro looked dumbstruck, so he ask Goddess Lilieth on why she had given him that strange card,

"Ummm, Goddess Lilieth, what's this for?".

Lilieth replied back,

"Err, you're mentoring li'l Nassus right? So here's your fee or reward regarding that. Think of it like it's a card that lets you purchase anything at Celestia Heavenly mall and its shops. Although, don't buy too much, since this special card is just joint or uses my Goddess points that I have on my account. Also, Head Blade Goddess Mara and I decided to agree with this idea as well.".

Miro looked glad, as he heard Lilieth's explanation,

"Wow! Thanks! Oh and I'm sure to regulate my spending on this."

Afterwards, Lilieth said her goodbyes,

"Y-yeah, see ya soon, Fallen Miro and keep on teaching li'l Nassus, he'll need it.".

Afterwards, Lilieth and Miro part ways. He was curious of the card and looked at it with his fascinated eyes. Even though it was some kind of reward for Miro's mentoring on the little Nassus, it looked-like Lilieth was giving out a strange signal, since it had her smartphone's number below. Really Miro, you're one lucky guy. Miro entered the humble inn that was made of concrete and hardwood that you'd see in a medieval world. As he moved along the stairs, he was engrossed and convoluted in his thoughts,

"Hmmmm, so that's Goddess LIlieth, she's also a nice Goddess but, she looked like the Goddess who gave me the golden apple. Although, Lilieth had those cute eyeglasses, while that distorted Goddess has an eye-patch and a scar. Other than that, how are Goddess Otorine and the others are doing?".

Meanwhile, back at the world of Blissia, Otorine opened her eyes,

"Oww my head...and where am I?".

Her whole senses were noticing that she was inside a cozy living room. There were brick walls and comfy furniture that you could see in a cozy cabin from winter wonderland.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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