นักเขียน: Gu Rong Rong เครื่องแปลภาษา
The three on them had not slept at all. Only when Huo Nanchen was in a better mood did they dare to call the Huo family.
2"Hmph." Lan Nuo crossed her legs. "Everything will be fine when his wife comes over. I think she's the reason he's like this. If he wants her to feel sorry for him, he should just say it. Why did he have to drag me, a poor worker, into this mess? How f*cking childish!"
2Lan Nuo spoke to Lu Fang in a low voice. Huo Nanchen was standing a little further from them.
2Lu Fang agreed with Lan Nuo. Huo Nanchen was acting very childish. He glared at him and could not help but laugh. "All right boss. You should quickly go and see a doctor and confirm that you have no injuries. At the very least, you should change out of your wet clothes first. Your wife won't sympathize with you if she sees you like that."
2When he heard Lu Fang's words, Huo Nanchen turned around and glared at him. "Did you call to inform her?"
2Huo Nanchen gave him a cold glance and turned to leave. He had a light scratch below one of his eyes, which gave him a more charming appeal.
2His body was full of grace. Even though he looked a little disheveled, he had not lost his imposing aura.
2"Hey! Where are you going?"
2"Who told you to call her?"
2Lu Fang was stunned. Didn't Huo Nanchen want her to come? What was the point of him acting so arrogant after the fight?
2Of course, Lu Fang could not stop him. He only stared at him helplessly.
2"Don't stop him. Unless you also want him to beat you up. If you let him go, things will be easier. The doctors are still bandaging that unlucky guy's arm. If Huo Nanchen gets angry again, he won't hesitate punishing anyone in his way."
2Lan Nuo's face was expressionless. "Did you think that his temper was just a myth? I think his wife bullied him, and he didn't want to do anything to her. That's why he took it out on that unlucky guy inside.
2"You shouldn't even try to stop him. Forget it!"
2Lu Fang sat next to her. He wanted to smoke but suddenly remembered that he was in the hospital and cursed his luck.
2After thinking for a while, he took out his phone and dialed a number.
"Li Tezhu? Your boss ran away again. Hurry up and chase after him. I'm with Lan Nuo in the hospital."
2Li Tezhu held his face in his palm. He knew that Huo Nanchen was a hard man to find. If only the husband and wife would meet and resolve their conflict.
2His boss had been very irritable over the last few days.
2"All right. I'll go after him."
2As soon as Lu Fang hanged up the phone, Gu Ruochu and Mrs. Huo arrived.
2Gu Ruochu quickly glanced at Lu Fang and Lan Nuo. She scanned her surroundings and realized that Huo Nanchen was not around.
2"Auntie! Ruochu!"
2"Where is he?"
2Mrs. Huo furrowed her brows when she saw that her son was not with them. Lan Nuo gently coughed, "He was just here. He left when he heard that you were coming."
Gu Ruochu pursed her lips. She felt a little disappointed. It was obvious that he was avoiding her.
2Her heart ached when she thought about it.
2Even if she had slapped him, she felt that she had not gone overboard. If Huo Nanchen continued with his relationship with Ning Tangxi, Gu Ruochu feared that she would turn into a resentful and jealous woman.
2She had thought about it for a long time after she returned from Ning City. The divorce agreement was only waiting for his signature.
2Gu Ruochu was prepared to go down that dark road.
2However, no matter what happened between her and Huo Nanchen, she would not let Ning Tangxi take advantage of the situation. Gu Ruochu did not want to let a woman like Ning Tangxi take over her position in the Huo family.