65.32% Uchiha's Butterfly / Chapter 80: The teamwork

บท 80: The teamwork

"Shh, everything will be alright, don't cry. Can you tell me what happened?" Izumi hugged the crying girl, healing a deep bloody wound on the black-haired child's back at the same time. She found her running away from something, while she was scouting this chilly island. The child was wearing an overly-large, shredded light-brown shirt which fell off her shoulders, and a pair of shredded knee-length pants, as well as the dark choker.

"*Hick* U-u-Usagi-sama?" the girl sobbed out. [AN: Usagi - tl.rabbit/hare]

'Hmm, it seems the stories of us reached across the islands.' Uchiha touched her white mask with two long rabbit ears on top, "*Sigh* What's your name, girl? Can you tell me what happened?"

"Please save my mommy, Usagi-nee!"

"Let's go, Usagi-chan. We need to help her!" A bold teen with a yellow bunny mask shouted out.

"Not so fast, we need to collect all the data before we set out." A purple masked teen calmly replied.

Izumi nodded her head, "We will help her, but you need to tell us what happened, it's important." she patted the girl's head.

"My... My daddy found out our Kekkei Genkai. He hurt my mommy."

"*Sigh* It seems the report was true... Another genocide and an orphan. Can you tell us your name, girl?" she sighed out.

"...H-Haku Yuki." the girl replied nervously.

"Don't worry, Haku-chan. Could you wait for us here? We will go check the situation and save your mom! I promise." Koji walked towards them.

"..." Haku only nodded her head uncommitted.

As the team walked further, Torune looked backward, making sure the girl is out of hearing range, he spoke, "Koji-san, unfortunately, it's very likely the girl's mother is already dead, why would you promise something like this?"

"Guh, I know, but there is always hope," he replied, jumping from one tree to the other.

"I see. In retrospect, if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't promise something that I can not keep." Torune shrugged his shoulders.

"You need to show more emotions, Toru-kun, you won't find a girlfriend always being so... pragmatic."

"I see. As we're already at the topic, what do you think about Utakata-san?" The Aburame asked.

"I don't like him! For the last two months, he spent every single day training with Sensei."

"Hahaha, Baka-Koji, are you jealous?" Izumi laughed out her question, "You wouldn't survive a quarter of Kaname-sensei's training."

"Hmph, and what do you think, Izumi-chan?"

"At least Utakata-san tries, he developed some hunky muscles from that flabby torso he had."

"Hoo, it seems you started to like him. Are you gunning down for Utakata?"

"Kiss my ass, Baka-Koji. Itachi-kun is the only-" Izumi's voice slowly drifted away at the end, "What are you making me say you asshole!" she shouted out with blush on her cheeks, sending two shurikens Koji's way.

"Hahaha!" Sarutobi clan member sped up, dodging the blades.

"*Sigh* What's the plan, Torune-kun? I don't think that massacring civilians is something Kaname-sensei would approve of." the girl inquired, "I see the settlement." she reported two seconds later, making Koji stop in his tracks.

"I will make sure no one breaks away and try to plant my Kikaichū in the village for security. Izumi-san, scout on top of the rooftops, if you find anyone emitting chakra, report it to us on the radio, do not engage. Koji-san, when Izumi-san finds our target, you will join her

and extract the girl's mother, dead or alive." he ordered.


'One of the houses is still being extinguished, after a recent fire. Did they burn the woman with the entire house?' Izumi thought, standing on top of the highest building in the village looking south, 'Hmm, these two are drunk, aren't they?' she noticed two men staggering around in one of the alleys. Sneaking around closer, she listened to their conversation.

"Hihihi, the bitch went out in fla- fla- in a fire!"

"Howw~ dares she, mud ourr~ blood with hers! A subhumansh~ in a wooman's~ body tried to destrroy~ our home!" slurred his companion.

"A piteyh~ I could use somme~ relief from her body before it got bruned~ Hihihi."

"I heard herr~ daguhter~ ran away, you can try to fin-*hiccup*-d her."

"Noh~, have you seened~ wha~ she did to her old man? Whasmore~, Hoshiaka-sama is hrunting~ her down."

"It's Hoshigoka *hiccup*! Anothre~ subhuman, I say! Half-human, halv-whale~."

'Ugh, it's like listening to two amebas talking to each other, their stupidity is horrendous... Those morons mean Hoshigaki most likely. This son of a bitch is here! I need to speak to Torune and Koji!' she silently retreated from the two men, "It's Usagi, our target was KIA. No time for retrieval, the Black Fish is here." she reported.

Two seconds later, in the earpiece, she heard Torune's voice. "Good job, Usagi. Retreat, we need to plan our next move."

"What do you mean retreat?! It's our chance!" Koji cut into the conversation.

"*Sigh* I understand, retreating. Usagi out!" She silently maneuvered around the alleys of the village, making sure no one could notice her. Two minutes later, she entered the snow-covered tree-line that surrounded the hamlet.

Izumi took a couple of steps inside the forest when her route was intercepted by a brown palm-sized beetle that flew in front of her face, "I'm at the barrier." she reported. She always found it fascinating to watch as thousands of tiny insects started working on Torune's ninja wire, giving her an entrance. 'Useful little critters. I wouldn't want to force my way through the ninja wire, even with my Sharingan.'

"We started all of it because of this son of a bitch!" Izumi heard Koji's shout as she neared her companions.

"Koji-san, he is a jōnin, we can't attack him straight-forwardly." Torune tried to persuade him.

"Baka-Koji, do you remember how did our last encounter with him ended? We need a plan." She joined the debate.

"I agree, I understand you two won't let this chance go, but we should at least inform Kaname-sensei of what we are going to do."

"Ugh, okay, Toru-kun. I just meant that we're stronger now, we should be able to defeat a jōnin." Koji complained.

"*Sigh* Baka-Koji, we may stand a chance if you go for the kill. No more 'Talkaton' jutsus." she replied, giving quotation hand signs on Koji's favorite techniques.

"Eh?! But... but what about the Talkaton: Kizuna? And my new one, Talkaton: Nakama?" he joked. [AN: Talk-a-ton... Kizuna - bonds/ Nakama - friends. If you did not understand what I'm jeering at it seems you did not watch enough animes - go back and work on your knowledge :-)]

"If you try one of them, I will hit you. I promise you that."

"Hehehe, okay-okay, Izumi-chan. So what's the plan, Torune-kun?"

"Too late for the plans, kids. Hahaha." a raspy male voice interrupted them. Above them, on the top of the trees, stood a black-fish-skinned man with a row of sharp teeth sadistically grinning at them.

"Ugh, it was a trap!" Torune pulled his right hand backward, making thousands of wires snap at the jōnin.

The fish-man turned himself into a puddle of water and stood back up again next to a roll of wires, "That was not a nice way to greet somebody, I need to teach you some culture. You had too much fun with my subordinates, it's time for me to peg you down a little."

"Koji, Izumi, improvise!" the Aburame shouted out, sending a cluster of insects towards their enemy.

"Ha, you know it! <Doton: Chika no Tsūro>!" (Earth Release: Underground passage) Quickly going through multiple hand-seals, Koji put his palms on the ground shouting out the name of his jutsu.

"I see." Izumi jumped back behind the boys, pelting the man with her arrows.

"Hahaha, really? A bunch of kids against me? Face the facts, you can't win." the killer-whale-like man laughed out, deflecting Izumi's shots at him. "Hmm? Tsk." He noticed the last arrow being wrapped in explosion seals and tried to jump away. "Wha-?" His leg was already trapped by Torune's wire, locust-like insects were crawling out beneath the jōnin's leg, wrapping the thin thread around his ankle.


"Did we get him?!" Koji shouted out a second after the explosion.

"Don't overreact, Koji-san, Shinchi is a jōnin, just like Kaname-sensei, and she would laugh at this attack. I felt my wires get lose just before the explosion. Get ready."

"I hate when you are right..." Koji replied, standing in a defensive position.

"Hahaha! Not bad, but you forgot about one thing, kids. Always protect your medic!" he laughed out, as his clone shunshined behind Izumi's back, aiming his needle-like teeth at her nape, "One down..." he murmured.

As his teeth clamped down, Izumi disappeared in a puffy cloud of smoke. "Tsk, a shadow clone?" the man clicked his tongue dissatisfied.

"<Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu>!" (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique) Izumi's clones shot a big fireball from two sides towards him.

"An Uchiha, of course, it's a fire release... <Suiton: Suijinheki>!" He spat out, creating a high wall of water, effectively protecting him from the fireballs.

"<Doton: Chūseki>!" (Earth Release: Rock Pillar) Koji already waited for Izumi's attack, putting his hands on the earth, he released his jutsu. The ground beneath Shinchi's feet instantly rose, shooting the jōnin above his water defense and letting, a shot before, arrow reach the target and explode in a masking cloud of smoke.

"Are you ready, Toru-kun?" Koji whispered.

"Affirmative. Are you?"

The pillar of rock that previously shot the man up erupted like a volcano, from the tip, flew out thousands of dark bugs, quickly covering the ground beneath jōnin legs.

"*Growl* You are pissing me off! <Suiton: Rekkū Suigeki>!" (Water Release: Cold Sky Water Attack) the black-whale shot out hundreds of water streams, effortlessly decimating the insects on the ground. As he landed on the ground, he heard a swish of an arrow barely missing his head. "Hahaha! You fucked up- Guh!"

The arrow sharply turned around in the air, impaling man in his belly. As he quickly yanked it out, he noticed a ninja wire being tied to its tip. "GRAH! TIME TO DIE! <Suiton: Suisamedan no Jutsu>!" he shouted out, expelling from his mouth a massive shark-like creature of water.

[AN: Earth Release has an advantage over Water Release]

"Now!" Koji shouted out, "<Doton: Tsuchi Entotsu>!" (Earth Release: Earth Chimney) he caught their enemy in a chamber, with a head-sized hole on top. Koji gripped Torune by his arm and prepared for another jutsu, "<Doton: Dochū Senkō>!" (Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage) both teens disappeared underground.

'I hope the plan works.' Izumi stood at the top of the funnel-like structure, "<Katon: Karyūdan>!" (Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet) she shot down a steady stream of fire down the hole, making sure the jōnin defends himself with his jutsu. Soon the small gap beneath her feet expelled a highly pressurized water vapor, 'Hehe, Sensei is truly amazing, she predicted almost each and every move of his. I should run!' she laughed out, jumping away.

Under the ground, thousands of insects were flying around the chimney bottom, slowly trapping Shinchi in a cocoon of sharp ninja wires.

"NO MORE GAMES! <Suiton: Bakusui Shōha>!" (Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave) With the moisture in the air, Shinchi released a massive jutsu that exploded his temporary prison from the inside. When the stones fell back down, he looked around, noticing only Izumi standing far away from him. "Where are they?!" he yelled out.

"Above you!" Izumi smirked.

"Guh!" as he tried to move his head up, four ninja wires tied to his limbs yanked him towards the ground.


A purple-colored hand has blasted from beneath the soil next to the jōnin's arm, as the weird-colored palm touched him, his body started trashing in excruciating pain.


"Huff... Huff. We did it." Torune sighed out, tiredly dredging himself from the underground.

"Good job, Toru-kun! As I said, with teamwork, we can defeat anyone, even a jōnin. Hahaha." Koji snorted with laughter.

"Oh, really, Baka-Koji? Should we try our luck against Kaname-sensei?"


"We won because Kaname-sensei prepared a plan for us. I think we should kill him, his screaming will draw other people here." Izumi spat at the sadistic murderer, as he was trashing on the ground.

"Let him suffer - sooner or later, he will die from the pain alone, a perfect ending for someone that killed for fun. So that's what you were training with Sensei, Toru-kun?"

"Yes, Koji-san, they are nano-sized insects called Rinkaichū, they attack the peripheral nervous system of anyone I touch. They are the equivalent of Mangekyō Sharingan in my clan." the masked boy replied emotionlessly.

"Ha! You smiled there!" Koji pointed at his face.


"Not bad, kids. We were to keep one of you alive, but three is even better for our plans." A gruff male's voice interrupted them.

As the chūnins turned their heads towards the voice, they observed as a towering man in a black cloak walked out of the tree-line, slowly clapping his hands. He was a tan-skinned man with a cloth mask hiding his features. His eyes had an unusual coloring: green irides, no pupils, and red sclerae.

"Fuck! It's the Akatsuki, disperse!" Izumi never heard Torune's swearing, as she turned back to run, she watched as an even taller man stood above their last victim. He as well had a black cloak with white-red clouds. He had a distinctive shark-like appearance, complete with pale blue skin, small eyes and three sets of curved facial markings under his eyes, and sharp triangular teeth grinning ominously at his fallen clan member.

"T-there is more?" Koji shouted out.

"AAAGH! Ki-AAA-same?" the man trashing on the ground asked his fellow Hoshigaki.

"Oh, it's you!" Kisame flicked his fingers at him, finally recognizing Shinchi, "You're noisy, goodbye." Faster than Izumi's Sharingan could see, his massive bandaged sword swung obliterating Shinchi's torso - instantly killing him.

"Izumi, you are the fastest, run. Get Sensei here. We will stall them."

"You? Stall us? Hahahaha!" Kisame laughed out.

"Guh, just don't die, Koji," she replied, looking between her two friends and flickering away multiple times.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck! Don't die on me, I will be back, Torune, Koji!' as she neared their ferry, Izumi faceplanted on the ground, as her feet got coiled around by two purple-colored snakes.

"Fufufu, they let you run? It seemss~ I have to take my own prize mysself~." A white-faced man walked out from behind the bushes.

"Guh, let me go!" Izumi slashed one of the snakes with a kunai. Only for two new ones binding her arms.

"You have got ssome~ sspunk~, little girl."

"Grr, who are you?!"

"Fufufu, me and your Senssei~ have ssome~ history, you may know me as the Ssnake~ Ssannin~ Orochimaru."

"Damn you, Snake. Once my Sensei finds out-"

"Oh, Izumi-chan... Do you think we are aiming for you three? You are only the bait for her, what do you think Kana-chan would do if sshe~ heard you were taken captive? You three are her biggesst~ weak point. Fufufu."

"Damnit, I will not let you! <Kage Bunshin no Jutsu>!" (Shadow Clone Technique) Izumi overpowered the snakes that were binding her arms for just a second to send three clones to attack the Sannin.

"Fufufu, you are sso~ much like her." he laughed out, easily dealing with them, "But you are wrong to think you have a ssay~ in it, young Izumi. Whatsmore I alwayss~ wanted an Uchiha body, once I take over Kana-chan's corpsse~, you would be a nice sspare~ for my collection."

"Sensei, I'm sorry." Izumi's body got covered by tens of snakes coiling around her body, effectively cutting her out from the outside world.

dahnik dahnik

Hope you liked the fight :-) As always I'm looking for your comments/ideas on the chapter and the future of the story :-). As you can imagine Kaname will have to fight her way through to save her students. It will be a 'Hell' difficulty for her :-P

Remember about the poll in chapter 77. The next chapter will be posted most likely Wednesday.

If you found any mistakes, please inform me :-) I don't like mistakes ;-)

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