14.18% Is It Okay For An Antagonist To Save The World? / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: the liar’s manipulation

บท 16: Chapter 16: the liar’s manipulation

Zen's POV:

"That's it for today, you have done remarkably well master Markus"

Zen congratulated Markus on a job well done.

(Okay seriously what the heck is wrong with this kid!?)

Despite doing nothing but sing praises to Markus this entire time Zen was very confused as to how the h*ll is this kid so fvcking good at almost everything he has done so far.

(he's has an exceptional swordsmanship, an unrivaled aptitude for magic that has never before been seen least of which in MY lifetime and he has shown an unnatural willingness to learn and improve his already unmatched potential, nothing about this kid matches his age and for some reason I have this feeling that he's not showing me his true self, his monotonous voice, his doll-like expression, his words etc. none of it seems real, it's like he's some kind of artificially made being rather than an actual person...he's too perfect, even if we put "that" into consideration there is something incredibly wrong with this kid)

Zen's suspicion of Markus is growing more and more by the second, unknown to him this was exactly what Markus wanted, as what better way to get infomation out of your enemy than to dangle a piece of info that they want and you have right in front of them? The art of leveraging information is very much prominent within Markus's arsenal.

(He's completely mastered the posturing, conducts and social norms in less than the time it takes for me to breath, almost as if he's learned it all before...should I try to make him talk with deception?...no, by the way he's been leading me by the nose all day I can safely assume that he'll see any trick coming...)

"Master Markus...pardon my rudeness but might I pose another question?"

Zen said bowing to Markus in a position that's used to ask someone of higher status to indulge you.

(It might be unbecoming of me...but the only way I know that can possibly get something honest out of him is if I start being upfront and straightforward myself...wait a minute...what am I doing? Do I have the right to be saying this? *I* am the one who's using *HIM* after all)

""What is it?""

As always Markus answered with that fake child's voice of his, trying his best to look innocent and confused when really he already knows exactly what Zen will be asking about.

(No! I'm about to turn this child's life upside down, manipulate him, cheat him of his free will, lie to him and take away his opportunity to a happy life by consigning him to the fate of a noble of the Silver house I have no right to ask for sincerity from him...I'm a monster just like the masters I serve, he's just a kid, he doesn't deserve this!...but if I let him go then the Silver house which I owe an immense debt to will fall...)

Zen's heart felt heavy as his mind is bombarded with cruel introspective self-reflecting thoughts and inner turmoil.

Nevertheless, he decided to go through with his question anyway, as is obliged of him as a servant of Silver.

(Please forgive me for this master Markus but your fate is out of both of our hands)

"I hope you don't mind my curiosity but..."

Zen's voice was a bit heavier than earlier.

Markus's POV:


Markus was very satisfied by what he has done.

((Confusion at my abnormalities, stress and inner conflict accumulated from his own loyalty to the household, guilty about using me to the house's benefit, disgust at himself for doing something so wrong to a child...all of these things are what's dictating Zen's actions right now and if I can invoke all of them, and I DID, It will be a piece of cake to direct his actions in the way that I desire...))

((Although Zen is like an experienced and intelligent soldier all soldiers have a breaking point somewhere, and if you can carefully push them near but not beyond the edge they'll do anything in a desperate attempt to regain their foothold, the thoughts of intelligent men are often easier to read than the thoughts of a fool and their emotions are even easier to manipulate))

Ever since the first second they met Markus has never trusted Zen, in fact in his current situation he probably can't trust anyone living in this world for it was no exaggeration to say that he was very much on his own in this cruel world where the life of the weak is worth less than sh*t and where he was hurt by basically everyone and everything that has ever interacted with him, he has nothing but the fond memories of his past life to comfort him as no one could possibly comprehend the current situation he finds himself in, both Kazuki and Markus were smart enough to know that their lonesome self were, is and will be the only thing sticking up for them, so of course Markus was thinking of ways to psychologically corner Zen ever since they first met, he just found a way to do it faster thanks to the [eyes of the puppeteer].

((if I constantly shift between applying pressure onto his guilt and giving suggestive hints on a way out, dangling the promise of a potential answer to all his troubles in front of him like a carrot on a stick, he'll most definitely take it, and just as I planned he took the bait))

Using his knowledge of the plot (specifically the one concerned with the fate of the Silver house) combined with his research on the state of the Silvers compared to their game counterpart as well as Markus's own analogy of Zen's character and the [eyes of the puppeteer] to his advantage Markus has done a quick checkmate on Zen only a day after meeting him and now he'll be force to spill the whole truth of what he knows if he expects to receive the same from Markus (which he won't).

((Now if all my plannings were to bear fruit, I will be able to extract that secret that him and Gail...or more accurately what the Silver house is trying to keep from me without needing to compromise the information in my possession))

"Just who exactly are you?"

The words that came out of Zen's mouth was exactly like what was shown in the visions this morning, confirming Markus's victory.


Markus tilted his head in fake confusion, feigning ignorance until the right moment.

""I'm Markus?""

He gave a vague yet simple and half truthful answer.

"...no, let me rephrase my question, what kind of life did you lead before coming here?"

Zen asked while looking directly at Markus's eyes with as much sincerity and honesty as he can muster.

""even if you ask me that...""

Markus acted like he was finding difficulty in answering Zen's query.

""I guess my life back then was...normal I suppose? If you're asking this because you're afraid that I'm finding difficulties in adapting to this new life I've been given then you don't have to worry I really don't see any difference between the past and the present if that's what's you're asking about""

Markus stroked his chin acting like he's actually seriously thinking about how to answer.

"What!? How is that so? It is no exaggeration to say that your life is currently in it's most tumultuous period, there is no way everything is:"just fine"! There has to be something wrong with you!!"

Zen finally lost his cool as he shouted.

""...ehh...did I do something wrong?""

Markus faked being startled by Zen's "sudden" outburst.

"...oh no! I sincerely apologise for my insolence!...I'll take any punishments!"

Zen bowed deeply to Markus.

""Heh what!? Uhhh...please raise your head...Erm...what's going on exactly?""

A flustered (dry), confused (not really) "cry" came from Markus.

After a while of reconciliation Zen finally calmed down enough for Markus to convince him to continue his questioning.

"Continuing where we left off...what I was TRYING to say was that, why do you think that your current state is not much different from your past? People don't just become nobles overnight you know?"

Zen clarified his previous statements.

""...well I guess it's because the feeling isn't much different I guess?""

Markus looked up at the ceiling while giving his answer.

"The feeling?"

""Well even though I have a bigger room to stay in, more delicious food to eat and more people to tend to my needs now, the "nature" of my life hasn't really changed that much""

Markus explained.

"How so?"

""I'm still being pushed to improve myself and do better beyond my limits as always, the atmosphere around me is as overbearing as ever, I'm still living my life under the thumb of "adults" who claim to know what's best for me and people are still keeping secrets from me and lying to my face no matter how hard I try to find out about what their hiding""

Markus mixed in some half-truths in that statement, in order to make the lie more convincing.


Zen was completely shut up once again.

He looked at Markus with the most apologetic gaze in the entire world as the regret begins to spill out from uncontrollably from within him.

His expression was devastated, his posture broken, his limbs shaking, his face was contorted in in a complicated way as tears began to well up in his eyes.

((...now for the finishing move))

Markus smirked inwardly.

""Zen-san are you oka...""

Before Markus could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Zen.

"I'm sorry..."

Zen once again bowed but this time it was much more critical as his entire body was on the ground groveling before Markus, begging for forgiveness.

""Again!? What is it this time?""

Flabbergasted yet again Markus shouted out in (fake) exasperation.

After that it was only a simple matter of subtly questioning a broken, bumbling and remorseful old man while masking it as the simple innocent words of consolation of a child.

Unable to bear the shame Zen spilled out everything without reserve.

Although the things he revealed were long and complicated it can be summarised into this:

1. The reason for Markus's abnormalities (at least in the eyes of Zen and the others of the Silver household) is because of Markus's "grandfather" Ian Silver doing experimentation on his son, Aidan in an attempt to increase the Laplace factor within his son.

2. The Laplace factor which derives it's name from William Bolten Laplace, the father of all magic is a theoretical element that exist within sentient beings whether natural or artificial which can enhances a being's ability to attune to the "cores", basically they are "fires of Valentia"'s version of the common rpg game mechanic known as "exp".

3. Ian successfully found a way to rapidly increase the Laplace factor within a being, basically making them stronger without doing things like using "Laplace scrolls" or grinding for them.

4. The experiment was a success and Aidan grew up to be even stronger than Ian's expectations and even being rewarded with the "sword saint" title from the empire however this incredible power came with a heavy cost, children conceived by Aidan were either killed by the power they inherited from Aidan or consumed by that power, turning mad and bloodthirsty much like magic beast.

5. One of these ill begotten progenies ended up killing Ian and leaving the position of head of the family in Aidan's unprepared hands which led to the house's current state of affairs.

6. So when the house found out that Markus, a supposed child of Aidan that didn't suffer from the same curse as other children of the house they were overjoyed but since the house is already in a critical state by now, Markus will have to work under the Rosewood house for a few years in order for the house to curry a favour with a ducal house.

To sum it up, from Zen's perspective everything that has, is and will go wrong in Markus's life is all the house's fault and by proxy HIS fault since Zen has been serving the Silvers since before the time of Ian.

""I see...""

Markus could only say that after hearing that long story from Zen.

"I know I have no right to say this...and I also know it's wrong and hypocritical for us to ask anything of you but I...we all need your help, now more then ever! I won't ask for your forgiveness but PLEASE save us!"

Zen mustered up all his courage, threw away his pride and honour to beg Markus for help.


Markus thought for a bit.

((Despite knowing how wrong it is and how unsightly he seems right now, he's still doing it for the sake of the Silvers...))

((What a loyal man...))

Markus's honestly thought about praising Zen for his devotion that was so strong to the point that he'd throw away his morals for the sake of the house he serves.

""You really are a good person...Zen-san""

For the first time, Markus used his natural voice to talk to Zen but for some reason rather than being scared Zen was rather relieved by the gentle words, even if just for an instant.


""Understood, I'll try to help out but I won't promise anything yet""

((Consider this to be a mutually beneficial business relationship, nothing more, nothing less. Don't expect loyalty from me...))

Markus reluctantly agreed to Zen's request.

This made Zen undeniably happy, even if he still had conflicting thoughts on it, causing his wrinkled face to unintentionally shift, showing his great delight.

""Which is why I'll do you a favour right now...""

But suddenly, as if to crush that glimmer of hope he just gave Zen as a cruel joke, Markus said in his most dreadful tone of voice as a long shadow covered Markus's eyes.

Frozen by the sudden frightful malice being directed at him Zen was scared out of his wits.

This was all Markus needed as the next moment, using his [shadow step] and super speed, Markus quickly circled behind Zen and knocked him out with a chop to the back of the neck.

Carefully placing Zen's body on the floor Markus began to cast blood magic on Zen.

((Although it's not as perfect of a method as mind altering magic, by using blood magic to manipulate the Hippocampus, Prefrontal cortex, Amygdala and Cerebellum of the brain I can induce a controlled forceful amnesia on Zen to make him forget everything that happened in the past couple of minutes...))

Markus said holding out his gloved left hand over Zen's head with a red magic circle in front of it.

((I'm sorry Zen-san but I value MY PERSONAL FREEDOM above all else and I won't allow anyone to take away control of MY destiny, not now nor ever! I'm tired of being controlled!))

Markus thought finalising the alterations he made on Zen's mind.

((Though rest assured I will improve the Silver's conditions as promised...))

Markus reassured Zen in his mind as he knew he couldn't say these words to Zen directly.

Laying Zen carefully on a nearby chair, Markus then began to sort out the information he was just given.

((Apparently according to Zen there's a secret lab under this mansion where Ian conducted his studies on the Laplace factor but is now sealed off...I'll definitely have to go check that out later...))

((...come to think of it, this does make a lot of sense, in the game it was said that Executor brainwashed and manipulated Aidan Silver through their vast connections but they never said what those connections specifically were before the Silvers got destroyed later in the game, so ever since coming to this house I've been trying to find out what that "connection" was and eliminate it to facilitate my clean break from Executor...))

((I've inferred a few hints like the fact that information like Aidan's depression can only be known by someone close to him...so now that Zen has told me what he knows, I can say with 100% certainty that that "connection" is Ian Silver...))

((Ian Silver is a member of Executor or at least works for/is connected to them in some way, the information lines up too perfectly for it to not be that...))

((The experiment he did on the Laplace factor is most likely an early test on the development of this Exforia drug that's in my veins...in other words he got the idea of forcibly increasing someone's power by pumping Laplace factor into them directly from Friendrich...))

Taking 2 and 2 together Markus finally got the full picture he wanted.

((...in a way, Aidan Silver and I are related, he's the "prototype" while I am the "finished product"...ha! Ironic isn't it?))

Markus wanted to laugh at the fact that despite all the fuss he made about not being Aidan's real son, he actually really was Aidan's "successor" all along.

((It's funny how life works sometimes...))

With his head once again cleared and a goal in mind Markus left the room.

cier_Tempest cier_Tempest

Thanks for reading

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