[Villagers Willem Colt and Fanny Sins were killed by the Monsters last night. Villager Hephais Vist survived his attack and gains one reputation point.]
Jake opened his eyes and listened to the announcement carefully.
"If a Monster can only attack one Villager per night, then there are at least three of them." Jake stated serenely.
[It would be wise to go find this Hephais to learn a little more about the methods available to these Monsters.] Xi commented, as she removed her hologram. [Especially what appearance they take on at night to cover their real identities.]
Jake nodded, then cautiously tried to open the shutters. This time he did not hear the monotone voice calling him to order. The first rays of sunlight penetrated the cottage unimpeded and he finally had a clear view of the street after a night cut off from the rest of the world.
If anyone is wondering why, the reason is very simple and will be explained in the next chapter.