20% the revenge-curse of the eliments / Chapter 1: chapter one
the revenge-curse of the eliments the revenge-curse of the eliments original

the revenge-curse of the eliments

นักเขียน: akita

© WebNovel

บท 1: chapter one

Fire" shouted raven as the revenge fired upon the golden rust. See the golden rust was a battle ship that sails through space looking for other ships too do battle with. John eagle came too ravens rescue. Raven didnt no john eagle nor did she want too. Years ago they dated for two years now he was is a friend some what. When the battle was over the golden rust sailed out of there with its tail between its legs. Raven looked too john eagle and said "i dont need your protection leave me alone, i didnt need you then i certainly dont need you now" raven shouted. "Fine if thats the way you want it" john eagle said too raven. "I do now goodbye" raven shouted back. "Ok fine" john eagle said to raven. The bald eagle sailed away through space. Raven set a course for earth she knew where her parents were hid and she had to keep them safe from harms way. See the elimentals wanted the death of all nastradamus because they were the reason the elimentals and all of hell could not return to the land of the liveing. See raven and her family this special power called chikara this blue power gave them the power to do certain things. But the they still needed the necklace of cortes williams. A feared pirate in all seven seas. Cortes left his green amulet on an island called pirate isle. Pirate isle was ravens second destination first she needed too see too it that marry and fenix vernon were alright. After that raven would leave hongkong and visit shanghai china then head for pirate isle near the sea of japan. Raven was broken from her trance by her first mate and her first commanding officer, angelina dagger and pistol annie. "Captain we shall be in hongkong with in the hour" angelina said too captain raven. "Good! Now once we dock i want you you two to come with me since theres been a price put on my head by not only the lords of eliment but ten diffrent navys i need all the help i can get" raven said to both angelina dagger and pistol annie. "Got it captain" angelina dagger said too raven. Hours latter the revenge sailed through the cool afternoon of hongkong. Raven knew it was only cool because it had rain a hellatious storm of epic proportions. When the ship docked raven along with angelina dagger and pistol annie steped off the ship and headed for chow boulevard. "So who are we going to check on" pistol annie asked. "My parents that i told to hide a long time ago" raven while continueing to walk down the road. Raven remembered it like it was yesterday, the lords of eliment had found them on jupitar so raven begged her parents to leave there six year old behind, raven was given the jewel of cortes and she sent the lords of eliment back where they belonged.

Too hell. But theyve returned with a vengence. And they wanted raven along with marry and fenix vernon. Raven walked up to a small chinese house and knocked a few times no one answered. No one answered. A man with a thick chinease accent walked over too raven. "You raven"? The man asked. "Yes and who are you"? Raven asked. "Im thomas chang, im marry and fenix vernons friend there staying in shanghai i can show you where i will need protection as well seen how ive been geting death threats from these lords of eliment" thomas said too raven. "Ok, come on" raven said as she began to walk away unaware that thomas really planed on killing her and his best friends child. Thomas cleared his throat causeing raven to turn back around. "Raven, i am taking care of my best friends son because it was his dieing wish he sent him and his wife from japan sumika died of cancer a year ago buda rest her soul, any ways hatake sinabe is in my care, can i…" thomas began to ask but he was cut off by raven "bring him, just please stop with the meaningless chatter, and he cant get in my way" raven said too thomas but she didnt wait for thomas to answer before she turning around and strutting back to the revenge. Five minutes latter thomas returned with a tall handsome japanese man. His hair was short and black made up in a rock star styled hair do. His eyes were a honey brown. Hatake had tan skin like he had worked his whole life on a pirate ship. Hatake wore a shirt that was unbuttoned showing his flat belly, hatakes pants were baggy but she could still make out the lines of his butt. And hatakes boots were black. "Are you done oggeling me yet"? Hatake asked with a huge smirk on his face. "I wasnt…." Raven began to say before being cut off by angelina dagger her first mate. "Yes you were" angelina dagger said as raven looked at her first mate in disbelief. "You raven said with a glare. "Its payback" angelina said too raven. "For what"? Raven asked. "Remember a month ago when we were in portorico, there this mexican guy and i thought he was hot well this is payback" angelina said with a smirk. "Hey but hes still with you and you two step in the same room" raven said too angelina. "Yes, well now id like too help you" angelina said too raven as she laughed. Raven stood there a minute before she said "zander put thomas and hatake in the room connected too mine, also be nice i no you hate outsiders but these are friends of my family" raven said to zander as he done what he was told to do. Zander droped the two suitcases on the floor. "Hey careful with that, that suitcase cost more that this ship does" thomas complained. "Who cares" zander said too thomas in reply. "Uncle its a stupid suitcase it does not matter" hatake said too thomas. "Can i ask a question"? Hatake asked as he looked strait at zander. "You no she never took any interest in men untill you showed up, if you two end up together and you hurt her ill destroy you" zander said too hatake. "A beautiful women like that ive never had the intentions of harming" hatake said too zander though it was a lie because he only liked her because she looked like willow. Zander walked away after saying "good". That night while raven steered the revenge closer and closer and closer to shanghai hatake came up too raven. "So what is it like being a pirate"? Hatake asked. "Well, adventurous and dangerous" raven replied. "Do you believe in love"? Hatake asked. "What are you like seventeen"? Raven asked. "Im twenty five" hatake anounced. "Wow! You look so young" ranven said with a smile. "Oh!, so…." Hatake said outloud raven knew he was fishing for an answer to said question, unfortunately hatake wouldnt leave it alone so raven said in a small voice "look i believed i could be loved once but in was an unrequanted love i loved him he did not love me". "How about we be together i like you" hatake said too raven. "Absolutly not your uncle would kill me" raven said to hatake. "What he does not no wont hurt him" hatake said too raven. "Its not a good idea" raven replied. "Please just give me a chance" hatake begged. "Fine raven said before adding "but it can not be a secret i will not hide in the shaddows". "Ok" hatake replied. Meanwhile thomas woke up and upon reliseing hatake was not in bed he went looking for him. After hearing two people talking thomas hid and evesdroped. "So raven will you teach me how to sword fight"? Hatake asked. "Uh" raven said too hatake in reply. "Oh come on" hatake said too raven. "Let me sail my ship in peace" raven said to hatake. Thomas finally came from his hideing place and said "you most certainly will not learn to sword fight i must keep you safe". "But uncle i need to learn to yeld the sword" hatake said to thomas. "Why ever so"? Thomas asked. "Im going to be a pirate" hatake said too thomas. "Certainly not your poor dead parents would turn over in there graves if…" thomas began but he was suddenly cut off by hatake. "Look im twenty five your not my boss any more uncle" hatake said too thomas. "Look you both can come along i olny have one rule stay out of my way" raven said to both hatake and thomas. "You mean im part of your crew now"? Hatake asked. "Yes" raven said to hatake in reply. "Oh by the way thomas me and hatake arw boyfriend and girlfriend so deal with it" raven added as she walked away. "You found your self a love" thomas stated with a smile. "Yes i love raven i want to marry her shes every thing ive hoped for do you thinl i should ask her in a year uncle" hatake asked. "Yes a love like ive seen you two have is true love and i seen it the day you first came on too this ship when raven couldnt stop stareing at youbut dont get too attached i dont want you too get hurt" thomas said to hatake. "What do you mean uncle"? Hatake asked. "If i told you then you would hate me" thomas said to hatake. A few days latter raven felt was wrong so she evesdroping, one night raven over heard a conversation between thomas and the ice eliment. "So you havnt told the boy the truth"? the ice eliment asked. "No if he knew i was the one who guned down his parents hed never forgive me" thomas replied. "Hes in love with princess raven hell die too save her" the ice eliment said too thomas. "That is what im counting on" thomas said with a sneer. "Good we had to make shure you wernt attached to this boy you know raven killed our fire eliment how would you like to take over the powers and the position, we would love your company" the ice eliment said too thomas. And the two disapeared. Raven went strait to hatakes room. "We need too talk i no you wont believe me but i just heard with my own two ears" raven said too hatake. "What is it"? Hatake asked. "I over heard your uncle speaking with the lords of eliment" raven said as she paced back and fourth causeing the rickety floor boards too creak. "He does that a lott there not here too harm any one" hatake tried too calm raven by saying even no they both no they both knew why they were showing up out of the blue. "Except that they are here too kill you and me your uncle and gardian is in on it i heard him its not safe on my ship we need to leave till there gone" raven said. "Your lieing my uncle would never put me in harms way" hatake said too raven. "I heard him hatake" raven said firmly. "Fine ill go with you but only because i love you" hatake said too raven. Raven brought angelina dagger her mom and pistol annie. Raven left a decoy raven and a decoy hatake behind on the ship. The six people took a dingy to the island close by. Raven told the decoy raven too go too ginger island in korea. "So how are we supposed too save your crew the lords of eliment will have no mercy on your crew"? Hatake asked as he looked into ravens eyes. "I believe in my crew they have powers like me only mine are water powers i am the pirate princess of the water planet nastradamas" raven said in reply too hatake. "I dont no if i have any powers or not" hatake said too raven. "Put your fist in the air" raven said too hatake and he done as he was told. "Now close your eyes and imagine your self as a big water ball" raven told hatake and as he imagined his entire body lit a bright orange signaling he was a fire magi. "Open your eyes your a fire magi your powers come from the dragons breath" raven said too hatake. Hatake opened his eyes and relised that raven was right he was a fire magi this made hatake happy it meant he wasnt an ordinary humen any more. But soon hatake was on his knees screaming as oceans of memorys flooded his mind. "Make it stop hatake cried as one last memory flooded his mind it was the memory of his uncle killing his parents and erasing his memory. Hatake sat at the entrance of the small cave they had found. Hatake began too weep but not regular tears he cried tears made of fire. "hatake"? Raven asked. "Please raven go too sleep i want too be alone right now" hatake begged. "Ok" raven said as she laid down and fell asleep. When raven woke up it was two in the afternoon the next day and there was a strong arm draped around her waste.raven knew who arm this was it was her hatakes arm. "Hatake" raven said out loud. "Hmmm"? Hatake hummed in question. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me"? Raven asked. "Of course im not like john eagle" hatake lied even no raven couldnt see it. "I love you as well hatake" raven said as she smiled a big toothy grin. "Well we better get going we still have an hour before we reatch our destination" raven said as she and hatake stood up at the same time. Hatake started too kiss raven. "Well maybe just a little while longer" raven said. A half an hour latter raven and hatake were standing up again. "Ill wake up every one now" raven said. Raven banged a rock against the caves wall and yelled "wake up". Every one woke up with a start grumbeling about how they hated being woke up that was untill they relised who woke them up. "Listen up its time to go we still have a half an hour till we reatch our destination so lets go" raven said too her crew mates. A hour latter raven and her crew mades had made it too shanghai but they had no clue where too even begin there search. Raven pulled out a picture of her parents and asked a chinese clerk if shed seen them. The women answered in chinese "in the mountains". "Wow howed you learn chinease"? Hatake asked. "Im fluent in all languages" raven said too hatake in reply. "Can you say help in japanese"? Hatake asked. "Tasukete" raven said as she continued too walk. It took hours of walking, hiking, and climbing but raven stoped at a cave and yelled "mom, dad". Ravens parents came out. "Raven" marry cried. "Mom" raven cried back as she ran in too her arms. Marry noticed hatake and began too freak out. "Dont worry mrs. Vernon thomas is not with me hes evil and i dont agree with it but i do love your daughter" hatake said too marry. "When this is all over i want you two attend our wedding" hatake added. "Your spending time with my daughter now your saying you want too marry her i should kill you" fenix said too hatake through clenched teeth. "Wait so you want to marry me"? Raven asked. "Well yes of course" hatake said too raven. "You could of ask me before planing our wedding i knew nothing and im too be the bride" raven shouted angirly as she ran off slamming her fist into the wall raven rode a wave back towards town. "Nice going you idiot you upset my daughter now go find her" fenix said too hatake. Hatake rode a surf board made of fire back too the revenge where he found a deserted and earily queit ship. All of a sudden some one said "come, hatake" in a hushed whisper and the air became cold. "Show your self" shouted hatake. The lords of eliment steped from the shadows. And the fire eliment was now thomas. "How could you betray me"? Hatake questioned. "Me, betray you the prince of japan and air to the thrown, you are a spoiled bratyou will die with raven" thomas said too hatake. "If you lay a hand on raven ill kill you my self" hatake said too thomas. "Oh we didnt come here too fight its your life or hers" thomas said too hatake. "Ill give my life too save her" hatake said too thomas. "Good choice boy, now come with us" thomas said as hatake followed. Hatake was takein too a cave in the moutains of pirate isle. A letter was sent to raven back in shanghai. Meanwhile raven had recieved a anynomous letter she opened it and begun too read. "Dear raven, we have your beloved hatake if you ever want to see him alive again youll come too the cave of mount sergio in pirate isle oh and hurry if your not here in a week we kill hatake, bye now and see you" signed thomas chang. Raven ordered all of her crew prepare even her parents they were safe any more. Raven made shure her ship was stocked with food and drink. And she and her crew sailed away from shanghai. Raven wished she had luck on this mission she would need the luck. Raven would half to fight with the lords of eliment too save the man she thought she loved. "So, you love this man, is this really the life you have choosen for your self"? Fenix asked. "It is" raven replied. "Hes a server boy" fenix said too raven. "No father hes a pirate" raven said too fenix. Raven watched out too the ocean as the sun began too set she swore the she would indeed find the man she loved and murder the lords of eliment for stealing him away.

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