Unbeknownst to the three gal pals and Selena who just had the shock of the day, a duck hunting party hosted by Nisia Pistol and Gun Club in honor of King Alistair was ongoing hundred of miles away, south of the metro. It was actually the club's centennial foundation celebration.
Although the best time for a hunt was foul weather, the club decided to lure the king into attending with a promise of clear and bright weather ahead because everyone knew that King Alistair preferred to hunt in broad daylight where it's harder to spot and aim a prey.
As the members had predicted, King Alistair was in attendance and was in a pleasant mood, smiling and shaking hands with everyone in the tent.
The gun club's president then ushered him to a spot where all the rifles were in a corner inside the tent.
King Alistair was all smiles as the president urged him to pick any rifle of his choosing. Deep inside, the king was at war with himself.
Helloooooo. I can only write one chapter today because life.