The elegant man glanced briefly at his assistant and took a sip of coffee, only to look away from the worried eyes of the other man.
"Don't call me Duke, just Lord Roho or Young Master" a man who looked to be in his thirties, with short blue hair like the summer sky, almond-shaped eyes with long pale lashes that contrasted with the dark amber-black skin, and purple irises replied in a reproachful tone.
"But Duke, this is dangerous…" the assistant wanted to insist.
"We're in disguise, so behave like a businessman and his secretary. It's not that hard, Chisulo" Roho said even more seriously, as he took a stuffed biscuit and put it in his mouth, the crumbs spread across his lips full of cherry pink, making him run his tongue under his lips leaving them even brighter.
Ready edited.
Hello dear readers!
How are you all today?
I hope everyone is well and healthy!
Today the day is sunny again, yesterday was a cold and rainy day. The weather here doesn't decide which season he wants to stay.
Thanks for the gifts, comments, reviews, and all the support and affection you have for the novel!
'-' the Imperial Mu Family has a unique talent for always finding trouble.
Another troublesome has arrived in the Diablo Empire... Banzai! Banzai!